


\underline{\LARGE \Morsesym\/ -- a short font report}\\[1ex]
(The telegraphic alphabet - by {\sc Udo Heyl}, January $1^{st}$, 1998)\\
{\it Error Reports in case of UNCHANGED versions to}\\ 
   Udo Heyl,
   Stregdaer Allee 7,
   99817 Eisenach,
   Federal Republic of Germany \\
{\it or} \\
   DANTE, Deutschsprachige Anwendervereinigung TeX e.V., 
   Postfach 10 18 40,\\ 
   69008 Heidelberg, 
   Federal Republic of Germany, 
   Email: dante@dante.de 

\section{What is \Morsesym ?}

It is a \LaTeX2e - package for printing Morse code signs.

\section{How to use the \Morsesym\/ package?}

First and foremost you've got to copy the following files
\item {\sc morse10.mf, morse.def, morse.alf} and {\sc morse.num} 
      into your Metafont-directory
\item {\sc morse.sty} into your Style-directory 
      \verb/(\emtex\texinput\morse)/ and
\item {\sc morse10.tfm} into your Tfm-directory
Note, however, that the paths may be different in your 
\LaTeX2e ~implementation 
(Em\TeX ~for {\sc MS-DOS}, {\sf web2c} for {\sc UNIX} etc.).
\LaTeX2e ~is absolutely required, if you want to use \Morsesym, 
which doesn't run with the {\bf ancient} \LaTeX 209. \\

The example shows you the usage of this font:
   \usepackage{morse} %%% to include morse.sty
   \begin{document} ... 
   {\morse ..... }
Telegraphic code will appear now in the current size
and won't change the current shape. Of course you can input
\verb/{\Huge\morse /{\it MorseText}\verb/ }/ to manage greater
Morse code signs. After the command \verb/\morse/ numbers, stops
and letters (upper and lower case) are converted into Morse code,
exceptions are given in Table 1.

\caption{\Large\bf The Alphabet of the Telegraphy}
Input & Output & Value&Input & Output & Value& 
                           Input & Output & Value\\
&&&&&&&&\\\hline &&&&&&&&\\
\verb=a= & \lm a & a & \verb=n= & \lm n & n & \verb=3= & \lm 3 & 3 \\
\verb=\aAcute= &\lm\aAcute & \'{a} & \verb=o= &
                                    \lm o & o & \verb=4= & \lm 4 & 4 \\
\verb=\ae= &\lm\ae & \H{a} & \verb=\oe= & \lm\oe & \H{o} & 
                                    \verb=5= &\lm 5 & 5 \\
\verb=b= & \lm b & b & \verb=p= & \lm p & p & \verb=6= & \lm 6 & 6 \\
\verb=c= & \lm c & c & \verb=q= & \lm q & q & \verb=7= & \lm 7 & 7 \\
\verb=d= & \lm d & d & \verb=r= & \lm r & r & \verb=8= & \lm 8 & 8 \\
\verb=\ch= & \lm\ch & ch & \verb=s= & \lm s & s & 
                                    \verb=9= & \lm 9 & 9 \\
\verb=e= & \lm e & e & \verb=t= & \lm t & t & \verb=0= & \lm 0 & 0 \\
\verb=\eAcute= &\lm\eAcute & \'{e} & \verb=u= & \lm u & u &
                                    \verb=;= & \lm ; & ; \\
\verb=f= & \lm f & f & \verb=\ue= & \lm \ue & \H{u} & 
                                    \verb=,= & \lm , & , \\
\verb=g= & \lm g & g & \verb=v= & \lm v & v & \verb=:= & \lm : & : \\
\verb=h= & \lm h & h & \verb=w= & \lm w & w & \verb=?= & \lm ? & ? \\
\verb=i= & \lm i & i & \verb=x= & \lm x & x & \verb=!= & \lm ! & ! \\
\verb=j= & \lm j & j & \verb=y= & \lm y & y & 
                                           \verb=\dq= & \lm \dq & \dq \\
\verb=k= & \lm k & k & \verb=z= & \lm z & z & 
                                           \verb=\sq= & \lm \sq & \sq \\
\verb=l= & \lm l & l & \verb=1= & \lm 1 & 1 & \verb=/= & \lm / & / \\
\verb=m= & \lm m & m & \verb=2= & \lm 2 & 2 & \verb=.= & \lm . & . \\
In the year 1832 the American painter and director of the  
Plastic Arts Academy {\sc Samuel Morse} had the idea to use electromagnetism 
in order to set up a telegraphic connection. 
After some different unsuccessful experiments he could propose a model of 
his \dq Recording electric telegraph\dq ~to the New York University in 1835.  
In Washington he took out a patent for his invention in 1837.
At the same time 
   {\sc Charles Wheatstone} in England and
   {\sc Karl August Steinheil} in Bavaria
had made up telegraphs.
The one by the last mentioned was the same on principle as {\sc Morse}'s
but wasn't as useful in drawing longer lines \hfill
because its fine and complex mecha-
nism. That is why {\sc Steinheil} himself
recommended the installation of {\sc Morse}'s telegraph,
which was the better one in later experiments too because of its
plainness and easy usage up to now.
{\sc Morse}'s system consists of an armature with a pin, which is
attracted by a powerized electric magnet.
The pin prints dots or dashes onto a passing tape of paper,
in proportion as the power circuit is complete for shorter or longer
The foregoing alphabet is composed out of this dots and dashes.
The character \'{a} is an 
innovation for the Hungarian language; 
\H{a}, \H{o} and \H{u} for the German vocabulary; and in Polish words
the characters    \c{a}, \c{e} and \'{o} are described by
                  \H{a}, \'{e} and \H{o}.