@c @mapfile{
@c   license = "public domain",
@c   email = "tex-fonts@@tug.org",
@c   date = "8dec08",
@c   url = "http://tug.org/fontname/variant.map",
@c   supported = "yes",
@c   docstring = "Variant abbreviations for TeX font names, unfortunately
@c                including scripts and encodings."
@c }
0 inferior
1 superior
2                                   @r{proportional digits, not tabular}
@r{obsolete [3=>7f] Fraction}
@r{obsolete [4 fax; now typeface @samp{lx}, Lucida Fax]}
5 @r{escape for (presently) phonetic encodings}
6 @r{escape for (mostly) Cyrillic encodings [was @samp{SemiSerif}]}
7 @r{escape for (mostly) 7-bit encodings}
8 @r{escape for (mostly) 8-bit encodings}
9 @r{escape for (presently) expert encodings [was oldstyle digits]}
a Alt Arrows Alternative             @r{[was alternate encoding]}
@r{obsolete [b bright; now typeface lh, Lucida Bright]}
c SmallCaps
d Display Titling Caption Headline TallCaps SwashCaps LombardicCaps Festive
e Engraved Copperplate Elite
f Fraktur Gothic OldEnglish Handtooled @r{(`gothic' can also be sans)}
g SmallText      @r{lc only, or designed for small sizes [was grooved, as in the IBM logo]}
h Shadow
i Italic Kursiv Ital                 @r{text italic}
j                                    @r{old-style digits [was invisible]}
k Greek                              @r{obsolete}
l Outline OpenFace Blanks
m @r{math italic}
n Informal Fashion Schlbk            @r{for Stone}
o Oblique Obl                        @r{slanted}
p Ornaments
@r{obsolete [q=>8t @r{Cork (@TeX{} extended) encoding}]}
r                                    @r{roman or sans; often omitted, see text}
s Gothic                             @r{sans serif}
t Monospace                          @r{fixed-width typewriter}
u                                    @r{underline or unslanted italic}
v MathExtension
w Script Handwritten Swash Calligraphy Cursive Tango Ligature
x @r{built with Adobe expert encoding [was expert-encoded]}
y MathSymbol
z Cyrillic                           @r{font-dependent Cyrillic}
5a PhoneticAlternate
5i PhoneticIPA
5s @r{sil-IPA}
5t TeX-IPA                           @r{Fukui Rei, La@TeX{} T3}
5w TeXAfricanLatin                   @r{wsuipa fonts, La@TeX{} OT3}
5z @r{user}
6a @r{T2A}
6b @r{Cyrillic part of ISO 8859-5, seven bits}
6c @r{T2C}
6d @r{Cyrillic CP866 encoding}
6g LGR                               @r{Greek font encoding}
6i @r{ISO 8859-5}
6k @r{Cyrillic KOI8-R encoding}
6m @r{Cyrillic Macintosh encoding}
6s @r{Storm extra encoding}
6t @r{T2B}
6w @r{Cyrillic CP1251 encoding}
6x @r{X2}
6y @r{LCY}
6z user
7a A                                 @r{alternate characters only}
7c Dfr                               @r{Fraktur}
7d OsF OSF                           @r{oldstyle digit encoding}
7f Fraction
7k OT2Cyrillic
7m TeXMathItalicEncoding             @r{@pxref{texmital}}
7t                       @r{@TeX{} text encoding (as in Computer Modern Roman)}
7v TeXMathExtensionEncoding          @r{@pxref{texmext}}
7y TeXMathSymbolEncoding             @r{@pxref{texmsym}}
7z user
82 GreekKeys
83 Ibycus1
84 Ibycus2
8a StandardEncoding                  @r{Adobe standard encoding, @pxref{8a}}
8c TeXTextCompanion                  @r{La@TeX{} TS1}
8e CE                                @r{Adobe CE}
8f TeXAfricanLatin                   @r{La@TeX{} T4}
8g groff
8i TS0                               @r{Intersection of TS1/Adobe Standard}
8m @r{Macintosh standard encoding}
8n LM1 @r{Textures}
8q encqxoosix                        @r{QX, from GUST}
8r TeXBase1Encoding                  @r{(@pxref{8r})}
8t ECEncoding CorkEncoding           @r{(@pxref{ec}), aka tex256.enc}
8u XT2Encoding                       @r{cmtt + Latin 2, see @file{xl2.enc}}
8v TeXVietnamese                     @r{T5}
8w @r{Windows 3.1 ANSI encoding}
8x Expert                            @r{expert encoding}
8y LY1                               @r{texnansi}
8z XL2Encoding                       @r{cmr + Latin 2, see @file{xl2.enc}}
9c @r{expert + Text companion}
9d @r{expert + oldstyle digits + Cork}
9e @r{expert + Cork}
9i TS0X                              @r{Intersection of TS1/Standard/Expert}
9o @r{expert + oldstyle digits + @TeX{} text}
9s SF                                @r{SuperFont}
9t @r{expert + @TeX{} text}
9u @r{Unicode-compatible}
9x TeXnANSIEncodingX                 @r{texnansx, texnansi without repeats}
9z user
-  songti                            @r{for mnm}