Version 0.5x  1993 December 2
  Original version
(The version numbers less than 1 are meant to be experimental still.
Letters are prefixed to some to indicate that only minor corrections 
 have been undertaken.)

Version 0.5y  1993 December 17
  Corrections to fix up problems with planotable, which was not behaving
  ideally when moved to the back of the manuscript and galley proof. 

  Sublabelling of planotables that extended over more than one page 
  did not work correctly, and this has been repaired.

Version 1.0   1994 May 26
  Made compatible with the new LaTeX2e, although it does not take
  advantage of any of the new features. (This may come in future.)
  Add a patch to make AGUTeX work with LaTeX2e.
  Otherwise, only change on the surface is in the \cite command, which
  now takes 2 optional arguments, for text before and after the citation.
       \cite{key}  ==>>  Jones et al. [1990]
       \cite[]{key} ==>> [Jones et al., 1990]
       \cite[chap. 2]{key}    ==>> [Jones et al., 1990, chap. 2]
       \cite[e.g.,][]{key}    ==>> [e.g., Jones et al., 1990]
       \cite[see][pg. 34]{key}==>> [see Jones et al., 1990, pg. 34]

  The title of the preprint has been changed to be left justified instead
  of centered. This makes it the same as the galley proofs and final
  printing. (I prefer centered myself.)
Version 1.0a  1994 June 6
  Fix up problems with overfull hboxes.
Version 1.0b  1994 Aug 22
  The 1.0 versions were made using a preliminary test release of LaTeX2e. The
  official release of 1994 June 1 contained some changes that made the
  citations no longer work properly. This has now been fixed up. (Which means
  it will not work with the preliminary test release!)
  NOTE: this 1.0b version is still a hybrid; it works under both 2.09 and 2e
  versions of LaTeX. In future, a LaTeX2e only package will be supported.