WX("<!--============ Start of FunnelWeb HTML Definitions ============-->"); WX(""); WX("<!-- Version -->"); WX("<!-- ------- -->"); WX("<!-- This is FunnelWeb HTML Macro Library Version 1.0. -->"); WX(""); WX("<!-- Copyright -->"); WX("<!-- --------- -->"); WX("<!-- This set of FunnelWeb HTML definitions was written by -->"); WX("<!-- Anthony Coates and is Copyright (C) 1994 Anthony B. Coates. -->"); WX("<!-- However, I, Anthony Coates, hereby forego any claim to -->"); WX("<!-- Copyright in this set of FunnelWeb HTML definitions and -->"); WX("<!-- hereby authorize that the set of HTML definitions pass -->"); WX("<!-- into the public domain. -->"); WX("<!-- Anthony B. Coates, 6:25pm 15-Apr-1994, Brisbane, Australia. -->"); WX(""); WX("<!-- Modification -->"); WX("<!-- ------------ -->"); WX("<!-- Please record all modifications to these HTML definitions -->"); WX("<!-- here. Unless otherwise specified, all modified definitions -->"); WX("<!-- fall in the public domain too. -->"); WX(""); WX("<!-- Programmers: -->"); WX("<!-- ABC Anthony B. Coates coates@physics.uq.edu.au -->"); WX(""); WX("<!-- Changes: -->"); WX("<!-- 23-Apr-1994 ABC Prepared this work for -->"); WX("<!-- public domain release. -->"); WX(""); WX("<!-- General Comments -->"); WX("<!-- ---------------- -->"); WX("<!-- Where possible, definitions here will be used to reflect -->"); WX("<!-- existing FunnelWeb TeX definitions. -->"); WX(""); WX("<!-- The ISO-Latin-1 character set does not have the bullet -->"); WX("<!-- character that FunnelWeb uses for unprintable characters in -->"); WX("<!-- TeX output, so an inverted question mark (a Spanish -->"); WX("<!-- character used at the start of questions) is used instead. -->"); WX(""); WX("<!-- THERE ARE CURRENTLY NO DEFINITIONS IN THIS HEADER FILE. -->"); WX(""); WX("<!--============= End of FunnelWeb HTML Definitions =============-->");