A=Ross Williams
S=References to other Literate Programming Work
K=literate programming funnelweb references other work bibliography

09-Jun-1992: Professor Bart Childs (bart@cs.tamu.edu) reports that he and
his associates are involved with literate programming. He reports:

   "My main interests in Literate Programming are using it in
   Scientific Computing, Software Engineering, and expanding its
   ``tool base''.  My most recent Ph.D. student's thesis was
   on an integrated used of symbolic computing with literate
   programming to do a restricted form of `automatic programming.'"

   I have just finished another semester and taught a ``special
   topics'' course in Literate Programming.  We did a few more
   tools and as soon as I can get them in a coherently
   documented whole, I will be putting them out for public
   consumption too.

   We try to keep the current versions of our work on
   csseq.cs.tamu.edu   (  for anonymous
   ftp.  Most of our usage lately has been under John Krommes'
   FWEB which supports C, C++, Fortran, Fortran 90, Ratfor,
   and TeX (outputs a .sty file of TeX macros)."

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