#line 37 "htmltoc.nw" $define sentinel "<tableofcontents>" $define sentinel_end "</tableofcontents>" #line 44 "htmltoc.nw" record ioc(number, level, text) #line 46 "htmltoc.nw" global contents #line 52 "htmltoc.nw" procedure readfile(f) local old_contents intoc := &null contents := [] old_contents := [] no := 0 file := list() while l := read(f) do l ? { #line 71 "htmltoc.nw" if =sentinel then { intoc := "in table of contents" put(file, l) } else if =sentinel_end then { intoc := &null put(file, l) } else if \intoc then { put(old_contents, l) } else if /intoc then { if #line 88 "htmltoc.nw" (pre := tab(upto('<')), ="<", skip(), tab(any('hH')), n := tab(many(&digits)), skip(), =">") #line 80 "htmltoc.nw" then { #line 102 "htmltoc.nw" if (c := tab(upto('<')), ="</", skip(), tab(any('hH')), =n, skip(), =">") then { no +:= 1 c ? c := strip_toc_anchors() || tab(0) addcontents(no, n, c) #line 112 "htmltoc.nw" put(file, pre || "<h" || n || "><a name=toc" || no || ">" || c || "</a></h" || n || ">" || tab(0)) #line 107 "htmltoc.nw" } else write(&errout, "Unterminated <h", n, ">", tab(0), "...") #line 82 "htmltoc.nw" } else put(file, l) } #line 60 "htmltoc.nw" } if \intoc then { push(old_contents, sentinel_end) every l := !copy(old_contents) do l ? { #line 71 "htmltoc.nw" if =sentinel then { intoc := "in table of contents" put(file, l) } else if =sentinel_end then { intoc := &null put(file, l) } else if \intoc then { put(old_contents, l) } else if /intoc then { if #line 88 "htmltoc.nw" (pre := tab(upto('<')), ="<", skip(), tab(any('hH')), n := tab(many(&digits)), skip(), =">") #line 80 "htmltoc.nw" then { #line 102 "htmltoc.nw" if (c := tab(upto('<')), ="</", skip(), tab(any('hH')), =n, skip(), =">") then { no +:= 1 c ? c := strip_toc_anchors() || tab(0) addcontents(no, n, c) #line 112 "htmltoc.nw" put(file, pre || "<h" || n || "><a name=toc" || no || ">" || c || "</a></h" || n || ">" || tab(0)) #line 107 "htmltoc.nw" } else write(&errout, "Unterminated <h", n, ">", tab(0), "...") #line 82 "htmltoc.nw" } else put(file, l) } #line 63 "htmltoc.nw" } } return file end #line 92 "htmltoc.nw" procedure skip() suspend tab(many(' \t')) | "" end #line 117 "htmltoc.nw" procedure strip_toc_anchors() local s, p if (="<a name=toc", tab(many(&digits)), =">", s := strip_toc_anchors(), ="</a>") then return s else { s := to_next_anchor_or_end_anchor() | runerr(1, "never found an anchor") if pos(0) | at_end_anchor() then return s else return s || tab_past_anchor_start() || strip_toc_anchors() || tab_past_anchor_end() } end #line 132 "htmltoc.nw" procedure at_end_anchor() &subject[&pos:0] ? return tab_past_anchor_end() end procedure at_start_anchor() &subject[&pos:0] ? return tab_past_anchor_start() end procedure tab_past_anchor_end() suspend ="<" || optwhite() || ="/" || optwhite() || =("a"|"A") || optwhite() || =">" end procedure tab_past_anchor_start() suspend ="<" || optwhite() || =("a"|"A") || white() || tab(upto('>')) || =">" end procedure to_next_anchor_or_end_anchor() return (1(tab(upto('<')), at_start_anchor() | at_end_anchor()) | tab(0)) \ 1 end procedure white() suspend tab(many(' \t')) end procedure optwhite() suspend white() | "" end #line 171 "htmltoc.nw" procedure addcontents(no, n, s) if map(s) ~== "contents" & find(n, toclevels) then put(contents, ioc(no, n, strip_tags(s))) return end procedure strip_tags(s) s ? { r := "" while r ||:= tab(upto('<')) do (tab(upto('>')), =">") return r || tab(0) } end #line 191 "htmltoc.nw" global minlevel procedure tocindent(level) return repl(" ", level-minlevel) end procedure writetoc() local level minlevel := 99 every minlevel >:= (!contents).level level := minlevel - 1 # triggers opening list every l := !contents do { #line 215 "htmltoc.nw" while level > l.level do { write(tocindent(level), "</ul>") level -:= 1 } while level < l.level do { level +:= 1 write(tocindent(level), "<ul compact>") } #line 205 "htmltoc.nw" write(tocindent(level), "<li><a href=\"#toc", l.number, "\">", l.text, "</a></li>") } #line 226 "htmltoc.nw" while level >= minlevel do { write(tocindent(level), "</ul>") level -:= 1 } #line 209 "htmltoc.nw" end #line 235 "htmltoc.nw" procedure add_contents(f) file := readfile(f) every l := !file do { write(l) if match(sentinel, l) then writetoc() } end #line 246 "htmltoc.nw" global toclevels procedure main(args) if args[1] ? (="-", toclevels := tab(many(&digits)), pos(0)) then get(args) else toclevels := "2345" if *args = 0 then add_contents(&input) else every add_contents(openfile(!args)) return end procedure openfile(f) return open(f) | stop("Cannot open file ", f) end #line 259 "htmltoc.nw" procedure rcsinfo () return "$Id: htmltoc.nw,v 1.20 2008/10/06 01:03:05 nr Exp nr $" || "$Name: v2_12 $" end