% -*- mode: Noweb; noweb-code-mode: icon-mode -*- This code pipes documentation chunks through a command. If given option [[-nearcode]], it pipes only documentation chunks that are next to code chunks; it drops all other documentation chunks. <<*>>= procedure main(args) cachename := get(args) | stop("pdcached: no cache") if args[1] == "-nearcode" then nearcode := get(args) cmd := get(args) | stop("pdcached: no command") cmd := "sed '/^@begin docs /s/[0-9][0-9]*/0/' | unmarkup | " || cmd || " | markup | grep -v '^@file $'" last := &null loadcache(cachename) while line := read() do {## write("====> process ", image(line), "; last = ", type(last), ## "(", *\last | "?", "), lastcode = ", image(lastcode)) if match("@begin code ", line) then { if type(last) == "list" then pipeout(last, cmd) last := "code" until match("@end code ", line) do { write(line) line := read() } write(line) #write("******until completed with ", line) } else if match("@begin docs ", line) then { l := [line] until match("@end docs ", line) do put(l, line := read()) #write("******until completed with ", line) put(l, line) if /nearcode then { pipeout(l, cmd) last := &null } else if last === "code" & notblank(l) then { pipeout(l, cmd) every write("@begin docs 0" | "@nl" | "@end docs 0") last := &null } else { last := l } } else { write(line) } } savecache(cachename) return end <<*>>= procedure pipeout(lines, cmd) local cached static tmp initial { tmp := "/tmp/pdcached.out" hitcount := misscount := 0 } cached := find_in_cache(lines) if /cached then { misscount +:= 1 f := open(cmd || " > " || tmp, "wp") every write(f, !lines) close(f) f := open(tmp, "r") cached := [] while put(cached, read(f)) close(f) adjustblanks(lines, cached) save_in_cache(lines, cached) } else { adjustblanks(lines, cached) hitcount +:= 1 } every write(!cached) return end @ Make sure if it begins blank before processing, it begins blank after processing. <<*>>= procedure adjustblanks(in, out) if &fail & find("Applying a primitive", !in) then { write(&errout, "For ", image(in[1]), "/", image(out[1]), ", notblank(in) = ", image(notblank(in)) | "<failed>", "; blankstring(out[1]) = ", image(blankstring(out[1])) | "<failed>") every i := 1 to *in do write(&errout, " in[", i, "] = ", image( in[i])) every i := 1 to *out do write(&errout, "out[", i, "] = ", image(out[i])) } if notblank(in) then if notblank(out) then &null # this is OK, so do nothing else remove_initial_blanks(out) else # input begins with blanks if notblank(out) then insert_initial_newline(out) else &null # this is OK, so do nothing return end procedure blankstring(s) s ? { tab(many(' \t')); return pos(0) } end @ <<*>>= global cache, hitcount, misscount procedure strip_chunk_number(s) s ? if =("@" || ("begin" | "end") || " " || ("docs" | "code") || " ") then return tab(1) else return s end procedure find_in_cache(lines) c := cache every l := strip_chunk_number(!lines) do c := \c[l] | return &null return c[&null] end procedure save_in_cache(lines, cached) c := cache i := 1 while l := strip_chunk_number(lines[i]) do { /c[l] := table() c := c[l] i := i + 1 } c[&null] := cached return end link xcode procedure loadcache(cachename) cache := xdecode(c := open(cachename)) | table() close(\c) return end link numbers procedure savecache(cachename) write(&errout, "Cache misses ", frn(real(misscount) * 100.0 / real(misscount + hitcount), 0, 1), "% of ", misscount+hitcount, " queries") if misscount = 0 then return system("lockfile " || cachename || ".lock") xencoden(cache, cachename || ".new") rename(cachename || ".new", cachename) | stop("Could not update cache") remove(cachename || ".lock") return # forget the other! c := open(cachename || ".fast", "w") | stop("cannot open fast cache") wval(c, cache) close(c) end <<*>>= procedure readval(f) local stack stack := [] while l := read(f) do l ? case move(1) of { "s" : push(stack, tab(0)) "l" : push(stack, []) "t" : push(stack, table()) "n" : push(stack, &null) "a" : { v := pop(stack); put(stack[1], v) } "k" : { v := pop(stack); k := pop(stack); stack[1][k] := v } } return stack[1] end procedure wval(f, v) return case type(v) of { "string" : write(f, "s", v) "list" : wlis (f, v) "table" : wtab (f, v) "null" : write(f, "n") default : stop("writing unknown type") } end procedure wlis(f, l) write(f, "l") every v := !l do { wval(f, v); write(f, "a") } return end procedure wtab(f, t) write(f, "t") every k := key(t) do { wval(f, k); wval(f, t[k]); write(f, "k") } return end @ Manipulating docs chunks. <<*>>= procedure notblank(l) every x := !l do x ? if ="@nl" & pos(0) then fail else if ="@text " & { tab(many(' \t')); not(pos(0)) } then return x end <<*>>= procedure remove_initial_blanks(l) p := [] while c := get(l) do c ? if ="@nl" | (="@text " & { tab(many(' \t')); pos(0) }) then { &null # skip this baby } else if =("@text" | "@end docs") then { while push(l, pop(p)) return l } else { push(p, c) } while push(l, pop(p)) return l end <<*>>= procedure insert_initial_newline(l) p := [] while c := get(l) do if match("@text "|"@end docs", c) then { push(l, c) push(l, "@nl") while push(l, pop(p)) return l } else { push(p, c) } push(l, "@nl") while push(l, pop(p)) return l end