% -*- mode: Noweb; noweb-code-mode: icon-mode -*-
This code pipes documentation chunks through a command.
If given option [[-nearcode]], it pipes only documentation chunks that
are next to code chunks; it drops all other documentation chunks.
procedure main(args)
  if args[1] == "-nearcode" then
    nearcode := get(args)
  cmd := get(args) | stop("pipedocs: no command")

  cmd := "sed '/^@begin docs /s/[0-9][0-9]*/0/' | unmarkup | " || cmd || 
         " | awk  ' NR == 1 && /^[ \t]*$/ {next}\n{print}\n' | markup | grep -v '^@file $'"

  last := &null

  while line := read() do
      {##  write("====> process ", image(line), "; last = ", type(last),
       ##        "(", *\last | "?", "), lastcode = ", image(lastcode))
    if match("@begin code ", line) then {
      if type(last) == "list" then
          pipeout(last, cmd)
      last := "code"
      until match("@end code ", line) do {
        line := read()
#write("******until completed with ", line)
    } else if match("@begin docs ", line) then {
      l := [line]
      until match("@end docs ", line) do
          put(l, line := read())
#write("******until completed with ", line)
      put(l, line)
      if /nearcode then {
        pipeout(l, cmd)
        last := &null
      } else if last === "code" & notblank(l) then {
        pipeout(l, cmd)
        every write("@begin docs 0" | "@nl" | "@end docs 0")
        last := &null
      } else {
        last := l
    } else {

procedure pipeout(lines, cmd)
  f := open(cmd, "wp")
  every write(f, !lines)
  return close(f)

procedure notblank(l)
  every x := !l do
    x ?
      if ="@nl" & pos(0) then
      else if ="@text " & { tab(many(' \t')); not(pos(0)) } then
          return x