delay=0 noindex=0
for i do
        case $i in
                -delay)         delay=1         ;;
                -noindex)       noindex=1       ;;
                *)      echo "This can't happen -- $i passed to toascii" 1>&2 ; exit 1 ;;
export awkfile textfile tagsfile
trap 'rm -f $awkfile $textfile $tagsfile' 0 1 2 10 14 15
nawk 'BEGIN { textfile=ENVIRON["textfile"]
              tagsfile=ENVIRON["tagsfile"] }
      /^@begin code/ { ++secno }
      /^@xref label/ { print $3, secno >tagsfile }
      /^@((begin|end) (docs|code))/ { print >textfile }
      /^@(text|nl|defn|use)/ { print >textfile }
      /^@xref (ref|notused)/ { print >textfile }
      /^@xref (begin|end)(defs|uses)/ { print >textfile }
      /^@xref (def|use)item/ { print >textfile}
      /^@xref ((begin|end)chunks)|(chunk(begin|use|defn|end))/ { print >textfile }
      /^@index (begin|end)(defs|uses)/ { print >textfile }
      /^@index (is(us|defin)ed)|((def|use)item)/ { print >textfile }
      /^@index ((begin|end)index)|(entry(begin|use|defn|end))/ { print >textfile }'
nawk 'BEGIN {
              textfile = ENVIRON["textfile"]
              tagsfile = ENVIRON["tagsfile"]
              tfmt="detex | fmt -79"
              cfmt="expand -4 | fold -75 | sed \"s/^/    /\""
              xfmt="fold -75 | sed \"s/^/  /\""
              while (getline <tagsfile > 0)
                      tag[$1] = $2
      /^@begin docs/ { out = tfmt }
      /^@end docs/   { close(out) }
      /^@begin code/ { out = cfmt; code = 1; ++secno }
      /^@end code/   { endcode(); close(out); printf "\n" }
      /^@text/       { printf "%s", substr($0, 7) | out }
      /^@nl/         { # printf "(->%s)", formatname(out) | out ; 
                       printf "\n" | out }
      /^@xref ref/ { lastxrefref = tag[substr($0, 11)] }
      /^@defn/     { name = convquote(substr($0, 7))
                     printf "\n### %d ### %s%s=",
                         secno, chunkname(name, lastxrefref), defn[name]
                     defn[name] = "+" }
      /^@use/      { name = convquote(substr($0, 6))
                     printf "%s", chunkname(name, lastxrefref) | out }
      /^@xref begindefs/      { endcode()
                                printf "This definition continued in" | out }
      /^@xref beginuses/      { endcode()
                                printf "This code used in" | out }
      /^@xref notused/        { endcode()
                                print "This code not used in this document." | out }
      /^@xref (def|use)item/  { addlist(tag[$3]) }
      /^@xref end(defs|uses)/ { printlist() }
      $0 ~ /^@index begindefs/ && !noindex {
              print "Defines:" | out }

      $0 ~ /^@index isused/ && !noindex {
              if (tag[$3] != lastxrefref) addlist(tag[$3]) }

      $0 ~ /^@index defitem/ && !noindex {
              printf "    %s,", $3 | out
              if (nlist == 0) printf " not used in this document.\n" | out
              else { printf " used in" | out; printlist() } }
      $0 ~ /^@index beginuses/ && !noindex { endcode(); printf "Uses" | out }
      $0 ~ /^@index isdefined/ && !noindex { lastuse = tag[$3] }
      $0 ~ /^@index useitem/   && !noindex { addlist(sprintf("%s %s", $3, lastuse)) }
      $0 ~ /^@index enduses/   && !noindex { printlist() }
      /^@xref beginchunks/ { close(out); out = zfmt
                             print "List of code chunks\n" | out }
      /^@xref chunkbegin/  { name = convquote(substr($0, length($3) + 19))
                             printf "%s\n", chunkname(name, tag[$3]) | out }
      /^@xref chunkuse/    { addlist(tag[$3]) }
      /^@xref chunkdefn/   { }
      /^@xref chunkend/    { if (nlist == 0)
                                 print "    Not used in this document." | out
                             else { printf "   Used in" | out; printlist() } }
      /^@xref endchunks/   { }
      $0 ~ /^@index beginindex/ && !noindex { print "\nList of identifiers (defini" \
                                                    "tion in parentheses)\n" | out }
      $0 ~ /^@index entrybegin/ && !noindex { name = substr($0, length($3 + 19))
                                              lastdefn = tag[$3]
                                              printf "%s:  ", $4 | out }
      $0 ~ /^@index entryuse/ && !noindex   { addlist(tag[$3]) }
      $0 ~ /^@index entrydefn/ && !noindex  { }
      $0 ~ /^@index entryend/ && !noindex   { for (i = 1; i <= nlist; i++)
                                                  if (list[i] == lastdefn)
                                                      sub(/.*/, "(&)", list[i])
                                              if (nlist == 0)
                                                  print "Not used." | out
                                              else printlist() }
      $0 ~ /^@index endindex/ && !noindex   { }
      /^@fatal / { exit 1 }
      END   { 
      function endcode() {
              if (code == 1) {
                      code = 0
                      out = xfmt
                      printf "\n" | out } }
      function addlist(s,    i) {
              for (i = 1; i <= nlist; i++)
                      if (s == list[i]) return
              list[++nlist] = s }

      function printlist(    i) {
              if (nlist == 1) printf " %s.\n", list[1] | out
              else if (nlist == 2) printf " %s and %s.\n", list[1], list[2] | out
              else {
                      for (i = 1; i < nlist; i++)
                              printf " %s,", list[i] | out
                      printf " and %s.\n", list[nlist] | out }
              for (i in list) delete list[i]
              nlist = 0 }
      function convquote(s) { gsub(/\[\[|\]\]/, "", s); return s }
      function chunkname(name, number) {
        if (number == 0)
          return sprintf("<%s>", name)
          return sprintf("<%s %d>", name, number)
      }' noindex=$noindex $textfile
exit $?