delay=0 noindex=0
for i do
    case $i in
        -delay)    delay=1   ;;
        -noindex)  noindex=1 ;;
        *) echo "This can't happen -- $i passed to toroff" 1>&2;
           exit 1;;
awkfile=$($LIB/nwmktemp) || { echo "$0: Cannot create temporary file" >&2; exit 1;  }
trap 'rm -f $awkfile' 0 1 2 10 14 15
cat > $awkfile << 'EOF'
/^@begin docs 0$/ { if (delay) next }
/^@end docs 0$/ { if (delay) { printf ".BEGINNINGOFDOCUMENT\n"; delay = 0; next } }
/^@header m/ { if (!delay) { printf ".BEGINNINGOFDOCUMENT\n" } }
/^@trailer/ { print ".ENDOFDOCUMENT" }
/^@xref label/ { lastxreflabel = $3 }
/^@xref ref/ { lastxrefref = tag(substr($0, 11)) }
/^@begin docs/ { printf ".BEGINDOCCHUNK\n" }
/^@end docs/ { printf ".ENDDOCCHUNK\n" }
/^@begin code/ { code = 1; printf ".BEGINCODECHUNK\n" }
/^@end code/ { code = 0; printf ".ENDCODECHUNK %s\n", lastdefnlabel }
/^@text/ && code == 0 { s = substr($0, 7)
                        if (text++) printf "\\&"
                        printf "%s", substr($0, 7) }
/^@nl/ && code != 1 { text = 0; printf "\n" }
/^@text/ && code != 0 { s = substr($0, 7)
                        gsub(/\\/, "\\e", s)
                        printf "\\&%s\\c\n", s }
/^@nl/ && code == 1 { printf ".NEWLINE\n" }
/^@quote/ { code = 2; printf "\\c\n.BEGINQUOTEDCODE\n" }
/^@endquote/ { code = 0; text++; printf ".ENDQUOTEDCODE\n" }
/^@defn/ { name = convquote(substr($0, 7))
           lastdefnlabel = lastxreflabel
	   if (! (name in defn))
	   	defn[name] = "\\(=="
           printf ".DEFINITION %s \"%s\" %s %s\n",
                  tag(lastdefnlabel), name, lastxrefref, defn[name]
           defn[name] = "\\(pl\\(==" }
/^@use/ { name = convquote(substr($0, 6))
          printf "\\c\n"
          printf ".USE \"%s\" %s\n", name, lastxrefref }
/^@xref begindefs/     { if (code) { code = 0; printf ".STARTXREF\n" }; printf ".XREFDEFS\n" }
/^@xref beginuses/     { if (code) { code = 0; printf ".STARTXREF\n" }; printf ".XREFUSES\n" }
/^@xref notused/       { if (code) { code = 0; printf ".STARTXREF\n" }; printf ".XREFNOTUSED\n" }
/^@xref (def|use)item/ { printf ".ADDLIST %s\n", tag($3) }
/^@xref end(def|use)s/ { printf ".PRINTLIST\n"; code = 1 }
/^@index begindefs/ && !noindex { if (code) { code = 0; printf ".STARTXREF\n" }; printf ".INDEXDEF\n" }
/^@index isused/ && !noindex {
    if (tag($3) != lastxrefref) printf ".ADDLIST %s\n", tag($3) }
/^@index defitem/ && !noindex { printf ".DEFITEM %s\n.PRINTLIST\n", $3 }
/^@index beginuses/ && !noindex { if (code) { code = 0; printf ".STARTXREF\n" }; printf ".INDEXUSE\n" }
/^@index isdefined/ && !noindex { lastuse = tag($3) }
/^@index useitem/   && !noindex {
    printf ".ADDLIST \"\\*[BEGINCONVQUOTE]%s\\*[ENDCONVQUOTE] %s\"\n",
            $3, lastuse }
/^@index enduses/   && !noindex { printf ".PRINTLIST\n" }
/^@xref beginchunks/ { printf ".tm ###BEGINCHUNKS###\n" }
/^@xref chunkbegin/  { printf ".tm ###CHUNKBEGIN### %s\n",
                           substr($0, length($3) + 19) }
/^@xref chunkuse/    { printf ".tm ###CHUNKUSE### %s\n", $3 }
/^@xref chunkdefn/   { printf ".tm ###CHUNKDEFN### %s\n", $3 }
/^@xref chunkend/    { printf ".tm ###CHUNKEND###\n" }
/^@xref endchunks/   { printf ".tm ###ENDCHUNKS###\n" }
/^@index beginindex/ { printf ".tm ###BEGININDEX###\n" }
/^@index entrybegin/ { printf ".tm ###ENTRYBEGIN### %s\n",
                           substr($0, length($3) + 20) }
/^@index entryuse/   { printf ".tm ###ENTRYUSE### %s\n", $3 }
/^@index entrydefn/  { printf ".tm ###ENTRYDEFN### %s\n", $3 }
/^@index entryend/   { printf ".tm ###ENTRYEND###\n" }
/^@index endindex/   { printf ".tm ###ENDINDEX###\n" }
function convquote(s,	out, front, mid, tail) {
    gsub(/\[\[/, "\\*[BEGINCONVQUOTE]", s)
    # gsub(/\]\]/, "\\*[ENDCONVQUOTE]", s)
    out = ""
    mid = "\\*[ENDCONVQUOTE]"
    while (match(s, /\]\]+/) != 0) {
    	# RLENGTH is length of match, want to remove last two chars
	# RSTART is where sequence of ]s begins
	tail = substr(s, RSTART + RLENGTH)
	if (RLENGTH == 2) # easy
		front = substr(s, 1, RSTART - 1)
		front = substr(s, 1, RSTART - 1 + RLENGTH - 2)
	out = out front mid
	s = tail
    out = out s
    return out }
# my test program for the revised function - ADR
# BEGIN { str = "abc[[foo[i]]]]]]]]junk"
#	print str
#	print convquote(str)
#	str2 = "nothing here"
#	print str2
#	print convquote(str2)
#	str3 = "abc[[foo[i]]]]]]]]junk[[bar[i]]more stuff[[baz]]"
#	print str3
#	print convquote(str3)
# }
function tag(s) { if (s in tags) return tags[s]; else return "???" }
/^@file / {
  if (tagsfile == "") {
    tagsfile = substr($0, 7)
    sub(".*/", "", tagsfile)
    sub(/\.[^.]*$/, "", tagsfile)
    tagsfile = tagsfile ".nwt"
    while (getline <tagsfile > 0) {
				      if      (sub(/^###TAG### /       , "")) tags[$1] = $2
				      else if (sub(/^###BEGINCHUNKS###/, "")) printf ".de CLIST\n.CLISTBEGIN\n"
				      else if (sub(/^###CHUNKBEGIN### /, "")) { name = convquote($0)
				                                                chunkuse = chunkdefn = "" }
				      else if (sub(/^###CHUNKUSE### /  , "")) chunkuse = chunkuse " " tag($0)
				      else if (sub(/^###CHUNKDEFN### / , "")) chunkdefn = chunkdefn " " tag($0)
				      else if (sub(/^###CHUNKEND###/   , ""))
				         printf ".CITEM \"%s\" \"%s\" \"%s\"\n", name, chunkdefn, chunkuse
				      else if (sub(/^###ENDCHUNKS###/  , "")) printf ".CLISTEND\n..\n"
				      else if (sub(/^###BEGININDEX###/ , "")) printf ".de ILIST\n.ILISTBEGIN\n"
				      else if (sub(/^###ENTRYBEGIN### /, "")) { name = convquote($0)
				                                                entryuse = entrydefn = "" }
				      else if (sub(/^###ENTRYUSE### /  , "")) entryuse = entryuse " " tag($0)
				      else if (sub(/^###ENTRYDEFN### / , "")) entrydefn = entrydefn " " tag($0)
				      else if (sub(/^###ENTRYEND###/   , "")) {
				          for (i = 1; i <= split(entrydefn, entryarray); i++)
				              sub(entryarray[i], "\\*[BEGINDEFN]&\\*[ENDDEFN]", entryuse)
				          printf ".IITEM \"%s\" \"%s\"\n", name, entryuse }
				      else if (sub(/^###ENDINDEX###/   , "")) printf ".ILISTEND\n..\n" 
$AWK -f $awkfile -v delay=$delay noindex=$noindex