# Copyright 1989 by Norman Ramsey, Odyssey Research Associates # Not to be sold, but may be used freely for any purpose # For more information, see file COPYRIGHT in the parent directory language Synthesizer extension ssl at_sign # comment begin <"/*"> end <"*/"> default translation <*> mathness yes token identifier category simp mathness yes token number category literal mathness yes token newline category ignore_scrap mathness maybe translation <> token pseudo_semi category semi mathness maybe translation <> module definition decl use math token + category binop token - category unorbinop token * category star token / category binop token < category less translation <> token > category greater translation <> token = category binop token . category binop token ^ category at translation <"\\H"> token ~ category unorbinop translation <"\\TI"> token & category unop translation <"\\AMP"> token ? translation <"\\?"> category question token % translation <"\\%"> category binop token @ category at mathness no token .. category at translation <".."> # following must tangleto " # " because # at beginning of line freaks # The preprocessor -- this doesn't look like preproc directive... token # translation <"\\SH"> category unorbinop tangleto <space-"#"-space> token ( category open token [ category lbrack token ) category close token ] category close token { translation <"\\{"> category lbrace token } translation <"\\}"> category close token , category comma token ; category semi token : category colon token | category bar token $ category dollar translation <"\\DO"> token != name not_eq translation <"\\I"> category binop token <= name lt_eq translation <"\\L"> category binop token >= name gt_eq translation <"\\G"> category binop token == name eq_eq translation <"\\S"> category binop token && name and_and translation <"\\W"> category binop token || name or_or translation <"\\V"> category binop token -> name minus_gt translation <"\\MG"> category binop token >> name gt_gt translation <"\\GG"> category binop token << name lt_lt translation <"\\LL"> category binop token :: name double_colon translation <"::"> category binop token ::= name produces translation <"\\CCE"> category colon macros begin \def\AMP{{\sl\amp}} \def\SH{\mathbin{\#}} \def\CCE{::=} \def\MG{\mathrel{\to}} \def\GG{\mathrel{>\!>}} \def\LL{\mathrel{<\!<}} \let\LN\langle \let\RN\rangle \let\openbraces=\{ \let\closebraces=\} \def\{{\ifmmode\openbraces\else$\openbraces$\fi} \def\}{\ifmmode\closebraces\else$\closebraces$\fi} \let\dothickspace=\; \def\;{\ifmmode\dothickspace\else\relax$\dothickspace$\relax\fi} \let\domedspace=\> \def\>{\ifmmode\domedspace\else\relax$\domedspace$\relax\fi} \let\dothinspace=\, \def\,{\ifmmode\dothinspace\else\relax$\dothinspace$\relax\fi} \def\?{\mathrel?} \def\MO{\mathord{}} % to fake out math ::= <force> macros end ilk and_like category and ilk in_like category in ilk let_like category let translation <*-indent-"\\"-space-opt-0> ilk math_like category math ilk on_like category on ilk transform_like category transform ilk with_like category with reserved and ilk and_like reserved as ilk math_like reserved class ilk math_like reserved default ilk math_like reserved demand ilk math_like reserved exported ilk math_like reserved ext_computers ilk math_like reserved false ilk math_like reserved foreign ilk math_like reserved in ilk in_like reserved inh ilk inh_like ilk inh_like category math translation <"\\&{inherited}"> reserved inherited ilk math_like reserved left ilk math_like reserved list ilk math_like reserved let ilk let_like reserved local ilk math_like reserved nil ilk math_like reserved nil_attr ilk math_like reserved nonassoc ilk math_like reserved on ilk on_like reserved optional ilk math_like reserved prec ilk math_like reserved repeated ilk math_like reserved right ilk math_like reserved root ilk math_like reserved store ilk math_like reserved style ilk math_like reserved syn ilk syn_like ilk syn_like category math translation <"\\&{synthesized}"> reserved synthesized ilk math_like reserved transform ilk transform_like reserved true ilk math_like reserved typedef ilk math_like reserved with ilk with_like at colon <opt-3> --> math at <opt-5> --> math decl <force> decl --> decl decl <force> simp* colon <"\\MO"-indent-force> --> mbar decl simp [ simp* ] --> decl simp math dollar dollar --> math dollar --> unop <force> in open <indent-force> --> wbegin in --> math # following for semantic equations and attribute declarations lbrace <indent-force> (decl) <force> close <outdent-force> --> math # following for attribution expression math lbrace close --> math # following for function declaration MUST PRECEDE "open math close" # we need (math|decl) because it might hit attribute decl too open math close lbrace --> openfunc open math [ close ignore_scrap ] --> open math close openfunc <indent-force> (math|decl) <force> close <outdent-force> --> math # Now in the hideous case where we have mistakenly confused an attribution # expression for a function declaration, we correct our error openfunc close --> math # following for upward remote attribute reference lbrace math close --> math lbrack <indent> math <outdent> close --> math math <force> bar --> math math colon <"\\MO"> --> mcolon math open close --> math # no space here math <"\\;"-opt-0> lbrack --> lbrack [ star ] colon --> math colon math star --> unop star --> math math <"\\>"> math --> math math (binop|unorbinop) math --> math math unop --> math (unop|unorbinop) math --> math math semi --> decl mbar math <force> bar --> mbar mbar math <force> semi <outdent> --> decl mcolon <indent-force> math <force> semi <outdent> --> decl mcolon <indent-force> math <outdent-force> close --> close mcolon <indent-force> math comma --> mcmcom mcmcom math comma --> mbar mcmcom <outdent-force> math colon <"\\MO"> --> mcolon math comma <"\\,"> math --> math on --> math open math close --> math open close --> math # The following doesn't do indentation right # <indent-force> question math <force> colon ? <outdent> - - > #4 <indent-force> question math <force> colon --> condbegin [ condbegin math <outdent> ] (semi|close|comma|colon) --> math (semi|close|comma|colon) less <"\\LN"> simp <"\\RN"> greater --> math less <"<"> --> binop greater <">"> --> binop literal <opt-5> --> math simp --> math tbegin <indent-force> decl <outdent> --> decl transform <"\\;"> math --> tbegin wbegin math close <outdent-force> --> math wbegin close <outdent-force> --> math # following for leaving commas in last clause in with statements wbegin mcmcom <outdent-force> close <outdent-force> --> math with math (math|semi) --> math with math <"\\,"> open <indent-force> --> wbegin # let statements math <"\\"-space-opt-3> and <"\\"-space> math --> math (forcelet|let) math semi <force> --> forcelet forcelet math <outdent-force> in <"\\"-space> open <indent-force> --> letopen letopen math <force> close <outdent> --> math let math in <"\\"-space> open <indent-force> --> letopen # following recognizes semi as a possible terminator as well as separator forcelet <backup> in <"\\"-space> open <force> --> letopen ? ignore_scrap --> #1