@q file: sampleoutput.w@>
@q%   Copyright Dave Bone 1998 - 2015@>
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@** Sample output from Linker.\fbreak
A sampling from Yacco2's grammars. 
Have a look in the source code below where the following
external variables are defined at line references 41, 43, 44, 72, and 193:\fbreak
\ptindent{|yacco2::TOTAL_NO_BIT_WORDS__| }
\ptindent{|yacco2::BIT_MAPS_FOR_SALE__| }
\ptindent{|yacco2::BIT_MAP_IDX__| }
\ptindent{|yacco2::THDS_STABLE__| }
\ptindent{|yacco2::T_ARRAY_HAVING_THD_IDS__| }

Yacoo2's parse library references them and they get resolved by the language linker.
\let\setuplistinghook = \linenumberedlisting

@*2 Sample 2: No threads outputted just a stand alone grammar.