Contributors and Authorship
|description={{project_name_short}} Authorship. Code Contributors, Artistic Contributors, Other Contributors
{{project_name_long}} is developed by an independent team of contributors committed to computer security.
| image = [[File:Ambox_notice.png|40px|information]]
| text =
Many {{project_name_short}} contributors are or have been [https://www.whonix.org/wiki/Contributors {{Whonix}} Contributors].
= Current Contributors =
'''Table:''' ''Current {{project_name_short}} Contributors'' [
Contributors are listed in rough chronological order.
{| class="wikitable"
!| Name
!| Role
| [[Patrick Schleizer]]
* {{project_name_short}} founder and lead developer.
|- class="odd"
| [https://forums.whonix.org/u/hulahoop/activity HulaHoop]
* {{project_name_short}} [[KVM]] contributor, miscellaneous.
* Research.
* {{project_name_short}} social media administrator.
| [https://forums.whonix.org/u/jasonjayalap/activity Jason Ayala]
* Creative consultant.
* Usability testing and feedback.
* English language fixes.
| [https://forums.whonix.org/u/nurmagoz/activity nurmagoz]
* End user support.
* Testing.
* {{project_name_short}} wiki screenshots and Libre illustrations.
* {{project_name_short}} social media administrator.
| [https://forums.whonix.org/u/torjunkie/activity torjunkie]
* Wiki editor and research.
* Wiki documentation audit.
| [https://forums.whonix.org/u/madaidan/activity madaidan ]
* Kernel hardening. [https://forums.whonix.org/t/kernel-hardening/7296]
* AppArmor improvements. [https://forums.whonix.org/t/apparmor-for-complete-system-including-init-pid1-systemd-everything-full-system-mac-policy/8339]
* Numerous, miscellaneous security commits. [Including systemd sandboxing, blacklisting of uncommon network protocols, restricting hardware information to root, and more restrictive {{project_name_short}} file permissions.]
| [https://github.com/0xsirus Sirus Shahini]
* [https://github.com/0xsirus/tirdad tirdad] (Tirdad kernel module for random ISN generation)
* Security consultant.
| [https://forums.whonix.org/u/onion_knight/activity onion_knight]
* Host operating system installer, ISO live boot. ([https://www.whonix.org/wiki/Whonix-Host Whonix-Host])
For the full list of {{project_name_short}} components and the respective contributor, see [[Contribute#Contributor_List|here]]. [
Interested readers can also refer to a previous [https://forums.whonix.org/t/maintainers-for-various-parts-kvm-qubes-virtualbox-msgcollector-apparmor/454 forum discussion about {{project_name_short}} contributors].
= Donors =
'''New program'''! Donors are now eligible to be added to a list of our donors. You are making a very important contribution to the maintenance and progress of {{project_name_short}}. '''THANK YOU VERY MUCH'''!
Find out more about our [[Donors|Donor Recognition Program]].
= Past Contributors =
{{project_name_short}} would not exist in its current form without the significant efforts of numerous contributors from the community. Gratitude is expressed to all past contributors, big or small.
'''Table:''' ''Previous {{project_name_short}} Contributors'' [Contributors are listed in rough chronological order. Please add your name / handle and contribution(s) here if they have not already been listed.]
{| class="wikitable"
!| Name
!| Contributions
| smarm
* TorBOX wiki editor.
* English language fixes.
* python leaktest script creation.
* Contact: smarm [at] hushmail dot com.
|- class="odd"
| Cypherpunks / Anonymous
* TorBOX build shell script creation.
* Initial TorBOX binary releases. [February 2012; TorBOX was a forerunner to {{project_name_short}}.]
* Rewrote the TorBOX guide for VirtualBox, instead of VMware. [February 2012.]
* Improved the iptables firewall configuration and added a hardening section. [February 2012.]
| Joshua
* Previous [https://sourceforge.net/u/jbwhonixxxx/profile forum moderator] at the legacy sourceforge {{project_name_short}} forum.
* Contributed a phone number so the Google+ and Youtube {{project_name_short}} accounts could be created.
* Documentation feedback.
* Tested {{project_name_short}} images.
| scarp
* Feedback on {{project_name_short}} source code and change commits.
* Reviewed {{project_name_short}} build documentation.
* Tested building {{project_name_short}} from source code.
* Helped integrate TorChat into {{project_name_short}}.
* Reviewed matters concerning public relations.
| Anonymous
* Documentation feedback.
| CJ
* Created the original TorBOX logo.
| Cuan Knaggs
* Created the {{project_name_short}} stream isolation graphic.
* Contact: [https://web.archive.org/web/20161003230119/https://revolver.za.net/ revolver] print media for graphical web design, web development, cms and e-commerce.
| [https://forums.whonix.org/u/fortasse/activity fortasse]
* whonix.org server administrator.
| WhonixQubes
* First {{Whonix}} integration into Qubes.
| IronSoldier
* IRC User Support.
| Devitra or Lilias_sorcha
* [[Support#IRC|IRC User Support]]. [https://forums.whonix.org/t/whonix-irc-channel-status/5367]
| [https://forums.whonix.org/u/ego/activity Ego ]
* [https://github.com/EgoBits1/Whonix-Windows-Installer-deprecated {{Whonix}} Windows installer]. [Past role: Wiki translations coordinator.]
* Forum user support and forum moderator.
| [https://forums.whonix.org/u/entr0py/activity entropy]
* Testing.
* Forum user support and forum moderator.
| [https://forums.whonix.org/u/troubadour/activity troubadour]
* Tor Controller GUI and [[Sdwdate-gui|sdwdate-GUI]] contributor.
* [[AppArmor|AppArmor]] profiles.
* {{project_name_short}} Setup Wizard. [Forerunner to [[Anon_Connection_Wizard_|Anon Connection Wizard]].]
* [https://github.com/{{project_name_short}}/msgcollector/blob/master/usr/libexec/msgcollector/msgdispatcher_dispatch_x msgdispatcher_dispatch_x]
* [[sdwdate-gui]]
* Tor Controller GUI
* Miscellaneous.
| [https://forums.whonix.org/u/0brand/activity 0brand ]
* Testing, miscellaneous commits. [See [https://github.com/QubesOS/qubes-issues/issues/2623 Comments to use Qubes onion repository].]
* Wiki editor and research.
* Forum user support and forum moderator.
* [[Dev/Whonix-Windows-Installer|Whonix Windows Installer]]
| mig5
* [https://www.whonix.org/wiki/OnionShare OnionShare] contributor.
| [https://forums.whonix.org/u/iry/activity iry]
* [[Anon_Connection_Wizard|Anon Connection Wizard]] contributor.
* Miscellaneous.
| Inga Bemman
* GI Engineer, contributor
| Algernon
* [[Live Mode]] contributor.
* {{project_name_short}} CLI contributor.
* [[Dev/Build_Documentation/Physical_Isolation#How_To_Install_{{project_name_gateway_short}}_on_the_Raspberry_Pi_3_B_.28RPI3.29|Raspberry Pi {{project_name_gateway_long}}]] contributor. [See [https://forums.whonix.org/t/whonix-for-arm64-raspberry-pi-rpi/723 Whonix for arm64].]
* Xfce Desktop Environment. [https://forums.whonix.org/t/whonix-xfce-development/6213]
= Project Statements =
= Footnotes =
[[Category:Documentation]] [[Category:Development]]