{{Header}} {{Title| title=Mullvad Browser }} {{#seo: |description=How to install Mullvad Browser in {{project_name_long}}. }} {{browser_mininav}} {{intro| How to install Mullvad Browser in {{project_name_long}}. }} {{stub}} = Introduction = The Mullvad Browser Downloader (by {{project_name_short}} developers) is similar to the Tor Browser Downloader (by Whonix developers) which is documented on the {{whonix_wiki |wikipage=Tor_Browser |text=Whonix's Tor Browser }} wiki page. = Installation = '''1.''' Download the Mullvad Browser downloader by {{project_name_short}} developers. {{Install Package|package= tb-updater tb-starter }} '''2.''' Run the Mullvad Browser downloader. {{CodeSelect|code= update-mullvadbrowser }} = Start = {{CodeSelect|code= mullvadbrowser }} = Mullvad VPN = To the knowledge of the author written in February 2024... One might make the assumption that a browser developed a VPN provider's, uses the VPN provider's VPN by default. Therefore one might assume that Mullvad Browser (MB) uses Mullvad VPN by default. * Does MB use Mullvad VPN by default? No. * Does MB Firefox extension allow to enable Mullvad VPN directly inside Firefox or MB? No. * What is the purpose of MB Firefox extension? It shows the status if Mullvad VPN is in use or not. It also comes with a fail-closed mechanism. If enabled, when using Mullvad VPN system wide (through the usual means of enabling a VPN without using any specific browser) then it will make sure that the browser cannot generate non-VPN traffic. Please ask Mullvad for clarification, not {{project_name_short}}. Please edit the wiki should this information be incorrect or outdated. Upstream bug report: * [https://github.com/mullvad/mullvad-browser/issues/232 usability: user confusion whether a VPN is used or not] = Discussions = * https://github.com/Kicksecure/tb-updater/issues/25 * https://github.com/Kicksecure/tb-updater/pull/26 * https://forums.kicksecure.com/t/tor-project-is-resurrecting-secbrowser-as-mullvad-browser/101/11 * MB as a [[Dev/Default_Browser|Kicksecure Default Browser]]? No. This is a [[declined|declined feature request]]. For reasons, see chapter [[Dev/Default_Browser#Mullvad_Browser|Mullvad Browser as Kicksecure Default Browser?]]. = See Also = * [[Tor Browser]] {{Footer}}