Follow {{project_name_long}} Developments
|description=It is absolutely crucial to subscribe to and read the latest {{project_name_short}} news category 'important-news' to stay in touch with ongoing developments. This way users benefit from notifications concerning important security advisories, potential upgrade issues and improved releases which address identified issues, like those affecting the updater or other core elements.
It is [[#Reason|absolutely crucial]] to subscribe to and read the latest {{project_name_short}} news category 'important-news' to stay in touch with ongoing developments. This way users benefit from notifications concerning important security advisories, potential upgrade issues and improved releases which address identified issues, like those affecting the updater or other core elements.
= {{project_name_short}} News =
For user convenience, there are multiple avenues for receiving news. Choose the most suitable option below.
# [https://forums.{{project_clearnet}}/tags/important-news {{project_name_short}} Important News Forum Tag] ([http://forums.{{project_onion}}/tags/important-news v3 onion]) [[File:Feed-icon.jpeg|25px|alt={{project_name_short}} Important News Forum Tag Rss|link=https://forums.{{project_clearnet}}/tags/important-news.rss]] - Only critical information is reported. This includes security advisories specific to {{project_name_short}} and new stable {{project_name_short}} versions. It is best suited for people with very limited time and interest in {{project_name_short}} development and news.
# [https://forums.{{project_clearnet}}/c/news {{project_name_short}} News Forums] ([http://forums.{{project_onion}}/c/news v3 onion]) [[File:Feed-icon.jpeg|25px|alt={{project_name_short}} News Forums rss|link=https://forums.{{project_clearnet}}/c/news.rss]] - This includes everything including important news and has a relaxed posting policy. Testers-only and developers {{project_name_short}} versions are announced here, along with the publishing of news about updated articles, new features, future features, development, calls for testing, general project ideas and so on.
# [[File:1024px-Telegram_2019_Logo.svg.png|25px|link=https://t.me/s/{{project_telegram_all_news_channel_name}}]] {{Archive_link
|text={{project_name_short}} Telegram News Channel
}}: {{project_name_short}} website {{project_clearnet}}
server status updates as well as same as above.
# Other choices. [
Other choices:
* [https://forums.{{project_clearnet}}/tags/important-news.rss {{project_name_short}} Important News Forum Tag RSS] ([http://forums.{{project_onion}}/tags/important-news.rss v3 onion]) [[File:Feed-icon.jpeg|25px|alt={{project_name_short}} Important News Forum Tag Rss|link=https://forums.{{project_clearnet}}/tags/important-news.rss]].
* [https://forums.{{project_clearnet}}/c/news.rss {{project_name_short}} News Forums RSS] ([http://forums.{{project_onion}}/c/news.rss v3 onion]) [[File:Feed-icon.jpeg|25px|alt={{project_name_short}} News Forums rss|link=https://forums.{{project_clearnet}}/c/news.rss]].
* Subscribe to the [https://forums.{{project_clearnet}}/c/news {{project_name_short}} News Forums] by e-mail. After registering at the [https://forums.{{project_clearnet}} {{project_name_short}} Forums], specific categories of interest such as the [https://forums.{{project_clearnet}}/c/news {{project_name_short}} News Forums] can be selected.
* [[#Social Media Profiles|{{project_name_short}} Social Media Profiles]]
If time-constrained, users should at least read the {{project_name_short}} Important News Forum Tag. Follow the {{project_name_short}} News Forums if detailed anonymity / privacy / security-related issues are of interest, or to follow recent {{project_name_short}} developments.
= Reason =
In the future a theoretical situation might arise that requires users to be notified about a critical security vulnerability, for example: "A severe vulnerability in APT is being actively exploited by Tor exit relays against random users. Stop using APT until there is a solution." Therefore, a reliable mechanism is needed to quickly notify as many users as possible.
= Debian Security Announcements =
Since {{project_name_short}} is [[Based_on_Debian|based on Debian]], users should consider subscribing to the Debian [https://lists.debian.org/debian-security-announce/ security announcement mailing list] to stay informed about the latest security advisories. See also chapter [[Operating_System_Hardening#Debian_Security_Announcements|Debian Security Announcements]].
= Operating System Updates =
As strongly recommended in the Security Guide, it is necessary to regularly check for [[Operating_System_Software_and_Updates#Updates|operating system updates]] on the host operating system, and both the {{project_name_workstation_long}} and {{project_name_gateway_long}}.
= Social Media Profiles =
There are some [[Official Online Profiles|Official {{project_name_short}} Social Media Profiles]] online, but please do not rely on them for the latest {{project_name_short}} News or to contact {{project_name_short}} developers (see [[support]] and [[contact]]).
As some users will disregard this advice, messages from the {{project_name_short}} Feature Blog are most times posted on [[File:1024px-Telegram_2019_Logo.svg.png|25px|link=https://t.me/kicksecure]] {{Archive_link
|text={{project_name_short}} Telegram News Channel
}}, [[File:twitter.png|25px|link=https://twitter.com/{{project_name_short}}]] {{Archive_link
|text={{project_name_short}} Twitter Profile
}} and the [[File:facebook.png|25px|link=https://www.facebook.com/{{project_name_short}}]] {{Archive_link
|text={{project_name_short}} Facebook Profile
}}. However, they are most times not mirrored to other {{project_name_short}} social media profiles.
If it is safe to inform others about {{project_name_short}}, feel free to [[Contribute|Contribute]] via an anonymous account that follows or likes these profiles. This page can be shared on: {{Share}}
= Source Code =
If {{project_name_short}} source code updates are of interest, [[Dev/git#subscribe_to_code_changes|subscribe to code changes]].
= {{project_name_short}} Repository Testers =
= Footnotes =
[[Category:Documentation]] [[Category:Design]]