{{Header}} {{hide_all_banners}}
{{project_name_long}} Project Transparency
|description=Transparency - Advertisements on the {{project_name_short}} Website, Sponsorships. Past and Present Sponsorships, Sponsorship Policies.
[[File:{{project_name_short}}-logo-text.svg|thumb||{{project_name_short}} [[Dev/Logo|logo]]]]
Transparency - Advertisements on the {{project_name_short}} Website, Sponsorships. Past and Present Sponsorships, Sponsorship Policies.
= Present Sponsorships =
== Monetary Present Sponsorships ==
=== FUTO (Whonix only) (2024-08-26) ===
[https://futo.org/ FUTO] is mentioned on the {{whonix_wiki
|text=Whonix Donors Recognition
}} page. FUTO does not request special sponsors privileges on feature inclusion, changes, etc. The donation was given expressly to help the project. FUTO does not wish to influence the direction of the project.
=== Power Up Privacy (PUP) (2024-08-15) ===
[https://powerupprivacy.com/ Power Up Privacy (PUP)] is mentioned on the [[Donors|Kicksecure, Whonix Donors Recognition]] page as well as mentioned in the page footer. PUP does not request special sponsors privileges on feature inclusion, changes, etc. The donation was given expressly to help the project. PUP does not wish to influence the direction of the project.
PUP is also supporting other related projects such as The Tor Project, and Monero. This list is non-exhaustive. See the PUP website for further information.
=== Conditions ===
* Amount of influence: none
* Non-monetary contributions: none
* Hiring influence: none
* Writing code: none
* Suggesting features: none
== Non-Monetary Present Sponsorships ==
None currently.
== Voluntary Listings ==
* Search engines: This is a voluntary listing by {{project_name_short}} and no discussions have occurred with any of these services. Also see [https://forums.whonix.org/t/local-browser-homepage-for-tor-browser-in-whonix/347/101 this forum post].
** YaCy | Qwant | ecosia | MetaGer | peekier: Kicksecure, Whonix, because reachable over both, clearnet and Tor.
** perplexity, cannot be reached over Tor, therefore Kicksecure only.
** Ahmia, onion services can only be reached over Tor, therefore Whonix only.
** all (if not specifically named here)
= Past Sponsorships =
== Monetary Post Sponsorships ==
=== EyeOnPASS (2018) ===
* Time: 2018
* Where: Actually on the Whonix website only. Not on the Kicksecure website, which did not exist at this time. Why mention this on the Kicksecure website? See footnote. [
For simplicity, to be able to maintain this wiki page as {{kicksecure_wiki
* Amount of influence: none
* Non-monetary contributions: none
* Hiring influence: none
* Writing code: none
* Suggesting features: none
* Forum discussion: [https://forums.whonix.org/t/eyeonpass-com-sponsorship/4943 EyeOnPASS.com]
== Non-Monetary Past Sponsorships ==
=== All non-monetary sponsorships up to 2023 ===
The past list of advertisements includes:
* Fosshost: fosshost.org
was a non-profit organization that provided hosting services to the open source community. Fosshost provided a stage server for {{Kicksecure}}.
* Jobble: link exchange. It shows advertisements for {{project_name_short}} for related searches.
* Evolution Host: provided system administration advice for the {{project_clearnet}}
These advertisements did not:
* result in monetary compensation for the {{project_name_short}} project;
* influence the direction of {{project_name_short}} development; or
* lead to changes in {{project_name_short}} software or website choices (apart from the advertisement itself).
When? Several years ago.
== Past Sponsorship Grants ==
=== OTF (2015) ===
* Where: Actually on the Whonix website only. Not on the Kicksecure website, which did not exist at this time. Why mention this on the Kicksecure website? See footnote.
* When: 2015
* Details:
** https://blog.invisiblethings.org/2015/06/04/otf-funding-announcement.html
** https://forums.whonix.org/t/whonix-host-operating-system-announcing-sponsorship-by-otf/1122
= Future Changes =
Any future changes will be documented on this page.
= Third-Party Policies =
== General Third-Party Policies ==
== Policy for Advertising on {{project_clearnet}} ==
* No targeted ads
* No tracking
* No spying
* No loading of web content from third party pages
* Just text and images
* Advertisements marked as advertisements
* No JavaScript or similar
== Affiliate Policy ==
This is only a consideration for a hypothetical future situation. Example: a VPN provider would offer sponsorship if {{project_name_short}} would provide a wizard for easily setting up VPN [trial] accounts.
* Non-default option
* Non-persuasive option
* Installing only Freedom Software by default (no non-Free, proprietary, nagware)
* Transparency about the partnership
* Maybe publishing scale of sponsorship (sum)
* Sticking to fair, nuanced, intellectually honest option about pros and cons
** https://www.whonix.org/wiki/Whonix_versus_Proxies
** https://gitlab.torproject.org/legacy/trac/-/wikis/doc/TorPlusVPN
** https://www.whonix.org/wiki/Features#Tunnel_Support
* No marketing lies
* Wizard for easily setting up [trial] accounts
* Easily replaceable with other vendors
= See Also =
* [[Official Online Profiles|Official {{project_name_short}} Online Profiles and Social Media]]
= Footnotes =