These are root-install disks for Slackware 2.0.0.

You will need one of these disks to install Linux. The disk is created by 
uncompressing the image with GZIP.EXE. (Example: GZIP -d colrlite.gz), and
then writing the image out with RAWRITE.EXE. RAWRITE is interactive and 
reasonably user-friendly.

Here's a description of the choices:

1.2 MB drives: (NOTE: If you have a 1.44 MB second floppy drive, you can use the
                      1.44 MB root disks in it)

colrlite.gz: A root-install disk for 1.2 MB floppy drives. This disk uses the
new full-screen color install program. The keytable support that is present in
color144 was removed so this could fit on a 1.2 MB disk.  NOTE: This version of the install system
has some known bugs. It is, in particular, not forgiving of extra keystrokes
entered between screens. It is nice to look at, though. :^)

umsdos12.gz: A version of colrlite used to install using UMSDOS - a filesystem
that allows you to install Linux into a directory on an existing MS-DOS
partition. Not as fast as ext2 or xiafs, but it works, and you don't have to
repartition your drive. See README.UMS for more information.

tty12.gz: A root-install disk for 1.2 MB floppy drives. This contains new 
versions of the tty-based install scripts from previous Slackware releases. All
the new keymaps should be supported.

tape12.gz: A semi-experimental disk designed to support installation from tape.
See the file README_T.APE for more information about this disk.
