Package: acct
Description-md5: b24f45ef7d67937aa65ecb8e36a7e5a1
Description-tr: Süreç ve oturum muhasebesi GNU Muhasebe araçları
 GNU Muhasebe Araçları; kullanıcıların bağlı kaldıkları süreler ve
 işlettikleri süreçler hakkında raporlama yapar ve veri özetleri sunar.
 "Oturum muhasebesi"; sistem kaynaklarının kullanımı hakkında, bağlantı
 süresine göre özet bilgi sunar. "Süreç muhasebesi" ise, sistem üzerinde
 çalıştırılan komutlara ilişkin özet bilgi sunar.
 'last' komutu sysvinit paketi ile sağlanmaktadır, burada mevcut değildir.

Package: acl
Description-md5: 75eddab5ddd2597445b43aa18f0db77a
Description-tr: Erişim kontrol listesi araçları
 Bu paket, erişim kontrol listelerini değiştirmek için gerekli getfacl ve
 setfacl araçlarını içerir.

Package: acpi-support
Description-md5: 3da3f1fdfeedd4b9182ff4fd508042a7
Description-tr: çok sayıda ACPI olayını yönetmek için gerekli betikler
 This package contains scripts to react to various ACPI events. It only
 includes scripts for events that can be supported with some level of
 safety cross platform.
 It is able to:
  * Detect loss and gain of AC power, lid closure, and the press of a
    number of specific buttons (on Asus, IBM, Lenovo, Panasonic, Sony
    and Toshiba laptops).
  * Suspend, hibernate and resume the computer, with workarounds for
    hardware that needs it.
  * On some laptops, set screen brightness.

Package: acpid
Description-md5: 6a7c4e4695f570d8fbcaec667cdcfcfe
Description-tr: Gelişmiş Konfigürasyon ve Güç Arabirimi olay artalan süreci
 Modern bilgisayarlar, pil ve yapılandırma durumunu sorgulamaya ve
 sisteminizde akıllı güç yönetimine olanak sağlayan Gelişmiş Yapılandırma
 ve Güç Arabirimi'ni (ACPI) destekler.
 ACPID is a completely flexible, totally extensible daemon for delivering
 ACPI events. It listens on netlink interface (or on the deprecated file
 /proc/acpi/event), and when an event occurs, executes programs to handle
 the event. The programs it executes are configured through a set of
 configuration files, which can be dropped into place by packages or by the

Package: adduser
Description-md5: 7965b5cd83972a254552a570bcd32c93
Description-tr: kullanıcı ya da grup ekleme ve silme
 Bu paket kullanıcı yaratma ve silme işlemleri için 'adduser' ve 'deluser'
 komutlarını içerir.
  - 'adduser' yeni kullanıcılar ile gruplar oluşturur ve var olan kullanıcıları
    var olan gruplara ekler;
  - 'deluser' kullanıcı ile grupları kaldırır ve kullanıcıları belirtilmiş olan bir
    gruptan kaldırır.
 'adduser' ile kullanıcı eklemek elle eklemekten çok daha kolaydır. Adduser
 uygun UID (kullanıcı no) ve GID (Grup No) değerlerini seçer, bir ev dizini
 oluşturur, iskelet kullanıcı yapılandırmasını kopyalar ve kullanıcının
 şifresi, gerçek adı gibi başlangıç değerlerini ayarlar.
 Deluser kullanıcıların ev dizinleri, posta kuyrukları ve sistemde sahip
 oldukları dosyaları yedekleyip silebilir.
 Her komuttan sonra özel bir betik çalıştırılabilir.
  GeliÅŸtirici e-posta listesi:

Package: adium-theme-ubuntu
Description-md5: 314da14682c298664cc6118ca7defcf7
Description-tr: Ubuntu için Adium ileti tarzı
 Adium message style for Ubuntu, to be used in an instant messenger that
 supports Adium message styles, such as Empathy.

Package: aide
Description-md5: 2f952d2016068a66962bb96ea84f8fc7
Description-tr: Gelişmiş Girdi Tespit Ortamı (AIDE) - statik derlenmiş
 AIDE yerel sistemdeki dosyalarda değişiklikleri algılayan bir izinsiz
 giriş tespit sistemidir. Config dosyasında bulanan regular expression
 kurallarından bir veritabanı oluşturur. Bu veritabanı faaliyete
 geçtiğinde, dosyaların bütünlüğünü doğrulamak için kullanılabilir.
 Dosyanın bütünlüğünü kontrol etmek için kullanılan bir dizi ileti özeti
 alagoritmasına (md5. sha1. rmd160. tiger. haval. gibi) sahiptir. Görece
 kolaylıklı daha fazla alagoritma eklenebilir. Tüm dosya öznitelikleri
 uyuşmazlıklar için ayrıca kontrol edilebilir.
 Bu paket ''normal'' sistemler için sabit olarak ikili bağıntı içerir
 You will almost certainly want to tweak the configuration file in
 /etc/aide/aide.conf or drop your own config snippets into
 Upstream URL:

Package: aide-common
Description-md5: 6bf2528925c7fbc4992d4b15aca1a673
Description-tr: Gelişmiş izinsiz giriş tespit ortamı -  Ortak dosyalar
 AIDE yerel sistemdeki dosyalarda değişiklikleri algılayan bir izinsiz
 giriş tespit sistemidir. Config dosyasında bulanan regular expression
 kurallarından bir veritabanı oluşturur. Bu veritabanı faaliyete
 geçtiğinde, dosyaların bütünlüğünü doğrulamak için kullanılabilir.
 Dosyanın bütünlüğünü kontrol etmek için kullanılan bir dizi ileti özeti
 alagoritmasına (md5. sha1. rmd160. tiger. haval. gibi) sahiptir. Görece
 kolaylıklı daha fazla alagoritma eklenebilir. Tüm dosya öznitelikleri
 uyuşmazlıklar için ayrıca kontrol edilebilir.
 Bu paket, asıl derlenmiş paket'in çalıştırılması için gereken temel ve
 yapılandırma dosyalarını içerir.
 You will almost certainly want to tweak the configuration file in
 /etc/aide/aide.conf or drop your own config snippets into
 Upstream URL:

Package: aisleriot
Description-md5: 6648ddf4a02b6fc839ef819d1867cb82
Description-tr: Solitaire kart oyunları
 80'den farklı solitaire oyununun bir kombinasyonu. Favorilerden: Freecell
 ve Klondike'ten umutsuzca amaçsız olan Clock Patience'e kadar.

Package: akonadi-dbg
Description-md5: 97e1d848cb04dc189ae9e4684c72a6fc
Description-tr: Akonadi PIM yığın bellek hizmeti için hata ayıklayıcı
 Akonadi is an extensible cross-desktop Personal Information Management
 (PIM) storage service.  It provides a common framework for applications to
 store and access mail, calendars, addressbooks, and other PIM data.
 Bu dosya Akonadi PIM yığın bellek hizmeti ile ilgili problemleri
 araştırmak için kullanılan hata ayıklayıcı dosyalar içerir.

Package: akonadi-server
Description-md5: b8476fa826d70eb4b0f59d9bb72750bb
Description-tr: Akonadi PIM yığın bellek hizmeti
 Akonadi is an extensible cross-desktop Personal Information Management
 (PIM) storage service.  It provides a common framework for applications to
 store and access mail, calendars, addressbooks, and other PIM data.
 This package contains the Akonadi PIM storage server and associated
 programs. It pulls in all required dependencies including the MySQL server

Package: alacarte
Description-md5: ea89a81c038b7864336ed55a2783b93b
Description-tr: Kolay GNOME menü düzenleme aracı
 Alacarte GNOME için yeni girişlerin ve menülerin eklenebildiği kullanımı
 kolay bir menü düzenleyicidir. menü özellikleriyle ve
 spec. kullanan herhangibi bir masaüstü ortamıyla çalışır.

Package: alien
Description-md5: 250884c1c7113f08b8c335ac3cf22206
Description-tr: rpm ve diğer paket türklerini çevir ve yükle
 Alien dpkg ile yüklenilebilen Debian paketleri içindeki LAS. Red Hat.
 Stampede ve Slackware paketlerini dönüştürmenize olanak verir.
 Ayrıca herhangibi bir diğer formatta paketler oluşturabilir.
 Bu sadece derlenmiş paketler için uygun bir araçtır.

Package: alsa-base
Description-md5: 14d30d1beb8026b3d2636c32c5a92cca
Description-tr: ALSA sürücüsü yapılandırma dosyaları
 Bu paket ALSA sürücüleri için birçok yapılandırma dosyası içerir.
 Ses kartıyla gelen bir sistemde ALSA'nın çalışması için: bu kart için
 kernel-de bir ALSA sürücüsü olması gerekir. Linux-image paketlerine
 yüklenmiş Linux 2.6 yüklenilebilir modüllerin formundaki bütün desteklenen
 ALSA ses kartı sürücülerini içerir. İsteğe uyarlanmış bir alsa-modules
 paketi alsa-source paketi m-a yardımcı uygulaması kullanılarak (module-
 assistant paketinde yerleşik) yapılandırılabilir. Lütfen modüllerin
 yüklenmesi ve yapılandırılması ile ilgili olarak daha fazla bilgi için
 README.Debian dosyasını okuyunuz.
 ALSA is the Advanced Linux Sound Architecture.

Package: amarok-common
Description-md5: 7edb06ad8d166860bb6c8a6ff4667004
Description-tr: Amarok için mimariden bağımsız dosyalar
 Bu paket Amarok' un düzgün çalışması için bağımsız mimari dosyalar içerir.
 Bu nedenle yüklenmiş aynı versiyon 'amarok' paketiniz olsa bile bu paketi
 çok işe yarar bulacaksınız.

Package: amarok-dbg
Description-md5: 11a8ecdda53370b64ba5912cbe25c09a
Description-tr: Amarok için hata ayıklama sembolleri
 Bu paket amarok kaynak paketinde yapılanmış tüm ikili paketler için hata
 ayıklama simgeleri sağlar. Amarok geliştiricilerinden ya da Debian paket
 bakımcılarından birine herhangibi Amarok hatası raporlamadan önce bu
 paketin yüklenmesi önemli derecede tavsiye edilir.

Package: amarok-utils
Description-md5: 902c3b6707d3e170627b7353c75854f9
Description-tr: Amarok media oynatıcı için araçlar
 Bu paket tipik olarak Amarok media oynatıcısı ile kullanılan  komut satırı
 yardımcı programlarını içerir fakat Amarok yüklenmemiş sistemlerde de
 kullanışlı olabilir. KDE kitaplıklarına bağlı olmadan hafif olmak için
 Paket şu haliyle aşağıdaki özellikleri içerir:
   - amarokcollectionscanner - ses dosyalarını tarayıp dosya etiketlerinden bilgi toplar
     ve yapılandırılmış XML formatında bastırır.
   - amarok_afttagger - Gömülü "Amarok Dosya İzleme" sistemi için gerekli olan özel
     etiketleri dosyalara yazmaya ve dosyalardan silmeye yardımcı olan bir uygulamadır.

Package: amavisd-new
Description-md5: d95fd9c270e69763b2674a7c7629b731
Description-tr: MTA ve virüs tarayıcı/içerik filtreleyici arasında arayüz
 AMaViSd-new is a script that interfaces a mail transport agent (MTA) with
 zero or more virus scanners, and spamassassin (optional).
 It supports all common virus scanners (more than 20 different AVs), with
 direct talk-to-daemon support for ClamAV, OpenAntiVirus, Trophie, AVG,
 f-prot, and Sophos AVs.
 AMaViSd-new supports all MTAs through its generic SMTP/LMTP filter mode
 (ideal for postfix and exim).  It is faster and safer to use the SMTP/LMTP
 filter mode than using the AMaViS pipe client.  It supports sendmail
 milter through the amavisd-new-milter package.

Package: anacron
Description-md5: 98c80c63ed6d85b30d3e95d03396653d
Description-tr: cron-like program that doesn't go by time
 Anacron ('yanlış tarihlenmiş' gibi) bir periyodik zamanlayıcı komutudur.
 Belirlenmiş gün aralıklarında komutu uygular. Cron' dan farklı olarak
 sistemin sürekli çalıştığını varsaymaz. Bu yüzden günde 24 saat çalışmayan
 sistemlerde günlük. haftalık ve aylık işlerin (ya da herhangibi bir
 periyoddaki n kadar günün) yürütülmesini kontrol etmek için
 kullanılabilir. Yüklenip doğru bir şekilde yapılandırıldığında. Anacron bu
 komutların makina açık olduğu zamanlara en yakın belirlenmiş aralıklarla
 çalıştığına emin olur.
 Bu paket Debian sistemin günlük işlerini yürütmek için  ön-
 yapılandırılmıştır. Eğer sisteminiz günde 24 saat açık değilse diğer
 Debian paketlerinin bakım işlerinin her gün yürütüldüğünden emin olmak
 için bu programı yüklemelisiniz.

Package: ant
Description-md5: 5ceb3b9317ae6734ab188db300acaade
Description-tr: make benzeri Java tabanlı inşa aracı
 A system independent (i.e. not shell based) build tool that uses XML files
 as "Makefiles". This package contains the scripts and the core tasks

Package: ant-doc
Description-md5: 57a585c539546126acd9aa0e320f0d4d
Description-tr: make benzeri Java tabanlı inşa aracı - API belgelendirme ve yardımı
 A system independent (i.e. not shell based) build tool that uses XML files
 as "Makefiles". This package contains the manual of ant as well as the
 Javadoc API documentation.

Package: ant-gcj
Description-md5: a8a4ebdea915462792304a2aef9dd221
Description-tr: make benzeri Java tabanlı inşa aracı
 A system independent (i.e. not shell based) build tool that uses XML files
 as "Makefiles".
 This package contains a native version of ant built using gcj.

Package: ant-optional
Description-md5: ccdbce1086b391c7aabff03d95a69d02
Description-tr: make benzeri Java tabanlı inşa aracı - isteğe bağlı kütüphaneler
 A system independent (i.e. not shell based) build tool that uses XML files
 as "Makefiles". This package contains the optional tasks libraries.

Package: ant-optional-gcj
Description-md5: 3bdbfa4acc0dabe5bf0b6f8434260355
Description-tr: make benzeri Java tabanlı inşa aracı - API belgelendirme ve yardımı
 A system independent (i.e. not shell based) build tool that uses XML files
 as "Makefiles". This package contains the optional tasks libraries
 compiled natively.

Package: antlr-doc
Description-md5: 2c7eadb8bcc6ff951791285f19c40007
Description-tr: language tool for constructing recognizers, compilers etc
 This package contains the documentation and examples for antlr. ANTLR
 stands for ANother Tool for Language Recognition, (formerly PCCTS). It is
 a language tool that provides a framework for constructing recognizers,
 compilers, and translators from grammatical descriptions containing C++ or
 Java actions [You can use PCCTS 1.xx to generate C-based parsers].
 Tam bir açıklama için antlr peketine bakın

Package: apache2
Description-md5: d24f049cd70ccfc178dd8974e4b1ed01
Description-tr: Apache HTTP Sunucu meta-paketi
 The Apache Software Foundation's goal is to build a secure, efficient and
 extensible HTTP server as standards-compliant open source software. The
 result has long been the number one web server on the Internet.
 It features support for HTTPS, virtual hosting, CGI, SSI, IPv6, easy
 scripting and database integration, request/response filtering, many
 flexible authentication schemes, and more.

Package: apache2-doc
Description-md5: 268d5339b3063f1f4a1f8ba078480a2a
Description-tr: Apache HTTP Sunucu belgelendirmesi
 Bu paket, Apache 2 için belgelendirmeyi sağlar. Daha fazla ayrıntı için
 apache2 paket tanımına bakın.

Package: apache2-utils
Description-md5: c0f244ebe5ae8893ad856a675f468b18
Description-tr: Web sunucuları için araçlar
 Provides some add-on programs useful for any webserver.  These include:
  - ab (Apache benchmark tool)
  - logresolve (Resolve IP addresses to hostname in logfiles)
  - htpasswd (Manipulate basic authentication files)
  - htdigest (Manipulate digest authentication files)
  - dbmmanage (Manipulate basic authentication files in DBM format, using perl)
  - htdbm (Manipulate basic authentication files in DBM format, using APR)
  - rotatelogs (Periodically stop writing to a logfile and open a new one)
  - split-logfile (Split a single log including multiple vhosts)
  - checkgid (Checks whether the caller can setgid to the specified group)
  - check_forensic (Extract mod_log_forensic output from Apache log files)

Package: apache2.2-common
Description-md5: 214ca4adfc4cb3d8083d736c7fe47647
Description-tr: Apache HTTP Sunucu ortak dosyalar
 The Apache Software Foundation's goal is to build a secure, efficient and
 extensible HTTP server as standards-compliant open source software. The
 result has long been the number one web server on the Internet.
 This package contains the configuration and support scripts. However, it
 does *not* include the server itself; for this you need to install one of
 the apache2-mpm-* packages, such as worker or prefork.

Package: apmd
Description-md5: 101bf0154b06ad4d7eee1e65235e7658
Description-tr: Gelişmiş Güç Yönetimi (APM) için araçlar
 On laptop computers, the Advanced Power Management (APM) support provides
 access to battery status information and may help you to conserve battery
 power, depending on your laptop and the APM implementation.  The apmd
 program also lets you run arbitrary programs when APM events happen (for
 example, you can eject PCMCIA devices when you suspend, or change hard
 drive timeouts when you connect the battery).
 This package contains apmd(8), a daemon for logging and acting on APM
 events; and apm(1), a client that prints the information in /proc/apm in a
 readable format.
 apmd is notified of APM events by the APM driver in the kernel.
 Since lenny Debian kernels are not built with APM support anymore. You
 need to compile a kernel with apm support enabled to use this package. You
 need to boot the kernel with the "apm=on" option if you want to enable the
 In most cases, users may want to know that there are newer power
 management schemes, like ACPI.

Package: app-install-data
Description-md5: 99615ad4f7a187b47224586868e601b4
Description-tr: Ubuntu uygulamaları (veri dosyaları)
 This package contains the Ubuntu specific application data for gnome-app-
 install, an easy to use and simple application installer.

Package: app-install-data-partner
Description-md5: 61a3a984760f64a77423188997d5601e
Description-tr: Application Installer (data files for partner applications/repositories)
 Hoş bir uygulama yükleyici.
 This package contains the data files for the partner applications and
 repositories available in gnome-app-install.

Package: apparmor-docs
Description-md5: ca238fbee0c75e966c57c3649cd3bc9a
Description-tr: AppArmor için belgelendirme
 Thie provides some technical documentation for the AppArmor Mandatory
 Access Control system. Currently this is only a single PDF covering basic
 operation, written some time ago.

Package: apparmor-utils
Description-md5: 22a5090997862bae53e19125fba08de9
Description-tr: AppArmor'ı kontrol etmek için araçlar
 This provides the utilities to operate on AppArmor profiles, as well as
 the Perl modules needed for AppArmor audit log parsing. Profiles can be
 created, updated, enforced, set to complain mode, and disabled.

Package: apport
Description-md5: c04626471654f9246cf5e28b560d262e
Description-tr: hata ayıklama için otomatik olarak çökme raporları oluştur
 apport automatically collects data from crashed processes and compiles a
 problem report in /var/crash/. This utilizes the crashdump helper hook
 provided by the Ubuntu kernel.
 This package also provides a command line frontend for browsing and
 handling the crash reports. For desktops, you should consider installing
 the GTK+ or Qt user interface (apport-gtk or apport-kde).

Package: apport-gtk
Description-md5: 2f45e17d5bf22355d7921dba196ae6dd
Description-tr: Apport çökme bildirim sistemi için GTK+ arayüzü
 apport automatically collects data from crashed processes and compiles a
 problem report in /var/crash/. This utilizes the crashdump helper hook
 provided by the Ubuntu kernel.
 This package provides a GTK+ frontend for browsing and handling the crash

Package: apport-kde
Description-md5: c8fd570a74a013e8fc3c502dd64152ce
Description-tr: Apport çökme bildirim sistemi için KDE arayüzü
 apport automatically collects data from crashed processes and compiles a
 problem report in /var/crash/. This utilizes the crashdump helper hook
 provided by the Ubuntu kernel.
 This package provides a KDE frontend for browsing and handling the crash

Package: apport-retrace
Description-md5: 18abc28e83b55951e8d4b0b772f61e3b
Description-tr: Apport çökme raporlarını yeniden işlemek için araçlar
 apport-retrace recombines an Apport crash report (either a file or a
 Launchpad bug) and debug symbol packages (.ddebs) into fully symbolic
 stack traces.
 This package also ships apport-chroot. This tool can create and manage
 chroots for usage with apport-retrace. If the fakeroot and fakechroot
 libraries are available (either by installing the packages or by merely
 putting their libraries somewhere and setting two environment variables),
 the entire process of retracing crashes in chroots can happen with normal
 user privileges.

Package: apt
Description-md5: d41ee493aa9fcc6cbc9ce4eb7069959c
Description-tr: Dpkg için gelişmiş bir arayüz
 This is Debian's next generation front-end for the dpkg package manager.
 It provides the apt-get utility and APT dselect method that provides a
 simpler, safer way to install and upgrade packages.
 APT features complete installation ordering, multiple source capability
 and several other unique features, see the Users Guide in apt-doc.

Package: apt-doc
Description-md5: 9b6a7aeacfdf621c39e12d6845a9b3ce
Description-tr: APT için belgelendirme
 This package contains the user guide and offline guide, for APT, an
 Advanced Package Tool.

Package: apt-listchanges
Description-md5: ff242d11e25a826706c61be7ebf92ad4
Description-tr: paket değişim geçmişi bilgilendirme aracı
 The tool apt-listchanges can compare a new version of a package with the
 one currently installed and show what has been changed, by extracting the
 relevant entries from the Debian changelog and NEWS files.
 It can be run on several .deb archives at a time to get a list of all
 changes that would be caused by installing or upgrading a group of
 packages. When configured as an APT plugin it will do this automatically
 during upgrades.

Package: apt-utils
Description-md5: 89ba4d29ff1b6c208bff38a20bd46c2b
Description-tr: APT araçları
 This package contains some APT utility programs such as apt-ftparchive,
 apt-sortpkgs and apt-extracttemplates.
 apt-extracttemplates is used by debconf to prompt for configuration
 questions before installation. apt-ftparchive is used to create Package
 and other index files. apt-sortpkgs is a Package/Source file normalizer.

Package: aptdaemon
Description-md5: 62bc39130dbc5a859d88440f54c4655c
Description-tr: transaction based package management service
 Aptdaemon allows normal users to perform package management tasks, e.g.
 refreshing the cache, upgrading the system, installing or removing
 software packages.
 İzleyen temel özelliklerle birlikte gelir:
  - Programming language independent D-Bus interface, which allows to
    write clients in several languages
  - Runs only if required (D-Bus activation)
  - Fine grained privilege management using PolicyKit, e.g. allowing all
    desktop user to query for updates without entering a password
  - Support for media changes during installation from DVD/CDROM
  - Support for debconf (Debian's package configuration system)
  - Support for attaching a terminal to the underlying dpkg call
 This package contains the aptd script and all the data files required to
 run the daemon. Moreover it contains the aptdcon script, which is a
 command line client for aptdaemon. The API is not stable yet.

Package: aptitude-dbg
Description-md5: 3796a22a34ca086b2f8cb908e2a35aff
Description-tr: Aptitude paket yöneticisi için hata ayıklama simgeleri
 aptitude is a terminal-based package manager with a number of useful
 features, including: a mutt-like syntax for matching packages in a
 flexible manner, dselect-like persistence of user actions, the ability to
 retrieve and display the Debian changelog of most packages, and a command-
 line mode similar to that of apt-get.
 This package contains the debugging symbols for aptitude.  You only need
 these if you want to generate debugging backtraces of aptitude; if you do,
 you probably also want the debug package for the cwidget library.

Package: aptitude-doc-en
Description-md5: 91ecee7dda6008d74feafb5e81e3d73e
Description-tr: Aptitude, konsol tabanlı bir paket yöneticisi, için İngilizce yardım dosyası
 aptitude is a terminal-based package manager.  This package contains the
 English version of the aptitude user's manual in HTML format.

Package: apturl
Description-md5: 0ff87045fbbd2d7c44b70b7ac3d409e1
Description-tr: apt protokolünü kullanarak paket yükleyin - GTK+ arayüzü
 AptUrl is a simple graphical application that takes an URL (which follows
 the apt-protocol) as a command line option, parses it and carries out the
 operations that the URL describes (that is, it asks the user if he wants
 the indicated packages to be installed and if the answer is positive does
 so for him).
 This package contains the GTK+ frontend.

Package: apturl-common
Description-md5: 1a9a3582fbd6f80810cf5bf2bc1a5249
Description-tr: apt protokolünü kullanarak paket yükleyin - ortak veriler
 AptUrl is a simple graphical application that takes an URL (which follows
 the apt-protocol) as a command line option, parses it and carries out the
 operations that the URL describes (that is, it asks the user if he wants
 the indicated packages to be installed and if the answer is positive does
 so for him).
 This package contains the common data shared between the frontends.

Package: apturl-kde
Description-md5: a4b4a26c612de7e3e69da6a468094181
Description-tr: apt protokolünü kullanarak paket yükleyin - KDE arayüzü
 AptUrl is a simple graphical application that takes an URL (which follows
 the apt-protocol) as a command line option, parses it and carries out the
 operations that the URL describes (that is, it asks the user if he wants
 the indicated packages to be installed and if the answer is positive does
 so for him).
 This package contains the KDE frontend.

Package: at-spi-doc
Description-md5: 222491e2c82592a065920601156a9de8
Description-tr: Documentation files of at-spi for GNOME Accessibility
 at-spi is the "Assistive Technology Service Provider Interface".
 Accessibility is enabling people with disabilities to participate in
 substantial life activities that include work and the use of services,
 products and information.
 Bu paket, at-spi için belgelendirme dosyalarını içerir.

Package: augeas-dbg
Description-md5: 04bb4e8b4c50b75a43a23eeb7fc23ad2
Description-tr: libaugeas0 için hata ayıklama simgeleri
 Augeas is a configuration editing tool. It parses configuration files in
 their native formats and transforms them into a tree. Configuration
 changes are made by manipulating this tree and saving it back into native
 config files.
 This package provides debugging symbols for augeas, both the core library
 and the tools, to assist in diagnosing critical bugs.  It is not required
 for normal operation.

Package: augeas-tools
Description-md5: 3910bb8edac0a7a2eb4c78437f67490b
Description-tr: Augeas komut satırı araçları
 Augeas is a configuration editing tool. It parses configuration files in
 their native formats and transforms them into a tree. Configuration
 changes are made by manipulating this tree and saving it back into native
 config files.
 This package provides command line tools based on libaugeas0: - augtool, a
 tool to manage configuration files. - augparse, a testing and debugging
 tool for augeas lenses.

Package: auth-client-config
Description-md5: 4cc8ab70be75a9c4a7a4aadde9497ff1
Description-tr: pam ve NSS profil deÄŸiÅŸtirici
 Script for modifying nsswitch.conf and pam configuration using a database
 of predefined configurations. Its intended use is to enable easier
 configuration of network authentication and authorization (such as LDAP
 and Kerberos).

Package: autofs5
Description-md5: d28d60b63cb0f29dbecbab5e6da68927
Description-tr: Linux için çekirdek tabanlı otomatik bağlayıcı, sürüm 5
 Autofs controls the operation of the automount daemons. The automount
 daemons automatically mount filesystems when they are used and unmount
 them after a period of inactivity. This is done based on a set of pre-
 configured maps.
 The kernel automounter implements an almost complete SunOS style
 automounter under Linux. A recent version of the kernel autofs4 module
 (builtin or separate) is required.

Package: autogen
Description-md5: 2f86cfabb08ada7ec7136b2b9acca967
Description-tr: otomatik metin dosyası oluşturucu
 AutoGen is a tool designed for generating program files that contain
 repetitive text with varied substitutions. This is especially valuable if
 there are several blocks of such text that must be kept synchronized.
 Included with AutoGen is a tool that virtually eliminates the hassle of
 processing options, keeping usage text up to date and so on. This tool
 allows you to specify several program attributes, innumerable options and
 option attributes, then it produces all the code necessary to parse and
 handle the command line and initialization file options.
 This package contains the development tools. libopts25-dev contains the
 static libraries and header files. libopts25 contains the shared

Package: automoc
Description-md5: 089a1b306f5bbbf5910999a44b5b53b9
Description-tr: Qt 4 paketleri için otomatik moc
 This package contains the automoc4 binary which is used to run moc on the
 right binaries in a Qt 4 or KDE 4 application.
 Moc is the meta object compiler which is a much used tool when using the
 Qt toolkit.

Package: avahi-daemon
Description-md5: 13d651a25febc553220e03e75c6f4c7b
Description-tr: Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD hizmeti
 Avahi is a fully LGPL framework for Multicast DNS Service Discovery. It
 allows programs to publish and discover services and hosts running on a
 local network with no specific configuration. For example you can plug
 into a network and instantly find printers to print to, files to look at
 and people to talk to.
 This package contains the Avahi Daemon which represents your machine on
 the network and allows other applications to publish and resolve mDNS/DNS-
 SD records.

Package: avahi-dbg
Description-md5: be77e76d0e7f31e403a87133b185f545
Description-tr: Avahi - hata ayıklama simgeleri
 This package contains detached debugging symbols for the binary packages
 produced by the avahi source.
 Most people will not need this package.

Package: awstats
Description-md5: 13563117d747b5d1acdce35986df9f8a
Description-tr: güçlü ve zengin özelliklere sahip bir web sunucusu kayıt çözümleyicisi
 Advanced Web Statistics (AWStats) is a powerful web server logfile
 analyzer written in perl that shows you all your web statistics including
 visits, unique visitors, pages, hits, rush hours, search engines, keywords
 used to find your site, robots, broken links and more. Gives more detailed
 information and better graphical charts than webalizer, and is easier to
 use. Works with several web server log format as a CGI and/or from command
 line. Supports more than 30 languages.

Package: bcc
Description-md5: 268215b21e3311cc4ec3976927b43fee
Description-tr: 16-bit x86 C derleyici
 This is a C-compiler for 8086 cpus which is important for the development
 of boot loaders or BIOS related 8086 code.
 It is possible to run 8086 code under i386 Linux using an emulator,
 `elksemu', also included in this package.

Package: bdf2psf
Description-md5: 5eb98031ca1e36678eeeefee0d31085b
Description-tr: BDF kaynak yazı tiplerinden konsol yazı tipleri oluşturmak için yazı tipi dönüştürücü
 This package provides a command-line converter that can be used in scripts
 to build console fonts from BDF sources automatically. The converter comes
 with a collection of font encodings that cover many of the world's
 languages. The output font can use a different character encoding from the
 input. When the source font does not define a glyph for a particular
 symbol in the encoding table, that glyph position in the console font is
 not wasted but used for another symbol.
 When deciding about the position in the font for a particular glyph, the
 converter takes into account that in text video modes the video adapter
 copies the eighth column of the glyph matrix of symbols positioned in the
 pseudographic area to the ninth column. In order to create fonts for text
 video modes, the width of the glyph matrix of the source BDF font should
 be seven, eight, or nine pixels; otherwise the converter creates fonts
 suitable for framebuffer only.

Package: bind9-doc
Description-md5: 329b8ef5cf9ad3d51ce47e6d8d13d75e
Description-tr: BIND için belgelendirme
 This package provides various documents that are useful for maintaining a
 working BIND installation.

Package: bind9utils
Description-md5: 5f6f5621a6edd04ef33a0fe5d2d5bff8
Description-tr: BIND için araçlar
 This package provides various utilities that are useful for maintaining a
 working BIND installation.

Package: blt-dev
Description-md5: 453c95bcb4ba4a84fcab957ccaad07a8
Description-tr: Tcl/Tk için BLT eklenti kütüphanesi - geliştirme dosyaları
 BLT is a library of useful extensions for the Tcl language and the popular
 Tk graphical toolkit.  It adds a vector and tree data type, background
 execution and some debugging tools to Tcl, and provides several new
 widgets for Tk, including graphs, bar-charts, trees, tabs, splines and
 hyper-links, as well as a new geometry manager, drag & drop support, and
 This package contains the headers and libraries needed to extend or embed

Package: bluez
Description-md5: ef25d6a9f4a57e78f32faa7b58ef4e59
Description-tr: Bluetooth araçları ve hizmetleri
 Bu paket, Bluetooth aygıtlarını kullanmak için gerekli olan araçları ve
 sistem hizmetlerini içerir.
 BlueZ is the official Linux Bluetooth protocol stack. It is an Open Source
 project distributed under GNU General Public License (GPL).

Package: bluez-cups
Description-md5: 4e5f0a66844f2292ecbf023e856b77d4
Description-tr: CUPS için Bluetooth yazıcı sürücüsü
 This package contains a driver to let CUPS print to Bluetooth-connected
 BlueZ is the official Linux Bluetooth protocol stack. It is an Open Source
 project distributed under GNU General Public License (GPL).

Package: bluez-gstreamer
Description-md5: 175293486171f8d3d5bfe3c0c38d356a
Description-tr: Bluetooth GStreamer desteÄŸi
 This package contains a plugin to operate with GStreamer applications.
 BlueZ is the official Linux Bluetooth protocol stack. It is an Open Source
 project distributed under GNU General Public License (GPL).

Package: bonnie++
Description-md5: 9832e3a4b041bb080c70572e7a0ec7de
Description-tr: Sabit disk kıyaslama seti.
 It is called Bonnie++ because it was based on the Bonnie program.  This
 program also tests performance with creating large numbers of files. Now
 includes zcav raw-read test program.  A modern hard drive will have more
 sectors in the outer tracks because they are longer.  The hard drive will
 have a number (often more than 8) of zones where each zone has the same
 number of sectors (due to the need for an integral number of sectors per
 track).  This program allows you to determine the levels of performance
 provided by different zones and store them in a convenient format for
 This is the experimental version.  It's not ready to replace the 1.x
 series in time for Lenny but will be for Lenny+1.  The extra features
 (large file support, better bon_csv2html, and support for zcav tests on
 multiple devices) will make it worth using for some people.

Package: brasero
Description-md5: f8b587a21ec167a346c66c4d208477cf
Description-tr: GNOME için CD/DVD yakma uygulaması
 Brasero is a simple application to burn, copy and erase CD and DVD media: audio, video or data. It features among other things:
  * On-the-fly burning
  * Multisession support
  * On-the-fly conversion of music playlists in all formats supported by
 This package contains the main binary, the burning plugins and the
 nautilus extension.
 The following packages, if installed, will provide Brasero with added functionality:
  * cdrdao to burn combined data/audio CDs and for byte-to-byte copy
  * GStreamer backends to support more audio formats
  * vcdimager to create VCDs or SVCDs
  * libdvdcss2 to copy encrypted DVDs

Package: brasero-common
Description-md5: 4606bf022bac975b6e53bb64c48943d3
Description-tr: Brasero CD yakma uygulaması ve kütüphaneleri için ortak dosyalar
 Brasero is a simple application to burn, copy and erase CD and DVD media.
 This package contains the common files and translations.

Package: bridge-utils
Description-md5: 85685418e1b1904000031e34c7cf79ff
Description-tr: Linux Ethernet köprüsünü yapılandırmak için araçlar
 This package contains utilities for configuring the Linux Ethernet bridge
 in Linux 2.4 or later. The Linux Ethernet bridge can be used for
 connecting multiple Ethernet devices together. The connecting is fully
 transparent: hosts connected to one Ethernet device see hosts connected to
 the other Ethernet devices directly.

Package: gnome-media-common
Description-md5: e5e8b3a8ffd051daa1d147e530be0f8b
Description-tr: GNOME media utilities - common files
 Bu paket, GNOME ortam araçları için ortak dosyaları ve
 uluslararasılaştırma dosyalarını içerir.

Package: gnome-nettool
Description-md5: 7726e6e8b13ccd50f66095a80b2841a3
Description-tr: GNOME için ağ bilgisi aracı
 GNOME Nettool is a network information tool which provides user interfaces for some of the most common command line network tools including:
    * ifconfig
    * ping
    * netstat
    * tracepath
    * port scanning
    * DNS lookup
    * finger
    * whois

Package: gnome-panel-data
Description-md5: 2ff7a42de238e01d2b058a28db414f26
Description-tr: GNOME paneli için ortak dosyalar
 This package includes some files that are needed by the GNOME Panel
 (Pixmaps, .desktop files and internationalization files).

Package: gnome-pkg-tools
Description-md5: c70a3c297a4da5c32996ed18c8c8e7f9
Description-tr: Debian GNOME Paketleme Takımı için araçlar
 This package contains some useful tools for the Debian GNOME Packaging Team including:
   * Documentation.
   * The list of team members.
   * A number of rules files for CDBS that are helpful for GNOME
     packages - but may also be useful for others.

Package: gnome-power-manager
Description-md5: 631e3d5d3a0a02e15736e3e9243aa578
Description-tr: GNOME masaüstü için güç yönetimi aracı
 GNOME Power Manager is a session daemon for the GNOME desktop that takes
 care of system or desktop events related to power, and triggers actions
 accordingly. Its philosophy is to completely hide these complex tasks and
 only show some settings important to the user.
 The GNOME power manager displays and manages battery status, power plug
 events, display brightness, CPU, graphics card and hard disk drive power
 saving, and can trigger suspend-to-RAM, hibernate or shutdown events, all
 integrated to other components of the GNOME desktop.

Package: gnome-screensaver
Description-md5: 4dad587fa91113f99b8fc502d8ecfc68
Description-tr: GNOME ekran koruyucu ve kilitleyici
 gnome-screensaver is a screen saver and locker that aims to have simple,
 sane and secure defaults, and be well integrated with the GNOME desktop.
 It is designed to support, among other things:
  * the ability to lock down configuration settings
  * translation into other languages
  * user switching

Package: gnome-system-monitor
Description-md5: bb5488674b14e5248e88189686b54d2d
Description-tr: GNOME için işlem görüntüleyici ve sistem kaynakları izleyici
 This package allows you to graphically view and manipulate the running
 processes on your system.  It also provides an overview of available
 resources such as CPU and memory.

Package: gnome-system-tools
Description-md5: 9cf728f85b295823bdcf0f16c7aabbee
Description-tr: GNOME için çoklu platform yapılandırma araçları
 The GNOME System Tools are a fully integrated set of tools aimed to make
 easy the job that means the computer administration on an UNIX or Linux
 system. They're thought to help from the new Linux or UNIX user to the
 system administrators.
 Its main advantages are:
  * Full integration with the new GNOME Control Center.
  * An user-friendly interface to carry out the main administration tasks.
  * The use of a common user interface in every system.
  * A common structure that makes easy the development of new system tools.
  Nowadays there are tools for managing:
  - Users and groups
  - Date and time
  - Network options
  - Services
  - Shares (NFS and Samba)

Package: gnome-terminal
Description-md5: 35b2d4ee410de2042f6b869ef7e025ae
Description-tr: GNOME uçbirim öykünücüsü uygulaması
 GNOME Terminal is a terminal emulation application that you can use to perform the following actions:
  - Access a UNIX shell in the GNOME environment.
  - Run any application that is designed to run on VT102, VT220, and xterm
 GNOME Terminal features the ability to use multiple terminals in a single
 window (tabs) and profiles support.

Package: gnome-terminal-data
Description-md5: 9b9dc36a1c83dd9ce4cb3aedf50168f1
Description-tr: GNOME uçbirim öykünücüsü için veri dosyaları
 GNOME Terminal is a terminal emulation application that you can use to perform the following actions:
  - Access a UNIX shell in the GNOME environment.
  - Run any application that is designed to run on VT102, VT220, and xterm
 This package contains data, help files and localization settings for
 gnome-terminal, the GNOME terminal emulator application.

Package: gnome-themes-ubuntu
Description-md5: 06da189636bc9b242321bf53ea6ab258
Description-tr: Ubuntu topluluk temaları
 This package contains a few nice contributed themes for the GNOME desktop:
  * Dust
  * Dust Sand
  * New Wave

Package: gstreamer0.10-gnonlin-doc
Description-md5: 83ad58e2ff16ba62ea80861be69da7eb
Description-tr: GStreamer documentation for the non-linear editing module
 GStreamer is a streaming media framework, based on graphs of filters which
 operate on media data.  Applications using this library can do anything
 from real-time sound processing to playing videos, and just about anything
 else media-related.  Its plugin-based architecture means that new data
 types or processing capabilities can be added simply by installing new
 Gnonlin is a set of GStreamer elements to ease the creation of non-linear
 multimedia editors.  It works together with the GStreamer multimedia
 framework to give developers a powerful and flexible set of tools for
 quickly assembling applications which needs to handle non-linear
 multimedia editing.
 Bu paket, Gnonlin için belgelendirmeyi içerir.

Package: gtk-doc-tools
Description-md5: 680f02d24c1c217432f55bdadbc87421
Description-tr: GTK+ belgelendirme araçları
 These tools extract documentation embedded in GNOME source code, and
 produce pretty output via DocBook SGML.

Package: guile-1.8-doc
Description-md5: a11220164794aefadad3110baec86e42
Description-tr: Guile 1.8 için belgelendirme
 This package contains all of the Guile documentation that is covered under
 a license which is compatible with the Debian Free Software Guidelines
 (DFSG).  This includes a tutorial which is available via "info guile-tut".
 Guile is a Scheme implementation designed for real world programming,
 providing a rich Unix interface, a module system, an interpreter, and many
 extension languages.  Guile can be used as a standard #! style
 interpreter, via #!/usr/bin/guile, or as an extension language for other
 applications via libguile.

Package: indent-doc
Description-md5: b1d6cfeff8b582dee47070d3d3ba2886
Description-tr: GNU indent için belgelendirme
 Bu paket, GNU indent için HTML belgelendirmesini içerir.

Package: install-info
Description-md5: 1fc51f7aec70d7bdeff2e1bf59b3ebbc
Description-tr: Info biçiminde yüklenmiş belgelendirmeleri yönet
 The install-info utility creates the index of all installed documentation
 in info format and makes it available to info readers.

Package: iproute-doc
Description-md5: 98f6f41b2917671dd427cb3ba0ac44b7
Description-tr: networking and traffic control tools - documentation
 The iproute suite, also known as iproute2, is a collection of utilities
 for networking and traffic control.
 Bu paket, iproute için belgelendirmeyi içerir.

Package: junit4-doc
Description-md5: 76c2a881e3392afd1eddd749d9d0edd7
Description-tr: JUnit regression test framework for Java - documentation
 JUnit is a simple framework to write repeatable tests. It is an instance
 of the xUnit architecture for unit testing frameworks.
 JUnit 4 uses Java 5 features such as generics and annotations.  If you
 need compatibility with previous Java versions, you should use the junit
 package (version 3) instead.
 Bu paket, JUnit 4'ün Javadoc API belgelendirmesini içerir.

Package: kdebase-data
Description-md5: 678272c50dabca9a223095baa6e23ff1
Description-tr: shared data files for the KDE base applications
 This package contains the architecture-independent shared data files
 needed for a basic KDE 4 desktop installation.
 Bu paket, KDE 4 temel uygulamalar modülünün bir parçasıdır.

Package: kdepim-doc
Description-md5: 3588489bd2bcbfe2d0b13c755406218c
Description-tr: KDE Kişisel Bilgi Yönetimi kütüphanesi belgelendirmesi
 KDE çekirdek kütüphane belgelendirmesi. KDE PIM uygulamaları geliştirmek
 için bunlara ihtiyacınız var.
 This package is part of KDE, and a component of the KDE PIM module. See
 the 'kde' and 'kdepim' packages for more information.

Package: konqueror-nsplugins
Description-md5: 8eb021d43215a4e28249c79b4b9311cc
Description-tr: Netscape plugin support for Konqueror
 Bu paket, Konqueror'ın Flash gibi Netscape eklentilerini kullanabilmesini
 This package is part of the KDE base applications module.

Package: krb5-doc
Description-md5: 82977cdecba51fe5a20802f9dee9fabf
Description-tr: MIT Kerberos için belgelendirme
 Kerberos is a system for authenticating users and services on a network.
 Kerberos is a trusted third-party service.  That means that there is a
 third party (the Kerberos server) that is trusted by all the entities on
 the network (users and services, usually called "principals").
 This is the MIT reference implementation of Kerberos V5.
 This package contains the installation, administrator, and user reference
 manuals for MIT Kerberos and the man pages for the MIT Kerberos
 configuration files.

Package: kubuntu-docs
Description-md5: bd5908561513f987a2f1871f44deb9bd
Description-tr: kubuntu sistem belgelendirmesi
 This package contains the system documentation for the Kubuntu GNU/Linux
 distribution. Full system support for Kubuntu with the KDE desktop can be
 obtained by installing this package.
 Though KHelpCenter is recommended, all documentation in this package is
 HTML, which means you can view it with any web browser by browsing to
 This documentation is part of the Ubuntu Documentation Project which is
 created and maintained by the Ubuntu Documentation Team <ubuntu->.

Package: language-support-hy
Description-md5: c4317e977d13597f5267ba4ebc608db8
Description-tr: metapackage for Armenian language support
 This metapackage depends on all packages that provide native language
 support for applications. (like spell checkers, dictionaries, OpenOffice
 and Mozilla locale packages, etc.).
 If you also want your applications and the desktop to be translated,
 please additionally install language-pack-hy.
 Dil: Ermenice

Package: language-support-it
Description-md5: de3fb74e20d2c6281d2b7bf954ea3b10
Description-tr: metapackage for Italian language support
 This metapackage depends on all packages that provide native language
 support for applications. (like spell checkers, dictionaries, OpenOffice
 and Mozilla locale packages, etc.).
 If you also want your applications and the desktop to be translated,
 please additionally install language-pack-it.
 Dil: Ä°talyanca

Package: language-support-ku
Description-md5: de9d308b6c1d7c3a4776902f40943b3b
Description-tr: metapackage for Kurdish language support
 This metapackage depends on all packages that provide native language
 support for applications. (like spell checkers, dictionaries, OpenOffice
 and Mozilla locale packages, etc.).
 If you also want your applications and the desktop to be translated,
 please additionally install language-pack-ku.
 Dil: Kürtçe

Package: language-support-nl
Description-md5: b5ded22dc098701786e8f2f43b6c519d
Description-tr: metapackage for Dutch; Flemish language support
 This metapackage depends on all packages that provide native language
 support for applications. (like spell checkers, dictionaries, OpenOffice
 and Mozilla locale packages, etc.).
 If you also want your applications and the desktop to be translated,
 please additionally install language-pack-nl.
 Dil: Hollandaca, Felemenkçe

Package: language-support-pt
Description-md5: 7996622317a19d64c21232d6f715b976
Description-tr: metapackage for Portuguese language support
 This metapackage depends on all packages that provide native language
 support for applications. (like spell checkers, dictionaries, OpenOffice
 and Mozilla locale packages, etc.).
 If you also want your applications and the desktop to be translated,
 please additionally install language-pack-pt.
 Dil: Portekizce

Package: language-support-ro
Description-md5: 48c04232fb074027c9a8bd5d6328a360
Description-tr: metapackage for Romanian language support
 This metapackage depends on all packages that provide native language
 support for applications. (like spell checkers, dictionaries, OpenOffice
 and Mozilla locale packages, etc.).
 If you also want your applications and the desktop to be translated,
 please additionally install language-pack-ro.
 Dil: Romence

Package: language-support-ru
Description-md5: d2aa5298156daac13d3b613331e41155
Description-tr: metapackage for Russian language support
 This metapackage depends on all packages that provide native language
 support for applications. (like spell checkers, dictionaries, OpenOffice
 and Mozilla locale packages, etc.).
 If you also want your applications and the desktop to be translated,
 please additionally install language-pack-ru.
 Dil: Rusça

Package: language-support-sk
Description-md5: bf38df50dd1b0c466b10c76e05e3ff35
Description-tr: metapackage for Slovak language support
 This metapackage depends on all packages that provide native language
 support for applications. (like spell checkers, dictionaries, OpenOffice
 and Mozilla locale packages, etc.).
 If you also want your applications and the desktop to be translated,
 please additionally install language-pack-sk.
 Dil: Slovakça

Package: language-support-sl
Description-md5: 566fb8fdb0e33e5b666b859ecfe558ae
Description-tr: metapackage for Slovenian language support
 This metapackage depends on all packages that provide native language
 support for applications. (like spell checkers, dictionaries, OpenOffice
 and Mozilla locale packages, etc.).
 If you also want your applications and the desktop to be translated,
 please additionally install language-pack-sl.
 Dil: Slovence

Package: language-support-sr
Description-md5: 570960dad3aa2306b6cbf28e767aa1ec
Description-tr: metapackage for Serbian language support
 This metapackage depends on all packages that provide native language
 support for applications. (like spell checkers, dictionaries, OpenOffice
 and Mozilla locale packages, etc.).
 If you also want your applications and the desktop to be translated,
 please additionally install language-pack-sr.
 Dil: Sırpça

Package: language-support-sv
Description-md5: c535e1d13bf4710cea65968c128884d5
Description-tr: metapackage for Swedish language support
 This metapackage depends on all packages that provide native language
 support for applications. (like spell checkers, dictionaries, OpenOffice
 and Mozilla locale packages, etc.).
 If you also want your applications and the desktop to be translated,
 please additionally install language-pack-sv.
 Dil: İsveççe

Package: language-support-writing-hy
Description-md5: 3cd5c1c496df709ec916c9c599f6ec61
Description-tr: Writing aids metapackage for Armenian
 This metapackage depends on dictionaries, spell checkers, etc. which might
 be useful in a  Armenian language environment.
 If you also want your applications and the desktop to be translated,
 please additionally install language-pack-hy.
 Dil: Ermenice

Package: language-support-writing-it
Description-md5: 80214cee8a3714fe00322e7110e2775b
Description-tr: Writing aids metapackage for Italian
 This metapackage depends on dictionaries, spell checkers, etc. which might
 be useful in a  Italian language environment.
 If you also want your applications and the desktop to be translated,
 please additionally install language-pack-it.
 Dil: Ä°talyanca

Package: language-support-writing-ku
Description-md5: e244a3842742eadec60382390a69d5be
Description-tr: Writing aids metapackage for Kurdish
 This metapackage depends on dictionaries, spell checkers, etc. which might
 be useful in a  Kurdish language environment.
 If you also want your applications and the desktop to be translated,
 please additionally install language-pack-ku.
 Dil: Kürtçe

Package: language-support-writing-nl
Description-md5: 6181912007e191b0abb83e2e20ddd9e4
Description-tr: Writing aids metapackage for Dutch; Flemish
 This metapackage depends on dictionaries, spell checkers, etc. which might
 be useful in a  Dutch; Flemish language environment.
 If you also want your applications and the desktop to be translated,
 please additionally install language-pack-nl.
 Dil: Hollandaca, Felemenkçe

Package: language-support-writing-pt
Description-md5: 76063b2b3b6795534320bf989369885a
Description-tr: Writing aids metapackage for Portuguese
 This metapackage depends on dictionaries, spell checkers, etc. which might
 be useful in a  Portuguese language environment.
 If you also want your applications and the desktop to be translated,
 please additionally install language-pack-pt.
 Dil: Portekizce

Package: language-support-writing-ro
Description-md5: f05e919cf15c9cfa44343c1fd1a63005
Description-tr: Writing aids metapackage for Romanian
 This metapackage depends on dictionaries, spell checkers, etc. which might
 be useful in a  Romanian language environment.
 If you also want your applications and the desktop to be translated,
 please additionally install language-pack-ro.
 Dil: Romence

Package: language-support-writing-ru
Description-md5: c8ad74cb97474136379782db6e6ef583
Description-tr: Writing aids metapackage for Russian
 This metapackage depends on dictionaries, spell checkers, etc. which might
 be useful in a  Russian language environment.
 If you also want your applications and the desktop to be translated,
 please additionally install language-pack-ru.
 Dil: Rusça

Package: language-support-writing-sk
Description-md5: e5f30c71440a723c95f1621db791ea98
Description-tr: Writing aids metapackage for Slovak
 This metapackage depends on dictionaries, spell checkers, etc. which might
 be useful in a  Slovak language environment.
 If you also want your applications and the desktop to be translated,
 please additionally install language-pack-sk.
 Dil: Slovakça

Package: language-support-writing-sl
Description-md5: 4c4dfd694c64b8680fb77dfa7bb54cce
Description-tr: Writing aids metapackage for Slovenian
 This metapackage depends on dictionaries, spell checkers, etc. which might
 be useful in a  Slovenian language environment.
 If you also want your applications and the desktop to be translated,
 please additionally install language-pack-sl.
 Dil: Slovence

Package: language-support-writing-sr
Description-md5: 94846bf587dc9971344934ff3e438215
Description-tr: Writing aids metapackage for Serbian
 This metapackage depends on dictionaries, spell checkers, etc. which might
 be useful in a  Serbian language environment.
 If you also want your applications and the desktop to be translated,
 please additionally install language-pack-sr.
 Dil: Sırpça

Package: language-support-writing-sv
Description-md5: 4c2d9eb829bb5d21998c34e5749123d5
Description-tr: Writing aids metapackage for Swedish
 This metapackage depends on dictionaries, spell checkers, etc. which might
 be useful in a  Swedish language environment.
 If you also want your applications and the desktop to be translated,
 please additionally install language-pack-sv.
 Dil: İsveççe

Package: libapache2-mod-perl2-doc
Description-md5: f7295d6066d24596d70979d5a76d8fdd
Description-tr: Integration of perl with the Apache2 web server - documentation
 mod_perl allows the use of Perl for just about anything Apache-related,
 including <Perl> sections in the config files and the famous
 Apache::Registry module for caching compiled scripts.
 Bu paket, mod_perl için ek belgelendirmeleri içerir.

Package: libapache2-mod-python-doc
Description-md5: 9564caeb173aa6a96d396d2bfafe8b8b
Description-tr: Python-embedding module for Apache 2 - documentation
 The mod_python module supports web applications written in Python. Because
 the parser is embedded in the server as an Apache module, it will run much
 faster than traditional CGI.
 Bu paket, HTML biçimindeki modül belgelendirmesini içerir.

Package: libapt-pkg-doc
Description-md5: a34515b95abb36942217365c25aac35f
Description-tr: APT geliştirme için belgelendirme
 This package contains documentation for development of the APT Debian
 package manipulation program and its libraries.
 This includes the source code documentation generated by doxygen in html

Package: libasound2-doc
Description-md5: 129bace4909c6c0a0e3962bdc5bd661e
Description-tr: developer documentation for user-space ALSA application programming
 Bu paket, ALSA kütüphanesi için belgelendirmeyi içerir.
 ALSA is the Advanced Linux Sound Architecture.

Package: libatk1.0-doc
Description-md5: 1cd17cc7acbbb1b0f9afe07b816b808b
Description-tr: ATK araç takımı için belgelendirme dosyaları
 ATK is a toolkit providing accessibility interfaces for applications or
 other toolkits. By implementing these interfaces, those other toolkits or
 applications can be used with tools such as screen readers, magnifiers,
 and other alternative input devices.
 This contains the HTML documentation for the ATK library in
 /usr/share/doc/libatk1.0-doc/ .

Package: libavalon-framework-java-doc
Description-md5: 567b20a8d2653653226e35b1f0b02e4f
Description-tr: Avalon uygulama çatısı için belgelendirme
 This is the API documentation for Avalon which is a common framework for
 Java server applications.

Package: libaxis2c-doc
Description-md5: 79ee288b5cec8ee73fb76b29b105d6dc
Description-tr: Apache web hizmetleri motoru - Belgelendirme
 Apache Axis2/C is a Web services engine implemented in the C programming
 language. It is based on the extensible and flexible Axis2 architecture.
 Apache Axis2/C can be used to provide and consume WebServices. It has been
 implemented with portability and ability to embed in mind, hence could be
 used as a Web services enabler in other software.
 Apache Axis2/C supports SOAP 1.1 and SOAP 1.2, as well as REST style of
 Webservices. A single service could be exposed both as a SOAP style as
 well as a REST style service simultaneously. It also has built in MTOM
 support, that can be used to exchange binary data.
 Apache Axis2/C is efficient, modular and is designed with extensibility.
 The extensible design allows it to support the full WS-* stack with the
 concept of modules. Apache Axis2/C is the Web services engine that
 supports the most number of WS-* specification implementations in C, with
 guaranteed interoperability. This enables using C in Service Oriented
 Architecture (SOA) implementations, and would be very useful when
 integrating legacy systems into SOA.

Package: libbcmail-java-doc
Description-md5: 9c24793f50b67ab45e01126da4a70196
Description-tr: libbcmail-java için belgelendirme
 Javadocs for libbcmail-java, which provides Java generators and processors
 for S/MIME and CMS.

Package: libbcpg-java-doc
Description-md5: 768027bbe1cabb28df7b189e6acad967
Description-tr: libbcpg-java için belgelendirme
 Javadocs for libbcpg-java, which provides generators and processors for

Package: libbcprov-java-doc
Description-md5: 558d4de5cab4ebc3cbbfae21fee6bf24
Description-tr: libbcprov-java için belgelendirme
 Javadocs for libbcprov-java, a Java implementation of cryptographic

Package: libbctsp-java-doc
Description-md5: 8705be6250341729e0ae74d91f23b3c1
Description-tr: libbctsp-java için belgelendirme
 Javadocs for libbctsp-java, which provides generators and processors for

Package: libboost-doc
Description-md5: e7d38ac835a5c77cd09f701a12d9201c
Description-tr: Boost C++ Kütüphaneleri belgelendirmesi (öntanımlı sürüm)
 The Boost web site provides free, peer-reviewed, portable C++ source
 libraries. The emphasis is on libraries which work well with the C++
 Standard Library. One goal is to establish "existing practice" and provide
 reference implementations so that the Boost libraries are suitable for
 eventual standardization. Some of the libraries have already been proposed
 for inclusion in the C++ Standards Committee's upcoming C++ Standard
 Library Technical Report.
 This package is a dependency package, which depends on Debian's default
 Boost version (currently 1.42).

Package: libboost1.42-doc
Description-md5: 020793483ca40188e5fde38ef388a562
Description-tr: kütüphaneleri belgelendirmesi
 The Boost web site provides free, peer-reviewed, portable C++ source
 libraries. The emphasis is on libraries which work well with the C++
 Standard Library. One goal is to establish "existing practice" and provide
 reference implementations so that the Boost libraries are suitable for
 eventual standardization. Some of the libraries have already been proposed
 for inclusion in the C++ Standards Committee's upcoming C++ Standard
 Library Technical Report.
 This is documentation for the libboost1.42-dev package in HTML format.
 Some pages point to header files provided in libboost1.42-dev package, so
 it is suggested to install the latter as well.

Package: libcfitsio3-doc
Description-md5: 420f097a3632d2aaf0ca7777340786c5
Description-tr: cfitsio için belgelendirme
 FITS (Flexible Image Transport System) is a data format most used in
 astronomy. cfitsio is a library of ANSI C routines for reading and writing
 FITS format data files.  A set of Fortran-callable wrapper routines are
 also included for the convenience of Fortran programmers.
 This package contains the CFITSIO User's Guide and QuickStart Guide in
 html, postscript and text formats, and contains documentation on how to
 use the library in your programs.

Package: libcommons-collections3-java-doc
Description-md5: e3f1eb5029394fb5f70496470789bb5a
Description-tr: libcommons-collections3-java için belgelendirme
 Javadocs for libcommons-collections3-java which is a Java collection

Package: libcommons-httpclient-java-doc
Description-md5: 1070d64e1758482d619f5f0747f7157a
Description-tr: libcommons-httpclient-java için belgelendirme
 The Jakarta Commons HTTPClient library provides an efficient, up-to-date,
 and feature-rich package implementing the client side of the most recent
 HTTP standards and recommendations.
 This package contains the documentation for the Jakarta Commons HTTPClient

Package: libcurl4-gnutls-dev
Description-md5: 542a849fd833dd4aff3c38a8504ae2b7
Description-tr: libcurl (GnuTLS) için geliştirme dosyaları ve belgelendirme
 These files (ie. includes, static library, manual pages) allow to build
 software which uses libcurl.
 SSL support is provided by GnuTLS.
 HTML and PDF versions of all the manual pages are also provided.

Package: libcurl4-openssl-dev
Description-md5: f38505d4a9c32a048649c5343b708d98
Description-tr: libcurl (OpenSSL) için geliştirme dosyaları ve belgelendirme
 These files (ie. includes, static library, manual pages) allow to build
 software which uses libcurl.
 SSL support is provided by OpenSSL.
 HTML and PDF versions of all the manual pages are also provided.

Package: libdom4j-java-doc
Description-md5: fbba057eda34d9bea731ee2a1f4b3900
Description-tr: libdom4j-java için belgelendirme
 This package contains the documentation for dom4j, including the API

Package: libexiv2-doc
Description-md5: 38570f26c542937f41a1beb9c730aa98
Description-tr: EXIF/IPTC metadata manipulation library - HTML documentation
 Exiv2 HTML belgelendirmesi

Package: libfftw3-doc
Description-md5: 67f7b6652cfa6e9707d34ea9acf6c136
Description-tr: fftw sürüm 3 için belgelendirme
 The FFTW library computes Fast Fourier Transforms (FFT) in one or more
 dimensions. It is extremely fast. This package contains the documentation
 for the fftw3 library.

Package: libmetacity-dev
Description-md5: 434f8b640be984936233e987d576cbbf
Description-tr: Development files for the Metacity window manager
 Metacity, GTK+ ile çalışan küçük bir pencere yöneticisidir.
 As the author says, metacity is a "Boring window manager for the adult in
 you. Many window managers are like Marshmallow Froot Loops; Metacity is
 like Cheerios."
 This package contains the development files.

Package: libmetacity-private0
Description-md5: ee7c90f337314f26935c451de494dba0
Description-tr: library for the Metacity window manager
 Metacity, GTK+ ile çalışan küçük bir pencere yöneticisidir.
 As the author says, metacity is a "Boring window manager for the adult in
 you. Many window managers are like Marshmallow Froot Loops; Metacity is
 like Cheerios."
 This package contains the shared library.

Package: libwbclient0
Description-md5: 16c935b1d482f634b3879c2495e04db8
Description-tr: Samba winbind istemci kütüphanesi
 Samba is an implementation of the SMB/CIFS protocol for Unix systems,
 providing support for cross-platform file and printer sharing with
 Microsoft Windows, OS X, and other Unix systems.
 This package provides a library for client applications that interact via
 the winbind pipe protocol with a Samba winbind server.

Package: libwebkitgtk-1.0-0
Description-md5: bca91605610edfaf76f763d0f248ab54
Description-tr: Gtk+ için web içerik motoru kütüphanesi
 WebKit is a web content engine, derived from KHTML and KJS from KDE, and
 used primarily in Apple's Safari browser.  It is made to be embedded in
 other applications, such as mail readers, or web browsers.
 It is able to display content such as HTML, SVG, XML, and others. It also
 supports DOM, XMLHttpRequest, XSLT, CSS, Javascript/ECMAscript and more.
 This is the library for embedding in Gtk+ applications.

Package: libwebkitgtk-1.0-common
Description-md5: b485dc76aae7c67ef4adaafddf5a838f
Description-tr: Gtk+ için web içerik motoru kütüphanesi - veri dosyaları
 WebKit is a web content engine, derived from KHTML and KJS from KDE, and
 used primarily in Apple's Safari browser.  It is made to be embedded in
 other applications, such as mail readers, or web browsers.
 It is able to display content such as HTML, SVG, XML, and others. It also
 supports DOM, XMLHttpRequest, XSLT, CSS, Javascript/ECMAscript and more.
 This package provides the data files needed by the library.

Package: libwebkitgtk-3.0-0
Description-md5: bca91605610edfaf76f763d0f248ab54
Description-tr: Gtk+ için web içerik motoru kütüphanesi
 WebKit is a web content engine, derived from KHTML and KJS from KDE, and
 used primarily in Apple's Safari browser.  It is made to be embedded in
 other applications, such as mail readers, or web browsers.
 It is able to display content such as HTML, SVG, XML, and others. It also
 supports DOM, XMLHttpRequest, XSLT, CSS, Javascript/ECMAscript and more.
 This is the library for embedding in Gtk+ applications.

Package: libwebkitgtk-3.0-common
Description-md5: b485dc76aae7c67ef4adaafddf5a838f
Description-tr: Gtk+ için web içerik motoru kütüphanesi - veri dosyaları
 WebKit is a web content engine, derived from KHTML and KJS from KDE, and
 used primarily in Apple's Safari browser.  It is made to be embedded in
 other applications, such as mail readers, or web browsers.
 It is able to display content such as HTML, SVG, XML, and others. It also
 supports DOM, XMLHttpRequest, XSLT, CSS, Javascript/ECMAscript and more.
 This package provides the data files needed by the library.

Package: memtest86+
Description-md5: 26ade87d6d5fa8a97fc7d00590e7a754
Description-tr: thorough real-mode memory tester
 Memtest86+ belleğinizi hatalara karşı tarar.
 This tester runs independently of any OS - it is run at computer boot-up,
 so that it can test *all* of your memory.  You may want to look at
 `memtester', which allows to test your memory within Linux, but this one
 won't be able to test your whole RAM.
 It can output a list of bad RAM regions usable by the BadRAM kernel patch,
 so that you can still use your old RAM with one or two bad bits.
 Memtest86+ is based on memtest86 3.0, and adds support for recent
 hardware, as well as a number of general-purpose improvements, including
 many patches to memtest86 available from various sources.
 Both memtest86 and memtest86+ are being worked on in parallel.
 A convenience script is also provided to make a grub-based floppy or

Package: mesa-common-dev
Description-md5: 0d9d46ba6861a0a8c404cf51db1e980d
Description-tr: Mesa için geliştirici belgelendirmesi
 This package includes the specifications for the Mesa-specific OpenGL
 extensions, the complete set of release notes and the development header
 files common to all Mesa packages.

Package: metacity
Description-md5: 06e64374861a42f6f96cc5a654ad56b1
Description-tr: hafif bir GTK+ pencere yöneticisi
 Metacity, GTK+ ile çalışan küçük bir pencere yöneticisidir.
 As the author says, metacity is a "Boring window manager for the adult in
 you. Many window managers are like Marshmallow Froot Loops; Metacity is
 like Cheerios."
 This package contains the core binaries.

Package: metacity-common
Description-md5: 386fc245b801260f4b7c75b1915cb1ee
Description-tr: Metacity pencere yöneticisi için paylaşılan dosyalar
 Metacity, GTK+ ile çalışan küçük bir pencere yöneticisidir.
 As the author says, metacity is a "Boring window manager for the adult in
 you. Many window managers are like Marshmallow Froot Loops; Metacity is
 like Cheerios."
 Bu paket paylaşılan dosyaları içerir.

Package: min12xxw
Description-md5: c3dfe1687fcdb3c52f22a21ae61d3fb0
Description-tr: KonicaMinolta PagePro 1[234]xxW için yazıcı sürücüsü
 A cups/foomatic printer driver for the KonicaMinolta PagePro 1200W, 1250W,
 1300W, 1350W and 1400W.
 Daha fazla bilgiyi
 bağlantısından edinebilirsiniz.

Package: miscfiles
Description-md5: c14499491490d96255ece227b5e4fb33
Description-tr: Sözlükler ve diğer ilginç dosyalar
 These files are not crucial to system administration or operation, but
 which have come to be common on various systems over the years. They
 originated from various sources and are freely redistributable (see the
 copyright file for more information).
 These files include those of general interest (English `connectives',
 Webster's Second International English wordlist, traditional stone and
 flower for each month, Precedence table for operators in the C language,
 description of the ISO Latin-1 character set, two-letter codes for
 languages, from ISO 639, International country telephone codes, geographic
 coordinates of many major cities, Some common abbreviations used in
 electronic communication, GNU mailing lists, country and currency
 abbreviations, rfc-index, etc.).
 There also is information specific to the United States (List of three
 letter codes for some major airports, North American (+1) telephone area
 codes, postal codes for US states and Canadian provinces, the Constitution
 of the United States of America, the Declaration of Independence of the
 Thirteen Colonies).

Package: mlocate
Description-md5: 34e9c00f37885dbcdfb61296f24c84df
Description-tr: dosya sisteminizdeki dosyaları adına göre kolayca bulun
 mlocate is a new implementation of locate, a tool to find files anywhere
 in the filesystem based on their name, using a fixed pattern or a regular
 expression. Unlike other tools like find(1), locate uses a previously
 created database to perform the search, allowing queries to execute much
 faster. This database is updated periodically from cron.
 Several implementations of locate exist: the original implementation from
 GNU's findutils, slocate, and mlocate. The advantages of mlocate are:
  * it indexes all the filesystem, but results of a search will only
    include files that the user running locate has access to. It does
    this by updating the database as root, but making it unreadable for
    normal users, who can only access it via the locate binary. slocate
    does this as well, but not the original locate.
  * instead of re-reading all the contents of all directories each time
    the database is updated, mlocate keeps timestamp information in its
    database and can know if the contents of a directory changed without
    reading them again. This makes updates much faster and less demanding
    on the hard drive. This feature is only found in mlocate.
 Installing mlocate will change the /usr/bin/locate binary to point to
 mlocate via the alternatives mechanism. After installation, you may wish
 to run /etc/cron.daily/mlocate by hand to create the database, otherwise
 mlocate won't work until that script is run from cron itself (since
 mlocate does not use the same database file as standard locate). Also, you
 may wish to remove the "locate" package in order not to have two different
 database files updated regularly on your system.

Package: mobile-broadband-provider-info
Description-md5: 054306f86f58aee0f6d97e5d5a6f3ed0
Description-tr: mobil genişbant servis sağlayıcıları veritabanı
 This package contains database of service provider specific settings of
 mobile broadband providers in different countries. Its functioning through
 Network Manager makes it easy for users to choose their mobile broadband
 service provider.

Package: modemmanager
Description-md5: a5650d0723072b90ad274aa0bca40c87
Description-tr: Modem yönetimi için d-bus hizmeti
 Provides a D-Bus interface to communicate with mobile broadband (GSM,
 CDMA, UMTS, ...) cards. Implements a loadable plugin interface to add
 work-arounds for non standard devices. Also provides patches to use
 networkmanager (and the applet) with modem manager.
 Git Deposu:

Package: module-init-tools
Description-md5: 33925fddebe8fb2129bae0716b7603dc
Description-tr: Linux çekirdek modüllerini yönetmek için araçlar
 This package contains a set of programs for loading, inserting, and
 removing kernel modules for Linux (versions 2.5.48 and above).

Package: mono-2.0-devel
Description-md5: 4acb51895782c4675208c1a2763277c0
Description-tr: CLI 2.0 için Mono geliştirme araçları
 Mono is a platform for running and developing applications based on the
 ECMA/ISO Standards. Mono is an open source effort led by Novell. Mono
 provides a complete CLR (Common Language Runtime) including compiler and
 runtime, which can produce and execute CIL (Common Intermediate Language)
 bytecode (aka assemblies), and a class library.
 This package contains various development tools and pull in a full
 development stack for Mono targeting CLI 2.0.

Package: mono-2.0-gac
Description-md5: e97bb45e4d1284263140c1ad35a973d6
Description-tr: Mono GAC aracı (CLI 2.0 için)
 Mono is a platform for running and developing applications based on the
 ECMA/ISO Standards. Mono is an open source effort led by Novell. Mono
 provides a complete CLR (Common Language Runtime) including compiler and
 runtime, which can produce and execute CIL (Common Intermediate Language)
 bytecode (aka assemblies), and a class library.
 This package includes a version of the GAC (Global Assembly Cache) tool
 (gacutil) used by Mono to store shared CIL (Common Intermediate Language)
 libraries, for CLI 2.0

Package: mono-csharp-shell
Description-md5: 59af4a8325cf3797ad97ccf3eb5dfdac
Description-tr: etkileÅŸimli C# kabuÄŸu
 Mono is a platform for running and developing applications based on the
 ECMA/ISO Standards. Mono is an open source effort led by Novell. Mono
 provides a complete CLR (Common Language Runtime) including compiler and
 runtime, which can produce and execute CIL (Common Intermediate Language)
 bytecode (aka assemblies), and a class library.
 This package contains the interactive C# shell named csharp.  csharp
 permits dynamically evaluating C# statements, and can be used for writing
 scripts or testing code fragments. For examples and a brief overview of
 the commands see:

Package: mono-dbg
Description-md5: a4c0c311688136a153b32c589e8d439f
Description-tr: Mono hata ayıklama simgeleri
 This package contains the debugging symbols of various libmono-* and
 mono-* packages.
 Mono is a platform for running and developing applications based on the
 ECMA/ISO Standards. Mono is an open source effort led by Novell. Mono
 provides a complete CLR (Common Language Runtime) including compiler and
 runtime, which can produce and execute CIL (Common Intermediate Language)
 bytecode (aka assemblies), and a class library.

Package: mono-devel
Description-md5: c6c6ddef841d1ca4dc15c2488a0c7081
Description-tr: Mono geliştirme araçları
 Mono is a platform for running and developing applications based on the
 ECMA/ISO Standards. Mono is an open source effort led by Novell. Mono
 provides a complete CLR (Common Language Runtime) including compiler and
 runtime, which can produce and execute CIL (Common Intermediate Language)
 bytecode (aka assemblies), and a class library.
 This package contains various development tools and pulls in the default
 development stack for Mono (which is 2.0 currently).

Package: mono-gac
Description-md5: 56d0c300dd3250c3d185914b9c39ed4f
Description-tr: Mono GAC aracı
 Mono is a platform for running and developing applications based on the
 ECMA/ISO Standards. Mono is an open source effort led by Novell. Mono
 provides a complete CLR (Common Language Runtime) including compiler and
 runtime, which can produce and execute CIL (Common Intermediate Language)
 bytecode (aka assemblies), and a class library.
 This package pulls in the default GAC (Global Assembly Cache) tool
 (gacutil) used by Mono to store shared CIL (Common Intermediate Language)

Package: mono-gmcs
Description-md5: f72dce2d2539eb645d2da2860d5333ee
Description-tr: CLI 2.0 için Mono C# 2.0 ve C# 3.0 derleyicisi
 This is the Mono C# (C-Sharp) 2.0 and C# 3.0 compiler, a platform-
 independent compiler which produces CIL (Common Intermediate Language)
 binary executables. The gmcs compiler supports two different featuresets
 (C# versions).
 With C# 2.0 (which is the default) it supports:
  - generics
  - iterators (yield)
  - nullable value types
  - partial types
  - anonymous methods
  - static classes
  - coalesce operator: ??
 With C# 3.0 it supports:
  - Language Integrated Query (LINQ)
  - object initializers
  - collection initializers
  - anonymous types
  - local variable type inference
  - implicitly-typed arrays
  - lambda expressions
  - automatic properties
  - extension methods
  - partial methods
 This compiler targets the CLI 2.0 runtime version.
 Mono is a platform for running and developing applications based on the
 ECMA/ISO Standards. Mono is an open source effort led by Novell. Mono
 provides a complete CLR (Common Language Runtime) including compiler and
 runtime, which can produce and execute CIL (Common Intermediate Language)
 bytecode (aka assemblies), and a class library.

Package: mono-utils
Description-md5: 589d3251ac8cdaf79115a4ccf8cdf219
Description-tr: Mono araçları
 Mono is a platform for running and developing applications based on the
 ECMA/ISO Standards. Mono is an open source effort led by Novell. Mono
 provides a complete CLR (Common Language Runtime) including compiler and
 runtime, which can produce and execute CIL (Common Intermediate Language)
 bytecode (aka assemblies), and a class library.
 This package includes various tools useful for CLI developers, like
 pedump, monodis and monograph.

Package: monodoc-browser
Description-md5: 20d768c4249af085ed376883907d1f15
Description-tr: MonoDoc GTK+ tabanlı görüntüleyici
 The MonoDoc Project is the documentation framework of the Mono project
 which provides detailed API documentation for all Mono components and the
 Mono CLI implementation.
 This package contains the GTK+ based viewer of the Mono documentation.

Package: monodoc-webkit-manual
Description-md5: 622ce2bd5f7490c3c336337f917e2cbf
Description-tr: webkit-sharp için derlenmiş XML belgelendirmesi
 WebKit is a web content engine, derived from KHTML and KJS from KDE, and
 used primarily in Apple's Safari browser.  It is made to be embedded in
 other applications, such as mail readers, or web browsers.
 Bu paket webkit-sharp için derlenmiş XML belgelendirmesini içerir.

Package: mountall
Description-md5: b5b5a27fc0e8063ef1226a39fb8ecf70
Description-tr: dosya sistemi bağlama aracı
 mountall mounts filesystems when the underlying block devices are ready,
 or when network interfaces come up, checking the filesystems first.

Package: mscompress
Description-md5: b4f9fff832e68d790b9a7feeefbb8eb5
Description-tr: Microsoft "compress.exe/expand.exe" compatible (de)compressor
 Bu paket iki program içerir:
  * msexpand which decompresses files compressed by the Microsoft
    compress.exe utility (e.g. Win 3.x installation files);
  * mscompress which compresses files using the LZ77 compression
 Files can be decompressed using Microsoft expand.exe or msexpand(1).

Package: mutt-dbg
Description-md5: 84ae750c0a18926ab30eccaa18b243a6
Description-tr: mutt için hata ayıklama simgeleri
 Mutt is a sophisticated text-based Mail User Agent.
 This package contains the debugging symbols for mutt and mutt-patched;
 this is supposed to be used when there is a core file which should be
 analyzed using gdb.

Package: myspell-bg
Description-md5: 9c52169b9d0f9225a23889f903221715
Description-tr: Myspell için Bulgarca sözlük
 This is the Bulgarian dictionary for use with the myspell spellchecker
 which is currently used within and the mozilla

Package: myspell-ca
Description-md5: 092d7e343d6e0eac8f13cc7f9c2d496c
Description-tr: Myspell için Katalanca sözlük
 This is the Catalan dictionary for use with the myspell spellchecker which
 is currently used within and the Mozilla spellchecker.
 It was put together by Joan Moratinos using data from different sources.

Package: myspell-cs
Description-md5: c031759b3234764e9db6056495829384
Description-tr: Myspell için Çek Dili sözlüğü
 This is the Czech dictionary for use with the myspell spellchecker which
 is currently used within and the mozilla spellchecker.

Package: myspell-el-gr
Description-md5: 3e60ad7a0abf018faf01b83d726435ea
Description-tr: Myspell için Yunanca (el_GR) sözlük
 This is the Greek (el_GR) dictionary for use with the myspell spellchecker
 which is currently used within and the mozilla

Package: myspell-en-au
Description-md5: 727c1a6eef26da76541812e0a442e2ae
Description-tr: Myspell için Avustralya İngilizcesi sözlüğü
 This is the English_australian dictionary for use with the myspell
 spellchecker, which is currently used within and the
 Mozilla spellchecker.

Package: myspell-en-gb
Description-md5: 1468c8a4702419e31b961e7511f9bf71
Description-tr: Myspell için İngiliz İngilizcesi sözlüğü
 This is the English_british dictionary for use with the myspell
 spellchecker which is currently used within LibreOffice/ and
 the mozilla spellchecker.

Package: myspell-en-za
Description-md5: 64d264f9c925f1326b525fa7733b38b8
Description-tr: Myspell için Güney Afrika İngilizcesi sözlüğü
 This is the English_southafrican dictionary for use with the myspell
 spellchecker which is currently used within LibreOffice/ and
 the mozilla spellchecker.

Package: myspell-es
Description-md5: 6eb6c0f4d9c2f3dfa5e0b7f9e120aabe
Description-tr: Myspell için İspanyolca sözlük
 This is the Spanish dictionary for use with the myspell spellchecker which
 is currently used within and the mozilla spellchecker. It
 is based on ispell dictionary put together by Santiago Rodriguez and Jesus

Package: myspell-fa
Description-md5: 86964fd6e44c69b05780ce29e42f8eba
Description-tr: Myspell için Farsça sözlük
 This is the Persian (Farsi) dictionary for use with the myspell
 spellchecker which is currently used within and the mozilla

Package: myspell-fr
Description-md5: 3374cbed130d6a6528e17f8599e9cda6
Description-tr: Myspell için Fransızca sözlük (Hydro-Quebec sürümü)
 This is a French dictionary, to be used with myspell, version 3.1.04 and
 following. The dictionary contains roughly 50,000 roots, which expand to
 about 220,000 words.
 This is the Martin Boyer and Hydro-Quebec version. You may prefer to use
 the GUTenberg version installed by the myspell-fr-gut package.

Package: myspell-hr
Description-md5: 6f216afe94de934383fe67b3cad6bc86
Description-tr: Myspell için Hırvatça sözlük
 This is the Croatian dictionary for use with the myspell spellchecker
 which is currently used within and the mozilla

Package: myspell-hy
Description-md5: 3bea11748af06d8105fef83ff6bed015
Description-tr: Myspell için Ermenice sözlük
 This is the Armenian dictionary for use with the myspell spellchecker
 which is currently used within and the mozilla

Package: myspell-it
Description-md5: fca5c4f8a7526e6284469a053b346aec
Description-tr: Myspell için İtalyanca sözlük
 This is the Italian dictionary for use with the myspell spellchecker which
 is currently used within LibreOffice/ and the mozilla

Package: myspell-pt
Description-md5: 203de3857e5a644e4f8fc8649f08d25d
Description-tr: Myspell için Portekizce sözlük
 This is an empty package whose sole purpose is to depend on both myspell-
 pt-pt (European Portuguese) and myspell-pt-br (Brazilian Portuguese)
 dictionaries for use with the myspell spellchecker.

Package: myspell-pt-br
Description-md5: 0752063363586b7b996cadbe1945006b
Description-tr: Myspell için Brezilya Portekizcesi sözlüğü
 This is the Brazilian Portuguese dictionary for use with the myspell
 spellchecker which is currently used within and the mozilla

Package: myspell-pt-pt
Description-md5: decc49d6c901c6ff91999e9db541bd66
Description-tr: Myspell için Avrupa Portekizcesi sözlüğü
 This is the European Portuguese dictionary for use with the myspell
 spellchecker which is currently used within and the mozilla

Package: myspell-ru
Description-md5: e86335df12088f9b20787479fb4297ef
Description-tr: Myspell için Rusça sözlük
 This dictionary contains Russian wordlists for the MySpell spellchecker
 currently supported by Mozilla and OpenOffice.
 The dictionary is generated from the Ispell wordlist.

Package: myspell-sk
Description-md5: 5b79d39f463e8e77a6a121de0fbcdfce
Description-tr: Myspell için Slovakça sözlük
 This is the Slovak dictionary for use with the myspell spellchecker which
 is currently used within and the Mozilla spellchecker.

Package: myspell-sl
Description-md5: f84b519479d9bfaef5053fcb61c5e4b5
Description-tr: Myspell için Slovence sözlük
 This package contains a Slovenian myspell dictionary , which will give and mozilla users the ability to  automatically spellcheck
 and hyphenate Slovenian text.

Package: myspell-sv-se
Description-md5: 2f6d45e24bedf2533f51de7de6d6a31f
Description-tr: Myspell için İsveççe (SE) sözlük
 This is the Swedish (SE) dictionary for use with the myspell spellchecker
 which is currently used within and the mozilla

Package: myspell-tools
Description-md5: 9c892beb63bb5f3c00169f6fa580dc4f
Description-tr: myspell için araçlar
 MySpell is a spell-checker as (and derived from) ispell.
 This package contains a the munch/unmunch tools of hunspell and
 ispellaff2myspell for converting ispell affix files for myspell/hunspell

Package: myspell-zu
Description-md5: 9be93170f8a951272976dcb43fe5b36a
Description-tr: Myspell için Zulu Dili sözlüğü
 This is an Zulu dictionary, to be used with myspell.

Package: plasma-widget-facebook
Description-md5: fb29e102495bcbef7434a783e7846492
Description-tr: Facebook Güncellemeleri için Plazma Uygulamacığı
 Facebook Plasmoid is a simple webview showing the iPhone version of

Package: plasma-widget-kimpanel
Description-md5: 6bdd87784665929274d7d2adaa6aeb8b
Description-tr: addons for KDE 4 Plasma - universal input method widget
 Kimpanel is a a Plasma widget for the ibus input method.
 Bu paket, KDE 4 plazma eklentileri modülünün bir parçasıdır.

Package: plasma-widget-ktorrent
Description-md5: 39ccab72aa45e80f3b29a4fd06496197
Description-tr: Ktorrent Plazma uygulamacığı
 This package provides the KTorrent Plasma widget which features display of
 the current upload and download speeds and status of any single torrent
 which KTorrent knows about. Please note that KTorrent must be running for
 this widget to be able to display any up-to-date information.
 This package contains KTorrent Plasma data engine as well.

Package: plasma-widget-networkmanagement
Description-md5: 2968ca49ef08890183da3ada9d3eb37d
Description-tr: KDE4 Plazma için Ap Yönetimi uygulamacığı
 This package contains the Network Management plasma widget which aims to
 provide a fully featured GUI for managing networks.  Currently, the only
 supported backend is NetworkManager.  Support for wired, wireless, GSM and
 VPN networks are provided.  The widget is exclusively written for Plasma
 and KDE4 and it is not supposed to work in other environments.
 This widget needs Plasma shell to be usable. Main KDE 4 Plasma shell is
 available in the kdebase-workspace-bin package. The user friendly name of
 the widget is "Network Management" (in e.g. "Add Widgets" dialog).

Package: plasma-widget-networkmanagement-dbg
Description-md5: e2254b6c2ab4591dc2a06682cc51b4e3
Description-tr: KDE4 Ap Yönetimi için hata ayıklama simgeleri
 This package provides debugging symbols for all binary packages built from
 the plasma-widget-networkmanagement source package. It's highly
 recommended to have this package installed before reporting any crashes.

Package: plymouth-theme-kubuntu-logo
Description-md5: 08f9fd33f3dc501ae15329be51e9c9a4
Description-tr: graphical boot animation and logger - kubuntu-logo theme
 Plymouth is an application that runs very early in the boot process (even
 before the root filesystem is mounted!) that provides a graphical boot
 animation while the boot process happens in the background.
 Bu paket, öntanımlı kubuntu-logo temasını içerir.

Package: plymouth-theme-ubuntu-logo
Description-md5: 8d874d448c1e27d2eef5a053231911ed
Description-tr: graphical boot animation and logger - ubuntu-logo theme
 Plymouth is an application that runs very early in the boot process (even
 before the root filesystem is mounted!) that provides a graphical boot
 animation while the boot process happens in the background.
 Bu paket, öntanımlı ubuntu-logo temasını içerir.

Package: po4a
Description-md5: 18cf64e9c64d03d1bf574903bfa9ca89
Description-tr: belgelendirme çalışmalarının çevirileri için yardımcı araçlar
 The po4a (PO for anything) project goal is to ease translations (and more
 interestingly, the maintenance of translations) using gettext tools on
 areas where they were not expected like documentation.
 This package contains the main libraries of po4a, and the following sub-
   - Dia: uncompressed Dia diagrams.
   - INI: the INI format
   - KernelHelp: Help messages of each kernel compilation option.
   - LaTeX: generic TeX or LaTeX format.
   - Man: either roff or mdoc format.
   - POD: Perl documentation format.
   - SGML: either DebianDoc or DocBook DTD.
   - Texinfo: the info page format.
   - XML: very configurable (preconfigured for DocBook, XHTML, Guide, WML).

Package: policykit-1-doc
Description-md5: 4f476c937cdfc4c2d7a4b81404d7a637
Description-tr: PolicyKit-1 için belgelendirme
 PolicyKit is a toolkit for defining and handling the policy that allows
 unprivileged processes to speak to privileged processes.
 Bu paket, PolicyKit için API belgelendirmesini içerir.

Package: xul-ext-mozvoikko
Description-md5: 49444a7908796ef7df8bae1011294ead
Description-tr: Firefox için Fince yazım denetimi eklentisi
 Finnish spell-checker extension for Firefox. Spell-checking functionality
 is provided by Voikko - a free spellchecker for Finnish language.

Package: yelp
Description-md5: 189078a514d083077659414ace4dbf3a
Description-tr: GNOME için Yardım tarayıcısı
 This package contains the GNOME online help browser application.

Package: zlib1g
Description-md5: 567f396aeeb2b2b63295099aed237057
Description-tr: sıkıştırma kütüphanesi - çalışma zamanı
 zlib is a library implementing the deflate compression method found in
 gzip and PKZIP.  This package includes the shared library.

Package: zlib1g-dbg
Description-md5: dddc7d60663fa5dc77c76a30127d83db
Description-tr: sıkıştırma kütüphanesi - geliştirme
 zlib is a library implementing the deflate compression method found in
 gzip and PKZIP.  This package includes debugging symbols for use when
 debugging applications which use zlib.

Package: zlib1g-dev
Description-md5: d7f4e8a626131fc83c643c5d59096290
Description-tr: sıkıştırma kütüphanesi - geliştirme
 zlib is a library implementing the deflate compression method found in
 gzip and PKZIP.  This package includes the development support files.

Package: zsh-doc
Description-md5: 9b5459fce7bedf54d5694a22e68389c7
Description-tr: zsh dokümantasyonu - info/HTML formatında
 Zsh is a UNIX command interpreter (shell) usable as an interactive login
 shell and as a shell script command processor. Of the standard shells, zsh
 most closely resembles ksh but includes many enhancements. Zsh has
 command-line editing, built-in spelling correction, programmable command
 completion, shell functions (with autoloading), a history mechanism, and a
 host of other features.
 Bu paket, GNU info ve HTML biçimlerinde belgelendirmeyi içerir.

Package: 2vcard
Description-md5: f6f2cb6577ba2821b51ca843d147b3e1
Description-tr: bir adres defterini VCARD dosya biçimine çevirmek için perl betiği
 2vcard is a little perl script that you can use to convert the popular
 vcard file format. Currently 2vcard can only convert addressbooks and
 alias files from the following formats: abook,eudora,juno,ldif,mutt, mh
 and pine.
 Bu VCARD biçimi gnomecard tarafından kullanılmaktadır, örneğin  balsa
 e-posta istemcisi.

Package: 3270-common
Description-md5: a1fad8fe7f911b2c01164ff75d013e53
Description-tr: IBM 3270 öykünücüleri ve pr3287  için ortak dosyalar.
 3270-ortak içerikli dosyalar başka bir 3270 paketi ile ilişkilendirilmiş

Package: 6tunnel
Description-md5: 48c79c738bde16847fbc9577329a56f0
Description-tr: IPv6 harici uygulamalar için TCP vekili
 6tunnel allows you to use services provided by IPv6 hosts with IPv4-only
 applications and vice versa. It can bind to any of your IPv4 or IPv6
 addresses and forward all data to IPv4 or IPv6 host.
 Örneğin IPv6-destekli IRC vekili olarak kullanılabilir.

Package: 9base
Description-md5: 4b98d01c7220aca432572415938b4c39
Description-tr: Plan 9 kullanıcı alanı araçları
 9base is a port of following original Plan 9 userland tools to Unix: awk,
 basename, bc, cat, cleanname, date, dc, echo, grep, mk, rc, sed, seq,
 sleep, sort, tee, test, touch, tr, uniq, and yacc.

Package: 9menu
Description-md5: 33212022c95de2da6fad4458526c39d8
Description-tr: Creates X menus from the shell
 Bu her menü öğesinin bir komutla çalıştırılabildiği, kabuktan X menüleri
 oluşturmanıza oalanak tanıyan basit bir programdır. 9menu 9wm ile
 kullanılmaya yöneliktir, fakat herhangi diğer pencere yöneticileri ile de

Package: 9mount
Description-md5: c10585cddabe9bab8d46e6fa16c635ca
Description-tr: plan9 dosya sistemi (v9fs) kullanıcı bağlama araçları
 9mount is a set of SUID mounting tools for use with v9fs to help cope with
 linux's poor mount support.
 The tools offer a level of security - 9mount will only let you mount over
 non-sticky directories you have write access to, and 9umount will only let
 you unmount 9p partitions that you mounted yourself.

Package: 9mount-dbg
Description-md5: f726d4011709ac6294bfc36c88a772b7
Description-tr: plan9 dosya sistemi (v9fs) kullanıcı bağlama araçları (hata ayıklama)
 9mount is a set of SUID mounting tools for use with v9fs to help cope with
 linux's poor mount support.
 Bu paket, hata ayıklama simgelerini içerir.

Package: 9wm
Description-md5: 41ad7a3fb8957b989a3bd02e7e167200
Description-tr: Plan 9 pencere yöneticisi 8-1/2 için öykünüm
 9wm is an X window manager which attempts to emulate the Plan 9 window
 manager 8-1/2 as far as possible within the constraints imposed by X.
 It provides a simple yet comfortable user interface, without garish
 decorations or title-bars. Or icons. And it's click-to-type.

Package: a56
Description-md5: 9bbb2bc0650abbfe87ec9bc9373e5312
Description-tr: Motorola DSP56001 çevirici
 a52 is an assembler for the Motorola DSP56001 family of microcontrollers.
 It is capable of compiling the firmware used in Linux' dsp56k.c driver.

Package: abby
Description-md5: d2dc7bd5fe9194a3134ee9048b0429ff
Description-tr: cclive ve clive için kullanıcı arayüzü
 abby is a front-end for cclive and clive used to download videos from
 Youtube and other similar video hosts. Abby is written in C++ and depends
 on the Qt framework.

Package: abe
Description-md5: 276229d1b6a720c43d1ae193c08c626f
Description-tr: Side-scrolling game named "Abe's Amazing Adventure"
 A scrolling, platform-jumping, key-collecting, ancient pyramid exploring
 game, vaguely in the style of similar games for the Commodore+4. The game
 is intended to show young people all the cool games they missed.
 Bu paket oyunun mimari bağımlı dosyalarını içerir.

Package: abicheck
Description-md5: a38281f070a37064c10336aabb05a83f
Description-tr: ikili uyumluluk denetimi aracı
 ABIcheck is a tool for checking an application's compliance with a
 library's defined Application Binary Interface (ABI). It relies on ABI
 definition information contained in the library. Example definitions are
 given for GNOME and glibc.

Package: abinit
Description-md5: e3898ff8b5a96b352423b6eee4f46d6e
Description-tr: Elektronik yapı hesaplamaları için bir paket
 ABINIT is a package whose main program allows one to find the total
 energy, charge density and electronic structure of systems made of
 electrons and nuclei (molecules and periodic solids) within Density
 Functional Theory (DFT), using pseudopotentials and a planewave basis.
 ABINIT also includes options to optimize the geometry according to the DFT
 forces and stresses, or to perform molecular dynamics simulations using
 these forces, or to generate dynamical matrices, Born effective charges,
 and dielectric tensors. Excited states can be computed within the Time-
 Dependent Density Functional Theory (for molecules), or within Many-Body
 Perturbation Theory (the GW approximation). In addition to the main ABINIT
 code, different utility programs are provided.
 This package contains all programs needed to perform calculations. For
 documentation and tests, install the abinit-doc package.

Package: abinit-doc
Description-md5: a1aa525712ef24d4fa901ba0b777f5a8
Description-tr: Elektronik yapı hesaplamaları için bir paket
 ABINIT is a package whose main program allows one to find the total
 energy, charge density and electronic structure of systems made of
 electrons and nuclei (molecules and periodic solids) within Density
 Functional Theory (DFT), using pseudopotentials and a planewave basis.
 ABINIT also includes options to optimize the geometry according to the DFT
 forces and stresses, or to perform molecular dynamics simulations using
 these forces, or to generate dynamical matrices, Born effective charges,
 and dielectric tensors. Excited states can be computed within the Time-
 Dependent Density Functional Theory (for molecules), or within Many-Body
 Perturbation Theory (the GW approximation). In addition to the main ABINIT
 code, different utility programs are provided.
 Bu paket belgelendirme ve testleri içerir.

Package: abiword
Description-md5: ce3726e526f8ea76d20e3def9d407546
Description-tr: verimli, zengin özelliklere sahip birlikte çalışma imkanı tanıyan kelime işlemcisi
 AbiWord is a full-featured, efficient word processing application. It is
 suitable for a wide variety of word processing tasks, and is extensible
 with a variety of plugins.
 This package includes many of the available import/export plugins allowing
 AbiWord to interact with ODT, WordPerfect, and other formats.  It also
 includes tools plugins, offering live collaboration with AbiWord users on
 Linux and Windows (using TCP or Jabber/XMPP), web translation and
 dictionary support, and more.
 Additional plugins that require significant amounts of extra software to
 function are in the various abiword-plugin-* packages.

Package: abiword-common
Description-md5: 168081fc8391dc5eb8f29d63bb588273
Description-tr: verimli, zengin özelliklere sahip birlikte çalışma imkanı tanıyan kelime işlemcisi -- ortak dosyalar
 AbiWord is a full-featured, efficient word processing application. It is
 suitable for a wide variety of word processing tasks, and is extensible
 with a variety of plugins.
 Bu paket, değişikliğe uğramadan bütün mimarilerde ortak kullanılan
 dosyaları içerir.

Package: abiword-plugin-grammar
Description-md5: 6accdf3d3fd880aac171af895fb8f340
Description-tr: AbiWord için yazım kontrolü eklentisi
 AbiWord is a full-featured, efficient word processing application. It is
 suitable for a wide variety of word processing tasks, and is extensible
 with a variety of plugins.
 This package contains an in-line grammar checking system for AbiWord

Package: abiword-plugin-mathview
Description-md5: 2578fc33b80827c954fcc8789a8fd422
Description-tr: AbiWord için denklem düzenleyici eklentisi
 AbiWord is a full-featured, efficient word processing application. It is
 suitable for a wide variety of word processing tasks, and is extensible
 with a variety of plugins.
 Bu paket AbiWord belgeleri için bir denklem düzenleme sistemi içerir.

Package: abook
Description-md5: b3df98dd5a16801ef603bb31eff45bf6
Description-tr: metin tabanlı ncurses adres defteri uygulaması
 abook is a text-based ncurses address book application. It provides many
 different fields of user info. abook is designed for use with mutt, but
 can be used independently.

Package: abr2gbr
Description-md5: 19edd2d5c033d3a49c4fcf4b17cbdcf2
Description-tr: PhotoShop fırçalarını GIMP biçimine dönüştürür
 abr2gbr is a tool for converting Adobe PhotoShop ABR and Corel Paint Shop
 Pro JBR brush files to the GIMP GBR format.

Package: abraca
Description-md5: 2218a34be394e0b2628f2a63736c98a2
Description-tr: XMMS2 için basit ve güçlü bir grafiksel istemci
 Abraca is a client for the XMMS2 music player. It is designed with
 collections in mind, which makes managing your music a breeze.
 GTK+ kullanılarak Vala'da yazılmıştır.

Package: abuse-frabs
Description-md5: 8e8d78fd31dc1f387df7e7252ac750c0
Description-tr: Abuse için seviyeler ve grafikler
 This package contains the levels and graphics for the game Abuse with the
 Free Abuse (fRaBs) extensions.
 This package obsoletes abuse-lib which will be removed at some point. If
 you still need abuse-lib for some reason, please contact the maintainer
 The Abuse sound effects are not included, due to copyright problems.

Package: abuse-lib
Description-md5: 688a750ab6d443427e243ae451d595c5
Description-tr: Abuse için özgün seviyeler
 This package contains the original levels and graphics for the Abuse game.
 The Abuse sound effects are not included, due to copyright problems.
 This package occupies around 3.5 MB. A bigger set of levels exists in the
 package abuse-frabs (13 MB).

Package: acerhk-source
Description-md5: dc8046842b0b85554fc5ddf85c88a6cc
Description-tr: Acerhk sürücüsü için kaynak
 Bu paket acerhk çekirdek modülleri için kaynak kodunu sağlar.
 This driver will give access to the special keys on notebooks of the Acer
 Travelmate series, which are not handled by the keyboard driver.
 It also works on notebooks from other manufacturers (some Medion, Fujitsu-
 Siemens, Compal, Xbook...).
 It also has some other related functionality (depending on the model):
   * controlling LEDs (Mail, Wireless)
   * enable/disable wireless hardware
 Kernel source or headers are required to compile these modules.

Package: acheck
Description-md5: a2145f860ebbe06fd97fdf6d0a8fb78a
Description-tr: Yaygın yerelleştirme hatalarını denetle
 acheck, any text file checker, is a tool designed to help both translators
 and reviewers checking and fixing common localisation mistakes according
 to file format.  Rules can be defined to add new checks.
 If you install the Aspell Perl module as recommended, Aspell can be
 invoked to check word spelling.

Package: acheck-rules
Description-md5: 0a4c57c2dd1295b49c48ee4853b41822
Description-tr: Acheck için temel kurallar
 This package provides basic rules to be checked by the acheck script.

Package: acheck-rules-fr
Description-md5: d7beecddcf60682dbee1ba1649193481
Description-tr: Acheck için Fransızca kurallar
 This package provides French rules to be checked by the acheck script.
 See acheck-rules packages for manpage.

Package: ack
Description-md5: e0bd2fe10affba7afb2a75ed707de52e
Description-tr: Kanji kod dönüştürücüsü
 ACK is a highly versatile Kanji code checker/converter.  ACK can do
 reciprocal conversion among Japanese EUC, Shift-JIS and 7bit JIS. JIS
 Kata-kana(SJIS Han-kaku Kana) is also supported.  Kanji code can be
 automatically detected even if the input stream contains Kata-kana
 characters.  Besides, ACK can be used as a Kanji code checker with very
 high detection rate.

Package: acl2
Description-md5: 5c77f7a0fd608c59b650c3c2e29cb8b1
Description-tr: A Computational Logic for Applicative Common Lisp: main binary
 ACL2 is both a programming language in which you can model computer
 systems and a tool to help you prove properties of those models.
 Bu paket temel ACL2 ikili dosyasını içerir.

Package: acl2-doc
Description-md5: 49fe680680442426c8d36a06ba4fff1f
Description-tr: A Computational Logic for Applicative Common Lisp: documentation
 ACL2 is both a programming language in which you can model computer
 systems and a tool to help you prove properties of those models.
 Bu paket ACL2 için belgelendirmeyi içerir.

Package: acl2-emacs
Description-md5: 1125e683d54417821f71f6fb1183466c
Description-tr: A Computational Logic for Applicative Common Lisp: emacs interface
 ACL2 is both a programming language in which you can model computer
 systems and a tool to help you prove properties of those models.
 Bu paket ACL2 için emacs arayüzünü içerir.

Description-md5: 4bbb46e50189644a386705a8a40eebf2
Description-tr: Analog dockapp clock for GNUstep
 Bu küçük uygulama günün saatlerini görüntüler (analog).
 Ana sayfa:

Package: aconnectgui
Description-md5: 5eaa182434a2f6f63283b1b178443c4f
Description-tr: graphical ALSA sequencer connection manager
 aconnectgui is a graphical utility to connect and disconnect two existing
 ports on ALSA sequencer system. The ports with the arbitrary subscription
 permission, such as created by aseqview, can be connected to any (MIDI)
 device ports.
 aconnectgui is a frontend for aconnect, written directly on top of the
 aconnect source, leaving the original source intact, only adding a couple
 of ifdefs, and some calls to the gui part. It provides exactly the same
 functionality, but with a graphical user interface.

Package: acorn-fdisk
Description-md5: dd080f43bd475cbf3ed52ff03c838256
Description-tr: Acorn/RISC OS makineleri için bölümlendirme düzenleyicisi
 Acorn-fdisk allows you to edit disk partitions on Acorn machines.  It
 understands a variety of the partition tables formats used under RISC OS,
 including Filecore, ICS-IDE, EESOX and Powertec.

Package: acpi
Description-md5: db6ab4efac863dec3b47725e9bbd40ae
Description-tr: ACPI aygıtlarındaki bilgileri görüntüler
 Attempts to replicate the functionality of the 'old' apm command on ACPI
 systems, including battery and thermal information. Does not support ACPI
 suspending, only displays information about ACPI devices.

Package: acpitool
Description-md5: 8bfbe99c5e1bf2100b04aac2628220b1
Description-tr: komut satırı ACPI istemcisi
 AcpiTool is a Linux ACPI client. It's a small command line application,
 intended to be a replacement for the apm tool. The primary target audience
 are laptop users, since these people are most interested in things like
 battery status, thermal status and the ability to suspend (sleep mode).
 The program simply accesses the /proc/acpi or /sysfs entries to get or set
 ACPI values. It also supports various extensions for Toshiba, Asus, and
 IBM Thinkpad laptops.

Package: acpitool-dbg
Description-md5: 01184a49d86853dcbfdd8540375870cf
Description-tr: komut satırı ACPI istemcisi (hata ayıklama)
 AcpiTool is a Linux ACPI client. It's a small command line application,
 intended to be a replacement for the apm tool. The primary target audience
 are laptop users, since these people are most interested in things like
 battery status, thermal status and the ability to suspend (sleep mode).
 The program simply accesses the /proc/acpi or /sysfs entries to get or set
 ACPI values. It also supports various extensions for Toshiba, Asus, and
 IBM Thinkpad laptops.
 Bu paket, hata ayıklama simgelerini içerir.

Package: adacgi0
Description-md5: a1997593754fb7533c09e85e86cdd284
Description-tr: Ada CGI arayüzü
 This is David A. Wheeler's Ada 95 interface to the "Common Gateway
 Interface" (CGI).  This makes it easier to create Ada programs that can be
 invoked by HTTP servers using the standard CGI interface.

Package: adept
Description-md5: e6ca9314b0ba2c317272ec217ca1d211
Description-tr: KDE için paket yönetim takımı
 Adept Manager is a graphical user interface for package management. It
 also provides a specialised UI for system updates.
 Besides these basic functions the following features are provided:
  * Search and filter the list of available packages (also using debtags)
  * Perform smart system upgrades
  * Edit the list of used repositories (sources.list)
  * Configure packages through the debconf system

Package: adesklets
Description-md5: 12ff125c53dcc31128d46ed4015f8421
Description-tr: X Pencere Sistemi için etkileşimli Imlib2 uçbirimi
 adesklets is an interactive Imlib2 console for the X Window system. It
 provides to scripted languages a clean and simple way to write great
 looking, mildly interactive desktop integrated graphic applets (aka

Package: aegis-doc
Description-md5: 454be338e289826d5b5835666484e418
Description-tr: aegis için belgelendirme
 Aegis provides a framework within which a team of developers may work on
 many changes to a program independently, and Aegis coordinates integrating
 these changes back into the master source of the program, with as little
 disruption as possible.
 Aegis simplifies the problems associated with multiple developers and
 development trees by using a transaction-based approach to version
 control, along with a web-browsable repository and an integrated testing

Package: afflib-dbg
Description-md5: 12456f1c26097201d46337afd19b4159
Description-tr: support for Advanced Forensics format (debug)
 libafflib is a library for reading and writing the Advanced Forensics
 format (AFF), an extensible open format for the storage of disk images and
 related forensic metadata.
 Bu paket, hata ayıklama simgelerini içerir.

Package: alcovebook-sgml-doc
Description-md5: c10983ac43a60b97aaca337341c9f085
Description-tr: AlcoveBook DTD için belgelendirme
 This package contains the dtd2html-generated documentation for AlcoveBook,
 for use as a reference manual.

Package: anyremote-doc
Description-md5: cdacc18f88285652bc5584438ed60656
Description-tr: Anyremote için belgelendirme
 With anyRemote, arbitrary desktop applications can be remote-controlled
 via many modern mobile phones that support Bluetooth, IrDA or WiFi
 communication using a J2ME client, AT modem commands, a web interface or
 IR remote controllers.
 This package contains the HTML documentation offline.

Package: apt-offline
Description-md5: 2aa00cf79a5eb321f353b6e766477157
Description-tr: çevrimdışı apt paket yöneticisi
 apt-çevrimdışı bir Çevrimdışı APT Paket Yöneticisidir
 apt-offline can fully update and upgrade an APT based distribution without
 connecting to the network, all of it transparent to apt
 apt-offline can be used to generate a signature on a machine (with no
 network). This signature contains all download information required for
 the apt database system. This signature file can be used on another
 machine connected to the internet (which need not be a Debian box and can
 even be running windows) to download the updates. The downloaded data will
 contain all updates in a format understood by apt and this data can be
 used by apt-offline to update the non-networked machine.
 apt-offline can also fetch bug reports and make them available offline

Package: apt-offline-gui
Description-md5: 88e3774aaf13333195f61dd374509175
Description-tr: offline apt package manager - GUI
 apt-çevrimdışı bir Çevrimdışı APT Paket Yöneticisidir
 apt-offline can fully update and upgrade an APT based distribution without
 connecting to the network, all of it transparent to apt
 apt-offline can be used to generate a signature on a machine (with no
 network). This signature contains all download information required for
 the apt database system. This signature file can be used on another
 machine connected to the internet (which need not be a Debian box and can
 even be running windows) to download the updates. The downloaded data will
 contain all updates in a format understood by apt and this data can be
 used by apt-offline to update the non-networked machine.
 apt-offline can also fetch bug reports and make them available offline
 This package contains the Graphical User Interface to apt-offline

Package: apt-show-source
Description-md5: d4cedf9c62e14ae2d9a9387616ae8fa2
Description-tr: Kaynak-paket bilgisini gösterir
 This program parses the APT lists for source packages and the dpkg status
 file and then lists every package with a different version number than the
 one installed. It's very useful if your deb-src sources.list entries point
 to unstable and your deb entries point to stable.

Package: apt-show-versions
Description-md5: f3e90eaeb26db6c7571b38a0b4ce5b90
Description-tr: dağıtım ile kullanılabilir paket sürümlerini listeler
 apt-show-versions parses the dpkg status file and the APT lists for the
 installed and available package versions and distribution and shows
 upgrade options within the specific distribution of the selected package.
 This is really useful if you have a mixed stable/testing environment and
 want to list all packages which are from testing and can be upgraded in

Package: apt-src
Description-md5: c1c2aad38a3b3f83fa8835588c7f14b5
Description-tr: Debian kaynak paketlerini yönet
 apt-src is a command line interface for downloading, installing,
 upgrading, and tracking Debian source packages. It makes source package
 management feel a lot like using apt to manage binary packages, and is
 being used as a testbed to work on adding source dependencies to Debian.
 It can be run as a normal user, or as root. If you want a convenient way
 to track updates to packages while preserving your local modifications,
 this is a way to do that.

Package: archmbox
Description-md5: aea0792059a321f0195e8aaee4d7d4c2
Description-tr: perl ile yazılmış basit bir e-posta arşivleyicisi
 Archmbox is a simple email archiver written in perl; it parses one or more
 mailboxes, selects some or all messages and then performs  specific
 actions on the selected messages. At this time archmbox supports mbox and
 mbx mailbox formats.
 Messages selection is based upon a date criteria; an absolute date or a
 days offset can be specified. It is also possible to refine the selection
 using regular expressions on the header fields of the message. All
 archived messages are stored in a new mailbox with the same name of the
 original one plus .archived as extension (this is the default, but can be
 changed); the archive mailbox can be saved in gz or bz2 compressed format
 as well.

Package: archway
Description-md5: 91c1145692703da8e72a4b5219b2017f
Description-tr: GNU Arch için grafiksel kullanıcı arayüzü
 ArchWay is a GNU Arch GUI.  It follows the unix tradition of small tools
 doing their work well and cooperating nicely with each other.
 Some tips: in a working tree, run "archelf" to operate on project files;
 run "archmag" to manage tree merges; run "archeye ." to view tree changes;
 run "archeye ,undo-1" to view any changeset; run "archrog" to manage
 registered archives; and so on.
 Alternativelly, just run "archway" and choose the desired tools from

Package: archzoom
Description-md5: a77a94adc0d06312b8adf3bf7b134b1c
Description-tr: web tabanlı Arch deposu tarayıcısı
 ArchZoom is an Arch revision browser, a web based application that uses
 tla and optionally revision library as a backend.

Package: ardour
Description-md5: ca07a57a6bf81c5ab213fc869c4ba6fb
Description-tr: digital audio workstation (graphical gtk2 interface)
 Ardour is a multichannel hard disk recorder (HDR) and digital audio
 workstation (DAW).  It can be used to control, record, edit and run
 complex audio setups.
 Ardour supports pro-audio interfaces through the ALSA project, which
 provides high quality, well designed device drivers and API's for audio
 I/O under Linux. Any interface supported by ALSA can be used with Ardour.
 This includes the all-digital 26 channel RME Hammerfall, the Midiman Delta
 1010 and many others.
 Ardour has support for 24 bit samples using floating point internally,
 non-linear editing with unlimited undo, a user-configurable mixer, MTC
 master/slave capabilities, MIDI hardware control surface compatibility.
 It supports MIDI Machine Control, and so can be controlled from any MMC
 controller and many modern digital mixers.
 Ardour contains a powerful multitrack audio editor/arranger that is
 completely non-destructive and capable of all standard non-linear editing
 operations (insert, replace, delete, move, trim, select, cut/copy/paste).
 The editor has unlimited undo/redo capabilities and can save independent
 "versions" of a track or an entire piece
 Ardour's editor supports the community-developed LADSPA plugin standard.
 Arbitrary chains of plugins can be attached to any portion of a track.
 Every mixer strip can have any number of inputs and outputs, not just
 mono, stereo or 5.1.  An N-way panner is included, with support for
 various panning models.  Pre- and post-fader sends exist, each with their
 own gain and pan controls.  Every mixer strip acts as its own bus, and
 thus the bus count in Ardour is unlimited.  You can submix any number of
 strips into another strip.
 Ardour's channel capacity is limited only by the number on your audio
 interface and the ability of your disk subsystem to stream the data back
 and forth.
 JACK (the JACK Audio Connection Kit) is used for all audio I/O, permitting
 data to be exchanged in perfect samplesync with other applications and/or
 hardware audio interfaces.
 Ardour is sample rate and size neutral - any hardware formats from 8 to 32
 bits, and rates from 8kHz to 192kHz.  Internal processing in 32/64 bit
 IEEE floating point format.
 Daha fazla bilgiyi <> bağlantısında bulabilirsiniz.

Package: arename
Description-md5: 1e36225fac8f509a452548a41fbd49ca
Description-tr: otomatik ses dosyası yeniden adlandırma
 arename is a tool that is able to rename audio files by looking at a
 file's tagging information. It uses this information to assemble a
 consistent destination file name. The user can define the format of the
 destination filename by the use of template strings.

Package: argus-client
Description-md5: fe2b5caced3cdedec26064d073529abc
Description-tr: IP ağ hareketi denetim aracı
 argus is a network transaction auditing tool that allows the user to
 easily classify connections using tcpdump(1) compliant expressions. Argus
 runs as an application level daemon, promiscuously reading network
 datagrams from a specified interface, and generates network traffic audit
 records for the network activity that it encounters. Auditing records can
 be used to ensure that access control policies are being enforced,
 identify network problems such as denial of service attacks and more.
 This package contains the client programs for the argus server. Please see
 the package argus-server for the appropriate server.

Package: argus-server
Description-md5: 353c40cd6e96a9a56a8791f8562b21be
Description-tr: IP ağ hareketi denetim aracı
 argus is a network transaction auditing tool that allows the user to
 easily classify connections using tcpdump(1) compliant expressions. Argus
 runs as an application level daemon, promiscuously reading network
 datagrams from a specified interface, and generates network traffic audit
 records for the network activity that it encounters. Auditing records can
 be used to ensure that access control policies are being enforced,
 identify network problems such as denial of service attacks and more.
 This package contains the binaries required for the argus server. Please
 see the package argus-client for appropriate clients.

Package: aria2
Description-md5: 6860f620b04a6bab4fabdf349698ddd8
Description-tr: Yüksek hızda indirme aracı
 Aria2 is a command line download client with resuming and segmented
 downloading. Supported protocols are HTTP/HTTPS/FTP/BitTorrent and it also
 supports Metalink.

Package: ario-common
Description-md5: 127020a192576db0234fad879a965cfe
Description-tr: Müzik Oynatıcısı Hizmeti (MPD) için GTK+ istemcisi (Ortak dosyalar)
 Ario is a full featured client for MPD (Music Player Daemon). The
 interface used to browse the library is inspired by Rhythmbox but Ario
 aims to be much lighter and faster. It uses GTK2, avahi for MPD server
 detection and curl to download remote files (like cover arts and lyrics).
 Various plugins are provided like audioscrobbler/ submission or
 multimedia keys support.
 This package contains ario's architecture-independent support files.

Package: arj
Description-md5: 38b5501494d5fb5f61a707689bace555
Description-tr: .arj dosyaları için arşivleyici
 This package is an open source version of the arj archiver. This version
 has been created with the intent to preserve maximum compatibility and
 retain the feature set of original ARJ archiver as provided by ARJ
 Software, Inc.

Package: armagetronad
Description-md5: 9dd6c1aabf6a7a38694e3700be689c41
Description-tr: 3B Tron benzeri yüksek hız oyunu
 The rules are simple: you ride a light cycle (a kind of motorbike that can
 only turn 90 degrees at a time, leaves a wall behind and cannot be
 stopped) and have to avoid running into walls while at the same time you
 have to try to get your opponent to run into them.
 The idea is based on the Disney movie from 1982 called "Tron".  If you
 ever wanted to take a try at one of those speed demons features in the
 movie, this is your chance.
 Armagetron Advanced can be played against AI opponents, against other
 humans over the network, or a mixture of both.

Package: arpalert
Description-md5: 1956cdf226adf20bbfd5c7fb8d0aaad5
Description-tr: Ethernet ağlarındaki ARP değişimlerini takip et
 Bu paket arpalert hizmetini saÄŸlar.
 It listens on a network interface (without using 'promiscuous' mode) and
 catches all conversations of MAC address to IP request. It then compares
 the mac addresses it detected with a pre-configured list of authorized MAC
 addresses. If the MAC is not in list, arpalert launches a pre-defined user
 script with the MAC address and IP address as parameters. This software
 can run in daemon mode; it's very fast (low CPU and memory consumption).
 It responds at signal SIGHUP (configuration reload) and at signals
 SIGTERM, SIGINT, SIGQUIT and SIGABRT (arpalert stops itself).
 If you need to use a list of authorized MAC addresses, this package should
 suit your needs, otherwise arpwatch may be also fine.

Package: arptables
Description-md5: c04609b914a7329b24d1b13a2a67bf66
Description-tr: ARP tablosu yönetimi
 Arptables is used to set up, maintain, and inspect the tables of ARP rules
 in the Linux kernel. It is analogous to iptables, but operates at the ARP
 layer rather than the IP layer.

Package: arpwatch
Description-md5: f2eb3b3897edde54dcc9c8e2c3acdf47
Description-tr: Ethernet/FDDI istasyonu etkinlik izleyicisi
 Arpwatch maintains a database of Ethernet MAC addresses seen on the
 network, with their associated IP pairs.  Alerts the system administrator
 via e-mail if any change happens, such as new station/activity, flip-
 flops, changed and re-used old addresses.

Package: array-info
Description-md5: f2d396bd6af6218ede45163328bbcd33
Description-tr: command line tool reporting RAID status for several RAID types
 Array-info is a command line tool to retrieve informations and logical
 drives status from several RAID controllers (currently HP Compaq IDA and
 CISS, and MD Software RAID).
 It displays informations about the firmware version, Rom revision, number
 of physical and logical drives on the controller, as well as the fault
 tolerance, size, number of physical disks and status for each logical

Package: as31
Description-md5: 253542ad24961989ca72073dd11e08b5
Description-tr: Intel 8031/8051 çevirici
 This is a fast, simple, easy to use Intel 8031/8051 assembler.

Package: asc-data
Description-md5: 198e5f6642106857ef0eb2951805316f
Description-tr: data files for the Advanced Strategic Command game
 Advanced Strategic Command is a free strategy game in the tradition of
 BattleIsle 2/3. The game is turn-based and can be played against human or
 Bu paket ASC oyununun veri dosyalarını içerir.

Package: asc-music
Description-md5: 3343fb144aee5478bf095240c16cdf41
Description-tr: ASC için müzik paketi
 This is a music pack for the Advanced Strategic Command game. If ASC
 detects the presence of these tracks it plays them during game.
 Michael Kievernagel tarafından oluşturulmuştur.

Package: ascd
Description-md5: 12cc18a92e011784339ff4b558d7c4f3
Description-tr: CD oynatıcısı ve karıştırıcı
 AScd is a small CD player and mixer that can be "docked" with AfterStep
 and WindowMaker window managers.

Package: ash
Description-md5: dfaa90778ec9574851d009730b4a705a
Description-tr: dash için uyumluluk paketi
 This package allows upgrading ash to its replacement, dash. It includes
 the /bin/ash symlink. It can be removed as soon as /bin/ash is no longer

Package: asmail
Description-md5: 04fd9d40023bc13737bce54d039f7bb0
Description-tr: AfterStep posta izleyici
 asmail is a small mail monitor similar to xbiff. It follows the AfterStep
 window manager's look and feel and is ideally suited to be run within
 AfterStep's Wharf module.

Package: asmix
Description-md5: 3e9700e92d06358584b9820b0307ce78
Description-tr: bir ses kontrol düğmesi görüntüle
 The volume knob adjusts the master volume of your sound card. Just grab
 the knob with the left button of your mouse and drag it around.

Package: asmixer
Description-md5: 9d62cc20cf2df67302563f2fe851d7d9
Description-tr: AfterStep ses karıştırıcısı
 asmixer is a small audio mixer.  It follows the look and feel of the
 AfterStep window manager and is ideally suited to be run within
 AfterStep's Wharf module.

Package: asmon
Description-md5: ab8009ab6aad6c87b4a70ed29923f792
Description-tr: Afterstep ve WindowMaker için sistem kaynakları izleyicisi rıhtım uygulaması
 Asmon is a wharfable/dockable application that with meters detailing CPU,
 memory, swap, and X mem usage. It also includes the exact numbers for load
 average, mem, swap and X mem usage. Asmon was developed to use very little
 CPU itself.

Package: asn1c
Description-md5: c937d02d4ca9c19337889eac6a9a7ced
Description-tr: C için ASN.1 derleyici
 This ASN.1 compiler turns the formal ASN.1 specifications into the C code.
 The compiler is shipped together with conformant BER/DER/XER codecs.  The
 X.509 and GSM TAP3 decoding examples are shipped as well.

Package: aspectj-doc
Description-md5: f78437737fc3571dd1aa6697df41313f
Description-tr: aspect-oriented extension for Java - documentation
 AspectJ enables the clean modularization of crosscutting concerns such as:
 error checking and handling, synchronization, context-sensitive behavior,
 performance optimizations, monitoring and logging, debugging support,
 multi-object protocols.
 Bu paket aspectj için belgelendirmeleri sağlar.

Package: aspell-ar
Description-md5: e0e3d3ec1e303140520c5f849f5ca871
Description-tr: Arabic dictionary for aspell
 This package contains all the required files to add support for Arabic
 language to aspell spell checker.

Package: aspell-ar-large
Description-md5: 9d988aac63d6b6f45b1068e95b20ad6f
Description-tr: Large Arabic dictionary for aspell
 This is a large Arabic dictionary for Aspell by Google. The original word
 list used for this package was generated using The Buckwalter Arabic
 Morphological Analyzer Version 1.0.
 This package is huge so you might experience some performance degradation
 with aspell.

Package: aspell-bg
Description-md5: d3090f1d4aeb664ace8d6c962b2cf397
Description-tr: aspell için Bulgarca sözlük
 This package contains all the required files to add support for Bulgarian
 language to aspell spell checker.

Package: aspell-bn
Description-md5: 1e4e0b453f2c93adf0ee9bbe7b02e7d8
Description-tr: Bengali (bn) dictionary for GNU aspell
 This package contains the required files to add support for the Bengali
 (bn) language to the GNU Aspell spell checker.
 Bu liste Ankur Grubu tarafından geliştirilmektedir.

Package: asterisk-doc
Description-md5: 1f6039c0b5b8c50e4338426f68ddc318
Description-tr: Asterisk için kaynak kodu belgelendirmesi
 Asterisk is an Open Source PBX and telephony toolkit.
 This package contains the documentation for configuring an Asterisk

Package: asymptote-doc
Description-md5: 2f7e3ab8fbae0f76cb0781d5264da521
Description-tr: asymptote için belgelendirme ve örnekler
 Asymptote is a powerful descriptive vector graphics language that provides
 a natural coordinate-based framework for technical drawing. This package
 provides documentation and examples.

Package: audacity-dbg
Description-md5: 5a5d4ccb58c105e0182a4cbf9e91d832
Description-tr: fast, cross-platform audio editor (debug)
 Audacity is a multi-track audio editor for Linux/Unix, MacOS and Windows.
 It is designed for easy recording, playing and editing of digital audio.
 Audacity features digital effects and spectrum analysis tools.  Editing is
 very fast and provides unlimited undo/redo.
 Bu paket, hata ayıklama simgelerini içerir.

Package: auth2db-frontend
Description-md5: 9f2e9628802a117faf6e5c47dedac87a
Description-tr: auth2DB kayıt motoru için Web arayüzü görünümü
 This package consists in the user side step for the auth2db log engine
 Auth2db uses MySQL database to store logs, whichs allows to performe a
 separated multi-client to single DB storage, turning the tedious work of
 constants auditing into a trivial and enjoyable experience
 Some changes have been made to original software due to non-dfsg
 complianse. Check README.Debian for more information

Package: autodia
Description-md5: 32916e665aac4a610d93d9eb24c36eee
Description-tr: generates UML diagrams from perl or C++ code
 AutoDia creates UML files for use with dia. It scans your perl or c++
 code, and generates class diagrams in dia's native file format (XML).
 Diğer diller için destek, eklentilerle sağlanabilir.

Package: autodns-dhcp
Description-md5: cc930c20956907d1289ff68bb3b79a3c
Description-tr: DHCP için otomatik DNS güncellemeleri
 autodns-dhcp uses bind's dynamic update features to update a zonefile with
 hostnames from the dhcp leases file, this is done just once for each
 hostname as the IP, MAC address and name are settled on the dhcp
 configuration to have an static zone.

Package: autodock-test
Description-md5: f43dccb98148a17db9bbddef18472bbd
Description-tr: AutoDock için test dosyaları
 Bu paket, AutoDock programı için test dosyalarını içerir.

Package: autofs5-hesiod
Description-md5: ac5ec6d64963a2f68c094e78cf5c59c6
Description-tr: Autofs için Hesiod harita desteği, sürüm 5
 Autofs controls the operation of the automount daemons. The automount
 daemons automatically mount filesystems when they are used and unmount
 them after a period of inactivity. This is done based on a set of pre-
 configured maps.
 The kernel automounter implements an almost complete SunOS style
 automounter under Linux. A recent version of the kernel autofs4 module
 (builtin or separate) is required.
 This is the Hesiod module of the autofs experimental branch.

Package: autofs5-ldap
Description-md5: eb006e8a41e49a8187c700b727f26e21
Description-tr: Autofs için LDAP harita desteği, sürüm 5
 Autofs controls the operation of the automount daemons. The automount
 daemons automatically mount filesystems when they are used and unmount
 them after a period of inactivity. This is done based on a set of pre-
 configured maps.
 The kernel automounter implements an almost complete SunOS style
 automounter under Linux. A recent version of the kernel autofs4 module
 (builtin or separate) is required.
 This is the LDAP module of the autofs experimental branch.

Package: autogrid-test
Description-md5: bb9f81fe550a752f5c29831881047a16
Description-tr: AutoGrid için test dosyaları
 Bu paket, AutoGrid programı için test dosyalarını içerir.

Package: autokey-common
Description-md5: dff860887044de0127679afce2ee3a98
Description-tr: masaüstü otomasyon aracı - ortak veriler
 AutoKey is a desktop automation utility for Linux and X11. It allows the
 automation of virtually any task by responding to typed abbreviations and
 hotkeys. It offers a full-featured GUI that makes it highly accessible for
 novices, as well as a scripting interface offering the full flexibility
 and power of the Python language.
 Bu paket, çeşitli arayüzler arasında paylaşılan ortak verileri içerir.

Package: autokey-gtk
Description-md5: 5b4eada1c1f5004003f28c2b91584130
Description-tr: masaüstü otomasyon aracı - GTK+ sürümü
 AutoKey is a desktop automation utility for Linux and X11. It allows the
 automation of virtually any task by responding to typed abbreviations and
 hotkeys. It offers a full-featured GUI that makes it highly accessible for
 novices, as well as a scripting interface offering the full flexibility
 and power of the Python language.
 Bu paket, GTK+ arayüzünü içerir.

Package: autokey-qt
Description-md5: 8ba3753026a1bf68849bd820f4a03d2f
Description-tr: masaüstü otomasyon aracı -QT sürümü
 AutoKey is a desktop automation utility for Linux and X11. It allows the
 automation of virtually any task by responding to typed abbreviations and
 hotkeys. It offers a full-featured GUI that makes it highly accessible for
 novices, as well as a scripting interface offering the full flexibility
 and power of the Python language.
 Bu paket, QT arayüzünü içerir.

Package: automysqlbackup
Description-md5: 94503e3c8ee3b0afea32542968734c3b
Description-tr: MySQL veritabanlarınız için günlük, haftalık ve aylık yedekleme
 automysqlbackup creates backup every day, week and month for all of your
 MySQL database, to a configured folder. There's nothing to do but to
 install this package, and you'll rest assured that you have a way to go
 back in the history of your database.

Package: autopsy
Description-md5: 37d2fa98885c3d41edc06647219ede8a
Description-tr: SleuthKit için grafiksel arayüz
 The Autopsy Forensic Browser is a graphical interface to the command line
 digital forensic analysis tools in The Sleuth Kit. Together, The Sleuth
 Kit and Autopsy provide many of the same features as commercial digital
 forensics tools for the analysis of Windows and UNIX file systems (NTFS,

Package: autorun4linuxcd
Description-md5: 10c65d67ed2ae9c5fdc122891822a8d9
Description-tr: Windows altında Debian Çalışan Cd için menü
 This package contains a menu system for Debian Live under Windows. It is
 only useful for live-helper, while building CD images.

Package: avahi-discover
Description-md5: bd2a23e6143f793e37bb138e29fb30b9
Description-tr: Avahi için hizmet algılama kullanıcı arayüzü
 Avahi is a fully LGPL framework for Multicast DNS Service Discovery. It
 allows programs to publish and discover services and hosts running on a
 local network with no specific configuration. For example you can plug
 into a network and instantly find printers to print to, files to look at
 and people to talk to.
 Bu paket, hizmet algılama için bir kullanıcı arayüzü içerir.

Package: avahi-dnsconfd
Description-md5: 116a8cc3e8edfd55e1444b8100a0bf7f
Description-tr: Avahi DNS yapılandırma aracı
 Avahi is a fully LGPL framework for Multicast DNS Service Discovery. It
 allows programs to publish and discover services and hosts running on a
 local network with no specific configuration. For example you can plug
 into a network and instantly find printers to print to, files to look at
 and people to talk to.
 This tool listens on the network for announced DNS servers and passes them
 to resolvconf so it can use them. This is very useful on autoconfigured
 IPv6 networks.

Package: avahi-ui-utils
Description-md5: 6a2d4e446eb92bf74181ccf3974335d5
Description-tr: Avahi GTK+ araçları
 Avahi is a fully LGPL framework for Multicast DNS Service Discovery. It
 allows programs to publish and discover services and hosts running on a
 local network with no specific configuration. For example you can plug
 into a network and instantly find printers to print to, files to look at
 and people to talk to.
 This package contains some small GTK+ utilities to discover ssh and vnc

Package: avant-window-navigator
Description-md5: 10c604bff9d3e145ff3df68a205253cd
Description-tr: GNOME için MacOS X benzeri bir panel
 Avant-window-navigator (Awn) is a MacOS X like panel for the GNOME Desktop
 written in C.  In addition to launchers that can be dragged onto the bar,
 it features a taskbar that behaves similarly to the Mac OSX dock. The
 window navigator uses the composite extension for transparency and other

Package: avant-window-navigator-data
Description-md5: 18f343731f07166283923b6f3c42fa3c
Description-tr: avant-window-navigator için ortak dosyalar
 This package contains all images and locales for avant-windows-navigator.

Package: avfs
Description-md5: bce08fbc36fd7b8e3c454f36f0daf699
Description-tr: arşivlere, disk görüntülerine, uzak konumlara erişmek için sanal dosya sistemi
 This FUSE-base VFS (Virtual FileSystem) enables all programs to look
 inside archived or compressed files, or access remote files without
 recompiling the programs or changing the kernel.
 At the moment it supports floppies, tar and gzip files, zip, bzip2, ar and
 rar files, ftp sessions, http, webdav, rsh/rcp, ssh/scp. Quite a few other
 handlers are implemented with the Midnight Commander's external FS.

Package: avida-base
Description-md5: 3e3695a3498eb025e3df042065785ea4
Description-tr: Auto-adaptive genetic system for Artificial Life research
 Avida is an auto-adaptive genetic system designed primarily for use as a
 platform in Digital or Artificial Life research. In lay terms, Avida is a
 digital world in which simple computer programs mutate and evolve.
 Avida allows us to study questions and perform experiments in
 evolutionalry dynamics and theoretical biology that are intractable in
 real biological system.

Package: avida-qt-viewer
Description-md5: e15aef3c3722ce15fd11382649d49594
Description-tr: avida için qt görüntüleyici
 avida-qt-viewer is a graphics viewer for the auto-adaptive genetic system
 Avida. Avida is a digital world in which simple computer programs mutate
 and evolve.

Package: avida-viewer
Description-md5: 52423448e91bd84d9872bd24fd26afb5
Description-tr: avida için ncurses görüntüleyici
 avida-viewer is a text viewer for the auto-adaptive genetic system Avida.
 Avida is a digital world in which simple computer programs mutate and

Package: avifile-mad-plugin
Description-md5: 951ae593afdd8f0c9f5180fe85f2cdcb
Description-tr: libavifile için MAD - MPEG ses eklentisi
 Plugin for decompression of MPEG-1 Layer I/II/III audio streams. This mp3
 decoder is known to give most precise results.

Package: avifile-mjpeg-plugin
Description-md5: 867547837e5f2a3f438e09578668cf60
Description-tr: libavifile için MJPEG video eklentisi
 This package provides a plugin for the avifile library to de/encode MJPEG
 video streams -  this implementation is rather slower and serves just as a
 sample plugin implementation. Usage of ffmpeg or win32 codecs is a better
 Genellikle, bu eklentiye ihtiyaç duyulmaz.

Package: avifile-player
Description-md5: b8e63bdfdb7a01bef779c7f406d1a7c3
Description-tr: AVI/ASF/WMF dosyaları için video oynatıcı
 Player for various AVI, ASF, WFM (with streaming support) files. Separate
 local installation of Windows DLL codecs might be needed for the better
 usage of this player. See README.debian for more information.

Package: avifile-utils
Description-md5: 6f66f32a5d5251f458ff8b1e2a48f5d6
Description-tr: avifile kütüphanesini kullanan araçlar
 Qt-based AVI TV capturing, AVI recompression, benchmarking,
 joining/cutting AVI files. These programs might have more bugs as they are
 not as extensively developed as the player. In general you do not need
 this package.

Package: avifile-vorbis-plugin
Description-md5: bb628d1f072402766268b7b40100ccbc
Description-tr: libavifile için Vorbis ses eklentisi
 This package provides a plugin for the avifile library to decompress audio
 streams in Vorbis, which is a fully open, non-proprietary, patent-and-
 royalty-free, general-purpose compressed audio format.
 You might want to install this package if you are using the avifile video
 player and want to watch videos which provide audio using this format.

Package: avr-libc
Description-md5: f8da43e684408fb968aa4789b21feef2
Description-tr: Atmel AVR geliştirmesi için standart C kütüphanesi
 Standard library used to the development of C programs for the Atmel AVR
 micro controllers. This package contains static libraries as well as the
 header files needed.

Package: avrdude-doc
Description-md5: 0b6fe5ae5ad13f400d3869565ce43390
Description-tr: avrdude için belgelendirme
 AVRDUDE is an open source utility to download/upload/manipulate the ROM
 and EEPROM contents of AVR microcontrollers using the in-system
 programming technique (ISP).
 This package contains documentation for configuring and running AVRDUDE.

Package: bacula-doc
Description-md5: aa74f6e41dce21375a71c65cc5ca4d28
Description-tr: Bacula için belgelendirme
 This package provides the documentation for Bacula, a backup program that
 permits you to manage backup, recovery, and verification of computer data
 across a network of computers of different kinds.

Package: banshee-extension-radiostationfetcher
Description-md5: 4062cfb5805d70eb4fe8f02a71cb846f
Description-tr: Banshee için radyo istasyonu alıcısı eklentisi
 This package contains an extension for Banshee which adds radio station fetching functionality for Banshee. Radio stations are fetched from:
 Banshee is a media management and playback application for the GNOME

Package: banshee-extension-streamrecorder
Description-md5: 21e7911f7c3743766cd3790e797d1bed
Description-tr: Banshee için StreamRecorder eklentisi
 This package provides the StreamRecorder extension for Banshee which will allow it to rip/record radio streams. It has the following features:
  * Recording "what you hear is what you get"
  * Multiple encoders configurable
  * Recorded stream injected with metadata tags
  * Automatic file splitting and naming for streams sending metadata tags for
    title and artist
 Banshee is a media management and playback application for the GNOME

Package: banshee-extensions-common
Description-md5: b264ea9aab7ead686ce8153bffd1b4e8
Description-tr: banshee-community-extensions için ortak dosyalar
 This package contains the common files for all the extensions in the
 Banshee Community Extension. You should not install this package directly,
 but instead install one of other extension packages.

Package: barcode
Description-md5: 9b4b795f30f559bea73b689846949680
Description-tr: Barkod üreteci için araç ve kütüphane
 GNU-barcode can create printouts for the conventional product-tagging
 standards: UPC-A, UPC-E, EAN-13, EAN-8, ISBN, and several others. Output
 is generated as either Postscript, Encapsulated Postscript, or PCL.

Package: barcode-dbg
Description-md5: 6b0d0b607fb343a181c917b03cedaf94
Description-tr: Barkod üreteci için araç ve kütüphane (hata ayıklama)
 GNU-barcode can create printouts for the conventional product-tagging
 standards: UPC-A, UPC-E, EAN-13, EAN-8, ISBN, and several others. Output
 is generated as either Postscript, Encapsulated Postscript, or PCL.
 Bu paket, hata ayıklama simgelerini içerir.

Package: bareftp
Description-md5: f2087e8838177149d960fa94968f290d
Description-tr: GNOME için FTP istemcisi
 bareFTP is a simple ftp client for the GNOME desktop. It supports the FTP,
 FTPS and SSH (SFTP) protocols. It also supports: resume and append, active
 and passive mode, browse during file transfers, boomarks and drag and

Package: barry-util
Description-md5: 6523d9b7143593df52ae2d805bf69e25
Description-tr: Command line utilities for working with the RIM BlackBerry Handheld
 Barry is a GPL C++ library for interfacing with the RIM BlackBerry
 Bu paket bcharge, btool, breset vb. komut satırı araçlarını içerir.

Package: barry-util-dbg
Description-md5: 623e45393a4e60c208d595a0265621ed
Description-tr: Command line utilities for working with the RIM BlackBerry Handheld
 Barry is a GPL C++ library for interfacing with the RIM BlackBerry
 Bu paket komut satırı araçlarının hata ayıklama sürümlerini içerir.

Package: bashdb
Description-md5: 36b179a348cada9cb32c6e4a920d6fc3
Description-tr: BASH hata ayıklayıcısı
 This is a complete rewrite of the Korn Shell debugger from Bill
 Rosenblatt's `Learning the Korn Shell', published by O'Reilly and
 Associates (ISBN 1-56592-054-6) with changes by Michael Loukides and Cigy
 Cyriac. However, this code now depends on a number of debugging support
 features that are neither part of the POSIX standard nor present are in
 many POSIX-like shells. Although you can just use bashdb to debug scripts
 written in BASH, it can also be used just as a front-end for learning more
 about programming in BASH. As an additional aid, the debugger can be used
 within the context of an existing script with its functions and variables
 that have already been initialized; fragments of the existing code can be
 experimented with by changing them inside the debugger.

Package: basic256
Description-md5: 41554da56e86394aac16c79c652af00c
Description-tr: Çocuklar için eğitsel BASIC programlama ortamı
 BASIC-256 is an easy to use version of BASIC designed to teach young
 children the basics of computer programming. It uses traditional control
 structures like gosub, for/next, and goto, which helps kids easily see how
 program flow-control works. It has a built-in graphics mode which lets
 them draw pictures on screen in minutes, and a set of detailed, easy-to-
 follow tutorials that introduce programming concepts through fun

Package: basket
Description-md5: 5c2bdb0f00079022ae17352a0edc8fa2
Description-tr: KDE için çok amaçlı not alma uygulaması
 This application provides as many baskets (drawers) as you wish; Several
 kinds of objects (texts, URLs, images,...) can be drag-n-drop'd into it.
 Objects can be edited, copied, dragged... So, they can be arranged
 according to users' taste. Moreover, Basket allows you to keep all objects
 you want in one place, keep data on hand, take notes...

Package: batctl
Description-md5: 24f42a6e05568d897f55047fb3a112ec
Description-tr: B.A.T.M.A.N. gelişmiş denetim ve yönetim aracı
 This package contains batctl, which serves as configuration utility,
 monitoring and debugging application. It allows to modify the module
 parameters, reading the logfiles and tables, decapsulate embedded packets
 on the fly, traceroute to and ping mac addresses, generate sequence number
 graphs for the Layer 2 Mesh B.A.T.M.A.N.
 B.A.T.M.A.N. (better approach to mobile ad-hoc networking) is a new
 routing protocol for multi-hop ad-hoc mesh networks. B.A.T.M.A.N.-advanced
 is the implementation of this protocol on ISO/OSI Layer 2, allowing mesh
 networks to be used as a virtual switch. With this approach, LANs and WANs
 can be easily integrated, and more protocols (like DHCP, IPv6) are

Package: batctl-dbg
Description-md5: f08df1740eae295042879a26451bf13e
Description-tr: B.A.T.M.A.N. gelişmiş denetim ve yönetim aracı (hata ayıklama dosyaları)
 batctl serves as configuration utility, monitoring and debugging
 application. It allows to modify the module parameters, reading the
 logfiles and tables, decapsulate embedded packets on the fly, traceroute
 to and ping mac addresses, generate sequence number graphs for the Layer 2
 Mesh B.A.T.M.A.N.
 This package contains the debug files.

Package: batman-adv-dkms
Description-md5: 0142bab8eb4141d509bc8e7097fa1e56
Description-tr: batman-advanced çekirdek modülü için DKMS Kaynağı
 This package contains the source for the batman-adv-source kernel modules,
 packaged with approriate configuration for DKMS to build new modules
 B.A.T.M.A.N. (better approach to mobile ad-hoc networking) is a new
 routing protocol for multi-hop ad-hoc mesh networks. B.A.T.M.A.N.-advanced
 is the implementation of this protocol on ISO/OSI Layer 2, allowing mesh
 networks to be used as a virtual switch. With this approach, LANs and WANs
 can be easily integrated, and more protocols (like DHCP, IPv6) are

Package: batman-adv-source
Description-md5: cbb05bfc335f5eb313dea3fe5c2f12d5
Description-tr: batman-advanced çekirdek modülü için kaynak
 This package provides the source code for the batman-adv-source kernel
 modules. Kernel source or headers are required to compile these modules.
 B.A.T.M.A.N. (better approach to mobile ad-hoc networking) is a new
 routing protocol for multi-hop ad-hoc mesh networks. B.A.T.M.A.N.-advanced
 is the implementation of this protocol on ISO/OSI Layer 2, allowing mesh
 networks to be used as a virtual switch. With this approach, LANs and WANs
 can be easily integrated, and more protocols (like DHCP, IPv6) are

Package: batmand-gateway-dkms
Description-md5: 1d0cd161455fc579d0248ef12e4fdaa6
Description-tr: batmand-gateway çekirdek modülü için DKMS Kaynağı
 This package provides the source code for the batmand-gateway-source
 kernel modules, packaged with approriate configuration for DKMS to build
 new modules dynamically. It is used to reduce the load of a batmand
 gateway by moving all tunnel related operations from userspace to
 kernelland and thus minimize memory operations between them. batmand
 doesn't require the gateway to be loaded to provide gateway functionality.
 Kernel source or headers are required to compile these modules.
 This package is part of batmand. See batmand package for more information.

Package: batmand-gateway-source
Description-md5: a1c2455e2147c4e3cdfd559ad334c5c7
Description-tr: batmand-gateway çekirdek modülü için kaynak
 This package provides the source code for the batmand-gateway-source
 kernel modules. It is used to reduce the load of a batmand gateway by
 moving all tunnel related operations from userspace to kernelland and thus
 minimize memory operations between them. batmand doesn't require the
 gateway to be loaded to provide gateway functionality. Kernel source or
 headers are required to compile these modules.
 This package is part of batmand. See batmand package for more information.

Description-md5: 1381c1d28b4872697bc8521d64744d18
Description-tr: GNUstep için pil izleyicisi
 Battery Monitor is a battery monitor for laptops. It displays the current
 status of the battery (charge/discharge and energy level) as well as some
 information about the general health of the cell.

Package: battery-stats
Description-md5: 53ec8b3cef33c1499b868a9fb7bc95a1
Description-tr: dizüstü pillerinin doluluk durumu hakkında istatistik toplar
 This package provides battery-stats-collector, a daemon which will
 periodically collect statistics about the charge of the batteries present.
 It also proves a binary called battery-graph, which can be used to
 generate qplot graphs about the battery charge/discharge patters over time
 Note: This requires APM or ACPI to be enabled and working in your kernel.

Package: battleball
Description-md5: f93ad0488cec5ef9c307bdeb8e49dec5
Description-tr: tanklar veya helikopterlerle oynanan futbol oyunu
 BattleBall is essentially the game of soccer, played with military
 vehicles rather than with people.  Each player drives a tank or flies a
 helicopter, and tries to move the ball down the playfield to the other
 team's goal.  Relatively unlimited number of human or computer players can
 compete in teams or head-to-head.

Package: batv-filter
Description-md5: adc610f882a822727452dd6e52ac7418
Description-tr: BATV imzalama/doğrulama için Posta Süzgeci (milter)
 Bounce Address Tag Validation (BATV) is the name of a method, defined in
 Proposed Internet Draft, for determining whether the bounce address
 specified in an E-mail message is valid.
 It is designed to reject backscatter, that is, bounce messages to forged
 return addresses.
 The batv-filter implements both BATV signing and verification.

Package: bcron
Description-md5: b0096a3ad09df8c851faa30e734b8583
Description-tr: Bruce's cron system (programs)
 This is bcron, a new cron system designed with secure operations in mind.
 To do this, the system is divided into several separate programs, each
 responsible for a separate task, with strictly controlled communications
 between them.  The user interface is a drop-in replacement for similar
 systems (such as vixie-cron), but the internals differ greatly.
 Bu paket bcron programlarını içerir.

Package: bcrypt
Description-md5: b93914bf256950cabdd41f5925e1632d
Description-tr: Blowfish kullanan çoklu platform şifreleme aracı
 Bcrypt is a cross platform file encryption utility.  Encrypted files are
 portable across all supported operating systems and processors.  In
 addition to encrypting your data, bcrypt will by default overwrite the
 original input file with random garbage three times before deleting it in
 order to thwart data recovery attempts by persons who may gain access to
 your computer. Bcrypt uses the blowfish encryption algorithm published by
 Bruce Schneier in 1993.

Package: bdii4
Description-md5: 1f61acfe050fcab7a1aaa03b094f5af0
Description-tr: OpenLDAP tabanlı bilgi dizini
 The Berkeley Database Information Index (BDII) consists of a standard LDAP
 database which is updated by an external process. The update process
 obtains LDIF from a number of sources and merges them. It then compares
 this to the contents of the database and creates an LDIF file of the
 differences. This is then used to update the database.

Package: beanstalkd
Description-md5: c5918527026b57dc76d8a8c9e30ecf13
Description-tr: simple, in-memory, workqueue service
 Beanstalkd is a simple, fast, workqueue service (a specific case of
 message queueing), in which messages are organised in "tubes". Beanstalk
 clients can insert and consume messages into and from such tubes.
 The beanstalk interface is generic, but was originally designed for
 reducing the latency of page views in high-volume web applications by
 running time-consuming tasks asynchronously.
 Beanstalkd is meant to be ran in a trusted network, as it has no
 authorisation/authentication mechanisms.
 Bu paket sunucu dosyalarını içerir.

Package: belier
Description-md5: 0033050cf99922d5a854299561cd9a66
Description-tr: SSH bağlantı oluşturma aracı
 Belier allows automated openings of a shell or command executions on
 remote computers through SSH. The main feature is Belier's ability to
 cross several computers before joining the final machine.

Package: beneath-a-steel-sky
Description-md5: 385b3eb3e7e39fa478e880ae2d0b0aeb
Description-tr: bir bilimkurgu macera oyunu
 A science-fiction thriller set in a bleak post-apocalyptic vision of the
 future, Beneath a Steel Sky revolves around "Union City", where
 selfishness, rivalry, and corruption by its citizens seems to be all too
 common, those who can afford it live underground, away from the pollution
 and social problems which are plaguing the city.
 You take on the role of Robert Foster, an outcast of sorts from the city
 since a boy who was raised in a remote environment outside of Union City
 simply termed "the gap".  Robert's mother took him away from Union City as
 a child on their way to "Hobart" but the helicopter crashed on its way,
 unfortunately Robert's mother dies, but he survives and is left to be
 raised by a local tribe from the gap.
 Years later, Union City security drops by and abducts Robert, killing his
 tribe in the process; upon reaching the city the helicopter taking him
 there crashes with him escaping, high upon a tower block in the middle of
 the city he sets out to discover the truth about his past, and to seek
 vengeance for the killing of his tribe.
 Note that this package only contains game-data.  The game engine is
 provided by ScummVM.

Package: berusky
Description-md5: fdeb85b4a0e70546b7d989c048755fba
Description-tr: Sokoban tabanlı mantık oyunu
 Berusky is a free logic game based on an ancient puzzle named Sokoban.  An
 old idea of moving boxes in a maze has been expanded with new logic items
 such as explosives, stones, special gates and so on. In addition, up to
 five bugs can cooperate and be controlled by the player.  In order to
 leave each level (there's about 120 levels in the game) it is necessary to
 own five keys and also to have a free way to the exit.

Package: berusky-data
Description-md5: 63ae184aa47aebcf8498a358c8db26ca
Description-tr: Berusky için veri dosyaları
 Berusky is a free logic game based on an ancient puzzle named Sokoban.  An
 old idea of moving boxes in a maze has been expanded with new logic items
 such as explosives, stones, special gates and so on. In addition, up to
 five bugs can cooperate and be controlled by the player.  In order to
 leave each level (there's about 120 levels in the game) it is necessary to
 own five keys and also to have a free way to the exit.
 Bu paket Berusky için veri dosyalarını içerir.

Package: bf
Description-md5: 2d82df6a87ccdde80c78a35608cfd685
Description-tr: hızlı bir Brainfuck yorumlayıcısı
 bf ('a Brainfuck interpreter') is a simple and fast interpreter for the
 esoteric programming language Brainfuck. It offers some options to define
 special behavior, which is nice if you take part in Brainfuck programming
 contests with special rules.
 Bu paket S-Lang desteÄŸi ile derlenmiÅŸtir.

Package: bgoffice-computer-terms
Description-md5: aa6c57cfa1071cc135d9815a39abfcd5
Description-tr: Bilgisayar terimleri için İngilizce-Bulgarca sözlük
 Data files for gbgoffice, containing English-Bulgarian dictionary of
 commonly used computer terms.
 Target users are translators of software into Bulgarian.

Package: bibus
Description-md5: fdd376c4dd8a72e67629b8d83aeb49f2
Description-tr: bibliyografik veritabanı
 Bibus is a bibliographic database which has been developed with in mind. It can directly insert citations and format the bibliographic index in an open Writer document. The main features are
  * hierarchical organization of the references with user-defined keys
  * designed for multiuser-environments (share databases between users)
  * a search engine supporting live queries
  * on-line PubMed access
  * import of PubMed (Medline), EndNote/Refer, RIS and BibTeX records.
 Bibus will use an SQLite-database by default for storage (via the SQLite3
 module available in Python 2.5). But it also supports MySQL-databases. If
 you want to use a MySQL-database, make sure, that you have the python-
 mysqldb package installed.

Package: bibus-doc-en
Description-md5: 778b6ee11596ed5fb50bae6e553e448d
Description-tr: Bibus bibliographic database documentation
 Bibus is a bibliographic database which has been developed with in mind and can directly insert citations and format the
 bibliographic index in an open Writer document.
 Bu paket Bibus belgelendirmesini içerir.

Package: biff
Description-md5: 8371ac164838c91c11bf21c401c5054d
Description-tr: bir posta bilgilendirme aracı
 biff is a small program that prints a message to your terminal when new
 email arrives. Actually, the message is printed by the comsat daemon, and
 biff just enables/disables the u+x permission flag for the terminal, which
 comsat uses to determine whether or not to write to your terminal.
 biff is mainly of historic interest, since there are much better
 alternatives (such as xlbiff and gbuffy) that are network-aware and do not
 require a daemon. Although there are no known security problems, running
 additional services is often considered risky.
 By default, the biff service is disabled. To use biff email notification,
 you must enable this service by running 'update-inetd --enable biff' after
 the package is installed. You may also need to modify the configuration of
 your mail transport agent to enable comsat notification.

Package: big-cursor
Description-md5: 056b158844159fbfed104792106c6735
Description-tr: X için daha büyük fare imleçleri
 This package provides some large mouse cursors for use under X. It's
 useful for laptop users, for those running X at very high resolutions, and
 for anyone who finds it hard to see the default mouse cursors.

Package: billard-gl
Description-md5: c4e33f43bba455925ad4b1ee732ef1f5
Description-tr: 3B bilardo oyunu
 Play a game of 8-ball or 9-ball, either in training mode or against a
 friend. For beginners, the game features a tutorial, introducing them to
 the user-interface and controls. Help is also available for those who do
 not know the rules for an 8-ball or 9-ball game.

Package: billard-gl-data
Description-md5: 04a8a619424696f5628b5509e845adc4
Description-tr: 3D billiards game - data files
 Play a game of 8-ball or 9-ball, either in training mode or against a
 friend. For beginners, the game features a tutorial, introducing them to
 the user-interface and controls. Help is also available for those who do
 not know the rules for an 8-ball or 9-ball game.
 Bu paket billard-gl için veri dosyalarını içerir.

Package: bincimap
Description-md5: c117c8207047f2f4edc9f8737f54f002
Description-tr: IMAP server for Maildir depositories
 As an alternative to existing similar IMAP servers, Binc IMAP strives to
 be very easy to use, but robust, stable and secure. It aims at being
 absolutely compliant with the IMAP4rev1 protocol, and simple and modular
 in design, making it very easy for third parties to utilize the source
 code and enhance the product.
 Binc IMAP supports Dan J. Bernstein's Maildir format and checkpassword
 authentication interface.
 Ayrıntılar için bağlantısını inceleyin.

Package: bincimap-run
Description-md5: fb06947aeeb71ad1c4646cb655bb6c0b
Description-tr: IMAP server for Maildir depositories
 As an alternative to existing similar IMAP servers, Binc IMAP strives to
 be very easy to use, but robust, stable and secure.  It aims at being
 absolutely compliant with the IMAP4rev1 protocol, and simple and modular
 in design, making it very easy for third parties to utilize the source
 code and enhance the product.
 Binc IMAP supports Dan J. Bernstein's Maildir format and checkpassword
 authentication interface.
 Ayrıntılar için bağlantısını inceleyin.
 This package sets up the bincimap-ssl service to listen on,
 and additionally provides a service directory to run a non-ssl bincimap

Package: bindgraph
Description-md5: 1acf1a51a0875158240cc2d7a7e4c45d
Description-tr: BIND9 için DNS istatistikleri RRDtool arayüzü
 BindGraph is a very simple DNS statistics RRDtool frontend for BIND9 that
 produces daily, weekly, monthly and yearly graphs of the DNS server's
 activity (queries, errors, etc.).

Package: binstats
Description-md5: 191fb775de6dcedf84ab6725685be2c0
Description-tr: Kurulu programlar için istatistik aracı
 A utility to aid the tidying up of binaries, interpreted scripts, and
 dynamic libraries.  It can find the number and identity of a.out and ELF
 binaries, plus their debugging symbols status, setuid status, and dynamic
 library dependence.  It can count the number of Java bytecode programs,
 tally up the main types of scripts, and look for unidentified executable
 text files.
 Also it is able to find any duplicated executable names, unused libraries,
 binaries with missing libraries, statically linked binaries, and
 duplicated manual page names.

Package: bisho
Description-md5: 7f5a3bd695d80fc6d247bde8d9b45749
Description-tr: Moblin web hizmetleri ayarları
 bisho is the settings front-end for Moblin web services. Users can use
 bisho to set the account information for web services like or

Package: bist
Description-md5: bd5f4d898d2a9c759286ba0f4e05e639
Description-tr: kimyasal çizim aracı
 Bist stands for BIdimensional STructures (in Italian it sounds like
 "beast" in English) and is a chemical drawing tool. It is focused on
 organic chemistry but it may be useful also for chemists or teachers.
 Bist supports many of the formalisms used to describe molecular structures
 like single bonds, double bonds, stereospecific bonds, charges, resonance
 arrows, lone pairs, and so on.
 It can export both in PostScript and PNG formats.

Package: bitmap-mule
Description-md5: dc4a9bbaad9c11442ca6a6a33bdca57d
Description-tr: bitmap handler for GNU Emacs
 BITMAP-MULE is a package to use bitmap in MULE (XEmacs is not supported).
 BITMAP-MULE izleyen modülleri içerir:
  - bitmap.el:       kernel of BITMAP-MULE
  - bitmap-bi.el:    functions for Emacs 20.2 or earlier
  - bitmap-ci.el:    functions for Emacs 20.3 or later
  - bm-utils.el:     utility functions.
  - po.el:           tiny BDF font editor
  - smiley-mule.el:  smiley faces encoder/decoder
  - x-face-mule.el:  inline X-Face decoder
  - x-face-18.el:    X-Face decoder for Emacs 18
  - gnus-bitmap.el:  Gnus/gnus related functions
  - vm-bitmap.el:    VM related functions

Package: bitmeter
Description-md5: e238e9bad56b65a9699666476624bfb6
Description-tr: JACK ses yazılımı için tanılama aracı
 JACK Bitmeter is a diagnosis tool for JACK audio software.  As its name
 might suggest, the bitmeter operates at the bare metal of JACK's I/O
 layer, looking at the 32 binary digits in each individual sample.
 Think of bitmeter like the cable detector in your toolbox. You cannot use
 a cable detector to drive screws into wood, or to undo bolts, or measure
 the length of a copper pipe, but it's the perfect tool for detecting
 hidden cables in walls before you drill. You will rarely need bitmeter, in
 fact most JACK users will never use it at all, but having it and never
 needing it is much better than needing it and not having it.

Package: bitpim-lib
Description-md5: dbc8003117deeee6fbde7b563fe1432a
Description-tr: BitPim için mimari bağımlı yardım dosyaları
 BitPim allows you to view and manipulate data on many phones from LG,
 Samsung, Sanyo, and other manufacturers that use Qualcomm CDMA chips.
 Depending on your phone model, you may be able to access the phone book,
 the calendar, wallpapers, ring tones, and the filesystem.
 This package contains a handful of architecture-dependent helper files.

Package: bitstormlite
Description-md5: 06ffa1301fffcb7247aa135bc9fbc1d9
Description-tr: C++/Gtk+2.0 tabanlı BitTorrent istemcisi
 This application based on the C++ language integrated with a Gtk+2.0 user-
 friendly gui has a great feature, which is the possibility to download a
 huge amount of data from any .torrent file taken from trackers around the

Package: bittornado-gui
Description-md5: 7a38c69c4ad22b9cf7ab4bf423e1d4f8
Description-tr: grafiksel kullanıcı arayüzüne sahip bittorrent istemcisi
 The GUI interface to the BitTornado bittorrent client. BitTornado is a
 bittorrent client built on the original BitTorrent client from BitTorrent
 Inc. This client features a GUI interface, lots of features, and is one of
 the original bittorrent clients created.
 Features include:
   * upload/download speed limitation
   * prioritised downloading when downloading batches (several files)
   * detailed information about connections to other peers
   * encryption (PE/MSE) support (with the recommended python-crypto)
   * console mode for running from scripts
   * curses mode for running interactively
   * tracker for the distribution of files
 This package contains the GUI interface, install only the bittornado
 package to get a console and curses interface and a bittorrent tracker.
 See the bittorrent package for a description of what bittorrent is.

Package: bittwist
Description-md5: c6d9b7f93f7c4c9f129af5652e85a121
Description-tr: libpcap tabanlı Ethernet paketi oluşturucu
 Bit-Twist is designed to complement tcpdump, which by itself has done a
 great job in capturing network traffic. Bit-Twist can regenerate the
 captured traffic onto a live network (the packets are generated from
 tcpdump trace file, generating a .pcap file).
 Bit-Twist also comes with a comprehensive trace file editor to allow to
 change the contents of a trace file.
 Generally, a packet generator is useful in simulating networking traffic
 or scenario, testing firewall, IDS, and IPS, and troubleshooting various
 network problems.
 Bit-Twist'in özellikleri:
    * send multiple trace files at a time;
    * send packets at a specific speed or line rate in Mbps;
    * comprehensive trace file editor with control over most fields in
      Ethernet, ARP, IP, ICMP, TCP, and UDP headers with automatic header
      checksum correction;
    * append user payload to existing packets after a specific header;
    * select a specific range of packets and save them in another trace file;
    * if you are teaching Computer Networks classes, you may find Bit-Twist
      useful as a practical teaching material. It gives your students a
      hands-on experience to learn various networking protocols etc.

Package: bjam
Description-md5: 6bc48071304472a207840f0349494500
Description-tr: Yazılım inşa aracı
 Boost.Jam (BJam) is a portable build tool with its own interpreted
 language, which allows to implement rather complex logic in a readable way
 and without resorting to external programs. It is a descendant of Jam/MR
 tool modified to suit the needs of Boost.Build. In particular, modules and
 rule parameters were added, as well as several new builtins.

Package: black-box
Description-md5: ea9112a1fa8eb96d10de942d62f29526
Description-tr: Kristalleri bul
 There's a black box. You can shoot in and watch, where the shot leaves the
 box. In the box, crystals are reflecting the shots. You have to guess
 where the crystals are hidden, by watching your shots.

Package: blackbox
Description-md5: 7045fee6354b0d290ca6be346f63eb3a
Description-tr: X için pencere yöneticisi
 This is a window manager for X.  It is similar in many respects to such
 popular packages as Window Maker, Enlightenment, and FVWM2.  You might be
 interested in this package if you are tired of window managers that are a
 heavy drain on your system resources, but you still want an attractive and
 modern-looking interface.
 The best part of all is that this program is coded in C++, so it is even
 more attractive "under the hood" than it is in service -- no small feat.
 If none of this sounds familiar to you, or you want your computer to look
 like Microsoft Windows or Apple's OS X, you probably don't want this

Package: blackbox-themes
Description-md5: a69be879d8472b66f01c1c0e7a8d62ed
Description-tr: Blackbox pencere yöneticisi için temalar
 This package contains various themes for the Blackbox Windowmanager.

Package: blacs-test-common
Description-md5: bdea749ad5759d75ef85c209b87bfa54
Description-tr: BLACS testçileri için test verileri
 The BLACS project is an ongoing investigation whose purpose is to create a
 linear algebra oriented message passing interface that may be implemented
 efficiently and uniformly across a large range of distributed memory
 You can choose between an implementation based on MPI or PVM. This package
 provides test data for all BLACS packages (MPI and PVM versions).
 Most users do not need to install this package directly because it is
 installed when installing the test programs for any BLACS package.

Package: blahtexml
Description-md5: 0837c1749bcf542395d08fccdd021409
Description-tr: TeX denklemlerini MathML biçimine dönüştürün
 Blahtex converts an equation given in a syntax close to TeX into MathML.
 Blahtexml is a simple extension of blahtex. In addition to the
 functionality of blahtex, blahtexml has XML processing in mind and is able
 to process a whole XML document into another XML document. Instead of
 converting only one formula at a time, blahtexml can convert all the
 formulas of the given XML file into MathML.

Package: blazeblogger
Description-md5: 1447cc9f6c8f5f911e4c5c0b9dad84c4
Description-tr: kullanımı kolay, komut satırı tabanlı içerik yönetim sistemi
 Written in Perl as a cross-platform application and producing the static
 content without the need of database servers or server side scripting, it
 is literally a CMS without boundaries suitable for a wide variety of web
 presentations, from personal weblog to a project page or even a company

Package: blcr-dkms
Description-md5: 1802d8f8d5653bcad23e418e24e5508b
Description-tr: BLCR çekirdek modülü için DKMS desteği
 This package provides integration with the DKMS infrastructure for
 automatically building out of tree kernel modules.
 BLCR (Berkeley Lab Checkpoint/Restart) allows programs running on Linux to
 be "checkpointed" (written entirely to a file), and then later

Package: bleachbit
Description-md5: a958efd51e414316ebd3cb47958129ea
Description-tr: sisteminizdeki gereksiz dosyaları temizleyin
 BleachBit deletes unnecessary files to free valuable disk space, maintain
 privacy, and remove junk. It removes cache, Internet history, temporary
 files, cookies, and broken shortcuts.
 It handles cleaning of Adobe Reader, Bash, Beagle, Epiphany, Firefox,
 Flash, GIMP, Google Earth, Java, KDE,, Opera, RealPlayer,
 rpmbuild, Second Life Viewer, VIM, XChat, and more.
 Beyond simply erasing junk files, BleachBit wipes free disk space (to hide
 previously deleted files for privacy and to improve compression of
 images), vacuums Firefox databases (to improve performance without
 deleting data), and securely shreds arbitrary files.

Package: bless
Description-md5: 9c3f0e8bb1caa94ca8855e245f061448
Description-tr: Zengin özelliklere sahip bir hexadecimal düzenleyicisi
 Bless is a binary (hex) editor, a program that enables you to edit files
 as a sequence of bytes written for the GNOME Desktop. Main features are:
   * Efficient editing of large data files.
   * Multilevel undo - redo operations.
   * Customizable data views.
   * Fast data rendering on screen.
   * Multiple Tabs.
   * Fast Find and Replace operations.
   * Conversion Table.
   * Advanced Copy/Paste capabilities.
   * Multi-threaded search and save operations.
   * Export to text and html (others with plugins).
   * Extensibility with Plugins.

Package: blobandconquer-data
Description-md5: de5219f06914e6d36813564f328a9739
Description-tr: A 3D platform shooting game -- data files
 Blob Wars episode II: Blob and Conquer is the sequel to Blob Wars: Metal
 Blob Solid.
 Bu paket blobandconquer için veri dosyalarını içerir.

Package: blobwars-data
Description-md5: b3115baedacace4d3ba0b0d7f7db5b09
Description-tr: A platform shooting game
 Since their world was invaded by an alien race, the Blobs have faced a
 lifetime of war. But now they have a chance to win the war once and for
 In Blob Wars: Metal Blob Solid, you take on the role of a fearless Blob
 agent, Bob. Bob's mission is to infiltrate the various enemy bases around
 the Blobs' homeworld and rescue as many MIAs as possible. But standing in
 his way are many vicious aliens, other Blobs who have been assimilated and
 the evil alien leader, Galdov.
 Bu paket blobwars için haritaları ve grafikleri içerir.

Package: blockattack
Description-md5: f19bcfda8371d130861fee2457ec956d
Description-tr: Tetris'ten esinlenen bir bulmaca oyunu
 Block Attack is a puzzle/blockfall game inspired by Nintendo's Tetris
 Attack for the Super Nintendo. The game is pretty action packed for a
 puzzle game :-)
  * Based on the classic "Tetris Attack" for the SNES
  * 5 single player modes: Endless, Time Trial, Puzzle Mode, Stage Clear and
  Vs. Mode
  * 2 two player options: Time Trial and Vs. Mode
  * Puzzle mode has 20+ puzzles
  * Players can use a custom key setup
  * Handicap in multiplayer
  * Highscores are saved
  * Joypad support
  * Music and sound effects
  * Animations
  * Puzzle level editor (writen in Java)
  * Select puzzle file from a list in the game
  * Runs under Linux and Windows + more
 System requirements:
  * Screen resolution: 1024x768 (cannot be changed, but it can run in a window)
  * Keyboard
  * Mouse (optional)
  * Processor: Decent (tested on 733 MHz)
  * Memory: at least 64 MB

Package: blockout2
Description-md5: 288f5c5b4d9fbe67dd5636ad0e032803
Description-tr: Tetris benzeri oyun (3B-tetris)
 BlockOut II is a free adaptation of the original BlockOut DOS game edited
 by California Dreams in 1989. BlockOut II has the same features than the
 original game with few graphic improvements. The score calculation is also
 nearly similar to the original game. BlockOut II has been designed by an
 addicted player for addicted players. BlockOut II is an open source
 project available for both Windows and Linux.

Package: blubuntu-look
Description-md5: a0f93537c23440d30a8e7d1e5b22b2a9
Description-tr: Blubuntu look - metapackage
 Blubuntu teması.
 This is a metapackage providing all pieces of the Blubuntu theme.

Package: blubuntu-session-splashes
Description-md5: e743e05113bf95a5e6beb4a35f15b922
Description-tr: Blubuntu look - Session splashes
 Blubuntu teması.
 This package contains the Blubuntu Session splashes.

Package: blubuntu-theme
Description-md5: e46d55461548e79c62d61de7dfc45f8c
Description-tr: Blubuntu look - GTK+ and Metacity theme
 Blubuntu teması.
 This package contains the GTK+ and Metacity configuration for the Blubuntu

Package: blubuntu-wallpapers
Description-md5: 1756a9e7185d1ccd87cdcf2f73e01a64
Description-tr: Blubuntu look - Wallpapers
 Blubuntu teması.
 Bu paket Blubuntu duvarkağıtlarını içerir.

Package: bluefish
Description-md5: c5913560ba3a4902554bb24f742d3ca0
Description-tr: gelişmiş Gtk+ HTML düzenleyicisi
 Bluefish is a GTK+ HTML editor for the experienced web designer. Its
 features include nice wizards for startup, tables and frames; a fully
 featured image insert dialog; thumbnail creation and automatically linking
 of the thumbnail with the original image; and configurable HTML syntax
 For validation to work you need weblint and xmllint. For preview to work,
 you need a web browser that can view local files given to it on the
 command line.

Package: blueman
Description-md5: 59fb142fe909526639373510fb548bf4
Description-tr: Grafiksel bluetooth yöneticisi
 Blueman is a GTK+ bluetooth management utility for GNOME using bluez D-Bus

Package: bluetooth
Description-md5: c9c3278c19393dc7c6582892d29bf660
Description-tr: Bluetooth desteÄŸi
 This package provides all of the different plugins supported by the Bluez
 bluetooth stack.

Package: bluewho
Description-md5: d494e32ec880f56ecdf5f470fb7ed5fd
Description-tr: yeni algılanan bluetooth aygıtlarını bildirir
 BlueWho informs and notifies when a new bluetooth device is discovered.
 Detection can be requested by the user or automatically continuous until
 it's stopped. A visible and audible notification can be triggered whenever
 a new device is detected.
 Each device found will be saved on the list as well its name, MAC address,
 last seen date and time. For each device a list of available Bluetooth
 services can be requested.

Package: bluez-btsco
Description-md5: cfc5261117d3f413aad494901afdabca
Description-tr: Bluez Bluetooth SCO aracı
 A tool to that provides a way to use a bluetooth headset with Linux. It
 works well enough now to get voice-quality audio to and from most headsets

Package: bluez-hcidump
Description-md5: 942ac6eb69e3e43d5b7ae20faf3b1f02
Description-tr: Bluetooth HCI paketlerini çözümler
 The hcidump utility allows the monitoring of Bluetooth activity. It
 provides a disassembly of the Bluetooth traffic and can display packets
 from higher level protocols such as RFCOMM, SDP and BNEP.
 hcidump is part of the BlueZ Bluetooth Linux project.  For more
 information see .

Package: bluez-pcmcia-support
Description-md5: 5637cd5fa5e9a177c58fdba1b001c00e
Description-tr: BlueZ 2.0 araçları için PCMCIA destek dosyaları
 This package contains files to enable PCMCIA card services to recognise
 and initialise PCMCIA Bluetooth devices.
 BlueZ is the official Linux Bluetooth protocol stack. It is an Open Source
 project distributed under GNU General Public License (GPL).

Package: bmf
Description-md5: c36f3f0aedfc91e4579ef559a16d3923
Description-tr: an e-mail filter for spam that learns
 A small, fast, flexible Bayesian filter for processing e-mail. It is
 "trained" by the user to categorize email as spam or non-spam. This
 implementation integrates well with existing tools such as procmail and
 mutt. It can use a variety of formats for storing data. A utility is
 supplied for converting data between the supported formats.
 Bu paket text ve libdb biçimleri için desteği içerir.
 See "A Plan for Spam" <> by Paul Graham
 for further information.

Package: bmon
Description-md5: 4cb0e895bcb82c3e079fb86b56ef23a1
Description-tr: portable bandwidth monitor and rate estimator
 bmon is a commandline bandwidth monitor which supports various output
 methods including an interactive curses interface, lightweight HTML output
 but also simple ASCII output.
 Statistics may be distributed over a network using multicast or unicast
 and collected at some point to generate a summary of statistics for a set
 of nodes.

Package: boa
Description-md5: 3ee7b457eca1aba76654fa3927c95e40
Description-tr: Hafif ve yüksek performanslı web sunucusu
 Boa is a single-tasking HTTP server. That means that unlike traditional
 web servers, it does not fork for each incoming connection, nor does it
 fork many copies of itself to handle multiple connections. It internally
 multiplexes all of the ongoing HTTP connections, and forks only for CGI
 programs (which must be separate processes). Preliminary tests show boa is
 capable of handling several hundred hits per second on a 100 MHz Pentium.

Package: boa-constructor
Description-md5: ebd8a4783a582ad3b6400e6dbde1ba85
Description-tr: Python ve wxWindows uygulaması için RAD aracı
 Boa-constructor is an IDE oriented towards creating cross-platform
 applications built on top of the Python language and the wxWindows GUI
 It features:
  - visual wxWindows frame design,
  - object inspector and explorer,
  - syntax highlighting editor with code completion, call tips and code
    browsing for Python code,
  - syntax highlighting editor for C, C++, HTML, XML, config files (INI
  - documentation generation,
  - an integrated Python debugger,
  - integrated help,
  - a Python Shell,
  - an explorer able to browse, open/edit, inspect and interact with
    various data sources including files, CVS, Zope, FTP, DAV and SSH,
  - an UML view generator.

Package: bochs
Description-md5: bc053c9a3065af52a73668b7866a2e07
Description-tr: IA-32 kişisel bilgisayar öykünücüsü
 Bochs is a highly portable free IA-32 (x86) PC emulator written in C++,
 that runs on most popular platforms. It includes emulation of the Intel
 x86 CPU, common I/O devices, and a custom BIOS.
 Bochs is capable of running most operating systems inside the emulation
 including GNU, GNU/Linux, *BSD, FreeDOS, MSDOS and Windows 95/NT.

Package: bochs-doc
Description-md5: e36971d15c516a5122416a68c7f73396
Description-tr: Bochs upstream documentation
 Bu paket Bochs projesi için HTML belgelendirmesini içerir.
 Belgelendirme üç bölümden oluşmaktadır:
  * User Guide
  * Development Guide
  * Documentation Guide

Package: bochs-sdl
Description-md5: c1de9e8924d4d41e5077c82fed4d22e9
Description-tr: Bochs için SDL eklentisi
 Bochs is a highly portable free IA-32 (x86) PC emulator written in C++,
 that runs on most popular platforms. It includes emulation of the Intel
 x86 CPU, common I/O devices, and a custom BIOS.
 Bu paket Bochs için bir SDL grafiksel kullanıcı arayüzü eklentisi içerir.
 Use Scroll-Lock key for full screen.

Package: bochs-svga
Description-md5: e56c022aede44829633aad1bd4ac8bfa
Description-tr: Bochs için SVGA eklentisi
 Bochs is a highly portable free IA-32 (x86) PC emulator written in C++,
 that runs on most popular platforms. It includes emulation of the Intel
 x86 CPU, common I/O devices, and a custom BIOS.
 Bu paket Bochs için bir SVGA grafiksel kullanıcı arayüzü eklentisi içerir.
 **VERY IMPORTANT WARNING** Running Bochs with this plugin will redirect
 all your keyboard input (including ALT+Fx) to the guest OS, blocking your
 terminal. An exception is the F12 key, which you can use to interrupt the

Package: bochs-term
Description-md5: 6e4769512394248d4595633871dc05ef
Description-tr: Bochs için uçbirim (ncurses tabanlı) eklentisi
 Bochs is a highly portable free IA-32 (x86) PC emulator written in C++,
 that runs on most popular platforms. It includes emulation of the Intel
 x86 CPU, common I/O devices, and a custom BIOS.
 Bu paket Bochs için bir uçbirim (ncurses tabanlı) grafiksel kullanıcı
 arayüzü eklentisi içerir.

Package: bochs-wx
Description-md5: 173269ea6b13541db917fabb97fa5bcc
Description-tr: Bochs için WxWindows eklentisi
 Bochs is a highly portable free IA-32 (x86) PC emulator written in C++,
 that runs on most popular platforms. It includes emulation of the Intel
 x86 CPU, common I/O devices, and a custom BIOS.
 Bu paket Bochs için bir WxWindows grafiksel kullanıcı arayüzü eklentisi

Package: bochs-x
Description-md5: d05bd802b2729b64a9ea369b90b87f71
Description-tr: Bochs için X11 eklentisi
 Bochs is a highly portable free IA-32 (x86) PC emulator written in C++,
 that runs on most popular platforms. It includes emulation of the Intel
 x86 CPU, common I/O devices, and a custom BIOS.
 Bu paket Bochs için bir X11 grafiksel kullanıcı arayüzü eklentisi içerir.

Package: bochsbios
Description-md5: 9398974e6d90ae7a0272cba21ead91e5
Description-tr: Bochs öykünücüsü için BIOS
 Bochs is a highly portable free IA-32 (x86) PC emulator written in C++,
 that runs on most popular platforms. It includes emulation of the Intel
 x86 CPU, common I/O devices, and a custom BIOS.
 Bu paket Bochs projesi için BIOS içerir.

Package: bognor-regis
Description-md5: e5537b6930959b8945c209397143e76e
Description-tr: Ortam hizmeti ve çalma kuyruğu yöneticisi
 bognor-regis controls playqueues in moblin allowing the same information
 to be shared between the media player and panel.

Package: bogofilter-sqlite
Description-md5: a001315dc07b4437c1fbb8542e113b7e
Description-tr: hızlı bir Bayesçi posta süzgeci (sqlite)
 This package implements a fast Bayesian spam filter along the lines
 suggested by Paul Graham in his article "A Plan For Spam".
 This version substantially improves on Paul's proposal by doing smarter
 lexical analysis.  In particular, hostnames and IP addresses are retained
 as recognition features rather than broken up. Various kinds of MTA cruft
 such as dates and message-IDs are discarded so as not to bloat the word
 Bu paket sqlite veritabanı arka ucunu sağlar.

Package: boinc-dev
Description-md5: 63003e615ba4e4d9eef98420776eaee4
Description-tr: BOINC projesi için uygulama inşasında kullanılan geliştirme dosyaları
 The Berkeley Open Infrastructure for Network Computing (BOINC) is a
 software platform for distributed computing using volunteered computer
 This package contains header files and static libraries that are needed to
 develop and compile applications which utilizes the BOINC infrastructure.

Package: bomberclone-data
Description-md5: 74c55cd46505235aa5364ffeee7c244d
Description-tr: Bomberclone oyunu için veri dosyaları
 BomberClone is a free Bomberman-like game for Linux and Windows.
 Bu paket oyunu çalıştırmak için gerekli veri dosyalarını içerir.

Package: boo
Description-md5: e1c612b53f3eb66413c51f8503e36942
Description-tr: CLI için Python benzeri dil ve derleyici
 Boo is an object oriented statically typed programming language for the
 Common Language Infrastructure (CLI) with a Python inspired syntax and a
 special focus on language and compiler extensibility.
 This package contains the boo compiler, interpreter and interactive shell.
 The boo compiler and the programs it produces are 100% Common Intermediate
 Language (CIL) bytecode and can therefore be run on any compliant CLI
 virtual machine.

Package: bookmarkbridge
Description-md5: 60737e35a557d2636ceb1aa418e25901
Description-tr: yer imlerini tarayıcılar arasında eşitlemek için araç
 BookmarkBridge is a small, easy to use, multi-platform, GUI-based utility
 that allows the user to share bookmarks between all their browsers. The
 user runs it periodically to synchronize between the browsers.
 BookmarkBridge; Internet Explorer, Opera, Mozilla Navigator, Mozilla
 Firefox ve Konqueror tarayıcılarını destekler.

Package: bookview
Description-md5: 31abd29808031601273aeb03c45beca3
Description-tr: Tcl/Tk tabanlı NDTP (Ağ Sözlüğü İletim Protokolü) istemcisi
 BookView is an NDTP (Network Dictionary Transfer Protocol) client written
 in Tcl/Tk.  It provides good GUI (Graphical User Interface) to read NDTP
 dictionaries.  You can look up a word in multiple dictionaries that an
 NDTP server archives.  NDTP is a server for accessing CD-ROM books and

Package: boost-build
Description-md5: a5db350621f6547b2e1b9f328d3ff0a7
Description-tr: C++ projeleri için çoklu platform inşa sistemi
 Boost.Build is an easy way to build C++ projects, everywhere. You name you
 executables and libraries and list their sources. Boost.Build takes care
 about compiling your sources with right options, creating static and
 shared libraries, making executables, and other chores -- whether you're
 using gcc, msvc, or a dozen more supported C++ compilers -- on Windows,
 OSX, Linux and commercial UNIX systems.
 En önemli özelliklerinden bazıları:
    * Simple and high level build description.
    * Portability. Most important build properties have symbolic names that
      work everywhere.
    * Variant builds. When you build the same project twice with different
      properties, all produced files are placed in different directories,
      so you can build with 2 versions of gcc, or both debug and
      release variants in one invocation.
    * Global dependencies. No matter what directory you build in, Boost.Build
      will always check all dependencies in your entire project, preventing
      inconsistent binaries.
    * Usage requirements. A target can specify properties, like include paths
      and preprocessor defines, that are necessary to use it. Those properties
      will be automatically applied whenever the target is used.

Package: bootcd-mkinitramfs
Description-md5: 74370d25bbe0c1401ce83ca7b60eb173
Description-tr: bootcd için initramfs eklentisi
 With the installation of this bootcd extension your initrd-image will be
 updated to be usable for bootcd. With bootcd you can copy your system to
 cd, run it from cd without need for disks and restore your system on disk
 from bootcd. This Package should be installed on a system you want to copy
 to cd, if the kernel uses initrd (as all prebuild Debian 2.4 and 2.6
 kernels do). If you have also installed discover than it can be used to
 detect the needed modules to boot.

Package: bootpc
Description-md5: 6a2eb49f6d136266a97ce949df0a3cdc
Description-tr: bootp istemcisi
 This is a boot protocol client used to grab the machines ip number, set up
 DNS nameservers and other useful information.

Package: botan1.8-dbg
Description-md5: 71ca7ddd626bb2c26a35c8e1831ebf61
Description-tr: multiplatform crypto library (debug)
 Botan is a C++ library which provides support for many common
 cryptographic operations, including encryption, authentication, and
 X.509v3 certificates and CRLs. A wide variety of algorithms is supported,
 including RSA, DSA, DES, AES, MD5, and SHA-1.
 Bu paket, hata ayıklama simgelerini içerir.

Package: bse-alsa
Description-md5: db1a334391ead5db7ffe5e22da3f45a0
Description-tr: BEAST için ALSA eklentisi
 BEAST/BSE is a plugin-based graphical system where you can link objects to
 each other and generate sound.
 This package contains a plugin for BEAST that uses ALSA (the Advanced
 Linux Sound Architecture) to output sound.

Package: btnx-config
Description-md5: 40c77250f08893733c483897437feaa9
Description-tr: btnx için grafiksel kullanıcı arayüzü
 btnx-config provides a GUI for detecting a mouse and its buttons. It then
 allows you to configure those buttons for use with btnx. This way you
 should be able to use all special buttons you're able to find on your

Package: btpd
Description-md5: 5cfa4c67aed49caa65778c66c9ea1d87
Description-tr: BitTorrent Protokolü Hizmeti
 btpd is a daemon based bittorrent client. The daemon state can be read or
 changed with appropriate commands. The daemon is capable of running
 several torrents simultaneously and only uses one tcp port, it's fairly
 low on resource usage and should be perfect for file distribution sites.
 Efficient downloads and ease of use make this client a good choice for the
 casual user as well.

Package: btscanner
Description-md5: cd17388937434d12c6c95cf8a83d33a2
Description-tr: Bluetooth aygıtları için ncurses tabanlı tarayıcı
 btscanner is a tool designed specifically to extract as much information
 as possible from a Bluetooth device without the requirement to pair. A
 detailed information screen extracts HCI and SDP information, and
 maintains an open connection to monitor the RSSI and link quality.
 btscanner is based on the BlueZ Bluetooth stack, which is included with
 recent Linux kernels, and the BlueZ toolset. btscanner also contains a
 complete listing of the IEEE OUI numbers and class lookup tables. Using
 the information gathered from these sources it is possible to make
 educated guesses as to the host device type.

Package: btyacc
Description-md5: 6a8ee09d35137bc310a639e61a1d4b6f
Description-tr: Backtracking parser generator based on byacc
 btyacc is a hacked version of the original Berkeley "byacc". The main
 change to byacc is the addition of backtracking code, allowing you to try
 both alternatives in case of shift-reduce or reduce-reduce conflicts. As
 long as no backtracking takes place, speed is comparable to bison.
 Additional features:
  - enhanced support for storing of text position information for tokens
  - closes the potential *yacc/bison memory leak during error recovery
  - preprocessor directives like %ifdef, %include
  - C++ friendly
 Ä°liÅŸkili paketler: bison, byacc, antlr

Package: bug-buddy
Description-md5: a6e5d873f706d48d465521066672bb0e
Description-tr: GNOME Masaüstü Ortamı hata raporlama aracı
 The goal of bug-buddy is to make reporting bugs very simple and easy for
 users, while making the reports themselves more useful and informative for
 developers. It can extract debugging information from a core file or
 crashed application (via gnome_segv).

Package: bugz
Description-md5: f981c52cb13e3054a077e596ceaecd3a
Description-tr: Bugzilla için komut satırı arayüzü
 PyBugz is a Python and command line interface to Bugzilla, allowing the
 user to quickly search, isolate and contribute to projects using the
 Bugzilla bug tracker.  Developers can easily extract attachments and close
 bugs all from the comfort of the command line.
 This package provides both a fully-working CLI application as well as a
 Python module to be reused by other projects.

Package: buildtorrent
Description-md5: 83acf29e32cd31820fc84a71fc6f942a
Description-tr: komut satırında torrent oluşturma programı
 buildtorrent is a torrent file creation program. Given an announce url and
 an input file or directory, buildtorrent generates an output .torrent file
 that can be used by torrent clients.

Package: bumprace-data
Description-md5: 65638cb4cad4269c68c767b44f096fbd
Description-tr: bumprace için veri dosyaları
 In BumpRacer, 1 player or 2 players (team or competitive) choose among 4
 vehicles and race through a multi-level maze. The players must acquire
 bonuses and avoid traps and enemy fire in a race against the clock.
 Bu paket, bumprace için ses ve görüntü dosyalarını içerir

Package: busybox
Description-md5: b7707908219c331294f3f9e8d926a9dc
Description-tr: Küçük ve gömülü sistemler için ufak araçlar
 BusyBox combines tiny versions of many common UNIX utilities into a single
 small executable. It provides minimalist replacements for the most common
 utilities you would usually find on your desktop system (i.e., ls, cp, mv,
 mount, tar, etc.). The utilities in BusyBox generally have fewer options
 than their full-featured GNU cousins; however, the options that are
 included provide the expected functionality and behave very much like
 their GNU counterparts.
 This package installs the BusyBox binary but does not install symlinks for
 any of the supported utilities. Some of the utilities can be used in the
 system by installing the busybox-syslogd, busybox-udhcpc or busybox-udhcpd

Package: bve-train-br-class-323
Description-md5: d5d23beb18e7017bce8d0c09a27e2397
Description-tr: British Rail Class 323 EMU train (for OpenBVE rail simulator)
 Accurate simulation of a three-car electric mulitple unit used in West
 Midlands of the United Kingdom and built in the 1990s.
 The train contains a rendered cab environment, including the combined
 power+brake controller and the 3D model for exterior views.
 A suitable route is the Birmingham Cross-City South route, running from
 Redditch to Birmingham New Street.
 This version of the Class 323 has been has been specially prepared for
 inclusion with openBVE, and is released into the public domain.

Package: cameleon-doc
Description-md5: a6a43e2529e9edd7fce80381146a557e
Description-tr: Cameleon için belgelendirme
 It contains documentation build with Cameleon:
  - Cameleon reference manual
  - Cameleon user manual,
 Documentation can be in HTML, Postscript or odoc formats.

Package: camstream-doc
Description-md5: 17644103979cae902a97e401a991fed6
Description-tr: CamStream için belgelendirme
 CamStream is (going to be) a collection of tools for webcams and other
 video-devices, enhancing your Linux system with multimedia video. All
 written in C++ and with a GUI frontend. The interface is based on Qt.
 This package holds the documentation for CamStream.

Package: cappuccino
Description-md5: 0d38dc07a3298ceacc1560436c2b9c06
Description-tr: patronunuzun sıkı çalıştığınızı düşünmesi için bir araç
 Run this software on your computer when you are not motivated to work, and
 enjoy doing something different. If your boss come in your cubicle, he'll
 think "Yeah, he's doing something different since his computer is really
 busy - He's doing something really important".

Package: caps
Description-md5: 98c64e2b53885594f41626192c004a30
Description-tr: C* Ses Eklentisi Takımı
 caps is a collection of refined LADSPA plugins including instrument
 amplifier emulation, stomp-box classics, versatile 'virtual analog'
 oscillators, fractal oscillation, reverb, equalization and others.

Package: caspar-doc
Description-md5: b4d0af6863bd65c41ebb6d661937ead8
Description-tr: caspar için belgelendirme
 Caspar offers Makefile snippets for common tasks, like installing (system
 configuration) files or typesetting documentation.
 This package contains the caspar manpages in HTML and PostScript format as
 well as some other documentation.

Package: cbflib-doc
Description-md5: b812fdfc937951e1a03fd864a6a21385
Description-tr: CBFlib için belgelendirme
 CBFlib is a library of ANSI-C functions providing a simple mechanism for
 accessing Crystallographic Binary Files (CBF files) and Image-supporting
 CIF (imgCIF) files.
 This package contains the documentation to CBFlib.

Package: cdcd-dbg
Description-md5: 32c010875258fb150ed4e2ceae0a5464
Description-tr: command line or console based CD player (debug)
 cdcd works in two ways, accepting commands directly off the command line
 or in a query mode similar to other UNIX programs. To pass a command to
 cdcd, simply run cdcd with the command as the argument (e.g. cdcd play).
 This is great for using cron and cdcd together to make a CD alarm clock.
 Or you can run cdcd with out arguments and you will be given the cdcd
 command prompt.
 Bu paket, hata ayıklama simgelerini içerir.

Package: celt-doc
Description-md5: 3aaa15249b7c2140c1c5048b6b6a97ce
Description-tr: CELT ses çözücü kütüphanesi için belgelendirme
 CELT is an experimental audio codec for use in low-delay communication.
 CELT stands for "Code-Excited Lapped Transform". It applies some of the
 CELP principles, but does everything in the frequency domain, which
 removes some of the limitations of CELP. CELT is suitable for both speech
 and music and currently features:
  * Ultra-low latency (typically from 3 to 9 ms)
  * Full audio bandwidth (44.1 kHz and 48 kHz)
  * Stereo support
  * Packet loss concealment
  * Constant bit-rates from 32 kbps to 128 kbps and above
  * A fixed-point version of the encoder and decoder
 The CELT codec is meant to close the gap between Vorbis and Speex for
 applications where both high quality audio and low delay are desired.
 This package provides the celt documentation

Package: claws-mail-doc
Description-md5: 5908123576c87afa2da6cc4147785777
Description-tr: Claws Mail posta uygulaması için kullanıcı belgelendirmesi
 This package provides the Claws Mail user's manual. The document is
 available in text and HTML formats for screen reading, and also PostScript
 and PDF formats for printing.

Package: clisp-doc
Description-md5: beeaac0ba7830f97043eb45a6861d05c
Description-tr: GNU CLISP, a Common Lisp implementation (documentation)
 Clisp için belgelendirme.
 ANSI Common Lisp is a high-level, general-purpose programming language.
 GNU CLISP is a Common Lisp implementation by Bruno Haible of Karlsruhe
 University and Michael Stoll of Munich University, both in Germany. It
 mostly supports the Lisp described in the ANSI Common Lisp standard. It
 runs on most Unix workstations (GNU/Linux, FreeBSD, NetBSD, OpenBSD,
 Solaris, Tru64, HP-UX, BeOS, NeXTstep, IRIX, AIX and others) and on other
 systems (Windows NT/2000/XP, Windows 95/98/ME) and needs only 4 MB of RAM.

Package: coinor-libipopt0-dbg
Description-md5: 80f963768d87ff823fbdb833d6440d67
Description-tr: Interior-Point Optimizer - debugging symbols
 Ipopt is an open-source solver for large-scale nonlinear continuous
 optimization. It can be used from modeling environments, such as AMPL,
 GAMS, or Matlab, and it is also available as a callable library with
 interfaces to C++, C, and Fortran. Ipopt uses an interior point method,
 together with a filter linear search procedure. Ipopt is part of the
 larger COIN-OR initiative (Computational Infrastructure for Operations
 The Debian package is compiled against MUMPS (as it is the only one of the
 available solvers that is Free Software and included in Debian).
 Bu paket, hata ayıklama simgelerini içerir.

Package: collatinus-doc
Description-md5: c29796f5ed38b2e6da3a4cbc7280f62b
Description-tr: collatinus için belgelendirme
 This package provides documentation for Collatinus in HTML and PDF
 Collatinus is an application for lemmatising Latin texts, and it provides
 a nice graphical front-end.

Package: collectd-dbg
Description-md5: a45e8b46ecec1490f78401e414f11ddc
Description-tr: statistics collection and monitoring daemon (debugging symbols)
 collectd is a small daemon which collects system information periodically
 and provides mechanisms to monitor and store the values in a variety of
 ways. Since the daemon doesn't need to startup every time it wants to
 update the values it's very fast and easy on the system. Also, the
 statistics are very fine grained since the files are updated every 10
 seconds by default.
 Bu paket, hata ayıklama simgelerini içerir.

Package: composite-dbg
Description-md5: 85d57b890588bb991421666b3821dc73
Description-tr: Live performance sequencer (debugging symbols)
 Composite is a software application/system for real-time, in-performance
 sequencing, sampling, and looping. It has a strong emphasis on the needs
 of live performance improvisation. It is built around the Tritium audio
 engine, which also includes LV2 plugins.
 Bu paket, hata ayıklama simgelerini içerir.

Package: cook-doc
Description-md5: a72f0413f6fcac1dc15237e13b8d687d
Description-tr: Cook için belgelendirme
 Cook is a very powerful and very easy to use replacement for make. Through
 the use of Cook's powerful description language, and its many built in
 functions, sophisticated build can be easily accomplished.
 Cook supports file fingerprints to speed build times, and also supports
 parallel builds over a network without requiring contorted build rules.

Package: courier-doc
Description-md5: 0cc3ae148d2a1c7aa859883f78b03b7e
Description-tr: Courier posta sunucusu - ek belgelendirme
 The Courier mail transfer agent (MTA) is an integrated mail/groupware
 server based on open commodity protocols, such as ESMTP, IMAP, POP3, LDAP,
 SSL, and HTTP. Courier provides ESMTP, IMAP, POP3, webmail, and mailing
 list services within a single, consistent, framework.
 This package contains additional documentation for Courier.

Package: crossfire-doc
Description-md5: e81f11213bc753254df688aa69f327b2
Description-tr: Crossfire için belgelendirme
 This is the document package for crossfire.  It has information for both
 the server and the client.

Package: csound-doc
Description-md5: 9f75b703bb629f175a715f310f69056b
Description-tr: csound için belgelendirme
 This package includes the csound reference manual.
 For more information on csound, see the csound package.

Package: ctsim-doc
Description-md5: 9861e51a61e9826c2b3afe2bbf500c61
Description-tr: Ctsim paketi için belgelendirme
 This package provides HTML and PDF documentation files for the ctsim
 package. CTSim is a graphical computed tomography simulator. This
 documentation file is included in a separate package so it will not have
 to be include in the binary ctsim package for every architecture.

Package: cyrus-doc-2.2
Description-md5: cce2aadc221886ee4e165e67279416ae
Description-tr: Cyrus posta sistemi - belgelendirme dosyaları
 Cyrus is an IMAP server designed to handle massive quantities of mail, with a number of features not found in other IMAP implementations, including support for:
  - running the daemon without root privileges;
  - POP3 and NNTP in addition to plain IMAP;
  - POP/IMAP-before-SMTP using DRAC;
  - secure IMAP using SSL;
  - server-side filtering with Sieve;
  - mail users without login accounts;
  - simple mail quotas;
  - virtual domains;
  - IPv6.
 This package contains the documentation for the Cyrus IMAPd suite.

Package: dancer-ircd-doc
Description-md5: fcbbd886c04ad492d4dbd41493cdfa48
Description-tr: Dancer belgelendirmesi
 Dancer-ircd is the former FreeNode ircd, loosely derived from the hybrid
 ircd used on EFnet.
 It endeavours to handle the network transparently as a unit, and to
 provide features to support the FreeNode philosophy.
 This package contains all the documentation that comes in the original

Package: davical-doc
Description-md5: e28bba6bd933c22b63a7b4870c826454
Description-tr: The DAViCal CalDAV Sunucusu - belgelendirme
 The DAViCal CalDAV Server is designed to trivially store CalDAV calendars,
 such as those from Evolution, Sunbird/Lightning, Mulberry, iCal or SOHO
 Organizer, in a central location, providing shared calendars, free/busy
 publication and basic administration
 This package contains detailed technical documentation for the classes and
 methods in the DAViCal programs.  Some user-centric configuration
 documentation is also included.

Package: db4.6-doc
Description-md5: f6288ccf15aedaebd906599178ff1a83
Description-tr: Berkeley 4.6 Sürümü Veritabanı Belgelendirmesi [html]
 Complete documentation for all of the API's and utilities provided by
 version 4.6 of Berkeley DB.

Package: debiandoc-sgml-doc
Description-md5: b0a51691786644fb9747b126e546bf1a
Description-tr: DebianDoc-SGML için belgelendirme
 This package contains the documentation for DebianDoc-SGML in HTML, and
 plain ASCII format.

Package: dibbler-doc
Description-md5: 3af3537031d5775dd4a5e6b99a5bb932
Description-tr: Dibbler için belgelendirme
 This package includes both user and developer documentation, covering all aspects of the Dibbler DHCPv6 implementation:
  - server, client and relay usage and configuration;
  - various tips and frequently asked questions;
  - internal structure/code description and hints for developers.

Package: djvulibre-bin
Description-md5: c7421d25ec9e74924d5b7540e469b4bd
Description-tr: DjVu görüntü biçimi için araçlar
 Executables including utilities for conversion between DjVu and other

Package: djvulibre-desktop
Description-md5: e5da3aea9677bafe75a1aaa48a76c12e
Description-tr: DjVu görüntü biçimi için masaüstü desteği
 Miscellaneous files to support the DjVu image format on the desktop.

Package: djvulibre-plugin
Description-md5: ce7cb4988d1f07a9481dc68f865a16c1
Description-tr: DjVu görüntü biçimi için tarayıcı eklentisi
 DjVu tarayıcı eklentisi.

Package: djvusmooth
Description-md5: 4f1c6be351689f7b0e3c932ad5223015
Description-tr: DjVu için grafiksel düzenleyici
 djvusmooth is a graphical editor for DjVu files, which allows one to:
  * edit document metadata,
  * edit document outline (bookmarks),
  * correct occasional errors in the hidden text layer.

Package: dlocate
Description-md5: c871b6b90f7a8ceb0f704fb90fe4db2a
Description-tr: dpkg -L ve dpkg -S için hızlı bir alternatif
 Uses GNU grep and text dumps of dpkg's data to greatly speed up finding
 out which package a file belongs to (i.e. a very fast dpkg -S). Many other
 uses, including options to view all files in a package, calculate disk
 space used, view and check md5sums, list man pages, etc.

Package: dlume
Description-md5: ddfb60a103b79f4405ec0e33249b630c
Description-tr: Hızlı ve kullanımı kolay bir adres defteri (GTK+)
 Dlume is a simple, gtk2-based addressbook. You can easily add, edit and
 delete records to/from an XML-format database. The Quick-search feature
 allows you find required entry in comfortable way. Export to CSV and HTML
 formats is also available. Interface design was borrowed and improved from
 Paddress <>.

Package: dnet-common
Description-md5: 151cdf93369258f02961140f3f7d3a9e
Description-tr: Linux DECnet için temel paket
 This is the base package for Linux DECnet. It contains the necessary
 configuration files and a script to set up the MAC address of your
 ethernet card(s) at boot-up.
 You will also need to be running a 2.4+ kernel and have DECnet either
 built as a module or compiled into the kernel.
 To do useful work with DECnet you will need the libdnet package and
 probably also dnet-progs.

Package: dnet-progs
Description-md5: 91992f38864de1f838a04bb59fccdaa6
Description-tr: DECnet kullanıcı programları ve hizmetleri
 These tools are the application layer interface for DECnet on Linux
 systems. They provide file/terminal access facilities between OpenVMS and
 Linux and remote execution of commands. Also included is a Linux version
 of the VMS "Phone" utility and a VMSMail to SMTP gateway.

Package: dns-browse
Description-md5: bffc0450d98c3c9599c9c175ad740e66
Description-tr: DNS araması için arayüzler
 This package provides two programs to make user lookups on DNS servers:
 dns_tree and dns_browse.
 dns_tree is a command-line-based front-end to dig.  It replaces the
 several dig invocations necessary to fetch a zone, and it formats the
 output in a somewhat sensible hierarchical style (a tree).
 dns_browse is a GUI front-end to dns_tree.  It allows point-and-click DNS
 browsing and makes it easy to expand/compress hierarchies in one or more
 DNS zones.

Package: dns-flood-detector
Description-md5: c9037957f94596c4ef075b80e4191ca3
Description-tr: detect abusive usage levels on high traffic nameservers
 Bu paket dns-flood-detector daemon hizmetini saÄŸlar.
 It was developed to detect abusive usage levels on high traffic
 nameservers and to enable quick response in halting the use of one's
 nameserver to facilitate spam. It uses libpcap (in non-promiscuous mode)
 to monitor incoming dns queries to a nameserver. The tool may be run in
 one of two modes, either daemon mode or "bindsnap" mode. In daemon mode,
 the tool will alarm via syslog. In bindsnap mode, the user is able to get
 near-real-time stats on usage to aid in more detailed troubleshooting.

Package: dnscache-run
Description-md5: ba2712e4c33c3e428c7e5bbf6a2c9b46
Description-tr: djbdns dnscache hizmeti
 This package automatically sets up the djbdns package to provide a
 dnscache service, listening on by default.

Package: dnsproxy
Description-md5: 6da369a1a9ebbedee375a89b1253ceb5
Description-tr: DNS sorguları için vekil
 dnsproxy forwards DNS queries to two previously configured nameservers:
 one for authoritative queries and another for recursive queries. The
 received answers are sent back to the client unchanged. No local caching
 is done.
 Primary motivation for this project was the need to replace Bind servers
 with djbdns in an ISP environment. These servers get recursive queries
 from customers and authoritative queries from outside at the same IP
 address. Now it is possible to run dnscache and tinydns on the same
 machine with queries dispatched by dnsproxy.
 Another possible scenario is a firewall where proxy queries should be
 forwarded to the real server in a DMZ.

Package: dnstop
Description-md5: 3bb1fa97f4ba66ddeedd9c17115d475d
Description-tr: DNS trafiğini çözümlemek içi konsol aracı
 dnstop is a console tool to analyze and display various tables of DNS traffic. Currently dnstop displays tables of (among others):
  * Source IP addresses
  * Destination IP addresses
  * Query types
  * Top level domains
  * Second level domains

Package: doc-central
Description-md5: cc8cacd47297ba69bb407103a3a8b305
Description-tr: web tabanlı belgelendirme tarayıcı
 Doc-Central is a tool to browse the documentation installed on your system
 using their doc-base entries.

Package: doc-debian
Description-md5: 9a84ec1f4e9e97458c8803ad1d753a34
Description-tr: Debian Projesi belgelendirmesi ve diÄŸer belgeler
 The Debian Project is an association of individuals who have made common
 cause to create a free operating system.
 In this package, you will find:
   * Debian Linux Manifesto,
   * Constitution for the Debian Project,
   * Debian GNU/Linux Social Contract,
   * Debian Free Software Guidelines.
 Additionally provided are:
   * Debian Bug Tracking System documentation, and
   * Introduction to the Debian mailing lists.
 All of these files are available at and
 mirrors thereof.

Package: doc-debian-es
Description-md5: f158948667fa2baf281832d3b3897b50
Description-tr: Debian Sık Sorulan Sorular İspanyolca çevirisi
 The doc-debian-es package provides the current Debian-FAQ (in postscript,
 dvi, text and HTML) translated to Spanish.
 El paquete doc-debian-es suministra las Preguntas Frecuentes sobre Debian
 (FAQ), traducidas a partir del documento Debian-FAQ. Se encuentran en
 formatos postscript, dvi, texto y HTML.

Package: docbook5-xml
Description-md5: 01c2468021dec31e79a7135346319d9e
Description-tr: yazılım ve sistemler için standart XML belgelendirme sistemi
 DocBook 5 is a general purpose XML schema.  That is, it contains the
 "DocBook" document structure.  This is used by authors or editors writing
 documents in the DocBook XML format.  DocBook was designed for books,
 articles, or reference documentation about technical matters or software
 (though it is by no means limited to these applications).  It has emerged
 as an open standard in the software industry, and is the documentation
 system of choice for many free software projects.
 DocBook 5.0 is a complete rewrite of the well-known DocBook 4 XML
 schema/DTD, introducing a quite large number of backwards-incompatible
 changes. But the basic idea behind DocBook is still the same, and almost
 all element names are unchanged.
 This package contains the XML RelaxNG schema (with some additional
 Schematron assertions), W3C XML Schema (XSD) as well as the Document Type
 Definition (DTD) for DocBook, which all describe the formal structure for
 documents following this format.
 You will need other packages in order to edit, validate (libxml2-utils) or
 format (docbook-xsl-ns) DocBook 5 documents.

Package: doodle-dbg
Description-md5: f5d2ed10bca794fc6d25fa39f9e5cfe5
Description-tr: Desktop Search Engine (debug)
 It searches your hard drive for files using pattern matching on meta-data.
 It extracts file-format specific meta-data using libextractor and builds a
 suffix tree to index the files. The index can then be searched rapidly. It
 is similar to locate, but can take advantage of information such as ID3
 tags. It is possible to do full-text indexing using the appropriate
 libextractor plugins. It also supports using FAM to keep the database up-
 Bu paket, hata ayıklama simgelerini içerir.

Package: dspam-doc
Description-md5: 0e5332769b9a32c8b2c075af6abc4766
Description-tr: dspam için belgelendirme
 DSPAM is a dedicated statistical filter with minimal resources. It includes many new algorithms to fight against spam including:
  * Concept Identification
  * Message Inoculation
  * Advanced de-obfuscation techniques
  * Bayesian Noise Reduction
 This package contains the documentation for dspam.

Package: dynare-doc
Description-md5: c1972219b3a075f16cce0636f48966b1
Description-tr: Dynare için belgelendirme
 Dynare is a pre-preprocessor and a collection of GNU Octave and MATLAB
 routines which can solve, simulate and estimate non-linear models with
 forward looking variables.
 In particular, in the field of computational economics, it is used for
 solving and estimating dynamic stochastic general equilibrium (DSGE)
 This package contains full Dynare documentation, including a user guide
 and the reference manual.

Package: emboss-doc
Description-md5: 5d7551bb267e7310848998b4f6f63fb3
Description-tr: EMBOSS için belgelendirme
 This package includes non-essential user documentation for EMBOSS, the
 European Molecular Biology Open Software Suite.

Package: enigma-doc
Description-md5: 1bd46b6863570983986b8d9f86c9488c
Description-tr: enigma oyunu için belgelendirme
 Enigma is a puzzle game similar to Oxyd on the Atari ST or Rock'n'Roll on
 the Amiga and good old Marble Madness. It also has Sokoban levels, and
 some interesting twists on the original sokoban concept.
 In Enigma, your objective is to locate and uncover matching pairs of Oxyd
 stones. Simple as it sounds, this task is made more difficult by the fact
 that Oxyd stones tend to be hidden, inaccessible or protected by
 unexpected traps. Overcoming these obstacles often requires a lot of
 dexterity and wit (and can be quite addictive).
 This package contains the manual and level creating guide

Package: erubis-doc
Description-md5: 4c2ea8dec836080e5eabb2fc01f07336
Description-tr: erubis için belgelendirme
 Erubis is a very fast eRuby implementation
  * Multi-language support (Ruby/PHP/C/Java/Scheme/Perl/Javascript)
  * Auto escaping support
  * Auto trimming spaces around '<% %>'
  * Embedded pattern changeable (default '<% %>')
  * Enable to handle Processing Instructions (PI) as embedded pattern
  * Print statement available
  * Easy to extend and customize in subclass
  * Ruby on Rails support
 This package provides generated HTML documentation for erubis.

Package: esvn-doc
Description-md5: 77cb029a1e01e1b9f5779c1c3ac4aa87
Description-tr: esvn için belgelendirme
 eSvn is a graphical client written in Qt for the subversion revision
 control system (svn).

Package: extrema-doc
Description-md5: 28794b5a1fa04361c07e9f1630cbdaac
Description-tr: Extrema için belgelendirme
 This package contains additional documentation in PDF format for the
 extrema software package.

Package: ferret
Description-md5: 849e05ddc35fdc2caad1326c185d9ae4
Description-tr: CASE tool for data model editing
 GNU Ferret (Free Entity Relationship and Reverse Engineering Tool) servers
 to edit data models. These can be implemented within a range of relational
 databases such as Postgresql or Mysql.

Package: festival-doc
Description-md5: ccbc8b6990f0e89a73c2cab5ebd81530
Description-tr: Festival için belgelendirme
 This package contains the pre-built HTML and Postscript versions of the
 documentation for Festival.
 Note that the info document for festival is included in the main festival

Package: festival-freebsoft-utils
Description-md5: 7e684d348f8bc6084d0b50efa2943195
Description-tr: Festival eklentileri ve araçları
 Miscellaneous Festival utilities, providing especially the following
 features: Generalized concept of input events, including ability to play
 sounds within the synthesized text and to map logical input events to
 other events; replacing given words in the synthesized text by events;
 spelling; capital letter signalization; punctuation reading modes;
 miscellaneous Festival Scheme functions.
 Primary focus of festival-freebsoft-utils is on Festival cooperation with
 Speech Dispatcher, but they may be used together with other speech
 frontends or for other purposes as well.

Package: festlex-cmu
Description-md5: ea97d555dad9146c6c9858ef1c2c5cca
Description-tr: Festival için CMU sözlüğü
 This is the CMU dictionary in Festival form. It is required for American
 English voices.

Package: festlex-ifd
Description-md5: 28c0994897f4f79e3e5cd854fc3c2fc5
Description-tr: Festival için İtalyanca desteği
 Italian Festival is a set of modules for the Festival text-to-speech
 system which allow it to synthesize speech in Italian.
 This package includes a dictionary that permits festival pronounce Italian
 text. It also features modules for textual/linguistic analysis and
 prosodic analysis.

Package: fetchexc
Description-md5: 5e67894c28362e54d48ba25ed8aa1f21
Description-tr: Microsoft Exchange sunucularından e-posta indirir
 FetchExc retrieves emails using WebDAV (Outlook Web Access) and delivers
 it to an SMTP server or local mbox store.

Package: fetchmailconf
Description-md5: d036ad16ee9cb4fb4500cd70a63df2d4
Description-tr: fetchmail yapılandırma aracı
 A GUI wrapper to configure fetchmail's .fetchmailrc, suitable for end-
 users.  See fetchmail package for more information.

Package: fetchyahoo
Description-md5: ec996e218fa5ffc16e4d1b243c8da6f1
Description-tr: Yahoo!'nun webmail hizmetinden posta alır
 FetchYahoo is a Perl script that downloads mail from a Yahoo! webmail
 account to a local mail spool, an mbox file, or to procmail. It is meant
 to replace fetchmail for people using Yahoo! mail since Yahoo!'s POP and
 email forwarding services are no longer free. It includes all parts and
 attachments within the email. It can also forward the email to a specified

Package: fex
Description-md5: ab11e11e6c7a2525bb8ffbeaf248a2d8
Description-tr: web service for transfering very large files
 F*EX (Frams's Fast File EXchange) is a service that can be used to allow
 users anywhere on the Internet to exchange very large files quickly and
 The sender uploads the file to the F*EX-server and the recipient
 automatically gets a notification e-mail with a download-URL.
 F*EX'in ana özellikleri:
  * file transfer of virtually unlimited file size
  * sender and recipient only need an e-mail program and a web browser
    (of any kind; they do not have to install any software)
  * RESEND and REGET for resuming after link failures at last sent byte
  * auto-notification of recipient
  * auto-deletion after download
  * auto-deletion after expiration date (default: 5 days)
  * full-users can create sub-users, who can send only to this full-user
  * maintenance-free: no administration necessary beyond creating new
    F*EX accounts
  * multiple recipients only require one stored copy
  * F*EX uses HTTP and needs no firewall tunnels
  * support for streams, too (SEX: Stream EXchange)
  * shell clients provided for commandline users: fexsend and fexget.
    (fex-utils package)

Package: fex-utils
Description-md5: 5b888ef5f096a09585b2649423da79fd
Description-tr: web service for transfering very large files (utils)
 F*EX (Frams's Fast File EXchange) is a service that can be used to allow
 users anywhere on the Internet to exchange very large files quickly and
 The sender uploads the file to the F*EX-server and the recipient
 automatically gets a notification e-mail with a download-URL.
 Bu paket şunları içerir:

Package: ffado-dbus-server
Description-md5: c97651a8d42693959e021d8283d395a2
Description-tr: FFADO D-Bus sunucusu
 FFADO, FireWire (IEEE1394) ses aygıtları için bir Linux sürücüsüdür.
 The FFADO library permits discovering and configuring such devices and
 provides an API for streaming clients.
 This package holds the D-Bus server that exposes the mixer and control
 interfaces through D-Bus.

Package: ffado-mixer-qt4
Description-md5: fc8ed34ba640a2f91cb697e27ecb2fa1
Description-tr: FFADO D-Bus karıştırıcı uygulamacıkları (QT4)
 FFADO, FireWire (IEEE1394) ses aygıtları için bir Linux sürücüsüdür.
 The FFADO library permits discovering and configuring such devices and
 provides an API for streaming clients.
 This package holds the mixer and control applications that communicate
 with ffado-dbus-server. (Qt4 version)

Package: ffado-tools
Description-md5: dcaf35942541c9b5da1355b4c8de7def
Description-tr: FFADO hata ayıklama ve aygıt yazılımı araçları
 FFADO, FireWire (IEEE1394) ses aygıtları için bir Linux sürücüsüdür.
 The FFADO library permits discovering and configuring such devices and
 provides an API for streaming clients.
 This package holds the following tools for firmware updating, troubleshooting and debugging:
     * ffado-test-streaming
     * ffado-diag
     * ffado-test-isoxmit
     * ffado-test-isorecv
     * ffado-bridgeco-downloader
     * ffado-test
     * ffado-fireworks-downloader

Package: ffmpeg2theora
Description-md5: 16014da1afc81c865a2eafeb82671ebb
Description-tr: ffmpeg kullanan Theora video kodlayıcısı
 This package provides a command-line tool to encode/recode various video
 formats (basically everything that ffmpeg can read) into Theora, the free
 video codec.

Package: ffmpegthumbnailer
Description-md5: 6c2cda0a9d0dbe78d15405fa244855b6
Description-tr: hızlı ve hafif video önizleme aracı
 FFmpegthumbnailer is a lightweight video thumbnailer that can be used by
 file managers to create thumbnails for your video files. The thumbnailer
 uses ffmpeg to decode frames from the video files, so supported
 videoformats depend on the configuration flags of ffmpeg.
 Bu paket, ffmpegthumbnailer çalıştırılabilir dosyasını içerir.

Package: ffmpegthumbnailer-dbg
Description-md5: 2d61ca653370d3e69428ad5a843c8ce6
Description-tr: ffmpegthumbnailer için hata ayıklama bilgileri
 FFmpegthumbnailer is a lightweight video thumbnailer that can be used by
 file managers to create thumbnails for your video files. The thumbnailer
 uses ffmpeg to decode frames from the video files, so supported
 videoformats depend on the configuration flags of ffmpeg.
 Bu paket, ffmpegthumbnailer için hata ayıklama simgelerini içerir.

Package: ffproxy
Description-md5: a834f1a1b1ea44b62751eb547f5362cd
Description-tr: Ipv6 desteğine sahip hafif ve özelleştirilebilir bir http(s) vekil sunucu
 ffproxy is a filtering HTTP/HTTPS proxy server.
  - It is able to filter by host, URL, and header.
  - Custom header entries can be filtered and added.
  - It can even drop its privileges and be chrooted.
  - Logging to syslog() is supported.
  - It can use another auxiliary proxy server.
  - HTTP accelerator feature (acting as front-end to a HTTP server) is included.
  - It allows transparent IPv6 over IPv4 browsing (and vice versa).

Package: fftw-docs
Description-md5: 984728026773fe7303b3dc58c0ee1141
Description-tr: fftw için belgelendirme
 This package contains the documentation and test programs for fftw, a Fast
 Fourier Transform library.

Package: fgfs-atlas
Description-md5: 42ff7a7b852b4f362eee04c1d726ef2f
Description-tr: Flight Gear Harita Görüntüleyicisi
 Atlas allows you to see your position on a scrolling world map as you fly
 around with Flight Gear, and even print your own flight charts. It reads
 terrain data from Flight Gear's scenery database. Note that using it for
 real world navigation purposes is strongly discouraged and probably

Package: fgfs-base
Description-md5: bd09fae376fb8636cef3fc3a8ec65be0
Description-tr: Flight Gear Uçuş Simülatörü -- temel dosyalar
 Flight Gear is a free and highly sophisticated flight simulator.
 This package contains graphics, sounds, aircraft models, and the minimum
 scenery you need to start Flight Gear.
 This package does not contain the flight simulator itself. If you want to
 fly, install the flightgear package.

Package: fhist
Description-md5: 125a891d3db6796ff3117cc2480d828b
Description-tr: Dosya geçmişi, karşılaştırma ve birleştirme araçları
 The fhist package contains 3 utilities
   fhist - a file history tool
   fcomp - a file comparison tool
   fmerge - a file merging tool
 All three are bundled together, because they all use the same minimal-
 difference algorithm.

Package: fiaif
Description-md5: 11923c80987ac0804011d6db952d53fb
Description-tr: An easy to use, yet complex firewall
 Fiaif, akıllı bir güvenlik duvarıdır.
 The Goal of FIAIF is to provide a highly customizable script for setting
 up an iptables based firewall.
 Unlike many other scripts, FIAIF can be truly customized allowing multiple
 interfaces (or rather zones). There is no limit on the number of zones.
 All configuration is done through configuration files. No need to
 understand the script behind it all.
 The script makes heavy use of state-full firewalling, and all RELATED and
 ESTABLISHED packets are accepted on all chains. If you which to block
 something out, don't accept it in the first place.
 The script is written in BASH. Though this is not the optimal program to
 use, it means that you do not need to install extra interpreters on your
 firewall. This allows you to have a minimalistic installation on your
 Bu paketi, devamlı olarak internete bağlıysanız kurun.

Package: fig2sxd
Description-md5: b2b47f3fbc60350d562801bb32979a83
Description-tr: XFig dosyalarını biçimine dönüştürün
 This program converts a file in XFig format into a .sxd file for Draw.

Package: figtoipe
Description-md5: bddfe39f5ecb6a9dd003c170a7277e80
Description-tr: ipe için FIG dosyalarını XML dosyalarına dönüştür
 Figtoipe is a program that reads FIG files (as generated by xfig) and
 generates an XML file readable by Ipe.

Package: fil-plugins
Description-md5: 30556d0b0532c99abb35507fee2235ac
Description-tr: parametrik ekolayzer LADSPA eklentisi
 Four-band parametric equaliser. Each section has an active/bypass switch,
 frequency, bandwidth and gain controls. There is also a global bypass
 switch and gain control.
 The 2nd order resonant filters are implemented using a Mitra-Regalia style
 lattice filter, which has the nice property of being stable even while
 parameters are being changed.
 All switches and controls are internally smoothed, so they can be used
 'live' without any clicks or zipper noises. This should make this plugin a
 good candidate for use in systems that allow automation of plugin control
 ports, such as Ardour, or for stage use.

Package: file-kanji
Description-md5: e22ab3c1fdde8071f2403753e1e2190f
Description-tr: kanji kod denetleyici
 This package contains file2 command. File2 command tests the
 classification of Japanese text files into JIS, UTF-8, EUC-JP, SJIS,
 ascii, and UNKNOWN. If the file package is installed, the file command is
 executed instead of UNKNOWN.

Package: filelight
Description-md5: 397ff9a469e07a772f22460c66b66875
Description-tr: disk alanınızın nerede kullanıldığını gösterir
 Filelight allows you to understand your disk usage by graphically
 representing your filesystem as a set of concentric, segmented rings.
 It is like a pie-chart, but the segments nest, allowing you to see both
 which directories take up all your space, and which directories and files
 inside those directories are the real culprits.

Package: filepp
Description-md5: 93420217788f036beb3bb17cb3f32c57
Description-tr: Genel bir perl tabanlı ön işlemci dosya
 filepp is a pre-processor similar to cpp just that it can process any kind
 of text file.

Package: filezilla
Description-md5: 782ac3b3cf186729c1138dc7616d26df
Description-tr: Tam özellikli grafiksel FTP / FTPS / SFTP istemcisi
 FileZilla tam özellikli  GUI ile kolay kullanımlı  bir FTP istemcisidir.
 Bu C + + ile yazılmıştır ve wxWidgets kitaplığını kullanır.
 FileZilla aşağıdaki özellikleri içerir:
   * FTP, FTP üzerinde SSL / TLS (FTPS) ve SSH File Transfer Protocol (SFTP) destekler
   * IPv6 desteÄŸi
   * 40'tan fazla dil desteÄŸi
   * Devam etme ve 4GB'den büyük dosyaları destekler
   * Kolay kuyruk transfer Site Yöneticisi ve kullanımı
   * Yer imleri
   * Sürükle ve bırak desteği
   * Hız limitleri
   * Dosya filtreleri
   * Dizin karşılaştırma
   * Ağ yapılandırma sihirbazı
   * Uzaktan dosya düzenleme
   * Keep-alive
   * HTTP/1.1, SOCKS5 ve FTP proxy sunucusu desteÄŸi
   * Dosyaya Günlüğü
   * Senkronize dizin tarama
   * Uzaktan dosya arama
   * Sekmeli arayüzü birden fazla sunucuya bağlanmak için

Package: filezilla-common
Description-md5: 0ff9bf0c61cc77f908f4504f7162ba44
Description-tr: Filezilla için mimari bağımsız dosyalar
 FileZilla tam özellikli  GUI ile kolay kullanımlı  bir FTP istemcisidir.
 Bu C + + ile yazılmıştır ve wxWidgets kitaplığını kullanır.
 See the filezilla package description for the full list of features.
 This package contains architecture independent files such as images and

Package: fillets-ng-data
Description-md5: 1bfa8792662f7d9ac0b18433f06291da
Description-tr: dosya, grafik, müzik ve filetosu-ng için uluslararası sesleri
 Fish Fillets is strictly a puzzle game. The goal in every of the seventy
 levels is always the same: find a safe way out. The fish utter witty
 remarks about their surroundings, the various inhabitants of their
 underwater realm quarrel among themselves or comment on the efforts of
 your fish. The whole game is accompanied by quiet, comforting music.
 This package contains the data needed for the game. You need it, even if
 you also install the add-on czech language spoken dialogs.

Package: fingerd
Description-md5: 252aeb1f06e592ea0a2e97dcb289d598
Description-tr: uzak kullanıcı bilgi sunucusu
 Fingerd is a simple daemon based on RFC1196 that provides an interface to
 the "finger" program at most network sites.  The program is supposed to
 return a friendly, human-oriented status report on either the system at
 the moment or a particular person in depth.

Package: fontforge-doc
Description-md5: 85b15ba1cc5105c1b1d8d76212056741
Description-tr: FontForge için belgelendirme
 FontForge allows you to create or edit outline and bitmap fonts. It is
 also a font format converter and can convert among PostScript (ASCII &
 binary Type 1, some Type 3s, some Type 0s), TrueType, and OpenType
 (Type2), CID-keyed, SVG, CFF and multiple-master fonts.
 This package contains the documentation in HTML format.

Package: fop-doc
Description-md5: 0efb142e24bf3b4e421066b0313d4fc2
Description-tr: Fop için belgelendirme
 FOP is a print formatter driven by XSL formatting objects. It is a Java
 1.1 application that reads a formatting object tree and then turns it into
 a PDF document. The formatting object tree can be in the form of an XML
 document (output by an XSLT engine like xalan) or can be passed in memory
 as a DOM Document or (in the case of xalan) SAX events.

Package: fp-docs
Description-md5: 8c92426406e4054af45b973ccd6aa4d0
Description-tr: Free Pascal - Belgelendirme
 The Free Pascal Compiler is an object pascal compiler supporting both
 Delphi and Turbo Pascal 7.0 dialects as well as Mac pascal dialects. It
 provides a completely portable RunTime Library (RTL) available on many
 platforms and compatible with Turbo Pascal, but also a platfrom
 independent class based Free Component Library (FCL) adding many Delphi
 extensions and interfacing many popular open source libraries.
 This package provides documentation for the Free Pascal Compiler in HTML

Package: freecad-doc
Description-md5: 71cb85cff5b3d4bdf89c1ab6d1523bb8
Description-tr: FreeCAD belgelendirme
 FreeCAD is an Open Source CAx RAD based on OpenCasCade, Qt and Python. It
 features some key concepts like macro recording, workbenches, ability to
 run as a server and dynamically loadable application extensions and it is
 designed to be platform independent. For more details see
 This package contains the FreeCAD documentation.
 The documentation is provided in Qt's new help format; the new help format
 version can be viewed in conjunction with the Qt Assistant found in the
 qt4-dev-tools package.

Package: freefem-doc
Description-md5: 0bfc8cfb6077a6b924c7e737142f677e
Description-tr: FreeFEM için belgelendirme (html ve pdf)
 FreeFEM is a language adapted to Partial Differential equation. The
 underlying method used  is the Finite Element Method. This tool has been
 successfully used as a teaching tool and even as a research tool.

Package: freemind-doc
Description-md5: ef4a9c77661c6dff6e73e8b4d8c952e1
Description-tr: FreeMind için belgelendirme
 This package contains on one hand the FreeMind Documentation Mindmap as
 accessed through the menu 'Help -> Documentation', on the other hand the
 FreeMind Key Mapping reference, either in PDF (accessible through the menu
 'Help -> Key Documentation PDF') or in OpenDocument format (editable).

Package: freesci-doc
Description-md5: 034d937711d008b5fe96b186e76ae328
Description-tr: FreeSCI için belgelendirme
 This is the documentation for FreeSCI, a portable interpreter for SCI
 games, such as the Space Quest series. It also contains a book describing
 the SCI (versions 0, 1 and 2) to the extent known to the general public.

Package: fslview-doc
Description-md5: 1b32be096851e3987f4573d4fa61ef11
Description-tr: FSLView için belgelendirme
 This package provides the online documentation for FSLView.
 FSLView is part of FSL.

Package: ftp-proxy-doc
Description-md5: c6a24aa91cec5d8501d5b000611c9c39
Description-tr: ftp-proxy için belgelendirme
 FTP-Proxy is a transparent, application-level proxy server for FTP
 connections, designed to protect FTP servers against attacks based on the
 FTP protocol. It is the first (and currently only) component of the SuSE
 Proxy Suite, a set of programs to enhance firewall security.
 This package contains the documentation in PDF and HTML for ftp-proxy.

Package: funnelweb-doc
Description-md5: c84dde5247e713cf143cab9d2b2df035
Description-tr: Funnelweb için belgelendirme
 This package includes the HTML manuals for the funnelweb litterate-
 programming system.  These are the Tutorial Manual, the Reference Manual,
 and the Developer Manual.

Package: fwbuilder-doc
Description-md5: 1ece524d35eaa9573476a061ed386d25
Description-tr: Firewall administration tool GUI documentation
 Firewall Builder consists of an object-oriented GUI and a set of policy
 compilers for various firewall platforms. In Firewall Builder, firewall
 policy is a set of rules, each rule consists of abstract objects which
 represent real network objects and services (hosts, routers, firewalls,
 networks, protocols). Firewall Builder helps the user maintain a database
 of objects and allows policy editing using simple drag-and-drop
 Fwbuilder için belgelendirme

Package: fweb-doc
Description-md5: 16c999197a30d654508fd2dc65faa020
Description-tr: Fweb için belgelendirme
 This is the documentation for the fweb litterate-programming tool, in
 HTML, info, and texinfo formats.

Package: gadmin-bind-dbg
Description-md5: ff4ec6787b27accbb8103239dba45c1c
Description-tr: GTK+ configuration tool for bind9 (debug)
 gadmin-bind is an easy to use GTK+ frontend for ISC BIND. It handles
 multiple domains and can switch from master to slave domain in three
 clicks. It can change the domain name for entire domains and subdomains,
 including domain resources such as MX, A, AAAA, CNAME, and NS.
 Bu paket, hata ayıklama simgelerini içerir.

Package: gadmin-dhcpd-dbg
Description-md5: a9ade2d1805c643f9716ba1529ce8438
Description-tr: GTK+ configuration tool for dhcpd3-server (debug)
 gadmin-dhcpd is an easy to use GTK+ frontend for ISC DHCPD, version 3.
 Bu paket, hata ayıklama simgelerini içerir.

Package: gadmin-openvpn-client-dbg
Description-md5: 8760077f08c69c2fbcf38c938d2ca779
Description-tr: GTK+ configuration tool for openvpn (debug for client)
 gadmin-openvpn-client is a fast and easy to use GTK+ administration tool
 for the OpenVPN client.
 Bu paket, hata ayıklama simgelerini içerir.

Package: gadmin-openvpn-server-dbg
Description-md5: eb6cc0285eb977f4327e3b999ea7fa71
Description-tr: GTK+ configuration tool for openvpn (debug for server)
 gadmin-openvpn-server is a fast and easy to use GTK+ administration tool
 for the OpenVPN server.
 Bu paket, hata ayıklama simgelerini içerir.

Package: gadmin-proftpd-dbg
Description-md5: fe6b5459ce9fbc47d3a1368d6df8d86d
Description-tr: GTK+ configuration tool for proftpd
 gadmin-proftpd is a fast and easy to use GTK+ administration tool for the
 Proftpd standalone server.
 Bu paket, hata ayıklama simgelerini içerir.

Package: gadmin-rsync-dbg
Description-md5: 30967346ef412020c1f7acc5ccfdb009
Description-tr: GTK+ configuration tool for rsync (debug)
 gadmin-rsync is an easy to use GTK+ frontend for the rsync server.
 Bu paket, hata ayıklama simgelerini içerir.

Package: gadmin-samba-dbg
Description-md5: 0a0d180ce22af29be4fd8652e96577cd
Description-tr: GTK+ configuration tool for samba (debug)
 gadmin-samba is an easy to use GTK+ frontend for the SAMBA file and print
 server. It features multiple local and remote user and group imports, on
 the fly share creation and user handling, including randomization of
 usernames and passwords. PDF printing to shared/private directories or
 email. It also features three levels of domain management strategies.
 Bu paket, hata ayıklama simgelerini içerir.

Package: gadmin-squid-dbg
Description-md5: dddb542343f432d0f52a637bd6c1869f
Description-tr: GTK+ configuration tool for squid (debug)
 gadmin-squid is a fast and easy to use GTK+ administration tool for the
 Squid proxy server.
 Bu paket, hata ayıklama simgelerini içerir.

Package: gambas2-doc
Description-md5: f8fe055718de15d6359d8269a17db3c6
Description-tr: Gambas belgelendirmesi
 Gambas is a programming language based on a BASIC interpreter with object
 extensions - like Visual Basic, though it is NOT a clone! It has many
 components for developing internationalized, desktop-independent,
 database- and network-enabled applications. Even games can be developed
 very quickly using its RAD environment.
 This package provides the examples, help and documentation

Package: gambit-doc
Description-md5: 3443e7ec9e9625cab5670b027939ccda
Description-tr: gambit için belgelendirme
 Gambit is a collection of game theory software for the construction and
 analysis of finite extensive and normal form games. This is the
 documentation for gambit.

Package: geany-plugin-doc
Description-md5: 9108360e6f110326da50aa00eaaf9a14
Description-tr: Geany için bir belgelendirme eklentisi
 Geanydoc is a plugin for the Geany IDE which is intended to be used to
 search for documentation API from different sources. It allows execution
 of specified commands on the current word at the cursor position or
 otherwise specified via a dialog to obtain this documentation. This
 documentation is displayed in the geany buffer as a tab called *DOC*, or
 may be displayed in an external program.
 After installing this package, you'll need to enable the "Doc" plugin and
 then setup a keyword binding for it in Geany's preferences dialogue.
 Geany is a small and lightweight integrated development environment using
 the GTK+ toolkit.

Package: gedit-valatoys-plugin-dbg
Description-md5: 55ff0f075ff5a5b74f911a99869f24a4
Description-tr: Vala Toys for gEdit - debugging symbols
 Vala Toys for gEdit is an experimental collection of plugins that extends
 the gEdit editor to make it a better developer editor.
 Vtg tries to make less compromises as possible so, for now, its scope is
 narrowed only to support the Vala programming language.
 Vtg is written in Vala itself and it is currently composed of just one
 plugin with four modules and it adds to gEdit:
  * Bracket completion
  * Symbol completion
  * Project Manager
  * Project build / execute
 Bu paket, hata ayıklama simgelerini içerir.

Package: geeqie-dbg
Description-md5: 9dbd075e8d35591e7337691de8748597
Description-tr: debug symbols for Geeqie
 Geeqie is a browser for graphics files offering single click viewing of
 your graphics files. It includes thumbnail view, zoom, filtering features
 and external editor support.
 Bu paket, hata ayıklama simgelerini içerir.

Package: gigolo-dbg
Description-md5: 8b12402e70f2b6d19c890ffb237436d0
Description-tr: frontend to manage connections to remote filesystems using GIO/GVfs (debug)
 Gigolo is a frontend to easily manage connections to remote filesystems
 using GIO/GVfs. It allows you to quickly connect/mount a remote filesystem
 and manage bookmarks of such.
 Bu paket, hata ayıklama simgelerini içerir.

Package: giws-doc
Description-md5: 1d2320a96d2c91acaa4aa184d20ac5db
Description-tr: GIWS paketi için belgelendirme ve örnekler
 Giws is basically doing the same stuff as SWIG but the opposite. Calling
 Java from C/C++ can be tricky: JNI calls are complicated especially when
 dealing with non primivite types or arrays, performance issues must be
 kept in mind all the time, the code can be redundant (checking exceptions,
 checking returns of operations...). Giws hides this complexity through a
 C++ class which wraps the Java class.
 This package contains the examples and the documentation.

Package: gmpc-dbg
Description-md5: f5673746b97dab0c5de34e1e4f187521
Description-tr: Gnome Music Player Client (graphical interface to MPD)
 A GNOME/GTK2.2 client for Music Player Daemon, it began life as traymp, a simple tray notification client and has grown into much more. Current features include:
  * Support for loading/saving playlists
  * File Browser
  * Browser based on ID3 information
  * Search
  * Current playlist viewer with search
  * ID3 Information
  * Cover art (via plugins)
 Bu paket, hata ayıklama simgelerini içerir.

Package: gmpc-plugins-dbg
Description-md5: 4fd6e94315ba6e459af3dd2255d6b30b
Description-tr: Plugins for the GNOME Music Player Client
 gmpc-plugins is a set of plugins that enhance functionality of the GNOME Music Player Clients. Plugins are:
  - alarm, allows basic events to be scheduled
  - avahi, zeroconf profile scanning
  - coveramazon, disc cover fetcher from the internet
  - extraplaylist, adds a playlist viewer at the bottom of the interface.
  - jamendo, Jamendo stream browser
  -, service support
  - lirc, remote control interface
  - lyrics, a lyrics fetcher from multiple sources
  - lyricwiki, add as lyrics source
  - magnatune, Magnatune stream browser
  - mdcover, display disc cover found in file metadata
  - osd, On screen display using xosd
  - serverstats, displays some mpd statisics
  - shout, stream shout-cast
 Bu paket, hata ayıklama simgelerini içerir.

Package: gnome-devel-docs
Description-md5: 523ba59a4fb6dfbd441e04feb5523bee
Description-tr: GNOME geliÅŸtirici belgelendirmesi
 Documentation for developing for the GNOME desktop environment. It contains:
  * Platform Overview
  * GDP Style Guide
  * GDP Handbook
  * Integration Guide
  * Human Interface Guidelines

Package: gnome-mplayer-dbg
Description-md5: be4af1b78819034cebdca0b9816a4049
Description-tr: A GTK+ interface for MPlayer (debugging symbols)
 The power of MPlayer combined with a friendly interface for your desktop.
 You can play all your multimedia (audio, video, CD, DVDs, and VCDs,
 streams etc. with full DVD and MKV chapter support), organize, sort and
 create playlists, take screenshots while playing videos, be notified about
 media changes, retrieve cover art and more. Gnome-MPlayer fully supports
 subtitles giving the ability to specify preferred audio and subtitle
 The player can be used to play media on websites from your browser when
 used with Gecko Mediaplayer and is the modern replacement for mplayerplug-
 in (from the same author).
 Bu paket, hata ayıklama simgelerini içerir.

Package: gnuift-doc
Description-md5: 81ec3c361efa92eeff9cbb6728c4d818
Description-tr: Gnuift için belgelendirme
 This package includes gift-guide, configuring-and-hacking-the-gift and the
 doxygen reference tree. The application is contained in the gnuift
 The GIFT (the GNU Image-Finding Tool) is a Content Based Image Retrieval
 System (CBIRS). It enables you to do Query By Example on images, giving
 you the opportunity to improve query results by relevance feedback. For
 processing your queries the program relies entirely on the content of the
 images, freeing you from the need to annotate all images before querying
 the collection.
 The GIFT comes with a tool which lets you index whole directory trees
 containing images in one go. You then can use the GIFT server and its
 client, to browse your own image collections.
 The GIFT is an open framework. The developers explicitly have taken into
 account the possibility of adding new ways of querying to the framework.
 The communication protocol for client-server communication, MRML, is XML
 based and fully documented ( This aims at promoting
 code reuse among researchers and application developers.
 To avoid a name clash with the "gift" package (a fasttrack filesharing
 client), these packages have been named "gnuift" (also to stress that
 gnuift is a GNU project).

Description-md5: de0bc57fc96421839019d5d92e366c60
Description-tr: fully featured mail application (debugging symbols)
 GNUMail is a clone of NeXT/Apple's excellent application. It uses
 the GNUstep development framework (or Apple Cocoa, which is based on the
 OpenStep specification provided by NeXT, Inc.).
 Bu paket, hata ayıklama simgelerini içerir.

Package: gnunet-dbg
Description-md5: d2b0baefef11470cb462fbf30fc25a91
Description-tr: secure, trust-based peer-to-peer framework (debug)
 GNUnet is a peer-to-peer framework which focuses on providing security.
 All link-to-link messages in the network are confidential and
 authenticated. The framework provides a transport abstraction layer and
 can currently encapsulate the peer-to-peer traffic in UDP, TCP, or SMTP
 Bu paket, hata ayıklama simgelerini içerir.

Package: gnupg-pkcs11-scd-dbg
Description-md5: 291297f27deb455a014038cc5dc33273
Description-tr: GnuPG smart-card daemon with PKCS#11 support (debug)
 gnupg-pkcs11-scd is a drop-in replacement for the smart-card daemon (scd)
 shipped with GnuPG. The daemon interfaces to smart-cards by using RSA
 Security Inc. PKCS#11 Cryptographic Token Interface (Cryptoki).
 Bu paket, hata ayıklama simgelerini içerir.

Package: gnustep-make-doc
Description-md5: 8e0843cc428597c571ee9e3b2c7f2802
Description-tr: GNUstep-make için belgelendirme
 This package contains text, HTML and PDF documentation for the GNUstep-
 make package.

Package: gpixpod
Description-md5: 812979466db3897a6b2a503d271da590
Description-tr: iPod'unuzdaki fotoğrafları özgürce yönetin!
 GPixPod is a new PyGTK application to organize photos and photo albums on
 recent photo-capable Apple iPod models, developed by Flavio Gargiulo,
 It is at the moment the free, open source and cross-platform alternative
 to iTunes for uploading photos on your iPod. Its approach to modify
 manually the elements in the Photo Database of your iPod could be also
 more useful than the syncing-only method of iTunes.
 For the GNU/Linux user, it is the perfect complement of GtkPod and similar
 programs (such as Rhythmbox, Banshee) which organize music and videos. In
 fact, managing photos was the only feature of my iPod that I was not able
 to use from my GNU/Linux box: thus I decided to write my own application,
 following the great documentation about the formats of the files on the
 iPod found on the portal.
 Nothing could have been done without the great effort in documenting done
 on that wiki. Special thanks go to Henryk Plotz, for its original concept

Package: gplcver
Description-md5: 5cd7e3e4b6737740e3284d654b0289b6
Description-tr: Verilog simulator
 Cver is a full 1995 IEEE P1364 standard Verilog simulator.  It also
 implements some of the 2001 P1364 standard features.  All three PLI
 interfaces (tf_, acc_, and vpi_) are implemented as defined in the IEEE
 2001 P1364 LRM.

Package: gpomme
Description-md5: 7327dd2a7f7be9a11b9f6dd241eb9ca6
Description-tr: pommed için grafiksel istemci
 pommed handles the hotkeys found on the Apple MacBook Pro, MacBook Air,
 MacBook, PowerBook and iBook laptops and adjusts the LCD backlight, sound
 volume, keyboard backlight or ejects the CD-ROM drive accordingly.
 gpomme is a graphical client for pommed. It listens for signals sent by
 pommed on D-Bus and displays the action taken by pommed along with the
 current state associated to this action.

Package: gpredict
Description-md5: c6bd1da0549590603df5d75b062d7c12
Description-tr: Satellite tracking program
 Gpredict is a real time satellite tracking program for GNOME, based on the
 tracking engine of John Magliacane's excellent satellite tracker Predict.
 Gpredict şu özellikleri içerir:
  * Tracking an infinite number of satellites only limited by the
    physical memory and processing power of the computer.
  * Display the tracking data in lists, maps, polar plots and any
    combination of these.
  * You can have many modules open at the same either in a
    notebook or in their own windows. The module can also run in
    full-screen mode.
  * You can use many ground stations. Ground station coordinates
    can either be entered manually or you can get some appriximate values
    from a list with more than 2000 predefined locations worldwide.
  * Predict upcoming passes for satellites, including passes where a
    satellite may be visible and communication windows
  * Very detailed information about both the real time data and the
    predicted passes.
  * Gpredict can run in real-time, simulated real-time (fast forward and
    backward), and manual time control.
  * Doppler tuning of radios via Hamlib rigctld.
  * Antenna rotator control via Hamlib rotctld.

Package: gprolog
Description-md5: bda800d61124d7f1de09fc061fac1d22
Description-tr: GNU Prolog derleyicisi
 GNU Prolog is a free Prolog compiler with constraint solving over finite
 domains (FD) developed at INRIA by Daniel Diaz.  GNU Prolog is based on
 two systems developed by the same author (with lot of code rewriting and a
 lot of new extensions): wamcc and clp(FD).  Much work has been devoted to
 make it ISO compatible, full compliance being one of its goals.
 This package contains the compiler and runtime system for the ISO standard
 version of GNU Prolog.

Package: gprolog-doc
Description-md5: 0987ffd624d0dfc2c8ac144690bef732
Description-tr: GNU Prolog derleyicisi için belgelendirme
 GNU Prolog is a free Prolog compiler with constraint solving over finite
 domains (FD) developed at INRIA by Daniel Diaz.
 Bu paket, GNU Prolog için belgelendirmeyi (PDF ve HTML olarak) içerir.

Package: gpscorrelate
Description-md5: 02f7325cdd3d3a8a10b05bc8ff4c7718
Description-tr: correlates digital photos with GPS data filling EXIF fields (command line)
 gpscorrelate fills EXIF (Exchangeable Image File Format) fields of digital
 photos related to GPS (Global Positioning System) information (e.g.:
 GPSLatitude, GPSLongitude, GPSAltitude, ...). The act of filling those
 fields is referred to as "correlation".
 Inputs of the correlation process are a set of JPEG images and GPS data
 encoded in GPX (GPS Exchange Format) format.
 If GPS data are available at the precise moment the photo was taken (with
 a 1-second granularity) the GPS data are stored unmodified in EXIF fields.
 If they are not linear interpolation of GPS data available at moments
 before and after the photo was taken can be used.
 Both a command line tool (package gpscorrelate) and a GTK+ graphical user
 interface for it (package gpscorrelate-gui) are provided.
 Bu paket, komut satırı aracını ve HTML biçimindeki belgelendirmeyi içerir.

Package: gpscorrelate-gui
Description-md5: bd7ccfdc3e3dfe79dbbba2b186ea0ae8
Description-tr: correlates digital photos with GPS data filling EXIF fields (GUI)
 gpscorrelate fills EXIF (Exchangeable Image File Format) fields of digital
 photos related to GPS (Global Positioning System) information (e.g.:
 GPSLatitude, GPSLongitude, GPSAltitude, ...). The act of filling those
 fields is referred to as "correlation".
 Inputs of the correlation process are a set of JPEG images and GPS data
 encoded in GPX (GPS Exchange Format) format.
 If GPS data are available at the precise moment the photo was taken (with
 a 1-second granularity) the GPS data are stored unmodified in EXIF fields.
 If they are not linear interpolation of GPS data available at moments
 before and after the photo was taken can be used.
 Both a command line tool (package gpscorrelate) and a GTK+ graphical user
 interface for it (package gpscorrelate-gui) are provided.
 Bu paket, GTK+ grafiksel kullanıcı arayüzünü içerir.

Package: gpsdrive-scripts
Description-md5: 4f8301470fb63b3f4de1d68457eef481
Description-tr: gpsdrive için çeşitli betikler
 Gpsdrive is a car (bike, ship, plane) navigation system.
 This package contains various scripts to download maps from different
 sources and to manage point-of-interests.

Package: gpsim-dev
Description-md5: 3bf74abee56e86f5b9a5cbaf76cb86b8
Description-tr: gpsim bileşenlerini inşa etmek için gerekli kütüphaneler
 Gpsim is a full-featured software simulator for Microchip PIC
 This package install the libraries and headers necessary to build the
 supporting modules for gpsim.
 NOTE: as a user of gpsim this package does not need to be installed.

Package: gpsim-doc
Description-md5: 31cda71c219866a610e3ebede4b401cd
Description-tr: Gpsim için belgelendirme
 This package contains documentation for gpsim in postscript and pdf format
 with original LyX sources.

Package: gpsman
Description-md5: d783c839662d1431a91aa2d9220aaf89
Description-tr: Grafiksel GPS veri yöneticisi
 GPS Manager (GPSMan) is a graphical manager of GPS data that makes
 possible the preparation, inspection and edition of GPS data in a friendly
 environment. GPSMan supports communication and real-time logging with both
 Garmin and Lowrance receivers and accepts real-time logging information in
 NMEA 0183 from any GPS receiver.

Package: gpsmanshp
Description-md5: d40201454aeaa69d1f68fc05ec583e10
Description-tr: Shapelib için Tcl arayüzü
 A Tcl package that provides the means of creating and reading files in the
 ESRI Shapefile for keeping 2 or 3 dimensional points and polylines.

Package: gputils
Description-md5: 23d25c246adc8f0254d4e9881db7845d
Description-tr: GNU PIC araçları
 Those utilities for the Microchip PIC microcontrollers family contain an
 assembler (compatible with MPASM), a disassembler, and other tools.

Package: gputils-doc
Description-md5: d36eb740d4c4817d1277f3f93b2d929c
Description-tr: gputils için belgelendirme
 Those utilities for the Microchip PIC microcontrollers family contain an
 assembler (compatible with MPASM), a disassembler, and other tools.
 This package contains the gputils documentation in Postscript and PDF

Package: gpw
Description-md5: f066608c89cdcc3732adbce3da7faf09
Description-tr: Trigraph Parola Ãœretici
 This package generates pronounceable passwords. It uses the statistics of
 three-letter combinations (trigraphs) taken from whatever dictionaries you
 feed it.
 Thus pronounceability may differ from language to language. Based on the
 ideas in Morrie Gasser's password generator for Multics, and Dan Edwards's
 generator for CTSS.  FIPS Standard 181 describes a similar digraph-based
 generator, derived from Gasser's.

Package: gpx2shp
Description-md5: e26652042872001ad61e1e41a28174ca
Description-tr: convert GPS or GPX file to ESRI Shape file
 Convert GPS or GPX file to ESRI/Shape file.  Include the tools gps2shp and
 gpx2shp.  These are very useful when using collected GPS points with
 existing GIS tools like qgis and GRASS.

Package: gq
Description-md5: 7fd619a8224cd105bdfb42c14ad4188c
Description-tr: GTK tabanlı LDAP istemcisi
 GQ is GTK+ LDAP client and browser utility. It can be used for searching LDAP directory as well as browsing it using a tree view. Features include:
  - browse and search modes
  - LDAPv3 schema browser
  - edit and delete entries
  - add entries with templates
  - export subtree or whole server to LDIF file
  - use any number of servers
  - search based on single argument or LDAP filter
  - TLS support for LDAPv3
  - SASL support
  - Support for userPassword including SSHA and SMD5 encryption.
  - I18N support
  - Support for graphical jpegPhoto display
  - Support to view X509 certificates and X509 certificate revocation
    lists (CRLs)

Package: gqview
Description-md5: d55a37f7e5be8261763c855007376707
Description-tr: GTK+ kullanan resim görüntüleyici (geçici paket)
 Package to ease upgrading from older GQview packages to the new Geeqie
 package. It provides compatibility script to launch Geeqie as GQview.
 This package can be purged at anytime once the geeqie package has been

Package: gqview-dbg
Description-md5: 5c6b6401b804e0f308a415d8d4fa5c5b
Description-tr: GTK+ kullanan resim görüntüleyici (hata ayıklama) (geçici paket)
 Package to ease upgrading from older GQview packages to the new Geeqie
 This package can be purged at anytime once the geeqie-dbg package has been

Package: grace
Description-md5: 64559f5f1353832d7fa77a2595181708
Description-tr: Bir XY çizim aracı
 Grace is a point-and-click tool that allows the user to draw X-Y plots.
 This is the program formerly known as Xmgr.
 A few of its features are: User defined scaling, tick marks, labels,
 symbols, line styles, colors. Polynomial regression, splines, running
 averages, DFT/FFT, cross/auto-correlation. Batch mode for unattended
 plotting. Hardcopy support for PostScript, FrameMaker and several image

Package: gracie
Description-md5: 9bcd8d3b8131e9879f894984f3310320
Description-tr: Yerel PAM hesapları için OpenID sunucusu
 Gracie is an OpenID server (a “provider” in OpenID terminology) that
 serves identities for the local system PAM accounts. It uses OpenID
 protocol version 1.1, and authenticates using a username/password
 OpenID protokolü <URL:> bağlantısında

Package: gradm2
Description-md5: 4d55b6b31cfa23e59323c7fe9b273b95
Description-tr: Grsecurity2 RBAC tabanlı ACL sistemi için yönetim programı
 Used to manage the RBAC based ACL system of grsecurity2. Please note that
 you will need a specially patched kernel for grsecurity to work (see the
 kernel-patch-grsecurity2 Debian package). You can find more information
 about grsecurity at

Package: grandr
Description-md5: 17e02e88a2b2e94145769441c0201f4e
Description-tr: xrandr için gtk arayüzü
 A simple gtk interface to the X Resize And Rotate (XRandR) extension. This
 allows you change the resolution and frequency of your monitor dynamically
 using a simple interface. For drivers that support it, it can also
 configure the relative positioning of multiple monitors.

Package: graph-includes
Description-md5: 15ecc6b568acaf6a8edafeb1e4721db6
Description-tr: geçici paket
 This package solely exists to smooth the transition from graph-includes to
 DEPS.  It can be safely removed after upgrade.

Package: groundhog
Description-md5: 766af695009bf8ca31ae9668d7b9377b
Description-tr: Basit bir mantık oyunu
 The purpose of this game is to put balls in pockets of the same color by
 manipulating a maze of tubes.

Description-md5: 8079056b2b36fd4b8411125e5b016c4d
Description-tr: GNUstep için RSS okuyucusu
 Grr (Günther's RSS Reader) is a reader for RSS news feeds.  It has the
 following features:
  * Parsing RSS feeds (including Atom).
  * Fetching feeds from the web.
  * Showing headlines.
  * Showing the article's descriptions.
  * Categories for feeds.
  * Articles can be rated.
  * Simple HTML rendering on GNUstep.
  * Serializing obtained feed information to hard disk.
  * Managing (adding, removing) feeds.

Package: gtk-clearlooks-gperfection2-theme
Description-md5: cd263be973f5b805624cb8b8b7b1befc
Description-tr: gtk theme for the clearlooks engine
 gperfection gtk2 teması

Package: gtk-theme-switch
Description-md5: df36afddfc5db8a8165c75349fdb2b93
Description-tr: GTK+ tema değiştirme aracı
 Utilities to easily switch GTK+ themes that can be run from the console,
 and has an optional GUI dock and theme preview. It can install themes
 downloaded from as well straight from the tarball.

Package: gtk2-engines-aurora
Description-md5: 73f60a2010d7a8c5caa44061236a4a64
Description-tr: Aurora gtk+-2.0 tema motoru
 "Aurora" refers to the natural light displays in the sky in polar regions.
 This package contains the Aurora theme engine for the GTK+ toolkit,
 version 2.0.
 GTK+ is a multi-platform toolkit for creating graphical user interfaces.

Package: gtk2-engines-blueheart
Description-md5: 3d3c851e9517c6c43219e97b5b9b2605
Description-tr: Blueheart GTK+ 2.x Teması
 BlueHeart is a port to GTK2 of the original famous BlueHeart theme by
 Claudiu Christian Fofiu. Permission granted.

Package: gtk2-engines-cleanice
Description-md5: a19b677be2b20bed31e78d88c7d5a761
Description-tr: GTK+ 2.x için CleanIce temaları
 This package contains a theme engine and 3 themes that allow you to
 configure the look of GTK+ 2.x-based programs. The programs need no
 modifications to use themes; the support is built in to GTK+ 2.x.
 The Debian package provides these themes: CleanIce, CleanIce-Dark,
 CleanIce-Debian, CleanIce-Marble.

Package: gtk2-engines-moblin
Description-md5: 57f60f24f9371e3c41c52dc26d363a24
Description-tr: moblin için gtk2 motorları
 Moblin is an open source project focused on building a Linux-based
 platform optimized for the next generation of mobile devices including
 Netbooks, Mobile Internet Devices, and In-vehicle infotainment systems.
 Bu paket, moblin için gtk2 motorunu içerir

Package: gtk2-engines-mythbuntu
Description-md5: c276ac146877d66a42a63f1975e4b7e9
Description-tr: Mythbuntu GTK+ 2.x Teması
 This is the default theme used for a Mythbuntu installation.  Most
 Mythbuntu installations will only see it during the install process or
 when running the control centre.
 It is based upon the Clearlooks Engine with modified colors schema.

Package: gtk2-engines-nodoka
Description-md5: 3e40c7e8fc9f8e0fa4eea377ce1f2520
Description-tr: GTK+ 2.x için Nodoka tema motoru
 The engine behind the new default theme for Fedora, Nodoka is inspired by
 such themes engines as Clearlooks and Murrine.  It features smooth, subtle
 gradients and rounded widgets.
 Also included are a variety of GTK+ themes using the Nodoka engine.

Package: gtk2-engines-sapwood
Description-md5: 35faa838d2f5f041318678331da7ca57
Description-tr: GTK+ 2.x için Pixbuf tabanlı tema motoru
 Sapwood is a pixbuf-based 'theme' that allows you to configure the look of
 GTK-using programs. The programs need no modifications to use themes; the
 support is built into GTK+.
 The engine is similar to the pixbuf engine, but uses client-server design
 and pixmaps rather than pixbufs. It is faster and more memory efficient
 than the pixbuf engine, but doesn't do scaling or gradients.

Package: gtk2-engines-sapwood-dbg
Description-md5: 6e34159a448545bfbf5b424a59f9d432
Description-tr: GTK+ 2.x için Pixbuf tabanlı tema motoru -- hata ayıklama simgeleri
 Sapwood is a pixbuf-based 'theme' that allows you to configure the look of
 GTK-using programs. The programs need no modifications to use themes; the
 support is built into GTK+.
 The engine is similar to the pixbuf engine, but uses client-server design
 and pixmaps rather than pixbufs. It is faster and more memory efficient
 than the pixbuf engine, but doesn't do scaling or gradients.
 Bu paket, hata ayıklama için simge tablolarını içerir.

Package: gtk2-engines-smooth
Description-md5: 9eca4af9e3b7ae635fb4cb4641de4d20
Description-tr: GTK+ 2.x için Smooth tema motoru
 Smooth is a highly configurable theme engine for GTK+ 2.x. Several popular
 themes are based on it, redefining the way GTK+ widgets are drawn.

Package: gtk2-engines-wonderland
Description-md5: 3da58ab0cd2bb1a7bc5330f635a2abf6
Description-tr: GTK+-2.0 için Wonderland teması
 Original Bluecurve engine from Red Hat's artwork package.
 This package is based on the Wonderland theme available from for GTK+-2.0. This theme is not available for
 GTK-1.2 at the same location and thus is not provided by this package.

Package: gtk2-engines-xfce
Description-md5: a356ab8a11ace990e7a4aedbcf77890a
Description-tr: Xfce için bir GTK+-2.0 tema motoru
 This package contains an Xfce engine for GTK2.0 which makes you able to
 use various GTK2.0 themes with Xfce. It also contains some ready themes,
 but you are of course free to design your own.

Package: gtkatlantic
Description-md5: 6d6bb8d2d20073d52d1ac9bde7d2fb14
Description-tr: Monopoly benzeri oyun
 GtkAtlantic is a game, like monopoly. This is a network client which work
 with the monopd server (see

Package: gtkballs
Description-md5: 4dca3b9119a4e8b76585c8c38f2fd1fd
Description-tr: Basit bir mantık oyunu
 The goal of this game is to make the highest score by matching a number of
 balls of the same color in a horizontal,  vertical or diagonal line. This
 is  a clone  of well-known DOS game "Lines".

Package: gtkcookie
Description-md5: db8b8a97199097667c84d30a8ceac303
Description-tr: Çerez dosyaları için düzenleyici
 This package provides a graphical editor for cookie files as stored by
 Gecko browsers (Mozilla, FireFox, Galeon, Netscape, etc.) before they
 started storing their cookies in SQLite databases.

Package: gtklp
Description-md5: cf7dfc0d41bfe6e9ff15fdb64f4ac0af
Description-tr: GNOME Masaüstü'nde CUPS için yazdırma aracı
 GtkLP lets you print files under the Common Unix Printing System (CUPS).
 Written in GTK+ 2.0 and for the GNOME desktop environment, it supports
 multiple option settings for each printer it knows, with all the standard
 CUPS options available.
 Other features include localized dialogs for several languages, as well as
 multiple interfaces; with a little more effort, you can use GtkLP as a
 drop-in replacement for `lp'.

Package: gtkparasite
Description-md5: ced197f3558dbd16cb9ff0598c3f0933
Description-tr: GTK+ hata ayıklama ve geliştirme aracı
 Parasite is a debugging and development tool that runs inside your GTK+
 application's process. It can inspect your application, giving you
 detailed information on your UI, such as the hierarchy, X window IDs,
 widget properties, and more. You can modify properties on the fly in order
 to experiment with the look of your UI.
 But you can go further than that. You can actually modify your application
 logic while the program is running! Parasite includes an embedded Python
 shell that lets you write new code that directly interacts with your
 application's UI, regardless of the language the application is written
 in. Create new dialogs, attach temporary signal handlers to buttons, test
 out new logic, and gather additional debug information.

Package: gtkperf
Description-md5: ef5e24a44c2a77b3f06457405dc0fb99
Description-tr: GTK+ başarım kıyaslama
 GtkPerf is an application designed to test GTK+ performance. The point is
 to create common testing platform to run predefined GTK+ widgets (opening
 comboboxes, toggling buttons, scrolling text) and this way define the
 speed of device/platform.

Package: gtkpod-data
Description-md5: 6f1927858566a9333d76c75cbed5d1e2
Description-tr: gtkpod için mimari-bağımsız dosyalar
 gtkpod is a platform independent GUI for Apple's iPod using GTK2. It
 allows you to upload songs and playlists to your iPod. It supports ID3 tag
 editing, multiple charsets for ID3 tags, detects duplicate songs, allows
 offline modification of the database with later synchronisation, and more.
 This package contains documentation, translations and images for gtkpod.

Package: gtkrsync
Description-md5: acc1cb23c0603fb1296cead6654a6889
Description-tr: rsync durumunu görüntülemek için grafiksel kullanıcı arayüzü
 gtkrsync is a simple GUI that displays a running status display built from
 rsync --progress -v.  This status display includes a per-file and overall
 status bar, overall estimated time to completion, and an expandable button
 that shows all rsync status output.
 Unlike other GUI rsync frontends such as grsync, gtkrsync does not have
 any GUI tools for configuring or invoking rsync.  gtkrsync is designed to
 be invoked from the command line or shell scripts, which already specify
 all the needed rsync options.  It is thus ideal for scripted rsync runs
 that need a GUI, or for command-line users that would like a GUI to
 monitor their rsync progress.
 This package provides two binaries.  gtkrsync is a drop-in replacement for
 rsync.  It fires up the GUI and invokes rsync, passing all args to it.
 When invoked this way, gtkrsync is able to detect if rsync exits in error
 and alerts the user.  gtkrsync can also monitor both stdout and stderr
 from rsync, and displays both.  The cancel button in gtkrsync also will
 kill off the rsync process.
 The other binary is gtkrsyncp.  This program accepts the output of rsync
 --progress -v on standard input and displays it in a GUI.  It cannot
 detect whether rsync exited in error and cannot kill rsync when Cancel is
 pressed.  However, this program may be useful in some cases when direct
 control of rsync is handled elsewhere.

Package: gtkterm
Description-md5: 565f5f84c878ef11d4a59f13aade1a1d
Description-tr: A simple GTK+ serial port terminal
 gtkterm is a simple GTK+ terminal used to communicate with the serial
  * Serial port terminal window
  * Serial port setup (speed, parity, bits, stopbits, flow control)
  * Using the termios API
  * Possible to send a file (only RAW data, no protocol)
  * End of line delay while sending a file
  * Special character wait before next line while sending a file
  * Possible to toggle control lines manually (DTR, CTS)
  * Also reads the state of control lines (RTS, CD, DSR, RI)
  Yazar: Julien Schmitt <>  Anasayfa: http://www.jls-

Package: gtkvncviewer
Description-md5: 7706e5fd033695e9d0ade8a86edac627
Description-tr: Ufak bir GNOME VNC istemcisi
 This script provides a GUI for connecting to VNC servers. It remembers the
 credentials of known servers, so connecting to a VNC server is just one
 double-click away. Servers are shown in an icon view.

Package: gtodo
Description-md5: 21ed8b3711e678316630dbe22d03fbfe
Description-tr: GNOME yapılacak işler listesi yöneticisi
 GToDo is, as its name suggests, a "to do" list manager for GNOME. Although
 it's simple and very small, it's also easy to use and fully-featured,
 being able to divide your entries into as many categories as you wish
 (among the default ones: Personal, Business and Unfilled), and allowing
 you to sort descending on ascendingly, according to their priority, due
 date and status, not necessarily in this order.
 You can also choose if you want to highlight or even hide items, taking,
 for example, the time until due date into account.

Package: gtranslator
Description-md5: 7d64434e79f00a3f5c78e427aae05bd4
Description-tr: GNOME Masaüstü için PO dosyası düzenleyicisi
 GTranslator is a po file editor which makes translating gettext
 applications as easy as possible, even for people with no translation
 It supports the usage of translation memories, syntax highlighting, spell
 checking, undoing of insertions and deletions, and general integration
 with the GNOME Desktop.

Package: gtrayicon-dbg
Description-md5: b56bb2c04fe7634ad0cd888983b4933c
Description-tr: Generic tray icon for GNOME - debug symbols
 Generic tray icon for GNOME is a small utility which allows to add a icon
 to the system tray that can be used to trigger customized enable/disable
 Bu paket, hata ayıklama simgelerini içerir.

Package: gui-apt-key
Description-md5: cb2011f82285e25e73ceb0b067d4646a
Description-tr: APT için Grafiksel Anahtar Yöneticisi
 The graphical frontend to the apt-key utility (gak) provides an easy to
 use interface to maintain digital keys for APT.  They are required to
 authenticate Debian archives and prevent malicious packages to creep in.

Package: guile-1.6-dev
Description-md5: 7af1533c00af759263abc57e35c83230
Description-tr: Guile 1.6 için geliştirme dosyaları
 This package contains files needed for development using Guile 1.6.
 Guile is a Scheme implementation designed for real world programming,
 providing a rich Unix interface, a module system, an interpreter, and many
 extension languages.  Guile can be used as a standard #! style
 interpreter, via #!/usr/bin/guile, or as an extension language for other
 applications via libguile.

Package: guile-1.6-libs
Description-md5: 1f5f773784c10902316f836e95846269
Description-tr: Ana Guile kütüphaneleri
 Guile is a Scheme implementation designed for real world programming,
 providing a rich Unix interface, a module system, an interpreter, and many
 extension languages.  Guile can be used as a standard #! style
 interpreter, via #!/usr/bin/guile, or as an extension language for other
 applications via libguile.

Package: guile-1.6-slib
Description-md5: c115719ab6b3543974a88defc820ef5e
Description-tr: Guile SLIB desteÄŸi
 SLIB is a portable scheme library meant to provide compatibility and
 utility functions for all standard scheme implementations.  Once this
 package is installed SLIB should be available within Guile via (use-
 modules (ice-9 slib)).

Package: guile-db
Description-md5: 501b8be45f02e539828a2db88dfe138e
Description-tr: Guile için Berkeley DB modülü
 This Guile module is a set of Guile Scheme functions to facilitate
 database handling from within Scheme scripts, using Berkeley DB.

Package: guile-gnutls
Description-md5: ca28c032477d7056f2e49aacdc1576c8
Description-tr: the GNU TLS library - GNU Guile bindings
 gnutls is a portable library which implements the Transport Layer Security
 (TLS) 1.0 and Secure Sockets Layer (SSL) 3.0 protocols.
 Currently gnutls implements:
  - the TLS 1.0 and SSL 3.0 protocols, without any US-export
    controlled algorithms
  - X509 Public Key Infrastructure (with several limitations).
  - SRP for TLS authentication.
  - TLS Extension mechanism
 Bu paket, GNU Guile 1.8 modüllerini içerir.

Package: guile-library
Description-md5: ac0a2c96914e3e7c447bb514ba1c4de7
Description-tr: Kullanışlı Guile modülleri kütüphanesi
 A set of various-purpose library modules for Guile. Covered areas include:
  * Unit testing framework ala JUnit
  * Logging system
  * String routines (wrapping, completion, soundex algorithm)
  * OS process chains (think "shell pipes in scheme")
  * ANSI escape sequence text coloring
  * SRFI-35 (conditions)

Package: gutsy-wallpapers
Description-md5: 18b3b5fcb6c72854c9d32620f4c4539e
Description-tr: Gutsy Duvarkağıtları
 The default Wallpapers for Gutsy. At the moment the package contains:
  * Simple Ubuntu

Package: gxemul-doc
Description-md5: 8f6c404ed9dad14228dcba2c4c391624
Description-tr: gxemul belgelendirmesi
 This package contains the documentation for gxemul, the machine emulator
 for multiple architectures. Among other things, instructions for how to
 get different guest operating systems running are included.

Package: haxml-doc
Description-md5: 6c551edb4e4d1bb690b1f085a86f6b07
Description-tr: HaXml için belgelendirme
 HaXml is a collection of utilities for parsing, filtering, transforming, and generating XML documents using Haskell. Its basic facilities include:
  - a parser for XML,
  - a separate error-correcting parser for HTML,
  - an XML validator,
  - pretty-printers for XML and HTML.
 This package contains the HaXml documentation.

Package: hlint
Description-md5: 7e312389ee8d9ca4d4bdf8e6b1a184db
Description-tr: Haskell kaynak kodu önerileri
 HLint gives suggestions on how to improve your source code. It can either
 print them directly, or generated a colored HTML output.

Package: hnb
Description-md5: 9a1d5d236fb11c0f7a56b570de7e06b8
Description-tr: hierarchical notebook
 Hnb is an ncurses program to organize many kinds of data in one place, for
 example addresses, todo lists, ideas, book reviews or to store snippets of
 brainstorming, to make a structured packing list or just to take random
 notes. It can export ascii, html and xml, supports todo checkboxes,
 checkbox trees with percentages, priorities, preferences, searching and
 Hnb is orphaned upstream. Though the current Debian maintainer tries to
 keep hnb in a usable and releasable state he does not plan to add many new
 features. If you are interested in hnb and want to become its new upstream
 maintainer please contact the original author and the Debian maintainer.
 Hnb ÅŸu anda UTF-8 desteklemiyor.

Package: hobbit-plugins
Description-md5: 0dd05f2c83c00ce180d4d3a0f7208548
Description-tr: Xymon ağ izleyicisi için eklentiler
 This package provides plugins for the Xymon network monitor. (Formerly
 called Hobbit.)
 Included client plugins:
  * apt - check for outstanding updates
  * entropy - check kernel entropy pool size
  * ipmi - read IPMI sensors and event log
  * libs - check for running processes with upgraded libraries
  * mdstat - check for failed or resyncing RAID devices
  * misc - meta plugin for running series of scripts
  * ntpq - check the ntpd daemon synchronization status
  * postgres - statistics graphs for PostgreSQL databases
 Included server plugins:
  * aptdiff - monitor list of installed packages in host pools
  * conn6 - check IPv6 connectivity
  * ircbot - relay status changes to IRC
 Helper software:
  * Perl module for writing plugins
  * xynagios: adaptor for running Nagios plugins with Xymon

Package: hol88-doc
Description-md5: 4dedd761e4ac74cd5822cf0ab6bc3ed2
Description-tr: Hol88 için belgelendirme
 The HOL System is an environment for interactive theorem proving in a
 higher-order logic. Its most outstanding feature is its high degree of
 programmability through the meta-language ML. The system has a wide
 variety of uses from formalizing pure mathematics to verification of
 industrial hardware. Academic and industrial sites world-wide are using

Package: holdingnuts
Description-md5: 244b5762a604e8ac3cf79af0de55a0c6
Description-tr: poker istemcisi
 HoldingNuts is an open source multi-platform poker client and server. You
 can play the popular Texas Hold'em variant with people all over the world,
 meet your friends, run your own games and even setup your own poker
 Bu paket istemciyi saÄŸlar.

Package: holdingnuts-server
Description-md5: 4c5ed5a7851478e23b06ab5670b28806
Description-tr: poker sunucusu
 HoldingNuts is an open source multi-platform poker client and server. You
 can play the popular Texas Hold'em variant with people all over the world,
 meet your friends, run your own games and even setup your own poker
 This package provides the server.

Package: homebank-data
Description-md5: 27f356e92547593945cca3e881bf8c40
Description-tr: Homebank için veri dosyaları
 HomeBank is a fast, simple and easy to use program to manage your
 accounts. It differs from gnucash for the better look and feel, and for
 the greatest start-up speed. It has a lot of features such as easy
 analysis with graphical charts (statistics, budget, overdrawn, car cost),
 multi-accounts support, budget management, reminder, import from  OFX/QFX-
 CSV files, visual status of operations. It is based on GTK2.
 This package contains the architecture independent portions of homebank

Package: ichthux-docs
Description-md5: 6a5788d1ff1e29ef5823cbb825f24faf
Description-tr: Ichthux belgelendirmesi
 The Ichthux documentation in this package includes:
  * About Ichthux
  * Ichthux Release Notes
  * Ichthux Installation Guide
 This documentation is created and maintained by the Ichthux Development
 Team. <>

Package: icomlib-doc
Description-md5: 36835b8347ffd160f25e9c4a7990c0ab
Description-tr: Icomlib için belgelendirme
 icomlib is the PCR-1000 control suite. It consists of a
 library, command line programs, and a Qt widget GUI application.
 This software controls an ICOM PCR-1000 receiver via a serial interface.

Package: idzebra-2.0-doc
Description-md5: c9935031a15b3cf88dcaeaf5551103bf
Description-tr: IDZebra belgelendirmesi
 This package includes documentation for IDZebra in PDF and HTML.
 IDZebra is a high-performance, general-purpose structured text indexing
 and retrieval engine. It reads structured records in a variety of input
 formats (eg. email, XML, MARC) and allows access to them through exact
 boolean search expressions and relevance-ranked free-text queries.

Package: iftop-dbg
Description-md5: aa99a9bc18c5037a02ea8eb8ac8005a0
Description-tr: displays bandwidth usage information on an network interface (debug)
 iftop does for network usage what top(1) does for CPU usage. It listens to
 network traffic on a named interface and displays a table of current
 bandwidth usage by pairs of hosts. Handy for answering the question "Why
 is my Internet link so slow?".
 Bu paket, hata ayıklama simgelerini içerir.

Package: ifuse-dbg
Description-md5: 04fb7fb48082e06978e75e2691ba6613
Description-tr: FUSE module for iPhone and iPod Touch devices - debug package
 iFuse is a FUSE filesystem driver which uses libiphone to connect to
 iPhone and iPod Touch devices without needing to "jailbreak" them. iFuse
 uses the native Apple AFC protocol over a normal USB cable in order to
 access the device's media files.
 Although iFuse is now in a working state it is still under heavy
 development and should be considered experimental.
 Bu paket, hata ayıklama simgelerini içerir.

Package: ilisp-doc
Description-md5: 3c531a6c8d68d925ba2745ad2053bee9
Description-tr: ILISP paketi için belgelendirme
 This package supplies PDF and HTML documentation for the ILISP package.
 ILISP is a powerful GNU Emacs interface to many dialects of Lisp.

Package: inspircd-dbg
Description-md5: 2e17e424305691d13ad118a76444cf46
Description-tr: Modular IRCd written in C++ - debugging symbols
 InspIRCd is a modular C++ IRC Daemon for several operating systems created
 to provide a stable, modern, lightweight irc server from scratch and
 provide a vast number of features in a modularised form using an advanced
 module API. By keeping the functionality of the main core to a minimum,
 the server is very stable, fast and customizable.
 Bu paket, hata ayıklama simgelerini içerir.

Package: interchange-doc
Description-md5: 524fb642c7f88f116d1d9c820449cb26
Description-tr: Interchange Belgelendirmesi
 This package contains additional documentation for the e-commerce and
 general HTTP database display system Interchange.

Package: jppy-doc
Description-md5: 70d991f9461810087fb106fd20bc1399
Description-tr: Jppy için belgelendirme
 This package installs the documentation for jppy.

Package: kdesvn-dbg
Description-md5: c931737ed2e35d093d95f0dd73ae3b4b
Description-tr: debug symbols for kdesvn
 KDESvn is a graphical client for the Subversion revision control system
 Besides offering common and advanced svn operations, it features a tight
 integration into KDE and can be embedded into other KDE applications like
 konqueror via the KDE component technology KParts.
 Bu paket, hata ayıklama simgelerini içerir.

Package: kmplayer
Description-md5: 01e56946ed4b5eeb6fbdd3f6170b569a
Description-tr: KDE için ortam oynatıcı
 KMPlayer, MPlayer/FFMpeg/Phonon için basit bir arayüzdür.
 Some features:
  * play DVD/VCD movies (from file or url and from a video device)
  * embed inside konqueror (movie is played inside konqueror)
  * embed inside khtml (movie playback inside a html page)
  * Movie recording using mencoder (part of the mplayer package)
  * No video during recording, but you can always open a new window and play it
  * Broadcasting, http streaming, using ffserver/ffmpeg
  * For TV sources, you need v4lctl (part of the xawtv package)

Package: kmymoney
Description-md5: 49de8a9f7525de7bb25a7171b3e764a1
Description-tr: KDE için kişisel finans yöneticisi
 KMyMoney is the Personal Finance Manager for KDE. It operates similar to
 MS-Money and Quicken, supports different account types, categorisation of
 expenses, QIF import/export, multiple currencies and initial online
 banking support.

Package: kmymoney-common
Description-md5: 31bd7293497ef7f025bc3697e844770a
Description-tr: KMyMoney mimari bağımsız dosyaları
 KMyMoney is the Personal Finance Manager for KDE. It operates similar to
 MS-Money and Quicken, supports different account types, categorisation of
 expenses, QIF import/export, multiple currencies and initial online
 banking support.
 This package contains architecture independent files needed for KMyMoney
 to run properly. It also provides KMyMoney documentation. Therefore,
 unless you have 'kmymoney' package installed, you will hardly find this
 package useful.

Package: kmymoney-dev
Description-md5: 9099c697a5a944ba412ddc174099c717
Description-tr: KMyMoney geliştirme dosyaları
 KMyMoney is the Personal Finance Manager for KDE. It operates similar to
 MS-Money and Quicken, supports different account types, categorisation of
 expenses, QIF import/export, multiple currencies and initial online
 banking support.
 Bu paket KMyMoney eklentileri için gerekli geliştirme dosyalarını içerir.

Package: knemo
Description-md5: 670c8f590fc89ddc9ff1f2e0cab8d328
Description-tr: KDE sistem tepsisi için ağ arayüzleri izleyicisi
 KNemo displays for every network interface an icon in the systray.
 Tooltips and an info dialog provide further information about the
 interface.  Passive popups inform about interface changes. A traffic
 plotter is also integrated.
 knemo polls the network interface status every second.

Package: ksh
Description-md5: 70ac16e0fede9792001c68719bc9249b
Description-tr: Korn kabuğunun gerçek, AT&T sürümü
 Ksh is a UNIX command interpreter (shell) that is intended for both
 interactive and shell script use. Its command language is a superset of
 the sh(1) shell language.
 The 1993 version adds a number of new, mostly scripting related, features
 over the 1988 version that is typically distributed with commercial UNIX
 variants. For example, it has lexical scoping, compound variables,
 associative arrays, named references and floating point math.

Package: kshutdown
Description-md5: e44796403ea13e5f6b02b2062368e4a2
Description-tr: KDE için gelişmiş bir kapatma aracı
 4 ana komuta sahiptir:
  - Shut Down (logout and halt the system),
  - Reboot (logout and reboot the system),
  - Lock Screen (lock the screen using a screen saver),
  - Logout (end the session and logout the user).
 Zaman ve bekletme seçeneği, komut satırı desteği, sihirbaz ve ses
 özelliklerine sahiptir.

Package: ksplice
Description-md5: 19c845e8a387af1f88f701e6e0d0b5d6
Description-tr: Yeniden başlatmaya gerek duymadan çekirdeği yamamak
 Ksplice allows system administrators to apply security patches to the
 Linux kernel without having to reboot. Ksplice takes as input a source
 code change in unified diff format and the kernel source code to be
 patched, and it applies the patch to the corresponding running kernel. The
 running kernel does not need to have been prepared in advance in any way.

Package: ksshaskpass
Description-md5: 078c05adc6fbf10e5b529a4ca56a3a67
Description-tr: interactively prompt users for a passphrase for ssh-add
 ssh-askpass paketinin KWallet destekli KDE 4 sürümü

Package: ktoblzcheck
Description-md5: 02a77e4ee6fbcfa5ba47158871d24c3d
Description-tr: hesap numaralarını ve banka kodlarını doğrulamak için bir araç
 ktoblzcheck is a command line tool for verification of bank account
 numbers and bank codes (BLZ) of German Banks. It is based on the
 specifications of the "Deutsche Bundesbank". It also supports the
 verification of international bank account numbers (IBAN) and bank
 identifier codes (BIC).

Package: kubuntu-dev-tools
Description-md5: d447550476ae094c33b61a873df6d9cd
Description-tr: Kubuntu geliştiricileri için kullanışlı araçlar
 This is a collection of useful tools that Kubuntu developers use to make
 their packaging work a lot easier.
 Such tools include those used for KDE release packaging or for interaction
 with the Bazaar packaging branches.

Package: kuipc
Description-md5: 62757e83b2233924c839fd8bf19fe598
Description-tr: CERNLIB veri analizi seti - KUIP derleyicisi
 CERNLIB is a suite of data analysis tools and libraries created for use in
 physics experiments, but also with applications to other fields such as
 the biological sciences.
 KUIPC, the Kit for a User Interface Package Compiler, is a tool to
 simplify the writing of a program's user interface code. It takes a
 Command Definition File (CDF) as input, which describes the commands to be
 understood by the program, and outputs C or FORTRAN code that makes the
 appropriate function calls to set up the user interface. This code can
 then be compiled and linked with the rest of the program. Since the
 generated code uses KUIP routines, the program must also be linked against
 the Packlib library that contains them.
 KUIPC is no longer actively developed, so aside from its use in the build
 process of CERNLIB, it is of mainly historical interest.

Package: kvirc
Description-md5: 781975de1f5b4ac23d4c5bc7a732099b
Description-tr: Modül destekli yeni nesil KDE tabanlı IRC istemcisi
 A highly configurable graphical IRC client with an MDI interface, built-in
 scripting language, support for IRC DCC, drag & drop file browsing, and
 much more. KVIrc uses the KDE widget set, can be extended using its own
 scripting language, integrates with KDE, and supports custom plugins.
 If you're looking for a simple and plain IRC client, KVIrc is probably the
 wrong choice as it is rather big. But if you want a highly customizable
 client you won't regret the installation.

Package: kvirc-data
Description-md5: 700d9e96b324cea54eba7a6172043fa4
Description-tr: KVIrc için veri dosyaları
 This package contains the architecture-independent data needed by KVIrc in
 order to run, such as icons and images, language files, and shell scripts.
 It also contains complete reference guides on scripting and functions
 within KVIrc in its internal help format.

Package: kvirc-dbg
Description-md5: 4e4b91ec0f73867a2f4787605b203734
Description-tr: KVIrc (IRC istemcisi) hata ayıklama simgeleri
 A highly configurable graphical IRC client with an MDI interface, built-in
 scripting language, support for IRC DCC, drag & drop file browsing, and
 much more. KVIrc uses the KDE widget set, can be extended using its own
 scripting language, integrates with KDE, and supports custom plugins.
 This package is intended to help debugging possible problems with KVIrc.

Package: kvm-pxe
Description-md5: 59b051413c2a4a98a05ec675c14d9967
Description-tr: KVM için PXE ROM's
 Etherboot is a free software package for making boot ROMS for booting
 Linux and other operating systems on x86 PCs over a network using Internet
 Protocols, i.e. bootp/DHCP and tftp.
 This package contains PXE ROM's made especially to pxeboot kvm vm's.

Package: kvpm
Description-md5: caa33f88c550aacbc63e4234d086e274
Description-tr: KDE için LVM arayüzü
 The KDE Volume Partition Manager is a GUI for the Linux Volume Manager
 project and libparted. It uses the standard LVM tools and programs to work
 with logical volumes. It can also format volumes and mount them.

Package: kvpnc
Description-md5: 42562b23c3d1c2628cff75be128d098e
Description-tr: KDE4 için vpn istemci arayüzü
 KVpnc, çeşitli vpn istemcileri için bir KDE4 arayüzüdür.
 It supports :
   * Cisco-compatible VPN client (vpnc)
   * IPSec (freeswan, openswan, strongSwan, racoon)
   * Point-to-Point Tunneling Protocol (PPTP) client (pptp-linux)
   * Virtual Private Network daemon (openvpn)
   * L2TP, Vtun & OpenSSH

Package: kvpnc-dbg
Description-md5: 22f8ce2e7ccac33b2660a3649cda3458
Description-tr: vpn clients frontend for KDE4 - debugging symbols
 KVpnc, çeşitli vpn istemcileri için bir KDE4 arayüzüdür.
 This package contains the debugging symbols associated with kvpnc. They
 will automatically be used by gdb for debugging kvpnc-related issues.

Package: kwalletcli
Description-md5: da77d8b98d599631da206683b0b0d342
Description-tr: KDE Cüzdanı için komut satırı arayüzü
 kwalletcli implements a command line interface tool to get and set
 password entries in the default KDE Wallet. Also included are a shell
 wrapper around pinentry, a pinentry-kwallet application checking the KDE
 Wallet for the passphrase requested before asking the user for use with
 the GnuPG Agent, which is also capable of running without a pinentry as
 backend, and kwalletaskpass, which can store SSH key passphrases in the
 KDE Wallet for use with the OpenSSH Agent.

Package: kwave
Description-md5: 2bfd8e983baaaeb474a7daf5987678f6
Description-tr: KDE için ses düzenleyicisi
 "Kwave" is a simple sound editor for KDE. Its features include:
   * simple cut, copy and paste functions
   * undo/redo
   * simple filter design tools
   * a small editor for additive synthesis
   * labeling of signals
   * some analysis functions such as Sonagram or Fourier Transformation
   * internally uses 24 bit integer sample data
   * free selectable sample rates
   * support for editing of multi-channel files
   * playback of multi-channel audio files (audio output will be mixed
     down to mono or stereo)
   * extensible through an easy-to-use plugin interface
  Yazar: Thomas Eschenbacher <>

Package: kwin-style-crystal
Description-md5: 6a986f16d29e79effdff9785d347a5ff
Description-tr: KDE için yarı şeffaf pencere dekorasyonu
 Crystal offers you pseudo transparent titlebar, buttons and borders
 transparent, so you can see more of your lovely background image
 Transparancy and buttons can be costumized to match your wishes. Offers
 rounded corners as well
 And it is of course nice to look at. Upstream says: "- Don't forget to
 breathe, while drooling."

Package: kwwidgets-doc
Description-md5: f5c1a0840210f86be06ff8bafa1a218e
Description-tr: Cross-Platform GUI Toolkit - documentation
 Like many other GUI toolkits, it provides low-level core widgets like
 buttons, entries, scales, menus, combo-boxes, thumbwheels, spin-boxes,
 trees, notebooks and multi-column lists to name a few. Unlike many of
 those toolkits though, it also provides advanced composite widgets like
 toolbars, tooltips, progress gauges, split-frames, splash-screens, 2D/3D
 extents, color pickers, histograms, windows and dialogs.
 More importantly, KWWidgets builds upon this set of widgets to interface
 to visualization libraries like VTK and offer high-level visualization-
 oriented widgets like surface material editors, simple animation
 generators, transfer function editors, annotation editors, window/level
 and volume property preset editors, text property editors, 2D and 3D
 rendering widgets, etc.
 Bu paket, KWWidgets için belgelendirme dosyalarını içerir.

Package: kwwidgets-examples
Description-md5: 8d01cf3586ea55b30f97eba58828e00b
Description-tr: Cross-Platform GUI Toolkit - examples
 Like many other GUI toolkits, it provides low-level core widgets like
 buttons, entries, scales, menus, combo-boxes, thumbwheels, spin-boxes,
 trees, notebooks and multi-column lists to name a few. Unlike many of
 those toolkits though, it also provides advanced composite widgets like
 toolbars, tooltips, progress gauges, split-frames, splash-screens, 2D/3D
 extents, color pickers, histograms, windows and dialogs.
 More importantly, KWWidgets builds upon this set of widgets to interface
 to visualization libraries like VTK and offer high-level visualization-
 oriented widgets like surface material editors, simple animation
 generators, transfer function editors, annotation editors, window/level
 and volume property preset editors, text property editors, 2D and 3D
 rendering widgets, etc.
 Bu paket, KWWidgets kaynağından örnekler içerir.

Package: kxsldbg-kde3
Description-md5: 3808762199947d0f0d07e9bcc3bb989e
Description-tr: KDE için grafiksel XSLT hata ayıklayıcısı
 KXSLDbg is a debugger for XSLT scripts. It includes a graphical user
 interface as well as a text-based debugger. KXSLDbg can be run as a
 standalone application or as an embedded KDE part.
 XSLT is an XML language for defining transformations of XML files from XML
 to some other arbitrary format, such as XML, HTML, plain text, etc., using
 standard XSLT stylesheets.
 This package is part of KDE, as a component of the KDE web development
 module. See the 'kde' and 'kdewebdev' packages for more information.

Package: kxterm
Description-md5: 2b7b1b325edcd6cfd71ac613d0779737
Description-tr: CERNLIB veri analiz seti - KUIP uçbirim öykünücüsü
 CERNLIB is a suite of data analysis tools and libraries created for use in
 physics experiments, but also with applications to other fields such as
 the biological sciences.
 KXterm is a terminal emulator which combines the best features from the
 (now defunct) Apollo DM pads (like: input and transcript pads, automatic
 file backup of transcript pad, string search in pads, etc.) and the Korn
 shell emacs-style command line editing and command line recall mechanism.
 It can support the command-line interface of various CERNLIB applications.

Package: ladcca-bin
Description-md5: bf21b713752978153eba0c430f478cd2
Description-tr: LADCCA örnek istemcileri
 LADCCA, GNU/Linux üzerinde JACK ve ALSA ses uygulamaları için bir oturum
 yönetimi sistemidir.

Package: ladcca-dev
Description-md5: a340404fa15198980e843788c33c6cf5
Description-tr: LADCCA için geliştirme dosyaları
 LADCCA, GNU/Linux üzerinde JACK ve ALSA ses uygulamaları için bir oturum
 yönetimi sistemidir.

Package: ladcca2
Description-md5: 1814c66220a8ad6d4596b030f52ffb9f
Description-tr: LADCCA paylaşılan kütüphane dosyaları
 LADCCA, GNU/Linux üzerinde JACK ve ALSA ses uygulamaları için bir oturum
 yönetimi sistemidir.

Package: ladccad
Description-md5: 15a9a3adef4e4032c8a77031c0133a2e
Description-tr: LADCCA sunucusu
 LADCCA, GNU/Linux üzerinde JACK ve ALSA ses uygulamaları için bir oturum
 yönetimi sistemidir.

Package: ladspa-sdk
Description-md5: 66ff3a8386fca67afc6b6b13438548a7
Description-tr: linux-audio-dev eklenti mimarisi için örnek araçlar
 LADSPA is a free standard specification for audio effect plugins.
 Contains sample plugins, and analyseplugin, listplugin, applyplugin
 programs, and the ladspa.h, the LADSPA specification.
 Please build-depend on this package if you need ladspa.h

Package: libalog-base-dbg
Description-md5: 2dc5058ad7b65baf09b6d4a0b7afcb1a
Description-tr: Logging framework for Ada (debug)
 Alog is a logging framework for Ada and aims to be straight forward to use
 and easily extendable. Alog base provides file-based and syslog logging
 facilities and log-level support.
 Bu paket, hata ayıklama simgelerini içerir.

Package: libalog-full-dbg
Description-md5: eeea8581cc80a5cc3007ae35e4c5e45b
Description-tr: Logging framework for Ada (debug)
 Alog is a logging framework for Ada and aims to be straight forward to use
 and easily extendable. Alog full offers more facilities than Alog base,
 notably SMTP, PostgreSQL and XMPP/Jabber.
 Bu paket, hata ayıklama simgelerini içerir.

Package: libapiextractor-dbg
Description-md5: 400ad2fb662222fd95c05d69e7218c5b
Description-tr: debugging symbols for the library headers parser
 The API Extractor library is used by the binding generator to parse
 headers of a given library and merge this data with information provided
 by typesystem (XML) files, resulting in a representation of how the API
 should be exported to the chosen target language. The generation of source
 code for the bindings is performed by specific generators using the API
 Extractor library.
 Bu paket, hata ayıklama simgelerini içerir.

Package: libapq-dbg
Description-md5: dbbbc4f68ddce0dc0da7f032edcefb27
Description-tr: A pluggable Ada 95 Binding to various database systems (debug)
 APQ is a pluggable Ada 95 Binding to various database systems like
 PostgreSQL or MySQL. This is the core package providing the plugin loading
 Bu paket, hata ayıklama simgelerini içerir.

Package: libapq-postgresql-dbg
Description-md5: 8ccb318c56e635278fbd207a900b8a73
Description-tr: APQ Ada 95 Postgresql Binding Plugin (debug)
 APQ is a pluggable Ada 95 Binding to various database systems. This Plugin
 provides the Binding to PostgreSQL.
 Bu paket, hata ayıklama simgelerini içerir.

Package: libart2-ruby1.8-dbg
Description-md5: af736b60cbd4c578e06fa1ea7262f752
Description-tr: Libart 2 bindings for the Ruby language
 Libart is a library for 2D graphics. This package contains libraries for
 using Libart with the Ruby programming language.
 Bu paket, hata ayıklama simgelerini içerir.

Package: libatk1-ruby1.8-dbg
Description-md5: 2fad7d3f5449221a86a8b75cf00588a3
Description-tr: ATK bindings for the Ruby language
 ATK is a toolkit providing accessibility interfaces for applications or
 other toolkits. By implementing these interfaces, those other toolkits or
 applications can be used with tools such as screen readers, magnifiers,
 and other alternative input devices. This package contains libraries for
 using ATK with the Ruby programming language.
 Bu paket, hata ayıklama simgelerini içerir.

Package: libawn1-dbg
Description-md5: 5fef7c014d95409f0b525018a20b84a4
Description-tr: library for avant-window-navigator - debug package
 This library is used by avant-window-navigator and its applets. It
 provides functions to create the bar and the applets.
 Bu paket, hata ayıklama simgelerini içerir.

Package: libbox2d0-dbg
Description-md5: d853c15c375bbbdafd3b258d2568efb0
Description-tr: 2D physics engine - debugging symbols
 2D rigid body simulation library for games. Programmers can use it in
 their games to make objects move in believable ways and make the world
 seem more interactive. From the game's point of view a physics engine is
 just a system for procedural animation. Rather than paying (or begging) an
 animator to move your actors around, you can let Sir Isaac Newton do the
 Bu paket, hata ayıklama simgelerini içerir.

Package: libcdaudio-dbg
Description-md5: 990c4d101f84dfcd8587f69add2ae30a
Description-tr: library for controlling a CD-ROM when playing audio CDs (debug)
 This library provides functions for controlling an audio CD: starting,
 stopping, ejecting, etc. It also provides an interface to the CDDB and CD
 Index servers.
 Bu paket, hata ayıklama simgelerini içerir.

Package: libdatetime-format-iso8601-perl
Description-md5: 8bc46404cbb1744e5b615791d0afcb70
Description-tr: Perl module to parse ISO8601 date and time formats
 DateTime::Format::ISO8601 parses almost all ISO8601 date and time formats.
 The signature feature of ISO 8601 date and time representations is the
 ordering of date and time values from the most to the least significant
 or, in plain terms, from the largest (the year) to the smallest (the
   Example date:  2008-04-18
   Example separate date and time in UTC: 2008-04-18 08:47Z
   Example combined date and time in UTC: 2008-04-18T08:47Z
   Example date with week number: 2008-W16-5
 ISO8601 zaman aralıkları, sonraki sürümlerden birinde desteklenecektir.

Package: libdatetime-format-natural-perl
Description-md5: 299560b701e601b4c55d7090b4dc63fd
Description-tr: Perl module for parsing human-readable date/time strings
 DateTime::Format::Natural parses a string with a human readable date/time
 and creates a machine readable one by applying natural parsing logic. It
 also understands timespans.
 Bu modül, şu anda İngilizce ile sınırlıdır.

Package: libdvdnav-dbg
Description-md5: 1a69e964037a50af1c7f70b90c1438c1
Description-tr: DVD navigation library (debug)
 libdvdnav is a DVD navigation library, which provides an interface to the
 advanced features of DVDs, like menus and naviation. It contains the VM
 and other parts useful for writing DVD players. It's based on Ogle, but
 was modified to be used by xine and mplayer.
 Bu paket, hata ayıklama simgelerini içerir.

Package: libdvdread-dbg
Description-md5: fd3e71b5599fd71e7a7e192955f2979b
Description-tr: library for reading DVDs (debug)
 libdvdread provides the functionality that is required to access many
 DVDs. It parses IFO files, reads NAV-blocks, and performs CSS
 authentication and descrambling.
 Bu paket, hata ayıklama simgelerini içerir.

Package: libethos-1.0-0
Description-md5: 752830516b09f943ad12fd82961dc52b
Description-tr: Uygulama eklentileri için GObject kütüphanesi - paylaşılan kütüphaneler
 Ethos is a library providing a standard plugin system that can be re-used.
 The goal is to allow plugin developers to re-use their skills between
 applications, therefore, increasing the developer base.
 This package contains the shared libraries.

Package: libethos-dev
Description-md5: 8ab0c6b0df829ad10a804e3af7506f14
Description-tr: Uygulama eklentileri için GObject kütüphanesi - geliştirme dosyaları
 Ethos is a library providing a standard plugin system that can be re-used.
 The goal is to allow plugin developers to re-use their skills between
 applications, therefore, increasing the developer base.
 This package contains the headers and development libraries needed to
 build applications using the Ethos library

Package: libethos-doc
Description-md5: 23feb6484bed8677aaf4942def536021
Description-tr: Uygulama eklentileri için GObject kütüphanesi - belgelendirme
 Ethos is a library providing a standard plugin system that can be re-used.
 The goal is to allow plugin developers to re-use their skills between
 applications, therefore, increasing the developer base.
 This package contains the HTML documentation for the Ethos library

Package: libethos-ui-1.0-0
Description-md5: 693d0717cbbbda1d36be30095b44dd48
Description-tr: Uygulama eklentileri için GObject kütüphanesi, GTK+ bütünleşmesi - paylaşılan kütüphaneler
 Ethos is a library providing a standard plugin system that can be re-used.
 The goal is to allow plugin developers to re-use their skills between
 applications, therefore, increasing the developer base.
 This package contains the shared libraries for the GTK+ integration.

Package: libethos-ui-dev
Description-md5: 4989b7bcba6503ca3c5f41aa30d49972
Description-tr: Uygulama eklentileri için GObject kütüphanesi, GTK+ bütünleşmesi - geliştirme dosyaları
 Ethos is a library providing a standard plugin system that can be re-used.
 The goal is to allow plugin developers to re-use their skills between
 applications, therefore, increasing the developer base.
 This package contains the headers and development libraries needed to
 build applications using the Ethos UI library

Package: libetpan-dbg
Description-md5: 34d7731067810c8ddaa65accef2d8291
Description-tr: libetpan için hata ayıklama simgeleri
 libEtPan! is a mail library. It may be used for low-level mail handling:
 network protocols (IMAP/NNTP/POP3/SMTP over TCP/IP and SSL/TCP/IP), local
 storage (mbox/MH/maildir), message / MIME parsing.
 This package provides debugging symbols associated with libetpan. They
 will automatically be used by gdb for debugging libetpan-related issues.

Package: libetpan-dev
Description-md5: ef5e5f654e497b0a318814160f6a26d2
Description-tr: mail handling library - development files
 libEtPan! is a mail library. It may be used for low-level mail handling:
 network protocols (IMAP/NNTP/POP3/SMTP over TCP/IP and SSL/TCP/IP), local
 storage (mbox/MH/maildir), message / MIME parsing.
 Bu paket kütüphane için geliştirme dosyalarını sağlar.

Package: libetpan13
Description-md5: df774740059241c7aee9009f941e05d9
Description-tr: mail handling library
 libEtPan! is a mail library. It may be used for low-level mail handling:
 network protocols (IMAP/NNTP/POP3/SMTP over TCP/IP and SSL/TCP/IP), local
 storage (mbox/MH/maildir), message / MIME parsing.
 Bu paket paylaşılan kütüphane dosyalarını sağlar.

Package: libewf-dbg
Description-md5: 2a6a9f0c35e10a7fc3434b1026b8f263
Description-tr: library with support for Expert Witness Compression Format (debug)
 Libewf is a library with support for reading and writing the Expert
 Witness Compression Format (EWF). This library allows you to read media
 information of EWF files in the SMART (EWF-S01) format and the EnCase
 (EWF-E01) format. It supports files created by EnCase 1 to 6, linen and
 FTK Imager.
 Bu paket, hata ayıklama simgelerini içerir.

Package: libextractor-dbg
Description-md5: 1ddd53051d5ad550246b2e33fe602797
Description-tr: extracts meta-data from files of arbitrary type (debug)
 GNU libextractor provides developers of file-sharing networks, file
 managers, and WWW-indexing bots with a universal library to obtain meta-
 data about files.
 Bu paket, hata ayıklama simgelerini içerir.

Package: libfm0-dbg
Description-md5: 4bc05c8b7e50b206b89a326be8fc0a87
Description-tr: file management support - debugging symbols
 LibFM provides file management functions built on top of Glib/GIO, giving a convenient higher-level API. Features:
  * Desktop-independent, following FreeDesktop standards;
  * Fast, light on memory usage, and responsive - well suited to
    less powerful hardware such as netbooks and thin clients;
  * Uses GIO/GVFS (like Nautilus) for Trash support and access to
    remote file systems (FTP, SFTP, WebDAV, Windows shares, etc.);
  * Clipboard operations are compatible with GTK+/GNOME and Qt/KDE;
  * Supports both Drag-and-Drop, and the X Direct Save protocol;
  * Reusable design with the core functions separated out to
    simplify porting to other GUIs.
 Bu paket, hata ayıklama simgelerini içerir.

Package: libgconf2-ruby1.8-dbg
Description-md5: 3b29c0d894fda45a4cb9a2cd30103a1d
Description-tr: GConf 2 bindings for the Ruby language
 GConf is a configuration database system. This package contains libraries
 for using GConf with the Ruby programming language.
 Bu paket, hata ayıklama simgelerini içerir.

Package: libgdk-pixbuf2-ruby1.8-dbg
Description-md5: 554516fe403e798c623578baeb2d3a64
Description-tr: Gdk-Pixbuf 2 bindings for the Ruby language
 Gdk-Pixbuf is a library for loading and rendering images. This package
 contains libraries for using Gdk-Pixbuf with the Ruby programming
 Bu paket, hata ayıklama simgelerini içerir.

Package: libgdl-1-dbg
Description-md5: ea73168d8a6247741904d80604880255
Description-tr: GNOME DevTool libraries - debug files
 Provides a support library for development tools from the GNOME
 environment. Including symbol browser, dock and editor components.
 Bu paket, hata ayıklama simgelerini içerir.

Package: libghc6-pcre-light-doc
Description-md5: 0569ce675b3555bc49e371cffae541ed
Description-tr: pcre-light için kütüphane belgelendirmesi
 The PCRE library is a set of functions that implement regular expression
 pattern matching using the same syntax and semantics as Perl 5.  The
 library aims to be light, efficient and portable.
 This package provides the documentation for a library for the Haskell
 programming language.  See for more information on

Package: libglade2-ruby1.8-dbg
Description-md5: 07f50efb93539ac0d39f585d41c30c0e
Description-tr: Libglade 2 bindings for the Ruby language
 Libglade allows programs to load externally-stored user interfaces,
 permitting the modification of the interface without the modification of
 the program. This package contains libraries for using Libglade with the
 Ruby programming language.
 Bu paket, hata ayıklama simgelerini içerir.

Package: libglee0d1-dbg
Description-md5: 12645f21f84a7545fa01a45a1fc17918
Description-tr: extension loading library for OpenGL - debugging
 GLee (GL Easy Extension library) is a free cross-platform extension
 loading library for OpenGL. It provides seamless support for OpenGL
 functions up to version 3.0 and 398 extensions.
 Bu paket, hata ayıklama simgelerini içerir.

Package: libglib2-ruby1.8-dbg
Description-md5: 2b1ad31a37e666781f5f590d2c86bd1a
Description-tr: Glib 2 bindings for the Ruby language
 Glib is a useful general-purpose C library, notably used by GTK+ and
 GNOME. This package contains libraries for using Glib with the Ruby
 programming language. It is most likely useful in conjunction with Ruby
 bindings for other libraries such as GTK+.
 Bu paket, hata ayıklama simgelerini içerir.

Package: libgnome2-ruby1.8-dbg
Description-md5: b52ef499b24e0084511232c4f32e836a
Description-tr: GNOME 2 bindings for the Ruby language
 The GNOME user interface libraries provide shared user interface
 functionality for GNOME and GNOME-based programs. This package contains
 libraries for using the GNOME libraries with the Ruby programming
 Bu paket, hata ayıklama simgelerini içerir.

Package: libgnomecanvas2-ruby1.8-dbg
Description-md5: bc3758ba736d35e5b503874c03330f94
Description-tr: GNOME Canvas 2 bindings for the Ruby language
 The GNOME canvas is powerful and extensible object-oriented display
 engine, which allows graphics manipulation in terms of structured items as
 opposed to pixels. This package contains libraries for using the GNOME
 canvas with the Ruby programming language.
 Bu paket, hata ayıklama simgelerini içerir.

Package: libgnomevfs2-ruby1.8-dbg
Description-md5: 3220c0f61e40b2a01ff42ff5a4969fa6
Description-tr: GNOME VFS 2 bindings for the Ruby language
 GNOME VFS is the GNOME virtual file system. It provides a modular
 architecture and ships with several modules that implement support for
 file systems, http, ftp and others. It provides a URI-based API, a backend
 supporting asynchronous file operations, a MIME type manipulation library
 and other features. This package contains libraries for using GNOME-VFS
 with the Ruby programming language.
 Bu paket, hata ayıklama simgelerini içerir.

Package: libgnupdf-dbg
Description-md5: e71971125634a31ccb7110e668618237
Description-tr: PDF support library (debug)
 The GNU PDF Library provides functions to read and write PDF documents
 conforming to the PDF 1.7 specification. This includes visualization
 (retrieving of bitmaps with rasterized page contents) and interactive
 features such as annotations and interactive forms. The library also
 support the generation of specific subsets of PDF conforming to the ISO
 standards PDF/A, PDF/X and ISO 32000.
 Bu paket, hata ayıklama simgelerini içerir.

Package: libgoocanvas-ruby1.8-dbg
Description-md5: 4b0b6e0aee3b4bf3e864e4c520683924
Description-tr: GooCanvas bindings for the Ruby language
 GooCanvas is a canvas widget for GTK+ that uses the cairo 2D library. This
 package contains libraries for using the GtkSourceView2 text widget with
 syntax highlighting and other features typical of a source code editor in
 the Ruby programming language.
 Bu paket, hata ayıklama simgelerini içerir.

Package: libgst-ruby1.8-dbg
Description-md5: ab10dbd34ba877b3eea31512cf91b9e0
Description-tr: GStreamer bindings for the Ruby language
 GStreamer is a media processing framework with support for a wide variety
 of data sources, sinks, and formats through the use of dynamically loaded
 plugins. This package contains libraries for using GStreamer with the Ruby
 programming language.
 Bu paket, hata ayıklama simgelerini içerir.

Package: libgtk-mozembed-ruby1.8-dbg
Description-md5: c778b989ed0533e349f0db763cc5ea36
Description-tr: ruby binding of GtkMozEmbed, gecko renderer
 GtkMozEmbed is a Ruby binding of GtkMozEmbed, a widget embedding a Mozilla
 Gecko renderer.
 Bu paket, hata ayıklama simgelerini içerir.

Package: libgtk2-ruby1.8-dbg
Description-md5: 271aa03178c53b884a0031d6a9ea36e7
Description-tr: GTK+ bindings for the Ruby language
 GTK+ is a library for creating graphical user interfaces. This package
 contains libraries for using GTK+ with the Ruby programming language.
 Bu paket, hata ayıklama simgelerini içerir.

Package: libgtkglext1-ruby1.8-dbg
Description-md5: 1ab1495bf8a0658d803797397b4ea9e3
Description-tr: GTK+ GL extension bindings for the Ruby language
 GtkGLExt provides the GDK objects to support OpenGL rendering in GTK+, and
 GtkWidget API add-ons to make GTK+ widgets OpenGL-capable. This package
 contains libraries for using GtkGLExt with the Ruby programming language.
 Bu paket, hata ayıklama simgelerini içerir.

Package: libgtksourceview2-ruby1.8-dbg
Description-md5: 872d074e8d4cf32c135973e18cec2831
Description-tr: GtkSourceView2 bindings for the Ruby language
 GTKSourceView2 is a text widget that extends the standard GTK+ text
 widget. This package contains libraries for using the GtkSourceView2 text
 widget with syntax highlighting and other features typical of a source
 code editor in the Ruby programming language.
 Bu paket, hata ayıklama simgelerini içerir.

Package: libkibi-dbg
Description-md5: 95aa0c005e62f94f6d93fad20c98c294
Description-tr: library for byte prefixes (debugging symbols)
 This library is designed for formatting sizes in bytes for display. The
 user can configure a preferred prefix style.
 Three different types of byte prefixes can be selected:
  * kB, MB, GB with base 1000 (base10)
  * KiB, MiB, GiB with base 1024 (base2)
  * KB, MB, GB with base 1024 (historic)
 Bu paket, hata ayıklama simgelerini içerir.

Package: liblinear-dbg
Description-md5: 5d16d2be927d784faffcf4cf1f3b6e77
Description-tr: Debugging symbols for LIBLINEAR
 LIBLINEAR is a library for learning linear classifiers for large scale
 applications. It supports Support Vector Machines (SVM) with L2 and L1
 loss, logistic regression, multi class classification and also Linear
 Programming Machines (L1-regularized SVMs). Its computational complexity
 scales linearly with the number of training examples making it one of the
 fastest SVM solvers around. It also provides Python bindings.
 Bu paket, hata ayıklama simgelerini içerir.

Package: liblscp-dbg
Description-md5: 8945064e9c98c182565b0ac80afcf636
Description-tr: LinuxSampler Control Protocol library - debugging symbols
 This package is for use with the LinuxSampler audio sampling engine /
 library and packages. Wraps the LinuxSampler network protocol and offers a
 convenient API in form of a C library.
 Bu paket, hata ayıklama simgelerini içerir.

Package: liblz-dbg
Description-md5: ccbc7b094b6ed36ac1256c7446bdb5f9
Description-tr: data compressor based on the LZMA algorithm (debug)
 The lzlib compression library provides in-memory LZMA compression and
 decompression functions, including integrity checking of the uncompressed
 data. The compressed data format used by the library is the lzip format.
 Bu paket, hata ayıklama simgelerini içerir.

Package: libmicrohttpd-dbg
Description-md5: 03bf39d7fb0c8d1ca59b37881259d4ce
Description-tr: library embedding HTTP server functionality (debug)
 libmicrohttpd is a small C library for embedding HTTP server functionality
 into applications.
 Bu paket, hata ayıklama simgelerini içerir.

Package: libmodern-perl
Description-md5: 3bcfcbac621efdf9a7853108c007d066
Description-tr: Transitional dummy package
 This is a dummy package to ease transition to the new libmodern-perl-perl
 package name.
 Yükseltmeden sonra güvenle kaldırabilirsiniz.

Package: libmpd1-dbg
Description-md5: 7a92a5f548bf85da2d38497b5243483f
Description-tr: High-level client library for accessing Music Player Daemon
 LibMpd is a library that provides high-level, callback-based access to
 Music Player Daemon (mpd).
 Bu paket, hata ayıklama simgelerini içerir.

Package: libocas-dbg
Description-md5: f970d39c88e9ee0c944df30150288daf
Description-tr: Debugging symbols for LIBOCAS
 This library implements Optimized Cutting Plane Algorithm (OCAS) for
 training linear Support Vector Machine (SVM) classifiers from large-scale
 data. The computational effort of OCAS scales linearly with the number of
 training examples. It is one of the fastest SVM solvers around for solving
 linear and multiclass L2 regularized SVMs.
 Bu paket, hata ayıklama simgelerini içerir.

Package: libpanel-applet2-ruby1.8-dbg
Description-md5: 1b36234dac2020c5c138d7768a37e980
Description-tr: GNOME 2 panel applet library bindings for the Ruby language
 The GNOME panel applet library is used by applets which sit on the GNOME
 Panel. This package contains libraries for using the panel applet library
 with the Ruby programming language.
 Bu paket, hata ayıklama simgelerini içerir.

Package: libpango1-ruby1.8-dbg
Description-md5: 3215cd4a4ed59bce59fd8f228c9c50b5
Description-tr: Pango bindings for the Ruby language
 Pango is a library for layout and rendering of text, with an emphasis on
 internationalization. This package contains libraries for using Pango with
 the Ruby programming language.
 Bu paket, hata ayıklama simgelerini içerir.

Package: libpolyorb-dbg
Description-md5: 6bcd75f29b5693b9af697b9edb13a8f8
Description-tr: Multiple-personality middleware for Ada (debug)
 PolyORB provides a uniform solution to build distributed applications;
 relying either on industrial-strength middleware standards such as CORBA,
 the Distributed System Annex of Ada 95, distribution programming paradigms
 such as Web Services, Message Oriented Middleware (MOM), or to implement
 application-specific middleware.
 Bu paket, hata ayıklama simgelerini içerir.

Package: libpoppler-glib-ruby1.8-dbg
Description-md5: d968ab8b5cfc620311a0d81f6fb670c2
Description-tr: Ruby bindinds for the libpoppler-glib library
 Poppler is a PDF rendering library based on xpdf PDF viewer. This package
 contains ruby bindings for Poppler.
 Bu paket, hata ayıklama simgelerini içerir.

Package: librsvg2-ruby1.8-dbg
Description-md5: c09cc65453471c07b893756d0616ecdc
Description-tr: RSVG renderer bindings for the Ruby language
 RSVG is a renderer for Scalable Vector Graphics image files. This package
 contains libraries for using RSVG with the Ruby programming language.
 Bu paket, hata ayıklama simgelerini içerir.

Package: librsync-dbg
Description-md5: c878f4d081b7905f8b664534bc83b250
Description-tr: rsync remote-delta algorithm library (debug)
 librsync implements the rsync remote-delta algorithm, which allows for
 efficient remote updates of a file, without requiring the old and new
 versions to both be present at the transmitter. The library uses a stream-
 based designed so that it can be easily embedded into network
 Bu paket, hata ayıklama simgelerini içerir.

Package: libsmpeg-dev
Description-md5: 9c5f6a20982161c1e4e22c814e79576e
Description-tr: SDL MPEG Oynatıcı Kütüphanesi - geliştirme dosyaları
 SMPEG (SDL MPEG Player Library) is a free MPEG1 video player library with
 sound support.  Video playback is based on the ubiquitous Berkeley MPEG
 player, mpeg_play v2.2.  Audio is played through a slightly modified
 mpegsound library, part of splay v0.8.2. SMPEG supports MPEG audio (MP3),
 MPEG-1 video, and MPEG system streams.
 This package contains the development files (headers and static libraries)
 for libsmpeg. It is only needed if you want to compile programs that use

Package: libsmpeg0
Description-md5: df25582f1bd3e853c5f3235018aa7a99
Description-tr: SDL MPEG Oynatıcı Kütüphanesi - paylaşılan kütüphaneler
 SMPEG (SDL MPEG Player Library) is a free MPEG1 video player library with
 sound support.  Video playback is based on the ubiquitous Berkeley MPEG
 player, mpeg_play v2.2.  Audio is played through a slightly modified
 mpegsound library, part of splay v0.8.2. SMPEG supports MPEG audio (MP3),
 MPEG-1 video, and MPEG system streams.
 This package contains the libsmpeg shared library that is required by many
 MPEG-playing packages, including smpeg-xmms and smpeg-plaympeg.

Package: libspf2-2-dbg
Description-md5: 9ae726e5e8a17437e7b21d8b7cdf3d0a
Description-tr: library for validating mail senders with SPF (debugging symbols)
 libspf2 implements the Sender Policy Framework, a part of the SPF/SRS
 protocol pair.
 Bu paket, hata ayıklama simgelerini içerir.

Package: libssh2-1-dbg
Description-md5: d608b048e0919802d9807ead49a12e60
Description-tr: SSH2 client-side library (debug package)
 libssh2 is a client-side C library implementing the SSH2 protocol. It
 supports regular terminal, SCP and SFTP sessions; port forwarding;
 password, key-based and keyboard-interactive authentication.
 Bu paket, hata ayıklama simgelerini içerir.

Package: libstlport5.2-dbg
Description-md5: 5d09051733871fbcdcd8613dc13c09bf
Description-tr: STLport C++ class library debug symbols
 STLport is a open-source, volunteer-driven project. Its goal is to build complete, multiplatform ANSI C++ Standard Library with SGI STL code base. From this base, it inherits the following advantages :
  + Advanced technology for maximum efficiency
  + Exception safety and thread safety
  + Standard compliance and reliability
  + Important extensions - hash tables, singly-linked list, rope
 Bu paket, hata ayıklama simgelerini içerir.

Package: libvte-ruby1.8-dbg
Description-md5: bfad926e4f8b36b070d6511b83ddc531
Description-tr: VTE widget bindings for the Ruby language
 VTE is a Ruby binding for the VTE terminal emulator widget for GTK+.
 Bu paket, hata ayıklama simgelerini içerir.

Package: libwx11-0-dbg
Description-md5: 8c2d904730d631c236e42f626244931b
Description-tr: library to manage xlib - debug
 libwx11 is a library makes it easier to implement GUI interfaces using
 just x11.
 Bu paket, hata ayıklama simgelerini içerir.

Package: loggedfs-dbg
Description-md5: cd7bf61de09a44452564dccd481d58d0
Description-tr: Fuse-filesystem daemon logging every filesystem operations
 LoggedFS is a transparent fuse-filesystem which allows you to log every
 operation that takes place in the backend filesystem. Logs can be written
 to syslog, into a file, or to the standard output.
 Bu paket, hata ayıklama simgelerini içerir.

Package: lwp-dbg
Description-md5: 6816a01f6fe215bb6ac7d667b261e061
Description-tr: Light Weight Processes library (debug)
 The LWP userspace threads library. The LWP threads library is used by the
 Coda distributed filesystem, RVM (a persistent VM library), and RPC2/SFTP
 (a remote procedure call library).
 Bu paket, hata ayıklama simgelerini içerir.

Package: lxappearance-dbg
Description-md5: 04ecbd49d10e7bc6cfc15d30f0cdd71f
Description-tr: a new feature-rich GTK+ theme switcher - debugging symbols
 LXAppearance is a new feature-rich GTK+ theme switcher able to change GTK+
 themes, icon themes, and fonts used by applications.
 Bu paket, hata ayıklama simgelerini içerir.

Package: lzip-dbg
Description-md5: 1ccce8cc8e9104ef1321335ac8f5999a
Description-tr: data compressor based on the LZMA algorithm (debug)
 Lzip is a lossless data compressor based on the LZMA algorithm, with very
 safe integrity checking and a user interface similar to the one of gzip or
 Bu paket, hata ayıklama simgelerini içerir.

Package: mgm-doc
Description-md5: cf96e4678d2e35c24c740c82a0f96092
Description-tr: MGM için HTML belgelendirme
 MGM is the Moaning Goat Meter, a system load monitor along the lines of
 procmeter3 but much prettier (and with a much higher resource usage). This
 package contains HTML documentation for MGM; the same information is
 available from the MGM Web site.

Package: mgp
Description-md5: 255bab19e241b9f45685dc49da7d21a6
Description-tr: MagicPoint - X11 tabanlı bir sunum aracı
 MagicPoint is an X11 based presentation tool.  It is designed to make
 simple presentations easy while to make complicated presentations
 possible.  Its presentation file (whose suffix is typically .mgp) is just
 text so that you can create presentation files quickly with your favorite
 editor (e.g. Emacs).

Package: mh-e
Description-md5: d96c979db58addf3eca4823e77dc5ed4
Description-tr: MH posta sistemi için Emacs arayüzü
 MH-E offers all the functionality of MH, the visual orientation and
 simplicity of use of a GUI, and full integration with Emacs and XEmacs,
 including thorough configuration and online help.
 MH-E allows one to read and process mail very quickly: many commands are
 single characters; completion and smart defaults are used for folder names
 and aliases. With MH-E you compose outgoing messages in Emacs. This is a
 big plus for Emacs users, but even non-Emacs users have been known to use
 MH-E after only learning the most basic cursor motion commands.
 Ek özellikler:
   - attractive text rendering with font lock
   - composition and display of MIME body parts
   - display of images and HTML within the Emacs frame
   - folder browsing with speedbar
   - threading
   - ticking messages
   - lightning-fast full-text indexed searches of all of your email
   - virtual folders to view ticked and unseen messages, search results
   - multiple personalities
   - signing and encrypting
   - spam filter interaction
   - XFace, Face, X-Image-URL and picon header field support
 MH is Rand's Mail Handler, whose functionality is available in MH, nmh and
 GNU mailutils.
 The package also includes contributed files that are not distributed with
 GNU Emacs:
   mh-frame.el      - Open MH-E in a separate frame.
   mh-comp-frame.el - Message composition in a separate frame.

Package: mhc
Description-md5: 6d14fe6d2f4c6081e9bf37c17ea013f5
Description-tr: emacsen için plan yönetim aracı
 MHC (Message Harmonized Calendaring system) is a personal schedule
 management system, that is designed to help those who receive most
 appointments via email.
 MHC has the following features:
  - You can easily import schedule articles from emails.
  - Simple data structure; schedule articles are stored in the same form
    of MH that allows you to manipulate stored data in many ways.
  - Powerful but simple expression of appointments.
 This package provides mhc.el which cooperates with an emacsen mailer,
 Gnus, Mew, Wanderlust or cmail.  Non Elisp (command line/GUI) utilities
 are provided by the mhc-utils package.

Package: mhwaveedit
Description-md5: b7cdcd79f3648192bea18f2b80812e4d
Description-tr: Basit ve hızlı GTK2 ses düzenleyicisi
 mhWaveEdit is a graphical program for editing sound files. It is intended
 to be user-friendly and robust. It does not require a fast computer.
 Supports JACK, ALSA, OSS and PulseAudio.

Package: micro-httpd
Description-md5: 99c5bca2bdac366fb2a39cb9669e8fb8
Description-tr: gerçekten ufak bir HTTP sunucusu
 A very small HTTP server implemented in 150 lines of code. Program can be
 used to serve HTTPS by wrapping it with stunnel. It implements all the
 basic features of an HTTP server, including:
   * Security against ".." filename snooping
   * The common MIME types
   * Trailing-slash redirection
   * index.html
   * Directory listings

Package: micro-proxy
Description-md5: efc8c05a4e18a2fd3bf570ba3c51d0ee
Description-tr: gerçekten ufak bir HTTP/HTTPS vekili
 micro_proxy is a very small Unix-based HTTP/HTTPS proxy. It runs from
 inetd, which means its performance is poor. But for low-traffic sites,
 it's quite adequate. It implements all the basic features of an HTTP/HTTPS
 proxy, including IPv6 forwarding, in only 320 lines of code.
  Anasayfa: <>

Package: micropolis
Description-md5: 549e686867ace9619de3039deb58a5a3
Description-tr: gerçek zamanlı şehir yönetimi simülatörü
 This games simulates building and managing a whole city. The goal of the
 game is to build and design a city. The player can mark land as being
 zoned as commercial, industrial, or residential, add buildings, change the
 tax rate, build a power grid, build transportation systems and many other
 actions, in order to enhance the city.
 Micropolis, SimCity'nin GPL lisansına sahip sürümüdür.

Package: micropolis-data
Description-md5: 67b9cbfbdf3396167e1263b4729e4e80
Description-tr: gerçek zamanlı şehir yönetimi simülatörü - veri
 This games simulates building and managing a whole city. The goal of the
 game is to build and design a city. The player can mark land as being
 zoned as commercial, industrial, or residential, add buildings, change the
 tax rate, build a power grid, build transportation systems and many other
 actions, in order to enhance the city.
 This package installs the data, like graphics and sounds, for the game.

Package: midori
Description-md5: c444d7b49669139f61e9d95bf5672c09
Description-tr: hızlı, hafif grafiksel web tarayıcı
 Midori, WebKit tabanlı hafif bir web tarayıcıdır.
 Its features include:
  * Full integration with GTK+2.
  * Fast rendering with WebKit.
  * Tabs, windows and session management.
  * Flexibly configurable Web Search.
  * User scripts and user styles support.
  * Straightforward bookmark management.
  * Customizable and extensible interface.
  * Support for extensions (written in C).
  * Custom context menu actions.

Package: midori-dbg
Description-md5: e3856f92ce647af32e6bc1fa7fc28ba3
Description-tr: hızlı, hafif grafiksel web tarayıcı (hata ayıklama simgeleri)
 Midori, WebKit tabanlı hafif bir web tarayıcıdır.
 Its features include:
  * Full integration with GTK+2.
  * Fast rendering with WebKit.
  * Tabs, windows and session management.
  * Flexibly configurable Web Search.
  * User scripts and user styles support.
  * Straightforward bookmark management.
  * Customizable and extensible interface.
  * Support for extensions (written in C).
  * Custom context menu actions.
 Bu paket, midori için hata ayıklama simgelerini içerir.

Package: mimedefang
Description-md5: e22a57a2cca6b9b051158a39372e2f84
Description-tr: sendmail için e-posta süzgeç programı
 MIMEDefang is an e-mail filter program which processes all messages sent
 via Sendmail. It splits multi-part MIME messages into their components and
 can delete or modify those parts before reassembling the message and
 sending it on its way.

Package: mpd-dbg
Description-md5: 833aa17754faffb446b308fd90dd579d
Description-tr: Music Player Daemon debugging symbols
 Music Player Daemon (MPD) is a server that allows remote access for
 playing audio files (Ogg-Vorbis, FLAC, MP3, Wave, and AIFF), streams (Ogg-
 Vorbis, MP3) and managing playlists.  Gapless playback, buffered output,
 and crossfading support is also included.  The design focus is on
 integrating a computer into a stereo system that provides control for
 music playback over a TCP/IP network.  The goals are to be easy to install
 and use, to have minimal resource requirements (it has been reported to
 run fine on a Pentium 75), and to remain stable and flexible.
 The daemon is controlled through a client which need not run on the same
 computer mpd runs on.  The separate client and server design allows users
 to choose a user interface that best suites their tastes independently of
 the underlying daemon (this package) which actually plays music.
 Bu paket, hata ayıklama simgelerini içerir.

Package: nedit-dbg
Description-md5: 629791290374cfbfdb1767a9f7319b3b
Description-tr: debugging symbols for nedit
 NEdit is a multi-purpose text editor for the X Window System, which
 combines a standard, easy to use, graphical user interface with the
 thorough functionality and stability required by users who edit text eight
 hours a day. It provides intensive support for development in a wide
 variety of languages, text processors, and other tools, but at the same
 time can be used productively by just about anyone who needs to edit text.
 Users of Macintosh and MS Windows based text editors will find NEdit a
 familiar and comfortable environment.
 Bu paket, hata ayıklama simgelerini içerir.

Package: netdiscover-dbg
Description-md5: 110282e904a726235df0e0731eff89f7
Description-tr: active/passive network address scanner using arp requests (debug)
 Netdiscover is an active/passive address reconnaissance tool, mainly
 developed for those wireless networks without dhcp server, when you are
 wardriving. It can be also used on hub/switched networks.
 Bu paket, hata ayıklama simgelerini içerir.

Package: nodejs-dbg
Description-md5: 6166fbe583e7e4ebb70d7a0c6316971c
Description-tr: Node.js event-based server-side javascript engine (debug)
 Node.js is similar in design to and influenced by systems like Ruby's
 Event Machine or Python's Twisted.
 It takes the event model a bit further - it presents the event loop as a
 language construct instead of as a library.
 Node.js is bundled with several useful libraries to handle server tasks :
 System, Events, Standard I/O, Modules, Timers, Child Processes, POSIX,
 HTTP, Multipart Parsing, TCP, DNS, Assert, Path, URL, Query Strings.
 Bu paket, hata ayıklama simgelerini içerir.

Package: okular-odp-backend
Description-md5: fa772d6a855907043343a2a89a23afbb
Description-tr: Okular backend for ODP OpenDocument Presentation files
 A plugin for Okular to read ODP OpenDocument Presentation files.
 Bu paket, KDE Ofis Seti'nin bir parçasıdır.

Package: pam-pkcs11-dbg
Description-md5: 6ca4833f1a5b6fdcaabc68eae37a71a6
Description-tr: Fully featured PAM module for using for using PKCS#11 smart cards (debug)
 A Pluggable Authentication Module for PKCS#11 based smart cards. Useful
 for enabling smart card based user login to a system.
 Bu paket, hata ayıklama simgelerini içerir.

Package: pcmanfm-dbg
Description-md5: d301cb14d2d8c04915f25854aaa44ca9
Description-tr: an extremely fast and lightweight file manager - debugging symbols
 PCMan File Manager is a gtk2 based file manager for the X Window System. Features:
  * Extremly fast and lightweight
  * Can be started in one second on normal machine
  * Tabbed browsing (similar to Firefox)
  * Drag & Drop support
  * Files can be dragged among tabs
  * Load large directories in reasonable time
  * File association support (Default application)
  * Basic thumbnail support
  * Bookmarks support
  * Handles non-UTF-8 encoded filenames correctly
  * Provide icon view and detailed list view
  * Standard compliant (Follows
  * Clean and user-friendly interface (GTK+ 2)
  * Support GVFS for auto-mount handling on removable devices
 Bu paket, hata ayıklama simgelerini içerir.

Package: pcscada-dbg
Description-md5: 155313b91e7a15a15f8d9c41f98a317f
Description-tr: Ada bindings to PC/SC middleware (debug)
 PCSC/Ada provides thin- and thick-bindings to PC/SC-middleware for the Ada
 programming language. The library allows applications written in Ada to
 communicate with smart cards using the SCard API.
 Bu paket, hata ayıklama simgelerini içerir.

Package: pfqueue-dbg
Description-md5: 1aa05b276a41c6e12b631e8a7dcd1fa4
Description-tr: interactive console-based tool to control MTA queues (debug)
 pfqueue is a queue manager for different MTAs (currently postfix and
 exim), allowing to delete, hold, release, or requeue messages.
 Bu paket, hata ayıklama simgelerini içerir.

Package: phasex-dbg
Description-md5: 1a5fa584f80088b8ae2e807a64702f26
Description-tr: Debugging symbols for PHASEX
 PHASEX is an experimental JACK audio / ALSA MIDI softsynth for Linux with
 a synth engine built around flexible phase modulation and flexible
 oscillator/LFO sourcing.
 Bu paket, hata ayıklama simgelerini içerir.

Package: plplot-bin
Description-md5: f8d7d363b019536aa3ddebef638668fd
Description-tr: Scientific plotting library (utilities)
 PLplot is relatively small, portable, freely distributable, and is rich
 enough to satisfy most users.  It has a wide range of plot types including
 line (linear, log), contour, 3D, fill, and almost 1000 characters
 (including Greek and mathematical) in its extended font set.  The package
 is designed to make it easy to quickly get graphical output; only a
 handful of function calls is typically required.  For more advanced use,
 virtually all aspects of plotting are configurable.
 Bu paket PLplot ile ilgili aşağıdaki araçları içerir.
  * pltek - review a Tektronix vector file

Package: plptools-dev
Description-md5: c1ee39cd4db116cbdc9ae229bc427638
Description-tr: plptools (geliştirme dosyaları)
 This package provides a static library, headers and API documentation for
 plptools development. You need these files if you want to build programs
 which use libplp.

Package: plymouth-theme-sabily
Description-md5: 3df5772351856d292ab89eb988c3dbdf
Description-tr: plymouth theme for Sabily
 Sabily is a Linux distribution based on Ubuntu. It includes Islamic
 software (prayer times tool, Quran study tool, Hijri calendar etc.) and
 has a custom design.
 Bu paket plymouth için özel bir Sabily teması içerir.

Package: plymouth-theme-ubuntustudio
Description-md5: 02538da09c52f0b1dd4b0d216d221129
Description-tr: Ubuntu Studio Plymouth teması
 This package contains the Ubuntu Studio Plymouth boot splash theme

Package: plywood
Description-md5: 9723856e8a574918780fa20433c8cd62
Description-tr: Playwriting typing and typesetting help
 The plywood project is a project to help type and typeset plays. It
 comprises a small structured-text format, an Emacs mode, a translation
 program and a LaTeX style.
 1) Reduce the work of the playwright to that of writing a play. Even
 learning special key strokes is discouraged -- the system should DWIM.
 2) Make the plays pretty, yet conforming to standard formatting rules.
 Currently, we have implemented the Standard American format, as described
 by Samuel French.
 plywood contains the LaTeX style, and the plywood script to transform
 plays in the plywood format to LaTeX code and an emacs mode to edit the
 files in.

Package: pmailq
Description-md5: ead34088940bb462fa5b99de686bdd14
Description-tr: postfix posta kuyruk yöneticisi
 pmailq parses output of mailq command from postfix (postqueue -p) and
 permits to perform some actions (like removing or displaying in a machine
 readable format) on a bunch of entries in queue, selected by applying
 patterns on criterias like email address, error message from smtp server,
 message size, mail status in queue.

Package: pmk
Description-md5: 3f2185e3110806911a369fc9aaf4d6b4
Description-tr: yazılım kaynaklarını yapılandırmak için bir araç
 PMK is a utility which, like the popular GNU Autoconf, serves the purpose
 of configuring the software sources on a variety of platforms. Configuring
 consists of checking the environment for presence of libraries, header
 files, programs, functions etc. Based on a simple config file, pmk
 generates output files (e.g. config.h, Makefile etc.) using a set of
 templates provided by the programmer.

Package: pmount
Description-md5: ecb515f7fdf8f4996f88d05078c36c2c
Description-tr: çıkarılabilir aygıtları normal kullanıcı olarak bağla
 pmount is a wrapper around the standard mount program which permits normal
 users to mount removable devices without a matching /etc/fstab entry. This
 provides a robust basis for automounting frameworks like GNOME's Utopia
 project and confines the amount of code that runs as root to a minimum.
 This package also contains a wrapper "pmount-hal" which reads some
 information like device labels and mount options from hal and passes them
 to pmount. Install the package "hal" if you want to use this feature.
 If a LUKS capable cryptsetup package is installed, pmount is able to
 transparently mount encrypted volumes.

Package: pms
Description-md5: 6f7891bf02ac2b00c338d9d1c2ae04f9
Description-tr: Practical Music Search, bir MPD istemcisi
 PMS is an ncurses based client for Music Player Daemon. It aims to be
 accessible and highly configurable, with a light but powerful interface
 much like Vim, and supports custom colors, layouts, and key bindings

Package: pmtools
Description-md5: 4e84dd77cd7327ce45109b69fbdeea57
Description-tr: Perl modül araçları
 Perl module tools is a suite of small tools that help manage and inspect
 perl modules, perl Plain Old Documentation files, and perl programs.
 Some of the things these tools can do include:
  - show the full path to a module
  - show the version and description of a module
  - list all installed modules with descriptions
  - show what files a given program or module loads at compile time
  - show what symbols a module exports
  - list the methods of a class
  - display the source code of a function of a module

Package: pnee
Description-md5: c9a58a925ed263998cc40c52d995d6e4
Description-tr: X event recorder/replayer - GNOME panel applet
 GNU Xnee is a suite of programs that can record, replay and distribute
 user actions under the X11 environment. Think of it as a robot that can
 imitate the job you just did.
 Xnee can be used to
  - automate tests
  - demonstrate programs
  - distribute actions
  - record and replay 'macro'
  - retype a file
 Bu paket Xnee için Gnome panel uygulamacığını içerir.

Package: png2html
Description-md5: 1bac0fbdc13482ce4ca86e9083e4dbbf
Description-tr: transforms a PNG image to a web page
 Png2html takes a PNG image and transforms it pixel by pixel to a web page,
 encoding each pixel as an appropriately coloured letter. It is decided
 which letter to encode each pixel as by using a text file supplied by the
 user. An example can be found on the project's homepage.

Package: pngcheck
Description-md5: 1cf24291bcf857c3f021ff5bc16a809d
Description-tr: bilgiyi yazdır ve PNG, JNG ve MNG dosyalarını denetle
 pngcheck verifies the integrity of PNG, JNG and MNG files (by checking the
 internal 32-bit CRCs or checksums) and optionally dumps almost all of the
 chunk-level information in the image in human-readable form. For example,
 it can be used to print the basic stats about an image (dimensions, bit
 depth, etc.); to list the color and transparency info in its palette; or
 to extract the embedded text annotations. All PNG and JNG chunks are
 supported, plus almost all MNG chunks (everything but PAST, DISC, tERm,
 DROP, DBYK, and ORDR). This is a command-line program with batch
 capabilities (e.g., pngcheck *.png).

Package: pngcrush
Description-md5: 3fa9f9dda281f8e8843940a73b1d1ed7
Description-tr: PNG (Taşınabilir Ağ Grafikleri) dosyalarını iyileştirir
 Pngcrush is an optimizer for PNG (Portable Network Graphics) files. Its
 main purpose is to reduce the size of the PNG IDAT data stream by trying
 various compression levels and PNG filter methods. It also can be used to
 remove unwanted ancillary chunks, or to add certain chunks including gAMA,
 tRNS, and textual chunks.

Package: pngnq
Description-md5: 8dc4366236a6a8b60a7651dc12063d65
Description-tr: PNG (Taşınabilir Ağ Grafikleri) görüntülerini iyileştirmek için bir araç
 Pngnq is a tool for quantizing 32-bit RGBA PNG images to 8-bit RGBA
 pallete PNG. It's is an adaptation by Stuart Coyle of Greg Roelf's
 pnqquant. While pngquant uses a median cut algorithm, Pngnq uses Anthony
 Dekker's neuquant algorithm
 (, generally resulting
 in better looking results than pngquant.
 Optimizers (like pngcrush and optipng) optimize the compression, usually
 losslessly. pngnq quantizes colors down to 256 (or fewer) distinct RGBA
 combinations, which is quite lossy. Optimized PNGs are usually two to four
 times smaller than the 32-bit versions.

Package: pngtools
Description-md5: 7946629d3cfba2d00deb521390a5c1c2
Description-tr: PNG (Taşınabilir Ağ Grafikleri) görüntüleri için araçlar seti
 pngtools is a suite of utilities to work with PNG (Portable Network
 Graphics) files, equivalents to libtiff's tiffinfo, and tiffcp commands.
 These commands are called pnginfo, pngcp. tiffdump is replaced by
 pngchunks and pngchunkdesc as well.

Package: pnputils
Description-md5: 901573cdbc5f1f3f409839464009bb3f
Description-tr: Tak ve Oynat BIOS araçları
 This package contains two tools for interacting with Plug and Play BIOSes:
  * lspnp - list PnP BIOS device nodes and resources
  * setpnp - modify PnP BIOS device resources

Package: podbrowser
Description-md5: 057edce8fe4095b502663157bfcbf94b
Description-tr: Perl için belgelendirme tarayıcı
 PodBrowser is a documentation browser for Perl. You can view the
 documentation for Perl's builtin functions, its "perldoc" pages, pragmatic
 modules and the default and user-installed modules.
 PodBrowser is a more feature-complete version of podviewer, which comes
 with libgtk2-podviewer-perl.

Package: podsleuth
Description-md5: f28995709b8a9772d0279e94061c9913
Description-tr: Apple iPod'lar hakkında ayrıntılı bilgi edinmek için bir araç
 PodSleuth is a tool to discover detailed model information about an Apple
 (TM) iPod (TM). Its primary role is to be run as a callout by HAL because
 root access is needed to scan the device for required information. When
 the model information is discovered, it is merged into HAL as properties
 for other applications to use.
 With PodSleuth installed, applications can expect to have rich iPod (TM)
 metadata merged into the device tree on the iPod data volume node.
 PodSleuth metadata properties are in the org.banshee-project.podsleuth

Description-md5: 2ec44f3223883983cc8d83f88ab68d7f
Description-tr: Vorbis yorum düzenleyicisi
 Poe is a vorbis comment editor for GNUstep. It tries to follow the vorbis
 comment header specification closely, while being convenient and flexible
 to use.

Package: poedit
Description-md5: 62cc240f4683bb172c7c691d3651c4f0
Description-tr: gettext katalog düzenleyicisi
 Poedit is an editor for gettext catalogs (.po files). It aims to provide a
 convenient approach to editing catalogs. It features UTF-8 support, fuzzy
 and untranslated records highlighting, whitespace highlighting, references
 browser, header editing and can be used to create new catalogs or update
 existing catalogs from source code with a single click. It is built with
 wxWidgets toolkit.

Package: poedit-dbg
Description-md5: 034b7a841346824c7da04811d468f723
Description-tr: gettext katalog düzenleyicisi (hata ayıklama)
 Poedit is an editor for gettext catalogs (.po files). It aims to provide a
 convenient approach to editing catalogs. It features UTF-8 support, fuzzy
 and untranslated records highlighting, whitespace highlighting, references
 browser, header editing and can be used to create new catalogs or update
 existing catalogs from source code with a single click. It is built with
 wxWidgets toolkit.
 Bu paket, hata ayıklama simgelerini içerir.

Package: pointerize
Description-md5: ea66741da4fc555e07afefd4bf4f2b34
Description-tr: Gettext'e dayanan uluslararasılaştırma araçları
 pointerize is a set of tools used to generate message catalogs from a set
 of specially formated C source files. Those message catalogs are loaded at
 run-time, making it possible to have one binary that displays messages in
 several languages.
 It's based on gettext, but it makes smaller binary message catalogs (a
 must when one is making internationalized boot floppies). The programmer
 may use his gettexttified C source files just applying one small change to
 the main() function. The translator will work with the well known PO

Package: poker-web
Description-md5: 3cc3690fd691517e79ffedc4b4844843
Description-tr: Poker ağ sunucusu için web arayüzü
 Play poker with other players connected on a poker-network server (holdem,
 omaha, omaha high/low, stud 7 ...) in ring games, sit and go or
 multitables tournaments. poker2d will automatically reconnect to the table
 if the connection is lost and allows playing on multiple tables

Package: pokerth
Description-md5: b9120a1a42426cbec7afb2f62bdb8780
Description-tr: Texas hold'em oyunu
 pokerth is a free implementation of the Texas hold'em poker game which is
 mostly played in casinos and has a growing popularity worldwide. Texas
 hold'em is easy to learn but needs a good strategy to win and a lot of
 luck. This package helps you when practicing or just playing for fun.

Package: pokerth-data
Description-md5: b19f8df925241c90b1a938776b4e54bd
Description-tr: Texas hold'em oyunu - ortak veri dosyaları
 pokerth is a free implementation of the Texas hold'em poker game which is
 mostly played in casinos and has a growing popularity worldwide. Texas
 hold'em is easy to learn but needs a good strategy to win and a lot of
 luck. This package helps you when practicing or just playing for fun.
 This package contains arch-independent data files for pokerth (card
 images, sounds, translations, etc).

Package: pokerth-server
Description-md5: a108584468dc6296850ef0a2bf4b2e25
Description-tr: Texas hold'em oyunu - sunucu
 pokerth is a free implementation of the Texas hold'em poker game which is
 mostly played in casinos and has a growing popularity worldwide. Texas
 hold'em is easy to learn but needs a good strategy to win and a lot of
 luck. This package helps you when practicing or just playing for fun.
 This package contains the server, which is needed for hosting an own
 multi- player, multigame server. You don't need this package if you want
 to play a multiplayer game with one table over LAN or Internet.

Package: polygen-data
Description-md5: 9e62973741c407eb448aece5cd698aea
Description-tr: PolyGen için dilbilgisi tanımları
 PolyGen is a program for generating random sentences according to a
 grammar definition, that is following custom syntactical and lexical
 Formally, it is an interpreter of a language itself designed to define
 languages, where to interpret means executing a source program in real
 time and eventually outputting its result.
 Here a source program is a grammar definition, the execution consists in
 the exploration of such grammar by selecting a random path and the result
 is the sentence built on the way.
 Bu paket polygen için uygun çok sayıda dilbilgisi dosyası içerir.

Package: polygraph
Description-md5: d48d73168c8eb9b92e5bd3578f35de30
Description-tr: performance testing tool for caching proxies and more
 Web Polygraph is a performance testing tool for caching proxies, origin server accelerators, L4/7 switches, content filters, and other Web intermediaries. Polygraph's features include:
   * high-performance HTTP clients and servers
   * realistic HTTP, FTP, and SSL traffic generation
   * HTTP Basic, NTLM, and Negotiate proxy authentication
   * LDAP-friendly generation of user credentials
   * flexible content simulation
   * ready-to-use standard workloads for benchmarking
   * powerful domain-specific configuration language
   * portable open-source implementation
 Belgelendirme, test sonuçları ve destek için
 bağlantısına göz atabilirsiniz.

Package: pondus
Description-md5: 21b5e0e698b806573ec7320bdeb5653b
Description-tr: GTK2+ için kişisel ağırlık yöneticisi
 Pondus keeps track of your body weight. It aims to be simple to use,
 lightweight and fast. The data can be plotted to get a quick overview of
 the history of your weight. A simple weight planner allows to define
 "target weights" and this plan can be compared with the actual
 measurements in a plot.

Package: pong2
Description-md5: 5ba4233a6db210d8ace1ba3a91031efd
Description-tr: Eski atari klasiğinin OpenGL'de yeniden yazılmış sürümü
 Pong2 is an up till now two player (networked) game inspired by the
 classical "Pong" from Amiga, which adds another dimension to the playing
 field. It makes use of features found on modern 3d graphics cards, so
 decent hardware is a requirement.
 It also has multiplayer support! 2 players can play against each other via

Package: pootle
Description-md5: df09340ac7d4d111464b8a88e82876c3
Description-tr: Web tabanlı çeviri ve çeviri yönetim aracı
 Pootle provides a rich set of features for managing a translation project.
 It integrates components of the Translate Toolkit to provide error
 checkers for translation messages and the ability to download files in a
 number of formats: PO, XLIFF, CSV.  Pootle can also provide compiled PO
 files for download. You can use it to assign work to translators in your
 team, and you can define goals to help focus the efforts of your
 translation.  Pootle can run without a Web server or be proxied through
 your existing Apache server.  The Translate Toolkit is a set of software
 and documentation designed to help make the lives of localizers both more
 productive and less frustrating.

Package: popa3d
Description-md5: addc15059dc29b4ea3c17cd4d424b704
Description-tr: A tiny POP3 daemon, designed with security as the primary goal
 popa3d is fast, small and secure pop3 daemon. It's written from scratch by
 Solar Designer for Owl (Openwall GNU/*/Linux).
 Popa3d can work both in standalone or inetd mode.
 Daha fazla bilgi için TASARIM dosyasına bakın.

Package: popfile
Description-md5: 6b4e29575f208b95de8636d5af948891
Description-tr: e-posta sınıflandırma aracı
 POPFile is an tool to classify email with a Naive Bayes classifier, a POP3
 proxy and a web interface. It runs on most platforms and with most email
 clients. It's not only useful to filter spam, but also to sort legitimate
 mail into different folders. POPFile can be trained to recognize and sort
 mails even when no regular mail rules based on header can be made. POPFile
 can be used also for IMAP. It will move messages into folders and re-
 classify mails after they have been moved.

Package: poppassd
Description-md5: c77cea8e333a4a4de559fdf4abf0723c
Description-tr: Eudora ve NUPOP için parola değişim sunucusu
 This package provides a daemon for changing passwords on POP mail
 accounts, a feature common to Eudora and other MacOS/Win32 mail user
 agents.  This feature is also commonly used for TCP loopback password
 changing from web scripting languages like PHP or Perl, so that the
 webserver process doesn't need to be run as root (on in the shadow group).
 This version of poppassd changes passwords via PAM (as opposed to other
 versions of the same daemon that used the newusers(8) application to
 change passwords), allowing for great flexibility.

Package: pork
Description-md5: e20b69dc3aba7ba55cb81b3cb371b791
Description-tr: Konsol tabanlı AOL Anında Mesajlaşma & IRC istemcisi
 pork is an ncurses-based AOL Instant Messenger and IRC client. It uses the
 OSCAR protocol (the one the windows client uses) to access AIM. Pork
 features Perl scripting; an online help system; the ability to configure
 nearly all aspects of the program's look-and-feel; an alias system; and a
 powerful, fully-configurable key binding system. It supports being logged
 in with more than one screen name at the same time. The default look-and-
 feel of the client is modeled after the ircII IRC client. Anyone
 comfortable using ircII (or any clients derived from it -- e.g., epic,
 BitchX, etc.) will feel comfortable using pork.

Package: pornview
Description-md5: 9494457cab87b0b9f7ad5aed8b71ff37
Description-tr: Resim ve film görüntüleyici/yönetici
 PornView is an image and movie viewer/manager with thumbnail previews.
 Additional features includes thumbnail caching, directory tree views,
 adjustable zoom, and fullscreen view. Slideshows allow for unattended
 presentation of images for hands-free viewing. Pornview is written using

Package: portsentry
Description-md5: ff8ecc87ed516a7095261180d5556efa
Description-tr: Portscan algılama hizmeti
 PortSentry has the ability to detect portscans(including stealth scans) on
 the network interfaces of your machine. Upon alarm it can block the
 attacker via hosts.deny, dropped route or firewall rule. It is part of the
 Abacus program suite.
 Note: If you  have no idea what a port/stealth scan is, It's recommended
 to have a look at before installing
 this package. Otherwise you might easily block hosts you'd better not
 (e.g. your NFS-server, name-server, etc.).

Package: postfix-cluebringer
Description-md5: b885f97a7d5ea183d9a46a87a603eda3
Description-tr: Postfix için gereksiz posta eklentisi
 Policyd v2 (codenamed "cluebringer") is a multi-platform policy server for
 popular MTAs. This policy daemon is designed mostly for large scale mail
 hosting environments. The main goal is to implement as many spam combating
 and email compliance features as possible while at the same time
 maintaining the portability, stability and performance required for
 mission critical email hosting of today.
 This package contains the actual policy daemon.

Package: postfix-cluebringer-webui
Description-md5: 5f8d21a1a7f8c4ae3d5c9d49ea8ac74e
Description-tr: Postfix için gereksiz posta eklentisi
 Policyd v2 (codenamed "cluebringer") is a multi-platform policy server for
 popular MTAs. This policy daemon is designed mostly for large scale mail
 hosting environments. The main goal is to implement as many spam combating
 and email compliance features as possible while at the same time
 maintaining the portability, stability and performance required for
 mission critical email hosting of today.
 This package contains a php interface for configuring cluebringer.

Package: postfix-policyd
Description-md5: 9f36d46006d70f40e9fff875c9d600a3
Description-tr: Postfix için gereksiz posta eklentisi
 Policyd is an anti-spam plugin for Postfix (MySQL based) that does
 Greylisting, Sender-(envelope  or SASL)-based throttling (on messages and
 / or volume  per defined time unit), Spamtrap monitoring / blacklisting
 and HELO auto blacklisting.

Package: python-pyside-dbg
Description-md5: ee6a263315cf0cea1fe265185a7da48c
Description-tr: Python bindings for Qt 4 (debug symbols)
 Qt is a cross-platform C++ application framework. Qt's primary feature is
 its rich set of widgets that provide standard GUI functionality.
 Bu paket, hata ayıklama simgelerini içerir.

Package: qmidinet-dbg
Description-md5: 987c494f008ada24c4f008fb0151e35c
Description-tr: Debugging symbols for QmidiNet
 QmidiNet is a MIDI network gateway application that sends and receives
 MIDI data (ALSA Sequencer) over the network, using UDP/IP multicast.
 Bu paket, hata ayıklama simgelerini içerir.

Package: qtractor-dbg
Description-md5: 8fa7713818b81fd30d9b9142a153c6d0
Description-tr: Debugging symbols for Qtractor
 Qtractor is a MIDI/Audio multi-track sequencer application written in C++
 around the Qt4 toolkit using Qt Designer.
 Bu paket, hata ayıklama simgelerini içerir.

Package: raincat-dbg
Description-md5: 67109b1e65fd6d1fa8c782feb68f9f3f
Description-tr: 2D puzzle game featuring a fuzzy little cat - debug
 Raincat is a 2d puzzle game similar to the Incredible Machine and Lemmings
 series. Your goal is simple: guide the cat safe and dry to the end of each
 level. Just mind the rain, puddles, and loose fire hydrants in your path!
 Bu paket, hata ayıklama simgelerini içerir.

Package: rpc2-dbg
Description-md5: ee493ab1741f5df0f1d489a315556155
Description-tr: Remote Procedure Call implementation 2 (debug)
 RPC2 is a remote procedure call library layered on top of UDP sockets and
 is used by the Coda distributed filesystem.
 Bu paket, hata ayıklama simgelerini içerir.

Package: rpl
Description-md5: 9303c525f752fa416e26ae491d68a6f1
Description-tr: intelligent recursive search/replace utility
 rpl is a text replacement utility. It will replace strings with new
 strings in multiple text files. It can work recursively over directories
 and supports limiting the search to specific file suffixes.

Package: rplay-client
Description-md5: db7ea6eb5275fde4a4d72b177aed633a
Description-tr: rplay aÄŸ ses sistemi - temel istemciler
 This package contains the basic rplay clients (rplay, rptp).  The clients
 are used to play sounds on the local host or remote systems.
 RPlay allows sounds to be played to and from local and remote Unix
 systems.  Sounds can be played with or without sending audio data over the
 network using either UDP or TCP/IP.  RPlay audio servers can be configured
 to share sound files with each other.
 Support for RPlay is included in several applications.  These include
 xpilot, xlockmore, xboing, fvwm, and ctwm.

Package: rplay-perl
Description-md5: 78951ec24704b3dffc10ff7dc9801a3b
Description-tr: rplay ağ ses sistemi - perl modülleri
 Contains perl modules which aid in creating rplay-aware perl scripts.
 RPlay allows sounds to be played to and from local and remote Unix
 systems.  Sounds can be played with or without sending audio data over the
 network using either UDP or TCP/IP.  RPlay audio servers can be configured
 to share sound files with each other.
 Support for RPlay is included in several applications.  These include
 xpilot, xlockmore, xboing, fvwm, and ctwm.

Package: rplay-server
Description-md5: a837446457cb0780b41fbeb313d2f3a6
Description-tr: rplay aÄŸ ses sistemi - sunucu
 This package contains the rplay server.  The rplay server allows sounds to
 be played on the system.
 RPlay allows sounds to be played to and from local and remote Unix
 systems.  Sounds can be played with or without sending audio data over the
 network using either UDP or TCP/IP.  RPlay audio servers can be configured
 to share sound files with each other.
 Support for RPlay is included in several applications.  These include
 xpilot, xlockmore, xboing, fvwm, and ctwm.

Package: rpld
Description-md5: 2d21d6ca0a87d7472532d5222c9d1a13
Description-tr: RPL/RIPL uzaktan önyükleme hizmeti
 Daemon to net-boot IBM style RPL boot ROMs (this is not the same as the
 Novell IPX-style RPL protocol, despite the name).
 Web sitesi:

Package: rpm-i18n
Description-md5: 38f72444aa854dc7f3f657c4be38e842
Description-tr: rpm için yerelleştirme ve yerelleştirilmiş man sayfaları
 The RPM Package Manager (RPM) is a command-line driven package management
 system capable of installing, uninstalling, verifying, querying, and
 updating computer software packages.
 Bu paket, rpm için yerelleştirmeleri ve  yerelleştirilmiş man sayfalarını

Package: rpm2html
Description-md5: 367b9954b3575bda41970fdfff85595e
Description-tr: RPM dizinlerinden HTML indeksleri oluÅŸtur
 rpm2html automatically generates Web pages describing a set of RPM
 packages. The goal of rpm2html is also to identify the dependencies
 between various packages, and being able to find the packages providing
 the resources needed to install another package.

Package: rrdweather
Description-md5: c86fefcde26f2444392eea9522131ee7
Description-tr: RRDtool ve tabanlı hava durumu izleme aracı
 RDWeather is a tool based on RRDtool and for weather
 monitoring. It regularly collects weather data from a XML file and put
 them in nice RRDtool graphs.

Package: rrootage
Description-md5: 0f85621992be68de3bd7f78fcf25fc67
Description-tr: arcade-style space shooting game
 rRootage is an arcade-style vertical shooting game, with music to match.
 Avoid the barrage of bullets and destroy the enemy's battle ship with your
 laser. rRootage has 40 levels, each playable in four different modes.
 rRootage, Kenta Cho tarafından oluşturulmuştur.

Package: rrootage-data
Description-md5: 31bdc3386453bd56eb673d3900f62c11
Description-tr: space shooting game - data files
 Bu paket, rRootage oyunu için veri dosyalarını içerir.

Package: rsbac-doc
Description-md5: 94825e9136774861e544fe3b06f18b5c
Description-tr: RSBAC belgelendirmesi
 RSBAC (Rule Set Based Access Control) is a kernel patch which adds several
 mandatory access models to the Linux kernel. These models can be used to
 enhance the security of a Linux system.
 Bu paket, RSBAC belgelendirmesini içerir.

Package: rsbac-klogd
Description-md5: d8b710180cb8b8dd472231f5099fa186
Description-tr: RSBAC ileti kaydedici
 RSBAC (Rule Set Based Access Control) is a kernel patch which adds several
 mandatory access models to the Linux kernel. These models can be used to
 enhance the security of a Linux system.
 Bu paket, RSBAC ileti kaydedicisini içerir.

Package: rsh-client
Description-md5: 0e567d8dad97373a23bdade592b87a3b
Description-tr: client programs for remote shell connections
 Bu paket; rsh, rcp ve rlogin'i içerir.

Package: rsh-redone-client
Description-md5: 6ab3a9e656837b6283888b972f2bd5a1
Description-tr: Reimplementation of rsh and rlogin
 Rsh-redone is a reimplementation of the remote shell clients and servers.
 It is written from the ground up to avoid the bugs found in the standard
 clients and servers. It also fully supports IPv6.
 Bu paket, rsh ve rlogin'i saÄŸlar.

Package: rsh-redone-server
Description-md5: 98dead85e8cae3cc7878805b04c9dfbd
Description-tr: Reimplementation of rshd and rlogind
 Rsh-redone is a reimplementation of the remote shell clients and servers.
 It is written from the ground up to avoid the bugs found in the standard
 clients and servers. It also fully supports IPv6.
 Bu paket, rshd ve rlogind'yi saÄŸlar.

Package: rsh-server
Description-md5: 49081719c7c028e0a91cbc1fcb22dd0c
Description-tr: server program for remote shell connections
 Bu paket; rexecd, rlogind ve rshd'yi içerir.

Package: rsplib-fgp-cfgfiles
Description-md5: 8de022bbeb0694f48018dad7c04b655a
Description-tr: RSerPool Fractal Generator Service example input files
 Reliable Server Pooling (RSerPool) is the IETF's standard (RFC 5351 to RFC
 5356) for a lightweight server pool and session management framework. It
 provides highly available pool management (that is registration handling
 and load distribution/balancing) by components called Registrar and a
 client-side/server-side API for accessing the service of a pool.
 Bu paket, Fractal Generator hizmeti için girdi dosyaları seti sağlar.

Package: rsplib-registrar
Description-md5: c0449b67d74ba2e139636c1fbb17122e
Description-tr: RSerPool Registrar hizmeti
 Reliable Server Pooling (RSerPool) is the IETF's standard (RFC 5351 to RFC
 5356) for a lightweight server pool and session management framework. It
 provides highly available pool management (that is registration handling
 and load distribution/balancing) by components called Registrar and a
 client-side/server-side API for accessing the service of a pool.
 This package provides the registrar, which is the management component for
 RSerPool-based server pools. You need at least one registrar in a setup,
 but for redundancy reasons, you should have at least two.

Package: rsplib-services
Description-md5: c48ab74fc7e55337f67db0dade52fae7
Description-tr: RSerPool örnek hizmetleri
 Reliable Server Pooling (RSerPool) is the IETF's standard (RFC 5351 to RFC
 5356) for a lightweight server pool and session management framework. It
 provides highly available pool management (that is registration handling
 and load distribution/balancing) by components called Registrar and a
 client-side/server-side API for accessing the service of a pool.
 This package provides the rsplib RSerPool example services: Echo, Discard,
 Daytime, CharGen, CalcApp, FractalGenerator and ScriptingService.

Package: rsplib-tools
Description-md5: f43a5e01497f04375a2652a5a077b908
Description-tr: RSerPool test araçları
 Reliable Server Pooling (RSerPool) is the IETF's standard (RFC 5351 to RFC
 5356) for a lightweight server pool and session management framework. It
 provides highly available pool management (that is registration handling
 and load distribution/balancing) by components called Registrar and a
 client-side/server-side API for accessing the service of a pool.
 Bu paket, RSerPool kurulumları için bazı test araçları sağlar.

Package: rss2email
Description-md5: 657c015717dd2608972773cde5e54408
Description-tr: e-posta aracılığıyla RSS beslemelerini alın
 rss2email is a simple program which you can run in your crontab. It
 watches RSS (or Atom) feeds and sends you a nicely formatted email message
 for each new item.

Package: rsstail
Description-md5: 11e58d909657f8c6c3df30dbf978198f
Description-tr: console RSS reader that monitors a feed and outputs new entries
 This small, simple application reads an RSS feed and outputs it like the
 'tail' command.
 Bu araç, MultiTail içerisinde bir eklenti olarak kullanılabilir.

Package: rstat-client
Description-md5: e990ee2decd660442859182a9fb1669a
Description-tr: rstatd için istemci
 Bu paket, rstatd için rup(1) ve rsysinfo(1) istemcilerini içerir.

Package: rsyncrypto
Description-md5: 62fc22a358759065da4970932087f254
Description-tr: rsync kullanıcı dostu şifreleme
 Rsyncrypto allows you to encrypt a file or a directory structure, such
 that they can later be synchronized to another machine using rsync. This
 means that local changes to the plain text file result in local changes to
 the cipher text file.
 rsyncrypto compresses the plain text file prior to encrypting it.

Package: rsyslog-gnutls
Description-md5: fc6fc1bbbfb8c8031b58f3abd48d4c1c
Description-tr: Rsyslog için TLS protokolü desteği
 This netstream plugin allows rsyslog to send and receive encrypted syslog
 messages via the upcoming syslog-transport-tls IETF standard protocol.

Package: rsyslog-gssapi
Description-md5: 79a6e301e123c9629e0c4e9aaa191cae
Description-tr: Rsyslog için GSSAPI yetkilendirme ve şifreleme desteği
 These plugins allow rsyslog to write and/or receive GSSAPI authenticated
 and encrypted syslog messages. GSSAPI is commonly used for Kerberos

Package: rsyslog-mysql
Description-md5: 29be7857de256cc7e3546c2c5296e26a
Description-tr: Rsyslog için MySQL çıktı eklentisi
 Bu eklenti, rsyslog'a syslog iletilerini bir MySQL veritabanına yazma
 yeteneği kazandırır.

Package: rsyslog-pgsql
Description-md5: a299b67a4fcecd70438a9eb9d0cafbf8
Description-tr: Rsyslog için PostgreSQL çıktı eklentisi
 Bu eklenti, rsyslog'a syslog iletilerini bir PostgreSQL veritabanına yazma
 yeteneği kazandırır.

Package: rsyslog-relp
Description-md5: 9c38c00a152e47f5ddfd623dd86ab18c
Description-tr: Rsyslog için RELP protokolü desteği
 These plugins allows rsyslog to send and receive syslog messages via the
 RELP protocol. RELP ensures the reliable transport over the network even
 on connection loss or if a peer becomes unavailable.

Package: rt-tests
Description-md5: 81e88645d2b857477b854a1c8cc59ad8
Description-tr: Rt çekirdekleri için test programları
 rt-tests contains a set of programs that test and measure various
 components of real-time kernel behavior, such as timer latency, signal
 latency and the functioning of priority-inheritance mutexes. Additionally
 it contains hackbench, a program to generate work for the scheduler.

Package: rt3.8-apache2
Description-md5: 8c7f404d422c3e457bbb15764ef92df2
Description-tr: Request-tracker3.8 için Apache 2 özel dosyaları
 Request Tracker (RT) is a ticketing system which enables a group of people
 to intelligently and efficiently manage tasks, issues, and requests
 submitted by a community of users. It features web, email, and command-
 line interfaces (see the package rt3.8-clients).
 This package provides the 3.8 series of RT. It can be installed alongside
 the 3.6 series without any problems.
 RT is a high-level, portable, platform independent system that eases
 collaboration within organizations and makes it easy for them to take care
 of their customers.
 RT manages key tasks such as the identification, prioritization,
 assignment, resolution, and notification required by enterprise-critical
 applications, including project management, help desk, NOC ticketing, CRM,
 and software development.
 This package provides various configuration files and manages the
 necessary dependencies for running request tracker (RT) version 3.8 on the
 Apache 2 web server.

Package: rt3.8-db-mysql
Description-md5: 943785d23b9c4acb43cbabe8cd206758
Description-tr: Request-tracker3.8 için MySQL veritabanı arka ucu
 Request Tracker (RT) is a ticketing system which enables a group of people
 to intelligently and efficiently manage tasks, issues, and requests
 submitted by a community of users. It features web, email, and command-
 line interfaces (see the package rt3.8-clients).
 This package provides the 3.8 series of RT. It can be installed alongside
 the 3.6 series without any problems.
 RT is a high-level, portable, platform independent system that eases
 collaboration within organizations and makes it easy for them to take care
 of their customers.
 RT manages key tasks such as the identification, prioritization,
 assignment, resolution, and notification required by enterprise-critical
 applications, including project management, help desk, NOC ticketing, CRM,
 and software development.
 This package provides dependencies and dbconfig-common support for using
 Request Tracker version 3.8 with a MySQL database.

Package: rt3.8-db-postgresql
Description-md5: 2813a932b5e11ea3f21fa8260c9ffd16
Description-tr: Request-tracker3.8 için PostgreSQL veritabanı arka ucu
 Request Tracker (RT) is a ticketing system which enables a group of people
 to intelligently and efficiently manage tasks, issues, and requests
 submitted by a community of users. It features web, email, and command-
 line interfaces (see the package rt3.8-clients).
 This package provides the 3.8 series of RT. It can be installed alongside
 the 3.6 series without any problems.
 RT is a high-level, portable, platform independent system that eases
 collaboration within organizations and makes it easy for them to take care
 of their customers.
 RT manages key tasks such as the identification, prioritization,
 assignment, resolution, and notification required by enterprise-critical
 applications, including project management, help desk, NOC ticketing, CRM,
 and software development.
 This package provides dependencies and dbconfig-common support for using
 Request Tracker version 3.8 with a PostgreSQL database.

Package: rt3.8-db-sqlite
Description-md5: c67c6b7aff321907c40ec2f41d487cad
Description-tr: Request-tracker3.8 için SQLite veritabanı arka ucu
 Request Tracker (RT) is a ticketing system which enables a group of people
 to intelligently and efficiently manage tasks, issues, and requests
 submitted by a community of users. It features web, email, and command-
 line interfaces (see the package rt3.8-clients).
 This package provides the 3.8 series of RT. It can be installed alongside
 the 3.6 series without any problems.
 RT is a high-level, portable, platform independent system that eases
 collaboration within organizations and makes it easy for them to take care
 of their customers.
 RT manages key tasks such as the identification, prioritization,
 assignment, resolution, and notification required by enterprise-critical
 applications, including project management, help desk, NOC ticketing, CRM,
 and software development.
 This package provides dependencies and dbconfig-common support for using
 Request Tracker version 3.8 with a local SQLite (version 3) database.
 This package will be pulled in by default by request-tracker3.8, but
 SQLite is not recommended for production use.  Please see /usr/share/doc
 /request-tracker3.8/NOTES.Debian for more details and consider installing
 rt3.8-db-postgresql or rt3.8-db-mysql instead of this package.

Package: rvm-dbg
Description-md5: f14817c5277a1c5573def85359375981
Description-tr: Recoverable Virtual Memory (debug)
 Recoverable Virtual Memory provides easy to use persistent storage with
 transactional properties for applications. It was developed at CMU for the
 Coda distributed filesystem.
 Bu paket, hata ayıklama simgelerini içerir.

Package: skrooge
Description-md5: ef4f185f38336e4cc2f0e21b250417a0
Description-tr: KDE için kişisel finans yöneticisi
 Skrooge allows you to manage your personal finances. It is intended to be
 used by individuals who want to keep track of their incomes, expenses and
 investments. Its philosophy is to stay simple and intuitive.
 Here is the list of Skrooge main features:
  * QIF, CSV, KMyMoney, Skrooge,  import/export
  * OFX, QFX, GnuCash, Grisbi, HomeBank import
  * Advanced Graphical Reports
  * Several tabs to help you organize your work
  * Infinite undo/redo
  * Instant filtering on operations and reports
  * Infinite categories levels
  * Mass update of operations
  * Scheduled operations
  * Track refund of your expenses
  * Automatically process operations based on search conditions
  * Multi currencies
  * Dashboard

Package: structure-synth-dbg
Description-md5: 9d6f1ac63146b719139e6d18b7698ac1
Description-tr: application for creating 3D structures
 Structure Synth is a tool for generating 3D structures by specifying a
 design grammar. Even simple systems may generate surprising and complex
 structures. Structure Synth offers a graphical environment with multiple
 tabs, syntax highlighting, and OpenGL preview. Integration with third-
 party renderers (such as Sunflow and POV-Ray) is possible using a flexible
 template based export system.
 Bu paket, hata ayıklama simgelerini içerir.

Package: supertux
Description-md5: 0a69f7d55672758dba9e8c9588aedc41
Description-tr: Classic 2D jump 'n run sidescroller with Tux
 SuperTux klasik bir 3B yandan bakışlı, orjinal SuperMario oyunlarına
 benzer bir biçimde yapılmış bir zıpla ve koş oyunudur.
 As of 0.3.0, OpenGL is needed and SDL is no longer supported by upstream.

Package: supertux-data
Description-md5: a3c1e824f672c5ebf3e1a8544ff24d5b
Description-tr: Levels for classic 2D jump 'n run sidescroller with Tux
 SuperTux klasik bir 3B yandan bakışlı, orjinal SuperMario oyunlarına
 benzer bir biçimde yapılmış bir zıpla ve koş oyunudur. Bu oyun verisidir.

Package: supertux-data-stable
Description-md5: a3c1e824f672c5ebf3e1a8544ff24d5b
Description-tr: Levels for classic 2D jump 'n run sidescroller with Tux
 SuperTux klasik bir 3B yandan bakışlı, orjinal SuperMario oyunlarına
 benzer bir biçimde yapılmış bir zıpla ve koş oyunudur. Bu oyun verisidir.

Package: supertux-stable
Description-md5: 630b292e52e7ce0c9a566058ebd0abfd
Description-tr: Classic 2D jump 'n run sidescroller with Tux
 SuperTux klasik bir 3B yandan bakışlı, orjinal SuperMario oyunlarına
 benzer bir biçimde yapılmış bir zıpla ve koş oyunudur.

Package: supertuxkart
Description-md5: 9fa3e90ce0e8eb085ad878b9f92c66f4
Description-tr: kart racing game
 SuperTuxKart is an enhanced version of TuxKart, the kart racing game
 originally done by Steve Baker, featuring Tux and a bunch of his friends.
 SuperTuxKart is the work of the GotM run for TuxKart at
 Due to some disagreements that happened in that time this fork of TuxKart
 was done.
 SuperTuxKart'ın özellikleri:
  - yeni karakterler
  - yeni pistler
  - tamamen yeni bir kullanıcı arayüzü
  - bazı küçük grafikî geliştirmeler (tekerlek izleri, duman, hareketli tekerlekler,

Package: supertuxkart-data
Description-md5: 2a598cc5632fcab99865b2803736c1a4
Description-tr: supertuxkart araba yarışı oyunu için veri
 SuperTuxKart is an enhanced version of TuxKart, the kart racing game
 originally done by Steve Baker, featuring Tux and a bunch of his friends.
 SuperTuxKart is the work of the GotM run for TuxKart at
 Due to some disagreements that happened in that time this fork of TuxKart
 was done.
 SuperTuxKart'ın özellikleri:
  - yeni karakterler
  - yeni pistler
  - tamamen yeni bir kullanıcı arayüzü
  - bazı küçük grafikî geliştirmeler (tekerlek izleri, duman, hareketli tekerlekler,
 Bu paket supertuxkart oyunu için veri dosyalarını içerir.

Package: swami-dbg
Description-md5: 97d0326f53a4e6d7b85190d6993e14ba
Description-tr: MIDI instrument editor - debugging symbols
 Swami (Sampled Waveforms And Musical Instruments) is an application for
 editing and managing MIDI instruments, such as SoundFont files. An
 programming API is also provided for integration with other applications.
 Bu paket, hata ayıklama simgelerini içerir.

Package: tack-dbg
Description-md5: 573addacff2a735dd2704a7bfbf67d26
Description-tr: terminfo action checker (debug)
 The 'tack' program is a diagnostic tool that is designed to create and
 verify the correctness of terminfo's. This program can be used to create
 new terminal descriptions that are not included in the standard ncurses
 Bu paket, hata ayıklama simgelerini içerir.

Package: tasks-dbg
Description-md5: a4ff23a1707fa926131ad31c023c890b
Description-tr: a simple to do manager (debug symbols)
 Tasks is a simple To Do manager, using GTK+ and libecal.  It eschews
 complicated features for a simple interface and functionality that does
 the right thing.
 Bu paket, hata ayıklama simgelerini içerir.

Package: tpm-tools-dbg
Description-md5: f59fb030b34287d92f51594f46eee87e
Description-tr: Management tools for the TPM hardware (debug)
 tpm-tools is a group of tools to manage and utilize the Trusted Computing
 Group's TPM hardware. TPM hardware can create, store and use RSA keys
 securely (without ever being exposed in memory), verify a platform's
 software state using cryptographic hashes and more.
 Bu paket, hata ayıklama simgelerini içerir.

Package: ttf-isabella
Description-md5: f5e33ca932f7bacfdca9f53b123dda3e
Description-tr: Isabella özgür TrueType yazı tipi
 This font is called Isabella because it is based on the calligraphic hand
 used in the Isabella Breviary, made around 1497, in Holland, for Isabella
 of Castille, the first queen of united Spain.
 It covers all European languages written in the Latin script (with the
 exception of Sami) and covers all ISO-8859 with the exception of the non-
 Latin character sets.

Package: ttf-jsmath
Description-md5: bd6db58c9818e27e4f7581a678f15739
Description-tr: JsMath sayfalarını görüntülemek için TeX yazı tipleri
 jsMath uses some TeX fonts to render mathematical contents in web pages so
 jsMath pages should be displayed much better with this package.

Package: ttf-kiloji
Description-md5: 0f8d290945c8998085f0a0ac94cfb8a3
Description-tr: "kilo" tarafından yaratılmış longhand benzeri Japonca TrueType yazı tipi
 kilo-ji, "kilo" is the author name of these fonts and "ji" means
 "characters" in Japanese.
 This package consists of four fonts.
  - kiloji.ttf
  - kiloji_p.ttf (kiloji Proportional)
  - kiloji_b.ttf (kiloji Bold)
  - kiloji_d.ttf (kiloji Diet)

Package: xmlcopyeditor-dbg
Description-md5: bc2849b96324568c84a17158667bf4e8
Description-tr: fast, free, validating XML editor - debug
 XML Copy Editor is an XML editor focusing on editing document markup
 languages like DITA, DocBook, WordprocessingML. It features DTD/XML
 Schema/RELAX NG validation, XSLT, XPath, pretty-printing, syntax
 highlighting, folding, tag completion/locking, and a spelling/style check.
 Bu paket, hata ayıklama simgelerini içerir.

Package: zaz-dbg
Description-md5: 1c0d01681c63c6779238364356404cf5
Description-tr: arcade action puzzle game - debug
 Zaz is an arcade action puzzle game where the goal is to get rid of all
 incoming balls by rearranging their order.
 Bu paket, hata ayıklama simgelerini içerir.

Package: zsh-beta-doc
Description-md5: 3e59440439852ab1712987de9c5e7e98
Description-tr: zsh beta documentation - info/HTML format
 Zsh is a UNIX command interpreter (shell) usable as an interactive login
 shell and as a shell script command processor. Of the standard shells, zsh
 most closely resembles ksh but includes many enhancements. Zsh has
 command-line editing, built-in spelling correction, programmable command
 completion, shell functions (with autoloading), a history mechanism, and a
 host of other features.
 Bu paket, GNU info ve HTML biçimlerinde belgelendirmeyi içerir.