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ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff80 % ffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffff80 %%EndImage %%EndPreview %!PS-Adobe-3.0 %%BoundingBox: (atend) %%Pages: (atend) %%PageOrder: (atend) %%DocumentFonts: (atend) %%Creator: Frame 4.0 %%DocumentData: Clean7Bit %%EndComments %%BeginProlog % % Frame ps_prolog 4.0, for use with Frame 4.0 products % This ps_prolog file is Copyright (c) 1986-1993 Frame Technology % Corporation. All rights reserved. This ps_prolog file may be % freely copied and distributed in conjunction with documents created % using FrameMaker, FrameBuilder and FrameViewer as long as this % copyright notice is preserved. % % Frame products normally print colors as their true color on a color printer % or as shades of gray, based on luminance, on a black-and white printer. The % following flag, if set to True, forces all non-white colors to print as pure % black. This has no effect on bitmap images. /FMPrintAllColorsAsBlack false def % % Frame products can either set their own line screens or use a printer's % default settings. Three flags below control this separately for no % separations, spot separations and process separations. If a flag % is true, then the default printer settings will not be changed. If it is % false, Frame products will use their own settings from a table based on % the printer's resolution. /FMUseDefaultNoSeparationScreen true def /FMUseDefaultSpotSeparationScreen true def /FMUseDefaultProcessSeparationScreen false def % % For any given PostScript printer resolution, Frame products have two sets of % screen angles and frequencies for printing process separations, which are % recomended by Adobe. The following variable chooses the higher frequencies % when set to true or the lower frequencies when set to false. This is only % effective if the appropriate FMUseDefault...SeparationScreen flag is false. /FMUseHighFrequencyScreens true def % % PostScript Level 2 printers contain an "Accurate Screens" feature which can % improve process separation rendering at the expense of compute time. This % flag is ignored by PostScript Level 1 printers. /FMUseAcccurateScreens true def % % The following PostScript procedure defines the spot function that Frame % products will use for process separations. You may un-comment-out one of % the alternative functions below, or use your own. % % Dot function /FMSpotFunction {abs exch abs 2 copy add 1 gt {1 sub dup mul exch 1 sub dup mul add 1 sub } {dup mul exch dup mul add 1 exch sub }ifelse } def % % Line function % /FMSpotFunction { pop } def % % Elipse function % /FMSpotFunction { dup 5 mul 8 div mul exch dup mul exch add % sqrt 1 exch sub } def % % /FMversion (4.0) def /FMLevel1 /languagelevel where {pop languagelevel} {1} ifelse 2 lt def /FMPColor FMLevel1 { false /colorimage where {pop pop true} if } { true } ifelse def /FrameDict 400 dict def systemdict /errordict known not {/errordict 10 dict def errordict /rangecheck {stop} put} if % The readline in PS 23.0 doesn't recognize cr's as nl's on AppleTalk FrameDict /tmprangecheck errordict /rangecheck get put errordict /rangecheck {FrameDict /bug true put} put FrameDict /bug false put mark % Some PS machines read past the CR, so keep the following 3 lines together! currentfile 5 string readline 00 0000000000 cleartomark errordict /rangecheck FrameDict /tmprangecheck get put FrameDict /bug get { /readline { /gstring exch def /gfile exch def /gindex 0 def { gfile read pop dup 10 eq {exit} if dup 13 eq {exit} if gstring exch gindex exch put /gindex gindex 1 add def } loop pop gstring 0 gindex getinterval true } bind def } if /FMshowpage /showpage load def /FMquit /quit load def /FMFAILURE { dup = flush FMshowpage /Helvetica findfont 12 scalefont setfont 72 200 moveto show FMshowpage FMquit } def /FMVERSION { FMversion ne { (Frame product version does not match ps_prolog!) FMFAILURE } if } def /FMBADEPSF { (PostScript Lang. Ref. Man., 2nd Ed., H.2.4 says EPS must not call X ) dup dup (X) search pop exch pop exch pop length 4 -1 roll putinterval FMFAILURE } def /FMLOCAL { FrameDict begin 0 def end } def /concatprocs { /proc2 exch cvlit def/proc1 exch cvlit def/newproc proc1 length proc2 length add array def newproc 0 proc1 putinterval newproc proc1 length proc2 putinterval newproc cvx }def FrameDict begin /FMnone 0 def /FMcyan 1 def /FMmagenta 2 def /FMyellow 3 def /FMblack 4 def /FMcustom 5 def /FrameNegative false def /FrameSepIs FMnone def /FrameSepBlack 0 def /FrameSepYellow 0 def /FrameSepMagenta 0 def /FrameSepCyan 0 def /FrameSepRed 1 def /FrameSepGreen 1 def /FrameSepBlue 1 def /FrameCurGray 1 def /FrameCurPat null def /FrameCurColors [ 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 ] def /FrameColorEpsilon .001 def /eqepsilon { sub dup 0 lt {neg} if FrameColorEpsilon le } bind def /FrameCmpColorsCMYK { 2 copy 0 get exch 0 get eqepsilon { 2 copy 1 get exch 1 get eqepsilon { 2 copy 2 get exch 2 get eqepsilon { 3 get exch 3 get eqepsilon } {pop pop false} ifelse }{pop pop false} ifelse } {pop pop false} ifelse } bind def /FrameCmpColorsRGB { 2 copy 4 get exch 0 get eqepsilon { 2 copy 5 get exch 1 get eqepsilon { 6 get exch 2 get eqepsilon }{pop pop false} ifelse } {pop pop false} ifelse } bind def /RGBtoCMYK { 1 exch sub 3 1 roll 1 exch sub 3 1 roll 1 exch sub 3 1 roll 3 copy 2 copy le { pop } { exch pop } ifelse 2 copy le { pop } { exch pop } ifelse dup dup dup 6 1 roll 4 1 roll 7 1 roll sub 6 1 roll sub 5 1 roll sub 4 1 roll } bind def /CMYKtoRGB { dup dup 4 -1 roll add 5 1 roll 3 -1 roll add 4 1 roll add 1 exch sub dup 0 lt {pop 0} if 3 1 roll 1 exch sub dup 0 lt {pop 0} if exch 1 exch sub dup 0 lt {pop 0} if exch } bind def /FrameSepInit { 1.0 RealSetgray } bind def /FrameSetSepColor { /FrameSepBlue exch def /FrameSepGreen exch def /FrameSepRed exch def /FrameSepBlack exch def /FrameSepYellow exch def /FrameSepMagenta exch def /FrameSepCyan exch def /FrameSepIs FMcustom def setCurrentScreen } bind def /FrameSetCyan { /FrameSepBlue 1.0 def /FrameSepGreen 1.0 def /FrameSepRed 0.0 def /FrameSepBlack 0.0 def /FrameSepYellow 0.0 def /FrameSepMagenta 0.0 def /FrameSepCyan 1.0 def /FrameSepIs FMcyan def setCurrentScreen } bind def /FrameSetMagenta { /FrameSepBlue 1.0 def /FrameSepGreen 0.0 def /FrameSepRed 1.0 def /FrameSepBlack 0.0 def /FrameSepYellow 0.0 def /FrameSepMagenta 1.0 def /FrameSepCyan 0.0 def /FrameSepIs FMmagenta def setCurrentScreen } bind def /FrameSetYellow { /FrameSepBlue 0.0 def /FrameSepGreen 1.0 def /FrameSepRed 1.0 def /FrameSepBlack 0.0 def /FrameSepYellow 1.0 def /FrameSepMagenta 0.0 def /FrameSepCyan 0.0 def /FrameSepIs FMyellow def setCurrentScreen } bind def /FrameSetBlack { /FrameSepBlue 0.0 def /FrameSepGreen 0.0 def /FrameSepRed 0.0 def /FrameSepBlack 1.0 def /FrameSepYellow 0.0 def /FrameSepMagenta 0.0 def /FrameSepCyan 0.0 def /FrameSepIs FMblack def setCurrentScreen } bind def /FrameNoSep { /FrameSepIs FMnone def setCurrentScreen } bind def /FrameSetSepColors { FrameDict begin [ exch 1 add 1 roll ] /FrameSepColors exch def end } bind def /FrameColorInSepListCMYK { FrameSepColors { exch dup 3 -1 roll FrameCmpColorsCMYK { pop true exit } if } forall dup true ne {pop false} if } bind def /FrameColorInSepListRGB { FrameSepColors { exch dup 3 -1 roll FrameCmpColorsRGB { pop true exit } if } forall dup true ne {pop false} if } bind def /RealSetgray /setgray load def /RealSetrgbcolor /setrgbcolor load def /RealSethsbcolor /sethsbcolor load def end /setgray { FrameDict begin FrameSepIs FMnone eq { RealSetgray } { FrameSepIs FMblack eq { RealSetgray } { FrameSepIs FMcustom eq FrameSepRed 0 eq and FrameSepGreen 0 eq and FrameSepBlue 0 eq and { RealSetgray } { 1 RealSetgray pop } ifelse } ifelse } ifelse end } bind def /setrgbcolor { FrameDict begin FrameSepIs FMnone eq { RealSetrgbcolor } { 3 copy [ 4 1 roll ] FrameColorInSepListRGB { FrameSepBlue eq exch FrameSepGreen eq and exch FrameSepRed eq and { 0 } { 1 } ifelse } { FMPColor { RealSetrgbcolor currentcmykcolor } { RGBtoCMYK } ifelse FrameSepIs FMblack eq {1.0 exch sub 4 1 roll pop pop pop} { FrameSepIs FMyellow eq {pop 1.0 exch sub 3 1 roll pop pop} { FrameSepIs FMmagenta eq {pop pop 1.0 exch sub exch pop } { FrameSepIs FMcyan eq {pop pop pop 1.0 exch sub } {pop pop pop pop 1} ifelse } ifelse } ifelse } ifelse } ifelse RealSetgray } ifelse end } bind def /sethsbcolor { FrameDict begin FrameSepIs FMnone eq { RealSethsbcolor } { RealSethsbcolor currentrgbcolor setrgbcolor } ifelse end } bind def FrameDict begin /setcmykcolor where { pop /RealSetcmykcolor /setcmykcolor load def } { /RealSetcmykcolor { 4 1 roll 3 { 3 index add 0 max 1 min 1 exch sub 3 1 roll} repeat setrgbcolor pop } bind def } ifelse userdict /setcmykcolor { FrameDict begin FrameSepIs FMnone eq { RealSetcmykcolor } { 4 copy [ 5 1 roll ] FrameColorInSepListCMYK { FrameSepBlack eq exch FrameSepYellow eq and exch FrameSepMagenta eq and exch FrameSepCyan eq and { 0 } { 1 } ifelse } { FrameSepIs FMblack eq {1.0 exch sub 4 1 roll pop pop pop} { FrameSepIs FMyellow eq {pop 1.0 exch sub 3 1 roll pop pop} { FrameSepIs FMmagenta eq {pop pop 1.0 exch sub exch pop } { FrameSepIs FMcyan eq {pop pop pop 1.0 exch sub } {pop pop pop pop 1} ifelse } ifelse } ifelse } ifelse } ifelse RealSetgray } ifelse end } bind put FMLevel1 not { /patProcDict 5 dict dup begin <0f1e3c78f0e1c387> { 3 setlinewidth -1 -1 moveto 9 9 lineto stroke 4 -4 moveto 12 4 lineto stroke -4 4 moveto 4 12 lineto stroke} bind def <0f87c3e1f0783c1e> { 3 setlinewidth -1 9 moveto 9 -1 lineto stroke -4 4 moveto 4 -4 lineto stroke 4 12 moveto 12 4 lineto stroke} bind def <8142241818244281> { 1 setlinewidth -1 9 moveto 9 -1 lineto stroke -1 -1 moveto 9 9 lineto stroke } bind def <03060c183060c081> { 1 setlinewidth -1 -1 moveto 9 9 lineto stroke 4 -4 moveto 12 4 lineto stroke -4 4 moveto 4 12 lineto stroke} bind def <8040201008040201> { 1 setlinewidth -1 9 moveto 9 -1 lineto stroke -4 4 moveto 4 -4 lineto stroke 4 12 moveto 12 4 lineto stroke} bind def end def /patDict 15 dict dup begin /PatternType 1 def /PaintType 2 def /TilingType 3 def /BBox [ 0 0 8 8 ] def /XStep 8 def /YStep 8 def /PaintProc { begin patProcDict bstring known { patProcDict bstring get exec } { 8 8 true [1 0 0 -1 0 8] bstring imagemask } ifelse end } bind def end def } if /combineColor { FrameSepIs FMnone eq { graymode FMLevel1 or not { [/Pattern [/DeviceCMYK]] setcolorspace FrameCurColors 0 4 getinterval aload pop FrameCurPat setcolor } { FrameCurColors 3 get 1.0 ge { FrameCurGray RealSetgray } { FMPColor graymode and { 0 1 3 { FrameCurColors exch get 1 FrameCurGray sub mul } for RealSetcmykcolor } { 4 1 6 { FrameCurColors exch get graymode { 1 exch sub 1 FrameCurGray sub mul 1 exch sub } { 1.0 lt {FrameCurGray} {1} ifelse } ifelse } for RealSetrgbcolor } ifelse } ifelse } ifelse } { FrameCurColors 0 4 getinterval aload FrameColorInSepListCMYK { FrameSepBlack eq exch FrameSepYellow eq and exch FrameSepMagenta eq and exch FrameSepCyan eq and FrameSepIs FMcustom eq and { FrameCurGray } { 1 } ifelse } { FrameSepIs FMblack eq {FrameCurGray 1.0 exch sub mul 1.0 exch sub 4 1 roll pop pop pop} { FrameSepIs FMyellow eq {pop FrameCurGray 1.0 exch sub mul 1.0 exch sub 3 1 roll pop pop} { FrameSepIs FMmagenta eq {pop pop FrameCurGray 1.0 exch sub mul 1.0 exch sub exch pop } { FrameSepIs FMcyan eq {pop pop pop FrameCurGray 1.0 exch sub mul 1.0 exch sub } {pop pop pop pop 1} ifelse } ifelse } ifelse } ifelse } ifelse graymode FMLevel1 or not { [/Pattern [/DeviceGray]] setcolorspace FrameCurPat setcolor } { graymode not FMLevel1 and { dup 1 lt {pop FrameCurGray} if } if RealSetgray } ifelse } ifelse } bind def /savematrix { orgmatrix currentmatrix pop } bind def /restorematrix { orgmatrix setmatrix } bind def /dmatrix matrix def /dpi 72 0 dmatrix defaultmatrix dtransform dup mul exch dup mul add sqrt def /freq dpi dup 72 div round dup 0 eq {pop 1} if 8 mul div def /sangle 1 0 dmatrix defaultmatrix dtransform exch atan def /dpiranges [ 2540 2400 1693 1270 1200 635 600 0 ] def /CMLowFreqs [ 100.402 94.8683 89.2289 100.402 94.8683 66.9349 63.2456 47.4342 ] def /YLowFreqs [ 95.25 90.0 84.65 95.25 90.0 70.5556 66.6667 50.0 ] def /KLowFreqs [ 89.8026 84.8528 79.8088 89.8026 84.8528 74.8355 70.7107 53.033 ] def /CLowAngles [ 71.5651 71.5651 71.5651 71.5651 71.5651 71.5651 71.5651 71.5651 ] def /MLowAngles [ 18.4349 18.4349 18.4349 18.4349 18.4349 18.4349 18.4349 18.4349 ] def /YLowTDot [ true true false true true false false false ] def /CMHighFreqs [ 133.87 126.491 133.843 108.503 102.523 100.402 94.8683 63.2456 ] def /YHighFreqs [ 127.0 120.0 126.975 115.455 109.091 95.25 90.0 60.0 ] def /KHighFreqs [ 119.737 113.137 119.713 128.289 121.218 89.8026 84.8528 63.6395 ] def /CHighAngles [ 71.5651 71.5651 71.5651 70.0169 70.0169 71.5651 71.5651 71.5651 ] def /MHighAngles [ 18.4349 18.4349 18.4349 19.9831 19.9831 18.4349 18.4349 18.4349 ] def /YHighTDot [ false false true false false true true false ] def /PatFreq [ 10.5833 10.0 9.4055 10.5833 10.0 10.5833 10.0 9.375 ] def /screenIndex { 0 1 dpiranges length 1 sub { dup dpiranges exch get 1 sub dpi le {exit} {pop} ifelse } for } bind def /getCyanScreen { FMUseHighFrequencyScreens { CHighAngles CMHighFreqs} {CLowAngles CMLowFreqs} ifelse screenIndex dup 3 1 roll get 3 1 roll get /FMSpotFunction load } bind def /getMagentaScreen { FMUseHighFrequencyScreens { MHighAngles CMHighFreqs } {MLowAngles CMLowFreqs} ifelse screenIndex dup 3 1 roll get 3 1 roll get /FMSpotFunction load } bind def /getYellowScreen { FMUseHighFrequencyScreens { YHighTDot YHighFreqs} { YLowTDot YLowFreqs } ifelse screenIndex dup 3 1 roll get 3 1 roll get { 3 div {2 { 1 add 2 div 3 mul dup floor sub 2 mul 1 sub exch} repeat FMSpotFunction } } {/FMSpotFunction load } ifelse 0.0 exch } bind def /getBlackScreen { FMUseHighFrequencyScreens { KHighFreqs } { KLowFreqs } ifelse screenIndex get 45.0 /FMSpotFunction load } bind def /getSpotScreen { getBlackScreen } bind def /getCompositeScreen { getBlackScreen } bind def /FMSetScreen FMLevel1 { /setscreen load }{ { 8 dict begin /HalftoneType 1 def /SpotFunction exch def /Angle exch def /Frequency exch def /AccurateScreens FMUseAcccurateScreens def currentdict end sethalftone } bind } ifelse def /setDefaultScreen { FMPColor { orgrxfer cvx orggxfer cvx orgbxfer cvx orgxfer cvx setcolortransfer } { orgxfer cvx settransfer } ifelse orgfreq organgle orgproc cvx setscreen } bind def /setCurrentScreen { FrameSepIs FMnone eq { FMUseDefaultNoSeparationScreen { setDefaultScreen } { getCompositeScreen FMSetScreen } ifelse } { FrameSepIs FMcustom eq { FMUseDefaultSpotSeparationScreen { setDefaultScreen } { getSpotScreen FMSetScreen } ifelse } { FMUseDefaultProcessSeparationScreen { setDefaultScreen } { FrameSepIs FMcyan eq { getCyanScreen FMSetScreen } { FrameSepIs FMmagenta eq { getMagentaScreen FMSetScreen } { FrameSepIs FMyellow eq { getYellowScreen FMSetScreen } { getBlackScreen FMSetScreen } ifelse } ifelse } ifelse } ifelse } ifelse } ifelse } bind def end /gstring FMLOCAL /gfile FMLOCAL /gindex FMLOCAL /orgrxfer FMLOCAL /orggxfer FMLOCAL /orgbxfer FMLOCAL /orgxfer FMLOCAL /orgproc FMLOCAL /orgrproc FMLOCAL /orggproc FMLOCAL /orgbproc FMLOCAL /organgle FMLOCAL /orgrangle FMLOCAL /orggangle FMLOCAL /orgbangle FMLOCAL /orgfreq FMLOCAL /orgrfreq FMLOCAL /orggfreq FMLOCAL /orgbfreq FMLOCAL /yscale FMLOCAL /xscale FMLOCAL /edown FMLOCAL /manualfeed FMLOCAL /paperheight FMLOCAL /paperwidth FMLOCAL /FMDOCUMENT { array /FMfonts exch def /#copies exch def FrameDict begin 0 ne /manualfeed exch def /paperheight exch def /paperwidth exch def 0 ne /FrameNegative exch def 0 ne /edown exch def /yscale exch def /xscale exch def FMLevel1 { }{ } ifelse FMPColor { currentcolorscreen cvlit /orgproc exch def /organgle exch def /orgfreq exch def cvlit /orgbproc exch def /orgbangle exch def /orgbfreq exch def cvlit /orggproc exch def /orggangle exch def /orggfreq exch def cvlit /orgrproc exch def /orgrangle exch def /orgrfreq exch def currentcolortransfer FrameNegative { 1 1 4 { pop { 1 exch sub } concatprocs 4 1 roll } for 4 copy setcolortransfer } if cvlit /orgxfer exch def cvlit /orgbxfer exch def cvlit /orggxfer exch def cvlit /orgrxfer exch def } { currentscreen cvlit /orgproc exch def /organgle exch def /orgfreq exch def currenttransfer FrameNegative { { 1 exch sub } concatprocs dup settransfer } if cvlit /orgxfer exch def } ifelse end } def /pagesave FMLOCAL /orgmatrix FMLOCAL /landscape FMLOCAL /pwid FMLOCAL /FMBEGINPAGE { FrameDict begin /pagesave save def 3.86 setmiterlimit /landscape exch 0 ne def landscape { 90 rotate 0 exch dup /pwid exch def neg translate pop }{ pop /pwid exch def } ifelse edown { [-1 0 0 1 pwid 0] concat } if xscale yscale scale /orgmatrix matrix def gsave } def /FMENDPAGE { grestore pagesave restore end showpage } def /FMFONTDEFINE { FrameDict begin findfont ReEncode 1 index exch definefont FMfonts 3 1 roll put end } def /FMFILLS { FrameDict begin dup array /fillvals exch def dict /patCache exch def end } def /FMFILL { FrameDict begin fillvals 3 1 roll put end } def /FMNORMALIZEGRAPHICS { newpath 0.0 0.0 moveto 1 setlinewidth 0 setlinecap 0 0 0 sethsbcolor 0 setgray } bind def /fx FMLOCAL /fy FMLOCAL /fh FMLOCAL /fw FMLOCAL /llx FMLOCAL /lly FMLOCAL /urx FMLOCAL /ury FMLOCAL /FMBEGINEPSF { end /FMEPSF save def /showpage {} def % See Adobe's "PostScript Language Reference Manual, 2nd Edition", page 714. % "...the following operators MUST NOT be used in an EPS file:" (emphasis ours) /banddevice {(banddevice) FMBADEPSF} def /clear {(clear) FMBADEPSF} def /cleardictstack {(cleardictstack) FMBADEPSF} def /copypage {(copypage) FMBADEPSF} def /erasepage {(erasepage) FMBADEPSF} def /exitserver {(exitserver) FMBADEPSF} def /framedevice {(framedevice) FMBADEPSF} def /grestoreall {(grestoreall) FMBADEPSF} def /initclip {(initclip) FMBADEPSF} def /initgraphics {(initgraphics) FMBADEPSF} def /initmatrix {(initmatrix) FMBADEPSF} def /quit {(quit) FMBADEPSF} def /renderbands {(renderbands) FMBADEPSF} def /setglobal {(setglobal) FMBADEPSF} def /setpagedevice {(setpagedevice) FMBADEPSF} def /setshared {(setshared) FMBADEPSF} def /startjob {(startjob) FMBADEPSF} def /lettertray {(lettertray) FMBADEPSF} def /letter {(letter) FMBADEPSF} def /lettersmall {(lettersmall) FMBADEPSF} def /11x17tray {(11x17tray) FMBADEPSF} def /11x17 {(11x17) FMBADEPSF} def /ledgertray {(ledgertray) FMBADEPSF} def /ledger {(ledger) FMBADEPSF} def /legaltray {(legaltray) FMBADEPSF} def /legal {(legal) FMBADEPSF} def /statementtray {(statementtray) FMBADEPSF} def /statement {(statement) FMBADEPSF} def /executivetray {(executivetray) FMBADEPSF} def /executive {(executive) FMBADEPSF} def /a3tray {(a3tray) FMBADEPSF} def /a3 {(a3) FMBADEPSF} def /a4tray {(a4tray) FMBADEPSF} def /a4 {(a4) FMBADEPSF} def /a4small {(a4small) FMBADEPSF} def /b4tray {(b4tray) FMBADEPSF} def /b4 {(b4) FMBADEPSF} def /b5tray {(b5tray) FMBADEPSF} def /b5 {(b5) FMBADEPSF} def FMNORMALIZEGRAPHICS [/fy /fx /fh /fw /ury /urx /lly /llx] {exch def} forall fx fw 2 div add fy fh 2 div add translate rotate fw 2 div neg fh 2 div neg translate fw urx llx sub div fh ury lly sub div scale llx neg lly neg translate /FMdicttop countdictstack 1 add def /FMoptop count def } bind def /FMENDEPSF { count -1 FMoptop {pop pop} for countdictstack -1 FMdicttop {pop end} for FMEPSF restore FrameDict begin } bind def FrameDict begin /setmanualfeed { %%BeginFeature *ManualFeed True statusdict /manualfeed true put %%EndFeature } bind def /max {2 copy lt {exch} if pop} bind def /min {2 copy gt {exch} if pop} bind def /inch {72 mul} def /pagedimen { paperheight sub abs 16 lt exch paperwidth sub abs 16 lt and {/papername exch def} {pop} ifelse } bind def /papersizedict FMLOCAL /setpapername { /papersizedict 14 dict def papersizedict begin /papername /unknown def /Letter 8.5 inch 11.0 inch pagedimen /LetterSmall 7.68 inch 10.16 inch pagedimen /Tabloid 11.0 inch 17.0 inch pagedimen /Ledger 17.0 inch 11.0 inch pagedimen /Legal 8.5 inch 14.0 inch pagedimen /Statement 5.5 inch 8.5 inch pagedimen /Executive 7.5 inch 10.0 inch pagedimen /A3 11.69 inch 16.5 inch pagedimen /A4 8.26 inch 11.69 inch pagedimen /A4Small 7.47 inch 10.85 inch pagedimen /B4 10.125 inch 14.33 inch pagedimen /B5 7.16 inch 10.125 inch pagedimen end } bind def /papersize { papersizedict begin /Letter {lettertray letter} def /LetterSmall {lettertray lettersmall} def /Tabloid {11x17tray 11x17} def /Ledger {ledgertray ledger} def /Legal {legaltray legal} def /Statement {statementtray statement} def /Executive {executivetray executive} def /A3 {a3tray a3} def /A4 {a4tray a4} def /A4Small {a4tray a4small} def /B4 {b4tray b4} def /B5 {b5tray b5} def /unknown {unknown} def papersizedict dup papername known {papername} {/unknown} ifelse get end statusdict begin stopped end } bind def /manualpapersize { papersizedict begin /Letter {letter} def /LetterSmall {lettersmall} def /Tabloid {11x17} def /Ledger {ledger} def /Legal {legal} def /Statement {statement} def /Executive {executive} def /A3 {a3} def /A4 {a4} def /A4Small {a4small} def /B4 {b4} def /B5 {b5} def /unknown {unknown} def papersizedict dup papername known {papername} {/unknown} ifelse get end stopped } bind def /desperatepapersize { statusdict /setpageparams known { paperwidth paperheight 0 1 statusdict begin {setpageparams} stopped end } {true} ifelse } bind def /DiacriticEncoding [ /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /space /exclam /quotedbl /numbersign /dollar /percent /ampersand /quotesingle /parenleft /parenright /asterisk /plus /comma /hyphen /period /slash /zero /one /two /three /four /five /six /seven /eight /nine /colon /semicolon /less /equal /greater /question /at /A /B /C /D /E /F /G /H /I /J /K /L /M /N /O /P /Q /R /S /T /U /V /W /X /Y /Z /bracketleft /backslash /bracketright /asciicircum /underscore /grave /a /b /c /d /e /f /g /h /i /j /k /l /m /n /o /p /q /r /s /t /u /v /w /x /y /z /braceleft /bar /braceright /asciitilde /.notdef /Adieresis /Aring /Ccedilla /Eacute /Ntilde /Odieresis /Udieresis /aacute /agrave /acircumflex /adieresis /atilde /aring /ccedilla /eacute /egrave /ecircumflex /edieresis /iacute /igrave /icircumflex /idieresis /ntilde /oacute /ograve /ocircumflex /odieresis /otilde /uacute /ugrave /ucircumflex /udieresis /dagger /.notdef /cent /sterling /section /bullet /paragraph /germandbls /registered /copyright /trademark /acute /dieresis /.notdef /AE /Oslash /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /yen /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /.notdef /ordfeminine /ordmasculine /.notdef /ae /oslash /questiondown /exclamdown /logicalnot /.notdef /florin /.notdef /.notdef /guillemotleft /guillemotright /ellipsis /.notdef /Agrave /Atilde /Otilde /OE /oe /endash /emdash /quotedblleft /quotedblright /quoteleft /quoteright /.notdef /.notdef /ydieresis /Ydieresis /fraction /currency /guilsinglleft /guilsinglright /fi /fl /daggerdbl /periodcentered /quotesinglbase /quotedblbase /perthousand /Acircumflex /Ecircumflex /Aacute /Edieresis /Egrave /Iacute /Icircumflex /Idieresis /Igrave /Oacute /Ocircumflex /.notdef /Ograve /Uacute /Ucircumflex /Ugrave /dotlessi /circumflex /tilde /macron /breve /dotaccent /ring /cedilla /hungarumlaut /ogonek /caron ] def /ReEncode { dup length dict begin { 1 index /FID ne {def} {pop pop} ifelse } forall 0 eq {/Encoding DiacriticEncoding def} if currentdict end } bind def FMPColor { /BEGINBITMAPCOLOR { BITMAPCOLOR} def /BEGINBITMAPCOLORc { BITMAPCOLORc} def /BEGINBITMAPTRUECOLOR { BITMAPTRUECOLOR } def /BEGINBITMAPTRUECOLORc { BITMAPTRUECOLORc } def } { /BEGINBITMAPCOLOR { BITMAPGRAY} def /BEGINBITMAPCOLORc { BITMAPGRAYc} def /BEGINBITMAPTRUECOLOR { BITMAPTRUEGRAY } def /BEGINBITMAPTRUECOLORc { BITMAPTRUEGRAYc } def } ifelse /K { FMPrintAllColorsAsBlack { dup 1 eq 2 index 1 eq and 3 index 1 eq and not {7 {pop} repeat 0 0 0 1 0 0 0} if } if FrameCurColors astore pop combineColor } bind def /graymode true def /bwidth FMLOCAL /bpside FMLOCAL /bstring FMLOCAL /onbits FMLOCAL /offbits FMLOCAL /xindex FMLOCAL /yindex FMLOCAL /x FMLOCAL /y FMLOCAL /setPatternMode { FMLevel1 { /bwidth exch def /bpside exch def /bstring exch def /onbits 0 def /offbits 0 def freq sangle landscape {90 add} if {/y exch def /x exch def /xindex x 1 add 2 div bpside mul cvi def /yindex y 1 add 2 div bpside mul cvi def bstring yindex bwidth mul xindex 8 idiv add get 1 7 xindex 8 mod sub bitshift and 0 ne FrameNegative {not} if {/onbits onbits 1 add def 1} {/offbits offbits 1 add def 0} ifelse } setscreen offbits offbits onbits add div FrameNegative {1.0 exch sub} if /FrameCurGray exch def } { pop pop dup patCache exch known { patCache exch get } { dup patDict /bstring 3 -1 roll put patDict 9 PatFreq screenIndex get div dup matrix scale makepattern dup patCache 4 -1 roll 3 -1 roll put } ifelse /FrameCurGray 0 def /FrameCurPat exch def } ifelse /graymode false def combineColor } bind def /setGrayScaleMode { graymode not { /graymode true def FMLevel1 { setCurrentScreen } if } if /FrameCurGray exch def combineColor } bind def /normalize { transform round exch round exch itransform } bind def /dnormalize { dtransform round exch round exch idtransform } bind def /lnormalize { 0 dtransform exch cvi 2 idiv 2 mul 1 add exch idtransform pop } bind def /H { lnormalize setlinewidth } bind def /Z { setlinecap } bind def /PFill { graymode FMLevel1 or not { gsave 1 setgray eofill grestore } if } bind def /PStroke { graymode FMLevel1 or not { gsave 1 setgray stroke grestore } if stroke } bind def /fillvals FMLOCAL /X { fillvals exch get dup type /stringtype eq {8 1 setPatternMode} {setGrayScaleMode} ifelse } bind def /V { PFill gsave eofill grestore } bind def /Vclip { clip } bind def /Vstrk { currentlinewidth exch setlinewidth PStroke setlinewidth } bind def /N { PStroke } bind def /Nclip { strokepath clip newpath } bind def /Nstrk { currentlinewidth exch setlinewidth PStroke setlinewidth } bind def /M {newpath moveto} bind def /E {lineto} bind def /D {curveto} bind def /O {closepath} bind def /n FMLOCAL /L { /n exch def newpath normalize moveto 2 1 n {pop normalize lineto} for } bind def /Y { L closepath } bind def /x1 FMLOCAL /x2 FMLOCAL /y1 FMLOCAL /y2 FMLOCAL /R { /y2 exch def /x2 exch def /y1 exch def /x1 exch def x1 y1 x2 y1 x2 y2 x1 y2 4 Y } bind def /rad FMLOCAL /rarc {rad arcto } bind def /RR { /rad exch def normalize /y2 exch def /x2 exch def normalize /y1 exch def /x1 exch def mark newpath { x1 y1 rad add moveto x1 y2 x2 y2 rarc x2 y2 x2 y1 rarc x2 y1 x1 y1 rarc x1 y1 x1 y2 rarc closepath } stopped {x1 y1 x2 y2 R} if cleartomark } bind def /RRR { /rad exch def normalize /y4 exch def /x4 exch def normalize /y3 exch def /x3 exch def normalize /y2 exch def /x2 exch def normalize /y1 exch def /x1 exch def newpath normalize moveto mark { x2 y2 x3 y3 rarc x3 y3 x4 y4 rarc x4 y4 x1 y1 rarc x1 y1 x2 y2 rarc closepath } stopped {x1 y1 x2 y2 x3 y3 x4 y4 newpath moveto lineto lineto lineto closepath} if cleartomark } bind def /C { grestore gsave R clip setCurrentScreen } bind def /CP { grestore gsave Y clip setCurrentScreen } bind def /FMpointsize FMLOCAL /F { FMfonts exch get FMpointsize scalefont setfont } bind def /Q { /FMpointsize exch def F } bind def /T { moveto show } bind def /RF { rotate 0 ne {-1 1 scale} if } bind def /TF { gsave moveto RF show grestore } bind def /P { moveto 0 32 3 2 roll widthshow } bind def /PF { gsave moveto RF 0 32 3 2 roll widthshow grestore } bind def /S { moveto 0 exch ashow } bind def /SF { gsave moveto RF 0 exch ashow grestore } bind def /B { moveto 0 32 4 2 roll 0 exch awidthshow } bind def /BF { gsave moveto RF 0 32 4 2 roll 0 exch awidthshow grestore } bind def /G { gsave newpath normalize translate 0.0 0.0 moveto dnormalize scale 0.0 0.0 1.0 5 3 roll arc closepath PFill fill grestore } bind def /Gstrk { savematrix newpath 2 index 2 div add exch 3 index 2 div sub exch normalize 2 index 2 div sub exch 3 index 2 div add exch translate scale 0.0 0.0 1.0 5 3 roll arc restorematrix currentlinewidth exch setlinewidth PStroke setlinewidth } bind def /Gclip { newpath savematrix normalize translate 0.0 0.0 moveto dnormalize scale 0.0 0.0 1.0 5 3 roll arc closepath clip newpath restorematrix } bind def /GG { gsave newpath normalize translate 0.0 0.0 moveto rotate dnormalize scale 0.0 0.0 1.0 5 3 roll arc closepath PFill fill grestore } bind def /GGclip { savematrix newpath normalize translate 0.0 0.0 moveto rotate dnormalize scale 0.0 0.0 1.0 5 3 roll arc closepath clip newpath restorematrix } bind def /GGstrk { savematrix newpath normalize translate 0.0 0.0 moveto rotate dnormalize scale 0.0 0.0 1.0 5 3 roll arc closepath restorematrix currentlinewidth exch setlinewidth PStroke setlinewidth } bind def /A { gsave savematrix newpath 2 index 2 div add exch 3 index 2 div sub exch normalize 2 index 2 div sub exch 3 index 2 div add exch translate scale 0.0 0.0 1.0 5 3 roll arc restorematrix PStroke grestore } bind def /Aclip { newpath savematrix normalize translate 0.0 0.0 moveto dnormalize scale 0.0 0.0 1.0 5 3 roll arc closepath strokepath clip newpath restorematrix } bind def /Astrk { Gstrk } bind def /AA { gsave savematrix newpath 3 index 2 div add exch 4 index 2 div sub exch normalize 3 index 2 div sub exch 4 index 2 div add exch translate rotate scale 0.0 0.0 1.0 5 3 roll arc restorematrix PStroke grestore } bind def /AAclip { savematrix newpath normalize translate 0.0 0.0 moveto rotate dnormalize scale 0.0 0.0 1.0 5 3 roll arc closepath strokepath clip newpath restorematrix } bind def /AAstrk { GGstrk } bind def /x FMLOCAL /y FMLOCAL /w FMLOCAL /h FMLOCAL /xx FMLOCAL /yy FMLOCAL /ww FMLOCAL /hh FMLOCAL /FMsaveobject FMLOCAL /FMoptop FMLOCAL /FMdicttop FMLOCAL /BEGINPRINTCODE { /FMdicttop countdictstack 1 add def /FMoptop count 7 sub def /FMsaveobject save def userdict begin /showpage {} def FMNORMALIZEGRAPHICS 3 index neg 3 index neg translate } bind def /ENDPRINTCODE { count -1 FMoptop {pop pop} for countdictstack -1 FMdicttop {pop end} for FMsaveobject restore } bind def /gn { 0 { 46 mul cf read pop 32 sub dup 46 lt {exit} if 46 sub add } loop add } bind def /str FMLOCAL /cfs { /str sl string def 0 1 sl 1 sub {str exch val put} for str def } bind def /ic [ 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0223 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0223 0 {0 hx} {1 hx} {2 hx} {3 hx} {4 hx} {5 hx} {6 hx} {7 hx} {8 hx} {9 hx} {10 hx} {11 hx} {12 hx} {13 hx} {14 hx} {15 hx} {16 hx} {17 hx} {18 hx} {19 hx} {gn hx} {0} {1} {2} {3} {4} {5} {6} {7} {8} {9} {10} {11} {12} {13} {14} {15} {16} {17} {18} {19} {gn} {0 wh} {1 wh} {2 wh} {3 wh} {4 wh} {5 wh} {6 wh} {7 wh} {8 wh} {9 wh} {10 wh} {11 wh} {12 wh} {13 wh} {14 wh} {gn wh} {0 bl} {1 bl} {2 bl} {3 bl} {4 bl} {5 bl} {6 bl} {7 bl} {8 bl} {9 bl} {10 bl} {11 bl} {12 bl} {13 bl} {14 bl} {gn bl} {0 fl} {1 fl} {2 fl} {3 fl} {4 fl} {5 fl} {6 fl} {7 fl} {8 fl} {9 fl} {10 fl} {11 fl} {12 fl} {13 fl} {14 fl} {gn fl} ] def /sl FMLOCAL /val FMLOCAL /ws FMLOCAL /im FMLOCAL /bs FMLOCAL /cs FMLOCAL /len FMLOCAL /pos FMLOCAL /ms { /sl exch def /val 255 def /ws cfs /im cfs /val 0 def /bs cfs /cs cfs } bind def 400 ms /ip { is 0 cf cs readline pop { ic exch get exec add } forall pop } bind def /rip { bis ris copy pop is 0 cf cs readline pop { ic exch get exec add } forall pop pop ris gis copy pop dup is exch cf cs readline pop { ic exch get exec add } forall pop pop gis bis copy pop dup add is exch cf cs readline pop { ic exch get exec add } forall pop } bind def /wh { /len exch def /pos exch def ws 0 len getinterval im pos len getinterval copy pop pos len } bind def /bl { /len exch def /pos exch def bs 0 len getinterval im pos len getinterval copy pop pos len } bind def /s1 1 string def /fl { /len exch def /pos exch def /val cf s1 readhexstring pop 0 get def pos 1 pos len add 1 sub {im exch val put} for pos len } bind def /hx { 3 copy getinterval cf exch readhexstring pop pop } bind def /h FMLOCAL /w FMLOCAL /d FMLOCAL /lb FMLOCAL /bitmapsave FMLOCAL /is FMLOCAL /cf FMLOCAL /wbytes { dup dup 24 eq { pop pop 3 mul } { 8 eq {pop} {1 eq {7 add 8 idiv} {3 add 4 idiv} ifelse} ifelse } ifelse } bind def /BEGINBITMAPBWc { 1 {} COMMONBITMAPc } bind def /BEGINBITMAPGRAYc { 8 {} COMMONBITMAPc } bind def /BEGINBITMAP2BITc { 2 {} COMMONBITMAPc } bind def /COMMONBITMAPc { /r exch def /d exch def gsave 3 index 2 div add exch 4 index 2 div add exch translate rotate 1 index 2 div neg 1 index 2 div neg translate scale /h exch def /w exch def /lb w d wbytes def sl lb lt {lb ms} if /bitmapsave save def r /is im 0 lb getinterval def ws 0 lb getinterval is copy pop /cf currentfile def w h d [w 0 0 h neg 0 h] {ip} image bitmapsave restore grestore } bind def /BEGINBITMAPBW { 1 {} COMMONBITMAP } bind def /BEGINBITMAPGRAY { 8 {} COMMONBITMAP } bind def /BEGINBITMAP2BIT { 2 {} COMMONBITMAP } bind def /COMMONBITMAP { /r exch def /d exch def gsave 3 index 2 div add exch 4 index 2 div add exch translate rotate 1 index 2 div neg 1 index 2 div neg translate scale /h exch def /w exch def /bitmapsave save def r /is w d wbytes string def /cf currentfile def w h d [w 0 0 h neg 0 h] {cf is readhexstring pop} image bitmapsave restore grestore } bind def /ngrayt 256 array def /nredt 256 array def /nbluet 256 array def /ngreent 256 array def /gryt FMLOCAL /blut FMLOCAL /grnt FMLOCAL /redt FMLOCAL /indx FMLOCAL /cynu FMLOCAL /magu FMLOCAL /yelu FMLOCAL /k FMLOCAL /u FMLOCAL FMLevel1 { /colorsetup { currentcolortransfer /gryt exch def /blut exch def /grnt exch def /redt exch def 0 1 255 { /indx exch def /cynu 1 red indx get 255 div sub def /magu 1 green indx get 255 div sub def /yelu 1 blue indx get 255 div sub def /k cynu magu min yelu min def /u k currentundercolorremoval exec def % /u 0 def nredt indx 1 0 cynu u sub max sub redt exec put ngreent indx 1 0 magu u sub max sub grnt exec put nbluet indx 1 0 yelu u sub max sub blut exec put ngrayt indx 1 k currentblackgeneration exec sub gryt exec put } for {255 mul cvi nredt exch get} {255 mul cvi ngreent exch get} {255 mul cvi nbluet exch get} {255 mul cvi ngrayt exch get} setcolortransfer {pop 0} setundercolorremoval {} setblackgeneration } bind def } { /colorSetup2 { [ /Indexed /DeviceRGB 255 {dup red exch get 255 div exch dup green exch get 255 div exch blue exch get 255 div} ] setcolorspace } bind def } ifelse /tran FMLOCAL /fakecolorsetup { /tran 256 string def 0 1 255 {/indx exch def tran indx red indx get 77 mul green indx get 151 mul blue indx get 28 mul add add 256 idiv put} for currenttransfer {255 mul cvi tran exch get 255.0 div} exch concatprocs settransfer } bind def /BITMAPCOLOR { /d 8 def gsave 3 index 2 div add exch 4 index 2 div add exch translate rotate 1 index 2 div neg 1 index 2 div neg translate scale /h exch def /w exch def /bitmapsave save def FMLevel1 { colorsetup /is w d wbytes string def /cf currentfile def w h d [w 0 0 h neg 0 h] {cf is readhexstring pop} {is} {is} true 3 colorimage } { colorSetup2 /is w d wbytes string def /cf currentfile def 7 dict dup begin /ImageType 1 def /Width w def /Height h def /ImageMatrix [w 0 0 h neg 0 h] def /DataSource {cf is readhexstring pop} bind def /BitsPerComponent d def /Decode [0 255] def end image } ifelse bitmapsave restore grestore } bind def /BITMAPCOLORc { /d 8 def gsave 3 index 2 div add exch 4 index 2 div add exch translate rotate 1 index 2 div neg 1 index 2 div neg translate scale /h exch def /w exch def /lb w d wbytes def sl lb lt {lb ms} if /bitmapsave save def FMLevel1 { colorsetup /is im 0 lb getinterval def ws 0 lb getinterval is copy pop /cf currentfile def w h d [w 0 0 h neg 0 h] {ip} {is} {is} true 3 colorimage } { colorSetup2 /is im 0 lb getinterval def ws 0 lb getinterval is copy pop /cf currentfile def 7 dict dup begin /ImageType 1 def /Width w def /Height h def /ImageMatrix [w 0 0 h neg 0 h] def /DataSource {ip} bind def /BitsPerComponent d def /Decode [0 255] def end image } ifelse bitmapsave restore grestore } bind def /BITMAPTRUECOLORc { /d 24 def gsave 3 index 2 div add exch 4 index 2 div add exch translate rotate 1 index 2 div neg 1 index 2 div neg translate scale /h exch def /w exch def /lb w d wbytes def sl lb lt {lb ms} if /bitmapsave save def /is im 0 lb getinterval def /ris im 0 w getinterval def /gis im w w getinterval def /bis im w 2 mul w getinterval def ws 0 lb getinterval is copy pop /cf currentfile def w h 8 [w 0 0 h neg 0 h] {w rip pop ris} {gis} {bis} true 3 colorimage bitmapsave restore grestore } bind def /BITMAPTRUECOLOR { gsave 3 index 2 div add exch 4 index 2 div add exch translate rotate 1 index 2 div neg 1 index 2 div neg translate scale /h exch def /w exch def /bitmapsave save def /is w string def /gis w string def /bis w string def /cf currentfile def w h 8 [w 0 0 h neg 0 h] { cf is readhexstring pop } { cf gis readhexstring pop } { cf bis readhexstring pop } true 3 colorimage bitmapsave restore grestore } bind def /BITMAPTRUEGRAYc { /d 24 def gsave 3 index 2 div add exch 4 index 2 div add exch translate rotate 1 index 2 div neg 1 index 2 div neg translate scale /h exch def /w exch def /lb w d wbytes def sl lb lt {lb ms} if /bitmapsave save def /is im 0 lb getinterval def /ris im 0 w getinterval def /gis im w w getinterval def /bis im w 2 mul w getinterval def ws 0 lb getinterval is copy pop /cf currentfile def w h 8 [w 0 0 h neg 0 h] {w rip pop ris gis bis w gray} image bitmapsave restore grestore } bind def /ww FMLOCAL /r FMLOCAL /g FMLOCAL /b FMLOCAL /i FMLOCAL /gray { /ww exch def /b exch def /g exch def /r exch def 0 1 ww 1 sub { /i exch def r i get .299 mul g i get .587 mul b i get .114 mul add add r i 3 -1 roll floor cvi put } for r } bind def /BITMAPTRUEGRAY { gsave 3 index 2 div add exch 4 index 2 div add exch translate rotate 1 index 2 div neg 1 index 2 div neg translate scale /h exch def /w exch def 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