-- pg_compare.sql -- -- PURPOSE -- Generate Postgres SQL to compare the attributes (non-PK columns) in -- a staging table to the equivalently-named base table. -- -- NOTES -- 1. The scripts contained in this file that are intended to be called -- directly by the user are: -- COMPARE_COMMON : Produces SQL that represents comparison -- results as categories of "Same", "Different", -- "Old", and "New". -- COMPARE_COMMON_VALS : Produces SQL that shows both base and -- staging values in adjacent columns. -- COMPARE_CHANGES : Produces SQL that shows all primary keys in -- the staging table plus a column named "changes" -- that identifiers whether that row in the -- staging table is new, is a changed version of -- an existing row, or is identical to an -- existing row. -- COMPARE_CHANGED : Produces SQL that shows all primary keys in -- the base table plus a column named "changed" -- that identifiers whether that row exists in -- the staging table, has different data in the -- staging table, or has identical data in the -- staging table. -- 2. These scripts query the information schema to obtain -- the information needed to generate SQL. -- 3. Temporary tables and views created by these scripts all -- begin with "cmp_". -- -- AUTHOR -- Dreas Nielsen (RDN) -- -- COPYRIGHT AND LICENSE -- Copyright (c) 2020 R.Dreas Nielsen -- This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify -- it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by -- the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or -- (at your option) any later version. -- This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, -- but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of -- MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the -- GNU General Public License for more details. -- The GNU General Public License is available at <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/> -- -- VERSION -- 1.1.1 -- -- HISTORY -- Date Remarks -- ---------- ----------------------------------------------------- -- 2020-02-26 Created. v. 1.0.0. RDN. -- 2020-02-27 Added COMPARE_CHANGES and COMPARE_CHANGED. v. 1.1.0. RDN. -- 2020-02-29 Excluded PK columns from output of COMPARE_COMMON_VALS. -- v. 1.1.1. RDN. -- ================================================================== -- ################################################################ -- Script COMPARE_COMMON -- =============================================================== -- -- Generate SQL to compare the attributes of base and staging -- tables for only those primary keys in common. This uses an -- inner join between the tables, and does not include any rows -- with a primary key that is in one table and not the other. -- -- The output includes a column for every column in the base -- table (except those explicitly excluded). Primary key -- columns are populated with primary key values. Attribute -- columns are populated with one of the following tags: -- Same : The value in base and staging tables -- are the same. -- Different : The values in base and staging tables -- are different. -- Old : There is a value in the base table but -- no value (i.e., null) in the staging table. -- New : There is a value in the staging table -- but no value (i.e., null) in the base table. -- -- Required input arguments: -- base_schema : The name of the base table schema. -- staging : The name of the staging schema. -- table : The name of the table to compare. -- The table must have the same name -- in base and staging schemas. -- -- Optional input arguments: -- include_cols : Contains a comma-separated list of single-quoted -- column names in the base table that are the -- *only* attribute columns to be compared. -- exclude_cols : Contains a comma-separated list of single-quoted -- column names in the base table that are not to -- be compared. If 'include_cols' is provided, -- 'exclude_cols' is ignored. -- -- Required output arguments: -- sql_var : The name of the variable into which -- the generated SQL will be stored -- -- Notes -- 1. The generated SQL is not terminated with a semicolon. -- =============================================================== -- !x! BEGIN SCRIPT COMPARE_COMMON with parameters (base_schema, staging, table, sql_var) -- Create a table of primary key columns for the table drop table if exists cmp_primary_key_columns cascade; select k.column_name, k.ordinal_position into temporary table cmp_primary_key_columns from information_schema.table_constraints as tc inner join information_schema.key_column_usage as k on tc.constraint_type = 'PRIMARY KEY' and tc.constraint_name = k.constraint_name and tc.constraint_catalog = k.constraint_catalog and tc.constraint_schema = k.constraint_schema and tc.table_schema = k.table_schema and tc.table_name = k.table_name and tc.constraint_name = k.constraint_name where k.table_name = '!!#table!!' and k.table_schema = '!!#base_schema!!' order by k.ordinal_position ; -- !x! if(not hasrows(cmp_primary_key_columns)) { halt message "Table !!#table!! has no primary key columns." } -- Populate a (temporary) table with the names of the attribute columns -- that are to be compared. -- Include only those columns from the staging table that are also in the base table. -- !x! sub_empty ~col_sel -- !x! if(sub_defined(#include_cols)) -- !x! sub ~col_sel and s.column_name in (!!#include_cols!!) -- !x! elseif(sub_defined(#exclude_cols)) -- !x! sub ~col_sel and s.column_name not in (!!#exclude_cols!!) -- !x! endif drop table if exists cmp_cols cascade; select s.column_name into temporary table cmp_cols from information_schema.columns as s inner join information_schema.columns as b on s.column_name=b.column_name left join cmp_primary_key_columns as pk on pk.column_name = s.column_name where s.table_schema = '!!#staging!!' and s.table_name = '!!#table!!' and b.table_schema = '!!#base_schema!!' and b.table_name = '!!#table!!' and pk.column_name is null !!~col_sel!! order by s.ordinal_position; -- Create the SQL to select primary key columns from the base table. drop view if exists cmp_pkexpr cascade; create temporary view cmp_pkexpr as select string_agg('b.' || column_name, ', ') from cmp_primary_key_columns; -- !x! subdata ~pkcolexpr cmp_pkexpr -- Create the SQL for each column to compare the base (b) and staging (s) tables. alter table cmp_cols add column sql text; update cmp_cols set sql = 'case when b.' || column_name || ' is null then case when s.' || column_name || ' is null then ''Same'' else ''New'' end else case when s.' || column_name || ' is null then ''Old'' else case when b.' || column_name || ' = s.' || column_name || ' then ''Same'' else ''Different'' end end end as ' || column_name ; -- Create the comparison expression for all columns. drop view if exists cmp_compexpr cascade; create temporary view cmp_compexpr as select string_agg(sql, ', ') from cmp_cols; -- !x! subdata ~compexpr cmp_compexpr -- Create a join expression for primary key columns of the base (b) and -- staging (s) tables. drop view if exists cmp_joinexpr cascade; create temporary view cmp_joinexpr as select string_agg('b.' || column_name || ' = s.' || column_name, ' and ') from cmp_primary_key_columns; -- !x! subdata ~joinexpr cmp_joinexpr -- Create and assign the entire SQL. -- !x! sub !!#sql_var!! select !!~pkcolexpr!!, !!~compexpr!! from !!#base_schema!!.!!#table!! as b inner join !!#staging!!.!!#table!! as s on !!~joinexpr!! -- !x! END SCRIPT COMPARE_COMMON -- #################### End of COMPARE_COMMON ################### -- ################################################################ -- ################################################################ -- Script COMPARE_COMMON_VALS -- =============================================================== -- -- Generate SQL to compare the attributes of base and staging -- tables for only those primary keys in common. This uses an -- inner join between the tables, and does not include any rows -- with a primary key that is in one table and not the other. -- -- The output includes two columns for every attribute column in -- the base table (except those explicitly excluded), plus a column -- for every primary key column. Primary key -- columns are populated with primary key values. The two output -- columns for each attribute column in the base table have names that -- match the base table column name plus a suffix of either "_old", -- representing the base table, or "_new", representing the staging -- table. -- -- Required input arguments: -- base_schema : The name of the base table schema. -- staging : The name of the staging schema. -- table : The name of the table to compare. -- The table must have the same name -- in base and staging schemas. -- -- Optional input arguments: -- include_cols : Contains a comma-separated list of single-quoted -- column names in the base table that are the -- *only* attribute columns to be compared. -- exclude_cols : Contains a comma-separated list of single-quoted -- column names in the base table that are not to -- be compared. If 'include_cols' is provided, -- 'exclude_cols' is ignored. -- -- Required output arguments: -- sql_var : The name of the variable into which -- the generated SQL will be stored -- -- Notes -- 1. The generated SQL is not terminated with a semicolon. -- =============================================================== -- !x! BEGIN SCRIPT COMPARE_COMMON_VALS with parameters (base_schema, staging, table, sql_var) -- Create a table of primary key columns for the table drop table if exists cmp_primary_key_columns cascade; select k.column_name, k.ordinal_position into temporary table cmp_primary_key_columns from information_schema.table_constraints as tc inner join information_schema.key_column_usage as k on tc.constraint_type = 'PRIMARY KEY' and tc.constraint_name = k.constraint_name and tc.constraint_catalog = k.constraint_catalog and tc.constraint_schema = k.constraint_schema and tc.table_schema = k.table_schema and tc.table_name = k.table_name and tc.constraint_name = k.constraint_name where k.table_name = '!!#table!!' and k.table_schema = '!!#base_schema!!' order by k.ordinal_position ; -- !x! if(not hasrows(cmp_primary_key_columns)) { halt message "Table !!#table!! has no primary key columns." } -- Populate a (temporary) table with the names of the attribute columns -- that are to be compared. -- Include only those columns from the staging table that are also in the base table. -- !x! sub_empty ~col_sel -- !x! if(sub_defined(#include_cols)) -- !x! sub ~col_sel and s.column_name in (!!#include_cols!!) -- !x! elseif(sub_defined(#exclude_cols)) -- !x! sub ~col_sel and s.column_name not in (!!#exclude_cols!!) -- !x! endif drop table if exists cmp_cols cascade; select s.column_name into temporary table cmp_cols from information_schema.columns as s inner join information_schema.columns as b on s.column_name=b.column_name left join cmp_primary_key_columns as pk on pk.column_name = s.column_name where s.table_schema = '!!#staging!!' and s.table_name = '!!#table!!' and b.table_schema = '!!#base_schema!!' and b.table_name = '!!#table!!' and pk.column_name is null !!~col_sel!! order by s.ordinal_position; -- Create the SQL to select primary key columns from the base table. drop view if exists cmp_pkexpr cascade; create temporary view cmp_pkexpr as select string_agg('b.' || column_name, ', ') from cmp_primary_key_columns; -- !x! subdata ~pkcolexpr cmp_pkexpr -- Create the SQL for each column to compare the base (b) and staging (s) tables. alter table cmp_cols add column sql text; update cmp_cols set sql = 'b.' || column_name || ' as ' || column_name || '_old, s.' || column_name || ' as ' || column_name || '_new' ; -- Create the comparison expression for all columns. drop view if exists cmp_compexpr cascade; create temporary view cmp_compexpr as select string_agg(sql, ', ') from cmp_cols; -- !x! subdata ~compexpr cmp_compexpr -- Create a join expression for primary key columns of the base (b) and -- staging (s) tables. drop view if exists cmp_joinexpr cascade; create temporary view cmp_joinexpr as select string_agg('b.' || column_name || ' = s.' || column_name, ' and ') from cmp_primary_key_columns; -- !x! subdata ~joinexpr cmp_joinexpr -- Create and assign the entire SQL. -- !x! sub !!#sql_var!! select !!~pkcolexpr!!, !!~compexpr!! from !!#base_schema!!.!!#table!! as b inner join !!#staging!!.!!#table!! as s on !!~joinexpr!! -- !x! END SCRIPT COMPARE_COMMON_VALS -- ############### End of COMPARE_COMMON_VALS ################### -- ################################################################ -- ################################################################ -- Script COMPARE_CHANGES -- =============================================================== -- -- Generate SQL to characterize every row of the staging table -- data as either a new row, a row with changed data, or a row -- with data that are unchanged relative to the base table. -- -- The output includes a column for every primary key plus a -- column named "changes" with one of the following tags: -- NewRow : The primary key is in the staging table -- but not in the base table. -- Changed : At least one of the attribute values is -- different in the staging table. -- Unchanged : All attribute values are the same in the -- staging and base tables. -- -- Required input arguments: -- base_schema : The name of the base table schema. -- staging : The name of the staging schema. -- table : The name of the table to compare. -- The table must have the same name -- in base and staging schemas. -- -- Optional input arguments: -- include_cols : Contains a comma-separated list of single-quoted -- column names in the base table that are the -- *only* attribute columns to be compared. -- exclude_cols : Contains a comma-separated list of single-quoted -- column names in the base table that are not to -- be compared. If 'include_cols' is provided, -- 'exclude_cols' is ignored. -- -- Required output arguments: -- sql_var : The name of the variable into which -- the generated SQL will be stored -- -- Notes -- 1. The generated SQL is not terminated with a semicolon. -- =============================================================== -- !x! BEGIN SCRIPT COMPARE_CHANGES with parameters (base_schema, staging, table, sql_var) -- Create a table of primary key columns for the table drop table if exists cmp_primary_key_columns cascade; select k.column_name, k.ordinal_position into temporary table cmp_primary_key_columns from information_schema.table_constraints as tc inner join information_schema.key_column_usage as k on tc.constraint_type = 'PRIMARY KEY' and tc.constraint_name = k.constraint_name and tc.constraint_catalog = k.constraint_catalog and tc.constraint_schema = k.constraint_schema and tc.table_schema = k.table_schema and tc.table_name = k.table_name and tc.constraint_name = k.constraint_name where k.table_name = '!!#table!!' and k.table_schema = '!!#base_schema!!' order by k.ordinal_position ; -- !x! if(not hasrows(cmp_primary_key_columns)) { halt message "Table !!#table!! has no primary key columns." } -- Populate a (temporary) table with the names of the attribute columns -- that are to be compared. -- Include only those columns from the staging table that are also in the base table. -- !x! sub_empty ~col_sel -- !x! if(sub_defined(#include_cols)) -- !x! sub ~col_sel and s.column_name in (!!#include_cols!!) -- !x! elseif(sub_defined(#exclude_cols)) -- !x! sub ~col_sel and s.column_name not in (!!#exclude_cols!!) -- !x! endif drop table if exists cmp_cols cascade; select s.column_name into temporary table cmp_cols from information_schema.columns as s inner join information_schema.columns as b on s.column_name=b.column_name left join cmp_primary_key_columns as pk on pk.column_name = s.column_name where s.table_schema = '!!#staging!!' and s.table_name = '!!#table!!' and b.table_schema = '!!#base_schema!!' and b.table_name = '!!#table!!' !!~col_sel!! order by s.ordinal_position; -- Create the SQL to select primary key columns from the staging table. drop view if exists cmp_pkexpr cascade; create temporary view cmp_pkexpr as select string_agg('s.' || column_name, ', ') from cmp_primary_key_columns; -- !x! subdata ~pkcolexpr cmp_pkexpr -- Create the SQL for each column to compare the base (b) and staging (s) tables. -- This generates a value of 1 when there are differences and 0 when there are not. alter table cmp_cols add column sql text; update cmp_cols set sql = 'case when b.' || column_name || ' is null then case when s.' || column_name || ' is null then 0 else 1 end else case when s.' || column_name || ' is null then 1 else case when b.' || column_name || ' = s.' || column_name || ' then 0 else 1 end end end' ; -- Create the expression to determine whether there is a difference for any column. drop view if exists cmp_compexpr cascade; create temporary view cmp_compexpr as select string_agg(sql, ' + ') from cmp_cols; -- !x! subdata ~compexpr cmp_compexpr -- !x! sub ~diffexpr case when !!~compexpr!! = 0 then 'Unchanged' else 'Changed' end -- Create a join expression for primary key columns of the base (b) and -- staging (s) tables. drop view if exists cmp_joinexpr cascade; create temporary view cmp_joinexpr as select string_agg('b.' || column_name || ' = s.' || column_name, ' and ') from cmp_primary_key_columns; -- !x! subdata ~joinexpr cmp_joinexpr -- Get the name of a single primary key column, aliased to the base table, -- to test for row existence in the base table. -- !x! subdata pkcol1 cmp_primary_key_columns -- Create the SQL to display either the row tag or the comparison tag. -- !x! sub ~changeexpr case when b.!!pkcol1!! is null then 'NewRow' else !!~diffexpr!! end as changes -- Create and assign the entire SQL. -- !x! sub !!#sql_var!! select !!~pkcolexpr!!, !!~changeexpr!! from !!#staging!!.!!#table!! as s left join !!#base_schema!!.!!#table!! as b on !!~joinexpr!! -- !x! END SCRIPT COMPARE_CHANGES -- ################### End of COMPARE_CHANGES ################### -- ################################################################ -- ################################################################ -- Script COMPARE_CHANGED -- =============================================================== -- -- Generate SQL to characterize every row of the base table -- depending on whether there is a matching row in the staging -- table, whether a matching row has new data, or whether a -- matching row has identical data. -- -- The output includes a column for every primary key plus a -- column named "changed" with one of the following tags: -- NoNewRow : The primary key is in the base table -- but not in the staging table. -- Changed : At least one of the attribute values is -- different in the staging table. -- Unchanged : All attribute values are the same in the -- staging and base tables. -- -- Required input arguments: -- base_schema : The name of the base table schema. -- staging : The name of the staging schema. -- table : The name of the table to compare. -- The table must have the same name -- in base and staging schemas. -- -- Optional input arguments: -- include_cols : Contains a comma-separated list of single-quoted -- column names in the base table that are the -- *only* attribute columns to be compared. -- exclude_cols : Contains a comma-separated list of single-quoted -- column names in the base table that are not to -- be compared. If 'include_cols' is provided, -- 'exclude_cols' is ignored. -- -- Required output arguments: -- sql_var : The name of the variable into which -- the generated SQL will be stored -- -- Notes -- 1. The generated SQL is not terminated with a semicolon. -- =============================================================== -- !x! BEGIN SCRIPT COMPARE_CHANGED with parameters (base_schema, staging, table, sql_var) -- Create a table of primary key columns for the table drop table if exists cmp_primary_key_columns cascade; select k.column_name, k.ordinal_position into temporary table cmp_primary_key_columns from information_schema.table_constraints as tc inner join information_schema.key_column_usage as k on tc.constraint_type = 'PRIMARY KEY' and tc.constraint_name = k.constraint_name and tc.constraint_catalog = k.constraint_catalog and tc.constraint_schema = k.constraint_schema and tc.table_schema = k.table_schema and tc.table_name = k.table_name and tc.constraint_name = k.constraint_name where k.table_name = '!!#table!!' and k.table_schema = '!!#base_schema!!' order by k.ordinal_position ; -- !x! if(not hasrows(cmp_primary_key_columns)) { halt message "Table !!#table!! has no primary key columns." } -- Populate a (temporary) table with the names of the attribute columns -- that are to be compared. -- Include only those columns from the staging table that are also in the base table. -- !x! sub_empty ~col_sel -- !x! if(sub_defined(#include_cols)) -- !x! sub ~col_sel and s.column_name in (!!#include_cols!!) -- !x! elseif(sub_defined(#exclude_cols)) -- !x! sub ~col_sel and s.column_name not in (!!#exclude_cols!!) -- !x! endif drop table if exists cmp_cols cascade; select s.column_name into temporary table cmp_cols from information_schema.columns as s inner join information_schema.columns as b on s.column_name=b.column_name left join cmp_primary_key_columns as pk on pk.column_name = s.column_name where s.table_schema = '!!#staging!!' and s.table_name = '!!#table!!' and b.table_schema = '!!#base_schema!!' and b.table_name = '!!#table!!' !!~col_sel!! order by s.ordinal_position; -- Create the SQL to select primary key columns from the base table. drop view if exists cmp_pkexpr cascade; create temporary view cmp_pkexpr as select string_agg('b.' || column_name, ', ') from cmp_primary_key_columns; -- !x! subdata ~pkcolexpr cmp_pkexpr -- Create the SQL for each column to compare the base (b) and staging (s) tables. -- This generates a value of 1 when there are differences and 0 when there are not. alter table cmp_cols add column sql text; update cmp_cols set sql = 'case when b.' || column_name || ' is null then case when s.' || column_name || ' is null then 0 else 1 end else case when s.' || column_name || ' is null then 1 else case when b.' || column_name || ' = s.' || column_name || ' then 0 else 1 end end end' ; -- Create the expression to determine whether there is a difference for any column. drop view if exists cmp_compexpr cascade; create temporary view cmp_compexpr as select string_agg(sql, ' + ') from cmp_cols; -- !x! subdata ~compexpr cmp_compexpr -- !x! sub ~diffexpr case when !!~compexpr!! = 0 then 'Unchanged' else 'Changed' end -- Create a join expression for primary key columns of the base (b) and -- staging (s) tables. drop view if exists cmp_joinexpr cascade; create temporary view cmp_joinexpr as select string_agg('b.' || column_name || ' = s.' || column_name, ' and ') from cmp_primary_key_columns; -- !x! subdata ~joinexpr cmp_joinexpr -- Get the name of a single primary key column to test for row existence in the -- staging table. -- !x! subdata pkcol1 cmp_primary_key_columns -- Create the SQL to display either the row tag or the comparison tag. -- !x! sub ~changeexpr case when s.!!pkcol1!! is null then 'NoNewRow' else !!~diffexpr!! end as changed -- Create and assign the entire SQL. -- !x! sub !!#sql_var!! select !!~pkcolexpr!!, !!~changeexpr!! from !!#base_schema!!.!!#table!! as b left join !!#staging!!.!!#table!! as s on !!~joinexpr!! -- !x! END SCRIPT COMPARE_CHANGED -- ################### End of COMPARE_CHANGED ################### -- ################################################################