Password Safe 3.34.1 Release Notes - July 2014 ============================================== This note describe the new features, fixed bugs and known problems with the latest versions of Password Safe. For a short description of Password Safe, please see the accompanying README.txt file. For more information on the product and the project, please visit Details about changes to older releases may be found in the file ChangeLog.txt. New Features for 3.34.1 ======================= [753] A Password Safe database can be opened by drag & drop to the Password Safe application window. [749] Clicking or double-clicking on a previous password in an entry's Password History selects it. [746] Password Policy "Special Symbol Set" simplified. Changes to Existing Features in 3.34.1 ====================================== [397] Clarified use of -g and PWS_PREFSDIR. Bugs fixed in 3.34.1 ==================== [1205] 3.34.1 fixes a bug that crept into 3.34: The OK button was disabled when a database was selected on the opening window. [1200] Tweak Yubikey interface to make it easier to use when creating or opening a Password Safe database. [1195] Edit->Find now enabled when a group is selected. [1194] Compare, Merge, Sync: Enable action button when password's entered via virtual keyboard. [1176] Tweak definition of what's considered a 'weak' password. [1174] "Open as read-only" check-box now correctly reflects the file's state. [1117] Dragging dropbar icon doesn't copy text to clipboard unless Control key's pressed when icon's clicked upon. New Features for 3.33 ===================== [728] The default delay between characters on autotype is now configurable. Changes to Existing Features in 3.33 ==================================== None Bugs fixed in 3.33 ================== [1160] Don't create config dir if config file passed in command line. [1155] Number of shortcuts is now correctly initialized. [1148] No longer crashes when canceling unlock with expired password entries. [1146] Edit button now enabled correctly in Manage->Password Policies. [1139] Backup file numbers now rollover 999 correctly. [1134] Filtering by type now works correctly for shortcuts & shortcut bases. [1130] Database field isn't highlighted when it doesn't have the focus. [1125] Increased range of unlock difficulty by a factor of four. This should give an order or magnitude or so between max and min settings. [1067] Fail gracefully when trying to encrypt a file > 2GB.