inc = (object)array( "appid" => $appid, "appkey" => $appkey, "callback" => $http."://".$_SERVER['HTTP_HOST'].$_SERVER['PHP_SELF'].urlencode("?do=QQCallback"), "scope" => "get_user_info", "errorReport" => false ); if(empty($_SESSION['QC_userData'])){ self::$data = array(); }else{ self::$data = $_SESSION['QC_userData']; } } public function write($name,$value){ self::$data[$name] = $value; } public function read($name){ if(empty(self::$data[$name])){ return null; }else{ return self::$data[$name]; } } public function readInc($name){ if(empty($this->inc->$name)){ return null; }else{ return $this->inc->$name; } } public function delete($name){ unset(self::$data[$name]); } function __destruct(){ $_SESSION['QC_userData'] = self::$data; } } class ErrorCase{ private $errorMsg; public function __construct(){ $this->errorMsg = array( "30001" => "

The state does not match. You may be a victim of CSRF.

", "50001" => "


可能未开启curl支持,请尝试开启curl支持,重启web服务器,如果问题仍未解决,请联系我们" ); } /** * showError * 显示错误信息 * @param int $code 错误代码 * @param string $description 描述信息(可选) */ public function showError($code, $description = '$'){ $recorder = new Recorder(); if($recorder->readInc("errorReport")) { echo ""; if($description == "$"){ die($this->errorMsg[$code]); }else{ echo "


$code"; echo "

msg :

$description"; exit(); } } } public function showTips($code, $description = '$'){ } } class URL{ private $error; public function __construct(){ $this->error = new ErrorCase(); } /** * combineURL * 拼接url * @param string $baseURL 基于的url * @param array $keysArr 参数列表数组 * @return string 返回拼接的url */ public function combineURL($baseURL,$keysArr){ $combined = $baseURL."?"; $valueArr = array(); foreach($keysArr as $key => $val){ $valueArr[] = "$key=$val"; } $keyStr = implode("&",$valueArr); $combined .= ($keyStr); return $combined; } /** * get_contents * 服务器通过get请求获得内容 * @param string $url 请求的url,拼接后的 * @return string 请求返回的内容 */ public function get_contents($url){ if (ini_get("allow_url_fopen") == "1") { $response = file_get_contents($url); }else{ $ch = curl_init(); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, FALSE); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, TRUE); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); $response = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); } //-------请求为空 if(empty($response)){ $this->error->showError("50001"); } return $response; } /** * get * get方式请求资源 * @param string $url 基于的baseUrl * @param array $keysArr 参数列表数组 * @return string 返回的资源内容 */ public function get($url, $keysArr){ $combined = $this->combineURL($url, $keysArr); return $this->get_contents($combined); } /** * post * post方式请求资源 * @param string $url 基于的baseUrl * @param array $keysArr 请求的参数列表 * @param int $flag 标志位 * @return string 返回的资源内容 */ public function post($url, $keysArr, $flag = 0){ $ch = curl_init(); if(! $flag) curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_SSL_VERIFYPEER, FALSE); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_RETURNTRANSFER, TRUE); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POST, TRUE); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_POSTFIELDS, $keysArr); curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_URL, $url); $ret = curl_exec($ch); curl_close($ch); return $ret; } } class Oauth{ const VERSION = "2.0"; const GET_AUTH_CODE_URL = ""; const GET_ACCESS_TOKEN_URL = ""; const GET_OPENID_URL = ""; protected $recorder; public $urlUtils; protected $error; function __construct($appid,$appkey){ $this->recorder = new Recorder($appid,$appkey); $this->urlUtils = new URL(); $this->error = new ErrorCase(); } public function qq_login(){ $appid = $this->recorder->readInc("appid"); $callback = $this->recorder->readInc("callback"); $scope = $this->recorder->readInc("scope"); //-------生成唯一随机串防CSRF攻击 $state = md5(uniqid(rand(), TRUE)); $this->recorder->write('state',$state); //-------构造请求参数列表 $keysArr = array( "response_type" => "code", "client_id" => $appid, "redirect_uri" => $callback, "state" => $state, "scope" => $scope ); $login_url = $this->urlUtils->combineURL(self::GET_AUTH_CODE_URL, $keysArr); header("Location:$login_url"); } public function qq_callback(){ $state = $this->recorder->read("state"); //--------验证state防止CSRF攻击 if(!isset($_GET['state']) || $_GET['state'] != $state){ $this->error->showError("30001"); } //-------请求参数列表 $keysArr = array( "grant_type" => "authorization_code", "client_id" => $this->recorder->readInc("appid"), "redirect_uri" => urlencode($this->recorder->readInc("callback")), "client_secret" => $this->recorder->readInc("appkey"), "code" => isset($_GET['code']) ? $_GET['code'] : "" ); //------构造请求access_token的url $token_url = $this->urlUtils->combineURL(self::GET_ACCESS_TOKEN_URL, $keysArr); $response = $this->urlUtils->get_contents($token_url); if(strpos($response, "callback") !== false){ $lpos = strpos($response, "("); $rpos = strrpos($response, ")"); $response = substr($response, $lpos + 1, $rpos - $lpos -1); $msg = json_decode($response); if(isset($msg->error)){ $this->error->showError($msg->error, $msg->error_description); } } $params = array(); parse_str($response, $params); if (isset($params["access_token"])) { $this->recorder->write("access_token", $params["access_token"]); return $params["access_token"]; } return ""; } public function get_openid(){ //-------请求参数列表 $keysArr = array( "access_token" => $this->recorder->read("access_token") ); $graph_url = $this->urlUtils->combineURL(self::GET_OPENID_URL, $keysArr); $response = $this->urlUtils->get_contents($graph_url); //--------检测错误是否发生 if(strpos($response, "callback") !== false){ $lpos = strpos($response, "("); $rpos = strrpos($response, ")"); $response = substr($response, $lpos + 1, $rpos - $lpos -1); } $user = json_decode($response); if(isset($user->error)){ $this->error->showError($user->error, $user->error_description); } //------记录openid if (isset($user->openid)) { $this->recorder->write("openid", $user->openid); return $user->openid; } return ""; } } class QC extends Oauth{ private $kesArr, $APIMap; /** * _construct * * 构造方法 * @access public * @since 5 * @param string $access_token access_token value * @param string $openid openid value * @return Object QC */ public function __construct($appid, $appkey, $access_token = "", $openid = ""){ parent::__construct($appid,$appkey); //如果access_token和openid为空,则从session里去取,适用于demo展示情形 if($access_token === "" || $openid === ""){ $this->keysArr = array( "oauth_consumer_key" => (int)$this->recorder->readInc("appid"), "access_token" => $this->recorder->read("access_token"), "openid" => $this->recorder->read("openid") ); }else{ $this->keysArr = array( "oauth_consumer_key" => (int)$this->recorder->readInc("appid"), "access_token" => $access_token, "openid" => $openid ); } //初始化APIMap /* * 加#表示非必须,无则不传入url(url中不会出现该参数), "key" => "val" 表示key如果没有定义则使用默认值val * 规则 array( baseUrl, argListArr, method) */ $this->APIMap = array( /* qzone */ "add_blog" => array( "", array("title", "format" => "json", "content" => null), "POST" ), "add_topic" => array( "", array("richtype","richval","con","#lbs_nm","#lbs_x","#lbs_y","format" => "json", "#third_source"), "POST" ), "get_user_info" => array( "", array("format" => "json"), "GET" ), "add_one_blog" => array( "", array("title", "content", "format" => "json"), "GET" ), "add_album" => array( "", array("albumname", "#albumdesc", "#priv", "format" => "json"), "POST" ), "upload_pic" => array( "", array("picture", "#photodesc", "#title", "#albumid", "#mobile", "#x", "#y", "#needfeed", "#successnum", "#picnum", "format" => "json"), "POST" ), "list_album" => array( "", array("format" => "json") ), "add_share" => array( "", array("title", "url", "#comment","#summary","#images","format" => "json","#type","#playurl","#nswb","site","fromurl"), "POST" ), "check_page_fans" => array( "", array("page_id" => "314416946","format" => "json") ), /* wblog */ "add_t" => array( "", array("format" => "json", "content","#clientip","#longitude","#compatibleflag"), "POST" ), "add_pic_t" => array( "", array("content", "pic", "format" => "json", "#clientip", "#longitude", "#latitude", "#syncflag", "#compatiblefalg"), "POST" ), "del_t" => array( "", array("id", "format" => "json"), "POST" ), "get_repost_list" => array( "", array("flag", "rootid", "pageflag", "pagetime", "reqnum", "twitterid", "format" => "json") ), "get_info" => array( "", array("format" => "json") ), "get_other_info" => array( "", array("format" => "json", "#name", "fopenid") ), "get_fanslist" => array( "", array("format" => "json", "reqnum", "startindex", "#mode", "#install", "#sex") ), "get_idollist" => array( "", array("format" => "json", "reqnum", "startindex", "#mode", "#install") ), "add_idol" => array( "", array("format" => "json", "#name-1", "#fopenids-1"), "POST" ), "del_idol" => array( "", array("format" => "json", "#name-1", "#fopenid-1"), "POST" ), /* pay */ "get_tenpay_addr" => array( "", array("ver" => 1,"limit" => 5,"offset" => 0,"format" => "json") ) ); } //调用相应api private function _applyAPI($arr, $argsList, $baseUrl, $method){ $pre = "#"; $keysArr = $this->keysArr; $optionArgList = array();//一些多项选填参数必选一的情形 foreach($argsList as $key => $val){ $tmpKey = $key; $tmpVal = $val; if(!is_string($key)){ $tmpKey = $val; if(strpos($val,$pre) === 0){ $tmpVal = $pre; $tmpKey = substr($tmpKey,1); if(preg_match("/-(\d$)/", $tmpKey, $res)){ $tmpKey = str_replace($res[0], "", $tmpKey); $optionArgList[$res[1]][] = $tmpKey; } }else{ $tmpVal = null; } } //-----如果没有设置相应的参数 if(!isset($arr[$tmpKey]) || $arr[$tmpKey] === ""){ if($tmpVal == $pre){//则使用默认的值 continue; }else if($tmpVal){ $arr[$tmpKey] = $tmpVal; }else{ if($v = $_FILES[$tmpKey]){ $filename = dirname($v['tmp_name'])."/".$v['name']; move_uploaded_file($v['tmp_name'], $filename); $arr[$tmpKey] = "@$filename"; }else{ $this->error->showError("api调用参数错误","未传入参数$tmpKey"); } } } $keysArr[$tmpKey] = $arr[$tmpKey]; } //检查选填参数必填一的情形 foreach($optionArgList as $val){ $n = 0; foreach($val as $v){ if(in_array($v, array_keys($keysArr))){ $n ++; } } if(! $n){ $str = implode(",",$val); $this->error->showError("api调用参数错误",$str."必填一个"); } } if($method == "POST"){ if($baseUrl == "") $response = $this->urlUtils->post($baseUrl, $keysArr, 1); else $response = $this->urlUtils->post($baseUrl, $keysArr, 0); }else if($method == "GET"){ $response = $this->urlUtils->get($baseUrl, $keysArr); } return $response; } /** * _call * 魔术方法,做api调用转发 * @param string $name 调用的方法名称 * @param array $arg 参数列表数组 * @since 5.0 * @return array 返加调用结果数组 */ public function __call($name,$arg){ //如果APIMap不存在相应的api if(empty($this->APIMap[$name])){ $this->error->showError("api调用名称错误","不存在的API: $name"); } //从APIMap获取api相应参数 $baseUrl = $this->APIMap[$name][0]; $argsList = $this->APIMap[$name][1]; $method = isset($this->APIMap[$name][2]) ? $this->APIMap[$name][2] : "GET"; if(empty($arg)){ $arg[0] = null; } //对于get_tenpay_addr,特殊处理,php json_decode对\xA312此类字符支持不好 if($name != "get_tenpay_addr"){ $response = json_decode($this->_applyAPI($arg[0], $argsList, $baseUrl, $method)); $responseArr = $this->objToArr($response); }else{ $responseArr = $this->simple_json_parser($this->_applyAPI($arg[0], $argsList, $baseUrl, $method)); } //检查返回ret判断api是否成功调用 if($responseArr['ret'] == 0){ return $responseArr; }else{ $this->error->showError($response->ret, $response->msg); } } //php 对象到数组转换 private function objToArr($obj){ if(!is_object($obj) && !is_array($obj)) { return $obj; } $arr = array(); foreach($obj as $k => $v){ $arr[$k] = $this->objToArr($v); } return $arr; } /** * get_access_token * 获得access_token * @param void * @since 5.0 * @return string 返加access_token */ public function get_access_token(){ return $this->recorder->read("access_token"); } //简单实现json到php数组转换功能 private function simple_json_parser($json){ $json = str_replace("{","",str_replace("}","", $json)); $jsonValue = explode(",", $json); $arr = array(); foreach($jsonValue as $v){ $jValue = explode(":", $v); $arr[str_replace('"',"", $jValue[0])] = (str_replace('"', "", $jValue[1])); } return $arr; } }