<?php require(dirname(__FILE__)."/global.php"); require(dirname(__FILE__)."/controller/class_Picture.php"); if( isset($_POST['COOKIE']) ) { $loginInfo = isLogin($PHPSayConfig['ppsecure'],json_decode(urldecode($_POST['COOKIE']),true)); } if ( $loginInfo['uid'] >= 1 ) { if ( isset($_POST['do']) ) { if($_POST['do'] == "addTopic") { if( isset($_POST['cid'],$_POST['msg']) && is_numeric($_POST['cid']) ) { $postArray = array( "uid" => $loginInfo['uid'], "nickname" => $loginInfo['nickname'], "cid" => intval($_POST['cid']), "clubname" => "", "message" => filterCode($_POST['msg'],true), "picture" => "", "posttime" => time(), "lasttime" => time() ); if( !PHPSay::checkNotificationSelf($postArray["message"],$postArray["nickname"]) ) { die('{"result":"error","message":"您ä¸èƒ½ @自己"}'); } $uploadFile = ( isset($_FILES['picture']) && !empty($_FILES['picture']['name']) ) ? $_FILES['picture'] : ""; if( $uploadFile != "" ) { $saveResult = Picture::Upload($uploadFile,"",$loginInfo['uid']); if( $saveResult['error'] != "" ) { die('{"result":"error","message":"'.$saveResult['error'].'"}'); } else { $postArray["picture"] = $saveResult['name']; } } if( (strlen($postArray["message"]) < 1 && empty($postArray["picture"])) || getStrlen($postArray["message"]) > 2000 ) { Picture::Delete($postArray["picture"]); die('{"result":"error","message":"内容长度ä¸åˆæ³•"}'); } $DB = database(); $checkArray = PHPSay::checkIfCanTopic($DB,$postArray["cid"],$postArray["uid"]); if( $checkArray["error"] != "" ) { switch ($checkArray["error"]) { case '-3': echo '{"result":"error","message":"该讨论组已关é—"}'; break; case '-2': echo '{"result":"error","message":"您的社区å¸ä½™é¢ä¸è¶³"}'; break; case '-1': echo '{"result":"error","message":"您没有æƒé™å‘言"}'; break; case '0': echo '{"result":"error","message":"您å‘言太快了"}'; break; } Picture::Delete($postArray["picture"]); } else { $postArray["clubname"] = $checkArray['club']; $postResult = PHPSay::postTopic($DB,$postArray,$checkArray['expense']); if( isset($postResult['tid']) && $postResult['tid'] > 0 ) { if( $isMobileRequest ) { echo '{"result":"success","message":""}'; } else { $template = template("_stream_item.html"); $template->assign( 'loginInfo', $loginInfo ); if( isset($_POST['from']) && $_POST['from'] == 0 ) { $postArray['cid'] = 0; } $template->assign( 'clubList', array("current" => array("cid" => $postArray['cid'])) ); $template->assign( 'topicList', array("list" => array($postResult)) ); echo json_encode( array("result" => "success", "message" => $template->result() ,"balance" => $checkArray['expense']) ); } } else { Picture::Delete($postArray["picture"]); echo '{"result":"error","message":"å‘布失败"}'; } } $DB->close(); } } else if($_POST['do'] == "deleteTopic") { if ( $loginInfo['group'] > 1 && isset($_POST['tid']) && is_numeric($_POST['tid']) ) { $deletePics = array(); $DB = database(); $postInfo = $DB->fetch_one_array("SELECT `tid`,`picture` FROM `phpsay_topic` WHERE `tid` = ".$_POST['tid']); if( !empty($postInfo['picture']) ) { array_push($deletePics, $postInfo["picture"]); } if( !empty($postInfo['tid']) ) { $DB->query("DELETE FROM `phpsay_topic` WHERE `tid` = ".$postInfo['tid']); $Result = $DB->query("SELECT `picture` FROM `phpsay_reply` WHERE `tid` = ".$postInfo['tid']); while($Re = $DB->fetch_array($Result)) { if( !empty($Re['picture']) ) { array_push($deletePics, $Re["picture"]); } } $DB->query("DELETE FROM `phpsay_reply` WHERE `tid` = ".$postInfo['tid']); $DB->query("DELETE FROM `phpsay_favorite` WHERE `tid` = ".$postInfo['tid']); $DB->query("DELETE FROM `phpsay_notification` WHERE `tid` = ".$postInfo['tid']); $DB->query("UPDATE `phpsay_balance` SET `tid` = 0 WHERE `tid` = ".$postInfo['tid']); } $DB->close(); foreach ($deletePics as $deletePic) { Picture::Delete($deletePic); } echo '{"result":"success"}'; } } else if($_POST['do'] == "deleteTopicPicture") { if ( $loginInfo['group'] > 1 && isset($_POST['tid']) && is_numeric($_POST['tid']) ) { $DB = database(); $topicInfo = $DB->fetch_one_array("SELECT `message`,`picture` FROM `phpsay_topic` WHERE `tid` = ".$_POST['tid']); if( $topicInfo['message'] != "" && $topicInfo['picture'] != "" ) { $DB->query("UPDATE `phpsay_topic` SET `picture`='' WHERE `tid` = ".$_POST['tid']); $DB->query("UPDATE `phpsay_favorite` SET `picture`='' WHERE `tid` = ".$_POST['tid']); $DB->query("UPDATE `phpsay_notification` SET `picture`='' WHERE `tid` = ".$_POST['tid']); Picture::Delete($topicInfo["picture"]); echo '{"result":"success"}'; } else { echo '{"result":"error"}'; } $DB->close(); } } if($_POST['do'] == "replyTopic") { if( isset($_POST['tid'],$_POST['msg']) && is_numeric($_POST['tid']) ) { $postArray = array( "tid" => $_POST['tid'], "uid" => $loginInfo['uid'], "nickname" => $loginInfo['nickname'], "message" => filterCode($_POST['msg'],true), "picture" => "", "posttime" => time() ); if( !PHPSay::checkNotificationSelf($postArray["message"],$postArray["nickname"]) ) { die('{"result":"error","message":"您ä¸èƒ½ @自己"}'); } $uploadFile = ( isset($_FILES['picture']) && !empty($_FILES['picture']['name']) ) ? $_FILES['picture'] : ""; if( $uploadFile != "" ) { $saveResult = Picture::Upload($uploadFile,"",$loginInfo['uid']); if( $saveResult['error'] != "" ) { die('{"result":"error","message":"'.$saveResult['error'].'"}'); } else { $postArray["picture"] = $saveResult['name']; } } if( (strlen($postArray["message"]) < 1 && empty($postArray["picture"])) || getStrlen($postArray["message"]) > 2000 ) { Picture::Delete($postArray["picture"]); die('{"result":"error","message":"内容长度ä¸åˆæ³•"}'); } $DB = database(); $checkArray = PHPSay::checkIfCanReply($DB,$postArray["tid"],$postArray["uid"]); if( $checkArray['error'] != "" ) { switch ($checkArray['error']) { case '-5': echo '{"result":"error","message":"该主题所在讨论组已关é—"}'; break; case '-4': echo '{"result":"error","message":"è¯¥ä¸»é¢˜å·²è¢«åˆ é™¤"}'; break; case '-3': echo '{"result":"error","message":"该主题已被关é—"}'; break; case '-2': echo '{"result":"error","message":"您的社区å¸ä½™é¢ä¸è¶³"}'; break; case '-1': echo '{"result":"error","message":"您没有æƒé™è¿›è¡Œå›žå¤"}'; break; case '0': echo '{"result":"error","message":"您回å¤çš„太快了"}'; break; } Picture::Delete($postArray["picture"]); } else { $postResult = PHPSay::replyTopic( $DB, $postArray, $checkArray['topic'], $checkArray['expense'] ); if( isset($postResult['pid']) && $postResult['pid'] > 0 ) { if( $isMobileRequest ) { echo '{"result":"success","message":'.$postResult['pid'].'}'; } else { $template = template("_reply_item.html"); $template->assign( 'loginInfo', $loginInfo ); $template->assign( 'replyList', array("list" => array($postResult)) ); echo json_encode( array("result" => "success", "message" => $template->result(), "balance" => $checkArray['expense']) ); } } else { Picture::Delete($postArray["picture"]); echo '{"result":"error","message":"回å¤å¤±è´¥"}'; } } $DB->close(); } } else if($_POST['do'] == "deleteReply") { if ( $loginInfo['group'] > 1 && isset($_POST['pid']) && is_numeric($_POST['pid']) ) { $DB = database(); $deleteResult = PHPSay::deleteReply($DB,$_POST['pid']); $DB->close(); Picture::Delete($deleteResult["picture"]); echo '{"result":"success"}'; } } else if($_POST['do'] == "addPrivateMessage") { if( isset($_POST['nickname'],$_POST['msg']) && checkNickname($_POST['nickname']) == "" ) { $messageBody = filterCode($_POST['msg'],true); if( empty($messageBody) || getStrlen($messageBody) > 2000 ) { die('{"result":"error","message":"内容长度ä¸åˆæ³•"}'); } $DB = database(); $atUid = $DB->fetch_one("SELECT `uid` FROM `phpsay_member` WHERE `nickname` = '".$_POST["nickname"]."'"); if( empty($atUid) || $atUid == $loginInfo['uid'] ) { echo '{"result":"error","message":"å‘é€å—é™"}'; } else { $myBalance = PHPSay::getMemberBalance($DB,$loginInfo['uid']); if( $myBalance < 5 ) { echo '{"result":"error","message":"您的社区å¸ä½™é¢ä¸è¶³"}'; } else { echo '{"result":"success","balance":'.PHPSay::addPrivateMessage($DB,$atUid,$loginInfo['uid'],$loginInfo['nickname'],$messageBody,-5,$myBalance).'}'; } } $DB->close(); } } else if($_POST['do'] == "userGroup") { if ( $loginInfo['group'] > 1 && isset($_POST['uid']) && is_numeric($_POST['uid']) ) { if( $loginInfo['uid'] == $_POST['uid'] ) { die('{"result":"error"}'); } $DB = database(); $userGroup = $DB->fetch_one("SELECT `groupid` FROM `phpsay_member` WHERE `uid` = ".$_POST["uid"]); if( $userGroup == 0 ) { $DB->query("UPDATE `phpsay_member` SET `groupid`=1 WHERE `uid` = ".$_POST['uid']); echo '{"result":"success","message":1}'; } else if( $userGroup == 1 ) { $DB->query("UPDATE `phpsay_member` SET `groupid`=0 WHERE `uid` = ".$_POST['uid']); echo '{"result":"success","message":0}'; } $DB->close(); } } else if($_POST['do'] == "topicStatus") { if ( $loginInfo['group'] > 1 && isset($_POST['tid']) && is_numeric($_POST['tid']) ) { $DB = database(); $lastPostTime = $DB->fetch_one("SELECT `lasttime` FROM `phpsay_topic` WHERE `tid` = ".$_POST["tid"]); if( $lastPostTime != "" ) { if( $lastPostTime == 0 ) { $lastTime = PHPSay::getTopicLastTime($DB,$_POST['tid']); if( !empty($lastTime) ) { $DB->query("UPDATE `phpsay_topic` SET `lasttime`=".$lastTime." WHERE `tid` = ".$_POST['tid']); echo '{"result":"success","message":1}'; } else { echo '{"result":"error"}'; } } else { $DB->query("UPDATE `phpsay_topic` SET `lasttime` = 0 WHERE `tid` = ".$_POST['tid']); echo '{"result":"success","message":0}'; } } else { echo '{"result":"error"}'; } $DB->close(); } } else if($_POST['do'] == "moveTopic") { if( $loginInfo['group'] > 1 && isset($_POST['tid'],$_POST['cid']) && is_numeric($_POST['tid']) && is_numeric($_POST['cid']) ) { $DB = database(); $clubName = $DB->fetch_one("SELECT `clubname` FROM `phpsay_club` WHERE `cid` = ".$_POST["cid"]." AND `position` > 0"); if ( $clubName != "" ) { $DB->query($DB->update_sql("phpsay_topic",array("cid"=>$_POST["cid"],"clubname"=>$clubName),"`tid`=".$_POST['tid'])); echo '{"result":"success"}'; } else { echo '{"result":"error"}'; } $DB->close(); } } else if($_POST['do'] == "deleteNotification") { if ( isset($_POST['nid']) && is_numeric($_POST['nid']) ) { $DB = database(); $deleteNumber = $DB->affected_rows("DELETE FROM `phpsay_notification` WHERE `nid`=".$_POST['nid']." AND `atuid`=".$loginInfo['uid']); $DB->close(); if( $deleteNumber == 1 ) { echo '{"result":"success"}'; } else { echo '{"result":"error"}'; } } } else if($_POST['do'] == "favTopic") { if ( isset($_POST['tid']) && is_numeric($_POST['tid']) ) { $DB = database(); $favId = PHPSay::addUserFavorite($DB,$_POST['tid'],$loginInfo['uid']); $DB->close(); if( $favId != 0 ) { echo '{"result":"success","message":'.$favId.'}'; } else { echo '{"result":"error"}'; } } } else if($_POST['do'] == "unFavTopic") { if ( isset($_POST['tid']) && is_numeric($_POST['tid']) ) { $DB = database(); if( $DB->affected_rows("DELETE FROM `phpsay_favorite` WHERE `tid`=".$_POST['tid']." AND `fuid`=".$loginInfo['uid']) == 1 ) { echo '{"result":"success"}'; } else { echo '{"result":"error"}'; } $DB->close(); } } else if($_POST['do'] == "likeReply") { if ( isset($_POST['pid']) && is_numeric($_POST['pid']) ) { $DB = database(); $likeResult = PHPSay::likeReply($DB,$_POST['pid'],$loginInfo['uid']); $DB->close(); if( $likeResult >= "0" ) { echo '{"result":"success","message":'.$likeResult.'}'; } else { echo '{"result":"error","message":'.$likeResult.'}'; } } } else if($_POST['do'] == "unLikeReply") { if ( isset($_POST['pid']) && is_numeric($_POST['pid']) ) { $DB = database(); if( PHPSay::unLikeReply($DB,$_POST['pid'],$loginInfo['uid']) == 1 ) { echo '{"result":"success"}'; } else { echo '{"result":"error"}'; } $DB->close(); } } else if($_POST['do'] == "webkitNotify") { $DB = database(); $unReadCount = PHPSay::getUnreadNotificationNumber($DB,$loginInfo['uid']); $userArray = array(); if( $unReadCount > 0 ) { $userArray = PHPSay::getUnreadNotificationUser($DB,$loginInfo['uid']); } $DB->close(); echo '{"count":"'.$unReadCount.'","result":"'.implode(", ", $userArray).'"}'; } else if($_POST['do'] == "buySponsor") { if( isset($_POST['linkText'],$_POST['linkURL'],$_POST['linkId']) ) { $linkText = filterCode(str_replace("\n","",$_POST['linkText'])); $linkURL = filterCode(str_replace(array("http://".$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME'],"https://".$_SERVER['SERVER_NAME']), "", $_POST['linkURL'])); if( strlen($linkText) > 1 && getStrlen($linkText) < 32 && strlen($linkURL) >= 1 && strlen($linkURL) <= 255 ) { $DB = database(); if( $loginInfo['group'] >= 3 ) { if( is_numeric($_POST['linkId']) && $_POST['linkId'] >= 1 ) { PHPSay::editSponsor($DB,$linkText,$linkURL,$_POST['linkId']); } else { PHPSay::addSponsor($DB,$linkText,$linkURL); } echo '{"result":"success"}'; } $DB->close(); } else { echo '{"result":"error","message":"输入ä¸åˆæ³•"}'; } } } else if($_POST['do'] == "settingAvatar") { if( isset($_FILES['avatar']) && !empty($_FILES['avatar']['name']) ) { if( $_FILES['avatar']['size'] > 1048576 ) { if ( $isMobileRequest ) { setcookie("upload_avatar_result","图片ä¸èƒ½è¶…过1MB"); header("location:./settings.php"); exit; } die('{"result":"error","message":"图片ä¸èƒ½è¶…过1MB"}'); } $imgInfo = @getimagesize($_FILES['avatar']['tmp_name']); if( !$imgInfo || !in_array($imgInfo[2], array(1,2,3)) ) { if ( $isMobileRequest ) { setcookie("upload_avatar_result","æ‚¨ä¸Šä¼ çš„å›¾ç‰‡æ–‡ä»¶ä¸åˆæ³•"); header("location:./settings.php"); exit; } die('{"result":"error","message":"æ‚¨ä¸Šä¼ çš„å›¾ç‰‡æ–‡ä»¶ä¸åˆæ³•"}'); } if( $imgInfo[0] < 100 || $imgInfo[1] < 100 ) { if ( $isMobileRequest ) { setcookie("upload_avatar_result","图片尺寸ä¸èƒ½å°äºŽ 100 x 100"); header("location:./settings.php"); exit; } die('{"result":"error","message":"图片尺寸ä¸èƒ½å°äºŽ 100 x 100"}'); } mkDirs(avatarPath($loginInfo['uid'])); $avatarFile = getAvatarURL($loginInfo['uid'],100); if( @move_uploaded_file($_FILES['avatar']['tmp_name'], $avatarFile) ) { if( $imgInfo[0] != 100 || $imgInfo[1] != 100 ) { createAvatar($avatarFile,$imgInfo,100,$avatarFile); } if ( $isMobileRequest ) { setcookie("upload_avatar_result","SUCCESS"); header("location:./settings.php"); exit; } die('{"result":"success","message":""}'); } else { if ( $isMobileRequest ) { setcookie("upload_avatar_result","å›¾ç‰‡ä¸Šä¼ å¤±è´¥"); header("location:./settings.php"); exit; } die('{"result":"error","message":"å›¾ç‰‡ä¸Šä¼ å¤±è´¥"}'); } } } else if($_POST['do'] == "settingEmail") { if( isset($_POST['password'],$_POST['email']) ) { $currentPasswd = stripslashes($_POST['password']); $newEmail = trim($_POST['email']); if( strlen($currentPasswd) < 6 || strlen($currentPasswd) > 26 || substr_count($currentPasswd," ") > 0 ) { die('{"result":"error","message":"当å‰å¯†ç æ— æ•ˆ","position":1}'); } if( !emailCheck($newEmail) ) { die('{"result":"error","message":"邮件地å€ä¸åˆæ³•","position":2}'); } $DB = database(); $userInfo = PHPSay::getMemberInfo($DB,"uid",$loginInfo['uid']); if( $userInfo['password'] != md5($currentPasswd) ) { echo '{"result":"error","message":"当å‰å¯†ç ä¸æ£ç¡®","position":1}'; } else { if( $userInfo['email'] == $newEmail ) { echo '{"result":"error","message":"邮箱未修改","position":2}'; } else { if( PHPSay::getMemberCount($DB,"email",$newEmail) > 0 ) { echo '{"result":"error","message":"该邮件地å€å·²è¢«å…¶å®ƒè´¦å·å 用","position":2}'; } else { $DB->query("UPDATE `phpsay_member` SET email='".$newEmail."' WHERE `uid`=".$loginInfo['uid']); echo '{"result":"success","message":""}'; } } } $DB->close(); } } else if($_POST['do'] == "settingPassword") { if( isset($_POST['currentPasswd'],$_POST['userPasswd']) ) { $currentPasswd = stripslashes($_POST['currentPasswd']); $userPasswd = stripslashes($_POST['userPasswd']); if( substr_count($currentPasswd," ") > 0 || substr_count($userPasswd," ") > 0 ) { die('{"result":"error","message":"密ç ä¸èƒ½ä½¿ç”¨ç©ºæ ¼","position":2}'); } if( strlen($userPasswd) < 6 ) { die('{"result":"error","message":"密ç 长度ä¸èƒ½å°‘于6ä½","position":2}'); } if( strlen($currentPasswd) > 26 || strlen($userPasswd) > 26 ) { die('{"result":"error","message":"密ç 长度ä¸èƒ½è¶…出26ä½","position":2}'); } $DB = database(); $currentPassword = $DB->fetch_one("SELECT `password` FROM `phpsay_member` WHERE `uid`=".$loginInfo['uid']); if( $currentPassword != "" && md5($currentPasswd) != $currentPassword ) { echo '{"result":"error","message":"当å‰å¯†ç ä¸æ£ç¡®","position":1}'; } else { if( $currentPassword == md5($userPasswd) ) { echo '{"result":"error","message":"新密ç ä¸èƒ½ä¸Žå½“å‰å¯†ç 相åŒ","position":2}'; } else { $DB->query("UPDATE `phpsay_member` SET password='".md5($userPasswd)."' WHERE `uid`=".$loginInfo['uid']); echo '{"result":"success","message":""}'; } } $DB->close(); } } } } else { if ( $isMobileRequest ) { if ( isset($_POST['do']) ) { if($_POST['do'] == "settingAvatar") { header("location:./passport.php"); exit; } } } echo '{"result":"login"}'; } ?>