#!/bin/bash export LANG=C DISTR=${DISTR:-slarm64} DISTR_ROOT=${DISTR_ROOT:-/mnt/data/shares/linux/slackware/${DISTR}-current/} DISTR_OWNER=${DISTR_OWNER:-$DISTR} FILELIST=${FILELIST:-FILE_LIST} PACKAGES="PACKAGES.TXT" CHECKSUMS="CHECKSUMS.md5" MANIFEST="MANIFEST" EXCLUDES=".git .gitignore" COMPRES="xz" GPG="gpg2" TMP_PKGS=$(mktemp) PRUNES="" for substr in $EXCLUDES ; do PRUNES="${PRUNES} -name ${substr} -prune -o -true" done read -ers -p "Enter your GPG passphrase: " echo -e "" GPG_PASS=$REPLY REPLY="" if [[ ! -e ${DISTR_ROOT}GPG-KEY ]]; then echo "create a \"GPG-KEY\" file in '$DISTR_ROOT'," echo "add information about the public key for '$DISTR_OWNER'." $GPG --list-keys "$DISTR_OWNER" > ${DISTR_ROOT}GPG-KEY $GPG -a --export "$DISTR_OWNER" >> ${DISTR_ROOT}GPG-KEY chmod 444 ${DISTR_ROOT}GPG-KEY fi ### gen_data get_data() { local _DATE=$(LANG=C date -u) eval "$1=\${_DATE}" } ### get files from a directory get_files() { local DIR="$1" find -L ${DIR} $PRUNES -type f -name '*.t?z' -print | sort -t'/' -k3 > $TMP_PKGS } ### gen_gpg gen_gpg() { # Argument #1 : full path to a package local PKG="$1" local ASCFILE="${PKG}.asc" [[ -e "${ASCFILE}" ]] && rm -f "${ASCFILE}" #$GPG --use-agent -bas -u "$DISTR_OWNER" --batch --quiet "${PKG}" echo "${GPG_PASS}" | $GPG --pinentry-mode loopback -bas -u "$DISTR_OWNER" --passphrase-fd 0 --batch --quiet "${PKG}" return $? } ### gen_manifest gen_manifest() { # Argument #1 : full path to a package # Argument #2 : short path and name to a package local PKG="$1" local NAME="$2" cat <> ${MANIFEST} ++======================================== || || Package: ${NAME} || ++======================================== EOT $COMPRES -dc ${PKG} | tar -tvvf - >> ${MANIFEST} echo -e "\n" >> ${MANIFEST} } ### gen_file_packages gen_file_packages() { # Argument #1 : full path to a directory local DIR="$1" local _DIR=$(basename $DIR) pushd ${DIR} 2>&1>/dev/null # shrink file > ${PACKAGES} > ${MANIFEST} get_data UPDATE_DATE get_files ${DIR} while IFS= read -r line; do PKG=${line} NAME=${line##*/} LOCATION=${line/${DISTR_ROOT}/./} LOCATION=${LOCATION%/*} SIZE=$(du -s $PKG | cut -f 1) USIZE=$($COMPRES --robot --list $PKG | awk '/^totals/{printf("%i"), $5/1024}') cat <> ${PACKAGES} PACKAGE NAME: $NAME PACKAGE LOCATION: $LOCATION PACKAGE SIZE (compressed): $SIZE K PACKAGE SIZE (uncompressed): $USIZE K PACKAGE DESCRIPTION: EOT $COMPRES -dc ${PKG} | tar xOf - install/slack-desc | sed -n '/^#/d;/:/p' >> ${PACKAGES} # manifest creation gen_manifest $PKG ${line/${DIR}/.} # gpg creation gen_gpg $PKG done < "$TMP_PKGS" SIZE=$(grep '(compressed):' ${PACKAGES} | awk '{SUM += $4} END {printf("%i"), SUM/1024}') USIZE=$(grep '(uncompressed):' ${PACKAGES} | awk '{SUM += $4} END {printf("%i"), SUM/1024}') read -r -d '' HEAD << EOT $PACKAGES; $UPDATE_DATE This file provides details on the $DISTR packages found in the ./${_DIR}/ directory. Total size of all packages (compressed): $SIZE MB Total size of all packages (uncompressed): $USIZE MB EOT awk -i inplace -v p="\n$HEAD\n" 'BEGINFILE{print p}{print}' ${PACKAGES} # manifest compression [[ -e ${MANIFEST} ]] && rm -f ${MANIFEST}.bz2 && bzip2 ${MANIFEST} popd 2>&1>/dev/null } ### gen_filelist gen_filelist() { # Argument #1 : full path to a directory # Argument #2 : output filename local DIR="$1" local LISTFILE="$2" get_data UPDATE_DATE pushd ${DIR} 2>&1>/dev/null # shrink file > ${LISTFILE} cat < ${LISTFILE} ${UPDATE_DATE} Here is the file list for this directory. If you are using a mirror site and find missing or extra files in the disk subdirectories, please have the archive administrator refresh the mirror. EOT find -L . ${PRUNES} -print | sort | xargs ls -ld --time-style=long-iso >> ${LISTFILE} popd 2>&1>/dev/null } ### gen_file_checksums gen_file_checksums() { # Argument #1 : full path to a directory local DIR=$1 pushd $DIR 2>&1>/dev/null # shrink file > $CHECKSUMS cat <> ${CHECKSUMS} These are the MD5 message digests for the files in this directory. If you want to test your files, use 'md5sum' and compare the values to the ones listed here. To test all these files, use this command: tail +13 CHECKSUMS.md5 | md5sum -c --quiet - | less 'md5sum' can be found in the GNU coreutils package on ftp.gnu.org in /pub/gnu, or at any GNU mirror site. MD5 message digest Filename EOT find -L . $PRUNES -type f -print | sort | xargs md5sum >> ${CHECKSUMS} # gpg creation gen_gpg ${CHECKSUMS} popd 2>&1>/dev/null } ### main program for DIR in $DISTR_ROOT*;do if [[ -d ${DIR} ]]; then echo "generate for $(basename ${DIR})" [[ ! $(basename $DIR) =~ 'source' ]] && gen_file_packages ${DIR} if [[ $(basename $DIR) =~ ${DISTR} ]]; then cp ${DIR}/${PACKAGES} ${DISTR_ROOT}${PACKAGES} ln -sf ${DISTR_ROOT}${PACKAGES} -r ${DIR}/${PACKAGES} fi gen_filelist ${DIR} $FILELIST gen_file_checksums ${DIR} fi done # base distro directory gen_filelist ${DISTR_ROOT} "FILELIST.TXT" gen_file_checksums ${DISTR_ROOT} # clean GPG_PASS=""