// This file is distributed under a BSD license. See LICENSE.txt for details. // FRIED // quantization functions. #include "_types.hpp" #include "fried_internal.hpp" namespace FRIED { // ---- the quantization tables themselves static sBool tablesInitialized = sFALSE; static sInt qdescale[8][16]; static sInt qrescale[8][16]; // ---- macroblock AC scanning pattern static sInt macscan[15] = { 1,5,4,8,9,6,2,3,7,10,13,12,14,15,11 }; static sInt zigzag[15] = { 4,1,2,5,8,12,9,6,3,7,10,13,14,11,15 }; static sInt zigzag2[16] = { 0,4,1,2,5,8,12,9,6,3,7,10,13,14,11,15 }; // ---- transform row norms (2-norm) static sF32 xformn[4] = { 1.0000f, 1.3260f, 1.0000f, 1.5104f }; // exact values: 1.3260 ^= sqrt(3601/2048), 1.5104 ^= sqrt(73/32) // ---- helper functions static sInt imuls(sInt a,sInt b,sInt s,sInt bias) { sS64 prod = ((__int64) a) * b; if(prod >= 0) prod -= bias; else prod += bias; prod += sS64(1) << (s - 1); return sInt(prod >> s); } static sInt imul14(sInt a,sInt b) { __asm { mov eax, [a]; imul [b]; add eax, 8192; adc edx, 0; shrd eax, edx, 14; mov [a], eax; } return a; } static sInt descaleOld(sInt x,sInt bias,sInt factor,sInt shift) { return imuls(x,factor,shift+14,bias); } static sInt descale(sInt x,sInt bias,sInt factor,sInt shift) { sInt p = imul14(x,factor); sInt scale = 1 << shift; sInt realbias = (scale >> 1) - (bias >> 14); if(p >= 0) p += realbias; else p -= realbias - scale + 1; return p >> shift; } static sInt rescale(sInt x,sInt factor,sInt shift) { sInt p = x * factor; if(shift < 4) return p >> (4 - shift); else return p << (shift - 4); } static void initQuantTables() { if(tablesInitialized) return; for(sInt level=0;level<8;level++) { sF64 factor = pow(2.0,level / 8.0); for(sInt y=0;y<4;y++) { for(sInt x=0;x<4;x++) { sInt rescale = sInt(16 * factor * xformn[x] * xformn[y] + 0.5); sInt descale = (524288 + rescale) / (2 * rescale); qrescale[level][y*4+x] = rescale; qdescale[level][y*4+x] = descale; } } } tablesInitialized = sTRUE; } // ---- actual quantization functions sInt newQuantize(sInt qs,sInt *x,sInt npts,sInt cwidth) { sInt shift,*qtab,bias,i,f,n,*p; // prepare quantizer tables initQuantTables(); shift = qs >> 3; qtab = qdescale[qs & 7]; bias = 1024 << shift; // quantization by groups p = x; for(i=0;i<16;i++) { f = qtab[zigzag2[i]]; for(n=0;n<cwidth;n++) *p++ = descale(*p,bias,f,shift); } // now find number of zeroes for(n=npts-1;n>=0;n--) if(x[n]) break; return n+1; } static void rescaleLoop(sS16 *x,sInt count,sInt f,sInt shift) { if(shift < 4) { shift = 4 - shift; for(sInt i=0;i<count;i++) x[i] = (x[i] * f) >> shift; } else { shift -= 4; for(sInt i=0;i<count;i++) x[i] = (x[i] * f) << shift; } } static void rescaleLoopMMX(sS16 *x,sInt count,sInt f,sInt shift) { if(shift >= 4) { shift -= 4; __asm { mov esi, [x]; mov ecx, [count]; shr ecx, 3; jz rescale1tail; movd mm6, [f]; punpcklwd mm6, mm6; punpcklwd mm6, mm6; movd mm7, [shift]; rescale1lp: movq mm0, [esi]; movq mm1, [esi+8]; pmullw mm0, mm6; pmullw mm1, mm6; psllw mm0, mm7; psllw mm1, mm7; movq [esi], mm0; movq [esi+8], mm1; add esi, 16; dec ecx; jnz rescale1lp; rescale1tail: mov edx, [count]; and edx, 7; jz rescale1end; mov ebx, [f]; mov ecx, [shift]; rescale1taillp: movsx eax, word ptr [esi]; imul eax, ebx; shl eax, cl; mov word ptr [esi], ax; add esi, 2; dec edx; jnz rescale1taillp; rescale1end: emms; } } else { shift = 4 - shift; __asm { mov esi, [x]; mov ecx, [count]; shr ecx, 3; jz rescale2tail; movd mm6, [f]; punpcklwd mm6, mm6; punpcklwd mm6, mm6; movd mm7, [shift]; rescale2lp: movq mm0, [esi]; movq mm1, [esi+8]; pmullw mm0, mm6; pmullw mm1, mm6; psraw mm0, mm7; psraw mm1, mm7; movq [esi], mm0; movq [esi+8], mm1; add esi, 16; dec ecx; jnz rescale2lp; rescale2tail: mov edx, [count]; and edx, 7; jz rescale2end; mov ebx, [f]; mov ecx, [shift]; rescale2taillp: movsx eax, word ptr [esi]; imul eax, ebx; shr eax, cl; mov word ptr [esi], ax; add esi, 2; dec edx; jnz rescale2taillp; rescale2end: emms; } } } void newDequantize(sInt qs,sS16 *x,sInt npts,sInt cwidth) { sInt shift,*qtab,i,f,count; // prepare quantizer tables initQuantTables(); shift = qs >> 3; qtab = qrescale[qs & 7]; // dequantization by subbands for(i=0;i<16;i++) { f = qtab[zigzag2[i]]; count = sMin(npts,cwidth); if(count) { rescaleLoopMMX(x,count,f,shift); x += count; npts -= count; } } } }