/* Copyright (c) 2017 System fugen G.K. and Yuzi Mizuno          */
/* All rights reserved.                                             */


#if _MSC_VER > 1000
#pragma once
#endif // _MSC_VER > 1000

#include "MGCLStdAfx.h"
#include "mg/Pvector.h"
#include "mg/drawParam.h"
#include "mgGL/Color.h"
#include "mgGL/GLAttrib.h"

class MGPosition;
class MGBox;
class MGBPointSeq;
class MGSPointSeq;
class MGCurve;
class MGSPointSeq;
class mgTL2Triangles;
class MGStl;
class MGColor;
class MGAttribedGel;
class MGComplex;
class MGCellBase;
class mgVBOLeafBuilder;
class mgVBOLeaf;
class mgTexture;

/** @file */
/** @addtogroup DisplayHandling
 *  @{

// mgVBOElement

///Interface class to include an element in mgVBO class's.
class MG_DLL_DECLR mgVBOElement{
friend class mgVBO;



virtual ~mgVBOElement(){;};

virtual bool is_made(MGCL::VIEWMODE viewMode=MGCL::DONTCARE)=0;
virtual void make_display_list(MGCL::VIEWMODE vmode=MGCL::DONTCARE)=0;

virtual void draw(MGCL::VIEWMODE viewMode=MGCL::DONTCARE)=0;

virtual void redraw(MGCL::VIEWMODE viewMode)=0;

///attributesの処理(normal, texture, color)をしない。
virtual void selectionDraw(MGCL::VIEWMODE viewMode=MGCL::DONTCARE)=0;

///Obtain display list name.
///0(null) はこのmgVBOElementはmgVBOLeafであり、名前をもたないことを示す。
virtual unsigned getDName()const=0;

///0(null) はこのmgVBOElementはmgVBOLeafであり、名前をもたないことを示す。
virtual GLuint getSelectionName()const=0;

///When this is a mgVBOPointer, return the vbo pointer referenced.
virtual mgVBO* vboPointer(){return 0;};

///When this is a mgVBOLeaf, return the mgVBOLeaf pointer.
virtual const mgVBOLeaf* leafPointer(){return 0;};

///set_display/set_no_display controls if this mgVBO be displayed or not.
virtual void set_display(){	m_no_display=false;};
virtual void set_no_display(){	m_no_display=true;};
virtual bool getNoDisplayMode()const{return m_no_display;};
bool is_no_display()const{return getNoDisplayMode();};
bool is_display()const{return !is_no_display();};

///Set the draw param. This is applied to all the make_display_list ofmgVBO
///after setDrawParam().
static void setDrawParam(const MGDrawParam& dpara){m_drawPara=dpara;};
static MGDrawParam& getDrawParam(){return m_drawPara;};
static void setHilightColor(const MGColor& hcolor){m_hilightColor=hcolor;};
static const MGColor& getHilightColor(){return m_hilightColor;};
static void setDefaultPointSize(GLfloat psize){m_pointSize=psize;};
static GLfloat getDefaultPointSize(){return m_pointSize;};

	bool m_no_display:1;///Controls if this mgVBO be displayed or not.
		///=true: not display, false: display.

	static MGDrawParam m_drawPara;///<draw parameter for MGAttribedGel' make_display_list.
	static MGColor m_hilightColor;///Color to hilight.
	static GLfloat m_pointSize;///<Outer Point size to draw.


/** @} */ // end of DisplayHandling group
#endif // !defined(_MGVBOELEMENT__INCLUDED_)