/********************************************************************/ /* Copyright (c) 2017 System fugen G.K. and Yuzi Mizuno */ /* All rights reserved. */ /********************************************************************/ #ifndef _MGCell_HH_ #define _MGCell_HH_ #include <vector> #include "mg/Box.h" #include "mg/Position.h" #include "topo/CellNB.h" class MGComplex; class MGBoundary; class MGGeometry; class MGCellMap; // //Define MGCell Class. /** @addtogroup TOPO * @{ */ ///MGCell is a general cell that has bound. ///MGCell's additional data to CellNB are Boundary, box, and perror. ///There are two types of cells. One is parameter cell(pcell) and ///the other is binder cell(bcell). They are exclusive, that is, if ///a cell is a parameter cell, the cell cannot be binder cell and ///vice versa. ///Parameter cell is a constituent of a complex. ///Binder cell is a binder of parameter cells. Plural cells are connected ///through a binder. ///MGCell is an abstrct class. class MG_DLL_DECLR MGCell:public MGCellNB{ public: typedef std::vector<MGBoundary*>::iterator boundaryItr; typedef std::vector<MGBoundary*>::const_iterator const_boundaryItr; typedef std::vector<MGBoundary*>::reverse_iterator boundaryRItr; typedef std::vector<MGBoundary*>::const_reverse_iterator const_boundaryRItr; typedef boundaryItr iterator; typedef const_boundaryItr const_iterator; typedef boundaryRItr reverse_iterator; typedef const_boundaryRItr const_reverse_iterator; ///////Constructor///////// ///Void constructor. Constructor of pcell. MGCell(); ///Copy constructor. Result cell is not a member of any complex. ///Binders and boundaries of cell will not be copied. ///Copy of boudaries can be done by copy_all_boundaries(). MGCell(const MGCell& cell); ///MGCell of whole geometry(no boundary), under parent. ///Constructor of pcell. ///The second form that input MGGeometry* takes the ownership of the geo ///into the MGCell, must not delete the object and the object must be ///newed one. MGCell(const MGGeometry& geo); explicit MGCell(MGGeometry* geo); ///Construct a parameter cell from all the necessary data, ///geo, vector of boundaries, and the binder. The newly constructed parameter ///cell will be a partner member of the binder 'binder'. ///Constructor takes the ownership of goe and MGBoundary in boundaries. MGCell( MGGeometry* geo, std::vector<MGBoundary*>& boundaries, MGCell* binder ); ///Parameter Cell with boundaries. ///Only pcells(parameter representation) in boundaries are copied. ///Binders(world coordinate representation) in boundaries are discarded. MGCell(const MGGeometry& geo, const std::vector<MGBoundary*>& boundaries); MGCell(MGGeometry* geo, const std::vector<MGBoundary*>& boundaries); ////////////Virtual Destructor//////////// virtual ~MGCell(); ///Assignment. ///does not change binder and partner relation, ///does not change parent complex. virtual MGCell& operator=(const MGCell& gel2); ///comparison virtual bool operator<(const MGCell& gel2)const; /////////////Member Function/////////////// ///Append new one boundary to boundary vectors. ///Returned is the number of boudaries after appending. virtual int append_boundary(MGBoundary* bound); ///Obtain i-th boundary pointer. MGBoundary* boundary(int i) {return m_boundaries[i];}; const MGBoundary* boundary(int i) const {return m_boundaries[i];}; ///Obtain boundaries of this cell. const std::vector<MGBoundary*>& boundaries() const{return m_boundaries;}; ///Obtain i-th boundary's j-th pcell direction ///(direction of boundary measured by this cell's ///coordinate along the boundary). ///The direction is represented by the center of the boundary. MGVector boundary_direction(int i, int j) const; ///Obtain iterator of m_boundaries. const_boundaryItr boundaryIterator(const MGBoundary* bnd) const; boundaryItr boundaryIterator(MGBoundary* bnd); ///Obtain the box of the cell. const MGBox& box() const; ///Obtain the center parameter value of this cell. MGPosition center_param() const; ///Make a clone of the cell. ///clone(), clone_without_boundaries() does not copy the binder cell relation. virtual MGCell* clone() const=0; virtual MGCell* clone_without_boundaries() const=0; ///Make a clone of this(this is a binder), and set binder and parameter cell ///relation between the new binder and the parameter cell pcell. virtual MGCell* clone_binder(const MGCellBase& c) const=0; ///Connect i1-th boundary's j1-th pcell of this to i2-th boundary's ///j2-th pcell of cell2. ///**** This connect can be applied to any manifold dimension's cell. void connect(int i1, int j1, MGCell* cell2, int i2, int j2); ///Draw 3D point(vertex) in world coordinates. ///The object is converted to point(s) and is drawn. ///This is valid only for topology objects or MGPoint. virtual void draw3DVertex(mgVBO& vbo)const=0; ///Erase i-th boundary. ///erase_boundary remove from this cell's bounary and destruct the boundary. void erase_boundary(iterator i); void erase_boundary(int i); ///erase_boundary removes from this cell's bounary and destruct the boundary. void erase_boundary(MGBoundary* bnd); ///Free specified boundary(bound) from a member of parent cell's boundaries. ///Return MGBoundary if freed normally. ///If bound was not a member of the boundaries, return 0. ///Only free, does not destruct the boundary. virtual MGBoundary* free_boundary(const MGBoundary* bound); ///Free neighbourhood relation at j-th boundary's i-th pcell of this cell. void free_neighbourhood(int i, int j=0); ///Return Object's type ID (TID) virtual long identify_type()const=0; ///Make a binder cell of this parameter cell. ///Returned is the binder pointer generated by new. ///The binder has no geometry, only has binder and parameter cell relationship. virtual MGCellNB* make_binder() const=0; ///Obtain manifold dimension. virtual int manifold_dimension() const=0; ///Obtain all the neighbours. ///The neighbours do not contain this cell except when this cell is ///connected to this cell itself(closed cell). std::vector<const MGCellNB*> neighbours() const; ///Return neighbours at the j-th boundary's i-th pcell. ///The neighbours do not contain this cell except the case that this cell is ///connected to this cell itself(closed cell) at cell i of boundary j. std::vector<const MGCellNB*> neighbours(int i, int j=0) const; ///Return number of boundaries. int number_of_boundaries() const{ return int(m_boundaries.size());}; ///Return parameter space error of the cell. double parameter_error()const; ///Prepend new one boundary to boundary vectors. ///Returned is the number of boudaries after prepending. virtual int prepend_boundary(MGBoundary* bound); ///Sort boundary occurrences in m_boundaries. ///Sorting is done according to operator< of MGBoundary. virtual void sort_boundaries(); /// Output virtual function. virtual std::ostream& out(std::ostream&) const; protected: mutable MGBox m_box; ///<Box of this cell. =null box when 0D cell. ///<Initially this is null, ///<and will be computed by compute_box() when necessary. std::vector<MGBoundary*> m_boundaries; ///<vector of boundaries who bound this cell. mutable double m_perror; ///<Error allowed for the parameter space ///<of the cell. ///Generate a new MGCellBase pointer by newing the original MGCellBase. ///This is a proprietry routine of MGComplex copy. ///Copy all boundary data, (but does not copy own binder cell relation) ///and register boundary binder association of new and old into cmap. virtual MGCell* clone(MGCellMap& cmap)const=0; ///compute box of the cell in m_box. virtual void compute_box() const; ///set box as null(to set the box as initial) virtual void set_box_as_null()const{m_box.set_null();}; ///Copy all boundaries into this. void copy_all_boundaries(const MGCellBase& cell); ///Copy all boundaries of cell into this, and binders association ///of the boundaries in the cmap. ///Binder cells of cell will be registered in cmap. void copy_all_boundaries(const MGCellBase& cell, MGCellMap& cmap); ///Copy m_box data of cell2 into this. void copy_box(const MGCellBase& cell2) const; ///Copy m_perror data of cell2 into this. void copy_perror(const MGCellBase& cell2) const; ///Assignment. ///does not change binder and partner relation, ///does not change parent complex. MGCell& set_cell(const MGCell& cell); virtual std::string whoami()const{return "Cell";}; ///Read Object's member data. virtual void ReadMembers(MGIfstream& buf); ///Write Object's Member Data virtual void WriteMembers(MGOfstream& buf) const; private: ///Transform the boundary binders. void bn_binder_tr(const MGVector& v); void bn_binder_tr(double s); void bn_binder_tr(const MGMatrix& mat); void bn_binder_tr(const MGTransf& tr); ///Get boundary biders of all the boundaries. ///Binders will be appended to cvec. void get_all_boundary_binders(std::vector<MGCellNB*>& cvec) const; ///Make this cell's binder cell's extent expression. ///Returned is a MGGeometry pointer generated by new. ///When this cell does not have star cell, null pointer will be returned. ///make_binder_extent() only makes the expression, and does nothing to ///the topology structure. virtual MGGeometry* make_binder_extent() const=0; ///Make sure that this has an extent expression. ///When this did not have an extent, make the extent from the partner ///member's parameter expression and the star cell. ///This must be a binder cell that has partner members that are ///boundaries. When this is not the case or this had an extent already, ///it does nothing. virtual void make_extent() const=0; ///Negate the boundaries. void negate_boundary(); friend class MGComplex; friend class MGBoundary; }; /** @} */ // end of TOPO group #endif