/********************************************************************/ /* Copyright (c) 2017 System fugen G.K. and Yuzi Mizuno */ /* All rights reserved. */ /********************************************************************/ ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // MGIfstream.cpp: MGIfstream クラスのインプリメンテーション ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// #include "MGCLStdAfx.h" #include "mg/Tolerance.h" #include "mg/Ifstream.h" #include "mg/Gel.h" #include "mg/Group.h" #include "mgGL/Context.h" #if defined(_DEBUG) #define new DEBUG_NEW #undef THIS_FILE static char THIS_FILE[] = __FILE__; #endif using std::ifstream; using std::ios; ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// // Constructor and destructor. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// MGIfstream::MGIfstream() :m_file(NULL), m_map(new MGInPtrMap()),m_position(0),m_map_clear(true){;} MGIfstream::MGIfstream(const TCHAR *file, bool map_clear) :m_file(0),m_map(new MGInPtrMap()),m_position(0){ open(file, map_clear); } MGIfstream::~MGIfstream(){ close(); delete m_map; } ///////////////Operator overload////////////////// //Read in an object into gel. Returned gel is: //1. null if end of file or illegal file. //2. non null newed object pointer. User must delete it. MGIfstream& MGIfstream::operator>>(MGGel*& gel){ gel=0; if(m_map_clear){ mapClear(); m_map_clear=false; } long gelHeader=0; (*this)>>gelHeader; if(gelHeader != 0xffffffffL) return *this; long pid= tellg(); long TID; (*this) >> TID; gel=MGNullGel(TID); if(gel){ insert(pid,gel); //mapに自分自身のPIDを登録 gel->ReadMembers(*this); } return *this; } //Read in all the objects in the file. //The file should be generated by the following function: //1. MGOfstream::make_file(); //2. MGOfstream& operator<< (const MGGel& gel); //3. void operator<<(MGGroup& group); void MGIfstream::operator>>(MGGroup& group){ int n; (*this)>>n; MGGel* gel=0; for(int i=0; i<n; i++){ (*this)>>gel; if(!gel) return; group.push_back(gel); //std::cout<<(*gel)<<std::endl;/////:*************** const MGContext* ctx=dynamic_cast<const MGContext*>(gel); if(ctx){ ///<[0]=wc_zero; ///<[1]=rc_zero; ///<[2]=mach_zero; ///<[3]=line_zero; ///<[4]=angle_zero; ///<[5]=max_knot_ratio; const double* tol=ctx->tolerance(); MGTolerance::set_wc_zero(tol[0]); MGTolerance::set_rc_zero(tol[1]); MGTolerance::set_mach_zero(tol[2]); MGTolerance::set_line_zero(tol[3]); MGTolerance::set_angle_zero(tol[4]); MGTolerance::set_max_knot_ratio(tol[5]); } } } ///////////////Member function////////////////// //Check if this is the right MGCL file. //Function's return value is: //true: if this is the right MGCL file. //false: if this is not the right MGCL file. bool MGIfstream::MGCLHeader(std::ifstream& ar){ ar.read(m_version,8); m_position=8; const char* large_version="MGCL0900"; int comp1=strncmp(large_version, m_version, 4); if(comp1!=0) return false; int comp2=strncmp(large_version+4, m_version+4, 4); if(comp2>0) return false; char fielValid[24]; ar.read(fielValid,24); m_position+=24; int comp3=strncmp(MGCL::File_validity(), fielValid, 24); if(comp3!=0) return false; return true; } void MGIfstream::close(){ if(m_file) delete m_file; m_file=0; } //Function's return value is: //=0: open succeeded. //=1: file not found, or could not be opened. //=2: file found, but, the format is not MGCL format. int MGIfstream::open(const TCHAR* file, bool map_clear){ m_map_clear=map_clear; int error=0; std::ifstream* file_new=0; file_new = new ifstream(file, ios::in | ios::binary); if(file_new && file_new->is_open()){ if(MGCLHeader(*file_new)){ error=0; if(m_file) delete m_file; m_file=file_new; m_map->pmap.clear(); }else{ error=2; delete file_new; } }else{ delete file_new; file_new=0; error=1; } return error; } //Read in n bytes date in th buffer ps. //This read data is row data, and the sequence will not be changed //like read nByte. void MGIfstream::read(void* ps, int n){ m_file->read((char*)ps,n); m_position+=n; } // Pointer base のオブジェクトファイル入力関数 // 戻り値はオブジェクトポインタ // Null pointer(0)のときあり。 MGGel* MGIfstream::ReadPointer(){ long header; MGGel* gel; (*this)>>header; long pid = tellg(); if(header==0) return 0;//0 means a null object pointer. else if(header!=0xffffffffL){ //In this case, the header becomes an object pointer. gel = find(header); assert(gel);//Assert that object found. return gel; } //Read an object. long TID; (*this)>>TID; //std::cout<<TID<<std::endl; gel=MGNullGel(TID); if(gel){ insert(pid,gel);//mapに自分自身のPIDを登録 gel->ReadMembers(*this); } return gel; }