#include "MGCLStdAfx.h" #include "FTGL/ftgl.h" #include <tchar.h> #include <atlstr.h> #include "mgGL/VBObyAnchorPt.h" #include "mgGL/MGStringWriter.h" MGStringWriter::MGStringWriter(void) { // TODO フォントファイルは同梱すること。 const char* fontPath = "C:\\Windows\\Fonts\\arial.ttf"; unsigned int faceSize = 12; unsigned int resolution =96; m_pFont = new FTPolygonFont(fontPath); m_pFont->FaceSize(faceSize,resolution); m_pFont->CharMap(ft_encoding_unicode); m_pFont->UseDisplayList(false); } ///Set font data. ///The default font is "C:\\Windows\\Fonts\\arial.ttf". ///If this is not the case, setFont must be invoked. void MGStringWriter::setFont( const char* fontPath, ///< font file path. unsigned int faceSize, ///< the face size in points(1/72 inch). unsigned int resolution ///< the resolution of the target device. ){ MGStringWriter& writer=*(getInstance()); delete writer.m_pFont; writer.m_pFont = new FTPolygonFont(fontPath); writer.m_pFont->FaceSize(faceSize,resolution); writer.m_pFont->CharMap(ft_encoding_unicode); writer.m_pFont->UseDisplayList(false); } MGStringWriter::~MGStringWriter(void) { delete m_pFont; } void MGStringWriter::Init(){ MGStringWriter::getInstance(); } void MGStringWriter::DrawString( VBObyAnchorPt& vbo, const char *str, const MGPosition& pos, const MGColor* color) { vbo.setStaticAttribAnchorPoint(pos); if(color!=NULL){ vbo.setStaticAttribColor(*color); } m_pFont->Render(vbo, str ); } void MGStringWriter::DrawString( VBObyAnchorPt& vbo, const wchar_t *str, const MGPosition& pos, const MGColor* color) { //このVertexListの単位系はPoint(1Pt = 1/72 inch)で帰ってきてます vbo.setStaticAttribAnchorPoint(pos); if(color!=NULL){ vbo.setStaticAttribColor(*color); } m_pFont->Render(vbo, str ); } MGStringWriter* MGStringWriter::getInstance(){ static MGStringWriter instance; return &instance; } VBObyAnchorPt* MGStringWriter::Draw( const char *str, const MGPosition& pos, const MGColor* color) { VBObyAnchorPt* pVBO = new VBObyAnchorPt(mgGLSL::AnchorPoint); getInstance()->DrawString(*pVBO, str, pos, color); pVBO->setDirty(false); return pVBO; } VBObyAnchorPt* MGStringWriter::Draw( const wchar_t *str, const MGPosition& pos, const MGColor* color) { VBObyAnchorPt* pVBO = new VBObyAnchorPt(mgGLSL::AnchorPoint); getInstance()->DrawString(*pVBO, str, pos, color); pVBO->setDirty(false); return pVBO; } VBObyAnchorPt* MGStringWriter::DrawByScreen( const char *str, const MGPosition& pos, const MGColor* color) { VBObyAnchorPt* pVBO = new VBObyAnchorPt(mgGLSL::AnchorPointScreen); getInstance()->DrawString(*pVBO, str, pos, color); pVBO->setDirty(false); return pVBO; } VBObyAnchorPt* MGStringWriter::DrawByScreen( const wchar_t *str, const MGPosition& pos, const MGColor* color) { VBObyAnchorPt* pVBO = new VBObyAnchorPt(mgGLSL::AnchorPointScreen); getInstance()->DrawString(*pVBO, str, pos, color); pVBO->setDirty(false); return pVBO; }