the tax year you are asking about
the preceding tax year
the phaseout amount
the total phaseout amount
the maximum adoption credit per child
you were a resident alien for all of the tax year you are asking about
s(v(be,t(simple,past,normal)),sb('you',plural),o('a resident alien for all of the tax year you are asking about'))
the response for child's home should be displayed
s(v(display+should,t(simple,modal,normal)),ob('the response for child''s home',singular))
the response for credit carryforward MAGI limit should be displayed
s(v(display+should,t(simple,modal,normal)),ob('the response for credit carryforward MAGI limit',singular))
your adoption expenses were paid with funds received from federal, state or local programs
s(v(pay,t(simple,past,normal)),ob('your adoption expenses',plural),o('with funds received from federal, state or local programs'))
your spouse was a U.S. citizen on the last day of the tax year you are asking about
s(v(be,t(simple,past,normal)),sb('your spouse',singular),o('a U.S. citizen on the last day of the tax year you are asking about'))
your employer had a qualified adoption assistance program
s(v(have,t(simple,past,normal)),sb('your employer',plural),o('a qualified adoption assistance program'))
your spouse was a resident alien on the last day of the tax year you are asking about
s(v(be,t(simple,past,normal)),sb('your spouse',singular),o('a resident alien on the last day of the tax year you are asking about'))
the child's date of birth
the child is physically or mentally unable to take care of themselves
s(v(be,t(simple,present,normal)),sb('the child',singular),o('physically or mentally unable to take care of themselves'))
the MAGI reduction response should be displayed
s(v(display+should,t(simple,modal,normal)),ob('the MAGI reduction response',singular))
the eligibility attribute should be displayed on the summary screen
s(v(display+should,t(simple,modal,normal)),ob('the eligibility attribute',singular),o('on the summary screen'))
the amount of employer-provided adoption benefits
the child turned 18 during the year response should be displayed
s(v(turn,t(simple,past,normal)),sb('the child',plural),o('18 during the year response should be displayed'))
the maximum adoption expense response should be displayed
s(v(display+should,t(simple,modal,normal)),ob('the maximum adoption expense response',singular))
the 1040NR response should be displayed
s(v(display+should,t(simple,modal,normal)),ob('the 1040NR response',singular))
the foreign child response should be displayed
s(v(display+should,t(simple,modal,normal)),ob('the foreign child response',singular))
the child tax credit directions should be displayed
s(v(display+should,t(simple,modal,normal)),ob('the child tax credit directions',singular))
your employer provided benefits are in box 12 of your Form W-2 with code T
s(v(be,t(simple,present,normal)),sb('your employer provided benefits',plural),o('in box 12 of your Form W-2 with code T'))
you were married on the last day of the tax year you are asking about
s(v(marry,t(simple,past,normal)),ob('you',plural),o('on the last day of the tax year you are asking about'))
the taxable exclusion response should be displayed
s(v(display+should,t(simple,modal,normal)),ob('the taxable exclusion response',singular))
the special needs employer plan response should be displayed
s(v(display+should,t(simple,modal,normal)),ob('the special needs employer plan response',singular))
the response for spouse's child should be displayed
s(v(display+should,t(simple,modal,normal)),ob('the response for spouse''s child',singular))
the child has a Social Security Number (SSN), Adoption Taxpayer Identification Number (ATIN), or Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN)
s(v(have,t(simple,present,normal)),sb('the child',singular),o('a Social Security Number (SSN), Adoption Taxpayer Identification Number (ATIN), or Individual Taxpayer Identification Number (ITIN)'))
your spouse lived with you at any time during the last 6 months of the tax year
s(v(live,t(simple,past,normal)),sb('your spouse',plural),o('with you at any time during the last 6 months of the tax year'))
the adoption was final in the preceding tax year
s(v(be,t(simple,past,normal)),sb('the adoption',singular),o('final in the preceding tax year'))
expenses paid with funds received from federal, state or local programs
the child was a citizen or resident of the United States or its possessions at the time the adoption process began
s(v(be,t(simple,past,normal)),sb('the child',singular),o('a citizen or resident of the United States or its possessions at the time the adoption process began'))
you took a credit or exclusion in a prior year for the SAME child
s(v(take,t(simple,past,normal)),sb('you',plural),o('a credit or exclusion in a prior year for the SAME child'))
your adoption expenses were paid or reimbursed under a qualified adoption assistance program
s(v(pay,t(simple,past,normal)),ob('your adoption expenses',plural),o('or reimbursed under a qualified adoption assistance program'))
the child's age test is should be displayed
s(v(display+should,t(simple,modal,normal)),ob('the child''s age test is',singular))
the credit for the same child response should be displayed
s(v(display+should,t(simple,modal,normal)),ob('the credit for the same child response',singular))
you paid adoption expenses in the tax year you are asking about
s(v(pay,t(simple,past,normal)),sb('you',plural),o('adoption expenses in the tax year you are asking about'))
the employee benefit eligibility attribute should be displayed on the summary screen
s(v(display+should,t(simple,modal,normal)),ob('the employee benefit eligibility attribute',singular),o('on the summary screen'))
the amount of your adoption expenses
you paid adoption expenses in the preceding tax year
s(v(pay,t(simple,past,normal)),sb('you',plural),o('adoption expenses in the preceding tax year'))
you paid or incurred reasonable and necessary expenses which are directly related to the legal adoption of an eligible child (such as adoption fees, legal fees, travel expenses, etc.)
s(v(pay,t(simple,past,normal)),sb('you',plural),o('or incurred reasonable and necessary expenses which are directly related to the legal adoption of an eligible child (such as adoption fees, legal fees, travel expenses, etc.)'))
the interview is complete should be displayed on the summary screen
s(v(display+should,t(simple,modal,normal)),ob('the interview is complete',singular),o('on the summary screen'))
you provided over half the cost of keeping up your home
s(v(provide,t(simple,past,normal)),sb('you',plural),o('over half the cost of keeping up your home'))
the 1040 response should be displayed
s(v(display+should,t(simple,modal,normal)),ob('the 1040 response',singular))
the special needs response should be displayed
s(v(display+should,t(simple,modal,normal)),ob('the special needs response',singular))
the child is your current spouse's child
s(v(be,t(simple,present,normal)),sb('the child',singular),o('your current spouse''s child'))
you were a U.S. citizen on the last day of the tax year you are asking about
s(v(be,t(simple,past,normal)),sb('you',plural),o('a U.S. citizen on the last day of the tax year you are asking about'))
the response for cost of home should be displayed
s(v(display+should,t(simple,modal,normal)),ob('the response for cost of home',singular))
the response for filing marital status should be displayed
s(v(display+should,t(simple,modal,normal)),ob('the response for filing marital status',singular))
the adoption became final in the tax year you are asking about
s(v(become,t(simple,past,normal)),sb('the adoption',plural),o('final in the tax year you are asking about'))
your modified adjusted gross income amount
you were a resident alien on the last day of the tax year you are asking about
s(v(be,t(simple,past,normal)),sb('you',plural),o('a resident alien on the last day of the tax year you are asking about'))
you were a U.S. citizen on the last day of the tax year or a resident alien for the entire tax year
s(v(be,t(simple,past,normal)),sb('you',plural),o('a U.S. citizen on the last day of the tax year or a resident alien for the entire tax year'))
the tax year test was met
s(v(meet,t(simple,past,normal)),ob('the tax year test',singular))
the credit is for the tax year you are asking about
s(v(be,t(simple,present,normal)),sb('the credit',singular),o('for the tax year you are asking about'))
the interview is complete
s(v(be,t(simple,present,normal)),sb('the interview',singular),o('complete'))
the marital status rules are met
s(v(meet,t(simple,present,normal)),ob('the marital status rules',plural))
the child is under 18
s(v(be,t(simple,present,normal)),sb('the child',singular),o('under 18'))
the child had a valid Taxpayer Identification Number
s(v(have,t(simple,past,normal)),sb('the child',plural),o('a valid Taxpayer Identification Number'))
you had reimbursements
you are eligible for the adoption credit for the tax year you are asking about
s(v(be,t(simple,present,normal)),sb('you',plural),o('eligible for the adoption credit for the tax year you are asking about'))
the child is 18 at the end of the tax year you are asking about
s(v(be,t(simple,present,normal)),sb('the child',singular),o('18 at the end of the tax year you are asking about'))
you are only claiming a carryforward from a previous year's Form 8839
s(v(be,t(simple,present,normal)),sb('you',plural),o('only claiming a carryforward from a previous year''s Form 8839'))
you are eligible to adopt a child
s(v(be,t(simple,present,normal)),sb('you',plural),o('eligible to adopt a child'))
the adoption is a valid foreign adoption
s(v(be,t(simple,present,normal)),sb('the adoption',singular),o('a valid foreign adoption'))
the state has determined if the child has special needs
s(v(determine,t(simple,present,perfect)),sb('the state',singular),o('if the child has special needs'))
the child is a US citizen
s(v(be,t(simple,present,normal)),sb('the child',singular),o('a US citizen'))
the child's age test is met
s(v(meet,t(simple,present,normal)),ob('the child''s age test',singular))
the spouse's child test is met
s(v(meet,t(simple,present,normal)),ob('the spouse''s child test',singular))
there is a carryforward
s(v(be,t(simple,present,normal)),sb('there',singular),o('a carryforward'))
your adoption expenses are limited
s(v(limit,t(simple,present,normal)),ob('your adoption expenses',plural))
the credit can be taken in the tax year you are asking about
s(v(take+can,t(simple,modal,normal)),ob('the credit',singular),o('in the tax year you are asking about'))
there are qualified expenses
the child is eligible to be adopted
s(v(be,t(simple,present,normal)),sb('the child',singular),o('eligible to be adopted'))
the employer-provided adoption benefits apply
s(v(apply,t(simple,present,normal)),sb('the employer-provided adoption benefits',plural))
your adoption expense has been reduced completely by reimbursements
s(v(reduce,t(simple,present,perfect)),ob('your adoption expense',singular),o('completely by reimbursements'))
the child's age
the reimbursement amounts
the tax year ending
the date of advice
the year you paid the adoption expenses
a state determined that the child has special needs
s(v(determine,t(simple,past,normal)),sb('a state',plural),o('that the child has special needs'))
the amount of expenses paid with funds received from federal, state or local programs
the adoption is not final response should be displayed
s(v(display+should,t(simple,modal,normal)),ob('the adoption is not final response',singular))
the response for no TIN and adoption not successful should be displayed
s(v(display+should,t(simple,modal,normal)),ob('the response for no TIN and adoption not successful',singular))
the employer-provided adoption benefits
the response not TIN but adoption complete should be displayed
s(v(display+should,t(simple,modal,normal)),ob('the response not TIN but adoption complete',singular))
the response to reduce your credit by federal funds should be displayed
s(v(display+should,t(simple,modal,normal)),ob('the response to reduce your credit by federal funds',singular))
the response for spouse's child employee-benefit should be displayed
s(v(display+should,t(simple,modal,normal)),ob('the response for spouse''s child employee-benefit',singular))
the foreign child qualifies response should be displayed
s(v(display+should,t(simple,modal,normal)),ob('the foreign child qualifies response',singular))
the maximum reimbursement response should be displayed
s(v(display+should,t(simple,modal,normal)),ob('the maximum reimbursement response',singular))
the foreign child employee benefits response should be displayed
s(v(display+should,t(simple,modal,normal)),ob('the foreign child employee benefits response',singular))
the response for no TIN and foreign adoption successful should be displayed
s(v(display+should,t(simple,modal,normal)),ob('the response for no TIN and foreign adoption successful',singular))
the expenses are for the prior year and current year should be displayed
s(v(display+should,t(simple,modal,normal)),ob('the expenses are for the prior year and current year',singular))
the response for tax liability and other credits should be displayed
s(v(display+should,t(simple,modal,normal)),ob('the response for tax liability and other credits',singular))
the both credit and exclusion response should be displayed
s(v(display+should,t(simple,modal,normal)),ob('the both credit and exclusion response',singular))
the expenses are for the prior year only should be displayed
s(v(display+should,t(simple,modal,normal)),ob('the expenses are for the prior year only',singular))
the adoption was unsuccessful in the preceding tax year
s(v(be,t(simple,past,normal)),sb('the adoption',singular),o('unsuccessful in the preceding tax year'))
you have a credit that originated in a tax year more than 5 years before the tax year you are asking about
s(v(have,t(simple,present,normal)),sb('you',plural),o('a credit that originated in a tax year more than 5 years before the tax year you are asking about'))
the expenses are for the prior year unsuccessful adoption only should be displayed
s(v(display+should,t(simple,modal,normal)),ob('the expenses are for the prior year unsuccessful adoption only',singular))
the adoption was unsuccessful in the tax year you are asking about
s(v(be,t(simple,past,normal)),sb('the adoption',singular),o('unsuccessful in the tax year you are asking about'))
the child you are adopting lived in your home more than half of the tax year
s(v(live,t(simple,past,normal)),sb('the child you are adopting',plural),o('in your home more than half of the tax year'))
the current year unsuccessful adoption should be displayed
s(v(display+should,t(simple,modal,normal)),ob('the current year unsuccessful adoption',singular))
the amount of expenses paid with funds received from any other person or organization
your adoption expenses were paid with funds received from any other person or organization
s(v(pay,t(simple,past,normal)),ob('your adoption expenses',plural),o('with funds received from any other person or organization'))
the credit can be taken in the tax year following the tax year you are asking about
s(v(take+can,t(simple,modal,normal)),ob('the credit',singular),o('in the tax year following the tax year you are asking about'))
the adoption effort is for the same child
s(v(be,t(simple,present,normal)),sb('the adoption effort',singular),o('for the same child'))
you can exclude the foreign employer-provided adoption benefits
s(v(exclude+can,t(simple,modal,normal)),sb('you',plural),o('the foreign employer-provided adoption benefits'))
your filing status is married filing separately
s(v(marry,t(simple,present,normal)),ob('your filing status',singular),o('filing separately'))
your filing status is married filing jointly
s(v(marry,t(simple,present,normal)),ob('your filing status',singular),o('filing jointly'))
your filing status is single
s(v(be,t(simple,present,normal)),sb('your filing status',singular),o('single'))
the filing status rules are met
s(v(meet,t(simple,present,normal)),ob('the filing status rules',plural))
you can exclude the domestic employer-provided adoption benefits
s(v(exclude+can,t(simple,modal,normal)),sb('you',plural),o('the domestic employer-provided adoption benefits'))
the foreign employer plan rules apply
s(v(apply,t(simple,present,normal)),sb('the foreign employer plan rules',plural))
the domestic employer-plan rules apply
s(v(apply,t(simple,present,normal)),sb('the domestic employer-plan rules',plural))
you did not pay or incur response should be displayed
s(v(display+should,t(simple,modal,normal)),ob('you did not pay or incur response',singular))
the carryforward is the only amount you can take
s(v(be,t(simple,present,normal)),sb('the carryforward',singular),o('the only amount you can take'))
the child is under 17
s(v(be,t(simple,present,normal)),sb('the child',singular),o('under 17'))
the employer-provided adoption benefits are taxable
s(v(be,t(simple,present,normal)),sb('the employer-provided adoption benefits',plural),o('taxable'))
the child has been identified for adoption
s(v(identify,t(simple,present,perfect)),ob('the child',singular),o('for adoption'))
the potential child was a citizen or resident of the United States or its possessions at the time the adoption process began
s(v(be,t(simple,past,normal)),sb('the potential child',singular),o('a citizen or resident of the United States or its possessions at the time the adoption process began'))
the unidentified child meets the criteria
s(v(meet,t(simple,present,normal)),sb('the unidentified child',singular),o('the criteria'))
the state has determined if the potential child has special needs
s(v(determine,t(simple,present,perfect)),sb('the state',singular),o('if the potential child has special needs'))
the rule about taking employer benefits for a foreign adoption should be displayed
s(v(display+should,t(simple,modal,normal)),ob('the rule about taking employer benefits for a foreign adoption',singular))
the rule about not eligible in the current year but may be in a later year should be displayed
s(v(display+should,t(simple,modal,normal)),ob('the rule about not eligible in the current year but may be in a later year',singular))
the type of inquiry
the type of inquiry is carryforward
s(v(be,t(simple,present,normal)),sb('the type of inquiry',singular),o('carryforward'))
the rule about taking the credit when the child is not identified should be displayed
s(v(display+should,t(simple,modal,normal)),ob('the rule about taking the credit when the child is not identified',singular))
the type of inquiry is expenses with carryforward
s(v(be,t(simple,present,normal)),sb('the type of inquiry',singular),o('expenses with carryforward'))
all of the credit carryforward originated in tax years more than 5 years before the tax year you are asking about
s(v(originate,t(simple,past,normal)),sb('all of the credit carryforward',plural),o('in tax years more than 5 years before the tax year you are asking about'))
the response for a portion of 5 year carryforward should be displayed
s(v(display+should,t(simple,modal,normal)),ob('the response for a portion of 5 year carryforward',singular))
the prior year unsuccessful adoption should be displayed
s(v(display+should,t(simple,modal,normal)),ob('the prior year unsuccessful adoption',singular))
the response for no expenses paid in either year should be displayed
s(v(display+should,t(simple,modal,normal)),ob('the response for no expenses paid in either year',singular))
the adoption was final in the prior year and your expenses are for the current year should be displayed
s(v(display+should,t(simple,modal,normal)),ob('the adoption was final in the prior year and your expenses are for the current year',singular))
the adoption was final in the prior year and your expenses are for both the current and prior year should be displayed
s(v(display+should,t(simple,modal,normal)),ob('the adoption was final in the prior year and your expenses are for both the current and prior year',singular))
the adoption was final in the prior year and your expenses are the prior year should be displayed
s(v(display+should,t(simple,modal,normal)),ob('the adoption was final in the prior year and your expenses are the prior year',singular))
the prior year unsuccessful adoption with both prior and current year expenses should be displayed
s(v(display+should,t(simple,modal,normal)),ob('the prior year unsuccessful adoption with both prior and current year expenses',singular))
the adoption was finalized in the United States
s(v(be,t(simple,past,normal)),sb('the adoption',singular),o('finalized in the United States'))
the carryforward rules apply
s(v(apply,t(simple,present,normal)),sb('the carryforward rules',plural))
the response for not having any expenses paid should be displayed
s(v(display+should,t(simple,modal,normal)),ob('the response for not having any expenses paid',singular))
the potential child is physically or mentally unable to take care of themselves
s(v(be,t(simple,present,normal)),sb('the potential child',singular),o('physically or mentally unable to take care of themselves'))
the potential child is under 18
s(v(be,t(simple,present,normal)),sb('the potential child',singular),o('under 18'))
your spouse was a resident alien at the time of his or her death
s(v(be,t(simple,past,normal)),sb('your spouse',singular),o('a resident alien at the time of his or her death'))
the citizenship test is met
s(v(meet,t(simple,present,normal)),ob('the citizenship test',singular))
your spouse was a U.S. citizen at the time of his or her death
s(v(be,t(simple,past,normal)),sb('your spouse',singular),o('a U.S. citizen at the time of his or her death'))
your spouse died before the tax year you are asking about
s(v(die,t(simple,past,normal)),sb('your spouse',plural),o('before the tax year you are asking about'))
you and your spouse elect to file a joint tax return for the tax year you are asking about
s(v(elect,t(simple,present,normal)),sb('you and your spouse',plural),o('to file a joint tax return for the tax year you are asking about'))
your marital status on the last day of the tax year you are asking about
you elect to file a joint tax return with your deceased spouse for the tax year you are asking about
s(v(elect,t(simple,present,normal)),sb('you',plural),o('to file a joint tax return with your deceased spouse for the tax year you are asking about'))
you were married on the last day of the tax year you are asking about or widowed during the year
s(v(marry,t(simple,past,normal)),ob('you',plural),o('on the last day of the tax year you are asking about or widowed during the year'))
your spouse was a nonresident alien for the tax year you are asking about
s(v(be,t(simple,past,normal)),sb('your spouse',singular),o('a nonresident alien for the tax year you are asking about'))
you are filing a joint tax return with your spouse
s(v(be,t(simple,present,normal)),sb('you',plural),o('filing a joint tax return with your spouse'))
your spouse died during the tax year you are asking about
s(v(die,t(simple,past,normal)),sb('your spouse',plural),o('during the tax year you are asking about'))
you intend to file a joint tax return for the tax year you are asking about
s(v(intend,t(simple,present,normal)),sb('you',plural),o('to file a joint tax return for the tax year you are asking about'))
you were a nonresident alien for the tax year you are asking about
s(v(be,t(simple,past,normal)),sb('you',plural),o('a nonresident alien for the tax year you are asking about'))
you were single on the last day of the tax year you are asking about
s(v(be,t(simple,past,normal)),sb('you',plural),o('single on the last day of the tax year you are asking about'))
the interview has ended early
s(v(end,t(simple,present,perfect)),sb('the interview',singular),o('early'))
the tax year was 2013
s(v(be,t(simple,past,normal)),sb('the tax year',singular),o('2013'))
the tax year was 2014
s(ver(''),v(be,t(simple,past,normal)),sb('the tax year',singular),o('2014'))
the tax year was 2015
s(ver(''),v(be,t(simple,past,normal)),sb('the tax year',singular),o('2015'))
the tax year was 2017
s(ver(''),v(be,t(simple,past,normal)),sb('the tax year',singular),o('2017'))
the tax year was 2016
s(ver(''),v(be,t(simple,past,normal)),sb('the tax year',singular),o('2016'))
the tax year was 2018
s(ver(''),v(be,t(simple,past,normal)),sb('the tax year',singular),o('2018'))
the tax year was 2019
s(ver(''),v(be,t(simple,past,normal)),sb('the tax year',singular),o('2019'))
the 1040 Schedule 3 response should be displayed
s(ver(''),v(display+should,t(simple,modal,normal)),ob('the 1040 Schedule 3 response',singular))
the child you want to adopt is a former spouse's child
s(ver(''),v(be,t(simple,present,normal)),sb('the child you want to adopt',singular),o('a former spouse''s child'))