<!-- This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public
   - License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this
   - file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. -->

<!-- LOCALIZATION NOTE (window.width2, window.height): These values should be
close to the golden ratio (1.618:1) while making sure it's wide enough for long
file names and tall enough to hint that there are more activities in the list -->
<!ENTITY window.width2			"485">
<!ENTITY window.height			"300">

<!ENTITY activity.title			"イベントログの管理"><!-- (^^; en-US: Activity Manager-->

<!ENTITY cmd.pause.label		"一時停止">
<!ENTITY cmd.pause.accesskey		"P">
<!ENTITY cmd.resume.label		"再開">
<!ENTITY cmd.resume.accesskey		"R">
<!ENTITY cmd.cancel.label		"キャンセル">
<!ENTITY cmd.cancel.accesskey		"C">
<!ENTITY cmd.undo.label			"元に戻す">
<!ENTITY cmd.undo.accesskey		"U">
<!ENTITY cmd.recover.label		"復旧">
<!ENTITY cmd.recover.accesskey		"v">
<!ENTITY cmd.retry.label		"再試行">
<!ENTITY cmd.retry.accesskey		"R">
<!ENTITY cmd.removeFromList.label	"リストから削除">
<!ENTITY cmd.removeFromList.accesskey	"e">

<!ENTITY cmd.close.commandkey		"w">
<!ENTITY cmd.close2.commandkey		"j">
<!ENTITY cmd.close2Unix.commandkey	"y">
<!ENTITY cmd.clearList.label		"ログを消去">
<!ENTITY cmd.clearList.tooltip		"完了およびキャンセル、失敗した項目を一覧から削除します">
<!ENTITY cmd.clearList.accesskey	"C">
<!ENTITY cmd.find.commandkey		"f">
<!ENTITY cmd.search.commandkey		"k">

<!ENTITY searchBox.label		"検索...">