error on line 10 at column 13: Entity 'brandDTD' not defined
error on line 15 at column 24: Entity 'brandShortName' not defined
error on line 23 at column 40: Entity 'brandShortName' not defined
error on line 32 at column 46: Entity 'brandShortName' not defined
error on line 38 at column 55: Entity 'brandShortName' not defined
Below is a rendering of the page up to the first error.
Tools and Development
Web Development Tools
For web developers, provides several tools to aid in
developing and debugging web
applications. Some of these are optional installs. To access these
tools, open the Tools menu and choose Web Development.
Error Console: a console window that reports problems
with JavaScript and CSS code in
web applications and the application itself. By default,
CSS parsing errors and JavaScript errors are displayed. The console can
also be used to display logged messages from
XUL and JavaScript code.
Developer Tools: includes a set of
developer tools that can be docked to the bottom of a browser window or
used in a separate window. The Toggle Tools command in
the Web Development menu can be used to open and close the Developer Tools.
The Developer Tools are shared with Firefox. To learn more about the
Developer Tools, visit the
Firefox Developer Tools site.