local QBCore = exports['qb-core']:GetCoreObject() SITTING_SCENE = nil CURRENT_CHAIR_DATA = nil SELECTED_CHAIR_ID = nil selectedRulett = nil Rulettek = {} closetoRulett = false currentBetAmount = 0 idleTimer = 0 aimingAtBet = -1 lastAimedBet = -1 createRulettAsztal = function(index, data) local self = {} self.index = index self.data = data Config.DebugMsg(string.format('Rulett table creating.. %s', self.index)) RequestModel(GetHashKey('vw_prop_casino_roulette_01')) while not HasModelLoaded(GetHashKey('vw_prop_casino_roulette_01')) do Wait(1) end self.tableObject = CreateObject(GetHashKey('vw_prop_casino_roulette_01'), data.position, false) SetEntityHeading(self.tableObject, data.rot) RequestModel(GetHashKey('S_F_Y_Casino_01')) while not HasModelLoaded(GetHashKey('S_F_Y_Casino_01')) do Wait(1) end local pedOffset = GetObjectOffsetFromCoords(data.position.x, data.position.y, data.position.z, data.rot, 0.0, 0.7, 1.0) self.ped = CreatePed(2, GetHashKey('S_F_Y_Casino_01'), pedOffset, data.rot + 180.0, false, true) SetEntityCanBeDamaged(self.ped, 0) SetPedAsEnemy(self.ped, 0) SetBlockingOfNonTemporaryEvents(self.ped, 1) SetPedResetFlag(self.ped, 249, 1) SetPedConfigFlag(self.ped, 185, true) SetPedConfigFlag(self.ped, 108, true) SetPedCanEvasiveDive(self.ped, 0) SetPedCanRagdollFromPlayerImpact(self.ped, 0) SetPedConfigFlag(self.ped, 208, true) -- 1.0.1 SetPedVoiceGroup(self.ped, 'S_M_Y_Casino_01_WHITE_01') addRandomClothes(self.ped) TaskPlayAnim(self.ped, 'anim_casino_b@amb@casino@games@roulette@dealer_female', 'idle', 3.0, 3.0, -1, 2, 0, true, true, true) self.numbersData = {} self.betData = {} self.hoverObjects = {} self.betObjects = {} self.ballObject = nil self.rulettCam = nil self.cameraMode = 1 self.enableCamera = function(state) if state then self.speakPed('MINIGAME_DEALER_GREET') -- SendNUIMessage( -- { -- action = 'showRulettNui', -- state = true -- } -- ) -- SendNUIMessage( -- { -- action = 'setBetAmount', -- amount = currentBetAmount -- } -- ) casinoNuiUpdateGame(self.index, self.ido, self.statusz) Config.DebugMsg('creating camera..') local rot = vector3(270.0, -90.0, self.data.rot + 270.0) self.rulettCam = CreateCamWithParams('DEFAULT_SCRIPTED_CAMERA', self.data.position.x, self.data.position.y, self.data.position.z + 2.0, rot.x, rot.y, rot.z, 80.0, true, 2) SetCamActive(self.rulettCam, true) RenderScriptCams(true, 900, 900, true, false) Config.DebugMsg('camera setted active.') selectedRulett = self.index self.betRenderState(true) playRulettIdle() CreateThread(function() while selectedRulett ~= nil do Wait(1000) if idleTimer ~= nil then idleTimer = idleTimer - 1 if idleTimer < 1 then Config.DebugMsg('start idle') idleTimer = nil playRulettIdle() end end end end) CreateThread(function() while selectedRulett ~= nil do Wait(1) if self.betObjects then for i = 1, #self.betObjects, 1 do local bet = self.betObjects[i] if DoesEntityExist(bet.obj) then local coords = GetEntityCoords(bet.obj) if bet.playerSrc == GetPlayerServerId(PlayerId()) then Draw3DText(coords, string.format('~w~%s', bet.betAmount), 0.10, 0) end end end end end end) CreateThread(function() while selectedRulett ~= nil do Wait(125) if IsDisabledControlPressed(0, 172) then currentBetAmount = currentBetAmount + 10 changeBetAmount(currentBetAmount) QBCore.Functions.Notify('+'..currentBetAmount.." bet [raised]",'success') elseif IsDisabledControlPressed(0, 173) then if currentBetAmount > 0 then currentBetAmount = currentBetAmount - 10 if currentBetAmount < 0 then currentBetAmount = 0 end changeBetAmount(currentBetAmount) QBCore.Functions.Notify('-'..currentBetAmount.." bet [lowered]",'primary') end end end end) CreateThread(function() while selectedRulett ~= nil do Wait(0) DisableAllControlActions(0) if IsDisabledControlJustPressed(0, 202) then self.enableCamera(false) end if IsDisabledControlJustPressed(0, 38) then self.changeKameraMode() end if Config.allowCustomBet then if IsDisabledControlJustPressed(0, 22) then --Custom Bet [space] local tmpInput = getGenericTextInput('How many chips you would like to bet?') if tonumber(tmpInput) then tmpInput = tonumber(tmpInput) if tmpInput > 0 then changeBetAmount(tmpInput) QBCore.Functions.Notify('Custom Bet: '..currentBetAmount..' chips','success') end end end else end end end) Wait(1500) else TriggerServerEvent('casino:rulett:notUsing', selectedRulett) if DoesCamExist(self.rulettCam) then DestroyCam(self.rulettCam, false) end RenderScriptCams(false, 900, 900, true, false) self.betRenderState(false) Config.DebugMsg('camera deleted.') selectedRulett = nil self.speakPed('MINIGAME_DEALER_LEAVE_NEUTRAL_GAME') NetworkStopSynchronisedScene(SITTING_SCENE) local endingDict = 'anim_casino_b@amb@casino@games@shared@player@' RequestAnimDict(endingDict) while not HasAnimDictLoaded(endingDict) do Wait(1) end local whichAnim = nil if SELECTED_CHAIR_ID == 1 then whichAnim = 'sit_exit_left' elseif SELECTED_CHAIR_ID == 2 then whichAnim = 'sit_exit_right' elseif SELECTED_CHAIR_ID == 3 then whichAnim = ({'sit_exit_left', 'sit_exit_right'})[math.random(1, 2)] elseif SELECTED_CHAIR_ID == 4 then whichAnim = 'sit_exit_left' end TaskPlayAnim(PlayerPedId(), endingDict, whichAnim, 1.0, 1.0, 2500, 0) SetPlayerControl(PlayerId(), 0, 0) hideUi() Wait(3600) SetPlayerControl(PlayerId(), 1, 0) end end self.changeKameraMode = function() if DoesCamExist(self.rulettCam) then if self.cameraMode == 1 then DoScreenFadeOut(200) while not IsScreenFadedOut() do Wait(1) end self.cameraMode = 2 local camOffset = GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords(self.tableObject, -1.45, -0.15, 1.45) SetCamCoord(self.rulettCam, camOffset) SetCamRot(self.rulettCam, -25.0, 0.0, self.data.rot + 270.0, 2) SetCamFov(self.rulettCam, 40.0) ShakeCam(self.rulettCam, 'HAND_SHAKE', 0.3) DoScreenFadeIn(200) elseif self.cameraMode == 2 then DoScreenFadeOut(200) while not IsScreenFadedOut() do Wait(1) end self.cameraMode = 3 local camOffset = GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords(self.tableObject, 1.45, -0.15, 2.15) SetCamCoord(self.rulettCam, camOffset) SetCamRot(self.rulettCam, -58.0, 0.0, self.data.rot + 90.0, 2) ShakeCam(self.rulettCam, 'HAND_SHAKE', 0.3) SetCamFov(self.rulettCam, 80.0) DoScreenFadeIn(200) elseif self.cameraMode == 3 then DoScreenFadeOut(200) while not IsScreenFadedOut() do Wait(1) end self.cameraMode = 4 local camOffset = GetWorldPositionOfEntityBone(self.tableObject, GetEntityBoneIndexByName(self.tableObject, 'Roulette_Wheel')) local rot = vector3(270.0, -90.0, self.data.rot + 270.0) SetCamCoord(self.rulettCam, camOffset + vector3(0.0, 0.0, 0.5)) SetCamRot(self.rulettCam, rot, 2) StopCamShaking(self.rulettCam, false) SetCamFov(self.rulettCam, 80.0) DoScreenFadeIn(200) elseif self.cameraMode == 4 then DoScreenFadeOut(200) while not IsScreenFadedOut() do Wait(1) end self.cameraMode = 1 local rot = vector3(270.0, -90.0, self.data.rot + 270.0) SetCamCoord(self.rulettCam, self.data.position + vector3(0.0, 0.0, 2.0)) SetCamRot(self.rulettCam, rot, 2) SetCamFov(self.rulettCam, 80.0) StopCamShaking(self.rulettCam, false) DoScreenFadeIn(200) end end end self.loadTableData = function() Config.DebugMsg('Table data creating, loading..') self.numbersData = {} self.betData = {} local e = 1 for i = 0, 11, 1 do for j = 0, 2, 1 do table.insert( self.numbersData, { name = e + 1, hoverPos = GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords(self.tableObject, (0.081 * i) - 0.057, (0.167 * j) - 0.192, 0.9448), hoverObject = 'vw_prop_vw_marker_02a' } ) local offset = nil if j == 0 then offset = 0.155 elseif j == 1 then offset = 0.171 elseif j == 2 then offset = 0.192 end table.insert( self.betData, { betId = e, name = e + 1, pos = GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords(self.tableObject, (0.081 * i) - 0.057, (0.167 * j) - 0.192, 0.9448), objectPos = GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords(self.tableObject, 0.081 * i - 0.057, 0.167 * j - 0.192, 0.9448), hoverNumbers = {e} } ) e = e + 1 end end table.insert( self.numbersData, { name = 'Zero', hoverPos = GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords(self.tableObject, -0.137, -0.148, 0.9448), hoverObject = 'vw_prop_vw_marker_01a' } ) table.insert( self.betData, { betId = #self.betData, name = 'Zero', pos = GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords(self.tableObject, -0.137, -0.148, 0.9448), objectPos = GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords(self.tableObject, -0.137, -0.148, 0.9448), hoverNumbers = {#self.numbersData} } ) table.insert( self.numbersData, { name = 'Double Zero', hoverPos = GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords(self.tableObject, -0.133, 0.107, 0.9448), hoverObject = 'vw_prop_vw_marker_01a' } ) table.insert( self.betData, { betId = #self.betData, name = 'Double Zero', pos = GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords(self.tableObject, -0.133, 0.107, 0.9448), objectPos = GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords(self.tableObject, -0.133, 0.107, 0.9448), hoverNumbers = {#self.numbersData} } ) table.insert( self.betData, { betId = #self.betData, name = 'RED', pos = GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords(self.tableObject, 0.3, -0.4, 0.9448), objectPos = GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords(self.tableObject, 0.3, -0.4, 0.9448), hoverNumbers = {1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 12, 14, 16, 18, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 30, 32, 34, 36} } ) table.insert( self.betData, { betId = #self.betData, name = 'BLACK', pos = GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords(self.tableObject, 0.5, -0.4, 0.9448), objectPos = GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords(self.tableObject, 0.5, -0.4, 0.9448), hoverNumbers = {0, 2, 4, 6, 8, 9, 11, 13, 15, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 27, 29, 31, 33, 35} } ) table.insert( self.betData, { betId = #self.betData, name = 'EVEN', pos = GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords(self.tableObject, 0.15, -0.4, 0.9448), objectPos = GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords(self.tableObject, 0.15, -0.4, 0.9448), hoverNumbers = {2, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12, 14, 16, 18, 20, 22, 24, 26, 28, 30, 32, 34, 36} } ) table.insert( self.betData, { betId = #self.betData, name = 'ODD', pos = GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords(self.tableObject, 0.65, -0.4, 0.9448), objectPos = GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords(self.tableObject, 0.65, -0.4, 0.9448), hoverNumbers = {1, 3, 5, 7, 9, 11, 13, 15, 17, 19, 21, 23, 25, 27, 29, 31, 33, 35} } ) table.insert( self.betData, { betId = #self.betData, name = '1to18', pos = GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords(self.tableObject, -0.02, -0.4, 0.9448), objectPos = GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords(self.tableObject, -0.02, -0.4, 0.9448), hoverNumbers = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18} } ) table.insert( self.betData, { betId = #self.betData, name = '19to36', pos = GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords(self.tableObject, 0.78, -0.4, 0.9448), objectPos = GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords(self.tableObject, 0.78, -0.4, 0.9448), hoverNumbers = {19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36} } ) table.insert( self.betData, { betId = #self.betData, name = '1st 12', pos = GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords(self.tableObject, 0.05, -0.3, 0.9448), objectPos = GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords(self.tableObject, 0.05, -0.3, 0.9448), hoverNumbers = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12} } ) table.insert( self.betData, { betId = #self.betData, name = '2nd 12', pos = GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords(self.tableObject, 0.4, -0.3, 0.9448), objectPos = GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords(self.tableObject, 0.4, -0.3, 0.9448), hoverNumbers = {13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24} } ) table.insert( self.betData, { betId = #self.betData, name = '3rd 12', pos = GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords(self.tableObject, 0.75, -0.3, 0.9448), objectPos = GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords(self.tableObject, 0.75, -0.3, 0.9448), hoverNumbers = {25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36} } ) table.insert( self.betData, { betId = #self.betData, name = '2to1', pos = GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords(self.tableObject, 0.91, -0.15, 0.9448), objectPos = GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords(self.tableObject, 0.91, -0.15, 0.9448), hoverNumbers = {1, 4, 7, 10, 13, 16, 19, 22, 25, 28, 31, 34} } ) table.insert( self.betData, { betId = #self.betData, name = '2to1', pos = GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords(self.tableObject, 0.91, 0.0, 0.9448), objectPos = GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords(self.tableObject, 0.91, 0.0, 0.9448), hoverNumbers = {2, 5, 8, 11, 14, 17, 20, 23, 26, 29, 32, 35} } ) table.insert( self.betData, { betId = #self.betData, name = '2to1', pos = GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords(self.tableObject, 0.91, 0.15, 0.9448), objectPos = GetOffsetFromEntityInWorldCoords(self.tableObject, 0.91, 0.15, 0.9448), hoverNumbers = {3, 6, 9, 12, 15, 18, 21, 24, 27, 30, 33, 36} } ) Config.DebugMsg('Table data successfully created..') end self.speakPed = function(speakName) PlayPedAmbientSpeechNative(self.ped, speakName, 'SPEECH_PARAMS_FORCE_NORMAL_CLEAR', 1) end self.createBetObjects = function(bets) for i = 1, #self.betObjects, 1 do if DoesEntityExist(self.betObjects[i].obj) then DeleteObject(self.betObjects[i].obj) end end self.betObjects = {} local existBetId = {} for i = 1, #bets, 1 do local t = self.betData[bets[i].betId] if existBetId[bets[i].betId] == nil then existBetId[bets[i].betId] = 0 else existBetId[bets[i].betId] = existBetId[bets[i].betId] + 1 end if t ~= nil then local betModelObject = getBetObjectType(bets[i].betAmount) if betModelObject ~= nil then RequestModel(betModelObject) while not HasModelLoaded(betModelObject) do Wait(0) end local obj = CreateObject(betModelObject, t.objectPos.x, t.objectPos.y, t.objectPos.z + (existBetId[bets[i].betId] * 0.0081), false) SetEntityHeading(obj, self.data.rot) table.insert( self.betObjects, { obj = obj, betAmount = bets[i].betAmount, playerSrc = bets[i].playerSrc } ) end end end end self.hoverNumbers = function(hoveredNumbers) for i = 1, #self.hoverObjects, 1 do if DoesEntityExist(self.hoverObjects[i]) then DeleteObject(self.hoverObjects[i]) end end self.hoverObjects = {} for i = 1, #hoveredNumbers, 1 do local t = self.numbersData[hoveredNumbers[i]] if t ~= nil then RequestModel(GetHashKey(t.hoverObject)) while not HasModelLoaded(GetHashKey(t.hoverObject)) do Wait(1) end local obj = CreateObject(GetHashKey(t.hoverObject), t.hoverPos, false) SetEntityHeading(obj, self.data.rot) table.insert(self.hoverObjects, obj) end end end self.betRenderState = function(state) enabledBetRender = state Config.DebugMsg('Bet rendering turned: %s', enabledBetRender) if state then CreateThread( function() while enabledBetRender do Wait(8) if aimingAtBet ~= -1 and lastAimedBet ~= aimingAtBet then Config.DebugMsg('aimed at different bet.') lastAimedBet = aimingAtBet local bettingData = self.betData[aimingAtBet] if bettingData ~= nil then self.hoverNumbers(bettingData.hoverNumbers) else self.hoverNumbers({}) end end if aimingAtBet == -1 and lastAimedBet ~= -1 then self.hoverNumbers({}) end end end ) CreateThread( function() while enabledBetRender do Wait(0) ShowCursorThisFrame() local e = Rulettek[selectedRulett] if e ~= nil then local cx, cy = GetNuiCursorPosition() local rx, ry = GetActiveScreenResolution() local n = 30 -- this is for the cursor point, how much to tolerate in range, increasing it you will find it easier to click on the bets. local foundBet = false for i = 1, #self.betData, 1 do local bettingData = self.betData[i] local onScreen, screenX, screenY = World3dToScreen2d(bettingData.pos.x, bettingData.pos.y, bettingData.pos.z) local l = math.sqrt(math.pow(screenX * rx - cx, 2) + math.pow(screenY * ry - cy, 2)) if l < n then aimingAtBet = i foundBet = true if IsDisabledControlJustPressed(0, 24) then if currentBetAmount > 0 then if Config.RulettTables[selectedRulett] ~= nil then if currentBetAmount >= Config.RulettTables[selectedRulett].minBet and currentBetAmount <= Config.RulettTables[selectedRulett].maxBet then PlaySoundFrontend(-1, 'DLC_VW_BET_DOWN', 'dlc_vw_table_games_frontend_sounds', true) TriggerServerEvent('casino:taskBetRulett', selectedRulett, aimingAtBet, currentBetAmount) else QBCore.Functions.Notify('Your bet it too low or too high for this table.','error') end end else QBCore.Functions.Notify('Bet needs to be raised','error') end end end end if not foundBet then aimingAtBet = -1 end end end end ) end end self.spinRulett = function(tickRate) Config.DebugMsg(self.index) if DoesEntityExist(self.tableObject) and DoesEntityExist(self.ped) then Config.DebugMsg('spinRulett event 1') self.speakPed('MINIGAME_DEALER_CLOSED_BETS') TaskPlayAnim(self.ped, 'anim_casino_b@amb@casino@games@roulette@dealer_female', 'no_more_bets', 3.0, 3.0, -1, 0, 0, true, true, true) Wait(1500) if DoesEntityExist(self.ballObject) then DeleteObject(self.ballObject) end TaskPlayAnim(self.ped, 'anim_casino_b@amb@casino@games@roulette@dealer_female', 'spin_wheel', 3.0, 3.0, -1, 0, 0, true, true, true) RequestModel(GetHashKey('vw_prop_roulette_ball')) while not HasModelLoaded(GetHashKey('vw_prop_roulette_ball')) do Wait(1) end local ballOffset = GetWorldPositionOfEntityBone(self.tableObject, GetEntityBoneIndexByName(self.tableObject, 'Roulette_Wheel')) Config.DebugMsg('spinRulett event 2') local LIB = 'anim_casino_b@amb@casino@games@roulette@table' RequestAnimDict(LIB) while not HasAnimDictLoaded(LIB) do Wait(1) end Wait(3000) self.ballObject = CreateObject(GetHashKey('vw_prop_roulette_ball'), ballOffset, false) SetEntityHeading(self.ballObject, self.data.rot) SetEntityCoordsNoOffset(self.ballObject, ballOffset, false, false, false) local h = GetEntityRotation(self.ballObject) SetEntityRotation(self.ballObject, h.x, h.y, h.z + 90.0, 2, false) if DoesEntityExist(self.tableObject) and DoesEntityExist(self.ped) then Config.DebugMsg('spinRulett event 3') PlayEntityAnim(self.ballObject, 'intro_ball', LIB, 1000.0, false, true, true, 0, 136704) PlayEntityAnim(self.ballObject, 'loop_ball', LIB, 1000.0, false, true, false, 0, 136704) PlayEntityAnim(self.tableObject, 'intro_wheel', LIB, 1000.0, false, true, true, 0, 136704) PlayEntityAnim(self.tableObject, 'loop_wheel', LIB, 1000.0, false, true, false, 0, 136704) PlayEntityAnim(self.ballObject, string.format('exit_%s_ball', tickRate), LIB, 1000.0, false, true, false, 0, 136704) PlayEntityAnim(self.tableObject, string.format('exit_%s_wheel', tickRate), LIB, 1000.0, false, true, false, 0, 136704) Wait(11e3) if DoesEntityExist(self.tableObject) and DoesEntityExist(self.ped) then TaskPlayAnim(self.ped, 'anim_casino_b@amb@casino@games@roulette@dealer_female', 'clear_chips_zone1', 3.0, 3.0, -1, 0, 0, true, true, true) Wait(1500) TaskPlayAnim(self.ped, 'anim_casino_b@amb@casino@games@roulette@dealer_female', 'clear_chips_zone2', 3.0, 3.0, -1, 0, 0, true, true, true) Wait(1500) TaskPlayAnim(self.ped, 'anim_casino_b@amb@casino@games@roulette@dealer_female', 'clear_chips_zone3', 3.0, 3.0, -1, 0, 0, true, true, true) Wait(2000) if DoesEntityExist(self.tableObject) and DoesEntityExist(self.ped) then TaskPlayAnim(self.ped, 'anim_casino_b@amb@casino@games@roulette@dealer_female', 'idle', 3.0, 3.0, -1, 0, 0, true, true, true) end Config.DebugMsg('spinRulett event ending') if DoesEntityExist(self.ballObject) then DeleteObject(self.ballObject) end end end end end self.loadTableData() Config.DebugMsg(string.format('Rulett table created %s id', self.index)) Rulettek[self.index] = self end function Draw3DText(coords, text, size, font) coords = vector3(coords.x, coords.y, coords.z) local camCoords = GetGameplayCamCoords() local distance = #(coords - camCoords) if not size then size = 1 end if not font then font = 0 end local scale = (size / distance) * 2 local fov = (1 / GetGameplayCamFov()) * 100 scale = scale * fov SetTextScale(0.0 * scale, 0.55 * scale) SetTextFont(font) SetTextColour(255, 255, 255, 255) SetTextDropshadow(0, 0, 0, 0, 255) SetTextDropShadow() SetTextOutline() SetTextCentre(true) SetDrawOrigin(coords, 0) BeginTextCommandDisplayText('STRING') AddTextComponentSubstringPlayerName(text) EndTextCommandDisplayText(0.0, 0.0) ClearDrawOrigin() end function hideUi() exports['textUi']:HideTextUi('hide') exports['casinoUi']:HideCasinoUi('hide') end function changeBetAmount(amount) currentBetAmount = amount PlaySoundFrontend(-1, 'DLC_VW_BET_HIGHLIGHT', 'dlc_vw_table_games_frontend_sounds', true) end function getGenericTextInput(type) if type == nil then type = '' end AddTextEntry('FMMC_MPM_NA', tostring(type)) DisplayOnscreenKeyboard(1, 'FMMC_MPM_NA', tostring(type), '', '', '', '', 30) while (UpdateOnscreenKeyboard() == 0) do DisableAllControlActions(0) Wait(0) end if (GetOnscreenKeyboardResult()) then local result = GetOnscreenKeyboardResult() if result then return result end end return false end CreateThread( function() while true do local playerCoords = GetEntityCoords(GetPlayerPed(-1)) closetoRulett = false for k, v in pairs(Config.RulettTables) do if #(playerCoords - Config.RulettTables[k].position) < 100.0 then closetoRulett = true end end Wait(1000) end end ) CreateThread( function() while not closetoRulett do Wait(0) end for rulettIndex, data in pairs(Config.RulettTables) do createRulettAsztal(rulettIndex, data) RequestAnimDict('anim_casino_b@amb@casino@games@roulette@table') RequestAnimDict('anim_casino_b@amb@casino@games@roulette@dealer_female') RequestAnimDict('anim_casino_b@amb@casino@games@shared@player@') RequestAnimDict('anim_casino_b@amb@casino@games@roulette@player') end Config.DebugMsg('Casino rulett loaded.') end ) CreateThread(function() while true do local sleep = 5 local playerpos = GetEntityCoords(PlayerPedId()) if closetoRulett and selectedRulett == nil then for k, v in pairs(Rulettek) do if DoesEntityExist(v.tableObject) then local objcoords = GetEntityCoords(v.tableObject) local dist = Vdist(playerpos, objcoords) if dist < 2.4 then if dist < 2.3 then exports['textUi']:DrawTextUi('show',"Diamond Casino Roulette
Press [E] to sit down") local closestChairData = getClosestChairData(v.tableObject) if closestChairData == nil then break end if IsControlJustPressed(0, 38) then QBCore.Functions.TriggerCallback('QBCore:HasItem', function(HasItem) if HasItem then TriggerServerEvent('server_remote:rulett:taskSitDown', k, closestChairData) else QBCore.Functions.Notify('You are not a member of the casino', 'error', 3500) end end, 'casino_member') end break end hideUi() end end end end Wait(sleep) end end) RegisterNetEvent('client_callback:rulett:taskSitDown') AddEventHandler('client_callback:rulett:taskSitDown', function(rulettIndex, chairData) -- exports['progressBars']:drawBar(4000, 'Sitting...') QBCore.Functions.Notify("Sitting...", "primary", 3200) SELECTED_CHAIR_ID = chairData.chairId CURRENT_CHAIR_DATA = chairData SITTING_SCENE = NetworkCreateSynchronisedScene(chairData.position, chairData.rotation, 2, 1, 0, 1065353216, 0, 1065353216) RequestAnimDict('anim_casino_b@amb@casino@games@shared@player@') while not HasAnimDictLoaded('anim_casino_b@amb@casino@games@shared@player@') do Wait(1) end local randomSit = ({'sit_enter_left', 'sit_enter_right'})[math.random(1, 2)] NetworkAddPedToSynchronisedScene(PlayerPedId(), SITTING_SCENE, 'anim_casino_b@amb@casino@games@shared@player@', randomSit, 2.0, -2.0, 13, 16, 2.0, 0) NetworkStartSynchronisedScene(SITTING_SCENE) SetPlayerControl(PlayerId(), 0, 0) startRulett(rulettIndex, chairData.chairId) Wait(4000) SetPlayerControl(PlayerId(), 1, 0) end ) function startRulett(index, chairId) if Rulettek[index] then TriggerServerEvent('casino:taskStartRoulette', index, chairId) end end RegisterNetEvent('client:casino:openRulett') AddEventHandler('client:casino:openRulett',function(rulettIndex) if Rulettek[rulettIndex] ~= nil then Wait(4000) Rulettek[rulettIndex].enableCamera(true) end end) RegisterNetEvent('casino:rulett:startSpin') AddEventHandler( 'casino:rulett:startSpin', function(rulettIndex, tickRate) if Rulettek[rulettIndex] ~= nil then Config.DebugMsg(string.format('rulett table index: %s, tickrate: %s', rulettIndex, tickRate)) Rulettek[rulettIndex].spinRulett(tickRate) if selectedRulett == rulettIndex then Config.DebugMsg('impartial anim play') playImpartial() end end end ) RegisterNetEvent('client:rulett:updateStatusz') AddEventHandler( 'client:rulett:updateStatusz', function(rulettIndex, ido, statusz) if Rulettek[rulettIndex] ~= nil then Rulettek[rulettIndex].ido = ido Rulettek[rulettIndex].statusz = statusz casinoNuiUpdateGame(rulettIndex, ido, statusz) end end ) RegisterNetEvent('client:rulett:updateTableBets') AddEventHandler( 'client:rulett:updateTableBets', function(rulettIndex, bets) if Rulettek[rulettIndex] ~= nil then Rulettek[rulettIndex].createBetObjects(bets) end end ) function casinoNuiUpdateGame(rulettIndex, ido, statusz) QBCore.Functions.TriggerCallback('BLACKJACK:server:blueChipsAmount', function(result) retval = result if selectedRulett == rulettIndex then if not statusz then exports['casinoUi']:DrawCasinoUi('show', "Diamond Casino Blackjack"..ido.." Seconds LeftCurrent Bet: "..currentBetAmount.." chipsAvailble chips: "..retval) if Config.allowCustomBet then exports['textUi']:DrawTextUi('show', "Adjust Bet: ↑/↓LEFT CLICK: Bet numberSPACEBAR: Custom AmountE: Change cameraESC: Exit") else exports['textUi']:DrawTextUi('show', "Adjust Bet: ↑/↓LEFT CLICK: Bet numberE: Change cameraESC: Exit") end else exports['textUi']:DrawTextUi('show', "The game is starting..") hideUi() end end end) end function getClosestChairData(tableObject) local localPlayer = PlayerPedId() local playerpos = GetEntityCoords(localPlayer) if DoesEntityExist(tableObject) then local chairs = {'Chair_Base_01', 'Chair_Base_02', 'Chair_Base_03', 'Chair_Base_04'} for i = 1, #chairs, 1 do local objcoords = GetWorldPositionOfEntityBone(tableObject, GetEntityBoneIndexByName(tableObject, chairs[i])) local dist = Vdist(playerpos, objcoords) if dist < 1.7 then return { position = objcoords, rotation = GetWorldRotationOfEntityBone(tableObject, GetEntityBoneIndexByName(tableObject, chairs[i])), chairId = Config.ChairIds[chairs[i]] } end end end end function getBetObjectType(betAmount) if betAmount < 10 then return GetHashKey('vw_prop_vw_coin_01a') elseif betAmount >= 10 and betAmount < 50 then return GetHashKey('vw_prop_chip_10dollar_x1') elseif betAmount >= 50 and betAmount < 100 then return GetHashKey('vw_prop_chip_50dollar_x1') elseif betAmount >= 100 and betAmount < 500 then return GetHashKey('vw_prop_chip_100dollar_x1') elseif betAmount >= 500 and betAmount < 1000 then return GetHashKey('vw_prop_chip_500dollar_x1') elseif betAmount >= 1000 and betAmount < 5000 then return GetHashKey('vw_prop_chip_1kdollar_x1') elseif betAmount >= 5000 then return GetHashKey('vw_prop_plaq_10kdollar_x1') else -- this should never happen, but yeah. return GetHashKey('vw_prop_plaq_10kdollar_x1') end -- these are deprecated, it looks cool, but it hides some data, you can put it in you like the big chip piles. -- elseif bets[i].betAmount >= 10000 and bets[i].betAmount < 25000 then -- return GetHashKey('vw_prop_vw_chips_pile_01a') -- elseif bets[i].betAmount >= 25000 and bets[i].betAmount < 50000 then -- return GetHashKey('vw_prop_vw_chips_pile_02a') -- elseif bets[i].betAmount >= 50000 then -- return GetHashKey('vw_prop_vw_chips_pile_03a') -- end end RegisterNetEvent('client:rulett:playBetAnim') AddEventHandler( 'client:rulett:playBetAnim', function(chairId) local sex = 0 if GetEntityModel(PlayerPedId()) == GetHashKey('mp_f_freemode_01') then sex = 1 end local rot = CURRENT_CHAIR_DATA.rotation if chairId == 4 then rot = rot + vector3(0.0, 0.0, 90.0) elseif chairId == 3 then rot = rot + vector3(0.0, 0.0, -180.0) elseif chairId == 2 then rot = rot + vector3(0.0, 0.0, -90.0) elseif chairId == 1 then chairId = 1 rot = rot + vector3(0.0, 0.0, -90.0) end local L = string.format('anim_casino_b@amb@casino@games@roulette@ped_male@seat_%s@regular@0%sa@play@v01', chairId, chairId) if sex == 1 then L = string.format('anim_casino_b@amb@casino@games@roulette@ped_female@seat_%s@regular@0%sa@play@v01', chairId, chairId) end RequestAnimDict(L) while not HasAnimDictLoaded(L) do Wait(1) end if CURRENT_CHAIR_DATA ~= nil then local currentScene = NetworkCreateSynchronisedScene(CURRENT_CHAIR_DATA.position, rot, 2, 1, 0, 1065353216, 0, 1065353216) NetworkAddPedToSynchronisedScene( PlayerPedId(), currentScene, L, ({'place_bet_zone1', 'place_bet_zone2', 'place_bet_zone3'})[math.random(1, 3)], 4.0, -2.0, 13, 16, 1148846080, 0 ) NetworkStartSynchronisedScene(currentScene) idleTimer = 8 end end ) RegisterNetEvent('client:rulett:playWinAnim') AddEventHandler( 'client:rulett:playWinAnim', function(chairId) local rot = CURRENT_CHAIR_DATA.rotation if chairId == 4 then rot = rot + vector3(0.0, 0.0, 90.0) elseif chairId == 3 then rot = rot + vector3(0.0, 0.0, -180.0) elseif chairId == 2 then rot = rot + vector3(0.0, 0.0, -90.0) elseif chairId == 1 then chairId = 1 rot = rot + vector3(0.0, 0.0, -90.0) end local sex = 0 local L = string.format('anim_casino_b@amb@casino@games@roulette@ped_male@seat_%s@regular@0%sa@reacts@v01', chairId, chairId) if GetEntityModel(PlayerPedId()) == GetHashKey('mp_f_freemode_01') then sex = 1 end if sex == 1 then local L = string.format('anim_casino_b@amb@casino@games@roulette@ped_female@seat_%s@regular@0%sa@reacts@v01', chairId, chairId) end RequestAnimDict(L) while not HasAnimDictLoaded(L) do Wait(1) end if CURRENT_CHAIR_DATA ~= nil then local currentScene = NetworkCreateSynchronisedScene(CURRENT_CHAIR_DATA.position, rot, 2, 1, 0, 1065353216, 0, 1065353216) NetworkAddPedToSynchronisedScene(PlayerPedId(), currentScene, L, 'reaction_great', 4.0, -2.0, 13, 16, 1148846080, 0) NetworkStartSynchronisedScene(currentScene) idleTimer = 8 end end ) RegisterNetEvent('client:rulett:playLossAnim',function(chairId) local rot = CURRENT_CHAIR_DATA.rotation if chairId == 4 then rot = rot + vector3(0.0, 0.0, 90.0) elseif chairId == 3 then rot = rot + vector3(0.0, 0.0, -180.0) elseif chairId == 2 then rot = rot + vector3(0.0, 0.0, -90.0) elseif chairId == 1 then chairId = 1 rot = rot + vector3(0.0, 0.0, -90.0) end local sex = 0 local L = string.format('anim_casino_b@amb@casino@games@roulette@ped_male@seat_%s@regular@0%sa@reacts@v01', chairId, chairId) if GetEntityModel(PlayerPedId()) == GetHashKey('mp_f_freemode_01') then sex = 1 end if sex == 1 then local L = string.format('anim_casino_b@amb@casino@games@roulette@ped_female@seat_%s@regular@0%sa@reacts@v01', chairId, chairId) end RequestAnimDict(L) while not HasAnimDictLoaded(L) do Wait(1) end if CURRENT_CHAIR_DATA ~= nil then local currentScene = NetworkCreateSynchronisedScene(CURRENT_CHAIR_DATA.position, rot, 2, 1, 0, 1065353216, 0, 1065353216) NetworkAddPedToSynchronisedScene( PlayerPedId(), currentScene, L, ({'reaction_bad_var01', 'reaction_bad_var02', 'reaction_terrible'})[math.random(1, 3)], 4.0, -2.0, 13, 16, 1148846080, 0 ) NetworkStartSynchronisedScene(currentScene) idleTimer = 8 end end) function playImpartial() local rot = CURRENT_CHAIR_DATA.rotation if SELECTED_CHAIR_ID == 4 then rot = rot + vector3(0.0, 0.0, 90.0) elseif SELECTED_CHAIR_ID == 3 then rot = rot + vector3(0.0, 0.0, -180.0) elseif SELECTED_CHAIR_ID == 2 then rot = rot + vector3(0.0, 0.0, -90.0) elseif SELECTED_CHAIR_ID == 1 then SELECTED_CHAIR_ID = 1 rot = rot + vector3(0.0, 0.0, -90.0) end local sex = 0 local L = string.format('anim_casino_b@amb@casino@games@roulette@ped_male@seat_%s@regular@0%sa@reacts@v01', SELECTED_CHAIR_ID, SELECTED_CHAIR_ID) if GetEntityModel(PlayerPedId()) == GetHashKey('mp_f_freemode_01') then sex = 1 end if sex == 1 then local L = string.format('anim_casino_b@amb@casino@games@roulette@ped_female@seat_%s@regular@0%sa@reacts@v01', SELECTED_CHAIR_ID, SELECTED_CHAIR_ID) end RequestAnimDict(L) while not HasAnimDictLoaded(L) do Wait(1) end if CURRENT_CHAIR_DATA ~= nil then local currentScene = NetworkCreateSynchronisedScene(CURRENT_CHAIR_DATA.position, rot, 2, 1, 0, 1065353216, 0, 1065353216) NetworkAddPedToSynchronisedScene( PlayerPedId(), currentScene, L, ({'reaction_impartial_var01', 'reaction_impartial_var02', 'reaction_impartial_var03'})[math.random(1, 3)], 4.0, -2.0, 13, 16, 1148846080, 0 ) NetworkStartSynchronisedScene(currentScene) idleTimer = 8 end end function playRulettIdle() local rot = CURRENT_CHAIR_DATA.rotation if SELECTED_CHAIR_ID == 4 then rot = rot + vector3(0.0, 0.0, 90.0) elseif SELECTED_CHAIR_ID == 3 then rot = rot + vector3(0.0, 0.0, -180.0) elseif SELECTED_CHAIR_ID == 2 then rot = rot + vector3(0.0, 0.0, -90.0) elseif SELECTED_CHAIR_ID == 1 then SELECTED_CHAIR_ID = 1 rot = rot + vector3(0.0, 0.0, -90.0) end local sex = 0 local L = string.format('anim_casino_b@amb@casino@games@roulette@ped_male@seat_%s@regular@0%sa@idles', SELECTED_CHAIR_ID, SELECTED_CHAIR_ID) if GetEntityModel(PlayerPedId()) == GetHashKey('mp_f_freemode_01') then sex = 1 end if sex == 1 then local L = string.format('anim_casino_b@amb@casino@games@roulette@ped_female@seat_%s@regular@0%sa@idles', SELECTED_CHAIR_ID, SELECTED_CHAIR_ID) end RequestAnimDict(L) while not HasAnimDictLoaded(L) do Wait(1) end if CURRENT_CHAIR_DATA ~= nil then local currentScene = NetworkCreateSynchronisedScene(CURRENT_CHAIR_DATA.position, rot, 2, 1, 0, 1065353216, 0, 1065353216) NetworkAddPedToSynchronisedScene(PlayerPedId(), currentScene, L, ({'idle_a', 'idle_b', 'idle_c', 'idle_d'})[math.random(1, 4)], 1.0, -2.0, 13, 16, 1148846080, 0) NetworkStartSynchronisedScene(currentScene) end end function addRandomClothes(ped) local r = math.random(1, 5) if r == 1 then SetPedComponentVariation(ped, 0, 4, 0, 0) SetPedComponentVariation(ped, 1, 0, 0, 0) SetPedComponentVariation(ped, 2, 4, 0, 0) SetPedComponentVariation(ped, 3, 2, 1, 0) SetPedComponentVariation(ped, 4, 1, 0, 0) SetPedComponentVariation(ped, 6, 1, 0, 0) SetPedComponentVariation(ped, 7, 1, 0, 0) SetPedComponentVariation(ped, 8, 2, 0, 0) SetPedComponentVariation(ped, 10, 0, 0, 0) SetPedComponentVariation(ped, 11, 0, 0, 0) SetPedPropIndex(ped, 1, 0, 0, false) elseif r == 2 then SetPedComponentVariation(ped, 0, 3, 1, 0) SetPedComponentVariation(ped, 1, 0, 0, 0) SetPedComponentVariation(ped, 2, 3, 1, 0) SetPedComponentVariation(ped, 3, 1, 1, 0) SetPedComponentVariation(ped, 4, 1, 0, 0) SetPedComponentVariation(ped, 6, 1, 0, 0) SetPedComponentVariation(ped, 7, 2, 0, 0) SetPedComponentVariation(ped, 8, 1, 0, 0) SetPedComponentVariation(ped, 10, 0, 0, 0) SetPedComponentVariation(ped, 11, 0, 0, 0) elseif r == 3 then SetPedComponentVariation(ped, 0, 3, 0, 0) SetPedComponentVariation(ped, 1, 0, 0, 0) SetPedComponentVariation(ped, 2, 3, 0, 0) SetPedComponentVariation(ped, 3, 0, 1, 0) SetPedComponentVariation(ped, 4, 1, 0, 0) SetPedComponentVariation(ped, 6, 1, 0, 0) SetPedComponentVariation(ped, 7, 1, 0, 0) SetPedComponentVariation(ped, 8, 0, 0, 0) SetPedComponentVariation(ped, 10, 0, 0, 0) SetPedComponentVariation(ped, 11, 0, 0, 0) SetPedPropIndex(ped, 1, 0, 0, false) elseif r == 4 then SetPedComponentVariation(ped, 0, 2, 1, 0) SetPedComponentVariation(ped, 1, 0, 0, 0) SetPedComponentVariation(ped, 2, 2, 1, 0) SetPedComponentVariation(ped, 3, 3, 3, 0) SetPedComponentVariation(ped, 4, 1, 0, 0) SetPedComponentVariation(ped, 6, 1, 0, 0) SetPedComponentVariation(ped, 7, 2, 0, 0) SetPedComponentVariation(ped, 8, 3, 0, 0) SetPedComponentVariation(ped, 10, 0, 0, 0) SetPedComponentVariation(ped, 11, 0, 0, 0) end end