==> Synchronizing chroot copy [/home/alhp/workspace/chroot/root] -> [build_ea2e9697-10b9-4525-8ef8-430a33984c7c]...done
==> Making package: python-blosc2 3.2.0-1.1 (Wed Mar  5 13:31:45 2025)
==> Retrieving sources...
  -> Cloning python-blosc2 git repo...
Cloning into bare repository '/home/alhp/workspace/build/x86-64-v2/python-blosc2-3.2.0-1/python-blosc2'...
==> Validating source files with sha512sums...
    python-blosc2 ... Passed
==> Validating source files with b2sums...
    python-blosc2 ... Passed
==> Making package: python-blosc2 3.2.0-1.1 (Wed Mar  5 12:31:57 2025)
==> Checking runtime dependencies...
==> Installing missing dependencies...
resolving dependencies...
looking for conflicting packages...

Package (16)                     New Version  Net Change

extra/blas                       3.12.1-2       0.74 MiB
extra/cblas                      3.12.1-2       0.34 MiB
extra/lapack                     3.12.1-2      15.06 MiB
core/mpdecimal                   4.0.0-2        0.32 MiB
extra/python-charset-normalizer  3.4.1-1        0.44 MiB
extra/python-idna                3.10-2         0.88 MiB
extra/python-urllib3             2.3.0-1        1.26 MiB
extra/blosc2                     2.15.1-2       0.95 MiB
core/python                      3.13.2-1      67.62 MiB
extra/python-msgpack             1.0.5-3        0.33 MiB
extra/python-ndindex             1.9.2-2        0.64 MiB
extra/python-numexpr             2.10.2-1       0.86 MiB
extra/python-numpy               2.2.3-1       47.66 MiB
extra/python-platformdirs        4.3.6-2        0.24 MiB
extra/python-py-cpuinfo          9.0.0-5        0.30 MiB
extra/python-requests            2.32.3-4       0.60 MiB

Total Installed Size:  138.22 MiB

:: Proceed with installation? [Y/n] 
checking keyring...
checking package integrity...
loading package files...
checking for file conflicts...
:: Processing package changes...
installing blosc2...
installing mpdecimal...
installing python...
Optional dependencies for python
    python-setuptools: for building Python packages using tooling that is usually bundled with Python
    python-pip: for installing Python packages using tooling that is usually bundled with Python
    python-pipx: for installing Python software not packaged on Arch Linux
    sqlite: for a default database integration [installed]
    xz: for lzma [installed]
    tk: for tkinter
installing python-msgpack...
installing blas...
installing cblas...
installing lapack...
installing python-numpy...
Optional dependencies for python-numpy
    blas-openblas: faster linear algebra
installing python-ndindex...
installing python-numexpr...
installing python-platformdirs...
installing python-py-cpuinfo...
installing python-charset-normalizer...
installing python-idna...
installing python-urllib3...
Optional dependencies for python-urllib3
    python-brotli: Brotli support
    python-brotlicffi: Brotli support
    python-h2: HTTP/2 support
    python-pysocks: SOCKS support
    python-zstandard: Zstandard support
installing python-requests...
Optional dependencies for python-requests
    python-chardet: alternative character encoding library
    python-pysocks: SOCKS proxy support
:: Running post-transaction hooks...
(1/1) Arming ConditionNeedsUpdate...
==> Checking buildtime dependencies...
==> Installing missing dependencies...
resolving dependencies...
looking for conflicting packages...
warning: dependency cycle detected:
warning: harfbuzz will be installed before its freetype2 dependency
warning: dependency cycle detected:
warning: mesa will be installed before its libglvnd dependency

Package (146)                    New Version              Net Change 

extra/abseil-cpp                 20240722.1-1                6.50 MiB
extra/avahi                      1:0.8+r194+g3f79789-3       1.88 MiB
extra/cppdap                     1.58.0-2                    1.55 MiB
extra/default-cursors            3-1                         0.00 MiB
extra/double-conversion          3.3.1-1                     0.19 MiB
extra/duktape                    2.7.0-7                     0.78 MiB
extra/eigen                      3.4.0-2                     8.37 MiB
extra/fmt                        11.1.3-1                    0.69 MiB
extra/fontconfig                 2:2.16.0-2                  1.11 MiB
extra/freetype2                  2.13.3-3                    1.62 MiB
extra/fribidi                    1.0.16-1                    0.24 MiB
extra/gflags                     2.2.2-5                     1.04 MiB
extra/google-glog                0.7.1-1                     0.38 MiB
extra/graphite                   1:1.3.14-4                  0.20 MiB
extra/gtest                      1.15.2-1                    2.16 MiB
extra/harfbuzz                   10.4.0-1                    4.15 MiB
extra/hicolor-icon-theme         0.18-1                      0.05 MiB
extra/hwloc                      2.11.2-1                    1.64 MiB
extra/intel-oneapi-common        2024.1.0-1                  0.14 MiB
extra/intel-oneapi-mkl           2025.0.1-1               1276.75 MiB
extra/intel-oneapi-openmp        2025.0.4-1                281.89 MiB
extra/intel-oneapi-tbb           2021.12.0-2                 3.53 MiB
extra/intel-oneapi-tcm           1.2.0-3                     0.82 MiB
extra/jbigkit                    2.1-8                       0.16 MiB
extra/jsoncpp                    1.9.6-3                     0.77 MiB
extra/lcms2                      2.17-1                      0.67 MiB
extra/level-zero-loader          1.20.2-1                    1.52 MiB
extra/libb2                      0.98.1-3                    0.13 MiB
extra/libcups                    2:2.4.11-2                  0.77 MiB
extra/libdaemon                  0.14-6                      0.06 MiB
extra/libdrm                     2.4.124-1                   1.23 MiB
core/libedit                     20250104_3.1-1              0.26 MiB
extra/libevdev                   1.13.3-1                    0.21 MiB
extra/libfabric                  2.0.0-1                     4.69 MiB
extra/libglvnd                   1.7.0-1                     3.70 MiB
extra/libgudev                   238-1                       0.39 MiB
extra/libice                     1.1.2-1                     0.36 MiB
extra/libimagequant              4.3.4-1                     0.62 MiB
extra/libinput                   1.27.1-1                    1.14 MiB
extra/libjpeg-turbo              3.1.0-1                     2.39 MiB
core/libnl                       3.11.0-1                    2.08 MiB
extra/libpciaccess               0.18.1-2                    0.06 MiB
extra/libpng                     1.6.47-1                    0.58 MiB
extra/libproxy                   0.5.9-1                     0.10 MiB
extra/libraqm                    0.10.2-1                    0.19 MiB
extra/libsm                      1.2.5-1                     0.26 MiB
extra/libtiff                    4.7.0-1                     1.78 MiB
extra/libuv                      1.50.0-1                    0.61 MiB
extra/libwacom                   2.14.0-1                    1.43 MiB
extra/libx11                     1.8.11-1                    9.78 MiB
extra/libxau                     1.0.12-1                    0.02 MiB
extra/libxcb                     1.17.0-1                    3.87 MiB
extra/libxdmcp                   1.1.5-1                     0.13 MiB
extra/libxext                    1.3.6-1                     0.30 MiB
extra/libxkbcommon               1.8.0-1                     0.89 MiB
extra/libxkbcommon-x11           1.8.0-1                     0.09 MiB
extra/libxmu                     1.2.1-1                     0.33 MiB
extra/libxshmfence               1.3.3-1                     0.02 MiB
extra/libxt                      1.3.1-1                     2.02 MiB
extra/libxxf86vm                 1.1.6-1                     0.03 MiB
extra/libyaml                    0.2.5-3                     0.18 MiB
extra/llvm-libs                  19.1.7-1                  134.51 MiB
extra/lm_sensors                 1:3.6.0.r41.g31d1f125-3     0.46 MiB
extra/md4c                       0.5.2-1                     0.25 MiB
extra/mesa                       1:24.3.4-1                 96.80 MiB
extra/mtdev                      1.1.7-1                     0.05 MiB
extra/numactl                    2.0.19-1                    0.24 MiB
extra/openjpeg2                  2.5.3-1                    13.87 MiB
extra/openmp                     19.1.7-1                    1.94 MiB
extra/openmpi                    5.0.7-2                     9.93 MiB
extra/openpmix                   5.0.6-1                     3.64 MiB
extra/openucx                    1.18.0-2                    6.33 MiB
extra/perl-error                 0.17029-7                   0.04 MiB
extra/perl-mailtools             2.22-1                      0.10 MiB
extra/perl-timedate              2.33-7                      0.08 MiB
extra/protobuf                   29.2-1                     16.90 MiB
extra/prrte                      3.0.8-1                     1.91 MiB
extra/pybind11                   2.13.6-2                    0.91 MiB
extra/python-autocommand         2.2.2-7                     0.08 MiB
extra/python-contourpy           1.3.1-2                     0.90 MiB
extra/python-cycler              0.12.1-3                    0.07 MiB
extra/python-dateutil            2.9.0-6                     0.99 MiB
extra/python-filelock            3.17.0-1                    0.13 MiB
extra/python-fonttools           4.56.0-1                   19.27 MiB
extra/python-gmpy2               2.2.1-2                     0.72 MiB
extra/python-iniconfig           2.0.0-6                     0.04 MiB
extra/python-jaraco.collections  5.1.0-1                     0.10 MiB
extra/python-jaraco.context      6.0.1-1                     0.04 MiB
extra/python-jaraco.functools    4.1.0-1                     0.07 MiB
extra/python-jaraco.text         4.0.0-2                     0.08 MiB
extra/python-jinja               1:3.1.5-1                   1.77 MiB
extra/python-kiwisolver          1.4.5-5                     0.15 MiB
extra/python-markupsafe          2.1.5-3                     0.08 MiB
extra/python-matplotlib          3.10.0-1                   28.46 MiB
extra/python-more-itertools      10.6.0-1                    0.66 MiB
extra/python-mpmath              1.3.0-4                     6.35 MiB
extra/python-networkx            3.4.2-1                    22.58 MiB
extra/python-packaging           24.2-3                      0.66 MiB
extra/python-pandas              2.2.3-1                   109.51 MiB
extra/python-pathspec            0.12.1-3                    0.23 MiB
extra/python-pillow              11.1.0-1                    4.23 MiB
extra/python-pluggy              1.5.0-3                     0.20 MiB
extra/python-pooch               1.8.2-4                     0.70 MiB
extra/python-pyparsing           3.1.2-3                     1.25 MiB
extra/python-pyproject-hooks     1.2.0-3                     0.10 MiB
extra/python-pytz                2025.1-1                    0.15 MiB
extra/python-scipy               1.15.2-1                  116.07 MiB
extra/python-six                 1.17.0-1                    0.12 MiB
extra/python-sympy               1.13.3-2                   93.30 MiB
extra/python-typing_extensions   4.12.2-3                    0.42 MiB
extra/python-wheel               0.45.0-3                    0.28 MiB
extra/python-yaml                6.0.2-2                     0.97 MiB
extra/qhull                      2020.2-5                    6.94 MiB
extra/qt6-base                   6.8.2-3                    60.10 MiB
extra/qt6-translations           6.8.2-1                    13.67 MiB
extra/rhash                      1.4.4-1                     0.32 MiB
extra/shared-mime-info           2.4-1                       4.55 MiB
extra/spdlog                     1.15.1-1                    0.66 MiB
extra/spirv-tools                1:1.4.304.1-2               6.98 MiB
extra/tslib                      1.23-1                      0.47 MiB
extra/vulkan-headers             1:1.4.304.1-2              28.56 MiB
extra/vulkan-icd-loader          1.4.304.1-1                 0.54 MiB
extra/wayland                    1.23.1-1                    0.80 MiB
extra/xcb-proto                  1.17.0-3                    1.02 MiB
extra/xcb-util                   0.4.1-2                     0.03 MiB
extra/xcb-util-cursor            0.1.5-1                     0.03 MiB
extra/xcb-util-image             0.4.1-3                     0.05 MiB
extra/xcb-util-keysyms           0.4.1-5                     0.02 MiB
extra/xcb-util-renderutil        0.3.10-2                    0.03 MiB
extra/xcb-util-wm                0.4.2-2                     0.21 MiB
extra/xdg-utils                  1.2.1-1                     0.30 MiB
extra/xkeyboard-config           2.44-1                      6.58 MiB
extra/xorg-xprop                 1.2.8-1                     0.05 MiB
extra/xorg-xset                  1.2.5-2                     0.04 MiB
extra/xorgproto                  2024.1-2                    1.46 MiB
extra/cmake                      3.31.6-1                   76.27 MiB
extra/cython                     3.0.12-1                   18.30 MiB
extra/git                        2.48.1-2                   28.55 MiB
extra/ninja                      1.12.1-2                    0.38 MiB
extra/python-build               1.2.2-3                     0.20 MiB
extra/python-installer           0.7.0-10                    0.17 MiB
extra/python-psutil              7.0.0-1                     1.10 MiB
extra/python-pytest              1:8.3.5-1                   3.93 MiB
extra/python-pytorch             2.6.0-9                   471.73 MiB
extra/python-scikit-build-core   0.11.0-1                    1.49 MiB
extra/python-setuptools          1:75.8.0-1                  8.15 MiB

Total Installed Size:  3081.88 MiB

:: Proceed with installation? [Y/n] 
checking keyring...
checking package integrity...
loading package files...
checking for file conflicts...
:: Processing package changes...
installing cppdap...
installing hicolor-icon-theme...
installing jsoncpp...
Optional dependencies for jsoncpp
    jsoncpp-doc: documentation
installing libuv...
installing rhash...
installing cmake...
Optional dependencies for cmake
    make: for unix Makefile generator [installed]
    ninja: for ninja generator [pending]
    qt6-base: cmake-gui [pending]
installing cython...
installing perl-error...
installing perl-timedate...
installing perl-mailtools...
installing git...
Optional dependencies for git
    git-zsh-completion: upstream zsh completion
    tk: gitk and git gui
    openssh: ssh transport and crypto
    man: show help with `git command --help`
    perl-libwww: git svn
    perl-term-readkey: git svn and interactive.singlekey setting
    perl-io-socket-ssl: git send-email TLS support
    perl-authen-sasl: git send-email TLS support
    perl-mediawiki-api: git mediawiki support
    perl-datetime-format-iso8601: git mediawiki support
    perl-lwp-protocol-https: git mediawiki https support
    perl-cgi: gitweb (web interface) support
    python: git svn & git p4 [installed]
    subversion: git svn
    org.freedesktop.secrets: keyring credential helper
    libsecret: libsecret credential helper [installed]
installing ninja...
installing python-packaging...
installing python-pyproject-hooks...
installing python-build...
Optional dependencies for python-build
    python-pip: to use as the Python package installer (default)
    python-uv: to use as the Python package installer
    python-virtualenv: to use virtualenv for build isolation
installing python-installer...
installing python-pathspec...
installing python-scikit-build-core...
installing python-more-itertools...
installing python-jaraco.functools...
installing python-jaraco.context...
installing python-autocommand...
installing python-jaraco.text...
Optional dependencies for python-jaraco.text
    python-inflect: for show-newlines script
installing python-jaraco.collections...
installing python-wheel...
Optional dependencies for python-wheel
    python-keyring: for wheel.signatures
    python-xdg: for wheel.signatures
    python-setuptools: for legacy bdist_wheel subcommand [pending]
installing python-setuptools...
installing python-psutil...
installing python-iniconfig...
installing python-pluggy...
installing python-pytest...
installing gflags...
installing google-glog...
installing libedit...
installing llvm-libs...
installing openmp...
Optional dependencies for openmp
    cuda: offloading to NVIDIA GPUs
    hsa-rocr: offloading to AMD GPUs
installing libpciaccess...
installing hwloc...
Optional dependencies for hwloc
    cairo: PDF, Postscript, and PNG export support
    libxml2: full XML import/export support [installed]
installing numactl...
installing libfabric...
installing libnl...
installing openpmix...
Optional dependencies for openpmix
    openpmix-docs: for documentation
installing openucx...
Optional dependencies for openucx
    rdma-core: for InfiniBand and RDMA support
    cuda: for CUDA support
    rocm-language-runtime: for ROCm support
installing prrte...
Optional dependencies for prrte
    openssh: for execution on remote hosts via plm_ssh_agent
    prrte-docs: for documentation
installing openmpi...
Optional dependencies for openmpi
    cuda: cuda support
    hip-runtime-amd: ROCm support
    gcc-fortran: fortran support
    openssh: for execution on remote hosts via plm_ssh_agent
    openucc: for UCC accelerated collectives
installing pybind11...
Optional dependencies for pybind11
    python-setuptools: for python bindings [installed]
installing libyaml...
installing python-yaml...
installing python-gmpy2...
installing python-mpmath...
installing python-sympy...
Optional dependencies for python-sympy
    ipython: user friendly interface for isympy
    python-symengine: optimized backend, set USE_SYMENGINE=1 to use
installing gtest...
Optional dependencies for gtest
    python: gmock generator [installed]
installing abseil-cpp...
installing protobuf...
installing double-conversion...
installing libpng...
installing graphite...
Optional dependencies for graphite
    graphite-docs: Documentation
installing harfbuzz...
Optional dependencies for harfbuzz
    harfbuzz-utils: utilities
installing freetype2...
installing fontconfig...
Creating fontconfig configuration...
Rebuilding fontconfig cache...
installing libb2...
installing libdaemon...
installing avahi...
Optional dependencies for avahi
    gtk3: avahi-discover, avahi-discover-standalone, bshell, bssh, bvnc
    libevent: libevent bindings [installed]
    nss-mdns: NSS support for mDNS
    python-dbus: avahi-bookmarks, avahi-discover
    python-gobject: avahi-bookmarks, avahi-discover
    python-twisted: avahi-bookmarks
    qt5-base: qt5 bindings
installing libcups...
installing libdrm...
Optional dependencies for libdrm
    cairo: needed for modetest tool
installing xcb-proto...
installing xorgproto...
installing libxdmcp...
installing libxau...
installing libxcb...
installing libx11...
installing libxext...
installing libxshmfence...
installing libxxf86vm...
installing lm_sensors...
Optional dependencies for lm_sensors
    rrdtool: for logging with sensord
    perl: for sensor detection and configuration convert [installed]
installing spirv-tools...
installing default-cursors...
Optional dependencies for default-cursors
    adwaita-cursors: default cursor theme
installing wayland...
installing mesa...
Optional dependencies for mesa
    opengl-man-pages: for the OpenGL API man pages
installing libglvnd...
installing libice...
installing mtdev...
installing libevdev...
installing libgudev...
installing libwacom...
Optional dependencies for libwacom
    python-libevdev: for libwacom-show-stylus
    python-pyudev: for libwacom-show-stylus
installing libinput...
Optional dependencies for libinput
    gtk4: libinput debug-gui
    python-pyudev: libinput measure
    python-libevdev: libinput measure
    python-yaml: used by various tools [installed]
installing libjpeg-turbo...
Optional dependencies for libjpeg-turbo
    java-runtime>11: for TurboJPEG Java wrapper
installing duktape...
installing libproxy...
installing libsm...
installing xkeyboard-config...
installing libxkbcommon...
Optional dependencies for libxkbcommon
    libxkbcommon-x11: xkbcli interactive-x11 [pending]
    wayland: xkbcli interactive-wayland [installed]
installing libxkbcommon-x11...
installing md4c...
installing shared-mime-info...
installing tslib...
installing vulkan-headers...
Optional dependencies for vulkan-headers
    python: Registry tools [installed]
installing xcb-util-renderutil...
installing xcb-util...
installing xcb-util-image...
installing xcb-util-cursor...
installing xcb-util-keysyms...
installing xcb-util-wm...
installing libxt...
installing libxmu...
installing xorg-xset...
installing xorg-xprop...
installing xdg-utils...
Optional dependencies for xdg-utils
    kde-cli-tools: for KDE Plasma5 support in xdg-open
    exo: for Xfce support in xdg-open
    pcmanfm: for LXDE support in xdg-open
    perl-file-mimeinfo: for generic support in xdg-open
    perl-net-dbus: Perl extension to dbus used in xdg-screensaver
    perl-x11-protocol: Perl X11 protocol used in xdg-screensaver
installing qt6-translations...
installing qt6-base...
Optional dependencies for qt6-base
    freetds: MS SQL driver
    gdk-pixbuf2: GTK platform plugin
    gtk3: GTK platform plugin
    libfbclient: Firebird/iBase driver
    mariadb-libs: MariaDB driver
    pango: GTK platform plugin
    perl: for syncqt [installed]
    postgresql-libs: PostgreSQL driver
    qt6-wayland: to run Qt6 applications in a Wayland session
    unixodbc: ODBC driver
installing eigen...
installing intel-oneapi-common...
Optional dependencies for intel-oneapi-common
    procps-ng: Sourcing /opt/intel/oneapi/setvars.sh
installing intel-oneapi-tcm...
installing intel-oneapi-tbb...
installing fmt...
installing spdlog...
installing level-zero-loader...
installing intel-oneapi-openmp...
installing intel-oneapi-mkl...
installing python-typing_extensions...
installing python-markupsafe...
installing python-jinja...
Optional dependencies for python-jinja
    python-babel: for i18n support
installing python-pooch...
Optional dependencies for python-pooch
    python-paramiko: for SFTP downloads
    python-tqdm: for printing a download progress bar
installing python-scipy...
Optional dependencies for python-scipy
    python-pillow: for image saving module [pending]
installing python-contourpy...
Optional dependencies for python-contourpy
    python-matplotlib: matplotlib renderer [pending]
installing python-cycler...
installing python-six...
installing python-dateutil...
installing python-fonttools...
Optional dependencies for python-fonttools
    python-brotli: to compress/decompress WOFF 2.0 web fonts
    python-fs: to read/write UFO source files
    python-lxml: faster backend for XML files reading/writing
    python-lz4: for graphite type tables in ttLib/tables
    python-matplotlib: for visualizing DesignSpaceDocument and resulting VariationModel [pending]
    python-pyqt5: for drawing glyphs with Qt’s QPainterPath
    python-reportlab: to drawing glyphs as PNG images
    python-scipy: for finding wrong contour/component order between different masters [installed]
    python-sympy: for symbolic font statistics analysis [installed]
    python-uharfbuzz: to use the Harfbuzz Repacker for packing GSUB/GPOS tables
    python-unicodedata2: for displaying the Unicode character names when dumping the cmap table with ttx
    python-zopfli: faster backend fom WOFF 1.0 web fonts compression
installing python-kiwisolver...
installing jbigkit...
installing libtiff...
Optional dependencies for libtiff
    freeglut: for using tiffgt
installing lcms2...
installing fribidi...
installing libraqm...
installing openjpeg2...
installing libimagequant...
installing python-pillow...
Optional dependencies for python-pillow
    libwebp: for webp images
    tk: for the ImageTK module
    python-olefile: OLE2 file support
    python-pyqt6: for the ImageQt module
    python-defusedxml: for reading XMP tags
installing python-pyparsing...
Optional dependencies for python-pyparsing
    python-railroad-diagrams: for generating Railroad Diagrams
    python-jinja: for generating Railroad Diagrams [installed]
installing qhull...
installing python-matplotlib...
Optional dependencies for python-matplotlib
    tk: Tk{Agg,Cairo} backends
    pyside6: alternative for Qt6{Agg,Cairo} backends
    python-pyqt5: Qt5{Agg,Cairo} backends
    python-pyqt6: Qt6{Agg,Cairo} backends
    python-gobject: for GTK{3,4}{Agg,Cairo} backend
    python-wxpython: WX{Agg,Cairo} backend
    python-cairo: {GTK{3,4},Qt{5,6},Tk,WX}Cairo backends
    python-cairocffi: alternative for Cairo backends
    python-tornado: WebAgg backend
    ffmpeg: for saving movies
    imagemagick: for saving animated gifs
    ghostscript: usetex dependencies
    texlive-binextra: usetex dependencies
    texlive-fontsrecommended: usetex dependencies
    texlive-latexrecommended: usetex usage with pdflatex
    python-certifi: https support
installing python-pytz...
installing python-pandas...
Optional dependencies for python-pandas
    python-pandas-datareader: pandas.io.data replacement (recommended)
    python-numexpr: accelerating certain numerical operations (recommended) [installed]
    python-bottleneck: accelerating certain types of nan evaluations (recommended)
    python-matplotlib: plotting [installed]
    python-jinja: conditional formatting with DataFrame.style [installed]
    python-tabulate: printing in Markdown-friendly format
    python-scipy: miscellaneous statistical functions [installed]
    python-numba: alternative execution engine
    python-xarray: pandas-like API for N-dimensional data
    python-xlrd: Excel XLS input
    python-xlwt: Excel XLS output
    python-openpyxl: Excel XLSX input/output
    python-xlsxwriter: alternative Excel XLSX output
    python-beautifulsoup4: read_html function (in any case)
    python-html5lib: read_html function (and/or python-lxml)
    python-lxml: read_xml, to_xml and read_html function (and/or python-html5lib)
    python-sqlalchemy: SQL database support
    python-psycopg2: PostgreSQL engine for sqlalchemy
    python-pymysql: MySQL engine for sqlalchemy
    python-pytables: HDF5-based reading / writing
    python-blosc: for msgpack compression using blosc
    zlib: compression for msgpack [installed]
    python-pyarrow: Parquet, ORC and feather reading/writing
    python-fsspec: handling files aside from local and HTTP
    python-pyqt5: read_clipboard function (only one needed)
    python-qtpy: read_clipboard function (only one needed)
    xclip: read_clipboard function (only one needed)
    xsel: read_clipboard function (only one needed)
    python-brotli: Brotli compression
    python-snappy: Snappy compression
    python-zstandard: Zstandard (zstd) compression
installing python-networkx...
Optional dependencies for python-networkx
    python-lxml: for GraphML XML format
    python-pydot: for graph drawing and graph layout algorithms in pure Python via GraphViz
    python-pygraphviz: for graph drawing and graph layout algorithms with bindings to GraphViz
    python-sympy: for polynomial algorithms [installed]
installing python-filelock...
installing vulkan-icd-loader...
Optional dependencies for vulkan-icd-loader
    vulkan-driver: packaged vulkan driver
installing python-pytorch...
:: Running post-transaction hooks...
( 1/10) Creating system user accounts...
Creating group 'avahi' with GID 972.
Creating user 'avahi' (Avahi mDNS/DNS-SD daemon) with UID 972 and GID 972.
Creating group 'git' with GID 971.
Creating user 'git' (git daemon user) with UID 971 and GID 971.
( 2/10) Reloading system manager configuration...
  Skipped: Current root is not booted.
( 3/10) Updating udev hardware database...
( 4/10) Reloading device manager configuration...
  Skipped: Device manager is not running.
( 5/10) Arming ConditionNeedsUpdate...
( 6/10) Updating the MIME type database...
( 7/10) Updating fontconfig configuration...
( 8/10) Reloading system bus configuration...
  Skipped: Current root is not booted.
( 9/10) Checking for old perl modules...
(10/10) Updating fontconfig cache...
==> Retrieving sources...
==> WARNING: Skipping all source file integrity checks.
==> Extracting sources...
  -> Creating working copy of python-blosc2 git repo...
Cloning into 'python-blosc2'...
Switched to a new branch 'makepkg'
==> Starting build()...
* Getting build dependencies for wheel...
* Building wheel...
*** scikit-build-core 0.11.0 using CMake 3.31.6 (wheel)
*** Configuring CMake...
loading initial cache file /tmp/tmptn_1zcd1/build/CMakeInit.txt
-- The C compiler identification is GNU 14.2.1
-- The CXX compiler identification is GNU 14.2.1
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info
-- Detecting C compiler ABI info - done
-- Check for working C compiler: /usr/bin/gcc - skipped
-- Detecting C compile features
-- Detecting C compile features - done
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info
-- Detecting CXX compiler ABI info - done
-- Check for working CXX compiler: /usr/bin/g++ - skipped
-- Detecting CXX compile features
-- Detecting CXX compile features - done
-- Found Python: /usr/bin/python (found version "3.13.2") found components: Interpreter NumPy Development.Module
-- Found PkgConfig: /usr/bin/pkg-config (found version "2.3.0")
-- Checking for module 'blosc2'
--   Found blosc2, version 2.15.1
-- Configuring done (1.7s)
-- Generating done (0.0s)
-- Build files have been written to: /tmp/tmptn_1zcd1/build
*** Building project with Ninja...
[1/3] Generating blosc2_ext.c
[2/3] Building C object CMakeFiles/blosc2_ext.dir/blosc2_ext.c.o
FAILED: CMakeFiles/blosc2_ext.dir/blosc2_ext.c.o 
/usr/bin/gcc -Dblosc2_ext_EXPORTS -isystem /usr/include/python3.13 -isystem /usr/lib/python3.13/site-packages/numpy/_core/include -march=x86-64-v2 -O3 -pipe -fno-plt -fexceptions -Wp,-D_FORTIFY_SOURCE=3 -Wformat -Werror=format-security -fstack-clash-protection -fcf-protection -fno-omit-frame-pointer -mno-omit-leaf-frame-pointer -mpclmul -g -ffile-prefix-map=/startdir/src=/usr/src/debug/python-blosc2 -flto=auto -falign-functions=32 -O3 -DNDEBUG -fPIC -MD -MT CMakeFiles/blosc2_ext.dir/blosc2_ext.c.o -MF CMakeFiles/blosc2_ext.dir/blosc2_ext.c.o.d -o CMakeFiles/blosc2_ext.dir/blosc2_ext.c.o -c /tmp/tmptn_1zcd1/build/blosc2_ext.c
In file included from /usr/lib/python3.13/site-packages/numpy/_core/include/numpy/ndarraytypes.h:1913,
                 from /usr/lib/python3.13/site-packages/numpy/_core/include/numpy/ndarrayobject.h:12,
                 from /usr/lib/python3.13/site-packages/numpy/_core/include/numpy/arrayobject.h:5,
                 from /tmp/tmptn_1zcd1/build/blosc2_ext.c:1248:
/usr/lib/python3.13/site-packages/numpy/_core/include/numpy/npy_1_7_deprecated_api.h:17:2: warning: #warning "Using deprecated NumPy API, disable it with " "#define NPY_NO_DEPRECATED_API NPY_1_7_API_VERSION" [-Wcpp]
   17 | #warning "Using deprecated NumPy API, disable it with " \
      |  ^~~~~~~
/tmp/tmptn_1zcd1/build/blosc2_ext.c: In function ‘__pyx_pf_6blosc2_10blosc2_ext_6SChunk_22insert_chunk’:
/tmp/tmptn_1zcd1/build/blosc2_ext.c:38131:77: warning: passing argument 3 of ‘blosc2_schunk_insert_chunk’ discards ‘const’ qualifier from pointer target type [-Wdiscarded-qualifiers]
38131 |   __pyx_v_rc = blosc2_schunk_insert_chunk(__pyx_v_self->schunk, __pyx_t_5, (&(*((uint8_t const  *) ( /* dim=0 */ (__pyx_v_typed_view_chunk.data + __pyx_t_6 * __pyx_v_typed_view_chunk.strides[0]) )))), 1);
      |                                                                            ~^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
In file included from /tmp/tmptn_1zcd1/build/blosc2_ext.c:1253:
/usr/include/blosc2.h:1959:97: note: expected ‘uint8_t *’ {aka ‘unsigned char *’} but argument is of type ‘const uint8_t *’ {aka ‘const unsigned char *’}
 1959 | BLOSC_EXPORT int64_t blosc2_schunk_insert_chunk(blosc2_schunk *schunk, int64_t nchunk, uint8_t *chunk, bool copy);
      |                                                                                        ~~~~~~~~~^~~~~
/tmp/tmptn_1zcd1/build/blosc2_ext.c: In function ‘__pyx_pf_6blosc2_10blosc2_ext_6SChunk_26update_chunk’:
/tmp/tmptn_1zcd1/build/blosc2_ext.c:38885:77: warning: passing argument 3 of ‘blosc2_schunk_update_chunk’ discards ‘const’ qualifier from pointer target type [-Wdiscarded-qualifiers]
38885 |   __pyx_v_rc = blosc2_schunk_update_chunk(__pyx_v_self->schunk, __pyx_t_5, (&(*((uint8_t const  *) ( /* dim=0 */ (__pyx_v_typed_view_chunk.data + __pyx_t_6 * __pyx_v_typed_view_chunk.strides[0]) )))), 1);
      |                                                                            ~^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
/usr/include/blosc2.h:1945:97: note: expected ‘uint8_t *’ {aka ‘unsigned char *’} but argument is of type ‘const uint8_t *’ {aka ‘const unsigned char *’}
 1945 | BLOSC_EXPORT int64_t blosc2_schunk_update_chunk(blosc2_schunk *schunk, int64_t nchunk, uint8_t *chunk, bool copy);
      |                                                                                        ~~~~~~~~~^~~~~
/tmp/tmptn_1zcd1/build/blosc2_ext.c: In function ‘__pyx_f_6blosc2_10blosc2_ext_aux_udf’:
/tmp/tmptn_1zcd1/build/blosc2_ext.c:46386:18: error: implicit declaration of function ‘b2nd_copy_buffer2’; did you mean ‘b2nd_copy_buffer’? [-Wimplicit-function-declaration]
46386 |     __pyx_v_rc = b2nd_copy_buffer2(__pyx_v_udata->array->ndim, __pyx_v_typesize, __pyx_v_buf->buf, __pyx_v_slice_shape, __pyx_v_start, __pyx_v_slice_shape, __pyx_v_params_output, __pyx_v_blockshape_int64, __pyx_v_start);
      |                  ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
      |                  b2nd_copy_buffer
/tmp/tmptn_1zcd1/build/blosc2_ext.c: In function ‘__pyx_pymod_exec_blosc2_ext’:
/tmp/tmptn_1zcd1/build/blosc2_ext.c:73983:48: error: ‘BLOSC2_MAXTYPESIZE’ undeclared (first use in this function); did you mean ‘BLOSC_MAX_TYPESIZE’?
73983 |   __pyx_t_7 = __Pyx_PyInt_From___pyx_anon_enum(BLOSC2_MAXTYPESIZE); if (unlikely(!__pyx_t_7)) __PYX_ERR(0, 540, __pyx_L1_error)
      |                                                ^~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
      |                                                BLOSC_MAX_TYPESIZE
/tmp/tmptn_1zcd1/build/blosc2_ext.c:73983:48: note: each undeclared identifier is reported only once for each function it appears in
ninja: build stopped: subcommand failed.

*** CMake build failed

ERROR Backend subprocess exited when trying to invoke build_wheel
==> ERROR: A failure occurred in build().
==> ERROR: Build failed, check /home/alhp/workspace/chroot/build_ea2e9697-10b9-4525-8ef8-430a33984c7c/build