 * $Id:$
 * The contents of this file may be used under the terms of either the GNU
 * General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL", see
 * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html ), or the Blender License 1.0 or
 * later (the "BL", see http://www.blender.org/BL/ ) which has to be
 * bought from the Blender Foundation to become active, in which case the
 * above mentioned GPL option does not apply.
 * The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2002 by NaN Holding BV.
 * All rights reserved.
 * The Original Code is: all of this file.
 * Contributor(s): none yet.

/* edit.h maart 95 */

 * alles wat niet in de sdna hoeft
 * Version: $Id: edit.h,v 1.4 2000/07/25 08:53:06 nzc Exp $

#ifndef EDIT_H
#define EDIT_H

#define BEZSELECTED(bezt)   (((bezt)->f1 & 1) || ((bezt)->f2 & 1) || ((bezt)->f3 & 1))

#define TOB_IPO	1
#define TOB_IPODROT	2
#define TOB_IKA	4

typedef struct TransOb {
	float *loc;
	float oldloc[9];
	float *eff;
	float oldeff[3];
	float *rot;
	float oldrot[12];
	float olddrot[3];
	float *quat;
	float oldquat[16];
	float olddquat[4];
	float *size;
	float oldsize[12];
	float olddsize[3];
	float obmat[3][3];
	float obinv[3][3];
	float parmat[3][3];
	float parinv[3][3];
	float obvec[3];
	int flag; /* keys */
	float *locx, *locy, *locz;
	float *rotx, *roty, *rotz;
	float *quatx, *quaty, *quatz, *quatw;
	float *sizex, *sizey, *sizez;
	Object *ob;
} TransOb;

typedef struct TransVert {
	float *loc;
	float oldloc[3], fac;
	float *val, oldval;
	int flag;
} TransVert;

typedef struct EditVert
	struct EditVert *next, *prev, *vn;
	float no[3];
	float co[3];
	short xs, ys;
	char f, h, f1, hash;
} EditVert;

typedef struct EditEdge
	struct EditEdge *next, *prev;
	struct EditVert *v1, *v2, *vn;
	short f,h;
	short f1, dir;
} EditEdge;

typedef struct EditVlak
	struct EditVlak *next, *prev;
	struct EditVert *v1, *v2, *v3, *v4;
	struct EditEdge *e1, *e2, *e3, *e4;
	float n[3];
	float uv[4][2];
	unsigned int col[4];
	struct TFace *tface;	/* a pointer to original tface. */
	char mat_nr, flag;
	char f, f1;
} EditVlak;

typedef struct CfraElem {
	struct CfraElem *next, *prev;
	float cfra;
	int sel;
} CfraElem;

typedef struct VPaint {
	float r, g, b, a;
	float size;		/* van brush */
	float gamma, mul;
	short mode, flag;
} VPaint;

	/* editmesh.c */
extern void add_primitiveMesh(int type);
extern void fasterdraw(void);
extern void slowerdraw(void);
extern void make_sticky(void);
extern void make_vertexcol(void);
extern void make_editMesh(void);
extern void load_editMesh(void);
extern void vertexsmooth(void);
extern void vertexnoise(void);
extern void subdivideflag(int flag, float rad, int beauty);
extern int vlakselectedOR(EditVlak *evl, int flag);
extern int vlakselectedAND(EditVlak *evl, int flag);
extern int comparevlak(EditVlak *vl1, EditVlak *vl2);
extern EditEdge *findedgelist(EditVert *v1, EditVert *v2);
extern EditEdge *addedgelist(EditVert *v1, EditVert *v2);
extern EditVlak *addvlaklist(EditVert *v1, EditVert *v2, EditVert *v3, EditVert *v4, EditVlak *example);
extern EditVert *addvertlist(float *vec);
extern int contrpuntnorm(float *n, float *puno);
extern void tekenvertices_special(int mode, EditVert *act);
extern short extrudeflag(short flag,short type);
extern void rotateflag(short flag, float *cent, float rotmat[][3]);
extern short removedoublesflag(short flag, float limit);
extern void extrude_repeat_mesh(int steps, float offs);
extern void spin_mesh(int steps,int degr,float *dvec, int mode);
extern float convex(float *v1, float *v2, float *v3, float *v4);

	/* scanfill.c */
extern void *new_mem_element(int size);
extern EditVert *addfillvert(float *vec);
extern int edgefill(int mode);
extern EditEdge *addfilledge(EditVert *v1, EditVert *v2);
extern ListBase fillvlakbase;
extern ListBase fillvertbase;

#endif /* EDIT_H */