/** * $Id:$ * ***** BEGIN GPL/BL DUAL LICENSE BLOCK ***** * * The contents of this file may be used under the terms of either the GNU * General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL", see * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html ), or the Blender License 1.0 or * later (the "BL", see http://www.blender.org/BL/ ) which has to be * bought from the Blender Foundation to become active, in which case the * above mentioned GPL option does not apply. * * The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2002 by NaN Holding BV. * All rights reserved. * * The Original Code is: all of this file. * * Contributor(s): none yet. * * ***** END GPL/BL DUAL LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ #include <stdio.h> #include "util.h" #include <fcntl.h> #ifdef WIN32 #include "winstuff.h" #define strncasecmp(a, b, n) strncmp(a, b, n) #endif #ifndef WIN32 #include <sys/time.h> #endif int totblock=0; int mem_in_use = 0; int current_mem_level = 0; struct ListBase _membase; struct ListBase *membase = &_membase; int stringdec(char *string, char *kop, char *staart, ushort *numlen) { ushort len, len2, nums, nume; short i, found=FALSE; len2 = len = strlen( string); if (len > 6) { if (strncasecmp(string + len - 6, ".blend", 6) == 0) len -= 6; else if (strncasecmp(string + len - 6, ".trace", 6) == 0) len -= 6; } if (len == len2) { if (len > 4) { /* .jf0 en .jf1 voor jstreams afvangen */ if (strncasecmp(string + len - 4, ".jf", 3) == 0) len -= 4; else if (strncasecmp(string + len - 4, ".tga", 4) == 0) len -= 4; else if (strncasecmp(string + len - 4, ".jpg", 4) == 0) len -= 4; else if (strncasecmp(string + len - 4, ".txt", 4) == 0) len -= 4; else if (strncasecmp(string + len - 4, ".cyc", 4) == 0) len -= 4; else if (strncasecmp(string + len - 4, ".enh", 4) == 0) len -= 4; else if (strncasecmp(string + len - 4, ".rgb", 4) == 0) len -= 4; else if (strncasecmp(string + len - 4, ".psx", 4) == 0) len -= 4; } } for (i = len - 1; i >= 0; i--){ if (string[i] == '/') break; if (isdigit(string[i])) { if (found){ nums = i; } else{ nume = i; nums = i; found = TRUE; } } else{ if (found) break; } } if (found){ if (staart) strcpy(staart,&string[nume+1]); if (kop) { strcpy(kop,string); kop[nums]=0; } if (numlen) *numlen = nume-nums+1; return ((int)atoi(&(string[nums]))); } if (staart) strcpy(staart, string + len); if (kop) { strncpy(kop, string, len); kop[len] = 0; } if (numlen) *numlen=0; return 0; } void stringenc(char *string, char *kop, char *staart, ushort numlen, int pic) { char numstr[10]=""; ushort len,i; strcpy(string,kop); if (pic>0 || numlen==4) { len= sprintf(numstr,"%d",pic); for(i=len;i<numlen;i++){ strcat(string,"0"); } strcat(string,numstr); } strcat(string,staart); } void newname(char * name, int add) { char head[128], tail[128]; int pic; ushort digits; pic = stringdec(name, head, tail, &digits); /* gaan we van 100 -> 99 of van 10 naar 9 */ if (add < 0 && digits < 4 && digits > 0) { int i, exp; exp = 1; for (i = digits; i > 1; i--) exp *= 10; if (pic >= exp && (pic + add) < exp) digits--; } pic += add; if(digits==4 && pic<0) pic= 0; stringenc(name, head, tail, digits, pic); } void addhead(ListBase *listbase, void *vlink) { struct Link *link= vlink; if (link == 0) return; if (listbase == 0) return; link->next = listbase->first; link->prev = 0; if (listbase->first) ((struct Link *)listbase->first)->prev = link; if (listbase->last == 0) listbase->last = link; listbase->first = link; } void addtail(ListBase *listbase, void *vlink) { struct Link *link= vlink; if (link == 0) return; if (listbase == 0) return; link->next = 0; link->prev = listbase->last; if (listbase->last) ((struct Link *)listbase->last)->next = link; if (listbase->first == 0) listbase->first = link; listbase->last = link; } void remlink(ListBase *listbase, void *vlink) { struct Link *link= vlink; if (link == 0) return; if (listbase == 0) return; if (link->next) link->next->prev = link->prev; if (link->prev) link->prev->next = link->next; if (listbase->last == link) listbase->last = link->prev; if (listbase->first == link) listbase->first = link->next; } void freelinkN(ListBase *listbase, void *vlink) { struct Link *link= vlink; if (link == 0) return; if (listbase == 0) return; remlink(listbase,link); freeN(link); } void insertlink(ListBase *listbase, void *vprevlink, void *vnewlink) { struct Link *prevlink= vprevlink, *newlink= vnewlink; /* newlink komt na prevlink */ if (newlink == 0) return; if (listbase == 0) return; if(listbase->first==0) { /* lege lijst */ listbase->first= newlink; listbase->last= newlink; return; } if (prevlink== 0) { /* inserten voor eerste element */ newlink->next= listbase->first; newlink->prev= 0; newlink->next->prev= newlink; listbase->first= newlink; return; } if (listbase->last== prevlink) /* aan einde lijst */ listbase->last = newlink; newlink->next= prevlink->next; prevlink->next= newlink; if(newlink->next) newlink->next->prev= newlink; newlink->prev= prevlink; } void insertlinkbefore(ListBase *listbase, void *vnextlink, void *vnewlink) { struct Link *nextlink= vnextlink, *newlink= vnewlink; /* newlink komt voor nextlink */ if (newlink == 0) return; if (listbase == 0) return; if(listbase->first==0) { /* lege lijst */ listbase->first= newlink; listbase->last= newlink; return; } if (nextlink== 0) { /* inserten aan einde lijst */ newlink->prev= listbase->last; newlink->next= 0; ((struct Link *)listbase->last)->next= newlink; listbase->last= newlink; return; } if (listbase->first== nextlink) /* aan begin lijst */ listbase->first = newlink; newlink->next= nextlink; newlink->prev= nextlink->prev; nextlink->prev= newlink; if(newlink->prev) newlink->prev->next= newlink; } void freelist(ListBase *listbase) { struct Link *link,*next; if (listbase == 0) return; link= listbase->first; while(link) { next= link->next; free(link); link= next; } listbase->first=0; listbase->last=0; } void freelistN(ListBase *listbase) { struct Link *link,*next; if (listbase == 0) return; link= listbase->first; while(link) { next= link->next; freeN(link); link= next; } listbase->first=0; listbase->last=0; } int countlist(ListBase *listbase) { Link * link; int count = 0; if (listbase){ link = listbase->first; while(link) { count++; link= link->next; } } return(count); } #ifndef WIN32 short fileselect(char *title, char *dir) { char buf[200]; int fspipe[2],len,ok; if (pipe(fspipe)) return (0); /*sprintf(buf,"fs '%s' '%d' '%s'",dir,fspipe[1],title);*/ sprintf(buf,"fs -d '%s' -p '%d' -t '%s'",dir,fspipe[1],title); len=ok=0; if (system(buf)==0){ if (read(fspipe[0],&len,4)==4){ if (read(fspipe[0],buf,len)==len){ if (len>1){ strcpy(dir,buf); ok=1; } } } } close(fspipe[0]); close(fspipe[1]); return (ok); } short stringselect(char *title, char *file) { char buf[200]; int fspipe[2],len,ok; if (pipe(fspipe)) return (0); sprintf(buf,"fs -f '%s' -s -p '%d' -t '%s'",file,fspipe[1],title); len=ok=0; if (system(buf)==0){ if (read(fspipe[0],&len,4)==4){ if (read(fspipe[0],buf,len)==len){ if (len>1){ strcpy(file,buf); ok=1; } } } } close(fspipe[0]); close(fspipe[1]); return (ok); } #endif #ifdef malloc #undef malloc #endif #ifdef calloc #undef calloc #endif #ifdef free #undef free #endif void MemorY_ErroR(char *block, char *error) { fprintf(stderr,"Memoryblock %s: %s\n",block,error); } void (*memory_error)() = MemorY_ErroR; void *mallocN(int len, char *str) { MemHead *memh; MemTail *memt; if(len<=0) { printf("Malloc error: len=%d in %s\n",len,str); return 0; } if(sizeof(long)==8) len = (len + 3 ) & ~3; /* eenheden van 4 */ else len = (len + 7 ) & ~7; /* eenheden van 8 */ memh= (MemHead *)malloc(len+sizeof(MemHead)+sizeof(MemTail)); if(memh!=0) { memh->tag1 = MEMTAG1; memh->name = str; memh->nextname = 0; memh->len = len; memh->level = current_mem_level; memh->tag2 = MEMTAG2; memt = (MemTail *)(((char *) memh) + sizeof(MemHead) + len); memt->tag3 = MEMTAG3; addtail(membase,&memh->next); if (memh->next) memh->nextname = MEMNEXT(memh->next)->name; totblock++; mem_in_use += len; return (++memh); } printf("Malloc returns nill: len=%d in %s\n",len,str); return 0; } void *callocN(int len, char *str) { MemHead *memh; MemTail *memt; if(len<=0) { printf("Malloc error: len=%d in %s\n",len,str); return 0; } if(sizeof(long)==8) len = (len + 3 ) & ~3; /* eenheden van 4 */ else len = (len + 7 ) & ~7; /* eenheden van 8 */ memh= (MemHead *)calloc(len+sizeof(MemHead)+sizeof(MemTail),1); if(memh!=0) { memh->tag1 = MEMTAG1; memh->name = str; memh->nextname = 0; memh->len = len; memh->level = current_mem_level; memh->tag2 = MEMTAG2; memt = (MemTail *)(((char *) memh) + sizeof(MemHead) + len); memt->tag3 = MEMTAG3; addtail(membase,&memh->next); if (memh->next) memh->nextname = MEMNEXT(memh->next)->name; totblock++; mem_in_use += len; return (++memh); } printf("Calloc returns nill: len=%d in %s\n",len,str); return 0; } void rem_memblock(MemHead *memh) { remlink(membase,&memh->next); if (memh->prev){ if (memh->next) MEMNEXT(memh->prev)->nextname = MEMNEXT(memh->next)->name; else MEMNEXT(memh->prev)->nextname = 0; } totblock--; mem_in_use -= memh->len; free(memh); } void printmemlist() { MemHead *membl; membl = membase->first; if (membl) membl = MEMNEXT(membl); while(membl) { printf("%s len: %d %x\n",membl->name,membl->len, membl+1); if(membl->next) membl= MEMNEXT(membl->next); else break; } } char *check_memlist(MemHead *memh) { MemHead *forw,*back,*forwok,*backok; char *name; forw = membase->first; if (forw) forw = MEMNEXT(forw); forwok = 0; while(forw){ if (forw->tag1 != MEMTAG1 || forw->tag2 != MEMTAG2) break; forwok = forw; if (forw->next) forw = MEMNEXT(forw->next); else forw = 0; } back = (MemHead *) membase->last; if (back) back = MEMNEXT(back); backok = 0; while(back){ if (back->tag1 != MEMTAG1 || back->tag2 != MEMTAG2) break; backok = back; if (back->prev) back = MEMNEXT(back->prev); else back = 0; } if (forw != back) return ("MORE THAN 1 MEMORYBLOCK CORRUPT"); if (forw == 0 && back == 0){ /* geen foute headers gevonden dan maar op zoek naar memblock*/ forw = membase->first; if (forw) forw = MEMNEXT(forw); forwok = 0; while(forw){ if (forw == memh) break; if (forw->tag1 != MEMTAG1 || forw->tag2 != MEMTAG2) break; forwok = forw; if (forw->next) forw = MEMNEXT(forw->next); else forw = 0; } if (forw == 0) return (0); back = (MemHead *) membase->last; if (back) back = MEMNEXT(back); backok = 0; while(back){ if (back == memh) break; if (back->tag1 != MEMTAG1 || back->tag2 != MEMTAG2) break; backok = back; if (back->prev) back = MEMNEXT(back->prev); else back = 0; } } if (forwok) name = forwok->nextname; else name = "No name found"; if (forw == memh){ /* voor alle zekerheid wordt dit block maar uit de lijst gehaald */ if (forwok){ if (backok){ forwok->next = (MemHead *)&backok->next; backok->prev = (MemHead *)&forwok->next; forwok->nextname = backok->name; } else{ forwok->next = 0; membase->last = (struct Link *) &forwok->next; } } else{ if (backok){ backok->prev = 0; membase->first = &backok->next; } else{ membase->first = membase->last = 0; } } } else{ memory_error(name,"Aditional error in header"); return(0); } return(name); } short freeN(void *vmemh) /* anders compileertie niet meer */ { short error = 0; MemTail *memt; MemHead *memh= vmemh; char *name; if (memh == 0){ memory_error("free","attempt to free NULL pointer"); /* printf("%d\n", (memh+4000)->tag1); */ return(-1); } if(sizeof(long)==8) { if (((long) memh) & 0x7) { memory_error("free","attempt to free illegal pointer"); return(-1); } } else { if (((long) memh) & 0x3) { memory_error("free","attempt to free illegal pointer"); return(-1); } } memh--; if(memh->tag1 == MEMFREE && memh->tag2 == MEMFREE) { memory_error(memh->name,"double free"); return(-1); } if ((memh->tag1 == MEMTAG1) && (memh->tag2 == MEMTAG2) && ((memh->len & 0x3) == 0)) { memt = (MemTail *)(((char *) memh) + sizeof(MemHead) + memh->len); if (memt->tag3 == MEMTAG3){ memh->tag1 = MEMFREE; memh->tag2 = MEMFREE; memt->tag3 = MEMFREE; /* na tags !!! */ rem_memblock(memh); return(0); } error = 2; memory_error(memh->name,"end corrupt"); name = check_memlist(memh); if (name != 0){ if (name != memh->name) memory_error(name,"is also corrupt"); } } else{ error = -1; name = check_memlist(memh); if (name == 0) memory_error("free","pointer not in memlist"); else memory_error(name,"error in header"); } totblock--; /* hier moet een DUMP plaatsvinden */ return(error); } void ap_framelen(char * cmd, int i) { char buf[8]; if (i<10) sprintf(buf,"0%d",i); else sprintf(buf,"%d",i); strcat(cmd,buf); } char *tcode_to_string(int len) { int i; int rlen; static char str[64]; if (len < 0){ strcpy(str, "- "); len = -len; } else{ str[0] = 0; } rlen = len; if (len >= 90000){ i = rlen/90000; ap_framelen(str,i); strcat(str,":"); rlen -= 90000 * i; } if (len >= 1500){ i = rlen/1500; ap_framelen(str,i); strcat(str,":"); rlen -= 1500 * i; } if (len >= 25){ i = rlen/25; ap_framelen(str,i); strcat(str,":"); rlen -= 25 * i; } ap_framelen(str,rlen); return(str); } int string_to_tcode(char * str) { int i,val[4],tcode = 0,j=0; char string[64]; strcpy(string,str); for (i = 0 ; string[i] ; i++){ if (isdigit(string[i]) == 0) string[i] = ' '; } i = sscanf(string,"%ld%ld%ld%ld",val,val+1,val+2,val+3); switch(i){ case 4: tcode += 90000 * val[j++]; case 3: tcode += 1500 * val[j++]; case 2: tcode += 25 * val[j++]; case 1: tcode += val[j++]; } return(tcode); } int strnmatch(char *s1, char *s2) { int i = 0; char c1, c2; if (s1 == 0) return(0); if (s2 == 0) return(0); do{ c1 = toupper(s1[i]); c2 = toupper(s2[i]); if (c1 != c2) break; i++; }while (c1 && c2); if (c1 == 0 && c2 == 0) return (32767); return(i); } int file_size(char * name) { int file, size; if (name == 0) return(0); file = open(name, O_RDONLY); if (file == -1) return (0); size = filesize(file); close(file); return(size); } void * load_to_mem(char * name) { int file, size; char * mem; if (name == 0) return(0); file = open(name, O_RDONLY); if (file == -1) return (0); size = lseek(file,0L,SEEK_END); if (size > 0) { lseek(file,0L,SEEK_SET); mem = mallocN(size, "load_to_mem"); if (mem) { if (read(file, mem, size) != size){ freeN(mem); mem = 0; } } } close(file); return(mem); } #ifndef WIN32 void Sginap(int Ticks) { struct timeval timeout; timeout.tv_sec = Ticks/100; timeout.tv_usec = Ticks*10000 - timeout.tv_sec*1000000; select(0, 0, 0, 0, &timeout); } #endif