/** * $Id:$ * ***** BEGIN GPL/BL DUAL LICENSE BLOCK ***** * * The contents of this file may be used under the terms of either the GNU * General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL", see * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html ), or the Blender License 1.0 or * later (the "BL", see http://www.blender.org/BL/ ) which has to be * bought from the Blender Foundation to become active, in which case the * above mentioned GPL option does not apply. * * The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2002 by NaN Holding BV. * All rights reserved. * * The Original Code is: all of this file. * * Contributor(s): none yet. * * ***** END GPL/BL DUAL LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ /* editcurve.c GRAPHICS * * maart 95 * * */ /** * * The editcurve module provides all curve manipulation * functionality. * * @author Ton Roosendaal * @author Njin-Zu Chen * @version "$Id: editcurve.c,v 1.8 2000/09/12 11:21:11 frank Exp $" */ #include "blender.h" #include "graphics.h" #include "edit.h" #include "ipo.h" ListBase editNurb; BPoint *lastselbp; Nurb *lastnu; /* voor selected */ void freeNurblist(ListBase *lb); float nurbcircle[8][2]= { 0.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, -1.0, 0.0, -1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 1.0, 0.0, 1.0, -1.0 }; short isNurbsel(Nurb *nu) { BezTriple *bezt; BPoint *bp; int a; if((nu->type & 7)==CU_BEZIER) { bezt= nu->bezt; a= nu->pntsu; while(a--) { if( (bezt->f1 & 1) || (bezt->f2 & 1) || (bezt->f3 & 1) ) return 1; bezt++; } } else { bp= nu->bp; a= nu->pntsu*nu->pntsv; while(a--) { if( (bp->f1 & 1) ) return 1; bp++; } } return 0; } int isNurbsel_count(Nurb *nu) { BezTriple *bezt; BPoint *bp; int a, sel=0; if((nu->type & 7)==CU_BEZIER) { bezt= nu->bezt; a= nu->pntsu; while(a--) { if( (bezt->f1 & 1) || (bezt->f2 & 1) || (bezt->f3 & 1) ) sel++; bezt++; } } else { bp= nu->bp; a= nu->pntsu*nu->pntsv; while(a--) { if( (bp->f1 & 1) ) sel++; bp++; } } return sel; } void printknots() { Nurb *nu; int a, num; nu= editNurb.first; while(nu) { if(isNurbsel(nu) && (nu->type & 7)==CU_NURBS) { if(nu->knotsu) { num= KNOTSU(nu); for(a=0;a<num;a++) printf("knotu %d: %f\n", a, nu->knotsu[a]); } if(nu->knotsv) { num= KNOTSV(nu); for(a=0;a<num;a++) printf("knotv %d: %f\n", a, nu->knotsv[a]); } } nu= nu->next; } } void printweightsNurb() { Nurb *nu; BPoint *bp; int a; char str[30]; if(G.obedit==0) return; persp(0); glDrawBuffer(GL_FRONT); nu= editNurb.first; while(nu) { if((nu->type & 7)==CU_NURBS) { a= nu->pntsu*nu->pntsv; bp= nu->bp; while(a--) { if(bp->f1 & 1) { if(bp->s[0]!= 3200) { sprintf(str,"%2.2f", bp->vec[3]); cpack(0x737373); glRasterPos2i(bp->s[0]-1, bp->s[1]-1); fmprstr(str); glRasterPos2i(bp->s[0]+1, bp->s[1]+1); fmprstr(str); cpack(0xFFFFFF); glRasterPos2i(bp->s[0], bp->s[1]); fmprstr(str); } } bp++; } } nu= nu->next; } glDrawBuffer(GL_BACK); persp(1); } /* ********************* LOAD EN MAKE *************** */ void load_editNurb() { /* laad editNurb in object */ Curve *cu= 0; Nurb *nu, *newnu; KeyBlock *actkey=0; if(G.obedit==0) return; if ELEM(G.obedit->type, OB_CURVE, OB_SURF) { G.totvert= count_curveverts(&editNurb); cu= G.obedit->data; /* zijn er keys? */ if(cu->key) { actkey= cu->key->block.first; while(actkey) { if(actkey->flag & SELECT) break; actkey= actkey->next; } if(actkey) { /* aktieve key: de vertices */ if(G.totvert) { if(actkey->data) freeN(actkey->data); actkey->data= callocN(cu->key->elemsize*G.totvert, "actkey->data"); actkey->totelem= G.totvert; curve_to_key(cu, actkey, &editNurb); } } } if(cu->key && actkey!=cu->key->refkey) { /* er zijn keys, alleen veranderingen in verts schrijven */ /* als aantal vertices verschillen, beetje onvoorspelbaar */ /* vertex -> vertex copy! */ if(actkey) key_to_curve(actkey, cu, &cu->nurb); } else { freeNurblist(&(cu->nurb)); nu= editNurb.first; while(nu) { newnu= duplicateNurb(nu); newnu->hide= 0; addtail(&(cu->nurb), newnu); if((nu->type & 7)==CU_NURBS) { if(nu->pntsu < nu->orderu) nu->orderu= nu->pntsu; } nu= nu->next; } } } lastnu= 0; /* voor selected */ } void make_editNurb() { /* maak kopie van baseNurb in editNurb */ Curve *cu=0; Nurb *nu, *newnu; BezTriple *bezt; BPoint *bp; KeyBlock *actkey=0; int a, tot=0; if(G.obedit==0) return; lastselbp= 0; /* global voor select row */ if ELEM(G.obedit->type, OB_CURVE, OB_SURF) { freeNurblist(&editNurb); cu= G.obedit->data; nu= cu->nurb.first; while(nu) { newnu= duplicateNurb(nu); addtail(&editNurb, newnu); /* flags op nul */ newnu->hide= 0; if((nu->type & 7)==CU_BEZIER) { a= nu->pntsu; bezt= newnu->bezt; while(a--) { bezt->f1= bezt->f2= bezt->f3= bezt->hide= 0; bezt++; tot+= 3; } } else { a= nu->pntsu*nu->pntsv; bp= newnu->bp; while(a--) { bp->f1= bp->hide= 0; bp++; tot++; } } nu= nu->next; } if(cu->key) { actkey= cu->key->block.first; while(actkey) { if(actkey->flag & SELECT) break; actkey= actkey->next; } if(actkey) { key_to_curve(actkey, cu, &editNurb); } } makeDispList(G.obedit); } else G.obedit= 0; countall(); lastnu= 0; /* voor selected */ } void remake_editNurb() { if(okee("Reload Original data")==0) return; make_editNurb(); allqueue(REDRAWVIEW3D, 0); allqueue(REDRAWBUTSEDIT, 0); } void separate_nurb() { Nurb *nu, *nu1; Object *oldob; Base *base, *oldbase; Curve *cu; ListBase editnurbo; float trans[9]; if( (G.vd->lay & G.obedit->lay)==0 ) return; if(okee("Separate")==0) return; waitcursor(1); cu= G.obedit->data; if(cu->key) { error("Can't separate with vertex keys"); return; } /* we gaan de zaak als volgt neppen: * 1. duplicate base: dit wordt de nieuwe, oude pointer onthouden * 2. alle NIET geselecteerde curves/nurbs apart zetten * 3. load_ebaseNurb(): dit is de nieuwe base * 4. freelist en oude nurbs weer terughalen */ /* alleen ebase geselecteerd */ base= FIRSTBASE; while(base) { if(base->lay & G.vd->lay) { if(base->object==G.obedit) base->flag |= 1; else base->flag &= ~1; } base= base->next; } /* apart zetten: alles wat maar enigszins NIET select is */ editnurbo.first= editnurbo.last= 0; nu= editNurb.first; while(nu) { nu1= nu->next; if(isNurbsel(nu)==0) { remlink(&editNurb, nu); addtail(&editnurbo, nu); } nu= nu1; } oldob= G.obedit; oldbase= BASACT; trans[0]=trans[1]=trans[2]=trans[3]=trans[4]=trans[5]= 0.0; trans[6]=trans[7]=trans[8]= 1.0; G.qual |= LR_ALTKEY; /* patch om zeker te zijn van gelinkte dupli */ adduplicate(trans); G.qual &= ~LR_ALTKEY; G.obedit= BASACT->object; /* basact wordt in adduplicate() gezet */ G.obedit->data= copy_curve(cu); /* omdat nieuwe curve een kopie is: aantal users verlagen */ cu->id.us--; load_editNurb(); BASACT->flag &= ~SELECT; if(editNurb.first) freeNurblist(&editNurb); editNurb= editnurbo; G.obedit= 0; /* displisten doen anders in editmode */ makeDispList(OBACT); /* de gesepareerde */ G.obedit= oldob; BASACT= oldbase; BASACT->flag |= SELECT; waitcursor(0); countall(); allqueue(REDRAWVIEW3D, 0); lastnu= 0; /* voor selected */ } /* ******************* FLAGS ********************* */ short isNurbselUV(nu, u, v, flag) Nurb *nu; int *u, *v, flag; { /* return u!=-1: 1 rij in u-richting geselecteerd. U heeft de waarde tussen 0-pntsv * return v!=-1: 1 kolom in v-richting geselecteerd. V heeft de waarde tussen 0-pntsu */ BPoint *bp; int a, b, sel; *u= *v= -1; bp= nu->bp; for(b=0; b<nu->pntsv; b++) { sel= 0; for(a=0; a<nu->pntsu; a++, bp++) { if(bp->f1 & flag) sel++; } if(sel==nu->pntsu) { if(*u== -1) *u= b; else return 0; } else if(sel>1) return 0; /* want sel==1 is nog goed */ } for(a=0; a<nu->pntsu; a++) { sel= 0; bp= nu->bp+a; for(b=0; b<nu->pntsv; b++, bp+=nu->pntsu) { if(bp->f1 & flag) sel++; } if(sel==nu->pntsv) { if(*v== -1) *v= a; else return 0; } else if(sel>1) return 0; } if(*u==-1 && *v>-1) return 1; if(*v==-1 && *u>-1) return 1; return 0; } void setflagsNurb(flag) short flag; { Nurb *nu; BezTriple *bezt; BPoint *bp; int a; nu= editNurb.first; while(nu) { if( (nu->type & 7)==CU_BEZIER) { a= nu->pntsu; bezt= nu->bezt; while(a--) { bezt->f1= bezt->f2= bezt->f3= flag; bezt++; } } else { a= nu->pntsu*nu->pntsv; bp= nu->bp; while(a--) { bp->f1= flag; bp++; } } nu= nu->next; } } void rotateflagNurb(short flag, float *cent, float rotmat[][3]) { /* alle verts met (flag & 'flag') rotate */ Nurb *nu; BPoint *bp; int a; nu= editNurb.first; while(nu) { if((nu->type & 7)==CU_NURBS) { bp= nu->bp; a= nu->pntsu*nu->pntsv; while(a--) { if(bp->f1 & flag) { bp->vec[0]-=cent[0]; bp->vec[1]-=cent[1]; bp->vec[2]-=cent[2]; Mat3MulVecfl(rotmat, bp->vec); bp->vec[0]+=cent[0]; bp->vec[1]+=cent[1]; bp->vec[2]+=cent[2]; } bp++; } } nu= nu->next; } } void translateflagNurb(short flag, float *vec) { /* alle verts met (->f & flag) translate */ Nurb *nu; BezTriple *bezt; BPoint *bp; int a; nu= editNurb.first; while(nu) { if( (nu->type & 7)==CU_BEZIER) { a= nu->pntsu; bezt= nu->bezt; while(a--) { if(bezt->f1 & flag) VecAddf(bezt->vec[0], bezt->vec[0], vec); if(bezt->f2 & flag) VecAddf(bezt->vec[1], bezt->vec[1], vec); if(bezt->f3 & flag) VecAddf(bezt->vec[2], bezt->vec[2], vec); bezt++; } } else { a= nu->pntsu*nu->pntsv; bp= nu->bp; while(a--) { if(bp->f1 & flag) VecAddf(bp->vec, bp->vec, vec); bp++; } } test2DNurb(nu); nu= nu->next; } } void weightflagNurb(short flag, float w, int mode) /* mode==0: vervangen, mode==1: vermenigvuldigen */ { Nurb *nu; BPoint *bp; int a; nu= editNurb.first; while(nu) { if((nu->type & 7)==CU_NURBS) { a= nu->pntsu*nu->pntsv; bp= nu->bp; while(a--) { if(bp->f1 & flag) { if(mode==1) bp->vec[3]*= w; else bp->vec[3]= w; } bp++; } } nu= nu->next; } } void deleteflagNurb(short flag) { Nurb *nu, *next; BPoint *bp, *bpn, *newbp; int a, b, newu, newv, sel; if(G.obedit && G.obedit->type==OB_SURF); else return; lastselbp= 0; nu= editNurb.first; while(nu) { next= nu->next; /* is de hele nurb geselecteerd */ bp= nu->bp; a= nu->pntsu*nu->pntsv; while(a) { a--; if(bp->f1 & flag); else break; bp++; } if(a==0) { remlink(&editNurb, nu); freeNurb(nu); } else { /* is de nurb in U richting geselecteerd */ newv= nu->pntsv; bp= nu->bp; for(b=0; b<nu->pntsv; b++) { sel= 0; for(a=0; a<nu->pntsu; a++, bp++) { if(bp->f1 & flag) sel++; } if(sel==nu->pntsu) { newv--; } else if(sel>=1) { /* don't delete */ break; } } if(newv!=nu->pntsv && b==nu->pntsv) { /* deleten */ bp= nu->bp; bpn=newbp= mallocstructN(BPoint, newv*nu->pntsu, "deleteNurb"); for(b=0; b<nu->pntsv; b++) { if((bp->f1 & flag)==0) { memcpy(bpn, bp, nu->pntsu*sizeof(BPoint)); bpn+= nu->pntsu; } bp+= nu->pntsu; } nu->pntsv= newv; freeN(nu->bp); nu->bp= newbp; if(nu->orderv>nu->pntsv) nu->orderv= nu->pntsv; makeknots(nu, 2, nu->flagv>>1); } else { /* is de nurb in V richting geselecteerd */ newu= nu->pntsu; for(a=0; a<nu->pntsu; a++) { bp= nu->bp+a; sel= 0; for(b=0; b<nu->pntsv; b++, bp+=nu->pntsu) { if(bp->f1 & flag) sel++; } if(sel==nu->pntsv) { newu--; } else if(sel>=1) { /* don't delete */ break; } } if(newu!=nu->pntsu && a==nu->pntsu) { /* deleten */ bp= nu->bp; bpn=newbp= mallocstructN(BPoint, newu*nu->pntsv, "deleteNurb"); for(b=0; b<nu->pntsv; b++) { for(a=0; a<nu->pntsu; a++, bp++) { if((bp->f1 & flag)==0) { *bpn= *bp; bpn++; } } } freeN(nu->bp); nu->bp= newbp; if(newu==1 && nu->pntsv>1) { /* maak een U spline */ nu->pntsu= nu->pntsv; nu->pntsv= 1; SWAP(short, nu->orderu, nu->orderv); if(nu->orderu>nu->pntsu) nu->orderu= nu->pntsu; if(nu->knotsv) freeN(nu->knotsv); nu->knotsv= 0; } else { nu->pntsu= newu; if(nu->orderu>nu->pntsu) nu->orderu= nu->pntsu; } makeknots(nu, 1, nu->flagu>>1); } } } nu= next; } } short extrudeflagNurb(flag) int flag; { Nurb *nu; BPoint *bp, *bpn, *newbp; int ok= 0, a, u, v, len; if(G.obedit && G.obedit->type==OB_SURF); else return 0; nu= editNurb.first; while(nu) { if(nu->pntsv==1) { bp= nu->bp; a= nu->pntsu; while(a) { if(bp->f1 & flag); else break; bp++; a--; } if(a==0) { ok= 1; newbp= mallocstructN(BPoint, 2*nu->pntsu, "extrudeNurb1"); memcpy(newbp, nu->bp, nu->pntsu*sizeof(BPoint) ); bp= newbp+ nu->pntsu; memcpy(bp, nu->bp, nu->pntsu*sizeof(BPoint) ); freeN(nu->bp); nu->bp= newbp; a= nu->pntsu; while(a--) { bp->f1 |= flag; newbp->f1 &= ~flag; bp++; newbp++; } nu->pntsv= 2; nu->orderv= 2; makeknots(nu, 2, nu->flagv>>1); } } else { /* welke rij of kolom is geselecteerd */ if( isNurbselUV(nu, &u, &v, flag) ) { /* alles deselecteren */ bp= nu->bp; a= nu->pntsu*nu->pntsv; while(a--) { bp->f1 &= ~flag; bp++; } if(u==0 || u== nu->pntsv-1) { /* rij in u-richting geselecteerd */ ok= 1; newbp= mallocstructN(BPoint, nu->pntsu*(nu->pntsv+1), "extrudeNurb1"); if(u==0) { len= nu->pntsv*nu->pntsu; memcpy(newbp+nu->pntsu, nu->bp, len*sizeof(BPoint) ); memcpy(newbp, nu->bp, nu->pntsu*sizeof(BPoint) ); bp= newbp; } else { len= nu->pntsv*nu->pntsu; memcpy(newbp, nu->bp, len*sizeof(BPoint) ); memcpy(newbp+len, nu->bp+len-nu->pntsu, nu->pntsu*sizeof(BPoint) ); bp= newbp+len; } a= nu->pntsu; while(a--) { bp->f1 |= flag; bp++; } freeN(nu->bp); nu->bp= newbp; nu->pntsv++; if(nu->resolv<3) nu->resolv++; makeknots(nu, 2, nu->flagv>>1); } else if(v==0 || v== nu->pntsu-1) { /* kolom in v-richting geselecteerd */ ok= 1; bpn=newbp= mallocstructN(BPoint, (nu->pntsu+1)*nu->pntsv, "extrudeNurb1"); bp= nu->bp; for(a=0; a<nu->pntsv; a++) { if(v==0) { *bpn= *bp; bpn->f1 |= flag; bpn++; } memcpy(bpn, bp, nu->pntsu*sizeof(BPoint)); bp+= nu->pntsu; bpn+= nu->pntsu; if(v== nu->pntsu-1) { *bpn= *(bp-1); bpn->f1 |= flag; bpn++; } } freeN(nu->bp); nu->bp= newbp; nu->pntsu++; if(nu->resolu<3) nu->resolu++; makeknots(nu, 1, nu->flagu>>1); } } } nu= nu->next; } return ok; } void adduplicateflagNurb(flag) short flag; { Nurb *nu, *newnu; BezTriple *bezt, *bezt1; BPoint *bp, *bp1; int a, b, starta, enda, newu, newv; char *usel; nu= editNurb.last; while(nu) { if( (nu->type & 7)==CU_BEZIER) { bezt= nu->bezt; for(a=0; a<nu->pntsu; a++) { enda= -1; starta= a; while( (bezt->f1 & flag) || (bezt->f2 & flag) || (bezt->f3 & flag) ) { bezt->f1 &= ~flag; bezt->f2 &= ~flag; bezt->f3 &= ~flag; enda=a; if(a>=nu->pntsu-1) break; a++; bezt++; } if(enda>=starta) { newnu= mallocstructN(Nurb, 1, "adduplicateN"); memcpy(newnu, nu, sizeof(Nurb)); addtail(&editNurb, newnu); lastnu= newnu; newnu->pntsu= enda-starta+1; newnu->bezt= mallocstructN(BezTriple, (enda-starta+1), "adduplicateN1"); memcpy(newnu->bezt, nu->bezt+starta, newnu->pntsu*sizeof(BezTriple)); b= newnu->pntsu; bezt1= newnu->bezt; while(b--) { bezt1->f1 |= flag; bezt1->f2 |= flag; bezt1->f3 |= flag; bezt1++; } if(nu->flagu & 1) { if(starta!=0 || enda!=nu->pntsu-1) newnu->flagu--; } } bezt++; } } else if(nu->pntsv==1) { /* want UV Nurb heeft andere duplimethode */ bp= nu->bp; for(a=0; a<nu->pntsu; a++) { enda= -1; starta= a; while(bp->f1 & flag) { bp->f1 &= ~flag; enda= a; if(a>=nu->pntsu-1) break; a++; bp++; } if(enda>=starta) { newnu= mallocstructN(Nurb, 1, "adduplicateN3"); memcpy(newnu, nu, sizeof(Nurb)); lastnu= newnu; addtail(&editNurb, newnu); newnu->pntsu= enda-starta+1; newnu->bp= mallocstructN(BPoint, (enda-starta+1), "adduplicateN4"); memcpy(newnu->bp, nu->bp+starta, newnu->pntsu*sizeof(BPoint)); b= newnu->pntsu; bp1= newnu->bp; while(b--) { bp1->f1 |= flag; bp1++; } if(nu->flagu & 1) { if(starta!=0 || enda!=nu->pntsu-1) newnu->flagu--; } /* knots */ newnu->knotsu= 0; makeknots(newnu, 1, newnu->flagu>>1); } bp++; } } else { /* een rechthoekig gebied in de nurb moet geselecteerd zijn */ if(isNurbsel(nu)) { usel= callocN(nu->pntsu, "adduplicateN4"); bp= nu->bp; for(a=0; a<nu->pntsv; a++) { for(b=0; b<nu->pntsu; b++, bp++) { if(bp->f1 & flag) usel[b]++; } } newu= 0; newv= 0; for(a=0; a<nu->pntsu; a++) { if(usel[a]) { if(newv==0 || usel[a]==newv) { newv= usel[a]; newu++; } else { newv= 0; break; } } } if(newu==0 || newv==0) { printf("Can't duplicate Nurb\n"); } else { if(newu==1) SWAP(short, newu, newv); newnu= mallocstructN(Nurb, 1, "adduplicateN5"); memcpy(newnu, nu, sizeof(Nurb)); addtail(&editNurb, newnu); lastnu= newnu; newnu->pntsu= newu; newnu->pntsv= newv; newnu->bp= mallocstructN(BPoint, newu*newv, "adduplicateN6"); newnu->orderu= MIN2(nu->orderu, newu); newnu->orderv= MIN2(nu->orderv, newv); bp= newnu->bp; bp1= nu->bp; for(a=0; a<nu->pntsv; a++) { for(b=0; b<nu->pntsu; b++, bp1++) { if(bp1->f1 & flag) { memcpy(bp, bp1, sizeof(BPoint)); bp1->f1 &= ~flag; bp++; } } } if(nu->pntsu==newnu->pntsu) { newnu->knotsu= mallocN(sizeof(float)*KNOTSU(nu), "adduplicateN6"); memcpy(newnu->knotsu, nu->knotsu, sizeof(float)*KNOTSU(nu)); } else { newnu->knotsu= 0; makeknots(newnu, 1, newnu->flagu>>1); } if(nu->pntsv==newnu->pntsv) { newnu->knotsv= mallocN(sizeof(float)*KNOTSV(nu), "adduplicateN7"); memcpy(newnu->knotsv, nu->knotsv, sizeof(float)*KNOTSV(nu)); } else { newnu->knotsv= 0; makeknots(newnu, 2, newnu->flagv>>1); } } freeN(usel); } } nu= nu->prev; } /* lastnu changed */ allqueue(REDRAWBUTSEDIT, 0); } void swapdata(void *adr1, void *adr2, int len) { if(len<=0) return; if(len<65) { char adr[64]; memcpy(adr, adr1, len); memcpy(adr1, adr2, len); memcpy(adr2, adr, len); } else { char *adr; adr= (char *)malloc(len); memcpy(adr, adr1, len); memcpy(adr1, adr2, len); memcpy(adr2, adr, len); free(adr); } } void switchdirectionNurb(Nurb *nu) { BezTriple *bezt1, *bezt2; BPoint *bp1, *bp2; float *fp1, *fp2, *tempf; int a, b; if(nu->pntsu==1 && nu->pntsv==1) return; if((nu->type & 7)==CU_BEZIER) { a= nu->pntsu; bezt1= nu->bezt; bezt2= bezt1+(a-1); if(a & 1) a+= 1; /* bij oneven ook van middelste inhoud swappen */ a/= 2; while(a>0) { if(bezt1!=bezt2) SWAP(BezTriple, *bezt1, *bezt2); swapdata(bezt1->vec[0], bezt1->vec[2], 12); if(bezt1!=bezt2) swapdata(bezt2->vec[0], bezt2->vec[2], 12); SWAP(char, bezt1->h1, bezt1->h2); SWAP(short, bezt1->f1, bezt1->f3); if(bezt1!=bezt2) { SWAP(char, bezt2->h1, bezt2->h2); SWAP(short, bezt2->f1, bezt2->f3); bezt1->alfa= -bezt1->alfa; bezt2->alfa= -bezt2->alfa; } a--; bezt1++; bezt2--; } } else if(nu->pntsv==1) { a= nu->pntsu; bp1= nu->bp; bp2= bp1+(a-1); a/= 2; while(bp1!=bp2 && a>0) { SWAP(BPoint, *bp1, *bp2); a--; bp1->alfa= -bp1->alfa; bp2->alfa= -bp2->alfa; bp1++; bp2--; } if((nu->type & 7)==CU_NURBS) { /* de knots omkeren */ a= KNOTSU(nu); fp1= nu->knotsu; fp2= fp1+(a-1); a/= 2; while(fp1!=fp2 && a>0) { SWAP(float, *fp1, *fp2); a--; fp1++; fp2--; } /* en weer in stijgende lijn maken */ a= KNOTSU(nu); fp1= nu->knotsu; fp2=tempf= mallocN(sizeof(float)*a, "switchdirect"); while(a--) { fp2[0]= fabs(fp1[1]-fp1[0]); fp1++; fp2++; } a= KNOTSU(nu)-1; fp1= nu->knotsu; fp2= tempf; fp1[0]= 0.0; fp1++; while(a--) { fp1[0]= fp1[-1]+fp2[0]; fp1++; fp2++; } freeN(tempf); } } else { for(b=0; b<nu->pntsv; b++) { bp1= nu->bp+b*nu->pntsu; a= nu->pntsu; bp2= bp1+(a-1); a/= 2; while(bp1!=bp2 && a>0) { SWAP(BPoint, *bp1, *bp2); a--; bp1++; bp2--; } } } } void switchdirectionNurb2(void) { Nurb *nu; if(G.obedit->lay & G.vd->lay); else return; nu= editNurb.first; while(nu) { if( isNurbsel(nu) ) switchdirectionNurb(nu); nu= nu->next; } makeDispList(G.obedit); allqueue(REDRAWVIEW3D, 0); } void switchdirection_knots(float *base, int tot) { float *fp1, *fp2, *tempf; int a; if(base==NULL || tot==0) return; /* de knots omkeren */ a= tot; fp1= base; fp2= fp1+(a-1); a/= 2; while(fp1!=fp2 && a>0) { SWAP(float, *fp1, *fp2); a--; fp1++; fp2--; } /* en weer in stijgende lijn maken */ a= tot; fp1= base; fp2=tempf= mallocN(sizeof(float)*a, "switchdirect"); while(a--) { fp2[0]= fabs(fp1[1]-fp1[0]); fp1++; fp2++; } a= tot-1; fp1= base; fp2= tempf; fp1[0]= 0.0; fp1++; while(a--) { fp1[0]= fp1[-1]+fp2[0]; fp1++; fp2++; } freeN(tempf); } /* **************** EDIT ************************ */ void deselectall_nurb() { Nurb *nu; BezTriple *bezt; BPoint *bp; int a, b; if(G.obedit->lay & G.vd->lay); else return; a= 0; nu= editNurb.first; while(nu) { if((nu->type & 7)==CU_BEZIER) { b= nu->pntsu; bezt= nu->bezt; while(b--) { if(bezt->hide==0) { if(bezt->f1 & 1) { a=1; break; } if(bezt->f2 & 1) { a=1; break; } if(bezt->f3 & 1) { a=1; break; } } bezt++; } } else { b= nu->pntsu*nu->pntsv; bp= nu->bp; while(b--) { if(bp->hide==0) { if(bp->f1 & 1) { a=1; break; } } bp++; } } if(a) break; nu= nu->next; } nu= editNurb.first; while(nu) { if((nu->type & 7)==1) { b= nu->pntsu; bezt= nu->bezt; while(b--) { if(bezt->hide==0) { if(a) { bezt->f1 &= ~1; bezt->f2 &= ~1; bezt->f3 &= ~1; } else { bezt->f1 |= 1; bezt->f2 |= 1; bezt->f3 |= 1; } } bezt++; } } else { b= nu->pntsu*nu->pntsv; bp= nu->bp; while(b--) { if(bp->hide==0) { if(a) bp->f1 &= ~ 1; else bp->f1 |= 1; } bp++; } } nu= nu->next; } countall(); allqueue(REDRAWVIEW3D, 0); } void hideNurb(int swap) { Nurb *nu; BPoint *bp; BezTriple *bezt; int a, sel; if(G.obedit==0) return; nu= editNurb.first; while(nu) { if((nu->type & 7)==CU_BEZIER) { bezt= nu->bezt; a= nu->pntsu; sel= 0; while(a--) { if(BEZSELECTED(bezt)) { sel++; bezt->f1 &= ~1; bezt->f2 &= ~1; bezt->f3 &= ~1; bezt->hide= 1; } bezt++; } if(sel==nu->pntsu) nu->hide= 1; } else { bp= nu->bp; a= nu->pntsu*nu->pntsv; sel= 0; while(a--) { if(swap==0 && (bp->f1 & 1)) { bp->f1 &= ~1; bp->hide= 1; sel++; } else if(swap && (bp->f1 & 1)==0) { bp->f1 &= ~1; bp->hide= 1; sel++; } bp++; } if(sel==nu->pntsu*nu->pntsv) nu->hide= 1; } nu= nu->next; } makeDispList(G.obedit); countall(); allqueue(REDRAWVIEW3D, 0); } void revealNurb() { Nurb *nu; BPoint *bp; BezTriple *bezt; int a; if(G.obedit==0) return; nu= editNurb.first; while(nu) { nu->hide= 0; if((nu->type & 7)==CU_BEZIER) { bezt= nu->bezt; a= nu->pntsu; while(a--) { if(bezt->hide) { bezt->f1 |= 1; bezt->f2 |= 1; bezt->f3 |= 1; bezt->hide= 0; } bezt++; } } else { bp= nu->bp; a= nu->pntsu*nu->pntsv; while(a--) { if(bp->hide) { bp->f1 |= 1; bp->hide= 0; } bp++; } } nu= nu->next; } makeDispList(G.obedit); countall(); allqueue(REDRAWVIEW3D, 0); } void selectswapNurb() { Nurb *nu; BPoint *bp; BezTriple *bezt; int a; if(G.obedit==0) return; nu= editNurb.first; while(nu) { if((nu->type & 7)==CU_BEZIER) { bezt= nu->bezt; a= nu->pntsu; while(a--) { if(bezt->hide==0) { if(bezt->f1 & 1) bezt->f1 &= ~1; else bezt->f1 |= 1; if(bezt->f2 & 1) bezt->f2 &= ~1; else bezt->f2 |= 1; if(bezt->f3 & 1) bezt->f3 &= ~1; else bezt->f3 |= 1; } bezt++; } } else { bp= nu->bp; a= nu->pntsu*nu->pntsv; while(a--) { if(bp->hide==0) { if(bp->f1 & 1) bp->f1 &= ~1; else bp->f1 |= 1; } bp++; } } nu= nu->next; } countall(); allqueue(REDRAWVIEW3D, 0); } /** Divide the line segments associated with the currently selected * curve nodes (Bezier or NURB). If there are no valid segment * selections within the current selection, nothing happens. * * @deffunc subdividenurb subdivideNurb(void) * @return Nothing * @param None */ void subdivideNurb() { Nurb *nu; BezTriple *prevbezt, *bezt, *beztnew, *beztn; BPoint *bp, *prevbp, *bpnew, *bpn; float vec[12]; int a, b, sel, aantal, *usel, *vsel; // printf("*** subdivideNurb: entering subdivide\n"); nu= editNurb.first; while(nu) { aantal= 0; if((nu->type & 7)==CU_BEZIER) { /* Insert a point into a 2D Bezier curve. Endpoints are preserved. Otherwise, all selected and inserted points are newly created. Old points are discarded. */ /* tellen */ if(nu->flagu & 1) { a= nu->pntsu; bezt= nu->bezt; prevbezt= bezt+(a-1); } else { a= nu->pntsu-1; prevbezt= nu->bezt; bezt= prevbezt+1; } while(a--) { if( BEZSELECTED(prevbezt) && BEZSELECTED(bezt) ) aantal++; prevbezt= bezt; bezt++; } if(aantal) { /* inserten */ beztnew= mallocstructN(BezTriple, aantal+nu->pntsu, "subdivNurb"); beztn= beztnew; if(nu->flagu & 1) { a= nu->pntsu; bezt= nu->bezt; prevbezt= bezt+(a-1); } else { a= nu->pntsu-1; prevbezt= nu->bezt; bezt= prevbezt+1; } while(a--) { memcpy(beztn, prevbezt, sizeof(BezTriple)); beztn++; // printf("*** subdivideNurb: insert Bezier point\n"); if( BEZSELECTED(prevbezt) && BEZSELECTED(bezt) ) { memcpy(beztn, bezt, sizeof(BezTriple)); maakbez(prevbezt->vec[1][0],prevbezt->vec[2][0], bezt->vec[0][0],bezt->vec[1][0],vec,2); maakbez(prevbezt->vec[1][1],prevbezt->vec[2][1], bezt->vec[0][1],bezt->vec[1][1],vec+1,2); maakbez(prevbezt->vec[1][2],prevbezt->vec[2][2], bezt->vec[0][2],bezt->vec[1][2],vec+2,2); VECCOPY(beztn->vec[1], vec+3); beztn->h1= beztn->h2= HD_AUTO; beztn++; } prevbezt= bezt; bezt++; } /* laatste punt */ if((nu->flagu & 1)==0) memcpy(beztn, prevbezt, sizeof(BezTriple)); freeN(nu->bezt); nu->bezt= beztnew; nu->pntsu+= aantal; calchandlesNurb(nu); } } /* End of 'if((nu->type & 7)==CU_BEZIER)' */ else if (nu->pntsv==1) { /* All flat lines (ie. co-planar), except flat Nurbs. Flat NURB curves are handled together with the regular NURB plane division, as it should be. I split it off just now, let's see if it is stable... nzc 30-5-'00 */ /* tellen */ if(nu->flagu & 1) { a= nu->pntsu*nu->pntsv; bp= nu->bp; prevbp= bp+(a-1); } else { a= nu->pntsu-1; prevbp= nu->bp; bp= prevbp+1; } while(a--) { if( (bp->f1 & 1) && (prevbp->f1 & 1) ) aantal++; prevbp= bp; bp++; } if(aantal) { /* inserten */ bpnew= mallocstructN(BPoint, aantal+nu->pntsu, "subdivNurb2"); bpn= bpnew; if(nu->flagu & 1) { a= nu->pntsu; bp= nu->bp; prevbp= bp+(a-1); } else { a= nu->pntsu-1; prevbp= nu->bp; bp= prevbp+1; } while(a--) { memcpy(bpn, prevbp, sizeof(BPoint)); bpn++; if( (bp->f1 & 1) && (prevbp->f1 & 1) ) { // printf("*** subdivideNurb: insert 'linear' point\n"); memcpy(bpn, bp, sizeof(BPoint)); bpn->vec[0]= (prevbp->vec[0]+bp->vec[0])/2.0; bpn->vec[1]= (prevbp->vec[1]+bp->vec[1])/2.0; bpn->vec[2]= (prevbp->vec[2]+bp->vec[2])/2.0; bpn->vec[3]= (prevbp->vec[3]+bp->vec[3])/2.0; bpn++; } prevbp= bp; bp++; } if((nu->flagu & 1)==0) memcpy(bpn, prevbp, sizeof(BPoint)); /* laatste punt */ freeN(nu->bp); nu->bp= bpnew; nu->pntsu+= aantal; if(nu->type & 4) { makeknots(nu, 1, nu->flagu>>1); } } } /* End of 'else if(nu->pntsv==1)' */ else if((nu->type & 7)==CU_NURBS) { /* This is a very strange test ... */ /** Subdivide NURB surfaces - nzc 30-5-'00 - Subdivision of a NURB curve can be effected by adding a control point (insertion of a knot), or by raising the degree of the functions used to build the NURB. The expression degree = #knots - #controlpoints + 1 (J Walter piece) degree = #knots - #controlpoints (Blender implementation) ( this is confusing.... what is true? Another concern is that the JW piece allows the curve to become explicitly 1st order derivative discontinuous, while this is not what we want here... ) is an invariant for a single NURB curve. Raising the degree of the NURB is done elsewhere; the degree is assumed constant during this opration. Degree is a property shared by all controlpoints in a curve (even though it is stored per control point - this can be misleading). Adding a knot is done by searching for the place in the knot vector where a certain knot value must be inserted, or by picking an appropriate knot value between two existing ones. The number of controlpoints that is influenced by the insertion depends on the order of the curve. A certain minimum number of knots is needed to form high-order curves, as can be seen from the equation above. In Blender, currently NURBs may be up to 6th order, so we modify at most 6 points. One point is added. For an n-degree curve, n points are discarded, and n+1 points inserted (so effectively, n points are modified). (that holds for the JW piece, but it seems not for our NURBs) In practice, the knot spacing is copied, but the tail (the points following the insertion point) need to be offset to keep the knot series ascending. The knot series is always a series of monotonically ascending integers in Blender. When not enough control points are available to fit the order, duplicates of the endpoints are added as needed. */ /* selecteer-arrays aanleggen */ usel= callocN(sizeof(int)*nu->pntsu, "subivideNurb3"); vsel= callocN(sizeof(int)*nu->pntsv, "subivideNurb3"); sel= 0; /* Count the number of selected points. */ bp= nu->bp; for(a=0; a<nu->pntsv; a++) { for(b=0; b<nu->pntsu; b++) { if(bp->f1 & 1) { usel[b]++; vsel[a]++; sel++; } bp++; } } if( sel == (nu->pntsu*nu->pntsv) ) { /* hele nurb subdividen */ /* Global subdivision is a special case of partial subdivision. Strange it is considered separately... */ bpn=bpnew= mallocN( (2*nu->pntsu-1)*(2*nu->pntsv-1)*sizeof(BPoint), "subdivideNurb4"); bp= nu->bp; /* eerst de rijen subdividen */ for(a=0; a<nu->pntsv; a++) { for(b=0; b<nu->pntsu; b++) { *bpn= *bp; bpn++; bp++; if(b<nu->pntsu-1) { *bpn= *bp; prevbp= bp-1; bpn->vec[0]= (prevbp->vec[0]+bp->vec[0])/2.0; bpn->vec[1]= (prevbp->vec[1]+bp->vec[1])/2.0; bpn->vec[2]= (prevbp->vec[2]+bp->vec[2])/2.0; bpn->vec[3]= (prevbp->vec[3]+bp->vec[3])/2.0; bpn++; } } bpn+= (2*nu->pntsu-1); } /* nu nieuwe invoegen */ bpn= bpnew+(2*nu->pntsu-1); bp= bpnew+(4*nu->pntsu-2); prevbp= bpnew; for(a=1; a<nu->pntsv; a++) { for(b=0; b<2*nu->pntsu-1; b++) { *bpn= *bp; bpn->vec[0]= (prevbp->vec[0]+bp->vec[0])/2.0; bpn->vec[1]= (prevbp->vec[1]+bp->vec[1])/2.0; bpn->vec[2]= (prevbp->vec[2]+bp->vec[2])/2.0; bpn->vec[3]= (prevbp->vec[3]+bp->vec[3])/2.0; bpn++; bp++; prevbp++; } bp+= (2*nu->pntsu-1); bpn+= (2*nu->pntsu-1); prevbp+= (2*nu->pntsu-1); } freeN(nu->bp); nu->bp= bpnew; nu->pntsu= 2*nu->pntsu-1; nu->pntsv= 2*nu->pntsv-1; makeknots(nu, 1, nu->flagu>>1); makeknots(nu, 2, nu->flagv>>1); } /* End of 'if(sel== nu->pntsu*nu->pntsv)' (subdivide entire NURB) */ else { /* in v richting subdividen? */ sel= 0; for(a=0; a<nu->pntsv-1; a++) { if(vsel[a]==nu->pntsu && vsel[a+1]==nu->pntsu) sel++; } if(sel) { /* V ! */ bpn=bpnew= mallocN( (sel+nu->pntsv)*nu->pntsu*sizeof(BPoint), "subdivideNurb4"); bp= nu->bp; for(a=0; a<nu->pntsv; a++) { for(b=0; b<nu->pntsu; b++) { *bpn= *bp; bpn++; bp++; } if( (a<nu->pntsv-1) && vsel[a]==nu->pntsu && vsel[a+1]==nu->pntsu ) { prevbp= bp- nu->pntsu; for(b=0; b<nu->pntsu; b++) { /* This simple bisection must be replaces by a subtle resampling of a number of points. Our task is made slightly easier because each point in our curve is a separate data node. (is it?) */ *bpn= *prevbp; bpn->vec[0]= (prevbp->vec[0]+bp->vec[0])/2.0; bpn->vec[1]= (prevbp->vec[1]+bp->vec[1])/2.0; bpn->vec[2]= (prevbp->vec[2]+bp->vec[2])/2.0; bpn->vec[3]= (prevbp->vec[3]+bp->vec[3])/2.0; bpn++; prevbp++; bp++; } bp-= nu->pntsu; } } freeN(nu->bp); nu->bp= bpnew; nu->pntsv+= sel; makeknots(nu, 2, nu->flagv>>1); } else { /* of in u richting? */ sel= 0; for(a=0; a<nu->pntsu-1; a++) { if(usel[a]==nu->pntsv && usel[a+1]==nu->pntsv) sel++; } if(sel) { /* U ! */ /* Inserting U points is sort of 'default' Flat curves only get */ /* U points inserted in them. */ bpn=bpnew= mallocN( (sel+nu->pntsu)*nu->pntsv*sizeof(BPoint), "subdivideNurb4"); bp= nu->bp; for(a=0; a<nu->pntsv; a++) { for(b=0; b<nu->pntsu; b++) { *bpn= *bp; bpn++; bp++; if( (b<nu->pntsu-1) && usel[b]==nu->pntsv && usel[b+1]==nu->pntsv ) { /* One thing that bugs me here is that the orders of things are not the same as in the JW piece. Also, this implies that we handle at most 3rd order curves? I miss some symmetry here... */ prevbp= bp- 1; *bpn= *prevbp; bpn->vec[0]= (prevbp->vec[0]+bp->vec[0])/2.0; bpn->vec[1]= (prevbp->vec[1]+bp->vec[1])/2.0; bpn->vec[2]= (prevbp->vec[2]+bp->vec[2])/2.0; bpn->vec[3]= (prevbp->vec[3]+bp->vec[3])/2.0; bpn++; } } } freeN(nu->bp); nu->bp= bpnew; nu->pntsu+= sel; makeknots(nu, 1, nu->flagu>>1); /* shift knots forward */ } } } freeN(usel); freeN(vsel); // printf("*** subdivideNurb: end of NURB splitting part\n"); } /* End of 'if((nu->type & 7)==CU_NURBS)' */ nu= nu->next; } /* Sync flushing */ // printf("*** subdivideNurb: subdivide done\n"); makeDispList(G.obedit); countall(); allqueue(REDRAWVIEW3D, 0); } short findnearestNurbvert(sel,nurb, bezt, bp) short sel; Nurb **nurb; BezTriple **bezt; BPoint **bp; { /* sel==1: selected krijgen een nadeel */ /* in nurb en bezt of bp wordt nearest weggeschreven */ /* return 0 1 2: handlepunt */ Nurb *nu; BezTriple *bezt1; BPoint *bp1; short dist= 100, temp, mval[2], a, hpoint=0; *nurb= 0; *bezt= 0; *bp= 0; /* projektie doen */ calc_nurbverts_ext(); /* drawobject.c */ getmouseco_areawin(mval); nu= editNurb.first; while(nu) { if((nu->type & 7)==CU_BEZIER) { bezt1= nu->bezt; a= nu->pntsu; while(a--) { if(bezt1->hide==0) { temp= abs(mval[0]- bezt1->s[0][0])+ abs(mval[1]- bezt1->s[0][1]); if( (bezt1->f1 & 1)==sel) temp+=5; if(temp<dist) { hpoint=0; *bezt=bezt1; dist= temp; *nurb= nu; *bp= 0; } /* middelste punten een klein nadeel */ temp= 3+abs(mval[0]- bezt1->s[1][0])+ abs(mval[1]- bezt1->s[1][1]); if( (bezt1->f2 & 1)==sel) temp+=5; if(temp<dist) { hpoint=1; *bezt=bezt1; dist= temp; *nurb= nu; *bp= 0; } temp= abs(mval[0]- bezt1->s[2][0])+ abs(mval[1]- bezt1->s[2][1]); if( (bezt1->f3 & 1)==sel) temp+=5; if(temp<dist) { hpoint=2; *bezt=bezt1; dist= temp; *nurb= nu; *bp= 0; } } bezt1++; } } else { bp1= nu->bp; a= nu->pntsu*nu->pntsv; while(a--) { if(bp1->hide==0) { temp= abs(mval[0]- bp1->s[0])+ abs(mval[1]- bp1->s[1]); if( (bp1->f1 & 1)==sel) temp+=5; if(temp<dist) { hpoint=0; *bp=bp1; dist= temp; *nurb= nu; *bezt= 0; } } bp1++; } } nu= nu->next; } return hpoint; } void findselectedNurbvert(Nurb **nu, BezTriple **bezt, BPoint **bp) { /* in nu en (bezt of bp) wordt selected weggeschreven als er 1 sel. is */ /* als er meer punten in 1 spline selected: alleen nu terug, bezt en bp zijn 0 */ Nurb *nu1; BezTriple *bezt1; BPoint *bp1; int a; *nu= 0; *bezt= 0; *bp= 0; nu1= editNurb.first; while(nu1) { if((nu1->type & 7)==CU_BEZIER) { bezt1= nu1->bezt; a= nu1->pntsu; while(a--) { if( (bezt1->f1 & 1) || (bezt1->f2 & 1) || (bezt1->f3 & 1) ) { if(*nu!=0 && *nu!= nu1) { *nu= 0; *bp= 0; *bezt= 0; return; } else if(*bezt || *bp) { *bp= 0; *bezt= 0; } else { *bezt= bezt1; *nu= nu1; } } bezt1++; } } else { bp1= nu1->bp; a= nu1->pntsu*nu1->pntsv; while(a--) { if( bp1->f1 & 1 ) { if(*nu!=0 && *nu!= nu1) { *bp= 0; *bezt= 0; *nu= 0; return; } else if(*bezt || *bp) { *bp= 0; *bezt= 0; } else { *bp= bp1; *nu= nu1; } } bp1++; } } nu1= nu1->next; } } void setsplinetype(type) short type; { Nurb *nu; BezTriple *bezt; BPoint *bp; int a, c, nr; if(type==CU_CARDINAL || type==CU_BSPLINE) { error("Not implemented yet"); return; } nu= editNurb.first; while(nu) { if(isNurbsel(nu)) { if((nu->type & 7)==0) { /* Poly */ if(type==CU_BEZIER) { /* naar Bezier met vecthandles */ nr= nu->pntsu; bezt= callocstructN(BezTriple, nr, "setsplinetype2"); nu->bezt= bezt; a= nr; bp= nu->bp; while(a--) { VECCOPY(bezt->vec[1], bp->vec); bezt->f1=bezt->f2=bezt->f3= bp->f1; bezt->h1= bezt->h2= HD_VECT; bp++; bezt++; } freeN(nu->bp); nu->bp= 0; nu->pntsu= nr; nu->type &= ~7; nu->type |= 1; calchandlesNurb(nu); } else if(type==4) { /* naar Nurb */ nu->type &= ~7; nu->type+= 4; nu->orderu= 4; nu->flagu &= 1; nu->flagu += 4; makeknots(nu, 1, nu->flagu>>1); a= nu->pntsu*nu->pntsv; bp= nu->bp; while(a--) { bp->vec[3]= 1.0; bp++; } } } else if((nu->type & 7)==CU_BEZIER) { /* Bezier */ if(type==0 || type==4) { /* naar Poly of Nurb */ nr= 3*nu->pntsu; nu->bp= callocstructN(BPoint, nr, "setsplinetype"); a= nu->pntsu; bezt= nu->bezt; bp= nu->bp; while(a--) { if(type==0 && bezt->h1==HD_VECT && bezt->h2==HD_VECT) { /* vectorhandle wordt 1 polyvert */ VECCOPY(bp->vec, bezt->vec[1]); bp->vec[3]= 1.0; bp->f1= bezt->f2; nr-= 2; bp++; } else { for(c=0;c<3;c++) { VECCOPY(bp->vec, bezt->vec[c]); bp->vec[3]= 1.0; if(c==0) bp->f1= bezt->f1; else if(c==1) bp->f1= bezt->f2; else bp->f1= bezt->f3; bp++; } } bezt++; } freeN(nu->bezt); nu->bezt= 0; nu->pntsu= nr; nu->pntsv= 1; nu->orderu= 4; nu->orderv= 1; nu->type &= ~7; nu->type+= type; if(nu->flagu & 1) c= nu->orderu-1; else c= 0; if(type== 4) { nu->flagu &= 1; nu->flagu += 4; makeknots(nu, 1, nu->flagu>>1); } } } else if( (nu->type & 7)==CU_NURBS && G.obedit->type==OB_CURVE) { if(type==0) { /* naar Poly */ nu->type &= ~7; freeN(nu->knotsu); nu->knotsu= 0; if(nu->knotsv) freeN(nu->knotsv); nu->knotsv= 0; } else if(type==CU_BEZIER) { /* naar Bezier */ nr= nu->pntsu/3; bezt= callocstructN(BezTriple, nr, "setsplinetype2"); nu->bezt= bezt; a= nr; bp= nu->bp; while(a--) { VECCOPY(bezt->vec[0], bp->vec); bezt->f1= bp->f1; bp++; VECCOPY(bezt->vec[1], bp->vec); bezt->f2= bp->f1; bp++; VECCOPY(bezt->vec[2], bp->vec); bezt->f3= bp->f1; bp++; bezt++; } freeN(nu->bp); nu->bp= 0; freeN(nu->knotsu); nu->knotsu= 0; nu->pntsu= nr; nu->type &= ~7; nu->type+= 1; } } } nu= nu->next; } } /* ******************** SKINNING LOFTING!!! ******************** */ void rotate_direction_nurb(Nurb *nu) { BPoint *bp1, *bp2, *temp; int u, v; SWAP(short, nu->pntsu, nu->pntsv); SWAP(short, nu->orderu, nu->orderv); SWAP(short, nu->resolu, nu->resolv); SWAP(short, nu->flagu, nu->flagv); SWAP(float *, nu->knotsu, nu->knotsv); switchdirection_knots(nu->knotsv, KNOTSV(nu) ); temp= dupallocN(nu->bp); bp1= nu->bp; for(v=0; v<nu->pntsv; v++) { for(u=0; u<nu->pntsu; u++, bp1++) { bp2= temp + (nu->pntsu-u-1)*(nu->pntsv) + v; *bp1= *bp2; } } freeN(temp); } int is_u_selected(Nurb *nu, int u) { BPoint *bp; int v; /* what about resolu == 2? */ bp= nu->bp+u; for(v=0; v<nu->pntsv-1; v++, bp+=nu->pntsu) { if(v) if(bp->f1 & 1) return 1; } return 0; } /* ******************************** */ typedef struct NurbSort { struct NurbSort *next, *prev; Nurb *nu; float vec[3]; } NurbSort; static ListBase nsortbase= {0, 0}; static NurbSort *nusmain; /* this var seems to go unused... at least in this file */ void make_selection_list_nurb() { ListBase nbase= {0, 0}; NurbSort *nus, *nustest, *headdo, *taildo; Nurb *nu; BPoint *bp; float dist, headdist, taildist; int a; nu= editNurb.first; while(nu) { if( isNurbsel(nu) ) { nus= callocstructN(NurbSort, 1, "sort"); addhead(&nbase, nus); nus->nu= nu; bp= nu->bp; a= nu->pntsu; while(a--) { VecAddf(nus->vec, nus->vec, bp->vec); bp++; } VecMulf(nus->vec, 1.0/(float)nu->pntsu); } nu= nu->next; } /* just add the first one */ nus= nbase.first; remlink(&nbase, nus); addtail( &nsortbase, nus); /* now add, either at head or tail, the closest one */ while(nbase.first) { headdist= taildist= 1.0e30; headdo= taildo= 0; nustest= nbase.first; while(nustest) { dist= VecLenf(nustest->vec, ((NurbSort *)nsortbase.first)->vec); if(dist<headdist) { headdist= dist; headdo= nustest; } dist= VecLenf(nustest->vec, ((NurbSort *)nsortbase.last)->vec); if(dist<taildist) { taildist= dist; taildo= nustest; } nustest= nustest->next; } if(headdist<taildist) { remlink(&nbase, headdo); addhead(&nsortbase, headdo); } else { remlink(&nbase, taildo); addtail(&nsortbase, taildo); } } } void merge_2_nurb(Nurb *nu1, Nurb *nu2) { BPoint *bp, *bp1, *bp2, *temp; float len1, len2; int origu, origknotsu, u, v; /* first nurbs will be changed to make u = resolu-1 selected */ /* 2nd nurbs will be changed to make u = 0 selected */ /* first nurbs: u = resolu-1 selected */ if( is_u_selected(nu1, nu1->pntsu-1) ); else { rotate_direction_nurb(nu1); if( is_u_selected(nu1, nu1->pntsu-1) ); else { rotate_direction_nurb(nu1); if( is_u_selected(nu1, nu1->pntsu-1) ); else { rotate_direction_nurb(nu1); if( is_u_selected(nu1, nu1->pntsu-1) ); else { /* rotate again, now its OK! */ if(nu1->pntsv!=1) rotate_direction_nurb(nu1); return; } } } } /* 2nd nurbs: u = 0 selected */ if( is_u_selected(nu2, 0) ); else { rotate_direction_nurb(nu2); if( is_u_selected(nu2, 0) ); else { rotate_direction_nurb(nu2); if( is_u_selected(nu2, 0) ); else { rotate_direction_nurb(nu2); if( is_u_selected(nu2, 0) ); else { /* rotate again, now its OK! */ if(nu1->pntsu==1) rotate_direction_nurb(nu1); if(nu2->pntsv!=1) rotate_direction_nurb(nu2); return; } } } } if( nu1->pntsv != nu2->pntsv ) { error("resolution doesn't match"); return; } /* ok, now nu1 has the rightmost collumn and nu2 the leftmost collumn selected */ /* maybe we need a 'v' flip of nu2? */ bp1= nu1->bp+nu1->pntsu-1; bp2= nu2->bp; len1= 0.0; for(v=0; v<nu1->pntsv; v++, bp1+=nu1->pntsu, bp2+=nu2->pntsu) { len1+= VecLenf(bp1->vec, bp2->vec); } bp1= nu1->bp + nu1->pntsu-1; bp2= nu2->bp + nu2->pntsu*(nu2->pntsv-1); len2= 0.0; for(v=0; v<nu1->pntsv; v++, bp1+=nu1->pntsu, bp2-=nu2->pntsu) { len2+= VecLenf(bp1->vec, bp2->vec); } /* merge */ origu= nu1->pntsu; origknotsu= KNOTSU(nu1); nu1->pntsu+= nu2->pntsu; nu1->resolu+= nu2->pntsu; if(nu1->resolv < nu2->resolv) nu1->resolv= nu2->resolv; if(nu1->orderu<3) nu1->orderu++; if(nu1->orderv<3) nu1->orderv++; temp= nu1->bp; nu1->bp= mallocN(nu1->pntsu*nu1->pntsv*sizeof(BPoint), "mergeBP"); bp= nu1->bp; bp1= temp; for(v=0; v<nu1->pntsv; v++) { /* switch direction? */ if(len1<len2) bp2= nu2->bp + v*nu2->pntsu; else bp2= nu2->bp + (nu1->pntsv-v-1)*nu2->pntsu; for(u=0; u<nu1->pntsu; u++, bp++) { if(u<origu) { *bp= *bp1; bp1++; bp->f1 &= ~SELECT; } else { *bp= *bp2; bp2++; } } } /* merge knots */ makeknots(nu1, 1, nu1->flagu>>1); /* make knots, for merged curved for example */ makeknots(nu1, 2, nu1->flagv>>1); freeN(temp); remlink(&editNurb, nu2); freeNurb(nu2); } void merge_nurb() { NurbSort *nus1, *nus2; int ok= 1; make_selection_list_nurb(); if(nsortbase.first == nsortbase.last) { freelistN(&nsortbase); error("Too few selections"); return; } nus1= nsortbase.first; nus2= nus1->next; /* resolution match, to avoid uv rotations */ if(nus1->nu->pntsv==1) { if(nus1->nu->pntsu==nus2->nu->pntsu || nus1->nu->pntsu==nus2->nu->pntsv); else ok= 0; } else if(nus2->nu->pntsv==1) { if(nus2->nu->pntsu==nus1->nu->pntsu || nus2->nu->pntsu==nus1->nu->pntsv); else ok= 0; } else if( nus1->nu->pntsu==nus2->nu->pntsu || nus1->nu->pntsv==nus2->nu->pntsv); else if( nus1->nu->pntsu==nus2->nu->pntsv || nus1->nu->pntsv==nus2->nu->pntsu); else { ok= 0; } if(ok==0) { error("resolution doesn't match"); freelistN(&nsortbase); return; } while(nus2) { merge_2_nurb(nus1->nu, nus2->nu); nus2= nus2->next; } freelistN(&nsortbase); makeDispList(G.obedit); allqueue(REDRAWVIEW3D, 0); } void addsegment_nurb() { /* voegt twee curves samen */ Nurb *nu, *nu1=0, *nu2=0; BezTriple *bezt; BPoint *bp; float *fp, offset; int a; /* first decide if this is a surface merge! */ if(G.obedit->type==OB_SURF) nu= editNurb.first; else nu= 0; while(nu) { if( isNurbsel(nu) ) { if(nu->pntsu>1 && nu->pntsv>1) break; if(isNurbsel_count(nu)>1) break; if(isNurbsel_count(nu)==1) { /* only 1 selected, not first or last, a little complex, but intuitive */ if(nu->pntsv==1) { if( (nu->bp->f1 & 1) || ((nu->bp+nu->pntsu-1)->f1 & 1)); else break; } } } nu= nu->next; } if(nu) { merge_nurb(); return; } /* vind de beide nurben en punten, nu1 wordt achter nu2 gezet */ nu= editNurb.first; while(nu) { if((nu->flagu & 1)==0) { /* niet cyclic */ if( (nu->type & 7)==CU_BEZIER ) { bezt= nu->bezt; if(nu1==0) { if( BEZSELECTED(bezt) ) nu1= nu; else { bezt= bezt+(nu->pntsu-1); if( BEZSELECTED(bezt) ) { nu1= nu; switchdirectionNurb(nu); } } } else if(nu2==0) { if( BEZSELECTED(bezt) ) { nu2= nu; switchdirectionNurb(nu); } else { bezt= bezt+(nu->pntsu-1); if( BEZSELECTED(bezt) ) { nu2= nu; } } } else break; } else if(nu->pntsv==1) { bp= nu->bp; if(nu1==0) { if( bp->f1 & 1) nu1= nu; else { bp= bp+(nu->pntsu-1); if( bp->f1 & 1 ) { nu1= nu; switchdirectionNurb(nu); } } } else if(nu2==0) { if( bp->f1 & 1) { nu2= nu; switchdirectionNurb(nu); } else { bp= bp+(nu->pntsu-1); if( bp->f1 & 1 ) { nu2= nu; } } } else break; } } nu= nu->next; } if((nu1 && nu2) && (nu1!=nu2)) { if( nu1->type==nu2->type) { if((nu1->type & 7)==CU_BEZIER) { bezt= mallocstructN(BezTriple, nu1->pntsu+nu2->pntsu, "addsegmentN"); memcpy(bezt, nu2->bezt, nu2->pntsu*sizeof(BezTriple)); memcpy(bezt+nu2->pntsu, nu1->bezt, nu1->pntsu*sizeof(BezTriple)); freeN(nu1->bezt); nu1->bezt= bezt; nu1->pntsu+= nu2->pntsu; remlink(&editNurb, nu2); freeNurb(nu2); calchandlesNurb(nu1); } else { bp= mallocstructN(BPoint, nu1->pntsu+nu2->pntsu, "addsegmentN2"); memcpy(bp, nu2->bp, nu2->pntsu*sizeof(BPoint) ); memcpy(bp+nu2->pntsu, nu1->bp, nu1->pntsu*sizeof(BPoint)); freeN(nu1->bp); nu1->bp= bp; a= nu1->pntsu+nu1->orderu; nu1->pntsu+= nu2->pntsu; remlink(&editNurb, nu2); /* en de knots aaneenrijgen */ if((nu1->type & 7)==4) { fp= mallocN(sizeof(float)*KNOTSU(nu1), "addsegment3"); memcpy(fp, nu1->knotsu, sizeof(float)*a); freeN(nu1->knotsu); nu1->knotsu= fp; offset= nu1->knotsu[a-1] +1.0; fp= nu1->knotsu+a; for(a=0; a<nu2->pntsu; a++, fp++) { if(nu2->knotsu) *fp= offset+nu2->knotsu[a+1]; else *fp = offset; } } freeNurb(nu2); } } makeDispList(G.obedit); countall(); allqueue(REDRAWVIEW3D, 0); } else error("Can't make segment"); } void mouse_nurb() { Nurb *nu; BezTriple *bezt=0; BPoint *bp=0; int a; short hand; hand= findnearestNurbvert(1, &nu, &bezt, &bp); if(bezt || bp) { if((G.qual & 3)==0) { setflagsNurb(0); if(bezt) { if(hand==1) { bezt->f1|= 1; bezt->f2|= 1; bezt->f3|= 1; } else if(hand==0) bezt->f1|= 1; else bezt->f3|= 1; } else { lastselbp= bp; bp->f1 |= 1; } allqueue(REDRAWVIEW3D, 0); } else { if(bezt) { if(hand==1) { if(bezt->f2 & 1) { bezt->f1 &= ~1; bezt->f2 &= ~1; bezt->f3 &= ~1; a= 0; } else { bezt->f1 |= 1; bezt->f2 |= 1; bezt->f3 |= 1; a= 1; } } else if(hand==0) { if(bezt->f1 & 1) { bezt->f1 &= ~1; a= 0; } else { bezt->f1 |= 1; a= 1; } } else { if(bezt->f3 & 1) { bezt->f3 &= ~1; a= 0; } else { bezt->f3 |= 1; a= 1; } } } else { if(bp->f1 & 1) bp->f1 &= ~1; else { bp->f1 |= 1; lastselbp= bp; } } allqueue(REDRAWVIEW3D, 0); } countall(); } rightmouse_transform(); if(nu!=lastnu) { lastnu= nu; allqueue(REDRAWBUTSEDIT, 0); } } void spinNurb(dvec, mode) float *dvec; short mode; /* 0 is extrude, 1 is duplicate */ { Nurb *nu; float *curs, si,phi,n[3],q[4],cmat[3][3],tmat[3][3],imat[3][3]; float cent[3],bmat[3][3], rotmat[3][3], scalemat1[3][3], scalemat2[3][3]; float persmat[3][3], persinv[3][3]; short a,ok; if(G.obedit==0 || G.obedit->type!=OB_SURF) return; if( (G.vd->lay & G.obedit->lay)==0 ) return; Mat3CpyMat4(persmat, G.vd->viewmat); Mat3Inv(persinv, persmat); /* imat en centrum en afmeting */ Mat3CpyMat4(bmat, G.obedit->obmat); Mat3Inv(imat, bmat); curs= give_cursor(); VECCOPY(cent, curs); VecSubf(cent, cent, G.obedit->obmat[3]); Mat3MulVecfl(imat,cent); if(dvec) { n[0]=n[1]= 0.0; n[2]= 1.0; } else { n[0]= G.vd->viewinv[2][0]; n[1]= G.vd->viewinv[2][1]; n[2]= G.vd->viewinv[2][2]; Normalise(n); } phi= M_PI/8.0; q[0]= fcos(phi); si= fsin(phi); q[1]= n[0]*si; q[2]= n[1]*si; q[3]= n[2]*si; QuatToMat3(q, cmat); Mat3MulMat3(tmat, cmat, bmat); Mat3MulMat3(rotmat, imat, tmat); Mat3One(scalemat1); scalemat1[0][0]= fsqrt(2.0); scalemat1[1][1]= fsqrt(2.0); Mat3MulMat3(tmat,persmat,bmat); Mat3MulMat3(cmat,scalemat1,tmat); Mat3MulMat3(tmat,persinv,cmat); Mat3MulMat3(scalemat1,imat,tmat); Mat3One(scalemat2); scalemat2[0][0]/= fsqrt(2.0); scalemat2[1][1]/= fsqrt(2.0); Mat3MulMat3(tmat,persmat,bmat); Mat3MulMat3(cmat,scalemat2,tmat); Mat3MulMat3(tmat,persinv,cmat); Mat3MulMat3(scalemat2,imat,tmat); ok= 1; for(a=0;a<7;a++) { if(mode==0) ok= extrudeflagNurb(1); else adduplicateflagNurb(1); if(ok==0) { error("Can't spin"); break; } rotateflagNurb(1,cent,rotmat); if(mode==0) { if( (a & 1)==0 ) { rotateflagNurb(1,cent,scalemat1); weightflagNurb(1, 0.25*fsqrt(2.0), 1); } else { rotateflagNurb(1,cent,scalemat2); weightflagNurb(1, 4.0/fsqrt(2.0), 1); } } if(dvec) { Mat3MulVecfl(bmat,dvec); translateflagNurb(1,dvec); } } if(ok) { nu= editNurb.first; while(nu) { if(isNurbsel(nu)) { nu->orderv= 4; nu->flagv |= 1; makeknots(nu, 2, nu->flagv>>1); } nu= nu->next; } } } void addvert_Nurb(int mode) { Nurb *nu; BezTriple *bezt, *newbezt; BPoint *bp, *newbp; float *curs, mat[3][3],imat[3][3], temp[3]; if(G.obedit==0) return; if( (G.vd->lay & G.obedit->lay)==0 ) return; if(mode=='e' && okee("Extrude")==0) return; Mat3CpyMat4(mat, G.obedit->obmat); Mat3Inv(imat,mat); findselectedNurbvert(&nu, &bezt, &bp); if(bezt==0 && bp==0) return; if((nu->type & 7)==CU_BEZIER) { /* welk bezpoint? */ if(bezt== nu->bezt) { /* eerste */ bezt->f1= bezt->f2= bezt->f3= 0; newbezt= callocstructN(BezTriple, nu->pntsu+1, "addvert_Nurb"); memcpy(newbezt+1, bezt, nu->pntsu*sizeof(BezTriple)); *newbezt= *bezt; newbezt->f1= newbezt->f2= newbezt->f3= 1; if(bezt->h1 & 1) newbezt->h1= newbezt->h2= HD_AUTO; else newbezt->h1= newbezt->h2= HD_VECT; VECCOPY(temp, bezt->vec[1]); freeN(nu->bezt); nu->bezt= newbezt; bezt= newbezt+1; } else if(bezt== (nu->bezt+nu->pntsu-1)) { /* laatste */ bezt->f1= bezt->f2= bezt->f3= 0; newbezt= callocstructN(BezTriple, nu->pntsu+1, "addvert_Nurb"); memcpy(newbezt, nu->bezt, nu->pntsu*sizeof(BezTriple)); *(newbezt+nu->pntsu)= *bezt; VECCOPY(temp, bezt->vec[1]); freeN(nu->bezt); nu->bezt= newbezt; newbezt+= nu->pntsu; newbezt->f1= newbezt->f2= newbezt->f3= 1; if(newbezt->h2 & 1) newbezt->h1= newbezt->h2= HD_AUTO; else newbezt->h1= newbezt->h2= HD_VECT; bezt= nu->bezt+nu->pntsu-1; } else bezt= 0; if(bezt) { nu->pntsu++; newbezt->s[1][0]= G.vd->mx; newbezt->s[1][1]= G.vd->my; if(mode=='e') { VECCOPY(newbezt->vec[0], bezt->vec[0]); VECCOPY(newbezt->vec[1], bezt->vec[1]); VECCOPY(newbezt->vec[2], bezt->vec[2]); } else { curs= give_cursor(); VECCOPY(newbezt->vec[1], curs); VecSubf(newbezt->vec[1],newbezt->vec[1],G.obedit->obmat[3]); Mat3MulVecfl(imat,newbezt->vec[1]); VecSubf(temp, newbezt->vec[1],temp); VecAddf(newbezt->vec[0], bezt->vec[0],temp); VecAddf(newbezt->vec[2], bezt->vec[2],temp); calchandlesNurb(nu); } } } else if(nu->pntsv==1) { /* welk b-point? */ if(bp== nu->bp) { /* eerste */ bp->f1= 0; newbp= callocstructN(BPoint, nu->pntsu+1, "addvert_Nurb3"); memcpy(newbp+1, bp, nu->pntsu*sizeof(BPoint)); *newbp= *bp; newbp->f1= 1; freeN(nu->bp); nu->bp= newbp; } else if(bp== (nu->bp+nu->pntsu-1)) { /* laatste */ bp->f1= 0; newbp= callocstructN(BPoint, nu->pntsu+1, "addvert_Nurb4"); memcpy(newbp, nu->bp, nu->pntsu*sizeof(BPoint)); *(newbp+nu->pntsu)= *bp; freeN(nu->bp); nu->bp= newbp; newbp+= nu->pntsu; newbp->f1= 1; } else bp= 0; if(bp) { nu->pntsu++; newbp->s[0]= G.vd->mx; newbp->s[1]= G.vd->my; if(nu->resolu<3) nu->resolu++; makeknots(nu, 1, nu->flagu>>1); if(mode=='e') { VECCOPY(newbp->vec, bp->vec); } else { curs= give_cursor(); VECCOPY(newbp->vec, curs); VecSubf(newbp->vec, newbp->vec, G.obedit->obmat[3]); Mat3MulVecfl(imat,newbp->vec); newbp->vec[3]= 1.0; } } } test2DNurb(nu); makeDispList(G.obedit); countall(); allqueue(REDRAWVIEW3D, 0); if(mode=='e') transform('d'); else while(get_mbut()&R_MOUSE) usleep(1); } void extrude_nurb() { Nurb *nu; int ok= 0; if(G.obedit && G.obedit->type==OB_SURF) { /* first test: curve? */ nu= editNurb.first; while(nu) { if(nu->pntsv==1 && isNurbsel_count(nu)==1 ) break; nu= nu->next; } if(nu) { addvert_Nurb('e'); } else { if(okee("Extrude")==0) return; ok= extrudeflagNurb(1); /* '1'= flag */ if(ok) { makeDispList(G.obedit); countall(); transform('d'); } } } } void makecyclicNurb() { Nurb *nu; BezTriple *bezt; BPoint *bp; float *fp; int a, b, cyclmode=0; nu= editNurb.first; while(nu) { if( nu->pntsu>1 || nu->pntsv>1) { if( (nu->type & 7)==0 ) { a= nu->pntsu; bp= nu->bp; while(a--) { if( bp->f1 & 1 ) { if(nu->flagu & 1) nu->flagu--; else nu->flagu++; break; } bp++; } } else if( (nu->type & 7)==CU_BEZIER ) { a= nu->pntsu; bezt= nu->bezt; while(a--) { if( BEZSELECTED(bezt) ) { if(nu->flagu & 1) nu->flagu--; else nu->flagu++; break; } bezt++; } calchandlesNurb(nu); } else if(nu->pntsv==1 && (nu->type & 7)==CU_NURBS) { a= nu->pntsu; bp= nu->bp; while(a--) { if( bp->f1 & 1 ) { if(nu->flagu & 1) nu->flagu--; else { nu->flagu++; fp= mallocN(sizeof(float)*KNOTSU(nu), "makecyclicN"); b= (nu->orderu+nu->pntsu); memcpy(fp, nu->knotsu, sizeof(float)*b); freeN(nu->knotsu); nu->knotsu= fp; makeknots(nu, 1, 0); /* 1==u 0==uniform */ } break; } bp++; } } else if(nu->type==CU_NURBS) { if(cyclmode==0) { cyclmode= pupmenu("Toggle %t|cyclic U%x1|cyclic V%x2"); if(cyclmode < 1) return; } a= nu->pntsu*nu->pntsv; bp= nu->bp; while(a--) { if( bp->f1 & 1) { if(cyclmode==1 && nu->pntsu>1) { if(nu->flagu & 1) nu->flagu--; else { nu->flagu++; fp= mallocN(sizeof(float)*KNOTSU(nu), "makecyclicN"); b= (nu->orderu+nu->pntsu); memcpy(fp, nu->knotsu, sizeof(float)*b); freeN(nu->knotsu); nu->knotsu= fp; makeknots(nu, 1, 0); /* 1==u 0==uniform */ } } if(cyclmode==2 && nu->pntsv>1) { if(nu->flagv & 1) nu->flagv--; else { nu->flagv++; fp= mallocN(sizeof(float)*KNOTSV(nu), "makecyclicN"); b= (nu->orderv+nu->pntsv); memcpy(fp, nu->knotsv, sizeof(float)*b); freeN(nu->knotsv); nu->knotsv= fp; makeknots(nu, 2, 0); /* 2==v 0==uniform */ } } break; } bp++; } } } nu= nu->next; } makeDispList(G.obedit); } void selectconnected_nurb() { Nurb *nu; BezTriple *bezt; BPoint *bp; int a; findnearestNurbvert(1, &nu, &bezt, &bp); if(bezt) { a= nu->pntsu; bezt= nu->bezt; while(a--) { if(bezt->hide==0) { if(G.qual & 3) { bezt->f1 &= ~1; bezt->f2 &= ~1; bezt->f3 &= ~1; } else { bezt->f1 |= 1; bezt->f2 |= 1; bezt->f3 |= 1; } } bezt++; } } else if(bp) { a= nu->pntsu*nu->pntsv; bp= nu->bp; while(a--) { if(bp->hide==0) { if(G.qual & 3) { bp->f1 &= ~1; } else { bp->f1 |= 1; } } bp++; } } countall(); allqueue(REDRAWVIEW3D, 0); } void selectrow_nurb() { static BPoint *last=0; static int direction=0; Nurb *nu; BPoint *bp; int u = 0, v = 0, a, b, ok=0; if(editNurb.first==0) return; if(G.obedit==0 || G.obedit->type!=OB_SURF) return; if(lastselbp==0) return; /* zoek de juiste nurb en toggle met u of v */ nu= editNurb.first; while(nu) { bp= nu->bp; for(v=0; v<nu->pntsv; v++) { for(u=0; u<nu->pntsu; u++, bp++) { if(bp==lastselbp) { if(bp->f1 & 1) { ok= 1; break; } } } if(ok) break; } if(ok) { if(last==lastselbp) { direction= 1-direction; setflagsNurb(0); } last= lastselbp; bp= nu->bp; for(a=0; a<nu->pntsv; a++) { for(b=0; b<nu->pntsu; b++, bp++) { if(direction) { if(a==v) if(bp->hide==0) bp->f1 |= 1; } else { if(b==u) if(bp->hide==0) bp->f1 |= 1; } } } countall(); allqueue(REDRAWVIEW3D, 0); return; } nu= nu->next; } } void adduplicate_nurb() { if( (G.vd->lay & G.obedit->lay)==0 ) return; adduplicateflagNurb(1); countall(); transform('d'); } void delNurb() { Nurb *nu, *next, *nu1; BezTriple *bezt, *bezt1, *bezt2; BPoint *bp, *bp1, *bp2; int a; short event, cut = 0; if(G.obedit==0 ) return; if( (G.vd->lay & G.obedit->lay)==0 ) return; if(G.obedit->type==OB_SURF) event= pupmenu("ERASE %t|Selected%x0|All%x2"); else event= pupmenu("ERASE %t|Selected%x0|Segment%x1|All%x2"); if(event== -1) return; if(G.obedit->type==OB_SURF) { if(event==0) deleteflagNurb(1); else freeNurblist(&editNurb); countall(); makeDispList(G.obedit); allqueue(REDRAWVIEW3D, 0); return; } if(event==0) { /* eerste doorloop, kunnen hele stukken weg? */ nu= editNurb.first; while(nu) { next= nu->next; if( (nu->type & 7)==CU_BEZIER ) { bezt= nu->bezt; a= nu->pntsu; if(a) { while(a) { if( BEZSELECTED(bezt) ); else break; a--; bezt++; } if(a==0) { remlink(&editNurb, nu); freeNurb(nu); } } } else { bp= nu->bp; a= nu->pntsu*nu->pntsv; if(a) { while(a) { if(bp->f1 & 1 ); else break; a--; bp++; } if(a==0) { remlink(&editNurb, nu); freeNurb(nu); } } } nu= next; } /* tweede doorloop, kleine stukken weg: alleen curves */ nu= editNurb.first; while(nu) { next= nu->next; event= 0; if( (nu->type & 7)==CU_BEZIER ) { bezt= nu->bezt; for(a=0;a<nu->pntsu;a++) { if( BEZSELECTED(bezt) ) { memcpy(bezt, bezt+1, (nu->pntsu-a-1)*sizeof(BezTriple)); nu->pntsu--; a--; event= 1; } else bezt++; } if(event) { bezt1= mallocstructN(BezTriple, nu->pntsu, "delNurb"); memcpy(bezt1, nu->bezt, (nu->pntsu)*sizeof(BezTriple) ); freeN(nu->bezt); nu->bezt= bezt1; calchandlesNurb(nu); } } else if(nu->pntsv==1) { bp= nu->bp; for(a=0;a<nu->pntsu;a++) { if( bp->f1 & 1 ) { memcpy(bp, bp+1, (nu->pntsu-a-1)*sizeof(BPoint)); nu->pntsu--; a--; event= 1; } else { bp++; } } if(event) { bp1= mallocstructN(BPoint, nu->pntsu, "delNurb2"); memcpy(bp1, nu->bp, (nu->pntsu)*sizeof(BPoint) ); freeN(nu->bp); nu->bp= bp1; } makeknots(nu, 1, nu->flagu>>1); } nu= next; } } else if(event==1) { /* erase segment */ /* vind de twee geselecteerde punten */ bezt1= bezt2= 0; bp1= bp2= 0; nu= editNurb.first; nu1= 0; while(nu) { next= nu->next; if( (nu->type & 7)==CU_BEZIER ) { bezt= nu->bezt; for(a=0; a<nu->pntsu-1; a++) { if( BEZSELECTED(bezt) ) { bezt1= bezt; bezt2= bezt+1; if( (bezt2->f1 & 1) || (bezt2->f2 & 1) || (bezt2->f3 & 1) ) ; else { /* misschien niet cyclic maken */ if(a==0 && (nu->flagu & 1) ) { bezt2= bezt+(nu->pntsu-1); if( (bezt2->f1 & 1) || (bezt2->f2 & 1) || (bezt2->f3 & 1) ) { nu->flagu--; makeDispList(G.obedit); allqueue(REDRAWVIEW3D, 0); } } return; } cut= a; nu1= nu; break; } bezt++; } } else if(nu->pntsv==1) { bp= nu->bp; for(a=0; a<nu->pntsu-1; a++) { if( bp->f1 & 1 ) { bp1= bp; bp2= bp+1; if( bp2->f1 & 1 ) ; else { /* misschien niet cyclic maken */ if(a==0 && (nu->flagu & 1) ) { bp2= bp+(nu->pntsu-1); if( bp2->f1 & 1 ) { nu->flagu--; makeDispList(G.obedit); allqueue(REDRAWVIEW3D, 0); } } return; } cut= a; nu1= nu; break; } bp++; } } if(nu1) break; nu= nu->next; } if(nu1) { if(bezt1) { if(nu1->pntsu==2) { /* helemaal weg */ remlink(&editNurb, nu); freeNurb(nu); } else if(nu1->flagu & 1) { /* cyclic */ bezt= mallocstructN(BezTriple, cut+1, "delNurb1"); memcpy(bezt, nu1->bezt,(cut+1)*sizeof(BezTriple)); a= nu1->pntsu-cut-1; memcpy(nu1->bezt, bezt2, a*sizeof(BezTriple)); memcpy(nu1->bezt+a, bezt, (cut+1)*sizeof(BezTriple)); nu1->flagu--; freeN(bezt); calchandlesNurb(nu); } else { /* nieuwe curve erbij */ /* hier zit een fout in... maar waar? (a kan nul worden) */ nu= mallocstructN(Nurb, 1, "delNurb2"); memcpy(nu, nu1, sizeof(Nurb)); addtail(&editNurb, nu); nu->bezt= mallocstructN(BezTriple, cut+1, "delNurb3"); memcpy(nu->bezt, nu1->bezt,(cut+1)*sizeof(BezTriple)); a= nu1->pntsu-cut-1; bezt= mallocstructN(BezTriple, a, "delNurb4"); memcpy(bezt, nu1->bezt+cut+1,a*sizeof(BezTriple)); freeN(nu1->bezt); nu1->bezt= bezt; nu1->pntsu= a; nu->pntsu= cut+1; calchandlesNurb(nu); calchandlesNurb(nu1); } } else if(bp1) { if(nu1->pntsu==2) { /* helemaal weg */ remlink(&editNurb, nu); freeNurb(nu); } else if(nu1->flagu & 1) { /* cyclic */ bp= mallocstructN(BPoint, cut+1, "delNurb5"); memcpy(bp, nu1->bp,(cut+1)*sizeof(BPoint)); a= nu1->pntsu-cut-1; memcpy(nu1->bp, bp2, a*sizeof(BPoint)); memcpy(nu1->bp+a, bp, (cut+1)*sizeof(BPoint)); nu1->flagu--; freeN(bp); } else { /* nieuwe curve erbij */ nu= mallocstructN(Nurb, 1, "delNurb6"); memcpy(nu, nu1, sizeof(Nurb)); addtail(&editNurb, nu); nu->bp= mallocstructN(BPoint, cut+1, "delNurb7"); memcpy(nu->bp, nu1->bp,(cut+1)*sizeof(BPoint)); a= nu1->pntsu-cut-1; bp= mallocstructN(BPoint, a, "delNurb8"); memcpy(bp, nu1->bp+cut+1,a*sizeof(BPoint)); freeN(nu1->bp); nu1->bp= bp; nu1->pntsu= a; nu->pntsu= cut+1; } } } } else if(event==2) { freeNurblist(&editNurb); } countall(); makeDispList(G.obedit); allqueue(REDRAWVIEW3D, 0); } void join_curve(int type) { Base *base, *nextb; Object *ob; Curve *cu; Nurb *nu, *newnu; BezTriple *bezt; BPoint *bp; ListBase tempbase; float imat[4][4], cmat[4][4]; int a; if(G.obedit) return; ob= OBACT; if(ob->type!=type) return; if(ob->lay & G.vd->lay); else return; tempbase.first= tempbase.last= 0; if(type==OB_SURF) { if(okee("Join selected Nurbs")==0) return; } else if(okee("Join selected Curves")==0) return; /* alle geselecteerde curves invers transformen in obact */ Mat4Invert(imat, ob->obmat); base= FIRSTBASE; while(base) { nextb= base->next; if TESTBASE(base) { if(base->object->type==type) { if(base->object != ob) { cu= base->object->data; if(cu->nurb.first) { /* let op: matmul omkeren is ECHT fout */ Mat4MulMat4(cmat, base->object->obmat, imat); nu= cu->nurb.first; while(nu) { newnu= duplicateNurb(nu); addtail(&tempbase, newnu); if(bezt= newnu->bezt) { a= newnu->pntsu; while(a--) { Mat4MulVecfl(cmat, bezt->vec[0]); Mat4MulVecfl(cmat, bezt->vec[1]); Mat4MulVecfl(cmat, bezt->vec[2]); bezt++; } } if(bp= newnu->bp) { a= newnu->pntsu*nu->pntsv; while(a--) { Mat4MulVecfl(cmat, bp->vec); bp++; } } nu= nu->next; } } remlink(&(G.scene->base), base); free_libblock_us(&(G.main->object), base->object); freeN(base); } } } base= nextb; } cu= ob->data; addlisttolist(&cu->nurb, &tempbase); enter_editmode(); exit_editmode(1); allqueue(REDRAWVIEW3D, 0); } Nurb *addNurbprim(int type, int stype, int newname) /* type: &8= 2D; 0=poly,1 bez, 4 nurb * stype: 0: 2/4 punts curve * 1: 8 punts cirkel * 2: 4x4 patch Nurb * 3: tube 4:sphere 5:donut * 6: 5 punts, 5e order rechte lijn (pad) alleen nurbspline! */ { static int xzproj= 0; Nurb *nu = NULL; BezTriple *bezt; BPoint *bp; float *curs, cent[3],vec[3],imat[3][3],mat[3][3]; float fac,cmat[3][3]; int a, b; /* imat en centrum en afmeting */ if(G.obedit) { Mat3CpyMat4(mat, G.obedit->obmat); curs= give_cursor(); VECCOPY(cent, curs); cent[0]-= G.obedit->obmat[3][0]; cent[1]-= G.obedit->obmat[3][1]; cent[2]-= G.obedit->obmat[3][2]; Mat3CpyMat4(imat, G.vd->viewmat); Mat3MulVecfl(imat, cent); Mat3MulMat3(cmat, imat, mat); Mat3Inv(imat, cmat); setflagsNurb(0); } else { Mat3One(imat); cent[0]= cent[1]= cent[2]= 0.0; } if ELEM5(stype, 0, 1, 2, 4, 6) { nu= callocstructN(Nurb, 1, "addNurbprim"); nu->type= type; nu->resolu= 12; nu->resolv= 12; /* if(G.obedit && (G.mainb==5 || G.mainb==9)) nu->col= 0; */ } switch(stype) { case 0: /* curve */ if(newname) { rename_id((ID *)G.obedit, "Curve"); rename_id((ID *)G.obedit->data, "Curve"); } if((type & 7)==CU_BEZIER) { nu->pntsu= 2; nu->bezt= callocstructN(BezTriple, 2, "addNurbprim1"); bezt= nu->bezt; bezt->h1= bezt->h2= HD_ALIGN; bezt->f1= bezt->f2= bezt->f3= 1; for(a=0;a<3;a++) { VECCOPY(bezt->vec[a], cent); } bezt->vec[1][0]+= -G.vd->grid; bezt->vec[0][0]+= -1.5*G.vd->grid; bezt->vec[0][1]+= -0.5*G.vd->grid; bezt->vec[2][0]+= -0.5*G.vd->grid; bezt->vec[2][1]+= 0.5*G.vd->grid; for(a=0;a<3;a++) Mat3MulVecfl(imat, bezt->vec[a]); bezt++; bezt->h1= bezt->h2= HD_ALIGN; bezt->f1= bezt->f2= bezt->f3= 1; for(a=0;a<3;a++) { VECCOPY(bezt->vec[a], cent); } bezt->vec[1][0]+= G.vd->grid; for(a=0;a<3;a++) Mat3MulVecfl(imat, bezt->vec[a]); calchandlesNurb(nu); } else { nu->pntsu= 4; nu->pntsv= 1; nu->orderu= 4; nu->bp= callocstructN(BPoint, 4, "addNurbprim3"); bp= nu->bp; for(a=0;a<4;a++, bp++) { VECCOPY(bp->vec, cent); bp->vec[3]= 1.0; bp->f1= 1; } bp= nu->bp; bp->vec[0]+= -1.5*G.vd->grid; bp++; bp->vec[0]+= -G.vd->grid; bp->vec[1]+= G.vd->grid; bp++; bp->vec[0]+= G.vd->grid; bp->vec[1]+= G.vd->grid; bp++; bp->vec[0]+= 1.5*G.vd->grid; bp= nu->bp; for(a=0;a<4;a++, bp++) Mat3MulVecfl(imat,bp->vec); if((type & 7)==4) { nu->knotsu= 0; /* makeknots alloceert */ makeknots(nu, 1, nu->flagu>>1); } } break; case 6: /* 5 punts pad */ nu->pntsu= 5; nu->pntsv= 1; nu->orderu= 5; nu->flagu= 2; /* endpoint */ nu->resolu= 32; nu->bp= callocstructN(BPoint, 5, "addNurbprim3"); bp= nu->bp; for(a=0;a<5;a++, bp++) { VECCOPY(bp->vec, cent); bp->vec[3]= 1.0; bp->f1= 1; } bp= nu->bp; bp->vec[0]+= -2.0*G.vd->grid; bp++; bp->vec[0]+= -G.vd->grid; bp++; bp++; bp->vec[0]+= G.vd->grid; bp++; bp->vec[0]+= 2.0*G.vd->grid; bp= nu->bp; for(a=0;a<5;a++, bp++) Mat3MulVecfl(imat,bp->vec); if((type & 7)==4) { nu->knotsu= 0; /* makeknots alloceert */ makeknots(nu, 1, nu->flagu>>1); } break; case 1: /* cirkel */ if(newname) { rename_id((ID *)G.obedit, "CurveCircle"); rename_id((ID *)G.obedit->data, "CurveCircle"); } if((type & 7)==CU_BEZIER) { nu->pntsu= 4; nu->bezt= callocstructN(BezTriple, 4, "addNurbprim1"); nu->flagu= 1; bezt= nu->bezt; for(a=0;a<3;a++) { VECCOPY(bezt->vec[a], cent); } bezt->h1= bezt->h2= HD_AUTO; bezt->f1= bezt->f2= bezt->f3= 1; bezt->vec[1][0]+= -G.vd->grid; for(a=0;a<3;a++) Mat3MulVecfl(imat,bezt->vec[a]); bezt++; for(a=0;a<3;a++) { VECCOPY(bezt->vec[a], cent); } bezt->h1= bezt->h2= HD_AUTO; bezt->f1= bezt->f2= bezt->f3= 1; bezt->vec[1][1]+= G.vd->grid; for(a=0;a<3;a++) Mat3MulVecfl(imat,bezt->vec[a]); bezt++; for(a=0;a<3;a++) { VECCOPY(bezt->vec[a], cent); } bezt->h1= bezt->h2= HD_AUTO; bezt->f1= bezt->f2= bezt->f3= 1; bezt->vec[1][0]+= G.vd->grid; for(a=0;a<3;a++) Mat3MulVecfl(imat,bezt->vec[a]); bezt++; for(a=0;a<3;a++) { VECCOPY(bezt->vec[a], cent); } bezt->h1= bezt->h2= HD_AUTO; bezt->f1= bezt->f2= bezt->f3= 1; bezt->vec[1][1]+= -G.vd->grid; for(a=0;a<3;a++) Mat3MulVecfl(imat,bezt->vec[a]); calchandlesNurb(nu); } else if( (type & 7)==CU_NURBS ) { /* nurb */ nu->pntsu= 8; nu->pntsv= 1; nu->orderu= 4; nu->bp= callocstructN(BPoint, 8, "addNurbprim6"); nu->flagu= 1; bp= nu->bp; for(a=0; a<8; a++) { bp->f1= 1; VECCOPY(bp->vec, cent); if(xzproj==0) { bp->vec[0]+= nurbcircle[a][0]*G.vd->grid; bp->vec[1]+= nurbcircle[a][1]*G.vd->grid; } else { bp->vec[0]+= 0.25*nurbcircle[a][0]*G.vd->grid-.75*G.vd->grid; bp->vec[2]+= 0.25*nurbcircle[a][1]*G.vd->grid; } if(a & 1) bp->vec[3]= 0.25*fsqrt(2.0); else bp->vec[3]= 1.0; Mat3MulVecfl(imat,bp->vec); bp++; } makeknots(nu, 1, nu->flagu>>1); } break; case 2: /* 4x4 patch */ if( (type & 7)==CU_NURBS ) { /* nurb */ if(newname) { rename_id((ID *)G.obedit, "Surf"); rename_id((ID *)G.obedit->data, "Surf"); } nu->pntsu= 4; nu->pntsv= 4; nu->orderu= 4; nu->orderv= 4; nu->flag= ME_SMOOTH; nu->bp= callocstructN(BPoint, 4*4, "addNurbprim6"); nu->flagu= 0; nu->flagv= 0; bp= nu->bp; for(a=0; a<4; a++) { for(b=0; b<4; b++) { VECCOPY(bp->vec, cent); bp->f1= 1; fac= (float)a -1.5; bp->vec[0]+= fac*G.vd->grid; fac= (float)b -1.5; bp->vec[1]+= fac*G.vd->grid; if(a==1 || a==2) if(b==1 || b==2) { bp->vec[2]+= G.vd->grid; } Mat3MulVecfl(imat,bp->vec); bp->vec[3]= 1.0; bp++; } } makeknots(nu, 1, nu->flagu>>1); makeknots(nu, 2, nu->flagv>>1); } break; case 3: /* tube */ if( (type & 7)==CU_NURBS ) { if(newname) { rename_id((ID *)G.obedit, "SurfTube"); rename_id((ID *)G.obedit->data, "SurfTube"); } nu= addNurbprim(4, 1, 0); /* cirkel */ nu->resolu= 32; nu->flag= ME_SMOOTH; addtail(&editNurb, nu); /* tijdelijk voor extrude en translate */ vec[0]=vec[1]= 0.0; vec[2]= -G.vd->grid; Mat3MulVecfl(imat, vec); translateflagNurb(1, vec); extrudeflagNurb(1); vec[0]= -2*vec[0]; vec[1]= -2*vec[1]; vec[2]= -2*vec[2]; translateflagNurb(1, vec); remlink(&editNurb, nu); a= nu->pntsu*nu->pntsv; bp= nu->bp; while(a-- >0) { bp->f1 |= 1; bp++; } } break; case 4: /* sphere */ if( (type & 7)==CU_NURBS ) { if(newname) { rename_id((ID *)G.obedit, "SurfSphere"); rename_id((ID *)G.obedit->data, "SurfSphere"); } nu->pntsu= 5; nu->pntsv= 1; nu->orderu= 3; nu->resolu= 24; nu->resolv= 32; nu->flag= ME_SMOOTH; nu->bp= callocstructN(BPoint, 5, "addNurbprim6"); nu->flagu= 0; bp= nu->bp; for(a=0; a<5; a++) { bp->f1= 1; VECCOPY(bp->vec, cent); bp->vec[0]+= nurbcircle[a][0]*G.vd->grid; bp->vec[2]+= nurbcircle[a][1]*G.vd->grid; if(a & 1) bp->vec[3]= 0.5*fsqrt(2.0); else bp->vec[3]= 1.0; Mat3MulVecfl(imat,bp->vec); bp++; } nu->flagu= 4; makeknots(nu, 1, nu->flagu>>1); addtail(&editNurb, nu); /* tijdelijk voor spin */ spinNurb(0, 0); makeknots(nu, 2, nu->flagv>>1); a= nu->pntsu*nu->pntsv; bp= nu->bp; while(a-- >0) { bp->f1 |= 1; bp++; } remlink(&editNurb, nu); } break; case 5: /* donut */ if( (type & 7)==CU_NURBS ) { if(newname) { rename_id((ID *)G.obedit, "SurfDonut"); rename_id((ID *)G.obedit->data, "SurfDonut"); } xzproj= 1; nu= addNurbprim(4, 1, 0); /* cirkel */ xzproj= 0; nu->resolu= 24; nu->resolv= 32; nu->flag= ME_SMOOTH; addtail(&editNurb, nu); /* tijdelijk voor extrude en translate */ spinNurb(0, 0); remlink(&editNurb, nu); a= nu->pntsu*nu->pntsv; bp= nu->bp; while(a-- >0) { bp->f1 |= 1; bp++; } } break; } /* altijd doen: */ nu->flag= ME_SMOOTH; test2DNurb(nu); return nu; } void default_curve_ipo(Curve *cu) { IpoCurve *icu; BezTriple *bezt; if(cu->ipo) return; cu->ipo= add_ipo("CurveIpo", ID_CU); icu= callocN(sizeof(IpoCurve), "ipocurve"); icu->blocktype= ID_CU; icu->adrcode= CU_SPEED; icu->flag= IPO_VISIBLE+IPO_SELECT; set_icu_vars(icu); addtail( &(cu->ipo->curve), icu); icu->bezt= bezt= callocN(2*sizeof(BezTriple), "defaultipo"); icu->totvert= 2; bezt->hide= IPO_BEZ; bezt->f1=bezt->f2= bezt->f3= SELECT; bezt->h1= bezt->h2= HD_AUTO; bezt++; bezt->vec[1][0]= 100.0; bezt->vec[1][1]= 1.0; bezt->hide= IPO_BEZ; bezt->f1=bezt->f2= bezt->f3= SELECT; bezt->h1= bezt->h2= HD_AUTO; calchandles_ipocurve(icu); } void add_primitiveCurve(int stype) { Nurb *nu; Curve *cu; int type, newname= 0; if(G.scene->id.lib) return; /* this function also comes from an info window */ if ELEM(curarea->spacetype, SPACE_VIEW3D, SPACE_INFO); else return; if(G.vd==0) return; if(stype>=10 && stype<20) type= CU_2D+1; else if(stype>=20 && stype<30) type= CU_2D+2; else if(stype>=30 && stype<40) type= CU_2D+3; else if(stype>=40 && stype<50) { if(stype==46) type= 4; else type= CU_2D+4; } else type= CU_2D; check_editmode(OB_CURVE); /* als geen obedit: nieuw object en in editmode gaan */ if(G.obedit==0) { add_object(OB_CURVE); G.obedit= BASACT->object; where_is_object(G.obedit); make_editNurb(); setcursor_space(SPACE_VIEW3D, CURSOR_EDIT); newname= 1; cu= G.obedit->data; if(stype==46) { cu->flag |= (CU_3D+CU_PATH); default_curve_ipo(cu); } } else cu= G.obedit->data; if(cu->flag & CU_3D) type &= ~CU_2D; stype= (stype % 10); nu= addNurbprim(type, stype, newname); /* 2D */ addtail(&editNurb, nu); makeDispList(G.obedit); allqueue(REDRAWBUTSEDIT, 0); countall(); allqueue(REDRAWVIEW3D, 0); } void add_primitiveNurb(int type) { Nurb *nu; int newname= 0; if(G.scene->id.lib) return; if ELEM(curarea->spacetype, SPACE_VIEW3D, SPACE_INFO); else return; check_editmode(OB_SURF); /* als geen obedit: nieuw object en in editmode gaan */ if(G.obedit==0) { add_object(OB_SURF); G.obedit= BASACT->object; where_is_object(G.obedit); make_editNurb(); setcursor_space(SPACE_VIEW3D, CURSOR_EDIT); newname= 1; } nu= addNurbprim(4, type, newname); addtail(&editNurb,nu); makeDispList(G.obedit); allqueue(REDRAWBUTSEDIT, 0); countall(); allqueue(REDRAWVIEW3D, 0); } void clear_tilt() { Nurb *nu; BezTriple *bezt; BPoint *bp; int a; if(okee("Clear tilt")==0) return; nu= editNurb.first; while(nu) { if( nu->bezt ) { bezt= nu->bezt; a= nu->pntsu; while(a--) { if(BEZSELECTED(bezt)) bezt->alfa= 0.0; bezt++; } } else if(nu->bp) { bp= nu->bp; a= nu->pntsu*nu->pntsv; while(a--) { if(bp->f1 & 1) bp->alfa= 0.0; bp++; } } nu= nu->next; } makeBevelList(G.obedit); allqueue(REDRAWVIEW3D, 0); } void clever_numbuts_curve() { BPoint *bp; BezTriple *bezt; float old[3], delta[3]; int a; if(lastnu==0) return; if(lastnu->bp) { bp= lastnu->bp; a= lastnu->pntsu*lastnu->pntsv; while(a--) { if(bp->f1 & 1) break; bp++; } if(bp==0) return; add_numbut(0, NUM|FLO, "LocX:", -G.vd->clipend, G.vd->clipend, bp->vec, 0); add_numbut(1, NUM|FLO, "LocY:", -G.vd->clipend, G.vd->clipend, bp->vec+1, 0); add_numbut(2, NUM|FLO, "LocZ:", -G.vd->clipend, G.vd->clipend, bp->vec+2, 0); add_numbut(3, NUM|FLO, " W:", 0.0, 100.0, bp->vec+3, 0); do_clever_numbuts("Active BPoint", 4, REDRAW); makeDispList(G.obedit); } else if(lastnu->bezt) { bezt= lastnu->bezt; a= lastnu->pntsu; while(a--) { if(BEZSELECTED(bezt)) break; bezt++; } if(bezt==0) return; if(bezt->f2 & 1) { add_numbut(0, NUM|FLO, "LocX:", -G.vd->clipend, G.vd->clipend, bezt->vec[1], 0); add_numbut(1, NUM|FLO, "LocY:", -G.vd->clipend, G.vd->clipend, bezt->vec[1]+1, 0); add_numbut(2, NUM|FLO, "LocZ:", -G.vd->clipend, G.vd->clipend, bezt->vec[1]+2, 0); VECCOPY(old, bezt->vec[1]); do_clever_numbuts("Active BezierPoint", 3, REDRAW); VecSubf(delta, bezt->vec[1], old); VecAddf(bezt->vec[0], bezt->vec[0], delta); VecAddf(bezt->vec[2], bezt->vec[2], delta); makeDispList(G.obedit); } else if(bezt->f1 & 1) { add_numbut(0, NUM|FLO, "LocX:", -G.vd->clipend, G.vd->clipend, bezt->vec[0], 0); add_numbut(1, NUM|FLO, "LocY:", -G.vd->clipend, G.vd->clipend, bezt->vec[0]+1, 0); add_numbut(2, NUM|FLO, "LocZ:", -G.vd->clipend, G.vd->clipend, bezt->vec[0]+2, 0); do_clever_numbuts("Active HandlePoint", 3, REDRAW); } else if(bezt->f3 & 1) { add_numbut(0, NUM|FLO, "LocX:", -G.vd->clipend, G.vd->clipend, bezt->vec[0], 0); add_numbut(1, NUM|FLO, "LocY:", -G.vd->clipend, G.vd->clipend, bezt->vec[2]+1, 0); add_numbut(2, NUM|FLO, "LocZ:", -G.vd->clipend, G.vd->clipend, bezt->vec[2]+2, 0); do_clever_numbuts("Active HandlePoint", 3, REDRAW); } } }