/** * $Id:$ * ***** BEGIN GPL/BL DUAL LICENSE BLOCK ***** * * The contents of this file may be used under the terms of either the GNU * General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL", see * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html ), or the Blender License 1.0 or * later (the "BL", see http://www.blender.org/BL/ ) which has to be * bought from the Blender Foundation to become active, in which case the * above mentioned GPL option does not apply. * * The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2002 by NaN Holding BV. * All rights reserved. * * The Original Code is: all of this file. * * Contributor(s): none yet. * * ***** END GPL/BL DUAL LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ /* editfont.c GRAPHICS * * maart 95 * * * Version: $Id: editfont.c,v 1.2 2000/07/21 09:05:24 nzc Exp $ */ #include "blender.h" #include "graphics.h" #include "edit.h" #define MAXTEXT 1000 int textediting=0; char findaccent(char char1, char code) { char new= 0; if(char1=='a') { if(code=='`') new= 224; else if(code==39) new= 225; else if(code=='^') new= 226; else if(code=='~') new= 227; else if(code=='"') new= 228; else if(code=='o') new= 229; else if(code=='e') new= 230; else if(code=='-') new= 170; } else if(char1=='c') { if(code==',') new= 231; if(code=='|') new= 162; } else if(char1=='e') { if(code=='`') new= 232; else if(code==39) new= 233; else if(code=='^') new= 234; else if(code=='"') new= 235; } else if(char1=='i') { if(code=='`') new= 236; else if(code==39) new= 237; else if(code=='^') new= 238; else if(code=='"') new= 239; } else if(char1=='n') { if(code=='~') new= 241; } else if(char1=='o') { if(code=='`') new= 242; else if(code==39) new= 243; else if(code=='^') new= 244; else if(code=='~') new= 245; else if(code=='"') new= 246; else if(code=='/') new= 248; else if(code=='-') new= 186; else if(code=='e') new= 143; } else if(char1=='s') { if(code=='s') new= 167; } else if(char1=='u') { if(code=='`') new= 249; else if(code==39) new= 250; else if(code=='^') new= 251; else if(code=='"') new= 252; } else if(char1=='y') { if(code==39) new= 253; else if(code=='"') new= 255; } else if(char1=='A') { if(code=='`') new= 192; else if(code==39) new= 193; else if(code=='^') new= 194; else if(code=='~') new= 195; else if(code=='"') new= 196; else if(code=='o') new= 197; else if(code=='e') new= 198; } else if(char1=='C') { if(code==',') new= 199; } else if(char1=='E') { if(code=='`') new= 200; else if(code==39) new= 201; else if(code=='^') new= 202; else if(code=='"') new= 203; } else if(char1=='I') { if(code=='`') new= 204; else if(code==39) new= 205; else if(code=='^') new= 206; else if(code=='"') new= 207; } else if(char1=='N') { if(code=='~') new= 209; } else if(char1=='O') { if(code=='`') new= 210; else if(code==39) new= 211; else if(code=='^') new= 212; else if(code=='~') new= 213; else if(code=='"') new= 214; else if(code=='/') new= 216; else if(code=='e') new= 141; } else if(char1=='U') { if(code=='`') new= 217; else if(code==39) new= 218; else if(code=='^') new= 219; else if(code=='"') new= 220; } else if(char1=='Y') { if(code==39) new= 221; } else if(char1=='1') { if(code=='4') new= 188; if(code=='2') new= 189; } else if(char1=='3') { if(code=='4') new= 190; } else if(char1==':') { if(code=='-') new= 247; } else if(char1=='-') { if(code==':') new= 247; if(code=='|') new= 135; if(code=='+') new= 177; } else if(char1=='|') { if(code=='-') new= 135; if(code=='=') new= 136; } else if(char1=='=') { if(code=='|') new= 136; } else if(char1=='+') { if(code=='-') new= 177; } if(new) return new; else return char1; } char *textbuf=0; char *oldstr; void do_textedit(ushort event, short val) { Curve *cu; static int accentcode= 0; int x, doit=0, cursmove=0; cu= G.obedit->data; if(event==KEYBD) { /* o.a. afvangen van TAB (TAB==9) */ if( (val > 31 && val < 200 && val != 127) || (val==13) || (val==10) || (val==8)) { if(accentcode) { if(cu->pos>0) textbuf[cu->pos-1]= findaccent(textbuf[cu->pos-1], val); accentcode= 0; } else if(cu->len<MAXTEXT-1) { if(G.qual & LR_ALTKEY ) { if(val=='t') val= 137; else if(val=='c') val= 169; else if(val=='f') val= 164; else if(val=='g') val= 176; else if(val=='l') val= 163; else if(val=='r') val= 174; else if(val=='s') val= 223; else if(val=='v') val= 1001; else if(val=='y') val= 165; else if(val=='.') val= 138; else if(val=='1') val= 185; else if(val=='2') val= 178; else if(val=='3') val= 179; else if(val=='%') val= 139; else if(val=='?') val= 191; else if(val=='!') val= 161; else if(val=='x') val= 215; else if(val=='>') val= 187; else if(val=='<') val= 171; } if(val==1001) { int file, filelen; char *strp; file= open("/tmp/.cutbuffer", O_BINARY|O_RDONLY); if(file>0) { filelen= filesize(file); strp= mallocN(filelen+1, "tempstr"); read(file, strp, filelen); close(file); strp[filelen]= 0; if(cu->len+filelen<MAXTEXT) { strcat( textbuf, strp); cu->len= strlen(textbuf); cu->pos= cu->len; } freeN(strp); } } else if(val== '\b') { /* backspace */ if(cu->len!=0) { if(get_qual()&LR_ALTKEY) { if(cu->pos>0) accentcode= 1; } else if(G.qual & LR_SHIFTKEY) { cu->pos= 0; textbuf[0]= 0; cu->len= 0; } else if(cu->pos>0) { for(x=cu->pos;x<=cu->len;x++) textbuf[x-1]= textbuf[x]; cu->pos--; textbuf[--cu->len]='\0'; } } } else { for(x= cu->len; x>cu->pos; x--) textbuf[x]= textbuf[x-1]; textbuf[cu->pos]= val; cu->pos++; cu->len++; textbuf[cu->len]='\0'; } } doit= 1; } } else if(val) { cursmove= 0; switch(event) { case RIGHTARROWKEY: if(G.qual & LR_SHIFTKEY) { while(cu->pos<cu->len) { if( textbuf[cu->pos]==0) break; if( textbuf[cu->pos]=='\n') break; if( textbuf[cu->pos]=='\r') break; cu->pos++; } } else { cu->pos++; } cursmove= FO_CURS; break; case LEFTARROWKEY: if(G.qual & LR_SHIFTKEY) { while(cu->pos>0) { if( textbuf[cu->pos-1]=='\n') break; if( textbuf[cu->pos-1]=='\r') break; cu->pos--; } } else { cu->pos--; } cursmove=FO_CURS; break; case UPARROWKEY: if(G.qual & LR_SHIFTKEY) { cu->pos= 0; cursmove= FO_CURS; } else if(G.qual & LR_ALTKEY) { if (cu->pos && textbuf[cu->pos - 1] < 255) { textbuf[cu->pos - 1]++; doit= 1; } } else cursmove=FO_CURSUP; break; case DOWNARROWKEY: if(G.qual & LR_SHIFTKEY) { cu->pos= cu->len; cursmove= FO_CURS; } else if(G.qual & LR_ALTKEY) { if (cu->pos && textbuf[cu->pos - 1] > 1) { textbuf[cu->pos - 1]--; doit= 1; } } else cursmove= FO_CURSDOWN; break; } if(cursmove) { if(cu->pos>cu->len) cu->pos= cu->len; else if(cu->pos>=MAXTEXT) cu->pos= MAXTEXT; else if(cu->pos<0) cu->pos= 0; } } if(doit || cursmove) { text_to_curve(G.obedit, cursmove); if(cursmove==0) makeDispList(G.obedit); allqueue(REDRAWVIEW3D, 0); } } void make_editText(void) { Curve *cu; char *str; cu= G.obedit->data; if(textbuf==0) textbuf= mallocN(MAXTEXT, "texteditbuf"); strncpy(textbuf, cu->str, MAXTEXT); oldstr= cu->str; cu->str= textbuf; cu->len= strlen(textbuf); if(cu->pos>cu->len) cu->pos= cu->len; text_to_curve(G.obedit, 0); makeDispList(G.obedit); textediting= 1; #ifdef IRISGL qdevice(KEYBD); #endif } void load_editText(void) { Curve *cu; cu= G.obedit->data; freeN(oldstr); oldstr= 0; cu->str= mallocN(cu->len+1, "tekstedit"); strcpy(cu->str, textbuf); /* this memory system is weak... */ freeN(textbuf); textbuf= 0; cu->len= strlen(cu->str); textediting= 0; #ifdef IRISGL unqdevice(KEYBD); #endif } void remake_editText(void) { Curve *cu; if(okee("Reload Original text")==0) return; strncpy(textbuf, oldstr, MAXTEXT); cu= G.obedit->data; cu->len= strlen(textbuf); if(cu->pos>cu->len) cu->pos= cu->len; text_to_curve(G.obedit, 0); makeDispList(G.obedit); allqueue(REDRAWVIEW3D, 0); } void free_editText(void) { if(oldstr) freeN(oldstr); textbuf= oldstr= 0; textediting= 0; } void add_primitiveFont(void) { Curve *cu; if (G.obedit && G.obedit->type==OB_FONT) return; check_editmode(OB_FONT); add_object(OB_FONT); G.obedit= BASACT->object; where_is_object(G.obedit); cu= G.obedit->data; if(G.main->vfont.first==0) load_firstfont(); cu->vfont= G.main->vfont.first; cu->vfont->id.us++; cu->str= mallocN(12, "str"); strcpy(cu->str, "Text"); cu->pos= 4; make_editText(); allqueue(REDRAWVIEW3D, 0); } void to_upper(void) { Curve *cu; int len, ok; char *str; if(G.obedit==0) { return; } ok= 0; cu= G.obedit->data; len= strlen(cu->str); str= cu->str; while(len) { if( *str>=97 && *str<=122) { ok= 1; *str-= 32; } len--; str++; } if(ok==0) { len= strlen(cu->str); str= cu->str; while(len) { if( *str>=65 && *str<=90) { *str+= 32; } len--; str++; } } text_to_curve(G.obedit, 0); makeDispList(G.obedit); allqueue(REDRAWVIEW3D, 0); }