/** * $Id:$ * ***** BEGIN GPL/BL DUAL LICENSE BLOCK ***** * * The contents of this file may be used under the terms of either the GNU * General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL", see * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html ), or the Blender License 1.0 or * later (the "BL", see http://www.blender.org/BL/ ) which has to be * bought from the Blender Foundation to become active, in which case the * above mentioned GPL option does not apply. * * The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2002 by NaN Holding BV. * All rights reserved. * * The Original Code is: all of this file. * * Contributor(s): none yet. * * ***** END GPL/BL DUAL LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ /* editkey.c GRAPHICS * * mei 95 * * Version: $Id: editkey.c,v 1.2 2000/07/21 09:05:24 nzc Exp $ */ #include "blender.h" #include "graphics.h" #include "edit.h" #include "ipo.h" void default_key_ipo(Key *key) { IpoCurve *icu; BezTriple *bezt; key->ipo= add_ipo("KeyIpo", ID_KE); icu= callocN(sizeof(IpoCurve), "ipocurve"); icu->blocktype= ID_KE; icu->adrcode= KEY_SPEED; icu->flag= IPO_VISIBLE+IPO_SELECT; set_icu_vars(icu); addtail( &(key->ipo->curve), icu); icu->bezt= bezt= callocN(2*sizeof(BezTriple), "defaultipo"); icu->totvert= 2; bezt->hide= IPO_BEZ; bezt->f1=bezt->f2= bezt->f3= SELECT; bezt->h1= bezt->h2= HD_AUTO; bezt++; bezt->vec[1][0]= 100.0; bezt->vec[1][1]= 1.0; bezt->hide= IPO_BEZ; bezt->f1=bezt->f2= bezt->f3= SELECT; bezt->h1= bezt->h2= HD_AUTO; calchandles_ipocurve(icu); } /* **************************************** */ void mesh_to_key(Mesh *me, KeyBlock *kb) { MVert *mvert; float *fp; int a, tot; if(me->totvert==0) return; if(kb->data) freeN(kb->data); kb->data= callocN(me->key->elemsize*me->totvert, "kb->data"); kb->totelem= me->totvert; mvert= me->mvert; fp= kb->data; for(a=0; a<kb->totelem; a++, fp+=3, mvert++) { VECCOPY(fp, mvert->co); } } void key_to_mesh(KeyBlock *kb, Mesh *me) { MVert *mvert; float *fp; int a, tot; mvert= me->mvert; fp= kb->data; tot= MIN2(kb->totelem, me->totvert); for(a=0; a<tot; a++, fp+=3, mvert++) { VECCOPY(mvert->co, fp); } } void insert_meshkey(Mesh *me) { Key *key; KeyBlock *kb, *kkb; float curpos; if(me->key==0) { me->key= add_key( (ID *)me); default_key_ipo(me->key); } key= me->key; kb= callocN(sizeof(KeyBlock), "Keyblock"); addtail(&key->block, kb); kb->type= KEY_CARDINAL; curpos= bsystem_time(0, 0, (float)CFRA, 0.0); if(calc_ipo_spec(me->key->ipo, KEY_SPEED, &curpos)==0) { curpos /= 100.0; } kb->pos= curpos; key->totkey++; if(key->totkey==1) key->refkey= kb; mesh_to_key(me, kb); sort_keys(me->key); /* curent actief: */ kkb= key->block.first; while(kkb) { kkb->flag &= ~SELECT; if(kkb==kb) kkb->flag |= SELECT; kkb= kkb->next; } } /* ******************** */ void latt_to_key(Lattice *lt, KeyBlock *kb) { BPoint *bp; float *fp; int a, tot; tot= lt->pntsu*lt->pntsv*lt->pntsw; if(tot==0) return; if(kb->data) freeN(kb->data); kb->data= callocN(lt->key->elemsize*tot, "kb->data"); kb->totelem= tot; bp= lt->def; fp= kb->data; for(a=0; a<kb->totelem; a++, fp+=3, bp++) { VECCOPY(fp, bp->vec); } } void key_to_latt(KeyBlock *kb, Lattice *lt) { BPoint *bp; float *fp; int a, tot; bp= lt->def; fp= kb->data; tot= lt->pntsu*lt->pntsv*lt->pntsw; tot= MIN2(kb->totelem, tot); for(a=0; a<tot; a++, fp+=3, bp++) { VECCOPY(bp->vec, fp); } } void insert_lattkey(Lattice *lt) { Key *key; KeyBlock *kb, *kkb; float curpos; if(lt->key==0) { lt->key= add_key( (ID *)lt); default_key_ipo(lt->key); } key= lt->key; kb= callocN(sizeof(KeyBlock), "Keyblock"); addtail(&key->block, kb); kb->type= KEY_CARDINAL; curpos= bsystem_time(0, 0, (float)CFRA, 0.0); if(calc_ipo_spec(lt->key->ipo, KEY_SPEED, &curpos)==0) { curpos /= 100.0; } kb->pos= curpos; key->totkey++; if(key->totkey==1) key->refkey= kb; latt_to_key(lt, kb); sort_keys(lt->key); /* curent actief: */ kkb= key->block.first; while(kkb) { kkb->flag &= ~SELECT; if(kkb==kb) kkb->flag |= SELECT; kkb= kkb->next; } } /* ******************************** */ void curve_to_key(Curve *cu, KeyBlock *kb, ListBase *nurb) { Nurb *nu; BezTriple *bezt; BPoint *bp; float *fp; int a, tot; /* tellen */ tot= count_curveverts(nurb); if(tot==0) return; if(kb->data) freeN(kb->data); kb->data= callocN(cu->key->elemsize*tot, "kb->data"); kb->totelem= tot; nu= nurb->first; fp= kb->data; while(nu) { if(nu->bezt) { bezt= nu->bezt; a= nu->pntsu; while(a--) { VECCOPY(fp, bezt->vec[0]); fp+= 3; VECCOPY(fp, bezt->vec[1]); fp+= 3; VECCOPY(fp, bezt->vec[2]); fp+= 3; fp+= 3; /* alfa's */ bezt++; } } else { bp= nu->bp; a= nu->pntsu*nu->pntsv; while(a--) { VECCOPY(fp, bp->vec); fp[3]= bp->alfa; fp+= 4; bp++; } } nu= nu->next; } } void key_to_curve(KeyBlock *kb, Curve *cu, ListBase *nurb) { Nurb *nu; BezTriple *bezt; BPoint *bp; float *fp; int a, tot; nu= nurb->first; fp= kb->data; tot= count_curveverts(nurb); tot= MIN2(kb->totelem, tot); while(nu && tot>0) { if(nu->bezt) { bezt= nu->bezt; a= nu->pntsu; while(a-- && tot>0) { VECCOPY(bezt->vec[0], fp); fp+= 3; VECCOPY(bezt->vec[1], fp); fp+= 3; VECCOPY(bezt->vec[2], fp); fp+= 3; fp+= 3; /* alfa's */ tot-= 3; bezt++; } } else { bp= nu->bp; a= nu->pntsu*nu->pntsv; while(a-- && tot>0) { VECCOPY(bp->vec, fp); bp->alfa= fp[3]; fp+= 4; tot--; bp++; } } nu= nu->next; } } void insert_curvekey(Curve *cu) { Key *key; KeyBlock *kb, *kkb; float curpos; if(cu->key==0) { cu->key= add_key( (ID *)cu); default_key_ipo(cu->key); } key= cu->key; kb= callocN(sizeof(KeyBlock), "Keyblock"); addtail(&key->block, kb); kb->type= KEY_CARDINAL; curpos= bsystem_time(0, 0, (float)CFRA, 0.0); if(calc_ipo_spec(cu->key->ipo, KEY_SPEED, &curpos)==0) { curpos /= 100.0; } kb->pos= curpos; key->totkey++; if(key->totkey==1) key->refkey= kb; if(editNurb.first) curve_to_key(cu, kb, &editNurb); else curve_to_key(cu, kb, &cu->nurb); sort_keys(cu->key); /* curent actief: */ kkb= key->block.first; while(kkb) { kkb->flag &= ~SELECT; if(kkb==kb) kkb->flag |= SELECT; kkb= kkb->next; } } /* ******************** */ Key *give_current_key(Object *ob) { Mesh *me; Curve *cu; Lattice *lt; if(ob->type==OB_MESH) { me= ob->data; return me->key; } else if ELEM(ob->type, OB_CURVE, OB_SURF) { cu= ob->data; return cu->key; } else if(ob->type==OB_LATTICE) { lt= ob->data; return lt->key; } return 0; } void showkeypos(Key *key, KeyBlock *kb) { Object *ob; Base *base; Mesh *me; Lattice *lt; Curve *cu; int a, tot; /* vanuit ipo */ ob= OBACT; if(ob==0) return; if(key == give_current_key(ob)) { if(ob->type==OB_MESH) { me= ob->data; cp_key(0, me->totvert, me->totvert, (char *)me->mvert->co, me->key, kb, 0); } else if(ob->type==OB_LATTICE) { lt= ob->data; tot= lt->pntsu*lt->pntsv*lt->pntsw; cp_key(0, tot, tot, (char *)lt->def->vec, lt->key, kb, 0); /* alle kinderen remakedisplist */ base= FIRSTBASE; while(base) { if(ob==base->object->parent) makeDispList(base->object); base= base->next; } } else if ELEM(ob->type, OB_CURVE, OB_SURF) { cu= ob->data; tot= count_curveverts(&cu->nurb); cp_cu_key(cu, kb, 0, tot); /* alle users remakedisplist */ base= FIRSTBASE; while(base) { if(ob->data==base->object->data) makeDispList(base->object); base= base->next; } } allqueue(REDRAWVIEW3D, 0); } } void deselectall_key() { KeyBlock *kb; Key *key; if(G.sipo->blocktype!=ID_KE) return; key= (Key *)G.sipo->from; if(key==0) return; kb= key->block.first; while(kb) { kb->flag &= ~SELECT; kb= kb->next; } } void delete_key() { KeyBlock *kb, *kbn; Key *key; if(G.sipo->blocktype!=ID_KE) return; if(okee("Erase selected keys")==0) return; key= (Key *)G.sipo->from; if(key==0) return; kb= key->block.first; while(kb) { kbn= kb->next; if(kb->flag & SELECT) { remlink(&key->block, kb); key->totkey--; if(key->refkey== kb) key->refkey= key->block.first; if(kb->data) freeN(kb->data); freeN(kb); } kb= kbn; } if(key->totkey==0) { if(GS(key->from->name)==ID_ME) ((Mesh *)key->from)->key= 0; else if(GS(key->from->name)==ID_CU) ((Curve *)key->from)->key= 0; else if(GS(key->from->name)==ID_LT) ((Lattice *)key->from)->key= 0; free_libblock_us(&(G.main->key), key); addqueue(curarea->headwin, REDRAW, 1); /* ipo ook weg */ } else do_spec_key(key); allqueue(REDRAWVIEW3D, 0); addqueue(curarea->win, REDRAW, 1); } void move_keys() { Key *key; KeyBlock *kb; TransVert *transmain, *tv; float div, dy, vec[3], dvec[3]; int a, tot=0, afbreek=0, firsttime= 1; ushort event; short mval[2], val, xo, yo; char str[32]; if(G.sipo->blocktype!=ID_KE) return; if(G.sipo->ipo && G.sipo->ipo->id.lib) return; if(G.sipo->editipo==0) return; key= (Key *)G.sipo->from; if(key==0) return; /* welke keys doen mee */ kb= key->block.first; while(kb) { if(kb->flag & SELECT) tot++; kb= kb->next; } if(tot==0) return; tv=transmain= callocN(tot*sizeof(TransVert), "transmain"); kb= key->block.first; while(kb) { if(kb->flag & SELECT) { tv->loc= &kb->pos; tv->oldloc[0]= kb->pos; tv++; } kb= kb->next; } getmouseco_areawin(mval); xo= mval[0]; yo= mval[1]; dvec[1]= 0.0; while(afbreek==0) { getmouseco_areawin(mval); if(mval[0]!=xo || mval[1]!=yo || firsttime) { firsttime= 0; dy= mval[1]- yo; div= G.v2d->mask.ymax-G.v2d->mask.ymin; dvec[1]+= (G.v2d->cur.ymax-G.v2d->cur.ymin)*(dy)/div; VECCOPY(vec, dvec); apply_keyb_grid(vec, 0.0, 1.0, 0.1, U.flag & AUTOGRABGRID); apply_keyb_grid(vec+1, 0.0, 1.0, 0.1, U.flag & AUTOGRABGRID); tv= transmain; for(a=0; a<tot; a++, tv++) { tv->loc[0]= tv->oldloc[0]+vec[1]; } sprintf(str, "Y: %.3f ", vec[1]); headerprint(str); xo= mval[0]; yo= mval[1]; force_draw(); } else usleep(1); while(qtest()) { event= extern_qread(&val); if(val) { switch(event) { case ESCKEY: case LEFTMOUSE: case SPACEKEY: afbreek= 1; break; default: arrowsmovecursor(event); } } } } if(event==ESCKEY) { tv= transmain; for(a=0; a<tot; a++, tv++) { tv->loc[0]= tv->oldloc[0]; } } sort_keys(key); do_spec_key(key); /* voor boundbox */ editipo_changed(0); freeN(transmain); allqueue(REDRAWVIEW3D, 0); addqueue(curarea->win, REDRAW, 1); addqueue(curarea->headwin, REDRAW, 1); }