/** * $Id:$ * ***** BEGIN GPL/BL DUAL LICENSE BLOCK ***** * * The contents of this file may be used under the terms of either the GNU * General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL", see * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html ), or the Blender License 1.0 or * later (the "BL", see http://www.blender.org/BL/ ) which has to be * bought from the Blender Foundation to become active, in which case the * above mentioned GPL option does not apply. * * The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2002 by NaN Holding BV. * All rights reserved. * * The Original Code is: all of this file. * * Contributor(s): none yet. * * ***** END GPL/BL DUAL LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ /* editview.c GRAPHICS * * jan ma 95 * * cursor/gestures/selecteren * Version: $Id: editview.c,v 1.10 2000/09/17 19:07:20 ton Exp $ */ #include "blender.h" #include "graphics.h" #include "edit.h" void arrowsmovecursor(ushort event) { extern int displaysizex, displaysizey; /* screen.c */ short mval[2], a=0; getmouseco_sc(mval); if(event==UPARROWKEY) { a=1; mval[1]++; } if(event==DOWNARROWKEY) { a=1; mval[1]--; } if(event==LEFTARROWKEY) { a=1; mval[0]--; } if(event==RIGHTARROWKEY) { a=1; mval[0]++; } if(a) { if(mval[0]<0) mval[0]=0; if(mval[1]<0) mval[1]=0; if(mval[0]>displaysizex-1) mval[0]= displaysizex-1; if(mval[1]>displaysizey-1) mval[1]= displaysizey-1; warp_pointer(mval[0], mval[1]); } } #define MOVES 50 char interpret_move(short mcord[][2], int count) { float x1, x2, y1, y2, d1, d2, md, d, inp, sq, mouse[MOVES][2]; int i, j, dist, dir = 0; if (count <= 10) return ('g'); /* van short naar float (tekenen is met shorts) */ for(j=0; j<count; j++) { mouse[j][0]= mcord[j][0]; mouse[j][1]= mcord[j][1]; } /* nieuwe opzet: * * vanuit eindpunten middelpunt met maximale afstand berekenen * aan de hand van de hoek wordt s / g / r bepaald */ /* filteren */ for( j = 3 ; j > 0; j--){ x1 = mouse[1][0]; y1 = mouse[1][1]; for (i = 2; i < count; i++){ x2 = mouse[i-1][0]; y2 = mouse[i-1][1]; mouse[i-1][0] = ((x1 + mouse[i][0]) /4.0) + (x2 / 2.0); mouse[i-1][1] = ((y1 + mouse[i][1]) /4.0) + (y2 / 2.0); x1 = x2; y1 = y2; } } /* maak directions overzicht */ for (i = 0; i <= count - 2; i++){ x1 = mouse[i][0] - mouse[i + 1][0]; y1 = mouse[i][1] - mouse[i + 1][1]; if (x1 < -0.5){ if (y1 < -0.5) dir |= 32; else if (y1 > 0.5) dir |= 128; else dir |= 64; } else if (x1 > 0.5){ if (y1 < -0.5) dir |= 8; else if (y1 > 0.5) dir |= 2; else dir |= 4; } else{ if (y1 < -0.5) dir |= 16; else if (y1 > 0.5) dir |= 1; else dir |= 0; } } /* alle kruisjes naar rechts halen */ for (i = 7; i>=0 ; i--){ if (dir & 128) dir = (dir << 1) + 1; else break; } dir &= 255; for (i = 7; i>=0 ; i--){ if ((dir & 1) == 0) dir >>= 1; else break; } /* theorie zegt: 1 richting: rechte lijn * meer aaneengesloten richtingen: cirkel * onderbroken en minstens 1 bit gezet in hoogste 4 bits: size */ switch(dir){ case 1: return ('g'); break; case 3: case 7: x1 = mouse[0][0] - mouse[count >> 1][0]; y1 = mouse[0][1] - mouse[count >> 1][1]; x2 = mouse[count >> 1][0] - mouse[count - 1][0]; y2 = mouse[count >> 1][1] - mouse[count - 1][1]; d1 = (x1 * x1) + (y1 * y1); d2 = (x2 * x2) + (y2 * y2); sq = fsqrt(d1); x1 /= sq; y1 /= sq; sq = fsqrt(d2); x2 /= sq; y2 /= sq; inp = (x1 * x2) + (y1 * y2); /*printf("%f\n", inp);*/ if (inp > 0.9) return ('g'); else return ('r'); break; case 15: case 31: case 63: case 127: case 255: return ('r'); break; default: /* bij size moeten minstens een van de hogere bits gezet zijn */ if (dir < 16) return ('r'); else return ('s'); } return (0); } #ifdef IRISGL int gesture() { short mcords[MOVES][2]; int i= 1, end= 0, a; short mval[2], val; if(G.qual) return 0; getmouseco_areawin(mval); mcords[0][0] = mval[0]; mcords[0][1] = mval[1]; drawmode(OVERDRAW); if(curarea->spacetype==SPACE_VIEW3D) persp(0); else defwinmat(); color(3); glBegin(GL_LINE_STRIP); while(get_mbut()&L_MOUSE) { switch (extern_qread(&val)) { case MOUSEY: getmouseco_areawin(mval); if (mval[0] != mcords[i-1][0] || mval[1] != mcords[i-1][1]) { mcords[i][0] = mval[0]; mcords[i][1] = mval[1]; glVertex2sv(mcords[i]); i++; } break; case MOUSEX: break; case LEFTMOUSE: break; default: end= 1; break; } if (i == MOVES || end == 1) break; } glEnd(); /* clear */ color(0); glBegin(GL_LINE_STRIP); for(a=1; a<i; a++) glVertex2sv(mcords[a]); glEnd(); if(curarea->spacetype==SPACE_VIEW3D) persp(1); drawmode(NORMALDRAW); if (i > 5) { i = interpret_move(mcords, i); if(i) { if(curarea->spacetype==SPACE_IPO) transform_ipo(i); else if(curarea->spacetype==SPACE_IMAGE) transform_tface_uv(i); else if(curarea->spacetype==SPACE_OOPS) transform_oops('g'); else transform(i); } return 1; } return 0; } #else int gesture() { short mcords[MOVES][2]; int i= 1, end= 0, a; ushort event; short mval[2], val; glDrawBuffer(GL_FRONT); persp(0); /* heeft ortho op pixelnivo */ getmouseco_areawin(mval); mcords[0][0] = mval[0]; mcords[0][1] = mval[1]; while(get_mbut()&L_MOUSE) { event= extern_qread(&val); switch (event) { case MOUSEY: getmouseco_areawin(mval); if( abs(mval[0]-mcords[i-1][0])>3 || abs(mval[1]-mcords[i-1][1])>3 ) { mcords[i][0] = mval[0]; mcords[i][1] = mval[1]; if(i) { sdrawXORline(mcords[i-1][0], mcords[i-1][1], mcords[i][0], mcords[i][1]); } i++; } break; case MOUSEX: break; case LEFTMOUSE: break; default: if(event) end= 1; /* blender returns 0 */ break; } if (i == MOVES || end == 1) break; } for(a=1; a<i; a++) { sdrawXORline(mcords[a-1][0], mcords[a-1][1], mcords[a][0], mcords[a][1]); } persp(1); glDrawBuffer(GL_BACK); if (i > 2) { i = interpret_move(mcords, i); if(i) { if(curarea->spacetype==SPACE_IPO) transform_ipo(i); else if(curarea->spacetype==SPACE_IMAGE) transform_tface_uv(i); else if(curarea->spacetype==SPACE_OOPS) transform_oops('g'); else transform(i); } return 1; } return 0; } #endif void mouse_cursor() { extern float zfac; /* view.c */ float dx, dy, fz, *fp, dvec[3], oldcurs[3]; short mval[2], mx, my, lr_click=0; if(gesture()) return; getmouseco_areawin(mval); if(mval[0]!=G.vd->mx || mval[1]!=G.vd->my) { mx= mval[0]; my= mval[1]; fp= give_cursor();; if(G.obedit && ((G.qual & LR_CTRLKEY) || get_mbut()&R_MOUSE )) lr_click= 1; VECCOPY(oldcurs, fp); project_short_noclip(fp, mval); initgrabz(fp[0], fp[1], fp[2]); if(mval[0]!=3200) { window_to_3d(dvec, mval[0]-mx, mval[1]-my); VecSubf(fp, fp, dvec); } else { dx= ((float)(mx-(curarea->winx/2)))*zfac/(curarea->winx/2); dy= ((float)(my-(curarea->winy/2)))*zfac/(curarea->winy/2); fz= G.vd->persmat[0][3]*fp[0]+ G.vd->persmat[1][3]*fp[1]+ G.vd->persmat[2][3]*fp[2]+ G.vd->persmat[3][3]; fz= fz/zfac; fp[0]= (G.vd->persinv[0][0]*dx + G.vd->persinv[1][0]*dy+ G.vd->persinv[2][0]*fz)-G.vd->ofs[0]; fp[1]= (G.vd->persinv[0][1]*dx + G.vd->persinv[1][1]*dy+ G.vd->persinv[2][1]*fz)-G.vd->ofs[1]; fp[2]= (G.vd->persinv[0][2]*dx + G.vd->persinv[1][2]*dy+ G.vd->persinv[2][2]*fz)-G.vd->ofs[2]; } allqueue(REDRAWVIEW3D, 1); } if(lr_click) { if(G.obedit->type==OB_MESH) addvert_mesh(); else if ELEM(G.obedit->type, OB_CURVE, OB_SURF) addvert_Nurb(0); VECCOPY(fp, oldcurs); } } void deselectall() /* is toggle */ { Base *base; int a=0; base= FIRSTBASE; while(base) { if TESTBASE(base) { a= 1; break; } base= base->next; } base= FIRSTBASE; while(base) { if(base->lay & G.vd->lay) { if(a) base->flag &= ~SELECT; else base->flag |= SELECT; base->object->flag= base->flag; } base= base->next; } allqueue(REDRAWVIEW3D, 0); allqueue(REDRAWDATASELECT, 0); countall(); } void deselectall_ex(Base *b) /* ALLES deselect behalve b */ { Base *base; base= FIRSTBASE; while(base) { if (base->flag & SELECT) { if(b!=base) { base->flag &= ~SELECT; base->object->flag= base->flag; draw_object_ext(base); /* deze test op layer */ } } base= base->next; } countall(); } uint samplerect(uint *buf, int size, uint dontdo) { Base *base; uint *bufmin,*bufmax; int a,b,rc,tel,aantal,dirvec[4][2],maxob; uint retval=0; base= LASTBASE; if(base==0) return 0; maxob= base->selcol; aantal= (size-1)/2; rc= 0; dirvec[0][0]= 1; dirvec[0][1]= 0; dirvec[1][0]= 0; dirvec[1][1]= -size; dirvec[2][0]= -1; dirvec[2][1]= 0; dirvec[3][0]= 0; dirvec[3][1]= size; bufmin= buf; bufmax= buf+ size*size; buf+= aantal*size+ aantal; for(tel=1;tel<=size;tel++) { for(a=0;a<2;a++) { for(b=0;b<tel;b++) { if(*buf && *buf<=maxob && *buf!=dontdo) return *buf; if( *buf==dontdo ) retval= dontdo; /* als alleen kleur dontdo aanwezig is, wel dontdo teruggeven */ buf+= (dirvec[rc][0]+dirvec[rc][1]); if(buf<bufmin || buf>=bufmax) return retval; } rc++; rc &= 3; } } return retval; } #define SELECTSIZE 51 void set_active_base(Base *base) { BASACT= base; /* voorkeurnamen */ set_obact_names(base->object); /* signalen naar buttons */ redraw_test_buttons(base); set_active_group(); /* signaal naar ipo */ allqueue(REDRAWIPO, base->object->ipowin); } void set_active_object(Object *ob) { Base *base; base= FIRSTBASE; while(base) { if(base->object==ob) { set_active_base(base); return; } base= base->next; } } void mouse_select() { Base *base, *startbase=0, *basact=0, *oldbasact; uint rect[SELECTSIZE*SELECTSIZE], *dr, kleur=0; IGLuint buffer[MAXPICKBUF]; int temp, a, dist=100; short hits, mval[2], x, y, nobackbuf=0; /* iedere keer lijst starten vanuit basact */ startbase= FIRSTBASE; if(BASACT && BASACT->next) startbase= BASACT->next; #if defined(__WIN32) nobackbuf= 1; #endif getmouseco_areawin(mval); if(G.obedit==0 && (G.qual & LR_CTRLKEY)) { base= startbase; while(base) { if(base->lay & G.vd->lay) { project_short(base->object->obmat[3], &base->sx); temp= abs(base->sx -mval[0]) + abs(base->sy -mval[1]); if(base==BASACT) temp+=10; if(temp<dist ) { basact= base; dist= temp; } } base= base->next; if(base==0) base= FIRSTBASE; if(base==startbase) break; } /* volledige redraw als */ if(G.f & (G_VERTEXPAINT+G_FACESELECT)) allqueue(REDRAWVIEW3D, 0); } else if( (G.qual & LR_CTRLKEY) || nobackbuf) { hits= selectprojektie(buffer, mval[0]-7, mval[1]-7, mval[0]+7, mval[1]+7); if(hits==0) hits= selectprojektie(buffer, mval[0]-21, mval[1]-21, mval[0]+21, mval[1]+21); if(hits>0) { base= startbase; while(base) { if(base->lay & G.vd->lay) { for(a=0; a<hits; a++) { if(base->selcol==buffer[ SELBUFFER_INDEX(a) ]) basact= base; } } if(basact) break; base= base->next; if(base==0) base= FIRSTBASE; if(base==startbase) break; } } } else { /* met rectread testen */ if(curarea->win_swap==WIN_EQUAL) G.vd->flag |= V3D_NEEDBACKBUFDRAW; if(G.vd->flag & V3D_NEEDBACKBUFDRAW) { backdrawview3d(0); } countall(); a= SELECTSIZE*SELECTSIZE; dr= rect; while(a--) *(dr++)= 0; a= (SELECTSIZE-1)/2; x= curarea->winrct.xmin; y= curarea->winrct.ymin; winset(G.curscreen->mainwin); glReadBuffer(GL_BACK); glReadPixels(x+mval[0]-a, y+mval[1]-a, SELECTSIZE, SELECTSIZE, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, rect); if(G.order==B_ENDIAN) convert_rgba_to_abgr(SELECTSIZE*SELECTSIZE, rect); dr= rect; for(y= mval[1]-a; y<=mval[1]+a; y++) { for(x=mval[0]-a; x<=mval[0]+a; x++) { if(x<0 || y<0 || x>=curarea->winx || y>=curarea->winy) *dr= 0; else { if(G.f & G_DEBUG) { if( (dr[0] & 0xF0F0F0) && dr[0]!=dr[1]) printf("select %x %x\n", *dr, *dr & 0xF0F0F0); } *dr &= 0xF0F0F0; } dr++; } } /* niet 2 x de zelfde */ basact= BASACT; if(basact && TESTBASE(basact) ) { kleur= samplerect(rect, SELECTSIZE, basact->selcol); } else { kleur= samplerect(rect, SELECTSIZE, 0); } if(kleur==0) return; else { base= FIRSTBASE; while(base) { if(base->lay & G.vd->lay) { if( (base->selcol & 0xF0F0F0) == kleur) break; } base= base->next; } } basact= base; } if(basact) { if(G.obedit) { /* alleen select doen */ deselectall_ex(BASACT); basact->flag |= SELECT; draw_object_ext(basact); } else { oldbasact= BASACT; BASACT= basact; if((G.qual & LR_SHIFTKEY)==0) { deselectall_ex(basact); basact->flag |= SELECT; } else { if(oldbasact) if(oldbasact != basact) draw_object_ext(oldbasact); if(basact->flag & SELECT) { if(basact==oldbasact) basact->flag &= ~SELECT; } else basact->flag |= SELECT; } /* if((basact->flag & SELECT)==0) BASACT= 0; */ basact->object->flag= basact->flag; draw_object_ext(basact); if(oldbasact != basact) { set_active_base(basact); } if(basact->object->type!=OB_MESH) { if(G.f & G_VERTEXPAINT) { set_vpaint(); /* toggle */ } if(G.f & G_FACESELECT) { set_faceselect(); /* toggle */ } } allqueue(REDRAWBUTSGAME, 0); allqueue(REDRAWDATASELECT, 0); } } countall(); rightmouse_transform(); } /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ /** * Does the 'borderselect' command. (Select verts based on selecting with a * border: key 'b'). All selecting seems to be done in the get_border part. */ void borderselect() { rcti rect; Base *base; Nurb *nu; BezTriple *bezt; BPoint *bp; MetaElem *ml; struct EditVert *eve; IGLuint buffer[MAXPICKBUF]; int a; short hits, val, tel; if(G.obedit==0 && (G.f & G_FACESELECT)) { face_borderselect(); return; } val= get_border(&rect, 3); if(val) { if(G.obedit) { /* used to be a bigger test, also included sector and life */ if(G.obedit->type==OB_MESH) { calc_meshverts_ext(); /* drawobject.c */ eve= G.edve.first; while(eve) { if(eve->h==0 && eve->xs>rect.xmin && eve->xs<rect.xmax) { if(eve->ys>rect.ymin && eve->ys<rect.ymax) { if(val==LEFTMOUSE) eve->f|= 1; else eve->f&= 254; } } eve= eve->next; } if(val!=LEFTMOUSE) tekenvertices_ext(0); tekenvertices_ext(1); } else if ELEM(G.obedit->type, OB_CURVE, OB_SURF) { calc_nurbverts_ext(); /* drawobject.c */ nu= editNurb.first; while(nu) { if((nu->type & 7)==CU_BEZIER) { bezt= nu->bezt; a= nu->pntsu; while(a--) { if(bezt->hide==0) { if(bezt->s[0][0]>rect.xmin && bezt->s[0][0]<rect.xmax) { if(bezt->s[0][1]>rect.ymin && bezt->s[0][1]<rect.ymax) { if(val==LEFTMOUSE) bezt->f1|= 1; else bezt->f1 &= ~1; } } if(bezt->s[1][0]>rect.xmin && bezt->s[1][0]<rect.xmax) { if(bezt->s[1][1]>rect.ymin && bezt->s[1][1]<rect.ymax) { if(val==LEFTMOUSE) { bezt->f1|= 1; bezt->f2|= 1; bezt->f3|= 1; } else { bezt->f1 &= ~1; bezt->f2 &= ~1; bezt->f3 &= ~1; } } } if(bezt->s[2][0]>rect.xmin && bezt->s[2][0]<rect.xmax) { if(bezt->s[2][1]>rect.ymin && bezt->s[2][1]<rect.ymax) { if(val==LEFTMOUSE) bezt->f3|= 1; else bezt->f3 &= ~1; } } } bezt++; } } else { bp= nu->bp; a= nu->pntsu*nu->pntsv; while(a--) { if(bp->hide==0) { if(bp->s[0]>rect.xmin && bp->s[0]<rect.xmax) { if(bp->s[1]>rect.ymin && bp->s[1]<rect.ymax) { if(val==LEFTMOUSE) bp->f1|= 1; else bp->f1 &= ~1; } } } bp++; } } nu= nu->next; } allqueue(REDRAWVIEW3D, 0); } else if(G.obedit->type==OB_MBALL) { hits= selectprojektie(buffer, rect.xmin, rect.ymin, rect.xmax, rect.ymax); ml= editelems.first; while(ml) { for(a=0; a<hits; a++) { if(ml->selcol==buffer[ SELBUFFER_INDEX(a) ]) { if(val==LEFTMOUSE) ml->flag |= SELECT; else ml->flag &= ~SELECT; break; } } ml= ml->next; } allqueue(REDRAWVIEW3D, 0); } else if(G.obedit->type==OB_LATTICE) { calc_lattverts_ext(); bp= editLatt->def; a= editLatt->pntsu*editLatt->pntsv*editLatt->pntsw; while(a--) { if(bp->hide==0) { if(bp->s[0]>rect.xmin && bp->s[0]<rect.xmax) { if(bp->s[1]>rect.ymin && bp->s[1]<rect.ymax) { if(val==LEFTMOUSE) bp->f1|= 1; else bp->f1 &= ~1; } } } bp++; } allqueue(REDRAWVIEW3D, 0); } } else { hits= selectprojektie(buffer, rect.xmin, rect.ymin, rect.xmax, rect.ymax); base= FIRSTBASE; while(base) { if(base->lay & G.vd->lay) { for(a=0; a<hits; a++) { if(base->selcol==buffer[ SELBUFFER_INDEX(a) ]) { if(val==LEFTMOUSE) base->flag |= SELECT; else base->flag &= ~SELECT; base->object->flag= base->flag; draw_object_ext(base); break; } } } base= base->next; } allqueue(REDRAWDATASELECT, 0); /* i.v.m. backbufprojektie */ tel= 1; base= FIRSTBASE; while(base) { /* elke base ivm meerdere windows */ base->selcol = ((tel & 0xF00)<<12) + ((tel & 0xF0)<<8) + ((tel & 0xF)<<4); tel++; base= base->next; } /* new */ allqueue(REDRAWBUTSGAME, 0); } countall(); allqueue(REDRAWINFO, 0); } } /* end of borderselect() */ /* ------------------------------------------------------------------------- */ void sdrawXORcirc(short xofs, short yofs, float rad) { float si, co, dphi, phi; short tot, sval[2], svalo[2]; tot= 20; dphi= 2*M_PI/(float)tot; phi= 0.0; while(tot-- >= 0) { si= fsin(phi); co= fcos(phi); svalo[0]= sval[0]; svalo[1]= sval[1]; sval[0]= (rad*si); sval[1]= (rad*co); if(tot<19) { sdrawXORline(xofs+sval[0], yofs+sval[1], xofs+svalo[0], yofs+svalo[1]); } phi+= dphi; } } #ifdef IRISGL void draw_sel_circle(short *mval, short *mvalo, float rad, float rado, int selecting) { /* cirkel tekenen */ persp(0); drawmode(PUPDRAW); if(mvalo) { color(0); circ((float)mvalo[0], (float)mvalo[1], rado); } if(mval) { if(selecting==LEFTMOUSE) mapcolor(2, 255, 255, 50); else if(selecting==MIDDLEMOUSE) mapcolor(2, 255, 50, 255); else mapcolor(2, 255, 255, 255); color(2); circ((float)mval[0], (float)mval[1], rad); } drawmode(NORMALDRAW); persp(1); } #else void draw_sel_circle(short *mval, short *mvalo, float rad, float rado, int selecting) { static short no_mvalo=0; int xof, yof; if(mval==0 && mvalo==0) { /* signal */ no_mvalo= 1; return; } persp(0); glDrawBuffer(GL_FRONT); /* cirkel tekenen */ if(mvalo && no_mvalo==0) { sdrawXORcirc(mvalo[0], mvalo[1], rado); } if(mval) { sdrawXORcirc(mval[0], mval[1], rad); } persp(1); glDrawBuffer(GL_BACK); no_mvalo= 0; } #endif void circle_select() { Nurb *nu; BezTriple *bezt; BPoint *bp; EditVert *eve; static float rad= 40.0; float rado, x, y, trad; int a, b, firsttime=1; ushort event; short oldr, oldb, oldg, mvalo[2], mval[2], val; short selecting=0, afbreek=0; if(G.obedit==0) return; getmouseco_areawin(mvalo); draw_sel_circle(mvalo, 0, rad, 0.0, selecting); rado= rad; while(TRUE) { /* als een renderwinodow open is en de muis gaat erin */ winset(curarea->win); getmouseco_areawin(mval); if(mval[0]!=mvalo[0] || mval[1]!=mvalo[1] || rado!=rad || firsttime) { firsttime= 0; draw_sel_circle(mval, mvalo, rad, rado, selecting); mvalo[0]= mval[0]; mvalo[1]= mval[1]; rado= rad; if(selecting) { if(G.obedit->type==OB_MESH) { calc_meshverts_ext(); /* drawobject.c */ eve= G.edve.first; while(eve) { if(eve->h==0) { x= eve->xs-mval[0]; y= eve->ys-mval[1]; trad= fsqrt(x*x+y*y); if(trad<=rad) { if(selecting==LEFTMOUSE) eve->f|= 1; else eve->f&= 254; } } eve= eve->next; } if(G.f & (G_FACESELECT+G_DRAWFACES)) { draw_sel_circle(0, 0, 0, 0, 0); /* signal */ force_draw(); } else { if(selecting!=LEFTMOUSE) tekenvertices_ext(0); /* altijd geselecteerde vertices tekenen */ tekenvertices_ext(1); } } else if ELEM(G.obedit->type, OB_CURVE, OB_SURF) { calc_nurbverts_ext(); /* drawobject.c */ nu= editNurb.first; while(nu) { if((nu->type & 7)==CU_BEZIER) { bezt= nu->bezt; a= nu->pntsu; while(a--) { if(bezt->hide==0) { x= bezt->s[0][0]-mval[0]; y= bezt->s[0][1]-mval[1]; trad= fsqrt(x*x+y*y); if(trad<=rad) { if(selecting==LEFTMOUSE) bezt->f1|= 1; else bezt->f1 &= ~1; } x= bezt->s[1][0]-mval[0]; y= bezt->s[1][1]-mval[1]; trad= fsqrt(x*x+y*y); if(trad<=rad) { if(selecting==LEFTMOUSE) bezt->f2|= 1; else bezt->f2 &= ~1; } x= bezt->s[2][0]-mval[0]; y= bezt->s[2][1]-mval[1]; trad= fsqrt(x*x+y*y); if(trad<=rad) { if(selecting==LEFTMOUSE) bezt->f3|= 1; else bezt->f3 &= ~1; } } bezt++; } } else { bp= nu->bp; a= nu->pntsu*nu->pntsv; while(a--) { if(bp->hide==0) { x= bp->s[0]-mval[0]; y= bp->s[1]-mval[1]; trad= fsqrt(x*x+y*y); if(trad<=rad) { if(selecting==LEFTMOUSE) bp->f1|= 1; else bp->f1 &= ~1; } } bp++; } } nu= nu->next; } draw_sel_circle(0, 0, 0, 0, 0); /* signal */ force_draw(); } else if(G.obedit->type==OB_LATTICE) { calc_lattverts_ext(); bp= editLatt->def; a= editLatt->pntsu*editLatt->pntsv*editLatt->pntsw; while(a--) { if(bp->hide==0) { x= bp->s[0]-mval[0]; y= bp->s[1]-mval[1]; trad= fsqrt(x*x+y*y); if(trad<=rad) { if(selecting==LEFTMOUSE) bp->f1|= 1; else bp->f1 &= ~1; } } bp++; } draw_sel_circle(0, 0, 0, 0, 0); /* signal */ force_draw(); } } } event= 0; while(qtest()) { event= extern_qread(&val); switch(event) { case LEFTMOUSE: case MIDDLEMOUSE: if(val) selecting= event; else selecting= 0; firsttime= 1; break; case PADPLUSKEY: if(val) if(rad<200.0) rad*= 1.2; break; case PADMINUS: if(val) if(rad>5.0) rad/= 1.2; break; case ESCKEY: case SPACEKEY: case RIGHTMOUSE: case GKEY: case SKEY: case RKEY: case XKEY: case EKEY: case TABKEY: afbreek= 1; break; } if(afbreek) break; } if(afbreek) break; } /* cirkel wissen */ draw_sel_circle(0, mvalo, 0, rad, 1); countall(); allqueue(REDRAWINFO, 0); } void set_render_border() { rcti rect; float x1, y1, x2, y2; short val; if(G.vd->persp!=2) return; val= get_border(&rect, 2); if(val) { x1= G.vd->pr_xmin; y1= G.vd->pr_ymin; x2= G.vd->pr_xmax; y2= G.vd->pr_ymax; G.scene->r.border.xmin= (rect.xmin-x1)/(x2-x1); G.scene->r.border.ymin= (rect.ymin-y1)/(y2-y1); G.scene->r.border.xmax= (rect.xmax-x1)/(x2-x1); G.scene->r.border.ymax= (rect.ymax-y1)/(y2-y1); CLAMP(G.scene->r.border.xmin, 0.0, 1.0); CLAMP(G.scene->r.border.ymin, 0.0, 1.0); CLAMP(G.scene->r.border.xmax, 0.0, 1.0); CLAMP(G.scene->r.border.ymax, 0.0, 1.0); allqueue(REDRAWVIEWCAM, 1); } } void fly() { extern int displaysizex, displaysizey; float speed=0.0, speedo=1.0, zspeed=0.0, dvec[3], *quat, mat[3][3]; float oldvec[3], oldrot[3]; int loop=1; ushort toets; short val, cent[2]; short mval[2]; if(curarea->spacetype!=SPACE_VIEW3D) return; if(G.vd->camera == 0) return; if(G.vd->persp<2) return; VECCOPY(oldvec, G.vd->camera->loc); VECCOPY(oldrot, G.vd->camera->rot); cent[0]= curarea->winrct.xmin+(curarea->winx)/2; cent[1]= curarea->winrct.ymin+(curarea->winy)/2; warp_pointer(cent[0], cent[1]); cent[0]= (curarea->winx)/2; cent[1]= (curarea->winy)/2; headerprint("Fly"); while(loop) { getmouseco_areawin(mval); while(qtest()) { toets= extern_qread(&val); if(val) { if(toets==ESCKEY) { VECCOPY(G.vd->camera->loc, oldvec); VECCOPY(G.vd->camera->rot, oldrot); loop= 0; break; } else if(toets==SPACEKEY) { loop= 0; break; } else if(toets==LEFTMOUSE) { speed+= G.vd->grid/75.0; if(get_mbut()&M_MOUSE) speed= 0.0; } else if(toets==MIDDLEMOUSE) { speed-= G.vd->grid/75.0; if(get_mbut()&L_MOUSE) speed= 0.0; } } } if(loop==0) break; /* dvec bepalen */ val= mval[0]-cent[0]; if(val>20) val-= 20; else if(val< -20) val+= 20; else val= 0; dvec[0]= 0.000001*val*val; if(val>0) dvec[0]= -dvec[0]; val= mval[1]-cent[1]; if(val>20) val-= 20; else if(val< -20) val+= 20; else val= 0; dvec[1]= 0.000001*val*val; if(val>0) dvec[1]= -dvec[1]; dvec[2]= 1.0; zspeed= 0.0; if(get_qual()&LR_CTRLKEY) zspeed= -G.vd->grid/25.0; if(get_qual()&LR_ALTKEY) zspeed= G.vd->grid/25.0; if(speedo!=0.0 || zspeed!=0.0 || dvec[0]!=0.0 || dvec[1]!=0.0) { Normalise(dvec); Mat3CpyMat4(mat, G.vd->viewinv); Mat3MulVecfl(mat, dvec); quat= vectoquat(dvec, 5, 1); /* track en upflag, niet die van de base: cameraview-berekening gebruikt ze niet */ QuatToEul(quat, G.vd->camera->rot); compatible_eul(G.vd->camera->rot, oldrot); VecMulf(dvec, speed); G.vd->camera->loc[0]-= dvec[0]; G.vd->camera->loc[1]-= dvec[1]; G.vd->camera->loc[2]-= (dvec[2]-zspeed); winset(curarea->win); curarea->windraw(); screen_swapbuffers(); } speedo= speed; } allqueue(REDRAWVIEW3D, 0); addqueue(curarea->headwin, REDRAW, 1); }