/** * $Id:$ * ***** BEGIN GPL/BL DUAL LICENSE BLOCK ***** * * The contents of this file may be used under the terms of either the GNU * General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL", see * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html ), or the Blender License 1.0 or * later (the "BL", see http://www.blender.org/BL/ ) which has to be * bought from the Blender Foundation to become active, in which case the * above mentioned GPL option does not apply. * * The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2002 by NaN Holding BV. * All rights reserved. * * The Original Code is: all of this file. * * Contributor(s): none yet. * * ***** END GPL/BL DUAL LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ /* headerbuttons.c mei 94 GRAPHICS * * * * Version: $Id: headerbuttons.c,v 1.46 2000/09/24 20:22:10 ton Exp $ */ #include "blender.h" #include "graphics.h" #include "interface.h" #include "sequence.h" #include "ipo.h" #include "oops.h" #include "imasel.h" #include "file.h" #include "render.h" #include "text.h" #include "packedFile.h" #include "sound.h" #include "render.h" #include "group.h" /* LET OP: alle headerbuttons voor zelfde window steeds zelfde naam * event B_REDR is standaard redraw * */ #define XIC 20 #define YIC 20 static int viewmovetemp=0; extern void info_buttons(); /* ********************** GLOBAL ****************************** */ static int std_libbuttons(uiBlock *block, int xco, int lock, int browse, ID *id, ID *parid, short *menupoin, int users, int lib, int del, int autobut) { ListBase *lb; Object *ob; Ipo *ipo; uiBut *but; int len, idwasnul=0, idtype, oldcol; char *str, str1[10], *str2; oldcol= block->col; if(id && lock) { uiDefBut(block, TOG|SHO,lock, "ICON 0 3 4", xco,0,XIC,YIC, &(G.buts->lock), 0, 0, 0, 0, ""); xco+= XIC; } if(browse) { if(id==0) { idwasnul= 1; /* alleen de browse button */ ob= OBACT; if(curarea->spacetype==SPACE_IMAGE) { id= G.main->image.first; } else if(curarea->spacetype==SPACE_SOUND) { id= G.main->sound.first; } else if(curarea->spacetype==SPACE_IPO) { id= G.main->ipo.first; /* testen op ipotype */ while(id) { ipo= (Ipo *)id; if(G.sipo->blocktype==ipo->blocktype) break; id= id->next; } } else if(curarea->spacetype==SPACE_BUTS) { if(browse==B_WORLDBROWSE) { id= G.main->world.first; } else if(ob && ob->type && (ob->type<OB_LAMP)) { if(G.buts->mainb==BUTS_MAT) id= G.main->mat.first; else if(G.buts->mainb==BUTS_TEX) id= G.main->tex.first; } } else if(curarea->spacetype==SPACE_TEXT) { id= G.main->text.first; } } if(id) { idtype= GS(id->name); lb= wich_libbase(G.main, GS(id->name)); if(idwasnul) id= 0; else if(id->us>1) block->col= BUTDBLUE; if( idtype==ID_IP ) IPOnames_to_pupstring(&str, lb, id, menupoin, G.sipo->blocktype); else IDnames_to_pupstring(&str, lb, id, menupoin); if ELEM6( idtype, ID_SCE, ID_SCR, ID_MA, ID_TE, ID_WO, ID_IP) strcat(str, "|ADD NEW %x 32767"); else if (idtype==ID_TXT) strcat(str, "|OPEN NEW %x 32766 |ADD NEW %x 32767"); uiSetButLock(G.scene->id.lib!=0, "Can't edit library data"); if( idtype==ID_SCE || idtype==ID_SCR ) uiClearButLock(); if(curarea->spacetype==SPACE_BUTS) uiSetButLock(idtype!=ID_SCR && G.obedit!=0 && G.buts->mainb==BUTS_EDIT, NULL); if(parid) uiSetButLock(parid->lib!=0, "Can't edit library data"); uiDefBut(block, MENU|SHO, browse, str, xco,0,XIC,YIC, menupoin, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Browse Datablock or Add NEW"); uiClearButLock(); freeN(str); xco+= XIC; } else if(curarea->spacetype==SPACE_BUTS) { if ELEM3(G.buts->mainb, BUTS_MAT, BUTS_TEX, BUTS_WORLD) { uiSetButLock(G.scene->id.lib!=0, "Can't edit library data"); if(parid) uiSetButLock(parid->lib!=0, "Can't edit library data"); uiDefBut(block, MENU|SHO, browse, "ADD NEW %x 32767", xco,0,XIC,YIC, menupoin, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Browse Datablock"); uiClearButLock(); } } else if(curarea->spacetype==SPACE_TEXT) { uiDefBut(block, MENU|SHO, browse, "OPEN NEW %x 32766 | ADD NEW %x 32767", xco,0,XIC,YIC, menupoin, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Browse Datablock"); } else if(curarea->spacetype==SPACE_IPO) { uiSetButLock(G.scene->id.lib!=0, "Can't edit library data"); if(parid) uiSetButLock(parid->lib!=0, "Can't edit library data"); uiDefBut(block, MENU|SHO, browse, "ADD NEW %x 32767", xco,0,XIC,YIC, menupoin, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Browse Datablock"); uiClearButLock(); } } if(id) { /* naam */ if(id->us>1) block->col= BUTDBLUE; if(id->us<=0) { block->col= (REDALERT); } uiSetButLock(id->lib!=0, "Can't edit library data"); str1[0]= id->name[0]; str1[1]= id->name[1]; str1[2]= ':'; str1[3]= 0; if(strcmp(str1, "SC:")==0) strcpy(str1, "SCE:"); else if(strcmp(str1, "SR:")==0) strcpy(str1, "SCR:"); if( GS(id->name)==ID_IP) len= 110; else len= 120; but= uiDefBut(block, TEX, B_IDNAME, str1, xco, 0, len, YIC, id->name+2, 0.0, 19.0, 0, 0, "Datablock name"); but->func= test_idbutton; uiClearButLock(); xco+= len; if(id->lib) { if(parid && parid->lib) uiDefBut(block, BUT, 0, "ICON 0 6 4", xco,0,XIC,YIC, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Indirect Library Datablock"); else uiDefBut(block, BUT, lib, "ICON 0 5 4", xco,0,XIC,YIC, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Library DataBlock, press to make local"); xco+= XIC; } if(users && id->us>1) { sprintf(str1, "%d", id->us); if(id->us<100) { uiDefBut(block, BUT, users, str1, xco,0,XIC,YIC, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Number of users, press to make single-user"); xco+= XIC; } else { uiDefBut(block, BUT, users, str1, xco, 0, XIC+10, YIC, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Number of users, press to make single-user"); xco+= XIC+10; } } if(del) { if(parid && parid->lib); else { uiDefBut(block, BUT, del, "ICON 0 0 4", xco,0,XIC,YIC, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Delete link to this Datablock"); xco+= XIC; } } if(autobut) { if(parid && parid->lib); else { uiDefBut(block, BUT, autobut, "ICON 0 7 4",xco,0,XIC,YIC, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Automatic name"); xco+= XIC; } } } else xco+=XIC; block->col= oldcol; return xco; } void do_global_buttons(ushort event) { SpaceFile *sfile; ListBase *lb; Object *ob; Material *ma; MTex *mtex; Mesh *me; Curve *cu; MetaBall *mb; Ipo *ipo; Lamp *la; World *wrld; Sequence *seq; ID *id, *idtest, *from; int nr= 1; ob= OBACT; id= 0; /* id op nul voor texbrowse */ switch(event) { case B_NEWFRAME: addqueue(curarea->win, REDRAW, 1); addqueue(curarea->headwin, REDRAW, 1); allqueue(REDRAWVIEW3D, 0); allqueue(REDRAWIPO, 0); allqueue(REDRAWINFO, 1); allqueue(REDRAWSEQ, 1); allqueue(REDRAWSOUND, 1); allqueue(REDRAWBUTSHEAD, 1); allqueue(REDRAWBUTSMAT, 1); allqueue(REDRAWBUTSLAMP, 1); /* layers/materials, object ipos are calculted in where_is_object (too) */ do_all_ipos(); do_all_scripts(SCRIPT_FRAMECHANGED); do_all_keys(); do_all_ikas(); test_all_displists(); break; case B_REDR: addqueue(curarea->win, REDRAW, 1); addqueue(curarea->headwin, REDRAW, 1); break; case B_EDITBROWSE: if(ob==0) return; if(ob->id.lib) return; id= ob->data; if(id==0) return; if(G.buts->menunr== -2) { activate_databrowse((ID *)G.buts->lockpoin, GS(id->name), 0, B_EDITBROWSE, do_global_buttons); return; } if(G.buts->menunr < 0) return; lb= wich_libbase(G.main, GS(id->name)); idtest= lb->first; while(idtest) { if(nr==G.buts->menunr) { if(idtest!=id) { id->us--; id_us_plus(idtest); ob->data= idtest; test_object_materials(idtest); if( GS(idtest->name)==ID_CU ) { test_curve_type(ob); allqueue(REDRAWBUTSEDIT, 0); makeDispList(ob); } else if( ob->type==OB_MESH ) { makeDispList(ob); } allqueue(REDRAWBUTSEDIT, 0); allqueue(REDRAWVIEW3D, 0); allqueue(REDRAWIPO, 0); } break; } nr++; idtest= idtest->next; } break; case B_MESHBROWSE: if(ob==0) return; if(ob->id.lib) return; id= ob->data; if(id==0) id= G.main->mesh.first; if(id==0) return; if(G.buts->menunr== -2) { activate_databrowse((ID *)G.buts->lockpoin, GS(id->name), 0, B_MESHBROWSE, do_global_buttons); return; } if(G.buts->menunr < 0) return; idtest= G.main->mesh.first; while(idtest) { if(nr==G.buts->menunr) { set_mesh(ob, (Mesh *)idtest); allqueue(REDRAWBUTSEDIT, 0); allqueue(REDRAWVIEW3D, 0); allqueue(REDRAWIPO, 0); break; } nr++; idtest= idtest->next; } break; case B_MATBROWSE: if(G.buts->menunr== -2) { activate_databrowse((ID *)G.buts->lockpoin, ID_MA, 0, B_MATBROWSE, do_global_buttons); return; } if(G.buts->menunr < 0) return; if(G.buts->lock) { } else { ma= give_current_material(ob, ob->actcol); nr= 1; id= (ID *)ma; idtest= G.main->mat.first; while(idtest) { if(nr==G.buts->menunr) { break; } nr++; idtest= idtest->next; } if(idtest==0) { /* new mat */ if(id) idtest= (ID *)copy_material((Material *)id); else { idtest= (ID *)add_material("Material"); } idtest->us--; } if(idtest!=id) { assign_material(ob, (Material *)idtest, ob->actcol); allqueue(REDRAWBUTSHEAD, 0); allqueue(REDRAWBUTSMAT, 0); allqueue(REDRAWIPO, 0); RE_preview_changed(curarea->win); } } break; case B_MATDELETE: if(G.buts->lock) { } else { ma= give_current_material(ob, ob->actcol); if(ma) { assign_material(ob, 0, ob->actcol); allqueue(REDRAWBUTSHEAD, 0); allqueue(REDRAWBUTSMAT, 0); allqueue(REDRAWIPO, 0); RE_preview_changed(curarea->win); } } break; case B_TEXDELETE: if(G.buts->lock) { } else { if(G.buts->texfrom==0) { /* from mat */ ma= give_current_material(ob, ob->actcol); if(ma) { mtex= ma->mtex[ ma->texact ]; if(mtex) { if(mtex->tex) mtex->tex->id.us--; freeN(mtex); ma->mtex[ ma->texact ]= 0; allqueue(REDRAWBUTSTEX, 0); allqueue(REDRAWIPO, 0); RE_preview_changed(curarea->win); } } } else if(G.buts->texfrom==1) { /* from world */ wrld= G.scene->world; if(wrld) { mtex= wrld->mtex[ wrld->texact ]; if(mtex) { if(mtex->tex) mtex->tex->id.us--; freeN(mtex); wrld->mtex[ wrld->texact ]= 0; allqueue(REDRAWBUTSTEX, 0); allqueue(REDRAWIPO, 0); RE_preview_changed(curarea->win); } } } else { /* from lamp */ la= ob->data; if(la && ob->type==OB_LAMP) { /* voor zekerheid */ mtex= la->mtex[ la->texact ]; if(mtex) { if(mtex->tex) mtex->tex->id.us--; freeN(mtex); la->mtex[ la->texact ]= 0; allqueue(REDRAWBUTSTEX, 0); allqueue(REDRAWIPO, 0); RE_preview_changed(curarea->win); } } } } break; case B_EXTEXBROWSE: case B_TEXBROWSE: if(G.buts->texnr== -2) { id= G.buts->lockpoin; if(event==B_EXTEXBROWSE) { id= 0; ma= give_current_material(ob, ob->actcol); if(ma) { mtex= ma->mtex[ ma->texact ]; if(mtex) id= (ID *)mtex->tex; } } activate_databrowse(id, ID_TE, 0, B_TEXBROWSE, do_global_buttons); return; } if(G.buts->texnr < 0) break; if(G.buts->lock) { } else { id= 0; ma= give_current_material(ob, ob->actcol); if(ma) { mtex= ma->mtex[ ma->texact ]; if(mtex) id= (ID *)mtex->tex; } idtest= G.main->tex.first; while(idtest) { if(nr==G.buts->texnr) { break; } nr++; idtest= idtest->next; } if(idtest==0) { /* new tex */ if(id) idtest= (ID *)copy_texture((Tex *)id); else idtest= (ID *)add_texture("Tex"); idtest->us--; } if(idtest!=id && ma) { if( ma->mtex[ma->texact]==0) ma->mtex[ma->texact]= add_mtex(); ma->mtex[ ma->texact ]->tex= (Tex *)idtest; id_us_plus(idtest); if(id) id->us--; allqueue(REDRAWBUTSHEAD, 0); allqueue(REDRAWBUTSTEX, 0); allqueue(REDRAWBUTSMAT, 0); allqueue(REDRAWIPO, 0); RE_preview_changed(curarea->win); } } break; case B_IPOBROWSE: ipo= get_ipo_to_edit(&from); id= (ID *)ipo; if(from==0) return; if(G.sipo->menunr== -2) { activate_databrowse((ID *)G.sipo->ipo, ID_IP, GS(from->name), B_IPOBROWSE, do_global_buttons); return; } if(G.sipo->menunr < 0) break; idtest= G.main->ipo.first; while(idtest) { if( ((Ipo *)idtest)->blocktype == G.sipo->blocktype) { if(nr==G.sipo->menunr) { break; } nr++; } idtest= idtest->next; } if(idtest==0) { if(ipo) idtest= (ID *)copy_ipo(ipo); else { nr= GS(from->name); if(nr==ID_OB) idtest= (ID *)add_ipo("ObIpo", nr); else if(nr==ID_MA) idtest= (ID *)add_ipo("MatIpo", nr); else if(nr==ID_SEQ) idtest= (ID *)add_ipo("MatSeq", nr); else if(nr==ID_CU) idtest= (ID *)add_ipo("CuIpo", nr); else if(nr==ID_KE) idtest= (ID *)add_ipo("KeyIpo", nr); else if(nr==ID_WO) idtest= (ID *)add_ipo("WoIpo", nr); else if(nr==ID_LA) idtest= (ID *)add_ipo("LaIpo", nr); else if(nr==ID_CA) idtest= (ID *)add_ipo("CaIpo", nr); else error("Warn2 ton!"); } idtest->us--; } if(idtest!=id && from) { ipo= (Ipo *)idtest; if(ipo->blocktype==ID_OB) { ( (Object *)from)->ipo= ipo; id_us_plus(idtest); allqueue(REDRAWVIEW3D, 0); } else if(ipo->blocktype==ID_MA) { ( (Material *)from)->ipo= ipo; id_us_plus(idtest); allqueue(REDRAWBUTSMAT, 0); } else if(ipo->blocktype==ID_SEQ) { seq= (Sequence *)from; if(seq->type & SEQ_EFFECT) { id_us_plus(idtest); seq->ipo= ipo; } } else if(ipo->blocktype==ID_CU) { ( (Curve *)from)->ipo= ipo; id_us_plus(idtest); allqueue(REDRAWVIEW3D, 0); } else if(ipo->blocktype==ID_KE) { ( (Key *)from)->ipo= ipo; id_us_plus(idtest); allqueue(REDRAWVIEW3D, 0); } else if(ipo->blocktype==ID_WO) { ( (World *)from)->ipo= ipo; id_us_plus(idtest); allqueue(REDRAWBUTSWORLD, 0); } else if(ipo->blocktype==ID_LA) { ( (Lamp *)from)->ipo= ipo; id_us_plus(idtest); allqueue(REDRAWBUTSLAMP, 0); } else if(ipo->blocktype==ID_CA) { ( (Camera *)from)->ipo= ipo; id_us_plus(idtest); allqueue(REDRAWBUTSEDIT, 0); } else printf("error in browse ipo \n"); if(id) id->us--; addqueue(curarea->win, REDRAW, 1); addqueue(curarea->headwin, REDRAW, 1); allqueue(REDRAWIPO, 0); } break; case B_IPODELETE: ipo= get_ipo_to_edit(&from); if(from==0) return; ipo->id.us--; if(ipo->blocktype==ID_OB) ( (Object *)from)->ipo= 0; else if(ipo->blocktype==ID_MA) ( (Material *)from)->ipo= 0; else if(ipo->blocktype==ID_SEQ) ( (Sequence *)from)->ipo= 0; else if(ipo->blocktype==ID_CU) ( (Curve *)from)->ipo= 0; else if(ipo->blocktype==ID_KE) ( (Key *)from)->ipo= 0; else if(ipo->blocktype==ID_WO) ( (World *)from)->ipo= 0; else if(ipo->blocktype==ID_LA) ( (Lamp *)from)->ipo= 0; else if(ipo->blocktype==ID_WO) ( (World *)from)->ipo= 0; else if(ipo->blocktype==ID_CA) ( (Camera *)from)->ipo= 0; else error("Warn ton!"); editipo_changed(1); /* doredraw */ allqueue(REDRAWIPO, 0); break; case B_WORLDBROWSE: if(G.buts->menunr < 0) break; /* geen lock */ wrld= G.scene->world; nr= 1; id= (ID *)wrld; idtest= G.main->world.first; while(idtest) { if(nr==G.buts->menunr) { break; } nr++; idtest= idtest->next; } if(idtest==0) { /* new world */ if(id) idtest= (ID *)copy_world((World *)id); else idtest= (ID *)add_world("World"); idtest->us--; } if(idtest!=id) { G.scene->world= (World *)idtest; id_us_plus(idtest); if(id) id->us--; allqueue(REDRAWBUTSHEAD, 0); allqueue(REDRAWBUTSWORLD, 0); allqueue(REDRAWIPO, 0); RE_preview_changed(curarea->win); } break; case B_WORLDDELETE: if(G.scene->world) { G.scene->world->id.us--; G.scene->world= 0; allqueue(REDRAWBUTSWORLD, 0); allqueue(REDRAWIPO, 0); } break; case B_WTEXBROWSE: if(G.buts->texnr== -2) { id= 0; wrld= G.scene->world; if(wrld) { mtex= wrld->mtex[ wrld->texact ]; if(mtex) id= (ID *)mtex->tex; } activate_databrowse((ID *)id, ID_TE, 0, B_WTEXBROWSE, do_global_buttons); return; } if(G.buts->texnr < 0) break; if(G.buts->lock) { } else { id= 0; wrld= G.scene->world; if(wrld) { mtex= wrld->mtex[ wrld->texact ]; if(mtex) id= (ID *)mtex->tex; } idtest= G.main->tex.first; while(idtest) { if(nr==G.buts->texnr) { break; } nr++; idtest= idtest->next; } if(idtest==0) { /* new tex */ if(id) idtest= (ID *)copy_texture((Tex *)id); else idtest= (ID *)add_texture("Tex"); idtest->us--; } if(idtest!=id && wrld) { if( wrld->mtex[wrld->texact]==0) { wrld->mtex[wrld->texact]= add_mtex(); wrld->mtex[wrld->texact]->texco= TEXCO_VIEW; } wrld->mtex[ wrld->texact ]->tex= (Tex *)idtest; id_us_plus(idtest); if(id) id->us--; allqueue(REDRAWBUTSHEAD, 0); allqueue(REDRAWBUTSTEX, 0); allqueue(REDRAWBUTSWORLD, 0); allqueue(REDRAWIPO, 0); RE_preview_changed(curarea->win); } } break; case B_LAMPBROWSE: /* geen lock */ if(ob==0) return; if(ob->type!=OB_LAMP) return; if(G.buts->menunr== -2) { activate_databrowse((ID *)G.buts->lockpoin, ID_LA, 0, B_LAMPBROWSE, do_global_buttons); return; } if(G.buts->menunr < 0) break; la= ob->data; nr= 1; id= (ID *)la; idtest= G.main->lamp.first; while(idtest) { if(nr==G.buts->menunr) { break; } nr++; idtest= idtest->next; } if(idtest==0) { /* geen new lamp */ return; } if(idtest!=id) { ob->data= (Lamp *)idtest; id_us_plus(idtest); if(id) id->us--; allqueue(REDRAWBUTSHEAD, 0); allqueue(REDRAWBUTSLAMP, 0); allqueue(REDRAWVIEW3D, 0); allqueue(REDRAWIPO, 0); RE_preview_changed(curarea->win); } break; case B_LTEXBROWSE: if(ob==0) return; if(ob->type!=OB_LAMP) return; if(G.buts->texnr== -2) { id= 0; la= ob->data; mtex= la->mtex[ la->texact ]; if(mtex) id= (ID *)mtex->tex; activate_databrowse(id, ID_TE, 0, B_LTEXBROWSE, do_global_buttons); return; } if(G.buts->texnr < 0) break; if(G.buts->lock) { } else { id= 0; la= ob->data; mtex= la->mtex[ la->texact ]; if(mtex) id= (ID *)mtex->tex; idtest= G.main->tex.first; while(idtest) { if(nr==G.buts->texnr) { break; } nr++; idtest= idtest->next; } if(idtest==0) { /* new tex */ if(id) idtest= (ID *)copy_texture((Tex *)id); else idtest= (ID *)add_texture("Tex"); idtest->us--; } if(idtest!=id && la) { if( la->mtex[la->texact]==0) { la->mtex[la->texact]= add_mtex(); la->mtex[la->texact]->texco= TEXCO_GLOB; } la->mtex[ la->texact ]->tex= (Tex *)idtest; id_us_plus(idtest); if(id) id->us--; allqueue(REDRAWBUTSHEAD, 0); allqueue(REDRAWBUTSTEX, 0); allqueue(REDRAWBUTSLAMP, 0); allqueue(REDRAWIPO, 0); RE_preview_changed(curarea->win); } } break; case B_IMAGEDELETE: G.sima->image= 0; image_changed(G.sima, 0); allqueue(REDRAWIMAGE, 0); break; case B_AUTOMATNAME: automatname(G.buts->lockpoin); allqueue(REDRAWBUTSHEAD, 0); break; case B_AUTOTEXNAME: if(G.buts->mainb==BUTS_TEX) { autotexname(G.buts->lockpoin); allqueue(REDRAWBUTSHEAD, 0); allqueue(REDRAWBUTSTEX, 0); } else if(G.buts->mainb==BUTS_MAT) { ma= G.buts->lockpoin; if(ma->mtex[ ma->texact]) autotexname(ma->mtex[ma->texact]->tex); allqueue(REDRAWBUTSMAT, 0); } else if(G.buts->mainb==BUTS_WORLD) { wrld= G.buts->lockpoin; if(wrld->mtex[ wrld->texact]) autotexname(wrld->mtex[wrld->texact]->tex); allqueue(REDRAWBUTSWORLD, 0); } else if(G.buts->mainb==BUTS_LAMP) { la= G.buts->lockpoin; if(la->mtex[ la->texact]) autotexname(la->mtex[la->texact]->tex); allqueue(REDRAWBUTSLAMP, 0); } break; case B_NEWSPACE: newspace(curarea, curarea->butspacetype); /* uitzondering: filespace */ if(curarea->spacetype==SPACE_FILE) { sfile= curarea->spacedata.first; if(sfile->type==FILE_MAIN) freefilelist(sfile); else sfile->type= FILE_UNIX; sfile->returnfunc= 0; sfile->title[0]= 0; if(sfile->filelist) test_flags_file(sfile); } /* uitzondering: imasel space */ else if(curarea->spacetype==SPACE_IMASEL) { SpaceImaSel *simasel= curarea->spacedata.first; simasel->returnfunc= 0; simasel->title[0]= 0; } break; case B_LOADTEMP: /* is button uit space.c */ read_autosavefile(); break; case B_FULL: if(curarea->spacetype!=SPACE_INFO) { area_fullscreen(); } break; case B_IDNAME: /* redraw omdat naam veranderd is: nieuwe pup */ addqueue(curarea->headwin, REDRAW, 1); allqueue(REDRAWBUTSHEAD, 0); allqueue(REDRAWINFO, 1); allqueue(REDRAWOOPS, 1); /* naam scene ook in set PUPmenu */ if ELEM(curarea->spacetype, SPACE_BUTS, SPACE_INFO) allqueue(REDRAWBUTSALL, 0); /* voorkeurnamen */ set_obact_names(OBACT); break; } } void do_global_buttons2(short event) { Base *base; Object *ob; Material *ma; MTex *mtex; Mesh *me; Curve *cu; MetaBall *mb; Ipo *ipo; Lamp *la; Lattice *lt; World *wrld; ID *id, *idtest, *idfrom; /* algemeen: Single User mag als from==LOCAL * Make Local mag als (from==LOCAL && id==LIB) */ ob= OBACT; switch(event) { case B_LAMPALONE: if(ob && ob->id.lib==0) { la= ob->data; if(la->id.us>1) { if(okee("Single user")) { ob->data= copy_lamp(la); la->id.us--; } } } break; case B_LAMPLOCAL: if(ob && ob->id.lib==0) { la= ob->data; if(la->id.lib) { if(okee("Make local")) { make_local_lamp(la); } } } break; case B_CAMERAALONE: if(ob && ob->id.lib==0) { Camera *ca= ob->data; if(ca->id.us>1) { if(okee("Single user")) { ob->data= copy_camera(ca); ca->id.us--; } } } break; case B_CAMERALOCAL: if(ob && ob->id.lib==0) { Camera *ca= ob->data; if(ca->id.lib) { if(okee("Make local")) { make_local_camera(ca); } } } break; case B_WORLDALONE: wrld= G.scene->world; if(wrld->id.us>1) { if(okee("Single user")) { G.scene->world= copy_world(wrld); wrld->id.us--; } } break; case B_WORLDLOCAL: wrld= G.scene->world; if(wrld && wrld->id.lib) { if(okee("Make local")) { make_local_world(wrld); } } break; case B_LATTALONE: if(ob && ob->id.lib==0) { lt= ob->data; if(lt->id.us>1) { if(okee("Single user")) { ob->data= copy_lattice(lt); lt->id.us--; } } } break; case B_LATTLOCAL: if(ob && ob->id.lib==0) { lt= ob->data; if(lt->id.lib) { if(okee("Make local")) { make_local_lattice(lt); } } } break; case B_MATALONE: if(ob==0) return; ma= give_current_material(ob, ob->actcol); idfrom= material_from(ob, ob->actcol); if(idfrom && idfrom->lib==0) { if(ma->id.us>1) { if(okee("Single user")) { ma= copy_material(ma); ma->id.us= 0; assign_material(ob, ma, ob->actcol); } } } break; case B_MATLOCAL: if(ob==0) return; idfrom= material_from(ob, ob->actcol); if(idfrom->lib==0) { ma= give_current_material(ob, ob->actcol); if(ma && ma->id.lib) { if(okee("Make local")) { make_local_material(ma); } } } break; case B_MESHLOCAL: if(ob && ob->id.lib==0) { me= ob->data; if(me && me->id.lib) { if(okee("Make local")) { make_local_mesh(me); make_local_key( me->key ); } } } break; case B_MBALLALONE: if(ob && ob->id.lib==0) { mb= ob->data; if(mb->id.us>1) { if(okee("Single user")) { ob->data= copy_mball(mb); mb->id.us--; if(ob==G.obedit) allqueue(REDRAWVIEW3D, 0); } } } break; case B_MBALLLOCAL: if(ob && ob->id.lib==0) { mb= ob->data; if(mb->id.lib) { if(okee("Make local")) { make_local_mball(mb); } } } break; case B_CURVEALONE: if(ob && ob->id.lib==0) { cu= ob->data; if(cu->id.us>1) { if(okee("Single user")) { ob->data= copy_curve(cu); cu->id.us--; makeDispList(ob); if(ob==G.obedit) allqueue(REDRAWVIEW3D, 0); } } } break; case B_CURVELOCAL: if(ob && ob->id.lib==0) { cu= ob->data; if(cu->id.lib) { if(okee("Make local")) { make_local_curve(cu); make_local_key( cu->key ); makeDispList(ob); } } } break; case B_TEXALONE: if(G.buts->texfrom==0) { /* from mat */ if(ob==0) return; ma= give_current_material(ob, ob->actcol); if(ma && ma->id.lib==0) { mtex= ma->mtex[ ma->texact ]; if(mtex->tex && mtex->tex->id.us>1) { if(okee("Single user")) { mtex->tex->id.us--; mtex->tex= copy_texture(mtex->tex); } } } } else if(G.buts->texfrom==1) { /* from world */ wrld= G.scene->world; if(wrld->id.lib==0) { mtex= wrld->mtex[ wrld->texact ]; if(mtex->tex && mtex->tex->id.us>1) { if(okee("Single user")) { mtex->tex->id.us--; mtex->tex= copy_texture(mtex->tex); } } } } else if(G.buts->texfrom==2) { /* from lamp */ if(ob==0 || ob->type!=OB_LAMP) return; la= ob->data; if(la->id.lib==0) { mtex= la->mtex[ la->texact ]; if(mtex->tex && mtex->tex->id.us>1) { if(okee("Single user")) { mtex->tex->id.us--; mtex->tex= copy_texture(mtex->tex); } } } } break; case B_TEXLOCAL: if(G.buts->texfrom==0) { /* from mat */ if(ob==0) return; ma= give_current_material(ob, ob->actcol); if(ma && ma->id.lib==0) { mtex= ma->mtex[ ma->texact ]; if(mtex->tex && mtex->tex->id.lib) { if(okee("Make local")) { make_local_texture(mtex->tex); } } } } else if(G.buts->texfrom==1) { /* from world */ wrld= G.scene->world; if(wrld->id.lib==0) { mtex= wrld->mtex[ wrld->texact ]; if(mtex->tex && mtex->tex->id.lib) { if(okee("Make local")) { make_local_texture(mtex->tex); } } } } else if(G.buts->texfrom==2) { /* from lamp */ if(ob==0 || ob->type!=OB_LAMP) return; la= ob->data; if(la->id.lib==0) { mtex= la->mtex[ la->texact ]; if(mtex->tex && mtex->tex->id.lib) { if(okee("Make local")) { make_local_texture(mtex->tex); } } } } break; case B_IPOALONE: ipo= get_ipo_to_edit(&idfrom); if(idfrom && idfrom->lib==0) { if(ipo->id.us>1) { if(okee("Single user")) { if(ipo->blocktype==ID_OB) ((Object *)idfrom)->ipo= copy_ipo(ipo); else if(ipo->blocktype==ID_MA) ((Material *)idfrom)->ipo= copy_ipo(ipo); else if(ipo->blocktype==ID_SEQ) ((Sequence *)idfrom)->ipo= copy_ipo(ipo); else if(ipo->blocktype==ID_CU) ((Curve *)idfrom)->ipo= copy_ipo(ipo); else if(ipo->blocktype==ID_KE) ((Key *)idfrom)->ipo= copy_ipo(ipo); else if(ipo->blocktype==ID_LA) ((Lamp *)idfrom)->ipo= copy_ipo(ipo); else if(ipo->blocktype==ID_WO) ((World *)idfrom)->ipo= copy_ipo(ipo); else if(ipo->blocktype==ID_CA) ((Camera *)idfrom)->ipo= copy_ipo(ipo); else error("Warn ton!"); ipo->id.us--; allqueue(REDRAWIPO, 0); } } } break; case B_IPOLOCAL: ipo= get_ipo_to_edit(&idfrom); if(idfrom && idfrom->lib==0) { if(ipo->id.lib) { if(okee("Make local")) { make_local_ipo(ipo); allqueue(REDRAWIPO, 0); } } } break; case B_OBALONE: if(G.scene->id.lib==0) { if(ob->id.us>1) { if(okee("Single user")) { base= FIRSTBASE; while(base) { if(base->object==ob) { base->object= copy_object(ob); ob->id.us--; allqueue(REDRAWVIEW3D, 0); break; } base= base->next; } } } } break; case B_OBLOCAL: if(G.scene->id.lib==0) { if(ob->id.lib) { if(okee("Make local")) { make_local_object(ob); allqueue(REDRAWVIEW3D, 0); } } } break; case B_MESHALONE: if(ob && ob->id.lib==0) { me= ob->data; if(me && me->id.us>1) { if(okee("Single user")) { Mesh *men= copy_mesh(me); men->id.us= 0; set_mesh(ob, men); if(ob==G.obedit) allqueue(REDRAWVIEW3D, 0); } } } break; } allqueue(REDRAWBUTSALL, 0); allqueue(REDRAWOOPS, 0); } /* ********************** EMPTY ****************************** */ /* ********************** INFO ****************************** */ int buttons_do_unpack() { int how; char menu[2048]; char line[128]; int ret_value = RET_OK, count = 0; count = countPackedFiles(); if (count) { if (count == 1) { sprintf(menu, "Unpack 1 file%%t"); } else { sprintf(menu, "Unpack %d files%%t", count); } sprintf(line, "|Use files in current directory (create when necessary)%%x%d", PF_USE_LOCAL); strcat(menu, line); sprintf(line, "|Write files to current directory (overwrite existing files)%%x%d", PF_WRITE_LOCAL); strcat(menu, line); sprintf(line, "|%%l|Use files in original location (create when necessary)%%x%d", PF_USE_ORIGINAL); strcat(menu, line); sprintf(line, "|Write files to original location (overwrite existing files)%%x%d", PF_WRITE_ORIGINAL); strcat(menu, line); sprintf(line, "|%%l|Disable AutoPack, keep all packed files %%x%d", PF_KEEP); strcat(menu, line); sprintf(line, "|Ask for each file %%x%d", PF_ASK); strcat(menu, line); how = pupmenu(menu); if(how != -1) { if (how != PF_KEEP) { unpackAll(how); } G.fileflags &= ~G_AUTOPACK; } else { ret_value = RET_CANCEL; } } else { pupmenu("No packed files. Autopack disabled"); } return (ret_value); } void do_info_buttons(ushort event) { bScreen *sc, *oldscreen; Scene *sce, *sce1; ScrArea *sa; int nr, doit; switch(event) { case B_INFOSCR: /* menu select screen */ if( G.curscreen->screennr== -2) { if(curarea->winy <50) { sa= closest_bigger_area(); areawinset(sa->win); } activate_databrowse((ID *)G.curscreen, ID_SCR, 0, B_INFOSCR, do_info_buttons); return; } if( G.curscreen->screennr < 0) return; sc= G.main->screen.first; nr= 1; while(sc) { if(nr==G.curscreen->screennr) { if(is_allowed_to_change_screen(sc)) setscreen(sc); else error("Unable to perform function in EditMode"); break; } nr++; sc= sc->id.next; } /* laatste item: NEW SCREEN */ if(sc==0) { duplicate_screen(); } break; case B_INFODELSCR: doit= 1; /* dit event alleen met buttons doen, zodoende nooit vanuit full aanroepbaar */ if(G.curscreen->id.prev) sc= G.curscreen->id.prev; else if(G.curscreen->id.next) sc= G.curscreen->id.next; else return; if(okee("Delete current screen")) { /* vind nieuwe G.curscreen */ oldscreen= G.curscreen; setscreen(sc); /* deze test of sc een full heeft */ free_libblock(&G.main->screen, oldscreen); } addqueue(curarea->headwin, REDRAW, 1); break; case B_INFOSCE: /* menu select scene */ if( G.obedit) { error("Unable to perform function in EditMode"); return; } if( G.curscreen->scenenr== -2) { if(curarea->winy <50) { sa= closest_bigger_area(); areawinset(sa->win); } activate_databrowse((ID *)G.scene, ID_SCE, 0, B_INFOSCE, do_info_buttons); return; } if( G.curscreen->scenenr < 0) return; sce= G.main->scene.first; nr= 1; while(sce) { if(nr==G.curscreen->scenenr) { if(sce!=G.scene) set_scene(sce); break; } nr++; sce= sce->id.next; } /* laatste item: NEW SCENE */ if(sce==0) { nr= pupmenu("Add scene%t|Empty|Link Objects|Link ObData|Full Copy"); if(nr<= 0) return; if(nr==1) { sce= add_scene(G.scene->id.name+2); sce->r= G.scene->r; } else sce= copy_scene(G.scene, nr-2); set_scene(sce); } break; case B_INFODELSCE: if(G.scene->id.prev) sce= G.scene->id.prev; else if(G.scene->id.next) sce= G.scene->id.next; else return; if(okee("Delete current scene")) { /* alle sets aflopen */ sce1= G.main->scene.first; while(sce1) { if(sce1->set == G.scene) sce1->set= 0; sce1= sce1->id.next; } /* alle sequences aflopen */ clear_scene_in_allseqs(G.scene); /* alle schermen */ sc= G.main->screen.first; while(sc) { if(sc->scene == G.scene) sc->scene= sce; sc= sc->id.next; } free_libblock(&G.main->scene, G.scene); set_scene(sce); } break; case B_FILEMENU: tbox_setmain(9); toolbox(); break; } } void info_text(int x, int y) { Object *ob; extern float hashvectf[]; extern int mem_in_use; float fac1, fac2, fac3; char str[300]; int colorval; if(G.obedit) { sprintf(str,"Ve:%d-%d Fa:%d-%d Mem:%.2fM ", G.totvertsel, G.totvert, G.totfacesel, G.totface, (mem_in_use>>10)/1024.0); } else { sprintf(str,"Ve:%d Fa:%d Ob:%d-%d La:%d Mem:%.2fM ", G.totvert, G.totface, G.totobj, G.totobjsel, G.totlamp, (mem_in_use>>10)/1024.0); } ob= OBACT; if(ob) { strcat(str, ob->id.name+2); } /* promise! Never change these lines again! */ fac1= fabs(hashvectf[ 2*G.version+2]); fac2= 0.5+0.1*hashvectf[ G.version+2]; fac3= 0.7; cpack( hsv_to_cpack( fac1 , fac2, fac3) ); glRecti(x-24, y-4, x+100, y+13); glColor3ub(0, 0, 0); fmsetfont(G.fonts); glRasterPos2i(x, y); fmprstr(versionstr); fmsetfont(G.fonts); glRasterPos2i(x+120, y); fmprstr(str); } void about_menu() { } void do_info_filemenu(int event) { ScrArea *sa; char dir[FILE_MAXDIR]; if(curarea->spacetype==SPACE_INFO) { sa= closest_bigger_area(); areawinset(sa->win); } /* these are no defines, easier this way, the codes are in the function below */ switch(event) { case 0: read_homefile(); break; case 1: activate_fileselect(FILE_BLENDER, "LOAD FILE", G.sce, read_file); break; case 2: read_file(G.sce); break; case 3: activate_fileselect(FILE_LOADLIB, "LOAD LIBRARY", G.lib, 0); break; case 4: strcpy(dir, G.sce); untitled(dir); activate_fileselect(FILE_BLENDER, "SAVE FILE", dir, write_file); break; case 5: strcpy(dir, G.sce); if (untitled(dir)) { activate_fileselect(FILE_BLENDER, "SAVE FILE", dir, write_file); } else { write_file(dir); free_filesel_spec(dir); } break; case 6: qenter(F3KEY, 1); break; case 7: write_dxf_fs(); break; case 8: write_vrml_fs(); break; case 9: write_videoscape_fs(); break; case 10: exit_usiblender(); break; } } uiBlock *info_filemenu() { uiBlock *block; int xco=0; block= uiNewBlock(&curarea->uiblocks, "filemenu", UI_EMBOSSW, UI_HELV, 0x808080, curarea->headwin); block->func= do_info_filemenu; uiDefBut(block, BUTM, 1, "New |Ctrl X", 0, xco-=20, 160, 19, NULL, 0.0, 0.0, 1, 0, ""); uiDefBut(block, BUTM, 1, "Open |F1", 0, xco-=20, 160, 19, NULL, 0.0, 0.0, 1, 1, ""); uiDefBut(block, BUTM, 1, "Reopen last|Ctrl O", 0, xco-=20, 160, 19, NULL, 0.0, 0.0, 1, 2, ""); uiDefBut(block, BUTM, 1, "Append |Shift F1", 0, xco-=20, 160, 19, NULL, 0.0, 0.0, 1, 3, ""); uiDefBut(block, SEPR, 0, "", 0, xco-=6, 160, 6, NULL, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0, ""); uiDefBut(block, BUTM, 1, "Save as |F2", 0, xco-=20, 160, 19, NULL, 0.0, 0.0, 1, 4, ""); uiDefBut(block, BUTM, 1, "Save |Ctrl W", 0, xco-=20, 160, 19, NULL, 0.0, 0.0, 1, 5, ""); uiDefBut(block, SEPR, 0, "", 0, xco-=6, 160, 6, NULL, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0, ""); uiDefBut(block, BUTM, 1, "Save Image | F3", 0, xco-=20, 160, 19, NULL, 0.0, 0.0, 1, 6, ""); uiDefBut(block, BUTM, 1, "Save DXF | Shift F2", 0, xco-=20, 160, 19, NULL, 0.0, 0.0, 1, 7, ""); uiDefBut(block, BUTM, 1, "Save VRML | Ctrl F2", 0, xco-=20, 160, 19, NULL, 0.0, 0.0, 1, 8, ""); uiDefBut(block, BUTM, 1, "Save Videoscape | Alt W", 0, xco-=20, 160, 19, NULL, 0.0, 0.0, 1, 9, ""); uiDefBut(block, SEPR, 0, "", 0, xco-=6, 160, 6, NULL, 0.0, 0.0, 1, 0, ""); uiDefBut(block, BUTM, 1, "Quit | Q", 0, xco-=20, 160, 19, NULL, 0.0, 0.0, 1, 10, ""); block->direction= UI_DOWN; return block; } void do_info_editmenu(int event) { int oldqual; switch(event) { case 0: if(select_area(SPACE_VIEW3D)) qenter(AKEY, 1); break; case 1: if(select_area(SPACE_VIEW3D)) qenter(BKEY, 1); break; case 2: if(select_area(SPACE_VIEW3D)) { oldqual = G.qual; G.qual = LR_SHIFTKEY; winqread3d(AKEY, 1); G.qual = oldqual; } break; case 3: if(select_area(SPACE_VIEW3D)) { oldqual = G.qual; G.qual = LR_SHIFTKEY; winqread3d(DKEY, 1); G.qual = oldqual; } break; case 4: if(select_area(SPACE_VIEW3D)) { winqread3d(XKEY, 1); } break; case 5: if(select_area(SPACE_VIEW3D)) { blenderqread(TABKEY, 1); } break; case 6: if(select_area(SPACE_VIEW3D)) { transform('g'); } break; case 7: if(select_area(SPACE_VIEW3D)) { transform('r'); } break; case 8: if(select_area(SPACE_VIEW3D)) { transform('s'); } break; } allqueue(REDRAWINFO, 0); } uiBlock *info_editmenu() { static short tog=0; uiBlock *block; int xco= 0; block= uiNewBlock(&curarea->uiblocks, "filemenu", UI_EMBOSSW, UI_HELV, 0x808080, curarea->headwin); block->func= do_info_editmenu; uiDefBut(block, BUTM, 1, "(De)Select All|a", 0, xco-=20, 120, 19, NULL, 0.0, 0.0, 1, 0, ""); uiDefBut(block, BUTM, 1, "Borderselect|b", 0, xco-=20, 120, 19, NULL, 0.0, 0.0, 1, 1, ""); uiDefBut(block, SEPR, 0, "", 0, xco-=6, 120, 6, NULL, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0, ""); uiDefBut(block, BUTM, 1, "Add|A", 0, xco-=20, 120, 19, NULL, 0.0, 0.0, 1, 2, ""); uiDefBut(block, BUTM, 1, "Copy|D", 0, xco-=20, 120, 19, NULL, 0.0, 0.0, 1, 3, ""); uiDefBut(block, BUTM, 1, "Delete |x", 0, xco-=20, 120, 19, NULL, 0.0, 0.0, 1, 4, ""); uiDefBut(block, BUTM, 1, "Edit Mode|Tab", 0, xco-=20, 120, 19, NULL, 0.0, 0.0, 1, 5, ""); uiDefBut(block, SEPR, 0, "", 0, xco-=6, 120, 6, NULL, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0, ""); uiDefBut(block, BUTM, 1, "Grabber|G", 0, xco-=20, 120, 19, NULL, 0.0, 0.0, 1, 6, ""); uiDefBut(block, BUTM, 1, "Rotate|R", 0, xco-=20, 120, 19, NULL, 0.0, 0.0, 1, 7, ""); uiDefBut(block, BUTM, 1, "Scale|S", 0, xco-=20, 120, 19, NULL, 0.0, 0.0, 1, 8, ""); block->direction= UI_DOWN; return block; } void do_info_viewmenu(int event) { switch(event) { case 0: if(select_area(SPACE_VIEW3D)) qenter(PAD1, 1); break; case 1: if(select_area(SPACE_VIEW3D)) qenter(PAD3, 1); break; case 2: if(select_area(SPACE_VIEW3D)) qenter(PAD7, 1); break; case 3: if(select_area(SPACE_VIEW3D)) qenter(PAD0, 1); break; case 4: qenter(PADPLUSKEY, 1); break; case 5: qenter(PADMINUS, 1); break; case 6: if(select_area(SPACE_VIEW3D)) qenter(CKEY, 1); break; case 7: qenter(HOMEKEY, 1); break; } allqueue(REDRAWINFO, 0); } uiBlock *info_viewmenu() { static short tog=0; uiBlock *block; int xco= 0; block= uiNewBlock(&curarea->uiblocks, "filemenu", UI_EMBOSSW, UI_HELV, 0x808080, curarea->headwin); block->func= do_info_viewmenu; // block->col= BUTBLUE; uiDefBut(block, BUTM, 1, "Front|NumPad 1", 0, xco-=20, 140, 19, NULL, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0, ""); uiDefBut(block, BUTM, 1, "Right|NumPad 3", 0, xco-=20, 140, 19, NULL, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 1, ""); uiDefBut(block, BUTM, 1, "Top|NumPad 7", 0, xco-=20, 140, 19, NULL, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 2, ""); uiDefBut(block, BUTM, 1, "Camera|NumPad 0", 0, xco-=20, 140, 19, NULL, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 3, ""); uiDefBut(block, SEPR, 0, "", 0, xco-=6, 140, 6, NULL, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0, ""); uiDefBut(block, BUTM, 1, "Zoom in|NumPad +", 0, xco-=20, 140, 19, NULL, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 4, ""); uiDefBut(block, BUTM, 1, "Zoom out|NumPad -", 0, xco-=20, 140, 19, NULL, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 5, ""); uiDefBut(block, SEPR, 0, "", 0, xco-=6, 140, 6, NULL, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0, ""); uiDefBut(block, BUTM, 1, "Center|c", 0, xco-=20, 140, 19, NULL, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 6, ""); uiDefBut(block, BUTM, 1, "ViewAll|Home", 0, xco-=20, 140, 19, NULL, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 7, ""); block->direction= UI_DOWN; return block; } void do_info_toolsmenu(int event) { switch(event) { case 0: packAll(); G.fileflags |= G_AUTOPACK; break; case 1: unpackAll(PF_WRITE_LOCAL); G.fileflags &= ~G_AUTOPACK; break; case 2: if (buttons_do_unpack() != RET_CANCEL) { // clear autopack bit only if // user selected one of the unpack options G.fileflags &= ~G_AUTOPACK; } break; } allqueue(REDRAWINFO, 0); } uiBlock *info_toolsmenu() { static short tog=0; uiBlock *block; int xco= 0; block= uiNewBlock(&curarea->uiblocks, "toolsmenu", UI_EMBOSSW, UI_HELV, 0x808080, curarea->headwin); // block->col= BUTBLUE; block->func= do_info_toolsmenu; uiDefBut(block, BUTM, 1, "Pack Data", 0, xco-=20, 160, 19, NULL, 0.0, 0.0, 1, 0, ""); uiDefBut(block, BUTM, 1, "Unpack Data to current dir", 0, xco-=20, 160, 19, NULL, 0.0, 0.0, 1, 1, ""); uiDefBut(block, BUTM, 1, "Advanced Unpack", 0, xco-=20, 160, 19, NULL, 0.0, 0.0, 1, 2, ""); block->direction= UI_DOWN; return block; } void info_buttons() { extern void splash(); bScreen *sc; uiBlock *block; uiBut *but; uint paper; int xco= 32; char naam[20], *str; paper= rgb_to_cpack(0.65, 0.65, 0.65); if(G.curscreen->winakt) { if ELEM(G.curscreen->winakt, curarea->win, curarea->headwin) paper= rgb_to_cpack(0.75, 0.75, 0.75); } sprintf(naam, "header %d", curarea->headwin); block= uiNewBlock(&curarea->uiblocks, naam, UI_EMBOSSX, UI_HELV, paper, curarea->headwin); block->col= BUTGREY; but=uiDefBut(block, BLOCK, B_NOP, "File", xco, 3, 40, 15, NULL, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0, ""); but->blockfunc= info_filemenu; xco+= 40; but=uiDefBut(block, BLOCK, B_NOP, "Edit", xco, 3, 40, 15, NULL, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0, ""); but->blockfunc= info_editmenu; xco+= 40; but=uiDefBut(block, BLOCK, B_NOP, "View", xco, 3, 40, 15, NULL, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0, ""); but->blockfunc= info_viewmenu; xco+= 40; but=uiDefBut(block, BLOCK, B_NOP, "Tools", xco, 3, 40, 15, NULL, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0, ""); but->blockfunc= info_toolsmenu; xco+= 40; // create some extra space if (G.fileflags & G_AUTOPACK) { block->dt = UI_EMBOSSN; but = uiDefBut(block, LABEL, 0, "ICON 0 1 9", xco, 0, XIC, YIC, &G.fileflags, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0, ""); but->flag |= UI_NO_BACK; xco += 15; block->dt = UI_EMBOSSX; } if (curarea->full == 0) { uiDefBut(block, ICONROW|CHA,B_NEWSPACE, "ICON 0 0 0", 6,0,XIC,YIC, &(curarea->butspacetype), 1.0, 11.0, 0, 0, "Current window type "); /* STD SCREEN BUTTONS */ xco+= XIC; xco= std_libbuttons(block, xco, 0, B_INFOSCR, (ID *)G.curscreen, 0, &G.curscreen->screennr, 1, 1, B_INFODELSCR, 0); /* STD SCENE BUTTONS */ xco+= 5; xco= std_libbuttons(block, xco, 0, B_INFOSCE, (ID *)G.scene, 0, &G.curscreen->scenenr, 1, 1, B_INFODELSCE, 0); } else xco= 430; info_text(xco+24, 6); block->dt= UI_EMBOSSN; but= uiDefBut(block, BUT, 0, "ICON 0 0 9", xco+1, 0,XIC,YIC, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ""); but->flag |= UI_NO_BACK; but->func= splash; block->dt= UI_EMBOSSX; /* altijd als laatste doen */ curarea->headbutlen= xco+2*XIC; if(curarea->headbutlen + 4*XIC < curarea->winx) { uiDefBut(block, BUT, B_FILEMENU, "ICON 0 0 5", curarea->winx-XIC-2, 0,XIC,YIC, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Toolbox menu, hotkey: SPACE"); } uiDrawBlock(block); } /* ********************** END INFO ****************************** */ /* ********************** SEQUENCE ****************************** */ void do_seq_buttons(short event) { Sequence *seq; Editing *ed; ed= G.scene->ed; if(ed==0) return; switch(event) { case B_SEQHOME: G.v2d->cur= G.v2d->tot; test_view2d(); addqueue(curarea->win, REDRAW, 1); break; case B_SEQCLEAR: free_imbuf_seq(); allqueue(REDRAWSEQ, 1); break; } } void seq_buttons() { SpaceSeq *sseq; int xco; char naam[20], str[256]; uiBlock *block; uiBut *but; sseq= curarea->spacedata.first; sprintf(naam, "header %d", curarea->headwin); block= uiNewBlock(&curarea->uiblocks, naam, UI_EMBOSSX, UI_HELV, 0x808080, curarea->headwin); block->col= BUTPURPLE; uiDefBut(block, ICONROW|CHA,B_NEWSPACE, "ICON 0 0 0", 6,0,XIC,YIC, &(curarea->butspacetype), 1.0, 11.0, 0, 0, "Current window type "); /* FULL WINDOW */ xco= 25; if(curarea->full) uiDefBut(block, BUT,B_FULL, "ICON 0 1 8", xco+=XIC,0,XIC,YIC, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Restore smaller windows (CTRL+Up arrow)"); else uiDefBut(block, BUT,B_FULL, "ICON 0 0 8", xco+=XIC,0,XIC,YIC, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Make fullscreen window (CTRL+Down arrow)"); /* HOME */ uiDefBut(block, BUT, B_SEQHOME, "ICON 0 15 0", xco+=XIC,0,XIC,YIC, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Home (HOMEKEY)"); xco+= XIC; /* IMAGE */ uiDefBut(block, TOG|SHO, B_REDR, "ICON 0 5 0", xco+=XIC,0,XIC,YIC, &sseq->mainb, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Toggles image display"); /* ZOOM en BORDER */ xco+= XIC; but= uiDefBut(block, TOG|INT, B_VIEW2DZOOM, "ICON 0 13 0", xco+=XIC,0,XIC,YIC, &viewmovetemp, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Zoom view (CTRL+MiddleMouse)"); uiDefBut(block, BUT, B_IPOBORDER, "ICON 0 8 2", xco+=XIC,0,XIC,YIC, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Translate view (MiddleMouse)"); /* CLEAR MEM */ xco+= XIC; uiDefBut(block, BUT, B_SEQCLEAR, "Clear", xco+=XIC,0,2*XIC,YIC, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Forces a clear of all buffered images in memory"); uiDrawBlock(block); } /* ********************** END SEQ ****************************** */ /* ********************** VIEW3D ****************************** */ void do_view3d_buttons(short event) { int nr, bit; /* pas op: als curarea->win niet bestaat, afvangen als direkt tekenroutines worden aangeroepen */ switch(event) { case B_HOME: view3d_home(0); break; case B_SCENELOCK: if(G.vd->scenelock) { G.vd->lay= G.scene->lay; /* layact zoeken */ bit= 0; while(bit<32) { if(G.vd->lay & (1<<bit)) { G.vd->layact= 1<<bit; break; } bit++; } G.vd->camera= G.scene->camera; addqueue(curarea->win, REDRAW, 1); addqueue(curarea->headwin, REDRAW, 1); } break; case B_LOCALVIEW: if(G.vd->localview) initlocalview(); else endlocalview(curarea); addqueue(curarea->headwin, REDRAW, 1); break; case B_EDITMODE: if(G.obedit==0) enter_editmode(); else exit_editmode(1); addqueue(curarea->headwin, REDRAW, 1); break; case B_VPAINT: if(G.obedit) { error("Unable to perform function in EditMode"); G.vd->flag &= ~V3D_VERTEXPAINT; addqueue(curarea->headwin, REDRAW, 1); } else set_vpaint(); break; case B_FACESEL: if(G.obedit) { error("Unable to perform function in EditMode"); G.vd->flag &= ~V3D_FACESELECT; addqueue(curarea->headwin, REDRAW, 1); } else set_faceselect(); break; case B_VIEWBUT: if(G.vd->viewbut==1) persptoetsen(PAD7); else if(G.vd->viewbut==2) persptoetsen(PAD1); else if(G.vd->viewbut==3) persptoetsen(PAD3); break; case B_PERSP: if(G.vd->persp==2) persptoetsen(PAD0); else { G.vd->persp= 1-G.vd->persp; persptoetsen(PAD5); } break; case B_PROPTOOL: allqueue(REDRAWHEADERS, 0); break; case B_VIEWRENDER: G.scene->r.scemode |= R_OGL; if(G.qual==0) RE_do_renderfg(0); else RE_do_renderfg(1); G.scene->r.scemode &= ~R_OGL; break; case B_STARTGAME: start_game(); break; case B_VIEWZOOM: viewmovetemp= 0; viewmove(2); addqueue(curarea->headwin, REDRAW, 1); break; case B_VIEWTRANS: viewmovetemp= 0; viewmove(1); addqueue(curarea->headwin, REDRAW, 1); break; default: if(event>=B_LAY && event<B_LAY+31) { if(G.vd->lay!=0 && (G.qual & LR_SHIFTKEY)) { /* wel actieve layer zoeken */ bit= event-B_LAY; if( G.vd->lay & (1<<bit)) G.vd->layact= 1<<bit; else { if( (G.vd->lay & G.vd->layact) == 0) { bit= 0; while(bit<32) { if(G.vd->lay & (1<<bit)) { G.vd->layact= 1<<bit; break; } bit++; } } } } else { bit= event-B_LAY; G.vd->lay= 1<<bit; G.vd->layact= G.vd->lay; addqueue(curarea->headwin, REDRAW, 1); } addqueue(curarea->win, REDRAW, 1); countall(); if(G.vd->scenelock) handle_view3d_lock(); allqueue(REDRAWOOPS, 0); } break; } } void do_layer_toets(short event) { static int oldlay= 1; if(G.vd==0) return; if(G.vd->localview) return; if(event== -1) { if(G.vd->lay== (2<<20)-1) { if(G.qual & LR_SHIFTKEY) G.vd->lay= oldlay; } else { oldlay= G.vd->lay; G.vd->lay= (2<<20)-1; } if(G.vd->scenelock) handle_view3d_lock(); addqueue(curarea->win, REDRAW, 1); } else { if(G.qual & LR_ALTKEY) { if(event<11) event+= 10; } if(G.qual & LR_SHIFTKEY) { if(G.vd->lay & (1<<event)) G.vd->lay -= (1<<event); else G.vd->lay += (1<<event); } do_view3d_buttons(event+B_LAY); } /* redraw lijkt dubbelop: wordt in queue netjes afgehandeld */ addqueue(curarea->headwin, REDRAW, 1); if(curarea->spacetype==SPACE_OOPS) allqueue(REDRAWVIEW3D, 1); /* 1==ook headwin */ } void view3d_buttons() { uiBlock *block; uiBut *but; extern void viewmove(); static int temp1=1, temp2=2; int a, b, xco; char naam[20], str[256]; sprintf(naam, "header %d", curarea->headwin); block= uiNewBlock(&curarea->uiblocks, naam, UI_EMBOSSX, UI_HELV, 0x808080, curarea->headwin); block->col= BUTBLUE; uiDefBut(block, ICONROW|CHA,B_NEWSPACE, "ICON 0 0 0", 6,0,XIC,YIC, &(curarea->butspacetype), 1.0, 11.0, 0, 0, "Current window type "); /* FULL WINDOW */ xco= 25; if(curarea->full) uiDefBut(block, BUT,B_FULL, "ICON 0 1 8", xco+=XIC,0,XIC,YIC, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Restore smaller windows (CTRL+Up arrow)"); else uiDefBut(block, BUT,B_FULL, "ICON 0 0 8", xco+=XIC,0,XIC,YIC, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Make fullscreen window (CTRL+Down arrow)"); /* HOME */ uiDefBut(block, BUT, B_HOME, "ICON 0 15 0", xco+=XIC,0,XIC,YIC, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Home (HOMEKEY)"); xco+= XIC+8; if(G.vd->localview==0) { /* LAYERS */ for(a=0; a<10; a++) { uiDefBut(block, TOG|INT|BIT|a+10, B_LAY+10+a, "", xco+a*(XIC/2), 0, XIC/2, (YIC)/2, &(G.vd->lay), 0, 0, 0, 0, "Layers"); uiDefBut(block, TOG|INT|BIT|a, B_LAY+a, "", xco+a*(XIC/2), (YIC)/2, XIC/2, (YIC)/2, &(G.vd->lay), 0, 0, 0, 0, "Layers"); if(a==4) xco+= 5; } xco+= (a-2)*(XIC/2)+5; /* LOCK */ uiDefBut(block, ICONTOG|SHO, B_SCENELOCK, "ICON 0 3 4", xco+=XIC,0,XIC,YIC, &(G.vd->scenelock), 0, 0, 0, 0, "Lock layers and used Camera to Scene"); xco+= XIC; } else xco+= (10+2)*(XIC/2)+10; /* LOCALVIEW */ uiDefBut(block, ICONROW|SHO, B_LOCALVIEW, "ICON 0 10 1", xco+=XIC,0,XIC,YIC, &(G.vd->localview), 0.0, 2.0, 0, 0, "Local View (NumPad /)"); /* PERSP */ xco+= XIC/2; uiDefBut(block, ICONROW|SHO, B_PERSP, "ICON 0 0 1", xco+=XIC,0,XIC,YIC, &(G.vd->persp), 0.0, 2.0, 0, 0, "Perspective mode (NumPad 5, Numpad 0)"); xco+= XIC/2; /* AANZICHT */ if(G.vd->view==7) G.vd->viewbut= 1; else if(G.vd->view==1) G.vd->viewbut= 2; else if(G.vd->view==3) G.vd->viewbut= 3; else G.vd->viewbut= 0; uiDefBut(block, ICONROW|SHO, B_VIEWBUT, "ICON 0 2 2", xco+=XIC,0,XIC,YIC, &G.vd->viewbut, 0.0, 3.0, 0, 0, "Top/Front or Side views (Numpad 7, 1, 3)"); /* DRAWTYPE */ xco+= XIC/2; uiDefBut(block, ICONROW|SHO, B_REDR, "ICON 0 4 1", xco+=XIC,0,XIC,YIC, &(G.vd->drawtype), 1.0, 5.0, 0, 0, "Drawtype: boundbox/wire/solid/shaded (ZKEY, SHIFT+Z)"); /* VIEWMOVE */ xco+= XIC/2; but= uiDefBut(block, TOG|INT, B_VIEWTRANS, "ICON 0 14 0", xco+=XIC,0,XIC,YIC, &viewmovetemp, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Translate view (SHIFT+MiddleMouse)"); but= uiDefBut(block, TOG|INT, B_VIEWZOOM, "ICON 0 13 0", xco+=XIC,0,XIC,YIC, &viewmovetemp, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Zoom view (CTRL+MiddleMouse)"); /* around */ xco+= XIC/2; uiDefBut(block, ROW|SHO, 1, "ICON 0 11 2", xco+=XIC,0,XIC,YIC, &G.vd->around, 3.0, 0.0, 0, 0, "Rotation/Scaling around boundbox center (COMMAKEY)"); uiDefBut(block, ROW|SHO, 1, "ICON 0 14 2", xco+=XIC,0,XIC,YIC, &G.vd->around, 3.0, 3.0, 0, 0, "Rotation/Scaling around median point"); uiDefBut(block, ROW|SHO, 1, "ICON 0 12 2", xco+=XIC,0,XIC,YIC, &G.vd->around, 3.0, 1.0, 0, 0, "Rotation/Scaling around cursor (DOTKEY)"); uiDefBut(block, ROW|SHO, 1, "ICON 0 13 2", xco+=XIC,0,XIC,YIC, &G.vd->around, 3.0, 2.0, 0, 0, "Rotation/Scaling around individual centers"); /* mode */ G.vd->flag &= ~V3D_MODE; if(G.obedit) G.vd->flag |= V3D_EDITMODE; if(G.f & G_VERTEXPAINT) G.vd->flag |= V3D_VERTEXPAINT; if(G.f & G_FACESELECT) G.vd->flag |= V3D_FACESELECT; xco+= XIC/2; uiDefBut(block, ICONTOG|SHO|BIT|4, B_EDITMODE, "ICON 0 14 4", xco+=XIC,0,XIC,YIC, &G.vd->flag, 0, 0, 0, 0, "EditMode (TAB)"); uiDefBut(block, ICONTOG|SHO|BIT|5, B_VPAINT, "ICON 0 16 4", xco+=XIC,0,XIC,YIC, &G.vd->flag, 0, 0, 0, 0, "VertexPaint Mode (VKEY)"); uiDefBut(block, ICONTOG|SHO|BIT|6, B_FACESEL, "ICON 0 18 4", xco+=XIC,0,XIC,YIC, &G.vd->flag, 0, 0, 0, 0, "FaceSelect Mode"); if(G.vd->bgpic) { xco+= XIC/2; uiDefBut(block, TOG|SHO|BIT|1, B_REDR, "ICON 0 5 0", xco+=XIC,0,XIC,YIC, &G.vd->flag, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Display Background picture"); } if(G.obedit) { extern int prop_mode; xco+= XIC/2; uiDefBut(block, ICONTOG|SHO|BIT|14, B_PROPTOOL, "ICON 0 10 4", xco+=XIC,0,XIC,YIC, &G.f, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Proportional vertex editing"); if(G.f & G_PROPORTIONAL) { uiDefBut(block, ROW|INT, 0, "ICON 0 11 5", xco+=XIC,0,XIC,YIC, &prop_mode, 4.0, 0.0, 0, 0, "Sharp falloff"); uiDefBut(block, ROW|INT, 0, "ICON 0 12 5", xco+=XIC,0,XIC,YIC, &prop_mode, 4.0, 1.0, 0, 0, "Smooth falloff"); } } xco+=XIC; uiDefBut(block, BUT, B_VIEWRENDER, "ICON 0 5 8", xco+=XIC,0,XIC,YIC, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Render this view. (Hold SHIFT for Anim render)"); xco+=XIC; uiDefBut(block, BUT, B_STARTGAME, "ICON 0 8 7", xco+=XIC,0,XIC,YIC, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Start game"); /* altijd als laatste doen */ curarea->headbutlen= xco+2*XIC; uiDrawBlock(block); } /* ********************** VIEW3D ****************************** */ /* ********************** IPO ****************************** */ void do_ipo_buttons(short event) { Ipo *ipo; ID *from; EditIpo *ei; Object *ob; View2D *v2d; rcti rect; float xmin, ymin, dx, dy; int a, val, first; short mval[2]; if(curarea->win==0) return; switch(event) { case B_IPOHOME: /* boundbox */ v2d= &(G.sipo->v2d); first= 1; ei= G.sipo->editipo; if(ei==0) return; for(a=0; a<G.sipo->totipo; a++, ei++) { if ISPOIN(ei, flag & IPO_VISIBLE, icu) { boundbox_ipocurve(ei->icu); if(first) { v2d->tot= ei->icu->totrct; first= 0; } else union_rctf(&(v2d->tot), &(ei->icu->totrct)); } } /* speciale home */ if(G.qual & LR_SHIFTKEY) { v2d->tot.xmin= SFRA; v2d->tot.xmax= EFRA; } /* beetje uitzoomen */ dx= 0.10*(v2d->tot.xmax-v2d->tot.xmin); dy= 0.10*(v2d->tot.ymax-v2d->tot.ymin); if(dx<v2d->min[0]) dx= v2d->min[0]; if(dy<v2d->min[1]) dy= v2d->min[1]; v2d->cur.xmin= v2d->tot.xmin- dx; v2d->cur.xmax= v2d->tot.xmax+ dx; v2d->cur.ymin= v2d->tot.ymin- dy; v2d->cur.ymax= v2d->tot.ymax+ dy; test_view2d(); addqueue(curarea->win, REDRAW, 1); break; case B_IPOBORDER: val= get_border(&rect, 2); if(val) { mval[0]= rect.xmin; mval[1]= rect.ymin; areamouseco_to_ipoco(mval, &xmin, &ymin); mval[0]= rect.xmax; mval[1]= rect.ymax; areamouseco_to_ipoco(mval, &(G.v2d->cur.xmax), &(G.v2d->cur.ymax)); G.v2d->cur.xmin= xmin; G.v2d->cur.ymin= ymin; test_view2d(); addqueue(curarea->win, REDRAW, 1); } break; case B_IPOCOPY: copy_editipo(); break; case B_IPOPASTE: paste_editipo(); break; case B_IPOCONT: set_exprap_ipo(IPO_HORIZ); break; case B_IPOEXTRAP: set_exprap_ipo(IPO_DIR); break; case B_IPOCYCLIC: set_exprap_ipo(IPO_CYCL); break; case B_IPOCYCLICX: set_exprap_ipo(IPO_CYCLX); break; case B_IPOMAIN: make_editipo(); addqueue(curarea->win, REDRAW, 1); addqueue(curarea->headwin, REDRAW, 1); break; case B_IPOSHOWKEY: /* waarde omkeren vanwege winqread */ G.sipo->showkey= 1-G.sipo->showkey; winqreadipo(KKEY, 1); break; case B_VIEW2DZOOM: viewmovetemp= 0; view2dzoom(); addqueue(curarea->headwin, REDRAW, 1); break; } } void ipo_buttons() { Object *ob; ID *id, *from; Material *ma; uiBlock *block; uiBut *but; int xco; char naam[20]; sprintf(naam, "header %d", curarea->headwin); block= uiNewBlock(&curarea->uiblocks, naam, UI_EMBOSSX, UI_HELV, 0x808080, curarea->headwin); block->col= BUTSALMON; uiDefBut(block, ICONROW|CHA,B_NEWSPACE, "ICON 0 0 0", 6,0,XIC,YIC, &(curarea->butspacetype), 1.0, 11.0, 0, 0, "Current window type "); /* FULL WINDOW en HOME */ xco= 25; if(curarea->full) uiDefBut(block, BUT,B_FULL, "ICON 0 1 8", xco+=XIC,0,XIC,YIC, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Restore smaller windows (CTRL+Up arrow)"); else uiDefBut(block, BUT,B_FULL, "ICON 0 0 8", xco+=XIC,0,XIC,YIC, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Make fullscreen window (CTRL+Down arrow)"); uiDefBut(block, BUT, B_IPOHOME, "ICON 0 15 0", xco+=XIC,0,XIC,YIC, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Home (HOMEKEY)"); uiDefBut(block, ICONTOG|SHO, B_IPOSHOWKEY, "ICON 0 18 6", xco+=XIC,0,XIC,YIC, &G.sipo->showkey, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Toggles curve/key display (KKEY)"); /* hoofdmenu: alleen als data available */ ob= OBACT; xco+= XIC/2; uiDefBut(block, ROW|SHO, B_IPOMAIN, "ICON 0 7 8", xco+=XIC,0,XIC,YIC, &G.sipo->blocktype, 1.0, (float)ID_OB, 0, 0, "Display Object Ipos "); if(ob && (ma=give_current_material(ob, ob->actcol))) { uiDefBut(block, ROW|SHO, B_IPOMAIN, "ICON 0 8 4", xco+=XIC,0,XIC,YIC, &G.sipo->blocktype, 1.0, (float)ID_MA, 0, 0, "Display Material Ipos "); if(G.sipo->blocktype==ID_MA) { uiDefBut(block, NUM|SHO, B_IPOMAIN, "", xco+=XIC,0,XIC-4,YIC, &G.sipo->channel, 0.0, 7.0, 0, 0, "Channel Number of the active Material texture"); xco-= 4; } } if(G.scene->world) { uiDefBut(block, ROW|SHO, B_IPOMAIN, "ICON 0 5 7", xco+=XIC,0,XIC,YIC, &G.sipo->blocktype, 1.0, (float)ID_WO, 0, 0, "Display World Ipos"); if(G.sipo->blocktype==ID_WO) { uiDefBut(block, NUM|SHO, B_IPOMAIN, "", xco+=XIC,0,XIC-4,YIC, &G.sipo->channel, 0.0, 7.0, 0, 0, "Channel Number of the active World texture"); xco-= 4; } } if(ob && ob->type==OB_CURVE) uiDefBut(block, ROW|SHO, B_IPOMAIN, "ICON 0 4 7", xco+=XIC,0,XIC,YIC, &G.sipo->blocktype, 1.0, (float)ID_CU, 0, 0, "Display Curve Ipos"); if(ob && ob->type==OB_CAMERA) uiDefBut(block, ROW|SHO, B_IPOMAIN, "ICON 0 2 1", xco+=XIC,0,XIC,YIC, &G.sipo->blocktype, 1.0, (float)ID_CA, 0, 0, "Display Camera Ipos"); if(ob && ob->type==OB_LAMP) { uiDefBut(block, ROW|SHO, B_IPOMAIN, "ICON 0 1 7", xco+=XIC,0,XIC,YIC, &G.sipo->blocktype, 1.0, (float)ID_LA, 0, 0, "Display Lamp Ipos"); if(G.sipo->blocktype==ID_LA) { uiDefBut(block, NUM|SHO, B_IPOMAIN, "", xco+=XIC,0,XIC-4,YIC, &G.sipo->channel, 0.0, 7.0, 0, 0, "Channel Number of the active Lamp texture"); xco-= 4; } } if(ob) { if ELEM4(ob->type, OB_MESH, OB_CURVE, OB_SURF, OB_LATTICE) uiDefBut(block, ROW|SHO, B_IPOMAIN, "ICON 0 7 7", xco+=XIC,0,XIC,YIC, &G.sipo->blocktype, 1.0, (float)ID_KE, 0, 0, "Display VertexKeys Ipos"); } uiDefBut(block, ROW|SHO, B_IPOMAIN, "ICON 0 7 0", xco+=XIC,0,XIC,YIC, &G.sipo->blocktype, 1.0, (float)ID_SEQ, 0, 0, "Display Sequence Ipos"); /* NAME ETC */ id= (ID *)get_ipo_to_edit(&from); xco= std_libbuttons(block, xco+1.5*XIC, 0, B_IPOBROWSE, id, from, &(G.sipo->menunr), B_IPOALONE, B_IPOLOCAL, B_IPODELETE, 0); uiSetButLock(id && id->lib, "Can't edit library data"); /* COPY PASTE */ xco-= XIC/2; if(curarea->headertype==HEADERTOP) { uiDefBut(block, BUT, B_IPOCOPY, "ICON 0 14 7", xco+=XIC,0,XIC,YIC, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Copies the selected curves to the buffer"); uiSetButLock(id && id->lib, "Can't edit library data"); uiDefBut(block, BUT, B_IPOPASTE, "ICON 0 13 7", xco+=XIC,0,XIC,YIC, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Pastes the curves from the buffer"); } else { uiDefBut(block, BUT, B_IPOCOPY, "ICON 0 14 6", xco+=XIC,0,XIC,YIC, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Copies the selected curves to the buffer"); uiSetButLock(id && id->lib, "Can't edit library data"); uiDefBut(block, BUT, B_IPOPASTE, "ICON 0 13 6", xco+=XIC,0,XIC,YIC, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Pastes the curves from the buffer"); } xco+=XIC/2; /* EXTRAP */ uiDefBut(block, BUT, B_IPOCONT, "ICON 0 15 6", xco+=XIC,0,XIC,YIC, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Sets the extend mode to constant"); uiDefBut(block, BUT, B_IPOEXTRAP, "ICON 0 16 6", xco+=XIC,0,XIC,YIC, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Sets the extend mode to extrapolation"); uiDefBut(block, BUT, B_IPOCYCLIC, "ICON 0 17 6", xco+=XIC,0,XIC,YIC, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Sets the extend mode to cyclic"); uiDefBut(block, BUT, B_IPOCYCLICX, "ICON 0 17 7", xco+=XIC,0,XIC,YIC, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Sets the extend mode to cyclic extrapolation"); xco+= XIC/2; uiClearButLock(); /* ZOOM en BORDER */ but= uiDefBut(block, TOG|INT, B_VIEW2DZOOM, "ICON 0 13 0", xco+=XIC,0,XIC,YIC, &viewmovetemp, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Zoom view (CTRL+MiddleMouse)"); uiDefBut(block, BUT, B_IPOBORDER, "ICON 0 8 2", xco+=XIC,0,XIC,YIC, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Translate view (MiddleMouse)"); /* draw LOCK */ xco+= XIC/2; uiDefBut(block, ICONTOG|SHO, 1, "ICON 0 3 4", xco+=XIC,0,XIC,YIC, &(G.sipo->lock), 0, 0, 0, 0, "Lock redraw of other windows while editing"); /* altijd als laatste doen */ curarea->headbutlen= xco+2*XIC; uiDrawBlock(block); } /* ********************** IPO ****************************** */ /* ********************** BUTS ****************************** */ Material matcopybuf; void clear_matcopybuf() { bzero(&matcopybuf, sizeof(Material)); } void free_matcopybuf() /* wordt ook vanuit library.c aangeroepen als safety bij reload/erase all */ { extern MTex mtexcopybuf; /* buttons.c */ int a; for(a=0; a<8; a++) { if(matcopybuf.mtex[a]) { freeN(matcopybuf.mtex[a]); matcopybuf.mtex[a]= 0; } } default_mtex(&mtexcopybuf); } void do_buts_buttons(short event) { static short matcopied=0; MTex *mtex; Material *ma; ID id; int a; if(curarea->win==0) return; switch(event) { case B_BUTSHOME: G.v2d->cur= G.v2d->tot; test_view2d(); addqueue(curarea->win, REDRAW, 1); break; case B_BUTSPREVIEW: RE_preview_changed(curarea->win); addqueue(curarea->headwin, REDRAW, 1); addqueue(curarea->win, REDRAW, 1); break; case B_MATCOPY: if(G.buts->lockpoin) { if(matcopied) free_matcopybuf(); memcpy(&matcopybuf, G.buts->lockpoin, sizeof(Material)); for(a=0; a<8; a++) { mtex= matcopybuf.mtex[a]; if(mtex) { matcopybuf.mtex[a]= dupallocN(mtex); } } matcopied= 1; } break; case B_MATPASTE: if(matcopied && G.buts->lockpoin) { ma= G.buts->lockpoin; /* vrijgeven huidige mat */ for(a=0; a<8; a++) { mtex= ma->mtex[a]; if(mtex && mtex->tex) mtex->tex->id.us--; if(mtex) freeN(mtex); } id= (ma->id); memcpy(G.buts->lockpoin, &matcopybuf, sizeof(Material)); (ma->id)= id; for(a=0; a<8; a++) { mtex= ma->mtex[a]; if(mtex) { ma->mtex[a]= dupallocN(mtex); if(mtex->tex) id_us_plus((ID *)mtex->tex); } } RE_preview_changed(curarea->win); addqueue(curarea->win, REDRAW, 1); } break; case B_MESHTYPE: allqueue(REDRAWBUTSEDIT, 0); allqueue(REDRAWVIEW3D, 0); break; } } void buttons_active_id(ID **id, ID **idfrom) { Object *ob= OBACT; Material *ma; *id= NULL; *idfrom= (ID *)ob; if(G.buts->mainb==BUTS_LAMP) { if(ob && ob->type==OB_LAMP) { *id= ob->data; } } else if(G.buts->mainb==BUTS_MAT) { if(ob && (ob->type<OB_LAMP) && ob->type) { *id= (ID *)give_current_material(ob, ob->actcol); *idfrom= material_from(ob, ob->actcol); } } else if(G.buts->mainb==BUTS_TEX) { MTex *mtex; if(G.buts->mainbo != G.buts->mainb) { if(G.buts->mainbo==BUTS_LAMP) G.buts->texfrom= 2; else if(G.buts->mainbo==BUTS_WORLD) G.buts->texfrom= 1; else if(G.buts->mainbo==BUTS_MAT) G.buts->texfrom= 0; } if(G.buts->texfrom==0) { if(ob && ob->type<OB_LAMP && ob->type) { ma= give_current_material(ob, ob->actcol); *idfrom= (ID *)ma; if(ma) { mtex= ma->mtex[ ma->texact ]; if(mtex) *id= (ID *)mtex->tex; } } } else if(G.buts->texfrom==1) { World *wrld= G.scene->world; *idfrom= (ID *)wrld; if(wrld) { mtex= wrld->mtex[ wrld->texact]; if(mtex) *id= (ID *)mtex->tex; } } else if(G.buts->texfrom==2) { Lamp *la; if(ob && ob->type==OB_LAMP) { la= ob->data; *idfrom= (ID *)la; mtex= la->mtex[ la->texact]; if(mtex) *id= (ID *)mtex->tex; } } } else if ELEM(G.buts->mainb, BUTS_ANIM, BUTS_GAME) { if(ob) { *idfrom= (ID *)G.scene; *id= (ID *)ob; } } else if(G.buts->mainb==BUTS_WORLD) { *id= (ID *)G.scene->world; *idfrom= (ID *)G.scene; } else if(G.buts->mainb==BUTS_RENDER) { *id= (ID *)G.scene; } else if(G.buts->mainb==BUTS_EDIT) { if(ob && ob->data) { *id= ob->data; } } } void buts_buttons() { ID *id, *idfrom; Object *ob; uiBlock *block; uiBut *but; Material *ma; int xco, alone, local, browse; char naam[20]; sprintf(naam, "header %d", curarea->headwin); block= uiNewBlock(&curarea->uiblocks, naam, UI_EMBOSSX, UI_HELV, 0x808080, curarea->headwin); block->col= BUTGREY; uiDefBut(block, ICONROW|CHA,B_NEWSPACE, "ICON 0 0 0", 6,0,XIC,YIC, &(curarea->butspacetype), 1.0, 11.0, 0, 0, "Current window type "); /* FULL WINDOW */ xco= 25; if(curarea->full) uiDefBut(block, BUT,B_FULL, "ICON 0 1 8", xco+=XIC,0,XIC,YIC, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Restore smaller windows (CTRL+Up arrow)"); else uiDefBut(block, BUT,B_FULL, "ICON 0 0 8", xco+=XIC,0,XIC,YIC, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Make fullscreen window (CTRL+Down arrow)"); /* HOME */ uiDefBut(block, BUT, B_BUTSHOME, "ICON 0 15 0", xco+=XIC,0,XIC,YIC, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Home (HOMEKEY)"); /* keuzemenu */ xco+= 2*XIC; uiDefBut(block, ROW|SHO, B_REDR, "ICON 0 0 7 View", xco+=XIC, 0, 30, YIC, &(G.buts->mainb), 1.0, (float)BUTS_VIEW, 0, 0, "View buttons"); uiDefBut(block, ROW|SHO, B_BUTSPREVIEW, "ICON 0 1 7 Lamp", xco+=30, 0, 30, YIC, &(G.buts->mainb), 1.0, (float)BUTS_LAMP, 0, 0, "Lamp buttons (F4)"); uiDefBut(block, ROW|SHO, B_BUTSPREVIEW, "ICON 0 2 7 Mat", xco+=30, 0, 30, YIC, &(G.buts->mainb), 1.0, (float)BUTS_MAT, 0, 0, "Material buttons (F5)"); uiDefBut(block, ROW|SHO, B_BUTSPREVIEW, "ICON 0 3 7 Tex", xco+=30, 0, 30, YIC, &(G.buts->mainb), 1.0, (float)BUTS_TEX, 0, 0, "Texture buttons (F6)"); uiDefBut(block, ROW|SHO, B_REDR, "ICON 0 4 7 Anim", xco+=30, 0, 30, YIC, &(G.buts->mainb), 1.0, (float)BUTS_ANIM, 0, 0, "Animation buttons (F7)"); uiDefBut(block, ROW|SHO, B_REDR, "ICON 0 8 7 Game", xco+=30, 0, 30, YIC, &(G.buts->mainb), 1.0, (float)BUTS_GAME, 0, 0, "Realtime buttons (F8)"); uiDefBut(block, ROW|SHO, B_REDR, "ICON 0 7 7 Edit", xco+=30, 0, 30, YIC, &(G.buts->mainb), 1.0, (float)BUTS_EDIT, 0, 0, "Edit buttons (F9)"); uiDefBut(block, ROW|SHO, B_BUTSPREVIEW, "ICON 0 5 7 World", xco+=30, 0, 30, YIC, &(G.buts->mainb), 1.0, (float)BUTS_WORLD, 0, 0, "World buttons"); uiDefBut(block, ROW|SHO, B_REDR, "ICON 0 9 7 FPaint",xco+=30, 0, 30, YIC, &(G.buts->mainb), 1.0, (float)BUTS_FPAINT, 0, 0, "Paint buttons"); uiDefBut(block, ROW|SHO, B_REDR, "ICON 0 10 7 Radio",xco+=30, 0, 30, YIC, &(G.buts->mainb), 1.0, (float)BUTS_RADIO, 0, 0, "Radiosity buttons"); uiDefBut(block, ROW|SHO, B_REDR, "ICON 0 11 7 Script",xco+=30, 0, 30, YIC, &(G.buts->mainb), 1.0, (float)BUTS_SCRIPT, 0, 0, "Script buttons"); uiDefBut(block, ROW|SHO, B_REDR, "ICON 0 6 7 Scene", xco+=30, 0, 50, YIC, &(G.buts->mainb), 1.0, (float)BUTS_RENDER, 0, 0, "Display buttons (F10)"); xco+= 80; ob= OBACT; buttons_active_id(&id, &idfrom); G.buts->lockpoin= id; if(G.buts->mainb==BUTS_LAMP) { if(id) { xco= std_libbuttons(block, xco, 0, B_LAMPBROWSE, id, (ID *)ob, &(G.buts->menunr), B_LAMPALONE, B_LAMPLOCAL, 0, 0); } } else if(G.buts->mainb==BUTS_MAT) { if(ob && (ob->type<OB_LAMP) && ob->type) { xco= std_libbuttons(block, xco, 0, B_MATBROWSE, id, idfrom, &(G.buts->menunr), B_MATALONE, B_MATLOCAL, B_MATDELETE, B_AUTOMATNAME); } /* COPY PASTE */ if(curarea->headertype==HEADERTOP) { uiDefBut(block, BUT, B_MATCOPY, "ICON 0 14 7", xco+=XIC,0,XIC,YIC, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Copy Material to the buffer"); uiSetButLock(id && id->lib, "Can't edit library data"); uiDefBut(block, BUT, B_MATPASTE, "ICON 0 13 7", xco+=XIC,0,XIC,YIC, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Paste Material from the buffer"); } else { uiDefBut(block, BUT, B_MATCOPY, "ICON 0 14 6", xco+=XIC,0,XIC,YIC, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Copy Material to the buffer"); uiSetButLock(id && id->lib, "Can't edit library data"); uiDefBut(block, BUT, B_MATPASTE, "ICON 0 13 6", xco+=XIC,0,XIC,YIC, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Paste Material from the buffer"); } xco+=XIC; } else if(G.buts->mainb==BUTS_TEX) { if(G.buts->texfrom==0) { if(idfrom) { xco= std_libbuttons(block, xco, 0, B_TEXBROWSE, id, idfrom, &(G.buts->texnr), B_TEXALONE, B_TEXLOCAL, B_TEXDELETE, B_AUTOTEXNAME); } } else if(G.buts->texfrom==1) { if(idfrom) { xco= std_libbuttons(block, xco, 0, B_WTEXBROWSE, id, idfrom, &(G.buts->texnr), B_TEXALONE, B_TEXLOCAL, B_TEXDELETE, B_AUTOTEXNAME); } } else if(G.buts->texfrom==2) { if(idfrom) { xco= std_libbuttons(block, xco, 0, B_LTEXBROWSE, id, idfrom, &(G.buts->texnr), B_TEXALONE, B_TEXLOCAL, B_TEXDELETE, B_AUTOTEXNAME); } } } else if(G.buts->mainb==BUTS_ANIM) { if(id) { xco= std_libbuttons(block, xco, 0, 0, id, idfrom, &(G.buts->menunr), B_OBALONE, B_OBLOCAL, 0, 0); if(G.scene->group) { Group *group= G.scene->group; but= uiDefBut(block, TEX, B_IDNAME, "GR:", xco, 0, 135, YIC, group->id.name+2, 0.0, 19.0, 0, 0, "Active Group name"); but->func= test_idbutton; xco+= 135; } } } else if(G.buts->mainb==BUTS_GAME) { if(id) { xco= std_libbuttons(block, xco, 0, 0, id, idfrom, &(G.buts->menunr), B_OBALONE, B_OBLOCAL, 0, 0); } } else if(G.buts->mainb==BUTS_WORLD) { xco= std_libbuttons(block, xco, 0, B_WORLDBROWSE, id, idfrom, &(G.buts->menunr), B_WORLDALONE, B_WORLDLOCAL, B_WORLDDELETE, 0); } else if(G.buts->mainb==BUTS_RENDER) { xco= std_libbuttons(block, xco, 0, B_INFOSCE, (ID *)G.scene, 0, &(G.curscreen->scenenr), 1, 1, B_INFODELSCE, 0); } else if(G.buts->mainb==BUTS_EDIT) { if(id) { alone= 0; local= 0; browse= B_EDITBROWSE; xco+= 10; if(ob->type==OB_MESH) { browse= B_MESHBROWSE; alone= B_MESHALONE; local= B_MESHLOCAL; uiSetButLock(G.obedit!=0, "Unable to perform function in EditMode"); } else if(ob->type==OB_MBALL) { alone= B_MBALLALONE; local= B_MBALLLOCAL; } else if ELEM3(ob->type, OB_CURVE, OB_FONT, OB_SURF) { alone= B_CURVEALONE; local= B_CURVELOCAL; } else if(ob->type==OB_CAMERA) { alone= B_CAMERAALONE; local= B_CAMERALOCAL; } else if(ob->type==OB_LAMP) { alone= B_LAMPALONE; local= B_LAMPLOCAL; } else if(ob->type==OB_LATTICE) { alone= B_LATTALONE; local= B_LATTLOCAL; } xco= std_libbuttons(block, xco, 0, browse, id, idfrom, &(G.buts->menunr), alone, local, 0, 0); xco+= XIC; } if(ob) { but= uiDefBut(block, TEX, B_IDNAME, "OB:", xco, 0, 135, YIC, ob->id.name+2, 0.0, 19.0, 0, 0, "Active Object name"); but->func= test_idbutton; xco+= 135; } } else if(G.buts->mainb==BUTS_SCRIPT) { if(ob) uiDefBut(block, ROW|SHO, B_REDR, "ICON 0 7 8", xco,0,XIC,YIC, &G.buts->scriptblock, 2.0, (float)ID_OB, 0, 0, "Display Object script links"); if(ob && (ma=give_current_material(ob, ob->actcol))) uiDefBut(block, ROW|SHO, B_REDR, "ICON 0 8 4", xco+=XIC,0,XIC,YIC, &G.buts->scriptblock, 2.0, (float)ID_MA, 0, 0, "Display Material script links "); if(G.scene->world) uiDefBut(block, ROW|SHO, B_REDR, "ICON 0 5 7", xco+=XIC,0,XIC,YIC, &G.buts->scriptblock, 2.0, (float)ID_WO, 0, 0, "Display World script links"); if(ob && ob->type==OB_CAMERA) uiDefBut(block, ROW|SHO, B_REDR, "ICON 0 2 1", xco+=XIC,0,XIC,YIC, &G.buts->scriptblock, 2.0, (float)ID_CA, 0, 0, "Display Camera script links"); if(ob && ob->type==OB_LAMP) uiDefBut(block, ROW|SHO, B_REDR, "ICON 0 1 7", xco+=XIC,0,XIC,YIC, &G.buts->scriptblock, 2.0, (float)ID_LA, 0, 0, "Display Lamp script links"); xco+= 20; } uiDefBut(block, NUM|SHO, B_NEWFRAME, "", xco+20,0,60,YIC, &(G.scene->r.cfra), 1.0, 18000.0, 0, 0, "Current Frame"); xco+= 80; G.buts->mainbo= G.buts->mainb; /* altijd als laatste doen */ uiDrawBlock(block); curarea->headbutlen= xco; } /* ********************** BUTS ****************************** */ /* ******************** FILE ********************** */ void do_file_buttons(short event) { SpaceFile *sfile; if(curarea->win==0) return; sfile= curarea->spacedata.first; switch(event) { case B_SORTFILELIST: sort_filelist(sfile); addqueue(curarea->win, REDRAW, 1); break; case B_RELOADDIR: freefilelist(sfile); addqueue(curarea->win, REDRAW, 1); break; } } void file_buttons() { SpaceFile *sfile; uiBlock *block; float df, totlen, sellen; int xco, totfile, selfile; char naam[256]; sfile= curarea->spacedata.first; sprintf(naam, "header %d", curarea->headwin); block= uiNewBlock(&curarea->uiblocks, naam, UI_EMBOSSX, UI_HELV, 0x808080, curarea->headwin); block->col= BUTGREY; uiDefBut(block, ICONROW|CHA,B_NEWSPACE, "ICON 0 0 0", 6,0,XIC,YIC, &(curarea->butspacetype), 1.0, 11.0, 0, 0, "Current window type"); /* FULL WINDOW */ xco= 25; if(curarea->full) uiDefBut(block, BUT,B_FULL, "ICON 0 1 8", xco+=XIC,0,XIC,YIC, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Restore smaller windows (CTRL+Up arrow)"); else uiDefBut(block, BUT,B_FULL, "ICON 0 0 8", xco+=XIC,0,XIC,YIC, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Make fullscreen window (CTRL+Down arrow)"); /* SORT TYPE */ xco+=XIC; uiDefBut(block, ROW|SHO, B_SORTFILELIST, "ICON 0 14 1", xco+=XIC,0,XIC,YIC, &sfile->sort, 1.0, 0.0, 0, 0, "Sort files alphabetically"); uiDefBut(block, ROW|SHO, B_SORTFILELIST, "ICON 0 15 1", xco+=XIC,0,XIC,YIC, &sfile->sort, 1.0, 1.0, 0, 0, "Sort files by time"); uiDefBut(block, ROW|SHO, B_SORTFILELIST, "ICON 0 16 1", xco+=XIC,0,XIC,YIC, &sfile->sort, 1.0, 2.0, 0, 0, "Sort files by size"); cpack(0x0); glRasterPos2i(xco+=XIC+10, 5); fmprstr(sfile->title); xco+= fmgetstrwidth(G.font, sfile->title); uiDefBut(block, ICONTOG|SHO|BIT|0, B_SORTFILELIST, "ICON 0 17 1",xco+=XIC,0,XIC,YIC, &sfile->flag, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Toggle long info"); uiDefBut(block, TOG|SHO|BIT|3, B_RELOADDIR, "ICON 0 10 5",xco+=XIC,0,XIC,YIC, &sfile->flag, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Hide dot files"); xco+=XIC+10; if(sfile->type==FILE_LOADLIB) { uiDefBut(block, TOGN|SHO|BIT|2, B_REDR, "Append", xco+=XIC,0,100,YIC, &sfile->flag, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Causes selected data to be copied into current file"); uiDefBut(block, TOG|SHO|BIT|2, B_REDR, "Link", xco+=100,0,100,YIC, &sfile->flag, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Causes selected data to be linked by current file"); } if(sfile->type & FILE_UNIX) { df= diskfree(sfile->dir)/(1048576.0); filesel_statistics(sfile, &totfile, &selfile, &totlen, &sellen); sprintf(naam, "Free: %.3f Mb Files: (%d) %d (%.3f) %.3f Mb", df, selfile,totfile, sellen, totlen); cpack(0x0); glRasterPos2i(xco, 5); fmprstr(naam); } /* altijd als laatste doen */ curarea->headbutlen= xco+2*XIC; uiDrawBlock(block); } /* ********************** FILE ****************************** */ /* ******************** OOPS ********************** */ void do_oops_buttons(short event) { float dx, dy; if(curarea->win==0) return; switch(event) { case B_OOPSHOME: boundbox_oops(); G.v2d->cur= G.v2d->tot; dx= 0.15*(G.v2d->cur.xmax-G.v2d->cur.xmin); dy= 0.15*(G.v2d->cur.ymax-G.v2d->cur.ymin); G.v2d->cur.xmin-= dx; G.v2d->cur.xmax+= dx; G.v2d->cur.ymin-= dy; G.v2d->cur.ymax+= dy; test_view2d(); addqueue(curarea->win, REDRAW, 1); break; case B_NEWOOPS: addqueue(curarea->win, REDRAW, 1); addqueue(curarea->headwin, REDRAW, 1); G.soops->lockpoin= 0; break; } } void oops_buttons() { SpaceOops *soops; Oops *oops; uiBlock *block; uiBut *but; int xco; char naam[256]; soops= curarea->spacedata.first; sprintf(naam, "header %d", curarea->headwin); block= uiNewBlock(&curarea->uiblocks, naam, UI_EMBOSSX, UI_HELV, 0x808080, curarea->headwin); block->col= BUTGREEN; uiDefBut(block, ICONROW|CHA,B_NEWSPACE, "ICON 0 0 0", 6,0,XIC,YIC, &(curarea->butspacetype), 1.0, 11.0, 0, 0, "Current window type"); /* FULL WINDOW */ xco= 25; if(curarea->full) uiDefBut(block, BUT,B_FULL, "ICON 0 1 8", xco+=XIC,0,XIC,YIC, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Restore smaller windows (CTRL+Up arrow)"); else uiDefBut(block, BUT,B_FULL, "ICON 0 0 8", xco+=XIC,0,XIC,YIC, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Make fullscreen window (CTRL+Down arrow)"); /* HOME */ uiDefBut(block, BUT, B_OOPSHOME, "ICON 0 15 0", xco+=XIC,0,XIC,YIC, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Home (HOMEKEY)"); xco+= XIC; /* ZOOM en BORDER */ xco+= XIC; but= uiDefBut(block, TOG|INT, B_VIEW2DZOOM, "ICON 0 13 0", xco+=XIC,0,XIC,YIC, &viewmovetemp, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Zoom view (CTRL+MiddleMouse)"); uiDefBut(block, BUT, B_OOPSBORDER, "ICON 0 8 2", xco+=XIC,0,XIC,YIC, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Translate view (MiddleMouse)"); /* VISIBLE */ xco+= XIC; uiDefBut(block, TOG|SHO|BIT|10,B_NEWOOPS, "lay", xco+=XIC,0,XIC+10,YIC, &soops->visiflag, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Display Objects based on layer"); uiDefBut(block, TOG|SHO|BIT|0, B_NEWOOPS, "ICON 0 6 8", xco+=XIC+10,0,XIC,YIC, &soops->visiflag, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Display Scene data"); uiDefBut(block, TOG|SHO|BIT|1, B_NEWOOPS, "ICON 0 7 8", xco+=XIC,0,XIC,YIC, &soops->visiflag, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Display Object data"); uiDefBut(block, TOG|SHO|BIT|2, B_NEWOOPS, "ICON 0 8 8", xco+=XIC,0,XIC,YIC, &soops->visiflag, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Display Mesh data"); uiDefBut(block, TOG|SHO|BIT|3, B_NEWOOPS, "ICON 0 9 8", xco+=XIC,0,XIC,YIC, &soops->visiflag, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Display Curve/Surface/Font data"); uiDefBut(block, TOG|SHO|BIT|4, B_NEWOOPS, "ICON 0 10 8", xco+=XIC,0,XIC,YIC, &soops->visiflag, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Display Metaball data"); uiDefBut(block, TOG|SHO|BIT|5, B_NEWOOPS, "ICON 0 11 8", xco+=XIC,0,XIC,YIC, &soops->visiflag, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Display Lattice data"); uiDefBut(block, TOG|SHO|BIT|6, B_NEWOOPS, "ICON 0 12 8", xco+=XIC,0,XIC,YIC, &soops->visiflag, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Display Lamp data"); uiDefBut(block, TOG|SHO|BIT|7, B_NEWOOPS, "ICON 0 13 8", xco+=XIC,0,XIC,YIC, &soops->visiflag, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Display Material data"); uiDefBut(block, TOG|SHO|BIT|8, B_NEWOOPS, "ICON 0 14 8", xco+=XIC,0,XIC,YIC, &soops->visiflag, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Display Texture data"); uiDefBut(block, TOG|SHO|BIT|9, B_NEWOOPS, "ICON 0 15 8", xco+=XIC,0,XIC,YIC, &soops->visiflag, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Display Ipo data"); uiDefBut(block, TOG|SHO|BIT|12, B_NEWOOPS, "ICON 0 17 8", xco+=XIC,0,XIC,YIC, &soops->visiflag, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Display Image data"); uiDefBut(block, TOG|SHO|BIT|11, B_NEWOOPS, "ICON 0 16 8", xco+=XIC,0,XIC,YIC, &soops->visiflag, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Display Library data"); /* naam */ if(G.soops->lockpoin) { oops= G.soops->lockpoin; if(oops->type==ID_LI) strcpy(naam, ((Library *)oops->id)->name); else strcpy(naam, oops->id->name); cpack(0x0); glRasterPos2i(xco+=XIC+10, 5); fmprstr(naam); } /* altijd als laatste doen */ curarea->headbutlen= xco+2*XIC; uiDrawBlock(block); } /* ********************** OOPS ****************************** */ /* ********************** TEXT ****************************** */ void do_text_buttons(ushort event) { SpaceText *st= curarea->spacedata.first; ID *id, *idtest; int nr= 1; Text *text; if (!st) return; if (st->spacetype != SPACE_TEXT) return; switch (event) { case B_TEXTBROWSE: if(st->menunr < 0) break; text= st->text; nr= 1; id= (ID *)text; if (st->menunr==32767) { st->text= add_empty_text(); st->top= 0; allqueue(REDRAWTEXT, 0); allqueue(REDRAWHEADERS, 0); } else if (st->menunr==32766) { activate_fileselect(FILE_SPECIAL, "LOAD TEXT FILE", G.sce, add_text_fs); return; } else { idtest= G.main->text.first; while(idtest) { if(nr==st->menunr) { break; } nr++; idtest= idtest->next; } if(idtest==0) { /* new text */ activate_fileselect(FILE_SPECIAL, "LOAD TEXT FILE", G.sce, add_text_fs); return; } if(idtest!=id) { st->text= (Text *)idtest; st->top= 0; pop_space_text(st); allqueue(REDRAWTEXT, 0); allqueue(REDRAWHEADERS, 0); } } break; case B_TEXTDELETE: if(!okee("Really delete text?")) return; text= st->text; if (!text) return; clear_bad_scriptlinks(text); free_libblock(&G.main->text, text); break; /* case B_TEXTSTORE: st->text->flags ^= TXT_ISEXT; allqueue(REDRAWHEADERS, 0); break; */ case B_TEXTFONT: switch(st->font_id) { case 0: st->lheight= 12; break; case 1: st->lheight= 15; break; } allqueue(REDRAWTEXT, 0); allqueue(REDRAWHEADERS, 0); break; } } void text_buttons() { Text *text; uiBlock *block; SpaceText *st= curarea->spacedata.first; int xco; char naam[256]; char *str; if (!st || st->spacetype != SPACE_TEXT) return; sprintf(naam, "header %d", curarea->headwin); block= uiNewBlock(&curarea->uiblocks, naam, UI_EMBOSSX, UI_HELV, 0x808080, curarea->headwin); block->col= BUTGREY; uiDefBut(block, ICONROW|CHA,B_NEWSPACE, "ICON 0 0 0", 6,0,XIC,YIC, &(curarea->butspacetype), 1.0, 11.0, 0, 0, "Current window type"); /* FULL WINDOW */ xco= 25; if(curarea->full) uiDefBut(block, BUT,B_FULL, "ICON 0 1 8", xco+=XIC,0,XIC,YIC, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Restore smaller windows (CTRL+Up arrow)"); else uiDefBut(block, BUT,B_FULL, "ICON 0 0 8", xco+=XIC,0,XIC,YIC, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Make fullscreen window (CTRL+Down arrow)"); /* STD TEXT BUTTONS */ xco+= 2*XIC; xco= std_libbuttons(block, xco, 0, B_TEXTBROWSE, (ID*)st->text, 0, &(st->menunr), 0, 0, B_TEXTDELETE, 0); text= st->text; /* if (text) { if (text->flags & TXT_ISDIRTY && (text->flags & TXT_ISEXT || !(text->flags & TXT_ISMEM))) uiDefBut(block, BUT,0, "ICON 0 1 5", xco+=XIC,0,XIC,YIC, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "The text has been changed"); if (text->flags & TXT_ISEXT) uiDefBut(block, BUT,B_TEXTSTORE, "ICON 0 2 8", xco+=XIC,0,XIC,YIC, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Store text in .blend file"); else uiDefBut(block, BUT,B_TEXTSTORE, "ICON 0 3 8", xco+=XIC,0,XIC,YIC, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Don't store text in .blend file"); xco+=10; } */ xco+=XIC; if(st->font_id>1) st->font_id= 0; uiDefBut(block, MENU|INT, B_TEXTFONT, "Screen 12 %x0|Screen 15%x1", xco,0,100,YIC, &st->font_id, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Font display menu"); xco+=100; /* always as last */ curarea->headbutlen= xco+2*XIC; uiDrawBlock(block); } /* ******************** TEXT ********************** */ /* ******************** SOUND ********************** */ void load_space_sound(char *str) /* called from fileselect */ { bSound *sound; sound= add_sound(str); if(sound) { G.ssound->sound= sound; } allqueue(REDRAWSOUND, 0); allqueue(REDRAWBUTSGAME, 0); } void do_sound_buttons(ushort event) { ID *id, *idtest; int nr; char name[256]; switch(event) { case B_SOUNDBROWSE: if(G.ssound->sndnr== -2) { activate_databrowse((ID *)G.ssound->sound, ID_SO, 0, B_SOUNDBROWSE, do_sound_buttons); return; } if(G.ssound->sndnr < 0) break; nr= 1; id= (ID *)G.ssound->sound; idtest= G.main->sound.first; while(idtest) { if(nr==G.ssound->sndnr) { break; } nr++; idtest= idtest->next; } if(idtest==0) { /* geen new */ return; } if(idtest!=id) { G.ssound->sound= (bSound *)idtest; if(idtest->us==0) idtest->us= 1; allqueue(REDRAWSOUND, 0); } break; case B_SOUNDLOAD: if(G.ssound->sound) strcpy(name, G.ssound->sound->name); else strcpy(name, U.sounddir); activate_fileselect(FILE_SPECIAL, "SELECT WAV FILE", name, load_space_sound); break; case B_SOUNDHOME: G.v2d->cur= G.v2d->tot; test_view2d(); addqueue(curarea->win, REDRAW, 1); break; } } void sound_buttons() { uiBlock *block; int xco; char naam[256]; char *str; sprintf(naam, "header %d", curarea->headwin); block= uiNewBlock(&curarea->uiblocks, naam, UI_EMBOSSX, UI_HELV, 0x808080, curarea->headwin); block->col= BUTYELLOW; uiDefBut(block, ICONROW|CHA,B_NEWSPACE, "ICON 0 0 0", 6,0,XIC,YIC, &(curarea->butspacetype), 1.0, 11.0, 0, 0, "Current window type"); /* FULL WINDOW */ xco= 25; if(curarea->full) uiDefBut(block, BUT,B_FULL, "ICON 0 1 8", xco+=XIC,0,XIC,YIC, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Restore smaller windows (CTRL+Up arrow)"); else uiDefBut(block, BUT,B_FULL, "ICON 0 0 8", xco+=XIC,0,XIC,YIC, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Make fullscreen window (CTRL+Down arrow)"); uiDefBut(block, BUT, B_SOUNDHOME, "ICON 0 15 0", xco+=XIC,0,XIC,YIC, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Home (HOMEKEY)"); xco= std_libbuttons(block, xco+40, 0, B_SOUNDBROWSE, (ID *)G.ssound->sound, 0, &(G.ssound->sndnr), 1, 0, 0, 0); uiDefBut(block, BUT, B_SOUNDLOAD, "Load", xco,0,2*XIC,YIC, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Load Sound (wav file)"); xco+= 2*XIC; if(G.ssound->sound) { bSound *sound= G.ssound->sound; if(sound->channels==2) sprintf(naam, "WAV: %d kHz Stereo %d bits", sound->rate, sound->bits); else sprintf(naam, "WAV: %d kHz Mono %d bits", sound->rate, sound->bits); cpack(0x0); glRasterPos2i(xco+10, 5); fmprstr(naam); } /* always as last */ curarea->headbutlen= xco+2*XIC; uiDrawBlock(block); } /* ******************** SOUND ********************** */ /* ******************** IMAGE ********************** */ void load_space_image(char *str) /* aangeroepen vanuit fileselect */ { Image *ima=0; if(G.obedit) { error("Can't perfom this in editmode"); return; } ima= add_image(str); if(ima) { G.sima->image= ima; free_image_buffers(ima); /* forceer opnieuw inlezen */ ima->ok= 1; image_changed(G.sima, 0); } allqueue(REDRAWIMAGE, 0); allqueue(REDRAWPAINT, 0); } void image_replace(Image *old, Image *new) { TFace *tface; Mesh *me; int a, rep=0; new->tpageflag= old->tpageflag; new->twsta= old->twsta; new->twend= old->twend; new->xrep= old->xrep; new->yrep= old->yrep; me= G.main->mesh.first; while(me) { if(me->tface) { tface= me->tface; a= me->totface; while(a--) { if(tface->tpage==old) { tface->tpage= new; rep++; } tface++; } } me= me->id.next; } if(rep) { if(new->id.us==0) new->id.us= 1; } else error("Nothing replaced"); } void replace_space_image(char *str) /* aangeroepen vanuit fileselect */ { Image *ima=0; if(G.obedit) { error("Can't perfom this in editmode"); return; } ima= add_image(str); if(ima) { if(G.sima->image != ima) { image_replace(G.sima->image, ima); } G.sima->image= ima; free_image_buffers(ima); /* forceer opnieuw inlezen */ ima->ok= 1; /* replace kent ook toe: */ image_changed(G.sima, 0); } allqueue(REDRAWIMAGE, 0); allqueue(REDRAWPAINT, 0); } void do_image_buttons(ushort event) { Image *ima; ID *id, *idtest; int nr; char name[256]; if(curarea->win==0) return; switch(event) { case B_SIMAGEHOME: image_home(); break; case B_SIMABROWSE: if(G.sima->imanr== -2) { activate_databrowse((ID *)G.sima->image, ID_IM, 0, B_SIMABROWSE, do_image_buttons); return; } if(G.sima->imanr < 0) break; nr= 1; id= (ID *)G.sima->image; idtest= G.main->image.first; while(idtest) { if(nr==G.sima->imanr) { break; } nr++; idtest= idtest->next; } if(idtest==0) { /* geen new */ return; } if(idtest!=id) { G.sima->image= (Image *)idtest; if(idtest->us==0) idtest->us= 1; allqueue(REDRAWIMAGE, 0); } image_changed(G.sima, 0); /* ook als image gelijk is: assign! 0==geen tileflag */ break; case B_SIMAGELOAD: if(G.sima->image) strcpy(name, G.sima->image->name); else strcpy(name, U.textudir); activate_fileselect(FILE_SPECIAL, "SELECT IMAGE", name, load_space_image); break; case B_SIMAGEREPLACE: if(G.sima->image) strcpy(name, G.sima->image->name); else strcpy(name, U.textudir); activate_fileselect(FILE_SPECIAL, "REPLACE IMAGE", name, replace_space_image); break; case B_SIMAGEDRAW: if(G.f & G_FACESELECT) { make_repbind(G.sima->image); image_changed(G.sima, 1); } allqueue(REDRAWVIEW3D, 0); allqueue(REDRAWIMAGE, 0); break; case B_SIMAGEDRAW1: image_changed(G.sima, 2); /* 2: alleen tileflag */ allqueue(REDRAWVIEW3D, 0); allqueue(REDRAWIMAGE, 0); break; case B_TWINANIM: if(ima=G.sima->image) { if(ima->flag & IMA_TWINANIM) { nr= ima->xrep*ima->yrep; if(ima->twsta>=nr) ima->twsta= 1; if(ima->twend>=nr) ima->twend= nr-1; if(ima->twsta>ima->twend) ima->twsta= 1; allqueue(REDRAWIMAGE, 0); } } break; case B_CLIP_UV: tface_do_clip(); allqueue(REDRAWIMAGE, 0); allqueue(REDRAWVIEW3D, 0); break; } } void image_buttons() { uiBlock *block; int xco; char naam[256]; sprintf(naam, "header %d", curarea->headwin); block= uiNewBlock(&curarea->uiblocks, naam, UI_EMBOSSX, UI_HELV, 0x808080, curarea->headwin); block->col= BUTBLUE; what_image(G.sima); uiDefBut(block, ICONROW|CHA,B_NEWSPACE, "ICON 0 0 0", 6,0,XIC,YIC, &(curarea->butspacetype), 1.0, 11.0, 0, 0, "Current window type "); /* FULL WINDOW */ xco= 25; if(curarea->full) uiDefBut(block, BUT,B_FULL, "ICON 0 1 8", xco+=XIC,0,XIC,YIC, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Restore smaller windows (CTRL+Up arrow)"); else uiDefBut(block, BUT,B_FULL, "ICON 0 0 8", xco+=XIC,0,XIC,YIC, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Make fullscreen window (CTRL+Down arrow)"); /* HOME*/ uiDefBut(block, BUT, B_SIMAGEHOME, "ICON 0 15 0", xco+=XIC,0,XIC,YIC, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Home (HOMEKEY)"); uiDefBut(block, TOG|SHO|BIT|0, B_BE_SQUARE, "ICON 0 12 4", xco+=XIC,0,XIC,YIC, &G.sima->flag, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Keep UV polygons square while editing"); uiDefBut(block, ICONTOG|SHO|BIT|2, B_CLIP_UV, "ICON 0 16 0", xco+=XIC,0,XIC,YIC, &G.sima->flag, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Clip UV with image size"); xco= std_libbuttons(block, xco+40, 0, B_SIMABROWSE, (ID *)G.sima->image, 0, &(G.sima->imanr), 0, 0, B_IMAGEDELETE, 0); uiDefBut(block, BUT, B_SIMAGELOAD, "Load", xco,0,2*XIC,YIC, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Load Image"); xco+= 2*XIC; if (G.sima->image) { uiDefBut(block, BUT, B_SIMAGEREPLACE, "Replace", xco,0,3*XIC,YIC, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "Replace current Image"); xco+= 3*XIC; uiDefBut(block, TOG|SHO|BIT|0, B_SIMAGEDRAW1, "ICON 0 20 6", xco+=XIC,0,XIC,YIC, &G.sima->image->tpageflag, 0, 0, 0, 0, ""); uiDefBut(block, NUM|SHO, B_SIMAGEDRAW, "", xco+=XIC,0,XIC,YIC, &G.sima->image->xrep, 1.0, 16.0, 0, 0, ""); uiDefBut(block, NUM|SHO, B_SIMAGEDRAW, "", xco+=XIC,0,XIC,YIC, &G.sima->image->yrep, 1.0, 16.0, 0, 0, ""); uiDefBut(block, TOG|SHO|BIT|1, B_TWINANIM, "Anim", xco+=XIC,0,2*XIC,YIC, &G.sima->image->tpageflag, 0, 0, 0, 0, ""); uiDefBut(block, NUM|SHO, B_TWINANIM, "", xco+=2*XIC,0,XIC,YIC, &G.sima->image->twsta, 0.0, 128.0, 0, 0, ""); uiDefBut(block, NUM|SHO, B_TWINANIM, "", xco+=XIC,0,XIC,YIC, &G.sima->image->twend, 0.0, 128.0, 0, 0, ""); uiDefBut(block, TOG|SHO|BIT|2, 0, "Cycle", xco+=XIC,0,2*XIC,YIC, &G.sima->image->tpageflag, 0, 0, 0, 0, ""); xco+= XIC; } /* draw LOCK */ xco+= XIC/2; uiDefBut(block, ICONTOG|SHO, 0, "ICON 0 3 4", xco+=XIC,0,XIC,YIC, &(G.sima->lock), 0, 0, 0, 0, "Lock redraw of other windows while editing"); /* altijd als laatste doen */ curarea->headbutlen= xco+2*XIC; uiDrawBlock(block); } /* ********************** IMAGE ****************************** */ /* ******************** IMASEL ********************** */ void do_imasel_buttons(short event) { SpaceImaSel *simasel; char name[256]; simasel= curarea->spacedata.first; if(curarea->win==0) return; switch(event) { case B_IMASELHOME: break; case B_IMASELREMOVEBIP: if(bitset(simasel->fase, IMS_FOUND_BIP)){ strcpy(name, simasel->dir); strcat(name, ".Bpib"); remove(name); simasel->fase &= ~ IMS_FOUND_BIP; } break; } } void imasel_buttons() { SpaceImaSel *simasel; uiBlock *block; int xco; char naam[256]; simasel= curarea->spacedata.first; sprintf(naam, "header %d", curarea->headwin); block= uiNewBlock(&curarea->uiblocks, naam, UI_EMBOSSX, UI_HELV, 0x808080, curarea->headwin); block->col= BUTBLUE; uiDefBut(block, ICONROW|CHA,B_NEWSPACE, "ICON 0 0 0", 6,0,XIC,YIC, &(curarea->butspacetype), 1.0, 11.0, 0, 0, ""); /* FULL WINDOW */ xco= 25; if(curarea->full) uiDefBut(block, BUT,B_FULL, "ICON 0 1 8", xco+=XIC,0,XIC,YIC, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ""); else uiDefBut(block, BUT,B_FULL, "ICON 0 0 8", xco+=XIC,0,XIC,YIC, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, ""); xco+=XIC; if (simasel->title){ xco+=25; fmsetfont(G.font); glRasterPos2i(xco, 4); fmprstr(simasel->title); xco+=fmgetstrwidth(G.fonts, simasel->title); xco+=25; } uiDefBut(block, BUT, B_IMASELREMOVEBIP, "ICON 0 17 5", xco+=XIC,0,XIC,YIC, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, "");/* remove */ uiDefBut(block, TOG|SHO|BIT|0, B_REDR, "ICON 0 18 5", xco+=XIC,0,XIC,YIC, &simasel->mode, 0, 0, 0, 0, "");/* dir */ uiDefBut(block, TOG|SHO|BIT|1, B_REDR, "ICON 0 20 5", xco+=XIC,0,XIC,YIC, &simasel->mode, 0, 0, 0, 0, "");/* info */ uiDefBut(block, TOG|SHO|BIT|2, B_REDR, "ICON 0 5 0", xco+=XIC,0,XIC,YIC, &simasel->mode, 0, 0, 0, 0, "");/* image */ uiDefBut(block, TOG|SHO|BIT|3, B_REDR, "ICON 0 19 5", xco+=XIC,0,XIC,YIC, &simasel->mode, 0, 0, 0, 0, "");/* loep */ /* altijd als laatste doen */ curarea->headbutlen= xco+2*XIC; uiDrawBlock(block); } /* ********************** IMASEL ****************************** */ /* ******************** ALGEMEEN ********************** */ void do_headerbuttons(short event) { if(event<=50) do_global_buttons2(event); else if(event<=100) do_global_buttons(event); else if(event<200) do_view3d_buttons(event); else if(event<250) do_ipo_buttons(event); else if(event<300) do_oops_buttons(event); else if(event<350) do_info_buttons(event); else if(event<400) do_image_buttons(event); else if(event<450) do_buts_buttons(event); else if(event<500) do_imasel_buttons(event); else if(event<550) do_text_buttons(event); else if(event<600) do_file_buttons(event); else if(event<650) do_seq_buttons(event); else if(event<700) do_sound_buttons(event); }