/** * $Id:$ * ***** BEGIN GPL/BL DUAL LICENSE BLOCK ***** * * The contents of this file may be used under the terms of either the GNU * General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL", see * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html ), or the Blender License 1.0 or * later (the "BL", see http://www.blender.org/BL/ ) which has to be * bought from the Blender Foundation to become active, in which case the * above mentioned GPL option does not apply. * * The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2002 by NaN Holding BV. * All rights reserved. * * The Original Code is: all of this file. * * Contributor(s): none yet. * * ***** END GPL/BL DUAL LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ /* image.c MIX MODEL * * maart 95 * * Version: $Id: image.c,v 1.10 2000/08/28 12:23:45 nzc Exp $ */ #include "blender.h" #include "render.h" #include "packedFile.h" extern float Tin, Tr, Tg, Tb, Ta; int Talpha; int imaprepeat, imapextend; /* * * Talpha==TRUE betekent: lees alpha uit plaatje. Dit betekent niet dat Ta * niet gebruikt moet worden, hier kan info over rand van image in staan! * */ void free_image_buffers(Image *ima) { int a; if(ima->ibuf) freeImBuf(ima->ibuf); ima->ibuf= 0; if(ima->anim) free_anim(ima->anim); ima->anim= 0; for(a=0; a<MAXMIPMAP; a++) { if(ima->mipmap[a]) freeImBuf(ima->mipmap[a]); ima->mipmap[a]= 0; } free_realtime_image(ima); } void free_image(Image *ima) { int a; free_image_buffers(ima); if (ima->packedfile) { freePackedFile(ima->packedfile); ima->packedfile = NULL; } } Image *add_image(char *name) { Image *ima; int file, len; char *libname, str[256], strtest[256]; strcpy(str, name); convertstringcode(str); file= open(str, O_BINARY|O_RDONLY); if(file== -1) return 0; close(file); /* eerst zoeken naar eenzelfde ima */ ima= G.main->image.first; while(ima) { strcpy(strtest, ima->name); convertstringcode(strtest); if( strcmp(strtest, str)==0 ) { if(ima->anim==0 || ima->id.us==0) { strcpy(ima->name, name); /* for stringcode */ ima->id.us++; ima->ok= 1; return ima; } } ima= ima->id.next; } len= strlen(name); while (len > 0 && name[len - 1] != '/' && name[len - 1] != '\\') len--; libname= name+len; ima= alloc_libblock(&G.main->image, ID_IM, libname); strcpy(ima->name, name); ima->ok= 1; ima->xrep= ima->yrep= 1; return ima; } void free_unused_animimages() { Image *ima, *nima; ima= G.main->image.first; while(ima) { nima= ima->id.next; if(ima->id.us==0) { if(ima->flag & IMA_FROMANIM) free_libblock(&G.main->image, ima); } ima= nima; } } /* *********** LEZEN EN SCHRIJVEN ************** */ void makepicstring(char *string, int frame) { short i,len; char num[10], *extension; if (string==0) return; extension= ""; strcpy(string, G.scene->r.pic); convertstringcode(string); len= strlen(string); /* kan ook: sprintf(num, "%04d", frame); */ i=4-sprintf(num,"%d",frame); for(;i>0;i--){ string[len]='0'; len++; } string[len]=0; strcat(string,num); if(G.scene->r.imtype== R_IRIS) { extension= ".rgb"; } else if(G.scene->r.imtype==R_IRIZ) { extension= ".rgb"; } else if(G.scene->r.imtype==R_MDEC) { extension= ".mdc"; } else if(G.scene->r.imtype==R_TARGA) { extension= ".tga"; } else if(G.scene->r.imtype==R_RAWTGA) { extension= ".tga"; } else if(G.scene->r.imtype==R_JPEG90) { extension= ".jpg"; } if(G.scene->r.scemode & R_EXTENSION) strcat(string, extension); } void write_ibuf(ImBuf *ibuf, char *name) { /* to be used for e.g. envmap, not rendered images */ if(R.r.imtype== R_IRIS) ibuf->ftype= IMAGIC; else if ELEM(R.r.imtype, R_TARGA, R_MDEC) { ibuf->ftype= TGA; } else if(R.r.imtype==R_RAWTGA) { ibuf->ftype= RAWTGA; } else if(R.r.imtype==R_HAMX) { ibuf->ftype= AN_hamx; } else if ELEM(R.r.imtype, R_JPEG90, R_MOVIE) { if(R.r.quality < 10) R.r.quality= 90; ibuf->ftype= JPG|R.r.quality; } else ibuf->ftype= TGA; RE_make_existing_file(name); if(saveiff(ibuf, name, IB_rect)==0) { perror(name); } } /* ******** IMAGWRAPPING INIT ************* */ void converttopremul(ibuf) struct ImBuf *ibuf; { int x, y, val; char *cp; if(ibuf==0) return; if(ibuf->depth==24) { /* alpha op 255 zetten */ cp= (char *)(ibuf->rect); for(y=0; y<ibuf->y; y++) { for(x=0; x<ibuf->x; x++, cp+=4) { cp[3]= 255; } } return; } cp= (char *)(ibuf->rect); for(y=0; y<ibuf->y; y++) { for(x=0; x<ibuf->x; x++, cp+=4) { if(cp[3]==0) { cp[0]= cp[1]= cp[2]= 0; } else if(cp[3]!=255) { val= cp[3]; cp[0]= (cp[0]*val)>>8; cp[1]= (cp[1]*val)>>8; cp[2]= (cp[2]*val)>>8; } } } } void makemipmap(ima) Image *ima; { struct ImBuf *ibuf; struct MipMap *mm, *mmn; int minsize, curmap=0; ibuf= ima->ibuf; minsize= MIN2(ibuf->x, ibuf->y); while(minsize>3 && curmap<MAXMIPMAP) { ibuf= dupImBuf(ibuf); filter(ibuf); ima->mipmap[curmap]= (struct ImBuf *)onehalf(ibuf); freeImBuf(ibuf); ibuf= ima->mipmap[curmap]; curmap++; minsize= MIN2(ibuf->x, ibuf->y); } } struct anim *openanim(char * name, int flags) { struct anim * anim; struct ImBuf * ibuf; anim = open_anim(name, ANIM_DFLT, flags); if (anim == 0) return(0); ibuf = anim_absolute(anim, 0); if (ibuf == 0) { printf("anim_absolute 0 failed\n"); free_anim(anim); return(0); } freeImBuf(ibuf); return(anim); } int calcimanr(int cfra, Tex *tex) { int imanr, len, a, fra, dur; /* hier (+fie_ima/2-1) zorgt ervoor dat correct wordt gedeeld */ if(tex->frames==0) return 1; cfra= cfra-tex->sfra+1; /* cyclic */ if(tex->len==0) len= (tex->fie_ima*tex->frames)/2; else len= tex->len; if(tex->imaflag & TEX_ANIMCYCLIC) { cfra= ( (cfra) % len ); if(cfra < 0) cfra+= len; if(cfra==0) cfra= len; } if(cfra<1) cfra= 1; else if(cfra>len) cfra= len; /* omzetten current frame naar current field */ cfra= 2*(cfra); if(R.flag & R_SEC_FIELD) cfra++; /* transformeren naar images space */ imanr= (cfra+tex->fie_ima-2)/tex->fie_ima; if(imanr>tex->frames) imanr= tex->frames; imanr+= tex->offset; /* zijn er plaatjes die langer duren? */ for(a=0; a<4; a++) { if(tex->fradur[a][0]) { fra= tex->fradur[a][0]; dur= tex->fradur[a][1]-1; while(dur>0 && imanr>fra) { imanr--; dur--; } } } return imanr; } void do_laseroptics_patch(ImBuf *ibuf) { char *rt; float fac; int a, val; rt= (char *)ibuf->rect; a= ibuf->x*ibuf->y; if(ibuf->flags & IB_fields) a+= a; while(a--) { fac= (rt[1]+rt[2]+rt[3])/765.0; val= ((255.0/0.8)*(fac-0.1)); if(val<0) val= 0; else if(val>255) val= 255; rt[0]= rt[1]= rt[2]= rt[3]= val; rt+= 4; } } void de_interlace_ng(struct ImBuf *ibuf) /* neogeo fields */ { struct ImBuf * tbuf1, * tbuf2; extern rectcpy(); if (ibuf == 0) return; if (ibuf->flags & IB_fields) return; ibuf->flags |= IB_fields; if (ibuf->rect) { /* kopieen aanmaken */ tbuf1 = allocImBuf(ibuf->x, ibuf->y / 2, 32, IB_rect, 0); tbuf2 = allocImBuf(ibuf->x, ibuf->y / 2, 32, IB_rect, 0); ibuf->x *= 2; rectop(tbuf1, ibuf, 0, 0, 0, 0, 32767, 32767, rectcpy); rectop(tbuf2, ibuf, 0, 0, tbuf2->x, 0, 32767, 32767, rectcpy); ibuf->x /= 2; rectop(ibuf, tbuf1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 32767, 32767, rectcpy); rectop(ibuf, tbuf2, 0, tbuf2->y, 0, 0, 32767, 32767, rectcpy); freeImBuf(tbuf1); freeImBuf(tbuf2); } ibuf->y /= 2; } void de_interlace_st(struct ImBuf *ibuf) /* standard fields */ { struct ImBuf * tbuf1, * tbuf2; extern rectcpy(); if (ibuf == 0) return; if (ibuf->flags & IB_fields) return; ibuf->flags |= IB_fields; if (ibuf->rect) { /* kopieen aanmaken */ tbuf1 = allocImBuf(ibuf->x, ibuf->y / 2, 32, IB_rect, 0); tbuf2 = allocImBuf(ibuf->x, ibuf->y / 2, 32, IB_rect, 0); ibuf->x *= 2; rectop(tbuf1, ibuf, 0, 0, 0, 0, 32767, 32767, rectcpy); rectop(tbuf2, ibuf, 0, 0, tbuf2->x, 0, 32767, 32767, rectcpy); ibuf->x /= 2; rectop(ibuf, tbuf2, 0, 0, 0, 0, 32767, 32767, rectcpy); rectop(ibuf, tbuf1, 0, tbuf2->y, 0, 0, 32767, 32767, rectcpy); freeImBuf(tbuf1); freeImBuf(tbuf2); } ibuf->y /= 2; } /* load_image handles reading the image from disk or from the packedfile. */ void load_image(Image * ima, int flags) { char name[FILE_MAXDIR + FILE_MAXFILE]; if (ima->ibuf == NULL) { // is there a PackedFile with this image ?; if (ima->packedfile) { ima->ibuf = ibImageFromMemory((int *) ima->packedfile->data, ima->packedfile->size, flags); } else { strcpy(name, ima->name); convertstringcode(name); ima->ibuf = loadiffname(name , flags); } } } void ima_ibuf_is_nul(Tex *tex) { void (*de_interlacefunc)(); Image *ima; int a, fra; short curs; char str[FILE_MAXDIR+FILE_MAXFILE], *cp; ima= tex->ima; if(ima==0) return; waitcursor(1); strcpy(str, ima->name); convertstringcode(str); if(tex->imaflag & TEX_STD_FIELD) de_interlacefunc= de_interlace_st; else de_interlacefunc= de_interlace_ng; if(tex->imaflag & TEX_ANIM5) { if(ima->anim==0) ima->anim = openanim(str, IB_cmap | IB_rect); if (ima->anim) { ima->lastquality= R.osa; fra= ima->lastframe-1; if(fra<0) fra= 0; ima->ibuf = anim_absolute(ima->anim, fra); /* patch ivm textbutton met naam ima (B_NAMEIMA) */ if(ima->ibuf) { strcpy(ima->ibuf->name, ima->name); if (tex->imaflag & TEX_FIELDS) de_interlacefunc(ima->ibuf); } } else error("Not an anim"); } else { // create a packedfile for this image when autopack is on // for performance (loadiffname uses mmap) we don't do this by default if ((ima->packedfile == NULL) && (G.fileflags & G_AUTOPACK)) { ima->packedfile = newPackedFile(str); } load_image(ima, IB_rect); if (tex->imaflag & TEX_FIELDS) de_interlacefunc(ima->ibuf); ima->lastquality= R.osa; } if(ima->ibuf) { /* stringcodes ook in ibuf. ibuf->name wordt als 'undo' gebruikt (buttons.c) */ strcpy(ima->ibuf->name, ima->name); if(ima->ibuf->cmap) { if(tex->imaflag & TEX_ANIM5) { if(tex->imaflag & TEX_MORKPATCH) { /**** PATCH OM KLEUR 2 GOED TE KUNNEN ZETTEN MORKRAMIA */ if(ima->ibuf->maxcol > 4) { cp= (char *)(ima->ibuf->cmap+2); cp[0]= 0x80; } } applycmap(ima->ibuf); convert_rgba_to_abgr(ima->ibuf->x*ima->ibuf->y, ima->ibuf->rect); } converttopremul(ima->ibuf); } if(R.osa) { if(tex->imaflag & TEX_ANTISCALE) { clever_double(ima->ibuf); antialias(ima->ibuf); } else if(tex->imaflag & TEX_ANTIALI) antialias(ima->ibuf); } if(tex->imaflag & TEX_LASOPPATCH) { do_laseroptics_patch(ima->ibuf); } } if(ima->ibuf==0) ima->ok= 0; for(a=0; a<MAXMIPMAP; a++) { if(ima->mipmap[a]) freeImBuf(ima->mipmap[a]); ima->mipmap[a]= 0; } if((R.flag & R_RENDERING)==0) waitcursor(0); } /* *********** IMAGEWRAPPING ****************** */ int imagewrap(Tex *tex, float *texvec) { Image *ima; struct ImBuf *ibuf; float fx, fy, fac1, fac2, val1, val2, val3; int ofs, x, y; char *rect; ima= tex->ima; if(ima==0 || ima->ok== 0) { Tin= Ta= Tr= Tg= Tb= 0.0; return 0; } if(ima->ibuf==0) ima_ibuf_is_nul(tex); if (ima->ok) { ibuf = ima->ibuf; if( (R.flag & R_SEC_FIELD) && (ibuf->flags & IB_fields) ) { ibuf->rect+= (ibuf->x*ibuf->y); } if(tex->imaflag & TEX_IMAROT) { fy= texvec[0]; fx= texvec[1]; } else { fx= texvec[0]; fy= texvec[1]; } x = (int)(fx*ibuf->x); y = (int)(fy*ibuf->y); if(tex->extend == TEX_CLIPCUBE) { if(x<0 || y<0 || x>=ibuf->x || y>=ibuf->y || texvec[2]<-1.0 || texvec[2]>1.0) { Tin= 0; return 0; } } else if(tex->extend == TEX_CLIP) { if(x<0 || y<0 || x>=ibuf->x || y>=ibuf->y) { Tin= 0; return 0; } } else { if(tex->extend==TEX_EXTEND) { if(x>=ibuf->x) x = ibuf->x-1; else if(x<0) x= 0; } else { x= x % ibuf->x; if(x<0) x+= ibuf->x; } if(tex->extend==TEX_EXTEND) { if(y>=ibuf->y) y = ibuf->y-1; else if(y<0) y= 0; } else { y= y % ibuf->y; if(y<0) y+= ibuf->y; } } ofs = y * ibuf->x + x; rect = (char *)( ibuf->rect+ ofs); Talpha= 0; if(tex->imaflag & TEX_USEALPHA) { if(tex->imaflag & TEX_CALCALPHA); else Talpha= 1; } Tr = ((float)rect[0])/255.0; Tg = ((float)rect[1])/255.0; Tb = ((float)rect[2])/255.0; if(tex->nor) { /* bump: drie samples nemen */ val1= Tr+Tg+Tb; if(x<ibuf->x-1) { rect+=4; val2= ((float)(rect[0]+rect[1]+rect[2]))/255.0; rect-=4; } else val2= val1; if(y<ibuf->y-1) { rect+= 4*ibuf->x; val3= ((float)(rect[0]+rect[1]+rect[2]))/255.0; } else val3= val1; /* niet x en y verwisselen! */ tex->nor[0]= (val1-val2); tex->nor[1]= (val1-val3); } BRICONRGB; if(Talpha) Ta= Tin= ((float)rect[3])/255.0; else if(tex->imaflag & TEX_CALCALPHA) { Ta= Tin= MAX3(Tr, Tg, Tb); } else Ta= Tin= 1.0; if(tex->flag & TEX_NEGALPHA) Ta= 1.0-Ta; if( (R.flag & R_SEC_FIELD) && (ibuf->flags & IB_fields) ) { ibuf->rect-= (ibuf->x*ibuf->y); } } if(tex->flag & TEX_COLORBAND) do_colorband(tex->coba); if(tex->nor) return 3; else return 1; } void clipx_rctf_swap(stack, count, x1, x2) rctf *stack; short *count; float x1, x2; { rctf *rf, *newrct; short a; a= *count; rf= stack; for(;a>0;a--) { if(rf->xmin<x1) { if(rf->xmax<x1) { rf->xmin+= (x2-x1); rf->xmax+= (x2-x1); } else { if(rf->xmax>x2) rf->xmax= x2; newrct= stack+ *count; (*count)++; newrct->xmax= x2; newrct->xmin= rf->xmin+(x2-x1); newrct->ymin= rf->ymin; newrct->ymax= rf->ymax; if(newrct->xmin==newrct->xmax) (*count)--; rf->xmin= x1; } } else if(rf->xmax>x2) { if(rf->xmin>x2) { rf->xmin-= (x2-x1); rf->xmax-= (x2-x1); } else { if(rf->xmin<x1) rf->xmin= x1; newrct= stack+ *count; (*count)++; newrct->xmin= x1; newrct->xmax= rf->xmax-(x2-x1); newrct->ymin= rf->ymin; newrct->ymax= rf->ymax; if(newrct->xmin==newrct->xmax) (*count)--; rf->xmax= x2; } } rf++; } } void clipy_rctf_swap(stack, count, y1, y2) rctf *stack; short *count; float y1, y2; { rctf *rf, *newrct; short a; a= *count; rf= stack; for(;a>0;a--) { if(rf->ymin<y1) { if(rf->ymax<y1) { rf->ymin+= (y2-y1); rf->ymax+= (y2-y1); } else { if(rf->ymax>y2) rf->ymax= y2; newrct= stack+ *count; (*count)++; newrct->ymax= y2; newrct->ymin= rf->ymin+(y2-y1); newrct->xmin= rf->xmin; newrct->xmax= rf->xmax; if(newrct->ymin==newrct->ymax) (*count)--; rf->ymin= y1; } } else if(rf->ymax>y2) { if(rf->ymin>y2) { rf->ymin-= (y2-y1); rf->ymax-= (y2-y1); } else { if(rf->ymin<y1) rf->ymin= y1; newrct= stack+ *count; (*count)++; newrct->ymin= y1; newrct->ymax= rf->ymax-(y2-y1); newrct->xmin= rf->xmin; newrct->xmax= rf->xmax; if(newrct->ymin==newrct->ymax) (*count)--; rf->ymax= y2; } } rf++; } } float square_rctf(rf) rctf *rf; { float x, y; x= rf->xmax- rf->xmin; y= rf->ymax- rf->ymin; return (x*y); } float clipx_rctf(rf, x1, x2) rctf *rf; float x1, x2; { float size; size= rf->xmax - rf->xmin; if(rf->xmin<x1) { rf->xmin= x1; } if(rf->xmax>x2) { rf->xmax= x2; } if(rf->xmin > rf->xmax) { rf->xmin = rf->xmax; return 0.0; } else if(size!=0.0) { return (rf->xmax - rf->xmin)/size; } return 1.0; } float clipy_rctf(rf, y1, y2) rctf *rf; float y1, y2; { float size; size= rf->ymax - rf->ymin; /* PRINT(f, size); */ if(rf->ymin<y1) { rf->ymin= y1; } if(rf->ymax>y2) { rf->ymax= y2; } /* PRINT(f, size); */ if(rf->ymin > rf->ymax) { rf->ymin = rf->ymax; return 0.0; } else if(size!=0.0) { return (rf->ymax - rf->ymin)/size; } return 1.0; } void boxsampleclip(ibuf, rf, rcol, gcol, bcol, acol) /* return kleur 0.0-1.0 */ struct ImBuf *ibuf; rctf *rf; float *rcol, *gcol, *bcol, *acol; { /* sample box, is reeds geclipt en minx enz zijn op ibuf size gezet. * Vergroot uit met antialiased edges van de pixels */ float muly,mulx,div; int ofs; int x, y, startx, endx, starty, endy; char *rect; startx= ffloor(rf->xmin); endx= ffloor(rf->xmax); starty= ffloor(rf->ymin); endy= ffloor(rf->ymax); if(startx < 0) startx= 0; if(starty < 0) starty= 0; if(endx>=ibuf->x) endx= ibuf->x-1; if(endy>=ibuf->y) endy= ibuf->y-1; if(starty==endy && startx==endx) { ofs = starty*ibuf->x + startx; rect = (char *)(ibuf->rect +ofs); *rcol= ((float)rect[0])/255.0; *gcol= ((float)rect[1])/255.0; *bcol= ((float)rect[2])/255.0; /* alpha is globaal, reeds gezet in functie imagewraposa() */ if(Talpha) { *acol= ((float)rect[3])/255.0; } } else { div= *rcol= *gcol= *bcol= *acol= 0.0; for(y=starty;y<=endy;y++) { ofs = y*ibuf->x +startx; rect = (char *)(ibuf->rect+ofs); muly= 1.0; if(starty==endy); else { if(y==starty) muly= 1.0-(rf->ymin - y); if(y==endy) muly= (rf->ymax - y); } if(startx==endx) { mulx= muly; if(Talpha) *acol+= mulx*rect[3]; *rcol+= mulx*rect[0]; *gcol+= mulx*rect[1]; *bcol+= mulx*rect[2]; div+= mulx; } else { for(x=startx;x<=endx;x++) { mulx= muly; if(x==startx) mulx*= 1.0-(rf->xmin - x); if(x==endx) mulx*= (rf->xmax - x); if(mulx==1.0) { if(Talpha) *acol+= rect[3]; *rcol+= rect[0]; *gcol+= rect[1]; *bcol+= rect[2]; div+= 1.0; } else { if(Talpha) *acol+= mulx*rect[3]; *rcol+= mulx*rect[0]; *gcol+= mulx*rect[1]; *bcol+= mulx*rect[2]; div+= mulx; } rect+=4; } } } if(div!=0.0) { div*= 255.0; *bcol/= div; *gcol/= div; *rcol/= div; if(Talpha) *acol/= div; } else { *rcol= *gcol= *bcol= *acol= 0.0; } } } void boxsample(ibuf, minx, miny, maxx, maxy, rcol, gcol, bcol, acol) /* return kleur 0.0-1.0 */ struct ImBuf *ibuf; float minx, miny, maxx, maxy; float *rcol, *gcol, *bcol, *acol; { /* Sample box, doet clip. minx enz lopen van 0.0 - 1.0 . * Vergroot uit met antialiased edges van de pixels. * Als global imaprepeat is gezet, worden * de weggeclipte stukken ook gesampled. */ rctf *rf, stack[8]; float opp, tot, r, g, b, a, alphaclip= 1.0; short count=1; rf= stack; rf->xmin= minx*(ibuf->x); rf->xmax= maxx*(ibuf->x); rf->ymin= miny*(ibuf->y); rf->ymax= maxy*(ibuf->y); if(imapextend); else if(imaprepeat) clipx_rctf_swap(stack, &count, 0.0, (float)(ibuf->x)); else { alphaclip= clipx_rctf(rf, 0.0, (float)(ibuf->x)); if(alphaclip<=0.0) { *rcol= *bcol= *gcol= *acol= 0.0; return; } } if(imapextend); else if(imaprepeat) clipy_rctf_swap(stack, &count, 0.0, (float)(ibuf->y)); else { alphaclip*= clipy_rctf(rf, 0.0, (float)(ibuf->y)); if(alphaclip<=0.0) { *rcol= *bcol= *gcol= *acol= 0.0; return; } } if(count>1) { tot= *rcol= *bcol= *gcol= *acol= 0.0; while(count--) { boxsampleclip(ibuf, rf, &r, &g, &b, &a); opp= square_rctf(rf); tot+= opp; *rcol+= opp*r; *gcol+= opp*g; *bcol+= opp*b; if(Talpha) *acol+= opp*a; rf++; } if(tot!= 0.0) { *rcol/= tot; *gcol/= tot; *bcol/= tot; if(Talpha) *acol/= tot; } } else { boxsampleclip(ibuf, rf, rcol, gcol, bcol, acol); } if(Talpha==0) *acol= 1.0; if(alphaclip!=1.0) { /* this is for laer investigation, premul or not? */ /* *rcol*= alphaclip; */ /* *gcol*= alphaclip; */ /* *bcol*= alphaclip; */ *acol*= alphaclip; } } void filtersample(ibuf, fx, fy, rcol, gcol, bcol, acol) /* return kleur 0.0-1.0 */ struct ImBuf *ibuf; /* fx en fy tussen 0.0 en 1.0 */ float fx, fy; float *rcol, *gcol, *bcol, *acol; { /* met weighted filter 3x3 * de linker of rechter kolom is altijd 0 * en de bovenste of onderste rij is altijd 0 */ int fac, fac1, fac2, fracx, fracy, filt[4], *poin= 0; int ix, iy, x4; uint r=0, g=0, b=0, a=0; char *rowcol, *rfilt[4]; ix= (int)( 256.0*fx ); fracx= (ix & 255); ix= (ix>>8); iy= (int)( 256.0*fy ); fracy= (iy & 255); iy= (iy>>8); if(ix>=ibuf->x) ix= ibuf->x-1; if(iy>=ibuf->y) iy= ibuf->y-1; rowcol= (char *)(ibuf->rect+ iy*ibuf->x +ix); rfilt[0]= rfilt[1]= rfilt[2]= rfilt[3]= rowcol; x4= 4*ibuf->x; if(fracx<128) { if(ix>0) { rfilt[0]-= 4; rfilt[2]-=4; } else if(imaprepeat) { rfilt[0]+= x4-4; rfilt[2]+= x4-4; } if(fracy<128) { /* geval linksonder */ fac1= 128+fracy; fac2= 128-fracy; if(iy>0) { rfilt[3]-= x4; rfilt[2]-= x4; } else if(imaprepeat) { fac= x4*(ibuf->y-1) ; rfilt[3]+= fac; rfilt[2]+= fac; } } else { /* geval linksboven */ fac2= 384-fracy; fac1= fracy-128; if(iy<ibuf->y-1) { rfilt[1]+= x4; rfilt[0]+= x4; } else if(imaprepeat) { fac= x4*(ibuf->y-1) ; rfilt[1]-= fac; rfilt[0]-= fac; } } filt[1]=filt[3]= 128+ fracx; filt[0]=filt[2]= 128- fracx; filt[0]*= fac1; filt[1]*= fac1; filt[2]*= fac2; filt[3]*= fac2; } else { if(fracy<128) { /* geval rechtsonder */ fac1= 128+fracy; fac2= 128-fracy; if(iy>0) { rfilt[3]-= x4; rfilt[2]-= x4; } else if(imaprepeat) { fac= x4*(ibuf->y-1) ; rfilt[3]+= fac; rfilt[2]+= fac; } } else { /* geval rechtsboven */ fac2= 384-fracy; fac1= fracy-128; if(iy<ibuf->y-1) { rfilt[1]+= x4; rfilt[0]+= x4; } else if(imaprepeat) { fac= x4*(ibuf->y-1) ; rfilt[1]-= fac; rfilt[0]-= fac; } } filt[0]=filt[2]= 384-fracx; filt[1]=filt[3]= fracx-128; filt[0]*= fac1; filt[1]*= fac1; filt[2]*= fac2; filt[3]*= fac2; if(ix<ibuf->x-1) { rfilt[1]+= 4; rfilt[3]+=4; } else if(imaprepeat) { rfilt[1]-= x4-4; rfilt[3]-= x4-4; } } for(fac=3; fac>=0; fac--) { rowcol= rfilt[fac]; r+= filt[fac]*rowcol[0]; g+= filt[fac]*rowcol[1]; b+= filt[fac]*rowcol[2]; if(Talpha) a+= filt[fac]*rowcol[3]; /* alpha is globaal */ } *rcol= ((float)r)/16777216.0; *gcol= ((float)g)/16777216.0; *bcol= ((float)b)/16777216.0; if(Talpha) *acol= ((float)a)/16777216.0; } int imagewraposa(Tex *tex, float *texvec, float *dxt, float *dyt) { struct Image *ima; struct ImBuf *ibuf, *previbuf; float fx, fy, minx, maxx, miny, maxy, dx, dy, fac1, fac2, fac3, fac4; float maxd, pixsize, val1, val2, val3; int proj, a; int x, ok, curmap, areaflag= 0; ima= tex->ima; Tin= Ta= Tr= Tg= Tb= 0.0; if(ima==0 || ima->ok== 0) { return 0; } if(ima->ibuf==0) ima_ibuf_is_nul(tex); if (ima->ok) { if(tex->imaflag & TEX_MIPMAP) { if(ima->mipmap[0]==0) makemipmap(ima); } ibuf = ima->ibuf; if( (R.flag & R_SEC_FIELD) && (ibuf->flags & IB_fields) ) { ibuf->rect+= (ibuf->x*ibuf->y); } Talpha= 0; if(tex->imaflag & TEX_USEALPHA) { if(tex->imaflag & TEX_CALCALPHA); else Talpha= 1; } if(tex->imaflag & TEX_IMAROT) { fy= texvec[0]; fx= texvec[1]; } else { fx= texvec[0]; fy= texvec[1]; } if(ibuf->flags & IB_fields) { if(R.r.mode & R_FIELDS) { /* field render */ if(R.flag & R_SEC_FIELD) { /* correctie voor tweede field */ /* fac1= 0.5/( (float)ibuf->y ); */ /* fy-= fac1; */ } else { /* eerste field */ fac1= 0.5/( (float)ibuf->y ); fy+= fac1; } } } /* pixel coordinaten */ minx= MIN3(dxt[0],dyt[0],dxt[0]+dyt[0] ); maxx= MAX3(dxt[0],dyt[0],dxt[0]+dyt[0] ); miny= MIN3(dxt[1],dyt[1],dxt[1]+dyt[1] ); maxy= MAX3(dxt[1],dyt[1],dxt[1]+dyt[1] ); /* tex_sharper afgeschaft */ minx= tex->filtersize*(maxx-minx)/2.0; miny= tex->filtersize*(maxy-miny)/2.0; if(tex->imaflag & TEX_IMAROT) SWAP(float, minx, miny); if(minx>0.25) minx= 0.25; else if(minx<0.00001) minx= 0.00001; /* zijvlakken van eenheidskubus */ if(miny>0.25) miny= 0.25; else if(miny<0.00001) miny= 0.00001; /* repeat en clip */ /* let op: imaprepeat is globale waarde (zie boxsample) */ imaprepeat= (tex->extend==TEX_REPEAT); imapextend= (tex->extend==TEX_EXTEND); if(tex->extend == TEX_CLIPCUBE) { if(fx+minx<0.0 || fy+miny<0.0 || fx-minx>1.0 || fy-miny>1.0 || texvec[2]<-1.0 || texvec[2]>1.0) { Tin= 0; return 0; } } else if(tex->extend == TEX_CLIP) { if(fx+minx<0.0 || fy+miny<0.0 || fx-minx>1.0 || fy-miny>1.0) { Tin= 0.0; return 0; } } else { if(tex->extend==TEX_EXTEND) { if(fx>1.0) fx = 1.0; else if(fx<0.0) fx= 0.0; } else { if(fx>1.0) fx -= (int)(fx); else if(fx<0.0) fx+= 1-(int)(fx); } if(tex->extend==TEX_EXTEND) { if(fy>1.0) fy = 1.0; else if(fy<0.0) fy= 0.0; } else { if(fy>1.0) fy -= (int)(fy); else if(fy<0.0) fy+= 1-(int)(fy); } } /* keuze: */ if(tex->imaflag & TEX_MIPMAP) { dx= minx; dy= miny; maxd= MAX2(dx, dy); if(maxd>0.5) maxd= 0.5; pixsize = 1.0 / (float) MIN2(ibuf->x, ibuf->y); curmap= 0; previbuf= ibuf; while(curmap<MAXMIPMAP && ima->mipmap[curmap]) { if(maxd < pixsize) break; previbuf= ibuf; ibuf= ima->mipmap[curmap]; pixsize= 1.0 / (float)MIN2(ibuf->x, ibuf->y); /* hier stond 1.0 */ curmap++; } if(previbuf!=ibuf || (tex->imaflag & TEX_INTERPOL)) { /* minmaal 1 pixel sampelen */ if (minx < 0.5 / ima->ibuf->x) minx = 0.5 / ima->ibuf->x; if (miny < 0.5 / ima->ibuf->y) miny = 0.5 / ima->ibuf->y; } if(tex->nor) { /* beetje extra filter */ minx*= 1.35; miny*= 1.35; boxsample(ibuf, fx-2.0*minx, fy-2.0*miny, fx+minx, fy+miny, &Tr, &Tg, &Tb, &Ta); val1= Tr+Tg+Tb; boxsample(ibuf, fx-minx, fy-2.0*miny, fx+2.0*minx, fy+miny, &fac1, &fac2, &fac3, &fac4); val2= fac1+fac2+fac3; boxsample(ibuf, fx-2.0*minx, fy-miny, fx+minx, fy+2.0*miny, &fac1, &fac2, &fac3, &fac4); val3= fac1+fac2+fac3; if(previbuf!=ibuf) { /* interpoleren */ boxsample(previbuf, fx-2.0*minx, fy-2.0*miny, fx+minx, fy+miny, &fac1, &fac2, &fac3, &fac4); /* rgb berekenen */ dx= 2.0*(pixsize-maxd)/pixsize; if(dx>=1.0) { Ta= fac4; Tb= fac3; Tg= fac2; Tr= fac1; } else { dy= 1.0-dx; Tb= dy*Tb+ dx*fac3; Tg= dy*Tg+ dx*fac2; Tr= dy*Tr+ dx*fac1; if(Talpha) Ta= dy*Ta+ dx*fac4; } val1= dy*val1+ dx*(fac1+fac2+fac3); boxsample(previbuf, fx-minx, fy-2.0*miny, fx+2.0*minx, fy+miny, &fac1, &fac2, &fac3, &fac4); val2= dy*val2+ dx*(fac1+fac2+fac3); boxsample(previbuf, fx-2.0*minx, fy-miny, fx+minx, fy+2.0*miny, &fac1, &fac2, &fac3, &fac4); val3= dy*val3+ dx*(fac1+fac2+fac3); } /* niet x en y verwisselen! */ tex->nor[0]= (val1-val2); tex->nor[1]= (val1-val3); } else { maxx= fx+minx; minx= fx-minx; maxy= fy+miny; miny= fy-miny; boxsample(ibuf, minx, miny, maxx, maxy, &Tr, &Tg, &Tb, &Ta); if(previbuf!=ibuf) { /* interpoleren */ boxsample(previbuf, minx, miny, maxx, maxy, &fac1, &fac2, &fac3, &fac4); fx= 2.0*(pixsize-maxd)/pixsize; if(fx>=1.0) { Ta= fac4; Tb= fac3; Tg= fac2; Tr= fac1; } else { fy= 1.0-fx; Tb= fy*Tb+ fx*fac3; Tg= fy*Tg+ fx*fac2; Tr= fy*Tr+ fx*fac1; if(Talpha) Ta= fy*Ta+ fx*fac4; } } } } else { if((tex->imaflag & TEX_INTERPOL)) { /* minmaal 1 pixel sampelen */ if (minx < 0.5 / ima->ibuf->x) minx = 0.5 / ima->ibuf->x; if (miny < 0.5 / ima->ibuf->y) miny = 0.5 / ima->ibuf->y; } if(tex->nor) { /* beetje extra filter */ minx*= 1.35; miny*= 1.35; boxsample(ibuf, fx-2.0*minx, fy-2.0*miny, fx+minx, fy+miny, &Tr, &Tg, &Tb, &Ta); val1= Tr+Tg+Tb; boxsample(ibuf, fx-minx, fy-2.0*miny, fx+2.0*minx, fy+miny, &fac1, &fac2, &fac3, &fac4); val2= fac1+fac2+fac3; boxsample(ibuf, fx-2.0*minx, fy-miny, fx+miny, fy+2.0*miny, &fac1, &fac2, &fac3, &fac4); val3= fac1+fac2+fac3; /* niet x en y verwisselen! */ tex->nor[0]= (val1-val2); tex->nor[1]= (val1-val3); } else { boxsample(ibuf, fx-minx, fy-miny, fx+minx, fy+miny, &Tr, &Tg, &Tb, &Ta); } } BRICONRGB; if(tex->imaflag & TEX_CALCALPHA) { Ta= Tin= MAX3(Tr, Tg, Tb); } else Tin= Ta; if(tex->flag & TEX_NEGALPHA) Ta= 1.0-Ta; if( (R.flag & R_SEC_FIELD) && (ibuf->flags & IB_fields) ) { ibuf->rect-= (ibuf->x*ibuf->y); } } else { Tin= 0.0; return 0; } if(tex->flag & TEX_COLORBAND) do_colorband(tex->coba); if(tex->nor) return 3; else return 1; }