/** * $Id:$ * ***** BEGIN GPL/BL DUAL LICENSE BLOCK ***** * * The contents of this file may be used under the terms of either the GNU * General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL", see * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html ), or the Blender License 1.0 or * later (the "BL", see http://www.blender.org/BL/ ) which has to be * bought from the Blender Foundation to become active, in which case the * above mentioned GPL option does not apply. * * The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2002 by NaN Holding BV. * All rights reserved. * * The Original Code is: all of this file. * * Contributor(s): none yet. * * ***** END GPL/BL DUAL LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ /* imasel.c MIXED MODEL * * maart 97 * * algemene functies * * Version: $Id: imasel.c,v 1.5 2000/07/21 13:18:20 ton Exp $ */ #include "blender.h" #include "screen.h" #include "imasel.h" #include <stdio.h> #ifndef WIN32 #include <dirent.h> #endif #include <sys/stat.h> #include "datatoc.h" int bitset(int l, int bit) { return (( l & bit) == bit); } void longtochar(char *des, uint *src, int size) { int i;for (i = 0; i<size; i++){ des[i] = src[i] & 0xFF; }} void chartolong(uint *des, char *src, int size) { int i;for (i = 0; i<size; i++){ des[i] = src[i]; }} int dir_compare(const void *a1, const void *a2) { ImaDir **in1, **in2; ImaDir *use1, *use2; in1= (ImaDir **)a1; in2= (ImaDir **)a2; use1 = *in1; use2 = *in2; return strcasecmp(use1->name, use2->name); } void issort( int te, ImaDir **firstentry) { ImaDir **sort; ImaDir *use; int i = 0; sort = mallocN(te * sizeof(void *), "dir Sorteer temp"); use = *firstentry; while (use){ sort[i++] = use; use = use->next; } qsort (sort, te, sizeof(void *), dir_compare); *firstentry = sort[0]; use = *firstentry; for (i=0; i<te; i++){ if (i != 0) use->prev = sort[i-1]; else use->prev = 0; if (i != te-1) use->next = sort[i+1]; else use->next = 0; use = use->next; } freeN(sort); } int ima_compare(const void *a1, const void *a2) { OneSelectableIma **in1, **in2; OneSelectableIma *use1, *use2; in1= (OneSelectableIma **)a1; in2= (OneSelectableIma **)a2; use1 = *in1; use2 = *in2; return strcasecmp(use1->file_name, use2->file_name); } void imsort(OneSelectableIma **firstentry) { OneSelectableIma **sort; OneSelectableIma *use; int tot = 0, i = 0; use = *firstentry; while (use){ tot++; use = use->next; } if (tot){ sort = mallocN(tot * sizeof(void *), "Sorteer imsort temp"); use = *firstentry; while (use){ sort[i++] = use; use = use->next; } qsort (sort, tot, sizeof(void *), ima_compare); *firstentry = sort[0]; use = *firstentry; for (i=0; i<tot; i++){ if (i != 0) use->prev = sort[i-1]; else use->prev = 0; if (i != tot-1) use->next = sort[i+1]; else use->next = 0; use = use->next; } freeN(sort); } } void str_image_type(int ftype, char *name) { strcpy(name, ""); if((ftype & JPG_MSK) == JPG_STD) strcat(name, "std "); if((ftype & JPG_MSK) == JPG_VID) strcat(name, "video "); if((ftype & JPG_MSK) == JPG_JST) strcat(name, "amiga "); if((ftype & JPG_MSK) == JPG_MAX) strcat(name, "max "); if( ftype == AN_hamx) { strcat(name, "hamx "); return; } if( ftype == AN_yuvx) { strcat(name, "yuvx "); return; } if( ftype == AN_tanx) { strcat(name, "tanx "); return; } if( ftype == IMAGIC ) { strcat(name, "sgi "); return; } if( ftype & JPG ) { strcat(name, "jpeg "); } if( ftype & TGA ) { strcat(name, "targa "); } if( ftype & TIM ) { strcat(name, "tim "); } if( ftype & AMI ) { strcat(name, "iff "); } if(( ftype & AM_ham ) == AM_ham) strcat(name, "ham "); if(( ftype & AM_hbrite )== AM_hbrite) strcat(name, "halfbrite "); if(( ftype & AM_lace ) == AM_lace) strcat(name, "lace "); if(( ftype & AM_hires ) == AM_hires) strcat(name, "hires "); if( ftype & CDI ) strcat(name, "cdi "); if( ftype == CD_rgb8 ) strcat(name, "rgb8 "); if( ftype == CD_rgb5 ) strcat(name, "rgb5 "); if( ftype == CD_dyuv ) strcat(name, "dyuv "); if( ftype == CD_clut8 ) strcat(name, "cmap 8 bit "); if( ftype == CD_clut7 ) strcat(name, "cmap 7 bit "); if( ftype == CD_clut4 ) strcat(name, "cmap 4 bit "); if( ftype == CD_clut3 ) strcat(name, "cmap 3 bit "); if( ftype == CD_rl7 ) strcat(name, "rle 7 bit "); if( ftype == CD_rl3 ) strcat(name, "rle 3 bit "); if( ftype == CD_mplte ) strcat(name, "mplte "); } void append_pib(SpaceImaSel *simasel, OneSelectableIma *ima) { int flen; int file, wr; char name[FILE_MAXDIR+FILE_MAXFILE]; OneSelectableIma *big_ima; if ( bitset (simasel->fase, IMS_WRITE_NO_BIP)) return; strcpy(name, simasel->dir); strcat(name, ".Bpib"); file = open(name, O_BINARY|O_APPEND | O_RDWR | O_CREAT, 0666); if (file == -1) { /* printf("Could not write .Bpib file in dir %s\n", simasel->dir); */ simasel->fase |= IMS_WRITE_NO_BIP; return; } #if !defined(__BeOS) && !defined (WIN32) fchmod(file, 0666); #endif flen = lseek(file, 0, SEEK_END); big_ima = callocN(sizeof(OneSelectableIma), "BigIma"); big_ima->header = MAKE_ID('B', 'I', 'P', '2'); big_ima->cmap = BIG_SHORT(ima->cmap); big_ima->image = BIG_SHORT(ima->image); big_ima->draw_me = BIG_SHORT(ima->draw_me); big_ima->rt = BIG_SHORT(ima->rt); big_ima->sx = BIG_SHORT(ima->sx); big_ima->sy = BIG_SHORT(ima->sy); big_ima->ex = BIG_SHORT(ima->ex); big_ima->ey = BIG_SHORT(ima->ey); big_ima->dw = BIG_SHORT(ima->dw); big_ima->dh = BIG_SHORT(ima->dh); big_ima->selectable = BIG_SHORT(ima->selectable); big_ima->selected = BIG_SHORT(ima->selected); big_ima->orgx = BIG_SHORT(ima->orgx); big_ima->orgy = BIG_SHORT(ima->orgy); big_ima->orgd = BIG_SHORT(ima->orgd); big_ima->anim = BIG_SHORT(ima->anim); big_ima->mtime = BIG_LONG(ima->mtime); big_ima->disksize = BIG_LONG(ima->disksize); big_ima->ibuf_type = BIG_LONG(ima->ibuf_type); memcpy(big_ima->pict_rect, ima->pict_rect, 3968); memcpy(big_ima->file_name, ima->file_name, 64); wr = write(file, (char*)big_ima, sizeof(OneSelectableIma)); freeN(big_ima); close(file); } void write_new_pib(SpaceImaSel *simasel) { OneSelectableIma *ima; char name[FILE_MAXDIR+FILE_MAXFILE]; int dl; strcpy(name, simasel->dir); strcat(name, ".Bpib"); dl = remove(name); ima = simasel->first_sel_ima; while (ima){ append_pib(simasel, ima); ima = ima->next; } } void free_ima_dir(ImaDir *firstdir) { ImaDir *n; while(firstdir){ n = firstdir->next; freeN(firstdir); firstdir = n; } } void free_sel_ima(OneSelectableIma *firstima) { OneSelectableIma *n; while(firstima){ if (firstima->pict) { freeImBuf(firstima->pict); } n = firstima->next; freeN(firstima); firstima = n; } } void check_for_pib(SpaceImaSel *simasel) { ImaDir *direntry; direntry = simasel->firstfile; while(direntry){ if ((strlen(direntry->name) > 4) && (0==strcmp(direntry->name, ".Bpib")) ){ simasel->fase |= IMS_FOUND_BIP; direntry = 0; }else{ direntry = direntry->next; } } } void clear_ima_dir(SpaceImaSel *simasel) { if(simasel->first_sel_ima) free_sel_ima(simasel->first_sel_ima); if(simasel->firstdir) free_ima_dir(simasel->firstdir); if(simasel->firstfile) free_ima_dir(simasel->firstfile); simasel->first_sel_ima = 0; simasel->firstdir = 0; simasel->firstfile = 0; simasel->totaldirs = 0; simasel->totalfiles = 0; simasel->totalima = 0; simasel->topdir = -1; simasel->topfile = -1; simasel->topima = 0; simasel->image_slider = 0.0; simasel->slider_height = 0.0; simasel->slider_space = 0.0; simasel->hilite = -1; simasel->curimax = 0; simasel->curimay = 0; simasel->total_selected = 0; simasel->fase = 0; simasel->subfase = 0; simasel->imafase = 0; simasel->ima_redraw = 0; } int get_ima_dir(char *dirname, int dtype, int *td, ImaDir **first) { DIR *dirp; struct dirent *dep; struct ImaDir *temp; struct ImaDir *dnext, *fnext; struct stat status; char olddir[FILE_MAXDIR+FILE_MAXFILE]; char getdirname[FILE_MAXDIR+FILE_MAXFILE]; int i=0, tot=0; int isdir; if(!getwdN(olddir)) return -1; chdir(dirname); strcpy(getdirname, "."); dirp = (DIR *) opendir(getdirname); if (dirp == NULL) return (-1); waitcursor(1); while((dep = (struct dirent*) readdir(dirp)) != NULL){ strcpy(getdirname, dirname); strcat(getdirname,dep->d_name); stat(getdirname, &status); isdir = S_ISDIR(status.st_mode); if ( ((dtype == IMS_DIR) && isdir) || ((dtype == IMS_FILE) && !isdir)){ /* yes, searching for this type */ tot++; if (tot == 1){ dnext = callocN(sizeof(struct ImaDir), "get first"); *first = dnext; dnext->prev = 0; dnext->next = 0; }else{ fnext = callocN(sizeof(struct ImaDir), "get nextdir"); dnext->next = fnext; temp = dnext; dnext = fnext; dnext ->prev = temp; dnext ->next = 0; } dnext->type = dtype; dnext->selected = 0; dnext->hilite = 0; dnext->mtime = status.st_ctime; dnext->size = (int)status.st_size; strcpy(dnext->name, dep->d_name); } } closedir(dirp); if (tot) issort(tot, first); waitcursor(0); *td = tot; chdir (olddir); return (tot); } void imadir_parent(SpaceImaSel *simasel) { #ifdef WIN32 if (strlen(simasel->dir) > 1){ simasel->dir[strlen(simasel->dir)-1] = 0; while(simasel->dir[strlen(simasel->dir)-1] != '\\'){ if(strlen(simasel->dir)==0) break; simasel->dir[strlen(simasel->dir)-1] = 0; } } #else if (strlen(simasel->dir) > 1){ simasel->dir[strlen(simasel->dir)-1] = 0; while(simasel->dir[strlen(simasel->dir)-1] != '/') { if(strlen(simasel->dir)==0) break; simasel->dir[strlen(simasel->dir)-1] = 0; } } #endif } void get_next_image(SpaceImaSel *simasel) { OneSelectableIma * ima; ImBuf * ibuf; struct anim * anim; int i = 0, size; char str[FILE_MAXDIR+FILE_MAXFILE], name[FILE_MAXDIR+FILE_MAXFILE]; ima = simasel->first_sel_ima; if (ima == 0){ simasel->imafase = 0; simasel->fase |= IMS_KNOW_IMA; simasel->fase &= ~IMS_DOTHE_IMA; return; } if (simasel->imafase > simasel->totalima){ simasel->imafase = 0; simasel->fase &= ~IMS_DOTHE_IMA; simasel->fase |= IMS_KNOW_IMA; } ima = simasel->first_sel_ima; i = 0; while(i < simasel->imafase){ if ((ima) && (ima->next)) ima = ima->next; i++; } if (ima->image == 0) { if (ima->anim == 1) { /* open movie, get len, get middle picture */ /* anim = open_anim(name, ANIM_MOVIE | ANIM_ANIM5 | ANIM_ONCE, IB_planes); */ strcpy(name, simasel->dir); strcat(name, ima->file_name); anim = open_anim(name, ANIM_DFLT, IB_rect); if (anim == 0) { ibuf= loadiffmem((int*)datatoc_cmovie_tga, IB_rect); } else{ ibuf = anim_nextpic(anim); freeImBuf(ibuf); ibuf = anim_absolute(anim, anim->duration / 2); free_anim(anim); } } else { strcpy(name, simasel->dir); strcat(name, ima->file_name); ibuf = loadiffname(name, IB_rect); if(ibuf && ibuf->zbuf) freezbufImBuf(ibuf); } if (ibuf){ if (ima->dw < 4) ima->dw = 4; if (ima->dh < 4) ima->dh = 4; scaleImBuf(ibuf, ima->dw, ima->dh); /* the whole cmap system is wacko */ convert_rgba_to_abgr(ima->dw*ima->dh, ibuf->rect); ibuf->mincol = 0; ibuf->maxcol = 256; ibuf->cbits = 5; ibuf->depth = 8; setdither('F'); freecmapImBuf(ibuf); ibuf->cmap = simasel->cmap->cmap; converttocmap(ibuf); /* copy ibuf->rect naar ima->pict_rect */ size = ima->dw * ima->dh; if (size > 3968) size = 3968; longtochar(ima->pict_rect, ibuf->rect, size); applycmap(ibuf); convert_rgba_to_abgr(size, ibuf->rect); if (ima->pict) freeImBuf(ima->pict); ima->pict = ibuf; ibuf = 0; ima->cmap = 1; ima->image = 1; append_pib(simasel, ima); } } simasel->ima_redraw++; simasel->imafase ++; if (simasel->imafase == simasel->totalima){ simasel->imafase = 0; simasel->fase &= ~IMS_DOTHE_IMA; simasel->fase |= IMS_KNOW_IMA; } } void add_ima(int who, SpaceImaSel *simasel, ImaDir *direntry) { OneSelectableIma *ima, *prev_ima; ImBuf *ibuf; char name[FILE_MAXDIR+FILE_MAXFILE]; int i = 0; strcpy(name , simasel->dir); strcat(name , direntry->name); prev_ima = simasel->first_sel_ima; i = 0; while((prev_ima)&&(prev_ima->next)){ prev_ima = prev_ima->next; } ima = callocN(sizeof(OneSelectableIma), "OSIbip"); if (direntry->type == IMS_IMA){ /* Picture is an Image */ ibuf = loadiffname(name, IB_test); if (ibuf){ ima->anim = 0; ima->pict = ibuf; ima->ibuf_type= ibuf->ftype; ima->orgx = ibuf->x; ima->orgy = ibuf->y; ima->orgd = ibuf->depth; ima->dw = 64; ima->dh = 51; ima->cmap = 0; ima->image = 0; if (ima->orgx > ima->orgy){ ima->dw = 64; ima->dh = 62 * ((float)ima->orgy / (float)ima->orgx); }else{ ima->dw = 64 * ((float)ima->orgx / (float)ima->orgy); ima->dh = 62; } }else{ printf("%s image with no imbuf ???\n", name); } ibuf = 0; }else{ /* Picture is an Animation */ ima->pict = 0; ima->anim = 1; ima->ibuf_type= 0; ima->orgx = 64; ima->orgy = 51; ima->orgd = 24; ima->dw = 64; ima->dh = 51; ima->cmap = 0; ima->image = 0; } strcpy(name, direntry->name); name[63] = 0; strcpy(ima->file_name, name); ima->disksize = (int)direntry->size; ima->mtime = (int)direntry->mtime; ima->next = 0; ima->prev = prev_ima; if (prev_ima) { prev_ima->next = ima; }else{ simasel->first_sel_ima = ima; } simasel->ima_redraw++; simasel->totalima++; } void get_file_info(SpaceImaSel *simasel) { OneSelectableIma *ima, *prev_ima; ImaDir *direntry; char name[FILE_MAXDIR+FILE_MAXFILE]; int i = 0; if (!simasel->firstfile){ simasel->subfase = 0; simasel->fase |= IMS_KNOW_INF; simasel->fase &= ~IMS_DOTHE_INF; return; } if (simasel->subfase > simasel->totalfiles){ simasel->subfase = 0; simasel->fase |= IMS_KNOW_INF; simasel->fase &= ~IMS_DOTHE_INF; } direntry = simasel->firstfile; while(i < simasel->subfase){ direntry = direntry->next; i++; } prev_ima = simasel->first_sel_ima; while((prev_ima)&&(prev_ima->next)){ prev_ima = prev_ima->next; } strcpy(name , simasel->dir); strcat(name , direntry->name); if (ispic(name)) { direntry->type = IMS_IMA; }else{ if (isanim(name)) { direntry->type = IMS_ANIM; }else{ direntry->type = IMS_NOIMA; } } if (direntry->type != IMS_NOIMA){ add_ima(1, simasel, direntry); } simasel->subfase++; if (simasel->subfase == simasel->totalfiles){ simasel->subfase = 0; simasel->fase |= IMS_KNOW_INF; simasel->fase &= ~IMS_DOTHE_INF; } } void get_pib_file(SpaceImaSel *simasel) { ImaDir *direntry, *prev_dir, *next_dir; OneSelectableIma *ima, *prev_ima; ImBuf *ibuf; int flen; int i, dl, file, first, trd=0, rd, size, found, ima_added = 0; char name[FILE_MAXDIR+FILE_MAXFILE], dname[FILE_MAXDIR+FILE_MAXFILE], iname[FILE_MAXDIR+FILE_MAXFILE]; if (bitset(simasel->fase , IMS_KNOW_BIP)) return; waitcursor(1); strcpy(name, simasel->dir); strcat(name, ".Bpib"); file = open(name, O_BINARY|O_RDONLY); flen = filesize(file); simasel->totalima = 0; prev_ima = 0; first = 1; trd = 0; while(trd < flen){ ima = callocN(sizeof(OneSelectableIma), "Ima"); rd = read(file, ima, sizeof(OneSelectableIma)); found = 0; if (rd != sizeof(OneSelectableIma)) { printf("Error in Bpib file\n"); strcpy(name, simasel->dir); strcat(name, ".Bpib"); dl = remove(name); if (dl == 0) printf("corrupt Bpib file removed\n"); trd = flen; } else { ima->cmap = BIG_SHORT(ima->cmap); ima->image = BIG_SHORT(ima->image); ima->draw_me = BIG_SHORT(ima->draw_me); ima->rt = BIG_SHORT(ima->rt); ima->sx = BIG_SHORT(ima->sx); ima->sy = BIG_SHORT(ima->sy); ima->ex = BIG_SHORT(ima->ex); ima->ey = BIG_SHORT(ima->ey); ima->dw = BIG_SHORT(ima->dw); ima->dh = BIG_SHORT(ima->dh); ima->selectable = BIG_SHORT(ima->selectable); ima->selected = BIG_SHORT(ima->selected); ima->orgx = BIG_SHORT(ima->orgx); ima->orgy = BIG_SHORT(ima->orgy); ima->orgd = BIG_SHORT(ima->orgd); ima->anim = BIG_SHORT(ima->anim); ima->mtime = BIG_LONG(ima->mtime); ima->disksize = BIG_LONG(ima->disksize); ima->ibuf_type = BIG_LONG(ima->ibuf_type); direntry = simasel->firstfile; while (direntry){ if (MAKE_ID('B', 'I', 'P', '2') == ima->header){ if (0 == strcmp(direntry->name, ima->file_name)){ if (direntry->mtime == ima->mtime){ /* ima found and same > remove direntry */ prev_dir = direntry->prev; next_dir = direntry->next; if(prev_dir) prev_dir->next = next_dir; if(next_dir) next_dir->prev = prev_dir; freeN(direntry);direntry = 0; size = ima->dw * ima->dh; if (size > 3968) size = 3968; if(size) { ima->pict = allocImBuf(ima->dw, ima->dh, 24, IB_rect | IB_cmap, 0); chartolong(ima->pict->rect, ima->pict_rect, size); ima->pict->cmap = simasel->cmap->cmap; ima->pict->maxcol = 256; applycmap(ima->pict); convert_rgba_to_abgr(size, ima->pict->rect); } ima->selected = 0; ima->selectable = 0; if(prev_ima) prev_ima->next = ima; ima->next = 0; ima->prev = prev_ima; prev_ima = ima; if (first){ first = 0;simasel->first_sel_ima = ima; } simasel->totalima++; found = 1; } } } if(direntry) direntry = direntry->next; } } if (!found) freeN(ima); trd+=rd; } close(file); direntry = simasel->firstfile; while(direntry){ strcpy(name , simasel->dir); strcat(name , direntry->name); if (ispic(name)) { direntry->type = IMS_IMA; }else{ if (isanim(name)) { direntry->type = IMS_ANIM; }else{ direntry->type = IMS_NOIMA; } } if (direntry->type != IMS_NOIMA){ prev_ima = simasel->first_sel_ima; while((prev_ima)&&(prev_ima->next)){ prev_ima = prev_ima->next; } add_ima(2, simasel, direntry); ima_added = 1; } direntry = direntry->next; } imsort(&simasel->first_sel_ima); simasel->fase |= IMS_KNOW_BIP; simasel->fase |= IMS_KNOW_INF; simasel->fase |= IMS_KNOW_IMA; if (ima_added){ simasel->fase |= IMS_DOTHE_IMA; simasel->fase &= ~IMS_KNOW_IMA; addafterqueue(curarea->win, AFTERIMASELGET, 1); }else{ write_new_pib(simasel); } waitcursor(0); } void change_imadir(SpaceImaSel *simasel) { ImaDir *direntry; int i; char name[FILE_MAXDIR+FILE_MAXFILE]; direntry = simasel->firstdir; for (i=0; i<simasel->hilite; i++){ direntry = direntry->next; } if(direntry==NULL); else if (direntry->name[0] != '.'){ strcat(simasel->dir, direntry->name); strcat(simasel->dir, "/"); } else { if (direntry->name[1] == '.'){ imadir_parent(simasel); } } clear_ima_dir(simasel); } void init_imaselspace(ScrArea *sa) { SpaceImaSel *simasel; char str[FILE_MAXDIR+FILE_MAXFILE]; simasel= callocN(sizeof(SpaceImaSel), "initimaselspace"); addhead(&sa->spacedata, simasel); set_func_space(sa); simasel->spacetype= SPACE_IMASEL; simasel->mode = 7; strcpy (simasel->dir, U.textudir); /* TON */ strcpy (simasel->file, ""); strcpy(simasel->fole, simasel->file); strcpy(simasel->dor, simasel->dir); simasel->first_sel_ima = 0; simasel->hilite_ima = 0; simasel->firstdir = 0; simasel->firstfile = 0; simasel->cmap = 0; simasel->returnfunc = 0; simasel->title[0] = 0; clear_ima_dir(simasel); simasel->cmap= loadiffmem((int*)datatoc_cmap_tga, IB_rect|IB_cmap); if (!simasel->cmap) { error("in console"); printf("Image select cmap file not found \n"); } } void check_imasel_copy(SpaceImaSel *simasel) { char str[FILE_MAXDIR+FILE_MAXFILE]; /* LET OP: wordt ook gebruikt bij inlezen blender file */ /* dingen op nul zetten, opnieuw malloccen etc */ simasel->first_sel_ima = 0; simasel->hilite_ima = 0; simasel->firstdir = 0; simasel->firstfile = 0; simasel->cmap = 0; clear_ima_dir(simasel); simasel->cmap= loadiffmem((int*)datatoc_cmap_tga, IB_rect|IB_cmap); } void free_imasel(SpaceImaSel *simasel) { /* NIET de imasel zelf vrijgeven */ clear_ima_dir(simasel); freeImBuf(simasel->cmap); }