/** * $Id:$ * ***** BEGIN GPL/BL DUAL LICENSE BLOCK ***** * * The contents of this file may be used under the terms of either the GNU * General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL", see * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html ), or the Blender License 1.0 or * later (the "BL", see http://www.blender.org/BL/ ) which has to be * bought from the Blender Foundation to become active, in which case the * above mentioned GPL option does not apply. * * The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2002 by NaN Holding BV. * All rights reserved. * * The Original Code is: all of this file. * * Contributor(s): none yet. * * ***** END GPL/BL DUAL LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ /* interface.c june 2000 * * ton roosendaal * Version: $Id: interface.c,v 1.31 2000/09/25 22:02:54 ton Exp $ */ #include "blender.h" #include "graphics.h" #include "screen.h" #include "interface.h" /* naming conventions: * * uiBlahBlah() external function * ui_blah_blah() internal function */ /* ************ GLOBALS ************* */ #define BUTM_ACTIVE 0xc07070 float UIwinmat[4][4]; int UIfrontbuf= 0, UIlock= 0, UIafterval; char *UIlockstr=NULL; void (*UIafterfunc)(); uiCol UIcol[UI_ARRAY]; uiIconImage UIicon[UI_ARRAY]; uiFont UIfont[UI_ARRAY]; static uiBut *UIbuttip; /* ****************************** */ void uiInit() { int a; bzero(UIcol, sizeof(UIcol)); bzero(UIicon, sizeof(UIicon)); bzero(UIfont, sizeof(UIfont)); } void uiEnd() { int a; for(a=0; a<UI_ARRAY; a++) { if(UIicon[a].rect) freeN(UIicon[a].rect); UIicon[a].rect= NULL; } } void disable_capslock(int val) { } void uiDefButIcon(short nr, uint *rect, short xim, short yim, short xofs, short yofs) { uint transp, *dr; int a; UIicon[nr].rect= rect; UIicon[nr].xim= xim; UIicon[nr].yim= yim; UIicon[nr].xofs= xofs; UIicon[nr].yofs= yofs; /* transparant color */ transp= rect[3*xim + 3]; dr= rect; a= xim*yim; while(a--) { if( *dr == transp) ((char *)dr)[3]= 0; dr++; } } /* ************* DRAW ************** */ static void ui_graphics_to_window(float *x, float *y) /* voor rectwrite b.v. */ { float gx, gy; int sx, sy; int getsizex, getsizey; getsize(&getsizex, &getsizey); gx= *x; gy= *y; *x= getsizex*(0.5+ 0.5*(gx*UIwinmat[0][0]+ gy*UIwinmat[1][0]+ UIwinmat[3][0])); *y= getsizey*(0.5+ 0.5*(gx*UIwinmat[0][1]+ gy*UIwinmat[1][1]+ UIwinmat[3][1])); mygetsuborigin(&sx, &sy); *x+= sx; *y+= sy; } static void ui_window_to_graphics(float *x, float *y) /* voor muiscursor b.v. */ { float a, b, c, d, e, f, px, py; int getsizex, getsizey; getsize(&getsizex, &getsizey); a= .5*getsizex*UIwinmat[0][0]; b= .5*getsizex*UIwinmat[1][0]; c= .5*getsizex*(1.0+UIwinmat[3][0]); d= .5*getsizey*UIwinmat[0][1]; e= .5*getsizey*UIwinmat[1][1]; f= .5*getsizey*(1.0+UIwinmat[3][1]); px= *x; py= *y; *y= (a*(py-f) + d*(c-px))/(a*e-d*b); *x= (px- b*(*y)- c)/a; } static short UIoldcursor= 0, UIoldwin; void ui_bgnpupdraw(int startx, int starty, int endx, int endy, int cursor) { #if defined(__sgi) || defined(__SUN) /* this is a dirty patch: XgetImage gets sometimes the backbuffer */ my_get_frontbuffer_image(0, 0, 1, 1); my_put_frontbuffer_image(); #endif UIoldwin= winget(); winset(G.curscreen->mainwin); /* pietsje groter, 1 pixel aan de rand */ glReadBuffer(GL_FRONT); glDrawBuffer(GL_FRONT); /* for geforce and other cards */ glFinish(); my_get_frontbuffer_image(startx-1, starty-1, endx-startx+2, endy-starty+6); if(cursor) { mygetcursor(&UIoldcursor); glutSetCursor(GLUT_CURSOR_LEFT_ARROW); } else UIoldcursor= 0; } void ui_endpupdraw() { int x; /* for geforce and other cards */ glFinish(); my_put_frontbuffer_image(); if(UIoldwin) { winset(UIoldwin); if(UIoldcursor) glutSetCursor(UIoldcursor); } glReadBuffer(GL_BACK); glDrawBuffer(GL_BACK); } static uint temprect[40*40*4]; void uiDrawIcon(uiBut *but) { uint *rii, paper, firstcol; float xs, ys; int high, a, b, sizea, sizeb, rfac=256, gfac=256, bfac=256, fac; char *rd, *ri, *col; /* rectdraw, recticon */ if(but->icon==0) return; rd= (char *)temprect; rii= but->icon->rect; if(rii==0) { printf("Non existing iconrect\n"); return; } /* eerste pixels zijn zwart: grid, en daarbij rand: 3 pixels totaal offset*/ rii+= (3 + but->icony*but->icon->yofs)*but->icon->xim+ (but->iconx+but->iconxadd)*but->icon->xofs + 3 ; /* en natuurlijk de andere rand eraf: */ sizea= but->icon->xofs-5; sizeb= but->icon->yofs-5; firstcol= *rii; if(*rii) { /* papercol */ if(but->flag & UI_SELECT) paper= but->col->grey; else { if(but->flag & UI_ACTIVE) { if( but->type == BUTM) paper= BUTM_ACTIVE; else paper= but->col->hilite; } else paper= but->col->medium; } col= (char *)&paper; /* ABGR */ ri= (char *)rii; /* eerste kleur icon==paperkleur */ if(ri[0] && ri[1] && ri[2]) { rfac= (col[RCOMP]<<8)/ri[0]; gfac= (col[GCOMP]<<8)/ri[1]; bfac= (col[BCOMP]<<8)/ri[2]; } } for(b=sizeb; b>0; b--) { ri= (char *)rii; for(a=sizea; a>0; a--, ri+=4, rd+=4) { if( firstcol == *((uint *)ri) ) rd[3]= 0; else { fac= (rfac*ri[0])>>8; if(fac>255) rd[0]= 255; else rd[0]= fac; fac= (gfac*ri[1])>>8; if(fac>255) rd[1]= 255; else rd[1]= fac; fac= (bfac*ri[2])>>8; if(fac>255) rd[2]= 255; else rd[2]= fac; rd[3]= 255; } } rii+= but->icon->xim; } rii= temprect; /* since we zoom. don't clip icons! */ xs= (but->x1+but->x2- sizea)/2.0; ys= (but->y1+but->y2- sizeb)/2.0; glRasterPos2f(xs, ys); if(but->aspect>1.1) glPixelZoom(1.0/but->aspect, 1.0/but->aspect); glEnable(GL_BLEND); glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); glDrawPixels(sizea, sizeb, GL_RGBA, GL_UNSIGNED_BYTE, rii); glBlendFunc(GL_ONE, GL_ZERO); glDisable(GL_BLEND); glPixelZoom(1.0, 1.0); } void ui_draw_outlineX(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, float asp1) { float vec[2]; glBegin(GL_LINE_LOOP); vec[0]= x1+asp1; vec[1]= y1-asp1; glVertex2fv(vec); vec[0]= x2-asp1; glVertex2fv(vec); vec[0]= x2+asp1; vec[1]= y1+asp1; glVertex2fv(vec); vec[1]= y2-asp1; glVertex2fv(vec); vec[0]= x2-asp1; vec[1]= y2+asp1; glVertex2fv(vec); vec[0]= x1+asp1; glVertex2fv(vec); vec[0]= x1-asp1; vec[1]= y2-asp1; glVertex2fv(vec); vec[1]= y1+asp1; glVertex2fv(vec); glEnd(); } void uiEmbossX(uiCol *bc, float asp, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, int sel) { float asp1, asp2; float vec[2]; asp1= asp; asp2= asp1+asp; x1+= asp1; x2-= asp1; y1+= asp1; y2-= asp1; /* below */ if(sel) cpack(bc->medium); else cpack(bc->dark); fdrawline(x1, y1, x2, y1); /* right */ fdrawline(x2, y1, x2, y2); /* top */ if(sel) cpack(bc->dark); else cpack(bc->white); fdrawline(x1, y2, x2, y2); /* left */ fdrawline(x1, y1, x1, y2); /* shadow */ if(UIfrontbuf==0) { cpack(bc->grey); glBegin(GL_LINE_STRIP); vec[0]= x1+asp2; vec[1]= y1-asp2; glVertex2fv(vec); vec[0]= x2-asp1; glVertex2fv(vec); vec[0]= x2+asp2; vec[1]= y1+asp1; glVertex2fv(vec); vec[1]= y2-asp2; glVertex2fv(vec); glEnd(); } /* outline */ cpack(0x0); ui_draw_outlineX(x1, y1, x2, y2, asp1); } void uiEmboss(float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, int sel) { float vec[2]; /* below */ if(sel) cpack(0xFFFFFF); else cpack(0x0); fdrawline(x1, y1, x2, y1); /* right */ fdrawline(x2, y1, x2, y2); /* top */ if(sel) cpack(0x0); else cpack(0xFFFFFF); fdrawline(x1, y2, x2, y2); /* left */ fdrawline(x1, y1, x1, y2); } void uiEmbossW(uiCol *bc, float asp, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, int sel) { float asp1, asp2; float vec[2]; if(bc==NULL) bc= &UIcol[0]; asp1= asp; asp2= asp1+asp; /* below */ if(sel) cpack(bc->white); else cpack(bc->dark); fdrawline(x1, y1, x2, y1); /* right */ fdrawline(x2, y1, x2, y2); /* top */ if(sel) cpack(bc->dark); else cpack(bc->white); fdrawline(x1, y2, x2, y2); /* left */ fdrawline(x1, y1, x1, y2); /* cpack(0x0); */ /* fdrawbox(x1-asp1, y1-asp1, x2+asp1, y2+asp1); */ } void uiEmbossF(uiCol *bc, float asp, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, int sel) { float asp1, asp2; float vec[2]; asp1= asp; asp2= asp1+asp; x1+= asp1; x2-= asp1; y1+= asp1; y2-= asp1; /* below */ if(sel) cpack(bc->white); else cpack(bc->dark); fdrawline(x1, y1, x2, y1); /* right */ fdrawline(x2, y1, x2, y2); /* top */ if(sel) cpack(bc->dark); else cpack(bc->white); fdrawline(x1, y2, x2, y2); /* left */ fdrawline(x1, y1, x1, y2); cpack(0x0); fdrawbox(x1-asp1, y1-asp1, x2+asp1, y2+asp1); } /* minimal */ void uiEmbossM(uiCol *bc, float asp, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, int sel) { float asp1, asp2; float vec[2]; if(bc==NULL) bc= &UIcol[0]; asp1= asp; asp2= asp1+asp; x1+= 1.0; y1+= 1.0; x2-= 1.0+asp; y2-= 1.0+asp; if(sel) { cpack(bc->light); /* below */ fdrawline(x1, y1, x2, y1); /* right */ fdrawline(x2, y1, x2, y2); } else { cpack(bc->white); /* top */ fdrawline(x1, y2, x2, y2); /* left */ fdrawline(x1, y1, x1, y2); } } void uiEmbossN(uiCol *bc, float asp, float x1, float y1, float x2, float y2, int sel) { /* nothing! */ } void uiEmbossSlider(uiBut *but, float fac) { float h; h= (but->y2-but->y1); cpack(but->col->dark); glRectf(but->x1, but->y1, but->x2, but->y2); cpack(0x0); ui_draw_outlineX(but->x1+1, but->y1+1, but->x2-1, but->y2-1, but->aspect); /* het blokje */ if(but->flag & UI_SELECT) cpack(but->col->light); else cpack(but->col->grey); glRects(but->x1+fac, but->y1+1, but->x1+fac+h, but->y2-1); cpack(but->col->white); fdrawline(but->x1+fac, but->y2-1, but->x1+fac+h, but->y2-1); fdrawline(but->x1+fac, but->y1+1, but->x1+fac, but->y2-1); cpack(0x0); fdrawline(but->x1+fac, but->y1+1, but->x1+fac+h, but->y1+1); fdrawline(but->x1+fac+h, but->y1+1, but->x1+fac+h, but->y2-1); } void uiDrawBut_BUT(uiBut *but) { float x; short pos, sel, t, h; char ch; sel= but->flag & UI_SELECT; /* paper */ if(sel) { if(but->flag & UI_ACTIVE) cpack(but->col->dark); else cpack(but->col->grey); } else { if(but->flag & UI_ACTIVE) cpack(but->col->hilite); else cpack(but->col->medium); } if( but->flag & UI_NO_BACK); else glRectf(but->x1+1, but->y1+1, but->x2-1, but->y2-1); but->embossfunc(but->col, but->aspect, but->x1, but->y1, but->x2, but->y2, sel); if( but->flag & UI_HAS_ICON ) { uiDrawIcon(but); } else if(but->drawstr[0]!=0) { if(sel) cpack(but->col->pen_sel); else cpack(but->col->pen); if(but->flag & UI_TEXT_LEFT) x= but->x1+4.0; else x= (but->x1+but->x2-but->strwidth+1)/2.0; glRasterPos2f( x, (but->y1+but->y2- 9.0)/2.0); fmprstr(but->drawstr+but->ofs); } } void uiDrawBut_TEX(uiBut *but) { float x; short pos, sel, t, h; char ch; sel= but->flag & UI_SELECT; /* paper */ if(but->embossfunc == uiEmbossF) { cpack(but->col->grey); sel= 1; /* for special draw */ } else { if(sel) { if(but->flag & UI_ACTIVE) cpack(but->col->dark); else cpack(but->col->grey); } else { if(but->flag & UI_ACTIVE) cpack(but->col->hilite); else cpack(but->col->medium); } } glRectf(but->x1+1, but->y1+1, but->x2-1, but->y2-1); but->embossfunc(but->col, but->aspect, but->x1, but->y1, but->x2, but->y2, sel); sel= but->flag & UI_SELECT; /* draw cursor */ if(but->pos != -1) { pos= but->pos+strlen(but->str); if(pos >= but->ofs) { ch= but->drawstr[pos]; but->drawstr[pos]= 0; t= but->aspect*fmgetstrwidth(but->font, but->drawstr+but->ofs) + 3; h=( but->y1 + but->y2 -8)/2; but->drawstr[pos]= ch; cpack(0xFF); glRects(but->x1+t, but->y1+2, but->x1+t+3, but->y2-2); } } if(but->drawstr[0]!=0) { if(sel) cpack(but->col->pen_sel); else cpack(but->col->pen); if(but->flag & UI_TEXT_LEFT) x= but->x1+4.0; else x= (but->x1+but->x2-but->strwidth+1)/2.0; glRasterPos2f( x, (but->y1+but->y2- 9.0)/2.0); fmprstr(but->drawstr+but->ofs); } } void uiDrawBut_BLOCK(uiBut *but) { float x; short pos, sel, t, h; char ch; sel= but->flag & UI_SELECT; cpack(but->paper); fdrawbox(but->x1, but->y1, but->x2, but->y2); if(but->flag & UI_ACTIVE) { uiEmbossW(but->col, but->aspect, but->x1, but->y1, but->x2, but->y2, sel); } if( but->flag & UI_HAS_ICON ) { uiDrawIcon(but); } else { if(but->drawstr[0]!=0) { /* no pen_sel for readability */ cpack(but->col->pen); if(but->flag & UI_TEXT_LEFT) x= but->x1+4.0; else x= (but->x1+but->x2-but->strwidth+1)/2.0; glRasterPos2f( x, (but->y1+but->y2- 9.0)/2.0); fmprstr(but->drawstr+but->ofs); } } } void uiDrawBut_BUTM(uiBut *but) { float x; short sel, len; char ch, *cpoin; sel= but->flag & UI_SELECT; cpack(but->col->medium); glRectf(but->x1, but->y1, but->x2, but->y2); if(but->flag & UI_ACTIVE) { cpack(BUTM_ACTIVE); glRectf(but->x1, but->y1, but->x2, but->y2); } if( but->flag & UI_HAS_ICON ) { uiDrawIcon(but); } else { if(but->drawstr[0]!=0) { cpoin= strchr(but->drawstr, '|'); if(cpoin) *cpoin= 0; if(but->flag & UI_ACTIVE) cpack(but->col->pen_sel); else cpack(but->col->pen); x= but->x1+4.0; glRasterPos2f( x, (but->y1+but->y2- 9.0)/2.0); fmprstr(but->drawstr); if(cpoin) { len= fmstrwidth(cpoin+1); glRasterPos2f( but->x2 - len*but->aspect-3, (but->y1+but->y2- 9.0)/2.0); fmprstr(cpoin+1); *cpoin= '|'; } } } } void uiDrawBut_LABEL(uiBut *but) { float x; int sel; sel= but->min!=0.0; if(sel) cpack(but->col->pen_sel); else cpack(but->col->pen); if( but->flag & UI_HAS_ICON ) { uiDrawIcon(but); } else if(but->drawstr[0]!=0) { if(but->flag & UI_TEXT_LEFT) x= but->x1+4.0; else x= (but->x1+but->x2-but->strwidth+1)/2.0; glRasterPos2f( x, (but->y1+but->y2- 9.0)/2.0); fmprstr(but->drawstr+but->ofs); } } void uiDrawBut_SEPR(uiBut *but) { float y= (but->y1+but->y2)/2.0; cpack(0x0); fdrawline(but->x1, y+but->aspect, but->x2, y+but->aspect); cpack(0xFFFFFF); fdrawline(but->x1, y, but->x2, y); } void uiDrawBut_LINK(uiBut *but) { uiDrawIcon(but); } void uiDrawBut(uiBut *but) { double value; float fac, x1, y1, x2, y2, *fp; uint tempcol; int a; char colr, colg, colb; if(but==0) return; if(UIfrontbuf) { glDrawBuffer(GL_FRONT); if(but->win==curarea->headwin) curarea->head_swap= WIN_FRONT_OK; else curarea->win_swap= WIN_FRONT_OK; } fmsetfont(but->font); switch (but->type) { case BUT: case ROW: case TOG: case TOGR: case TOGN: case ICONTOG: case NUM: case IDPOIN: uiDrawBut_BUT(but); break; case TEX: uiDrawBut_TEX(but); break; case BLOCK: uiDrawBut_BLOCK(but); break; case BUTM: uiDrawBut_BUTM(but); break; case ICONROW: uiDrawBut_BUT(but); /* teken pijltjes, icon is standaard RGB */ a= (but->y1+but->y2)/2; cpack(0); sdrawline(but->x1-1, a-2, but->x1-1, a+2); sdrawline(but->x1-2, a-1, but->x1-2, a+1); sdrawline(but->x1-3, a, but->x1-3, a); cpack(0xFFFFFF); sdrawline(but->x1-3, a-1, but->x1-1, a-3); cpack(0); sdrawline(but->x2+1, a-2, but->x2+1, a+2); sdrawline(but->x2+2, a-1, but->x2+2, a+1); sdrawline(but->x2+3, a, but->x2+3, a); cpack(0xFFFFFF); sdrawline(but->x2+3, a-1, but->x2+1, a-3); break; case MENU: uiDrawBut_BUT(but); /* als er ruimte is: teken symbooltje */ if(but->strwidth+10 < but->x2-but->x1) { int h; h= but->y2- but->y1; x1= but->x2-0.66*h; x2= x1+.33*h; y1= but->y1+.42*h; y2= y1+.16*h; cpack(0x0); glRecti(x1, y1, x2, y2); cpack(0xffffff); glRecti(x1-1, y1+1, x2-1, y2+1); } break; case NUMSLI: case HSVSLI: uiDrawBut_BUT(but); /* de slider */ x1= but->x1; x2= but->x2; y1= but->y1; y2= but->y2; but->x1= (but->x1+but->x2)/2; but->x2-= 9; but->y1= -2+(but->y1+but->y2)/2; but->y2= but->y1+6; value= uiGetButVal(but); fac= (value-but->min)*(but->x2-but->x1-but->y2+but->y1)/(but->max - but->min); uiEmbossSlider(but, fac); but->x1= x1; but->x2= x2; but->y1= y1; but->y2= y2; break; case TOG3: tempcol= but->col->pen_sel; if(but->flag & SELECT) { int ok= 0; if( but->pointype==CHA ) { if( BTST( *(but->poin+2), but->bitnr )) ok= 1; } else if( but->pointype ==SHO ) { short *sp= (short *)but->poin; if( BTST( sp[1], but->bitnr )) ok= 1; } if(ok) but->col->pen_sel= 0xFFFF; } uiDrawBut_BUT(but); but->col->pen_sel= tempcol; break; case LABEL: uiDrawBut_LABEL(but); break; case SLI: break; case SCROLL: break; case SEPR: uiDrawBut_SEPR(but); break; case COL: uiDrawBut_BUT(but); if( but->pointype==FLO ) { fp= (float *)but->poin; colr= ffloor(255.0*fp[0]+0.5); colg= ffloor(255.0*fp[1]+0.5); colb= ffloor(255.0*fp[2]+0.5); } else { char *cp= (char *)but->poin; colr= cp[0]; colg= cp[1]; colb= cp[2]; } glColor3ub(colr, colg, colb); glRects(but->x1+2, but->y1+2, but->x2-2, but->y2-2); break; case LINK: uiDrawBut_LINK(but); break; case INLINK: uiDrawBut_LINK(but); break; } /* windows has troubles with this sometimes (numsli), before switching * to backbuffer drawing, better to finish drawing */ glFinish(); if(UIfrontbuf) glDrawBuffer(GL_BACK); } void uiDrawMenuBox(uint paper, float minx, float miny, float maxx, float maxy) { cpack(paper); glRectf(minx, miny, maxx, maxy); glBlendFunc(GL_SRC_ALPHA, GL_ONE_MINUS_SRC_ALPHA); glEnable(GL_BLEND); glColor4ub(0, 0, 0, 100); fdrawline(minx+4, miny-1, maxx+1, miny-1); fdrawline(maxx+1, miny-1, maxx+1, maxy-4); glColor4ub(0, 0, 0, 75); fdrawline(minx+4, miny-2, maxx+2, miny-2); fdrawline(maxx+2, miny-2, maxx+2, maxy-4); glColor4ub(0, 0, 0, 50); fdrawline(minx+4, miny-3, maxx+3, miny-3); fdrawline(maxx+3, miny-3, maxx+3, maxy-4); glDisable(GL_BLEND); /* below */ cpack(0x0); fdrawline(minx, miny, maxx, miny); /* right */ fdrawline(maxx, miny, maxx, maxy); /* top */ cpack(0xffffff); fdrawline(minx, maxy, maxx, maxy); /* left */ fdrawline(minx, miny, minx, maxy); } void ui_draw_linkline(uiCol *col, uiLinkLine *line) { float vec1[2], vec2[2]; if(line->from==NULL || line->to==NULL) return; vec1[0]= (line->from->x1+line->from->x2)/2.0; vec1[1]= (line->from->y1+line->from->y2)/2.0; vec2[0]= (line->to->x1+line->to->x2)/2.0; vec2[1]= (line->to->y1+line->to->y2)/2.0; if(line->flag & UI_SELECT) cpack(col->light); else cpack(0x0); fdrawline(vec1[0], vec1[1], vec2[0], vec2[1]); } void ui_draw_links(uiBlock *block) { uiBut *but; uiLinkLine *line; if(UIfrontbuf) glDrawBuffer(GL_FRONT); but= block->buttons.first; while(but) { if(but->type==LINK && but->link) { line= but->link->lines.first; while(line) { ui_draw_linkline(but->col, line); line= line->next; } } but= but->next; } if(UIfrontbuf) glDrawBuffer(GL_BACK); } /* ******************* block calc ************************* */ void ui_boundsblock(uiBlock *block, int addval) { uiBut *bt; int min[2], max[2]; block->minx= block->miny= 10000; block->maxx= block->maxy= -10000; bt= block->buttons.first; while(bt) { if(bt->x1 < block->minx) block->minx= bt->x1; if(bt->y1 < block->miny) block->miny= bt->y1; if(bt->x2 > block->maxx) block->maxx= bt->x2; if(bt->y2 > block->maxy) block->maxy= bt->y2; bt= bt->next; } block->minx -= addval; block->miny -= addval; block->maxx += addval; block->maxy += addval; } void ui_positionblock(uiBlock *block, uiBut *but) { /* position block relative to but */ uiBut *bt; int min[2], max[2]; int xsize, ysize, xof=0, yof=0; block->minx= block->miny= 10000; block->maxx= block->maxy= -10000; bt= block->buttons.first; while(bt) { if(bt->x1 < block->minx) block->minx= bt->x1; if(bt->y1 < block->miny) block->miny= bt->y1; if(bt->x2 > block->maxx) block->maxx= bt->x2; if(bt->y2 > block->maxy) block->maxy= bt->y2; bt= bt->next; } block->minx-= 2.0; block->miny-= 2.0; block->maxx+= 2.0; block->maxy+= 2.0; xsize= block->maxx - block->minx; ysize= block->maxy - block->miny; if(but) { rctf butrct, sizex, sizey; short left=0, right=0, top=0, down=0; short dir1, dir2; butrct.xmin= but->x1; butrct.xmax= but->x2; butrct.ymin= but->y1; butrct.ymax= but->y2; ui_graphics_to_window(&butrct.xmin, &butrct.ymin); ui_graphics_to_window(&butrct.xmax, &butrct.ymax); /* PRINT4(f, f, f, f, butrct.xmin, butrct.ymin, butrct.xmax, butrct.ymax); */ if( butrct.xmin-xsize > 0.0) left= 1; if( butrct.xmax+xsize < G.curscreen->sizex) right= 1; if( butrct.ymin-ysize > 0.0) down= 1; if( butrct.ymax+ysize < G.curscreen->sizey) top= 1; /* PRINT4(d, d, d, d, left, right, top, down); */ dir1= block->direction; if(dir1==UI_LEFT || dir1==UI_RIGHT) dir2= UI_DOWN; if(dir1==UI_TOP || dir1==UI_DOWN) dir2= UI_LEFT; if(dir1==UI_LEFT && left==0) dir1= UI_RIGHT; if(dir1==UI_RIGHT && right==0) dir1= UI_LEFT; /* this is aligning, not append! */ if(dir2==UI_LEFT && right==0) dir2= UI_RIGHT; if(dir2==UI_RIGHT && left==0) dir2= UI_LEFT; if(dir1==UI_TOP && top==0) dir1= UI_DOWN; if(dir1==UI_DOWN && down==0) dir1= UI_TOP; if(dir2==UI_TOP && top==0) dir2= UI_DOWN; if(dir2==UI_DOWN && down==0) dir2= UI_TOP; if(dir1==UI_LEFT) { xof= but->x1 - block->maxx; if(dir2==UI_TOP) yof= but->y1 - block->miny; else yof= but->y2 - block->maxy; } else if(dir1==UI_RIGHT) { xof= but->x2 - block->minx; if(dir2==UI_TOP) yof= but->y1 - block->miny; else yof= but->y2 - block->maxy; } else if(dir1==UI_TOP) { yof= but->y2 - block->miny+1; if(dir2==UI_RIGHT) xof= but->x2 - block->maxx; else xof= but->x1 - block->minx; } else if(dir1==UI_DOWN) { yof= but->y1 - block->maxy-1; if(dir2==UI_RIGHT) xof= but->x2 - block->maxx; else xof= but->x1 - block->minx; } } /* apply */ bt= block->buttons.first; while(bt) { bt->x1 += xof; bt->x2 += xof; bt->y1 += yof; bt->y2 += yof; ui_graphics_to_window(&bt->x1, &bt->y1); ui_graphics_to_window(&bt->x2, &bt->y2); bt->aspect= 1.0; bt= bt->next; } block->minx += xof; block->miny += yof; block->maxx += xof; block->maxy += yof; ui_graphics_to_window(&block->minx, &block->miny); ui_graphics_to_window(&block->maxx, &block->maxy); } void ui_autofill(uiBlock *block) { uiBut *but; float *maxw, *maxh, fac, startx, starty, height; float totmaxh; int rows=0, cols=0, i, lasti; /* first count rows */ but= block->buttons.last; rows= but->x1+1; /* calculate max width / height for each row */ maxw= callocN(sizeof(float)*rows, "maxw"); maxh= callocN(sizeof(float)*rows, "maxh"); but= block->buttons.first; while(but) { i= but->x1; if( maxh[i] < but->y2) maxh[i]= but->y2; maxw[i] += but->x2; but= but->next; } totmaxh= 0.0; for(i=0; i<rows; i++) totmaxh+= maxh[i]; /* apply widths/heights */ starty= block->maxy; but= block->buttons.first; lasti= -1; while(but) { i= but->x1; if(i!=lasti) { startx= block->minx; height= (maxh[i]*(block->maxy-block->miny))/totmaxh; starty-= height; lasti= i; } but->y1= starty+but->aspect; but->y2= but->y1+height-but->aspect; but->x2= (but->x2*(block->maxx-block->minx))/maxw[i]; but->x1= startx+but->aspect; startx+= but->x2; but->x2+= but->x1-but->aspect; uiCheckBut(but); but= but->next; } freeN(maxw); freeN(maxh); block->autofill= 0; } void uiDrawBlock(uiBlock *block) { uiBut *but; if(block->autofill) ui_autofill(block); if(block->minx==0.0 && block->maxx==0.0) ui_boundsblock(block, 0); if(block->flag & UI_BLOCK_LOOP) { uiDrawMenuBox(UIcol[block->col].hilite, block->minx, block->miny, block->maxx, block->maxy); } if(block->flag & UI_BLOCK_TEST_ACTIVE) { uiEvent event; event.val= 1; event.event= MOUSEY; uiGetMouse(event.mval); uiDoBlock(block, &event); block->flag &= ~UI_BLOCK_TEST_ACTIVE; } but= block->buttons.first; while(but) { uiDrawBut(but); but= but->next; } ui_draw_links(block); } /* ************* MENUBUTS *********** */ /* return items */ int decompose_menu_string(char *str, char **title, char **cpoin, int *retval) { int items= 0; cpoin[0]= str; retval[0]= 1; while( *str) { switch( *str ) { case '%': if(str[1]=='x') { retval[items]= atoi(str+2); *str= 0; } else if(str[1]=='t') { *title= cpoin[0]; *str= 0; items--; } break; case '|': if(str[1]) { items++; cpoin[items]= str+1; retval[items]= items+1; } *str= 0; break; } str++; } return items+1; } void uiGetNameMenu(char *name, char *menu, int value) { int a, items, retvals[100]; char *str, *title=0, *cpoin[100]; str= mallocN(strlen(menu)+1, "setname menu"); strcpy(str, menu); items= decompose_menu_string(str, &title, cpoin, retvals); for(a=0; a<items; a++) { if(retvals[a] == value) strcpy(name, cpoin[a]); } freeN(str); } void uiSetNameMenu(uiBut *but, int value) { uiGetNameMenu(but->drawstr, but->str, value); } int uiDoBut_MENU(uiBut *but) { uiBlock *block; ListBase listb={NULL, NULL}; double fvalue; int width, height, a, retvals[100], items, xmax, ymax, startx, starty, endx, endy; int columns=1, rows=0, x1, y1, boxh, event; short val, mval[2], mousemove[2]; char *instr, *str, *title=0, *cpoin[100]; but->flag |= UI_SELECT; uiDrawBut(but); block= uiNewBlock(&listb, "menu", UI_EMBOSSW, UI_HELV, 0x808080, G.curscreen->mainwin); block->flag= UI_BLOCK_LOOP|UI_BLOCK_REDRAW|UI_BLOCK_NUMSELECT; block->aspect= 1.0; uiSetCurFont(block, block->font); instr= but->str; /* kopie string maken */ str= mallocN(strlen(instr)+1, "pupmenu"); strcpy(str, instr); /* eerst string uitelkaar pulken, tellen hoeveel elementen, return values */ items= decompose_menu_string(str, &title, cpoin, retvals); /* collumns and row calculation */ columns= (items+20)/20; if (columns<1) columns= 1; rows= (int) items/columns; if (rows<1) rows= 1; while (rows*columns<items) rows++; /* size and location */ if(title) width= 2*strlen(title)+fmgetstrwidth(block->curfont, title); else width= 0; for(a=0; a<items; a++) { xmax= fmgetstrwidth(block->curfont, cpoin[a]); if(xmax>width) width= xmax; } width+= 10; if (width<50) width=50; boxh= TBOXH; height= rows*boxh; if (title) height+= boxh; xmax = G.curscreen->sizex; ymax = G.curscreen->sizey; getmouseco_sc(mval); /* find active item */ fvalue= uiGetButVal(but); for(a=0; a<items; a++) { if( retvals[a]== (int)fvalue ) break; } /* no active item? */ if(a==items) { if(title) a= -1; else a= 0; } if(a>0) startx = mval[0]-width/2 - ((int)(a)/rows)*width; else startx= mval[0]-width/2; starty = mval[1]-height + boxh/2 + ((a)%rows)*boxh; if (title) starty+= boxh; mousemove[0]= mousemove[1]= 0; if(startx<10) { mousemove[0]= 10-startx; startx= 10; } if(starty<10) { mousemove[1]= 10-starty; starty= 10; } endx= startx+width*columns; endy= starty+height; if(endx>xmax) { mousemove[0]= xmax-endx-10; endx= xmax-10; startx= endx-width*columns; } if(endy>ymax) { mousemove[1]= ymax-endy-10; endy= ymax-10; starty= endy-height; } warp_pointer(mval[0]+mousemove[0], mval[1]+mousemove[1]); mousemove[0]= mval[0]; mousemove[1]= mval[1]; /* here we go! */ if(title) { uiBut *bt; uiSetCurFont(block, block->font+1); bt= uiDefBut(block, LABEL, 0, title, startx, starty+rows*boxh, width, boxh, NULL, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0, ""); uiSetCurFont(block, block->font); bt->flag= UI_TEXT_LEFT; } for(a=0; a<items; a++) { x1= startx + width*((int)a/rows); y1= starty - boxh*(a%rows) + (rows-1)*boxh; uiDefBut(block, BUTM|but->pointype, but->retval, cpoin[a], x1, y1, width-(rows>1), boxh-1, but->poin, (float)retvals[a], 0.0, 0, 0, ""); } ui_boundsblock(block, 3); event= uiDoBlocks(&listb, 0); /* ready, restore stuff */ UIfrontbuf= 1; freeN(str); if((event & UI_RETURN_OUT)==0) warp_pointer(mousemove[0], mousemove[1]); but->flag &= ~UI_SELECT; uiCheckBut(but); uiDrawBut(but); return event; } /* ************* EVENTS ************* */ void uiGetMouse(short *adr) { int x, y; float xwin, ywin; int automove; getmouseco_sc(adr); if(winget() == G.curscreen->mainwin) return; mygetsuborigin(&x, &y); adr[0]-= x; adr[1]-= y; xwin= adr[0]; ywin= adr[1]; ui_window_to_graphics(&xwin, &ywin); adr[0]= (short)(xwin+0.5); adr[1]= (short)(ywin+0.5); } int uiDoBut_BUT(uiBut *but) { short a, push; short mval[2]; but->flag |= UI_SELECT; uiDrawBut(but); push= 1; if(but->func==NULL && but->butfunc==NULL) { while (get_mbut() & L_MOUSE) { uiGetMouse(mval); a= 0; if(mval[0]>but->x1) if(mval[0]<but->x2) if(mval[1]>=but->y1-1) if(mval[1]<=but->y2+1) a=1; if(a!=push) { push= a; if(push) but->flag |= UI_SELECT; else but->flag &= ~UI_SELECT; uiDrawBut(but); } usleep(1); } } if(push) { if(but->func) { if(but->poin) { but->func( (int)uiGetButVal(but) ); } else if(but->a1) but->func((int)but->a2); else but->func(); while (get_mbut() & L_MOUSE) usleep(1); } if(but->butfunc) but->butfunc(but); } but->flag &= ~UI_SELECT; uiDrawBut(but); if(push==0) return 0; else return but->retval; } int uiDoBut_TOG(uiBlock *block, uiBut *but) { uiBut *bt; double value; int w, lvalue, push; value= uiGetButVal(but); lvalue= (int)value; if(but->bit) { w= BTST(lvalue, but->bitnr); if(w) lvalue = BCLR(lvalue, but->bitnr); else lvalue = BSET(lvalue, but->bitnr); if(but->type==TOGR) { if( (get_qual() & LR_SHIFTKEY)==0 ) { lvalue= 1<<(but->bitnr); uiSetButVal(but, (double)lvalue); bt= block->buttons.first; while(bt) { if( bt!=but && bt->poin==but->poin ) { uiIsButSel(bt); uiDrawBut(bt); } bt= bt->next; } } else { if(lvalue==0) lvalue= 1<<(but->bitnr); } } uiSetButVal(but, (double)lvalue); uiDrawBut(but); } else { if(value==0.0) push= 1; else push= 0; if(but->type==TOGN) push= !push; uiSetButVal(but, (double)push); uiDrawBut(but); } /* no while loop...this button is used for viewmove */ if(but->func) { but->func(lvalue); } return but->retval; } int uiDoBut_ROW(uiBlock *block, uiBut *but) { uiBut *bt; uiSetButVal(but, but->max); uiDrawBut(but); bt= block->buttons.first; while(bt) { if( bt!=but && bt->type==ROW ) { if(bt->min==but->min) { uiIsButSel(bt); uiDrawBut(bt); } } bt= bt->next; } return but->retval; } int uiDoBut_TEX(uiBut *but) { ushort dev; short val, temp, x, mval[2], ch, len=0, qual, dodraw; char *str, backstr[UI_MAX_DRAW_STR]; str= (char *)but->poin; but->flag |= UI_SELECT; uiGetMouse(mval); /* calculate cursor pos with current mousecoords */ strncpy(backstr, but->drawstr, UI_MAX_DRAW_STR); but->pos= strlen(backstr)-but->ofs; while((but->aspect*fmgetstrwidth(but->font, backstr+but->ofs) + but->x1) > mval[0]) { if (but->pos <= 0) break; but->pos--; backstr[but->pos+but->ofs] = 0; } but->pos -= strlen(but->str); but->pos += but->ofs; if(but->pos<0) but->pos= 0; /* backup */ strncpy(backstr, but->poin, UI_MAX_DRAW_STR); uiDrawBut(but); while (get_mbut() & L_MOUSE) usleep(1); len= strlen(str); but->min= 0.0; while(TRUE) { dodraw= 0; dev = extern_qread(&val); if(dev==INPUTCHANGE) break; else if(get_mbut() & L_MOUSE) break; else if(get_mbut() & R_MOUSE) break; else if(dev==ESCKEY) break; else if(dev==MOUSEX) val= 0; else if(dev==MOUSEY) val= 0; else if(dev==0) usleep(1); if(dev==KEYBD && val) { ch= val; switch(ch) { case 0: break; case '\b': case 'b'+100: /* backspace */ if(len!=0) { if(get_qual() & LR_SHIFTKEY) { str[0]= 0; but->pos= 0; len= 0; dodraw= 1; } else { temp= but->pos; if(temp>0) { for(x=temp; x<=strlen(str); x++) str[x-1]= str[x]; but->pos--; str[--len]='\0'; dodraw= 1; } } } break; case '\n': case '\r': /* niet doen: rawkey afhandelen */ break; default: if( ch>31 && ch<127) { if(len < but->max) { temp= but->pos; for(x= but->max; x>temp; x--) str[x]= str[x-1]; str[temp]= ch; but->pos++; len++; str[len]= '\0'; dodraw= 1; } } } } else if(val) { if(dev==RIGHTARROWKEY) { if(G.qual & LR_SHIFTKEY) but->pos= strlen(str); else but->pos++; if(but->pos>strlen(str)) but->pos= strlen(str); dodraw= 1; } else if(dev==LEFTARROWKEY) { if(G.qual & LR_SHIFTKEY) but->pos= 0; else if(but->pos>0) but->pos--; dodraw= 1; } else if(dev==PADENTER || dev==RETKEY) { break; } } if(dodraw) { uiCheckBut(but); uiDrawBut(but); } } if(dev==ESCKEY) strcpy(but->poin, backstr); but->pos= -1; but->flag &= ~UI_SELECT; if(but->func) but->func(but->poin); uiCheckBut(but); uiDrawBut(but); if(dev!=ESCKEY) return but->retval; else return 0; } static int uiActAsTextBut(uiBut *but) { double value; float min, max; int temp, retval, textleft; char str[UI_MAX_DRAW_STR], *point; value= uiGetButVal(but); if( but->pointype==FLO ) { sprintf(str, "%.3f", value); } else { sprintf(str, "%d", (int)value); } point= but->poin; but->poin= str; min= but->min; max= but->max; but->min= 0.0; but->max= 15.0; temp= but->type; but->type= TEX; textleft= but->flag & UI_TEXT_LEFT; but->flag |= UI_TEXT_LEFT; uiCheckBut(but); retval= uiDoBut_TEX(but); but->type= temp; but->poin= point; but->min= min; but->max= max; if(textleft==0) but->flag &= ~UI_TEXT_LEFT; if( but->pointype==FLO ) value= atof(str); else value= atoi(str); if(value<min) value= min; if(value>max) value= max; uiSetButVal(but, value); uiCheckBut(but); uiDrawBut(but); return retval; } int uiDoBut_NUM(uiBut *but) { double value; float deler, fstart, f, tempf; int lvalue, temp, firsttime=1; short qual, sx, mval[2], pos=0; but->flag |= UI_SELECT; uiDrawBut(but); uiGetMouse(mval); value= uiGetButVal(but); sx= mval[0]; fstart= (value - but->min)/(but->max-but->min); f= fstart; temp= (int)value; tempf= value; if(get_qual() & LR_SHIFTKEY) { /* make it textbut */ if( uiActAsTextBut(but) ) return but->retval; else return 0; } /* firsttime: this button can be approached with enter as well */ while (get_mbut() & L_MOUSE) { qual= get_qual(); deler= 500; if( but->pointype!=FLO ) { if( (but->max-but->min)<100 ) deler= 200.0; if( (but->max-but->min)<25 ) deler= 50.0; } if(qual & LR_SHIFTKEY) deler*= 10.0; if(qual & LR_ALTKEY) deler*= 20.0; uiGetMouse(mval); if(mval[0] != sx) { f+= ((float)(mval[0]-sx))/deler; if(f>1.0) f= 1.0; if(f<0.0) f= 0.0; sx= mval[0]; tempf= ( but->min + f*(but->max-but->min)); if( but->pointype!=FLO ) { temp= ffloor(tempf+.5); if(tempf==but->min || tempf==but->max); else if(qual & LR_CTRLKEY) temp= 10*(temp/10); if( temp>=but->min && temp<=but->max) { value= uiGetButVal(but); lvalue= (int)value; if(temp != lvalue ) { pos= 1; uiSetButVal(but, (double)temp); uiCheckBut(but); uiDrawBut(but); if(but->func) but->func(); /* winset(winakt); */ } } } else { temp= 0; if(qual & LR_CTRLKEY) { if(tempf==but->min || tempf==but->max); else if(but->max-but->min < 2.10) tempf= 0.1*ffloor(10*tempf); else if(but->max-but->min < 21.0) tempf= ffloor(tempf); else tempf= 10.0*ffloor(tempf/10.0); } if( tempf>=but->min && tempf<=but->max) { value= uiGetButVal(but); if(tempf != value ) { pos= 1; uiSetButVal(but, tempf); uiCheckBut(but); uiDrawBut(but); } } } } usleep(1); } if(pos==0) { /* plus 1 or minus 1 */ if( but->pointype!=FLO ) { if(sx<(but->x1+but->x2)/2) temp--; else temp++; if( temp>=but->min && temp<=but->max) uiSetButVal(but, (double)temp); } else { if(sx<(but->x1+but->x2)/2) tempf-= 0.01*but->a1; else tempf+= 0.01*but->a1; if( tempf>=but->min && tempf<=but->max) uiSetButVal(but, tempf); } } but->flag &= ~UI_SELECT; uiCheckBut(but); uiDrawBut(but); return but->retval; } int uiDoBut_TOG3(uiBut *but) { if( but->pointype==SHO ) { short *sp= (short *)but->poin; if( BTST(sp[1], but->bitnr)) { sp[1]= BCLR(sp[1], but->bitnr); sp[0]= BCLR(sp[0], but->bitnr); } else if( BTST(sp[0], but->bitnr)) { sp[1]= BSET(sp[1], but->bitnr); } else { sp[0]= BSET(sp[0], but->bitnr); } } else { if( BTST(*(but->poin+2), but->bitnr)) { *(but->poin+2)= BCLR(*(but->poin+2), but->bitnr); *(but->poin)= BCLR(*(but->poin), but->bitnr); } else if( BTST(*(but->poin), but->bitnr)) { *(but->poin+2)= BSET(*(but->poin+2), but->bitnr); } else { *(but->poin)= BSET(*(but->poin), but->bitnr); } } uiIsButSel(but); if(but->type==ICONTOG) uiCheckBut(but); uiDrawBut(but); return but->retval; } int uiDoBut_ICONROW(uiBut *but) { ListBase listb= {NULL, NULL}; uiBlock *block; int a, nr, x, y, event; char str[32]; but->flag |= UI_SELECT; uiDrawBut(but); /* here we go! */ block= uiNewBlock(&listb, "menu", UI_EMBOSSW, UI_HELV, 0x808080, G.curscreen->mainwin); block->flag= UI_BLOCK_LOOP|UI_BLOCK_REDRAW|UI_BLOCK_NUMSELECT; sscanf(but->str+4, "%d %d %d\n", &nr, &x, &y); for(a=(int)but->min; a<=(int)but->max; a++) { sprintf(str, "ICON %d %d %d", nr, (int)(x+a-but->min), y); uiDefBut(block, BUTM|but->pointype, but->retval, str, 0, 18*a, (but->x2-but->x1-4), 18, but->poin, (float)a, 0.0, 0, 0, ""); } block->direction= UI_TOP; ui_positionblock(block, but); event= uiDoBlocks(&listb, 0); /* ready, restore stuff */ UIfrontbuf= 1; but->flag &= ~UI_SELECT; uiCheckBut(but); uiDrawBut(but); return but->retval; } int uiDoBut_IDPOIN(uiBut *but) { ID **idpp, *id; void (*func)(); char str[UI_MAX_DRAW_STR]; idpp= (ID **)but->poin; id= *idpp; if(id) strcpy(str, id->name+2); else str[0]= 0; but->type= TEX; func= but->func; but->func= 0; but->poin= str; but->min= 0.0; but->max= 22.0; uiDoBut_TEX(but); but->poin= (char *)idpp; but->func= func; but->type= IDPOIN; but->func(str, idpp); uiDrawBut(but); return but->retval; } int uiDoBut_SLI(uiBut *but) { float f, fstart, tempf, deler, value; int sx, h, temp, pos=0, lvalue, redraw; short mval[2], qual; value= uiGetButVal(but); uiGetMouse(mval); sx= mval[0]; h= but->y2-but->y1; fstart= but->max-but->min; fstart= (value - but->min)/fstart; temp= 32767; if( but->type==NUMSLI) deler= ( (but->x2-but->x1)/2 - h); else if( but->type==HSVSLI) deler= ( (but->x2-but->x1)/2 - h); else deler= (but->x2-but->x1-h); while (get_mbut() & L_MOUSE) { qual= get_qual(); uiGetMouse(mval); f= (float)(mval[0]-sx)/deler +fstart; if(qual & LR_CTRLKEY) { if(qual & LR_SHIFTKEY) f= ffloor(f*100.0)/100.0; else f= ffloor(f*10.0)/10.0; } else if (qual & LR_SHIFTKEY) { f= (f-fstart)/10.0 + fstart; } CLAMP(f, 0.0, 1.0); tempf= but->min+f*(but->max-but->min); temp= ffloor(tempf+.5); value= uiGetButVal(but); lvalue= (int) value; if( but->pointype!=FLO ) redraw= (temp != lvalue); else redraw= (tempf != value); if (redraw) { pos= 1; uiSetButVal(but, tempf); uiCheckBut(but); uiDrawBut(but); if(but->a1) { /* colornummer */ uiBut *bt= but->prev; while(bt) { if(bt->retval == but->a1) uiDrawBut(bt); bt= bt->prev; } bt= but->next; while(bt) { if(bt->retval == but->a1) uiDrawBut(bt); bt= bt->next; } } if(but->func) but->func(but); } else usleep(1); } if(temp!=32767 && pos==0) { /* plus 1 of min 1 */ if( but->type==SLI) f= (float)(mval[0]-but->x1)/(but->x2-but->x1-h); else f= (float)(mval[0]- (but->x1+but->x2)/2)/( (but->x2-but->x1)/2 - h); f= but->min+f*(but->max-but->min); if( but->pointype!=FLO ) { if(f<temp) temp--; else temp++; if( temp>=but->min && temp<=but->max) uiSetButVal(but, (float)temp); } else { if(f<tempf) tempf-=.01; else tempf+=.01; if( tempf>=but->min && tempf<=but->max) uiSetButVal(but, tempf); } } uiCheckBut(but); uiDrawBut(but); return but->retval; } int uiDoBut_NUMSLI(uiBut *but) { float value; int retval= 1; short mval[2]; /* eerste bepalen of het slider is of textbut */ uiGetMouse(mval); if(mval[0]>= -6+(but->x1+but->x2)/2 ) { /* slider */ but->flag |= UI_SELECT; uiDrawBut(but); uiDoBut_SLI(but); but->flag &= ~UI_SELECT; } else { retval= uiActAsTextBut(but); } while(get_mbut() & L_MOUSE) usleep(1); uiDrawBut(but); /* hsv patch */ if(but->type==HSVSLI) { if(but->str[0]=='H') { uiDrawBut(but->next); uiDrawBut(but->next->next); } else if(but->str[0]=='S') { uiDrawBut(but->next); uiDrawBut(but->prev); } else if(but->str[0]=='V') { uiDrawBut(but->prev); uiDrawBut(but->prev->prev); } } return but->retval; } int uiDoBut_BLOCK(uiBut *but) { uiBlock *block; but->flag |= UI_SELECT; uiDrawBut(but); if(but->blockfunc) { block= but->blockfunc(); ui_positionblock(block, but); block->flag |= UI_BLOCK_LOOP; block->win= G.curscreen->mainwin; /* postpone draw, this will cause a new window matrix, first finish all other buttons */ block->flag |= UI_BLOCK_REDRAW; } but->flag &= ~UI_SELECT; return 0; } int uiDoBut_BUTM(uiBut *but) { uiSetButVal(but, but->min); UIafterfunc= but->func; UIafterval= (int)but->a2; return but->retval; } uiBut *ui_get_valid_link_button(uiBlock *block, uiBut *but, short *mval) { uiBut *bt; /* check boundbox */ bt= block->buttons.first; while(bt) { if(bt!=but) { if( bt->x1 < mval[0] && bt->x2 >= mval[0] ) { if( bt->y1 < mval[1] && bt->y2 >= mval[1] ) { if(but->type==LINK && bt->type==INLINK) { if( but->link->tocode == (int)bt->min ) { return bt; } } else if(but->type==INLINK && bt->type==LINK) { if( bt->link->tocode == (int)but->min ) { return bt; } } break; } } } bt= bt->next; } return NULL; } int ui_is_a_link(uiBut *from, uiBut *to) { uiLinkLine *line; uiLink *link; link= from->link; if(link) { line= link->lines.first; while(line) { if(line->from==from && line->to==to) return 1; line= line->next; } } return 0; } uiBut *ui_find_inlink(uiBlock *block, void *poin) { uiBut *but; but= block->buttons.first; while(but) { if(but->type==INLINK) { if(but->poin == poin) return but; } but= but->next; } return NULL; } void ui_add_link_line(ListBase *listb, uiBut *but, uiBut *bt) { uiLinkLine *line; line= callocN(sizeof(uiLinkLine), "linkline"); addtail(listb, line); line->from= but; line->to= bt; } void uiComposeLinks(uiBlock *block) { uiBut *but, *bt; uiLink *link; void ***ppoin; int a; but= block->buttons.first; while(but) { if(but->type==LINK) { link= but->link; /* for all pointers in the array */ if(link) { if(link->ppoin) { ppoin= link->ppoin; for(a=0; a < *(link->totlink); a++) { bt= ui_find_inlink(block, (*ppoin)[a] ); if(bt) { ui_add_link_line(&link->lines, but, bt); } } } else if(link->poin) { bt= ui_find_inlink(block, *(link->poin) ); if(bt) { ui_add_link_line(&link->lines, but, bt); } } } } but= but->next; } } void ui_add_link(uiBut *from, uiBut *to) { /* in 'from' we have to add a link to 'to' */ uiLink *link; void **oldppoin; int a; if(ui_is_a_link(from, to)) { printf("already exists\n"); return; } link= from->link; /* are there more pointers allowed? */ if(link->ppoin) { oldppoin= *(link->ppoin); (*(link->totlink))++; *(link->ppoin)= callocN( *(link->totlink)*sizeof(void *), "new link"); for(a=0; a< (*(link->totlink))-1; a++) { (*(link->ppoin))[a]= oldppoin[a]; } (*(link->ppoin))[a]= to->poin; if(oldppoin) freeN(oldppoin); } else { *(link->poin)= to->poin; } /* temporal! these buttons can be everywhere... */ addqueue(curarea->win, REDRAW, 1); } int uiDoBut_LINK(uiBlock *block, uiBut *but) { /* * This button only visualizes, the dobutton mode * can add a new link, but then the whole system * should be redrawn/initialized. * */ uiBut *bt=0, *bto=NULL; short sval[2], mval[2], mvalo[2], mvalb[2]; /* because inverted lines for windows and beos are (still) not opengl */ persp(0); getmouseco_areawin(mvalo); getmouseco_areawin(sval); mvalo[0]-= 100; while (get_mbut() & L_MOUSE) { getmouseco_areawin(mval); if(mval[0]!=mvalo[0] || mval[1]!=mvalo[1]) { mvalo[0]= mval[0]; mvalo[1]= mval[1]; /* clear completely, because of drawbuttons */ glDrawBuffer(GL_FRONT); sdrawXORline4(-1, 0, 0, 0, 0); glDrawBuffer(GL_BACK); uiGetMouse(mvalb); /* projected mouseco */ bt= ui_get_valid_link_button(block, but, mvalb); if(bt) { persp(1); bt->flag |= UI_ACTIVE; uiDrawBut(bt); persp(0); } if(bto && bto!=bt) { persp(1); bto->flag &= ~UI_ACTIVE; uiDrawBut(bto); persp(0); } bto= bt; glDrawBuffer(GL_FRONT); sdrawXORline4(0, sval[0], sval[1], mval[0], mval[1]); glDrawBuffer(GL_BACK); } else usleep(2); } persp(1); if(bt) { if(but->type==LINK) ui_add_link(but, bt); else ui_add_link(bt, but); } glDrawBuffer(GL_FRONT); sdrawXORline4(-1, 0, 0, 0, 0); glDrawBuffer(GL_BACK); return 0; } /* ************************************************ */ void uiSetButLock(int val, char *lockstr) { UIlock |= val; if (val) UIlockstr= lockstr; } void uiClearButLock() { UIlock= 0; UIlockstr= NULL; } /* ********************** NEXT/PREV for arrowkeys etc ************** */ uiBut *ui_but_prev(uiBut *but) { while(but->prev) { but= but->prev; if(but->type!=LABEL && but->type!=SEPR) return but; } return NULL; } uiBut *ui_but_next(uiBut *but) { while(but->next) { but= but->next; if(but->type!=LABEL && but->type!=SEPR) return but; } return NULL; } uiBut *ui_but_first(uiBlock *block) { uiBut *but; but= block->buttons.first; while(but) { if(but->type!=LABEL && but->type!=SEPR) return but; but= but->next; } return NULL; } uiBut *ui_but_last(uiBlock *block) { uiBut *but; but= block->buttons.last; while(but) { if(but->type!=LABEL && but->type!=SEPR) return but; but= but->prev; } return NULL; } /* *************************************************************** */ /* is called when LEFTMOUSE is pressed or released * return: butval or zero */ int uiDoButton(uiBlock *block, uiBut *but, uiEvent *uevent) { int retval= 0; if(but->lock) { if (but->lockstr) { error(but->lockstr); return 0; } } else { if( but->pointype ) { /* er is pointer nodig */ if(but->poin==0 ) { printf("DoButton pointer error: %s\n",but->str); return 0; } } } block->flag |= UI_BLOCK_BUSY; switch(but->type) { case BUT: if(uevent->val) retval= uiDoBut_BUT(but); break; case TOG: case TOGR: case ICONTOG: case TOGN: if(uevent->val) { retval= uiDoBut_TOG(block, but); } break; case ROW: if(uevent->val) retval= uiDoBut_ROW(block, but); break; case SCROLL: /* DrawBut(b, 1); */ /* do_scrollbut(b); */ /* DrawBut(b,0); */ break; case NUM: if(uevent->val) retval= uiDoBut_NUM(but); break; case SLI: case NUMSLI: case HSVSLI: if(uevent->val) retval= uiDoBut_NUMSLI(but); break; case LABEL: if(uevent->val) retval= but->retval; if(but->butfunc) but->butfunc(but); break; case TOG3: if(uevent->val) retval= uiDoBut_TOG3(but); break; case TEX: if(uevent->val) retval= uiDoBut_TEX(but); break; case MENU: if(uevent->val) retval= uiDoBut_MENU(but); break; case ICONROW: if(uevent->val) retval= uiDoBut_ICONROW(but); break; case IDPOIN: if(uevent->val) retval= uiDoBut_IDPOIN(but); break; case BLOCK: if(uevent->val) retval= uiDoBut_BLOCK(but); break; case BUTM: retval= uiDoBut_BUTM(but); break; case LINK: case INLINK: retval= uiDoBut_LINK(block, but); break; } block->flag &= ~UI_BLOCK_BUSY; return retval; } void ui_delete_active_linkline(uiBlock *block) { uiBut *but; uiLink *link; uiLinkLine *line, *nline; int a, b; but= block->buttons.first; while(but) { if(but->type==LINK && but->link) { line= but->link->lines.first; while(line) { nline= line->next; if(line->flag & UI_SELECT) { remlink(&but->link->lines, line); link= line->from->link; /* are there more pointers allowed? */ if(link->ppoin) { if(*(link->totlink)==1) { *(link->totlink)= 0; freeN(*(link->ppoin)); *(link->ppoin)= NULL; } else { b= 0; for(a=0; a< (*(link->totlink)); a++) { if( (*(link->ppoin))[a] != line->to->poin ) { (*(link->ppoin))[b]= (*(link->ppoin))[a]; b++; } } (*(link->totlink))--; } } else { *(link->poin)= NULL; } freeN(line); } line= nline; } } but= but->next; } /* temporal! these buttons can be everywhere... */ allqueue(REDRAWBUTSGAME, 0); } void ui_do_active_linklines(uiBlock *block, short *mval) { uiBut *but; uiLinkLine *line, *act=NULL; float mindist= 12.0, fac, v1[2], v2[2], v3[3]; int foundone=0; if(mval) { v1[0]= mval[0]; v1[1]= mval[1]; /* find a line close to the mouse */ but= block->buttons.first; while(but) { if(but->type==LINK && but->link) { line= but->link->lines.first; while(line) { v2[0]= line->from->x2; v2[1]= (line->from->y1+line->from->y2)/2.0; v3[0]= line->to->x1; v3[1]= (line->to->y1+line->to->y2)/2.0; fac= PdistVL2Dfl(v1, v2, v3); if(fac < mindist) { mindist= fac; act= line; } line= line->next; } } but= but->next; } } /* draw */ glDrawBuffer(GL_FRONT); but= block->buttons.first; while(but) { if(but->type==LINK && but->link) { line= but->link->lines.first; while(line) { if(line==act) { if((line->flag & UI_SELECT)==0) { line->flag |= UI_SELECT; ui_draw_linkline(but->col, line); } } else if(line->flag & UI_SELECT) { line->flag &= ~UI_SELECT; ui_draw_linkline(but->col, line); } line= line->next; } } but= but->next; } glDrawBuffer(GL_BACK); } /* return: * UI_NOTHING pass event to other ui's * UI_CONT don't pass event to other ui's * UI_RETURN something happened, return, swallow event */ int uiDoBlock(uiBlock *block, uiEvent *uevent) { uiBut *but, *bt; int butevent, event, retval=UI_NOTHING, count, act=0; int inside= 0, active=0; if(block->win != winget()) return UI_NOTHING; /* filter some unwanted events */ if(uevent->event==LEFTSHIFTKEY || uevent->event==RIGHTSHIFTKEY) return UI_NOTHING; if(block->flag & UI_BLOCK_ENTER_OK) { if(uevent->event==RETKEY) return UI_RETURN_OK; } Mat4CpyMat4(UIwinmat, block->winmat); uiGetMouse(uevent->mval); /* transformed mouseco */ /* check boundbox */ if( block->minx <= uevent->mval[0] && block->maxx >= uevent->mval[0] ) { if( block->miny <= uevent->mval[1] && block->maxy >= uevent->mval[1] ) { inside= 1; } } switch(uevent->event) { case PAD8: case PAD2: case UPARROWKEY: case DOWNARROWKEY: if(inside || (block->flag & UI_BLOCK_LOOP)) { /* arrowkeys: only handle for block_loop blocks */ event= 0; if(block->flag & UI_BLOCK_LOOP) { event= uevent->event; if(event==PAD8) event= UPARROWKEY; if(event==PAD2) event= DOWNARROWKEY; } else { if(uevent->event==PAD8) event= UPARROWKEY; if(uevent->event==PAD2) event= DOWNARROWKEY; } if(event && uevent->val) { but= block->buttons.first; while(but) { but->flag &= ~UI_MOUSE_OVER; if(but->flag & UI_ACTIVE) { but->flag &= ~UI_ACTIVE; uiDrawBut(but); bt= ui_but_prev(but); if(bt && event==UPARROWKEY) { bt->flag |= UI_ACTIVE; uiDrawBut(bt); break; } bt= ui_but_next(but); if(bt && event==DOWNARROWKEY) { bt->flag |= UI_ACTIVE; uiDrawBut(bt); break; } } but= but->next; } /* nothing done */ if(but==NULL) { if(event==UPARROWKEY) but= ui_but_last(block); else but= ui_but_first(block); if(but) { but->flag |= UI_ACTIVE; uiDrawBut(but); } } retval= UI_CONT; } } break; case ONEKEY: act= 1; case TWOKEY: if(act==0) act= 2; case THREEKEY: if(act==0) act= 3; case FOURKEY: if(act==0) act= 4; case FIVEKEY: if(act==0) act= 5; case SIXKEY: if(act==0) act= 6; case SEVENKEY: if(act==0) act= 7; case EIGHTKEY: if(act==0) act= 8; case NINEKEY: if(act==0) act= 9; case ZEROKEY: if(act==0) act= 10; if( block->flag & UI_BLOCK_NUMSELECT ) { if(get_qual() & LR_ALTKEY) act+= 10; but= block->buttons.first; count= 0; while(but) { if( but->type!=LABEL && but->type!=SEPR) count++; if(count==act) { but->flag |= UI_ACTIVE; if(uevent->val==1) uiDrawBut(but); else { uevent->event= RETKEY; uevent->val= 1; /* patch: to avoid UI_BLOCK_RET_1 type not working */ addqueue(block->winq, RIGHTARROWKEY, 1); } } else if(but->flag & UI_ACTIVE) { but->flag &= ~UI_ACTIVE; uiDrawBut(but); } but= but->next; } } break; default: if (uevent->event!=KEYBD && uevent->event!=RETKEY) { /* when previous command was arrow */ but= block->buttons.first; while(but) { but->flag &= ~UI_MOUSE_OVER; /* check boundbox */ if( but->x1 < uevent->mval[0] && but->x2 >= uevent->mval[0] ) { if( but->y1 < uevent->mval[1] && but->y2 >= uevent->mval[1] ) { but->flag |= UI_MOUSE_OVER; UIbuttip= but; } } /* hilite case 1 */ if(but->flag & UI_MOUSE_OVER) { if( (but->flag & UI_ACTIVE)==0) { but->flag |= UI_ACTIVE; uiDrawBut(but); } } /* hilite case 2 */ if(but->flag & UI_ACTIVE) { if( (but->flag & UI_MOUSE_OVER)==0) { but->flag &= ~UI_ACTIVE; uiDrawBut(but); } if(but->flag & UI_ACTIVE) active= 1; } but= but->next; } /* if there are no active buttons... otherwise clear lines */ if(active) ui_do_active_linklines(block, 0); else ui_do_active_linklines(block, uevent->mval); } } /* middlemouse exception, not for regular blocks */ if( (block->flag & UI_BLOCK_LOOP) && uevent->event==MIDDLEMOUSE) uevent->event= LEFTMOUSE; /* the final dobutton */ but= block->buttons.first; while(but) { if(but->flag & UI_ACTIVE) { /* UI_BLOCK_RET_1: not return when val==0 */ if(uevent->val || (block->flag & UI_BLOCK_RET_1)==0) { if ELEM3(uevent->event, LEFTMOUSE, PADENTER, RETKEY) { butevent= uiDoButton(block, but, uevent); if(butevent) addqueue(block->winq, UI_BUT_EVENT, butevent); /* i doubt about the next line! */ /* if(but->func) winset(block->win); */ if(but->func || butevent) retval= UI_RETURN_OK; } } } but= but->next; } /* the linkines... why not make buttons from it? Speed? Memory? */ if(uevent->val && (uevent->event==LEFTMOUSE || uevent->event==DELKEY)) ui_delete_active_linkline(block); if(block->flag & UI_BLOCK_LOOP) { if(inside==0 && uevent->val==1) { if ELEM3(uevent->event, LEFTMOUSE, MIDDLEMOUSE, RIGHTMOUSE) return UI_RETURN_OUT; } if(uevent->event==ESCKEY) return UI_RETURN_CANCEL; /* check outside */ if(uevent->mval[0]<block->minx-60) return UI_RETURN_OUT; if(uevent->mval[1]<block->miny-60) return UI_RETURN_OUT; if(uevent->mval[0]>block->maxx+60) return UI_RETURN_OUT; if(uevent->mval[1]>block->maxy+60) return UI_RETURN_OUT; } return retval; } void uiDrawButTip(uiBut *but) { float x1, x2, y1, y2; x1= (but->x1+but->x2)/2; x2= 10+x1+ but->aspect*fmgetstrwidth(but->font, but->tip); y1= but->y1-19; y2= but->y1-2; ui_graphics_to_window(&x1, &y1); ui_graphics_to_window(&x2, &y2); if(x2 > G.curscreen->sizex) { x1 -= x2-G.curscreen->sizex; x2= G.curscreen->sizex; } if(y1 < 0) { y1 += 36; y2 += 36; } ui_bgnpupdraw((int)(x1-1), (int)(y1-1), (int)(x2+4), (int)(y2+4), 0); cpack(0xC0D0D0); glRectf(x1, y1, x2, y2); /* below */ cpack(0x0); fdrawline(x1, y1, x2, y1); /* right */ fdrawline(x2, y1, x2, y2); /* top */ cpack(0xFFFFFF); fdrawline(x1, y2, x2, y2); /* left */ fdrawline(x1, y1, x1, y2); fmsetfont(but->font); cpack(0x0); glRasterPos2f( x1+3, y1+4); fmprstr(but->tip); } void uiDoButTip() { int val, time; if(UIbuttip && UIbuttip->tip && UIbuttip->tip[0]) { /* for some stupid reason usleep(1) doesnt work. qtest returns a val then */ for(time= 30; time>0; time--) { if(winqtest(curarea) || headqtest(curarea) || afterqtest() || qtest()) break; usleep(5); } if(time==0) { uiDrawButTip(UIbuttip); while(qtest()==0 && time<300) { time++; usleep(5); } ui_endpupdraw(); UIbuttip= NULL; } } } /* returns UI_NOTHING, if nothing happened */ int uiDoBlocks(ListBase *lb, int event) { /* return when: firstblock != BLOCK_LOOP * The mainloop is constructed in such a way * that the last mouse event from a sub-block * is passed on to the next block. */ uiBlock *block; uiEvent uevent; int retval= UI_NOTHING, cont= 1; if(lb->first==0) return UI_NOTHING; UIfrontbuf= 1; UIbuttip= NULL; uevent.qual= G.qual; uevent.event= event; uevent.val= 1; while(cont) { block= lb->first; while(block) { /* this here, to make sure it also draws when event==0 */ if(block->flag & UI_BLOCK_REDRAW) { if( block->flag & UI_BLOCK_LOOP) { ui_bgnpupdraw((int)block->minx-1, (int)block->miny-4, (int)block->maxx+4, (int)block->maxy+1, 1); } uiDrawBlock(block); block->flag &= ~UI_BLOCK_REDRAW; } retval= uiDoBlock(block, &uevent); if(retval==UI_CONT || retval & UI_RETURN) break; block= block->next; } /* this is here, to allow closed loop-blocks (menu's) to return to the previous block */ block= lb->first; if(block==NULL || (block->flag & UI_BLOCK_LOOP)==0) cont= 0; /* while loop blocks... */ while( block= lb->first) { if(block->flag & UI_BLOCK_LOOP) { /* this here, for menu buts */ if(block->flag & UI_BLOCK_REDRAW) { if( block->flag & UI_BLOCK_LOOP) { ui_bgnpupdraw((int)block->minx-1, (int)block->miny-4, (int)block->maxx+4, (int)block->maxy+1, 1); } uiDrawBlock(block); block->flag &= ~UI_BLOCK_REDRAW; } uevent.event= extern_qread(&uevent.val); if(uevent.event) { retval= uiDoBlock(block, &uevent); if(retval & UI_RETURN) { remlink(lb, block); uiFreeBlock(block); ui_endpupdraw(); } } } else break; } if(retval==UI_CONT || retval & UI_RETURN_OK) cont= 0; } UIfrontbuf= 0; if(retval & UI_RETURN_OK) { if(UIafterfunc) UIafterfunc(UIafterval); UIafterfunc= NULL; } /* tooltip */ if(retval==UI_NOTHING && (uevent.event==MOUSEX || uevent.event==MOUSEY)) { if(U.flag & TOOLTIPS) uiDoButTip(); } return retval; } /* ************** DATA *************** */ double uiGetButVal(uiBut *but) { void *poin; double value; poin= but->poin; if(but->type== HSVSLI) { float h, s, v, *fp= (float *) poin; rgb_to_hsv(fp[0], fp[1], fp[2], &h, &s, &v); switch(but->str[0]) { case 'H': value= h; break; case 'S': value= s; break; case 'V': value= v; break; } } else if( but->pointype == CHA ) { value= *(char *)poin; } else if( but->pointype == SHO ) { value= *(short *)poin; } else if( but->pointype == INT ) { value= *(int *)poin; } else if( but->pointype == FLO ) { value= *(float *)poin; } return value; } void uiIsButSel(uiBut *but) { double value; int lvalue; short push=0, true=1; value= uiGetButVal(but); if( but->type==TOGN ) true= 0; if( but->bit ) { lvalue= (int)value; if( BTST(lvalue, (but->bitnr)) ) push= true; else push= !true; } else { switch(but->type) { case BUT: push= 0; break; case TOG: case TOGR: case TOG3: case ICONTOG: if(value!=0.0) push= 1; break; case TOGN: if(value==0.0) push= 1; break; case ROW: if(value == but->max) push= 1; break; case COL: push= 1; break; default: push= 2; break; } } if(push==2); else if(push==1) but->flag |= UI_SELECT; else but->flag &= ~UI_SELECT; } void uiSetButVal(uiBut *but, double value) { void *poin; if(but->pointype==0) return; poin= but->poin; /* value is een hsvwaarde: omzetten naar de rgb */ if( but->type==HSVSLI ) { float h, s, v, *fp= (float *)but->poin; rgb_to_hsv(fp[0], fp[1], fp[2], &h, &s, &v); switch(but->str[0]) { case 'H': h= value; break; case 'S': s= value; break; case 'V': v= value; break; } hsv_to_rgb(h, s, v, fp, fp+1, fp+2); } else if( but->pointype==CHA ) *((char *)poin)= (char)value; else if( but->pointype==SHO ) *((short *)poin)= (short)value; else if( but->pointype==INT ) *((int *)poin)= (int)value; else if( but->pointype==FLO ) *((float *)poin)= value; /* update select flag */ uiIsButSel(but); } void uiSetCurFont(uiBlock *block, int index) { if(block->aspect<0.60) { block->curfont= UIfont[index].xl; } else if(block->aspect<1.15) { block->curfont= UIfont[index].large; } else if(block->aspect<1.59) { block->curfont= UIfont[index].medium; } else { block->curfont= UIfont[index].small; } if(block->curfont==NULL) block->curfont= UIfont[index].large; if(block->curfont==NULL) block->curfont= UIfont[index].medium; if(block->curfont==NULL) printf("error block no font %s\n", block->name); } void uiDefFont(uint index, void *xl, void *large, void *medium, void *small) { if(index>=UI_ARRAY) return; UIfont[index].xl= xl; UIfont[index].large= large; UIfont[index].medium= medium; UIfont[index].small= small; } void uiDefCol(uint index, uint medium, uint pen, uint pen_sel) { struct uiCol *bc; char *cp1, *cp2; if(index>=UI_ARRAY) return; bc= &UIcol[index]; bc->medium= medium; bc->pen_sel= pen_sel; bc->pen= pen; cp1= (char *)&medium; /* white */ cp2= (char *)&(bc->white); if(cp1[BCOMP]+60>255) cp2[BCOMP]= 255; else cp2[BCOMP]= cp1[BCOMP]+60; if(cp1[GCOMP]+60>255) cp2[GCOMP]= 255; else cp2[GCOMP]= cp1[GCOMP]+60; if(cp1[RCOMP]+60>255) cp2[RCOMP]= 255; else cp2[RCOMP]= cp1[RCOMP]+60; /* light */ cp2= (char *)&(bc->light); if(cp1[BCOMP]+35>255) cp2[BCOMP]= 255; else cp2[BCOMP]= cp1[BCOMP]+35; if(cp1[GCOMP]+35>255) cp2[GCOMP]= 255; else cp2[GCOMP]= cp1[GCOMP]+35; if(cp1[RCOMP]+35>255) cp2[RCOMP]= 255; else cp2[RCOMP]= cp1[RCOMP]+35; /* hilite */ cp2= (char *)&(bc->hilite); if(cp1[BCOMP]+20>255) cp2[BCOMP]= 255; else cp2[BCOMP]= cp1[BCOMP]+20; if(cp1[GCOMP]+20>255) cp2[GCOMP]= 255; else cp2[GCOMP]= cp1[GCOMP]+20; if(cp1[RCOMP]+20>255) cp2[RCOMP]= 255; else cp2[RCOMP]= cp1[RCOMP]+20; /* grey */ cp2= (char *)&(bc->grey); if(cp1[BCOMP]-35<0) cp2[BCOMP]= 0; else cp2[BCOMP]= cp1[BCOMP]-45; if(cp1[GCOMP]-35<0) cp2[GCOMP]= 0; else cp2[GCOMP]= cp1[GCOMP]-45; if(cp1[RCOMP]-35<0) cp2[RCOMP]= 0; else cp2[RCOMP]= cp1[RCOMP]-45; /* dark */ cp2= (char *)&(bc->dark); if(cp1[BCOMP]-60<0) cp2[BCOMP]= 0; else cp2[BCOMP]= cp1[BCOMP]-60; if(cp1[GCOMP]-60<0) cp2[GCOMP]= 0; else cp2[GCOMP]= cp1[GCOMP]-60; if(cp1[RCOMP]-60<0) cp2[RCOMP]= 0; else cp2[RCOMP]= cp1[RCOMP]-60; } void uiFreeLink(uiLink *link) { if(link) { freelistN(&link->lines); freeN(link); } } void uiFreeBut(uiBut *but) { if(but->str && but->str != but->strdata) freeN(but->str); uiFreeLink(but->link); freeN(but); } void uiFreeBlock(uiBlock *block) { uiBut *but; if(block->flag & UI_BLOCK_BUSY) PRINT(x, block); while(but= block->buttons.first) { remlink(&block->buttons, but); uiFreeBut(but); } freeN(block); UIbuttip= NULL; } void uiFreeBlocks(ListBase *lb) { uiBlock *block; while(block= lb->first) { remlink(lb, block); uiFreeBlock(block); } } void uiFreeBlocksWin(ListBase *lb, int win) { uiBlock *block, *blockn; block= lb->first; while(block) { blockn= block->next; if(block->win==win) { remlink(lb, block); uiFreeBlock(block); } block= blockn; } } uiBlock *uiNewBlock(ListBase *lb, char *name, short dt, short font, uint paper, short win) { uiBlock *block; int getsizex, getsizey; /* each listbase only has one block with this name */ if(lb) { block= lb->first; while(block) { if(strcmp(name, block->name)==0) { remlink(lb, block); uiFreeBlock(block); break; } block= block->next; } } block= callocN(sizeof(uiBlock), "iuBlock"); if(lb) addhead(lb, block); /* at the beginning of the list! */ strcpy(block->name, name); /* draw win */ block->win= win; /* window where queue event should be added, pretty weak this way! this is because the 'mainwin' pup menu's */ block->winq= winget(); block->dt= dt; block->font= font; block->paper= paper; /* aspect */ mygetsingmatrix_win(block->winmat, win); getsize(&getsizex, &getsizey); block->aspect= 2.0/( (getsizex)*block->winmat[0][0]); uiSetCurFont(block, block->font); block->flag= UI_BLOCK_TEST_ACTIVE; return block; } uiBlock *uiGetBlock(char *name, ScrArea *sa) { uiBlock *block= sa->uiblocks.first; while(block) { if( strcmp(name, block->name)==0 ) return block; block= block->next; } return NULL; } void uiCheckBut(uiBut *but) { /* if something changed in the button */ ID *id; double value; short pos; uiIsButSel(but); /* name: */ switch( but->type ) { case MENU: if(but->x2 - but->x1 > 24) { value= uiGetButVal(but); uiSetNameMenu(but, (int)value); } break; case NUM: case NUMSLI: case HSVSLI: value= uiGetButVal(but); if( but->pointype==FLO ) { if(but->max<10.001) sprintf(but->drawstr, "%s%.3f", but->str, value); else sprintf(but->drawstr, "%s%.2f", but->str, value); } else { sprintf(but->drawstr, "%s%d", but->str, (int)value); } break; case IDPOIN: id= *( (ID **)but->poin ); strcpy(but->drawstr, but->str); if(id) strcat(but->drawstr, id->name+2); break; case TEX: strcpy(but->drawstr, but->str); strcat(but->drawstr, but->poin); break; default: strcpy(but->drawstr, but->str); } if(but->drawstr[0]) but->strwidth= but->aspect*fmgetstrwidth(but->font, but->drawstr); else but->strwidth= 0; /* automatic width */ if(but->x2==0.0) { but->x2= (but->x1+but->strwidth+6); } /* calc but->ofs, to draw the string shorter if too long */ but->ofs= 0; while(but->strwidth > (int)(but->x2-but->x1-7) ) { but->ofs++; if(but->drawstr[but->ofs]) but->strwidth= but->aspect*fmgetstrwidth(but->font, but->drawstr+but->ofs); else but->strwidth= 0; /* textbut exception */ if(but->pos != -1) { pos= but->pos+strlen(but->str); if(pos-1 < but->ofs) { pos= but->ofs-pos+1; but->ofs -= pos; if(but->ofs<0) { but->ofs= 0; pos--; } but->drawstr[ strlen(but->drawstr)-pos ]= 0; } } if(but->strwidth < 10) break; } /* test for min and max, icon sliders, etc */ switch( but->type ) { case NUM: case SLI: case SCROLL: case NUMSLI: case HSVSLI: value= uiGetButVal(but); if(value < but->min) value= but->min; if(value > but->max) value= but->max; uiSetButVal(but, value); break; case ICONTOG: if(but->flag & UI_SELECT) but->iconxadd= 1; else but->iconxadd= 0; break; case ICONROW: value= uiGetButVal(but); but->iconxadd= (int)value- (int)(but->min); break; } } uiBut *uiDefBut(uiBlock *block, int type, int retval, char *str, short x1, short y1, short x2, short y2, void *poin, float min, float max, float a1, float a2, char *tip) { uiBut *but; float value; int nr, x, y; short slen; if(type & BUTPOIN) { /* er is pointer nodig */ if(poin==0) { /* als pointer nul is wordt button gewist en niet gedefinieerd */ cpack(UIcol[block->col].medium); glRects(x1, y1, x1+x2, y1+y2); return NULL; } } but= callocN(sizeof(uiBut), "uiBut"); but->type= type & BUTTYPE; but->pointype= type & BUTPOIN; but->bit= type & BIT; but->bitnr= type & 31; addtail(&block->buttons, but); but->retval= retval; if( strlen(str)>=UI_MAX_NAME_STR-1 ) { but->str= callocN( strlen(str)+2, "uiDefBut"); strcpy(but->str, str); } else { but->str= but->strdata; strcpy(but->str, str); } but->x1= x1; but->y1= y1; if(block->autofill) { but->x2= x2; but->y2= y2; } else { but->x2= (x1+x2); but->y2= (y1+y2); } but->poin= poin; but->min= min; but->max= max; but->a1= a1; but->a2= a2; but->tip= tip; but->font= block->curfont; but->col= &UIcol[block->col]; but->lock= UIlock; but->lockstr= UIlockstr; but->aspect= block->aspect; but->paper= block->paper; but->win= block->win; but->func= block->func; if(block->dt==UI_EMBOSSX) but->embossfunc= uiEmbossX; else if(block->dt==UI_EMBOSSW) but->embossfunc= uiEmbossW; else if(block->dt==UI_EMBOSSF) but->embossfunc= uiEmbossF; else if(block->dt==UI_EMBOSSM) but->embossfunc= uiEmbossM; else but->embossfunc= uiEmbossN; but->pos= -1; /* cursor invisible */ /* icon */ if( strncmp(but->str, "ICON", 4)==0 ) { sscanf(str+4, "%d %d %d\n", &nr, &x, &y); but->icon= &UIicon[nr]; but->iconx= x; but->icony= y; but->flag |= UI_HAS_ICON; } if(but->type==NUM) { /* spatie toevoegen achter naam */ slen= strlen(but->str); if(slen>0 && slen<UI_MAX_NAME_STR-2) { if(but->str[slen-1]!=' ') { but->str[slen]= ' '; but->str[slen+1]= 0; } } } if ELEM5(but->type, HSVSLI , NUMSLI, TEX, LABEL, IDPOIN) { but->flag |= UI_TEXT_LEFT; } uiCheckBut(but); return but; } void uiAutoBlock(uiBlock *block, float minx, float miny, float sizex, float sizey, int flag) { block->minx= minx; block->maxx= minx+sizex; block->miny= miny; block->maxy= miny+sizey; block->autofill= flag; /* also check for if it has to be done */ } void uiSetButLink(uiBut *but, void **poin, void ***ppoin, short *tot, int from, int to) { uiLink *link; link= but->link= callocN(sizeof(uiLink), "new uilink"); link->poin= poin; link->ppoin= ppoin; link->totlink= tot; link->fromcode= from; link->tocode= to; } /* ******************** PUPmenu ****************** */ short pupmenu(char *instr) { uiBlock *block; ListBase listb= {NULL, NULL}; int retval[100], items, event; static int lastselected= 0; short width, height, mousexmove, mouseymove, xmax, ymax, mval[2], val= -1; short a, startx, starty, endx, endy, boxh=TBOXH, x1, y1; char *str, *title=0, *cpoin[100]; static char laststring[UI_MAX_NAME_STR]; /* block stuff first, need to know the font */ block= uiNewBlock(&listb, "menu", UI_EMBOSSW, UI_HELV, 0x808080, G.curscreen->mainwin); block->flag= UI_BLOCK_LOOP|UI_BLOCK_REDRAW|UI_BLOCK_RET_1|UI_BLOCK_NUMSELECT; block->aspect= 1.0; uiSetCurFont(block, block->font); /* copy string */ str= mallocN(strlen(instr)+1, "pupmenu"); strcpy(str, instr); /* eerst string uitelkaar pulken, tellen hoeveel elementen, return values */ items= decompose_menu_string(str, &title, cpoin, retval); /* size and location, title slightly bigger for bold */ if(title) width= 2*strlen(title)+fmgetstrwidth(block->curfont, title); else width= 0; for(a=0; a<items; a++) { xmax= fmgetstrwidth(block->curfont, cpoin[a]); if(xmax>width) width= xmax; } width+= 10; height= boxh*items; xmax = G.curscreen->sizex; ymax = G.curscreen->sizey; getmouseco_sc(mval); if(strncmp(laststring, instr, UI_MAX_NAME_STR-1)!=0) lastselected= 0; strncpy(laststring, instr, UI_MAX_NAME_STR-1); startx= mval[0]-width/2; if(lastselected>=0 && lastselected<items) { starty= mval[1]-height+boxh/2+lastselected*boxh; } else starty= mval[1]-height/2; mouseymove= 0; if(startx<10) startx= 10; if(starty<10) { mouseymove= 10-starty; starty= 10; } endx= startx+width; endy= starty+height; if(endx>xmax) { endx= xmax-10; startx= endx-width; } if(endy>ymax-20) { mouseymove= ymax-endy-20; endy= ymax-20; starty= endy-height; } if(mouseymove) { warp_pointer(mval[0], mouseymove+mval[1]); mousexmove= mval[0]; mouseymove= mval[1]; } /* here we go! */ if(title) { uiBut *bt; uiSetCurFont(block, block->font+1); bt= uiDefBut(block, LABEL, 0, title, startx, starty+items*boxh, width, boxh, NULL, 0.0, 0.0, 0, 0, ""); bt->flag= UI_TEXT_LEFT; uiSetCurFont(block, block->font); } y1= starty + boxh*(items-1); x1= startx; for(a=0; a<items; a++, y1-=boxh) { if( strcmp(cpoin[a], "%l")==0) { uiDefBut(block, SEPR, B_NOP, "", x1, y1, width, boxh, NULL, 0, 0.0, 0, 0, ""); } else { uiDefBut(block, BUTM|SHO, B_NOP, cpoin[a], x1, y1, width, boxh-1, &val, (float)retval[a], 0.0, 0, 0, ""); } } ui_boundsblock(block, 2); event= uiDoBlocks(&listb, 0); /* calculate last selected */ lastselected= 0; for(a=0; a<items; a++) { if(val==retval[a]) lastselected= a; } /* ready, restore stuff */ UIfrontbuf= 0; freeN(str); if(mouseymove && (event & UI_RETURN_OUT)==0) warp_pointer(mousexmove, mouseymove); return val; }