/** * $Id:$ * ***** BEGIN GPL/BL DUAL LICENSE BLOCK ***** * * The contents of this file may be used under the terms of either the GNU * General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL", see * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html ), or the Blender License 1.0 or * later (the "BL", see http://www.blender.org/BL/ ) which has to be * bought from the Blender Foundation to become active, in which case the * above mentioned GPL option does not apply. * * The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2002 by NaN Holding BV. * All rights reserved. * * The Original Code is: all of this file. * * Contributor(s): none yet. * * ***** END GPL/BL DUAL LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ /* mball.c MIXED MODEL * * mei 95 * * * * METABALLS ontstaan vanuit een Object (naam zonder nr), hier zit de DispList en boundbox, * alle objecten met zelfde naam (en een nr) worden hieraan toegevoegd. * * De texture coordinaten zitten als loos element in de displist. * * Version: $Id: mball.c,v 1.5 2000/07/21 09:05:26 nzc Exp $ */ #include "blender.h" #include "render.h" /* Functions */ void unlink_mball(MetaBall *mb) { int a; for(a=0; a<mb->totcol; a++) { if(mb->mat[a]) mb->mat[a]->id.us--; mb->mat[a]= 0; } } /* niet mball zelf vrijgeven */ void free_mball(MetaBall *mb) { unlink_mball(mb); if(mb->mat) freeN(mb->mat); if(mb->bb) freeN(mb->bb); freelistN(&mb->elems); if(mb->disp.first) freedisplist(&mb->disp); } MetaBall *add_mball() { MetaBall *mb; mb= alloc_libblock(&G.main->mball, ID_MB, "Meta"); mb->size[0]= mb->size[1]= mb->size[2]= 1.0; mb->texflag= AUTOSPACE; mb->wiresize= 0.4; mb->rendersize= 0.2; mb->thresh= 0.6; return mb; } MetaBall *copy_mball(MetaBall *mb) { MetaBall *mbn; int a; mbn= copy_libblock(mb); duplicatelist(&mbn->elems, &mb->elems); mbn->mat= dupallocN(mb->mat); for(a=0; a<mbn->totcol; a++) { id_us_plus((ID *)mbn->mat[a]); } mbn->bb= dupallocN(mb->bb); return mbn; } void make_local_mball(MetaBall *mb) { Object *ob; MetaBall *mbn; int local=0, lib=0; /* - zijn er alleen lib users: niet doen * - zijn er alleen locale users: flag zetten * - mixed: copy */ if(mb->id.lib==0) return; if(mb->id.us==1) { mb->id.lib= 0; mb->id.flag= LIB_LOCAL; return; } ob= G.main->object.first; while(ob) { if(ob->data==mb) { if(ob->id.lib) lib= 1; else local= 1; } ob= ob->id.next; } if(local && lib==0) { mb->id.lib= 0; mb->id.flag= LIB_LOCAL; } else if(local && lib) { mbn= copy_mball(mb); mbn->id.us= 0; ob= G.main->object.first; while(ob) { if(ob->data==mb) { if(ob->id.lib==0) { ob->data= mbn; mbn->id.us++; mb->id.us--; } } ob= ob->id.next; } } } void tex_space_mball(Object *ob) { MetaBall *mb; DispList *dl; BoundBox *bb; float *data, min[3], max[3], loc[3], size[3]; int tot, doit=0; if(ob->bb==0) ob->bb= callocN(sizeof(BoundBox), "mb boundbox"); bb= ob->bb; mb= ob->data; INIT_MINMAX(min, max); dl= ob->disp.first; while(dl) { tot= dl->nr; if(tot) doit= 1; data= dl->verts; while(tot--) { DO_MINMAX(data, min, max); data+= 3; } dl= dl->next; } if(doit) { loc[0]= (min[0]+max[0])/2.0; loc[1]= (min[1]+max[1])/2.0; loc[2]= (min[2]+max[2])/2.0; size[0]= (max[0]-min[0])/2.0; size[1]= (max[1]-min[1])/2.0; size[2]= (max[2]-min[2])/2.0; } else { loc[0]= loc[1]= loc[2]= 0.0; size[0]= size[1]= size[2]= 1.0; } bb->vec[0][0]=bb->vec[1][0]=bb->vec[2][0]=bb->vec[3][0]= loc[0]-size[0]; bb->vec[4][0]=bb->vec[5][0]=bb->vec[6][0]=bb->vec[7][0]= loc[0]+size[0]; bb->vec[0][1]=bb->vec[1][1]=bb->vec[4][1]=bb->vec[5][1]= loc[1]-size[1]; bb->vec[2][1]=bb->vec[3][1]=bb->vec[6][1]=bb->vec[7][1]= loc[1]+size[1]; bb->vec[0][2]=bb->vec[3][2]=bb->vec[4][2]=bb->vec[7][2]= loc[2]-size[2]; bb->vec[1][2]=bb->vec[2][2]=bb->vec[5][2]=bb->vec[6][2]= loc[2]+size[2]; } void make_orco_mball(Object *ob) { BoundBox *bb; DispList *dl; float *data; float loc[3], size[3]; int a; /* size en loc restoren */ bb= ob->bb; loc[0]= (bb->vec[0][0]+bb->vec[4][0])/2.0; size[0]= bb->vec[4][0]-loc[0]; loc[1]= (bb->vec[0][1]+bb->vec[2][1])/2.0; size[1]= bb->vec[2][1]-loc[1]; loc[2]= (bb->vec[0][2]+bb->vec[1][2])/2.0; size[2]= bb->vec[1][2]-loc[2]; dl= ob->disp.first; data= dl->verts; a= dl->nr; while(a--) { data[0]= (data[0]-loc[0])/size[0]; data[1]= (data[1]-loc[1])/size[1]; data[2]= (data[2]-loc[2])/size[2]; data+= 3; } } Object *find_basis_mball(Object *ob) { Base *base; int nr; char left[32]; splitIDname(ob->id.name+2, left, &nr); if(nr==0) return ob; base= FIRSTBASE; while(base) { if(ob!=base->object && base->object->type==OB_MBALL) { if(strcmp(left, base->object->id.name+2)==0) return base->object; } base= base->next; } return 0; } /* ******************** ARITH ************************* */ /* DANKBAAR GEBRUIK GEMAAKT VAN (EN COMPLEET VERANDERD) : * C code from the article * "An Implicit Surface Polygonizer" * by Jules Bloomenthal, jbloom@beauty.gmu.edu * in "Graphics Gems IV", Academic Press, 1994 * Authored by Jules Bloomenthal, Xerox PARC. * Copyright (c) Xerox Corporation, 1991. All rights reserved. * Permission is granted to reproduce, use and distribute this code for * any and all purposes, provided that this notice appears in all copies. */ #define RES 12 /* # converge iterations */ #define L 0 /* left direction: -x, -i */ #define R 1 /* right direction: +x, +i */ #define B 2 /* bottom direction: -y, -j */ #define T 3 /* top direction: +y, +j */ #define N 4 /* near direction: -z, -k */ #define F 5 /* far direction: +z, +k */ #define LBN 0 /* left bottom near corner */ #define LBF 1 /* left bottom far corner */ #define LTN 2 /* left top near corner */ #define LTF 3 /* left top far corner */ #define RBN 4 /* right bottom near corner */ #define RBF 5 /* right bottom far corner */ #define RTN 6 /* right top near corner */ #define RTF 7 /* right top far corner */ /* the LBN corner of cube (i, j, k), corresponds with location * (start.x+(i-0.5)*size, start.y+(j-0.5)*size, start.z+(k-0.5)*size) */ #define HASHBIT (5) #define HASHSIZE (size_t)(1<<(3*HASHBIT)) /* hash table size (32768) */ #define HASH(i,j,k) ((((( (i) & 31)<<5) | ( (j) & 31))<<5 ) | ( (k) & 31) ) #define MB_BIT(i, bit) (((i)>>(bit))&1) #define FLIP(i,bit) ((i)^1<<(bit)) /* flip the given bit of i */ typedef struct point { /* a three-dimensional point */ float x, y, z; /* its coordinates */ } MB_POINT; typedef struct vertex { /* surface vertex */ MB_POINT position, normal; /* position and surface normal */ } VERTEX; typedef struct vertices { /* list of vertices in polygonization */ int count, max; /* # vertices, max # allowed */ VERTEX *ptr; /* dynamically allocated */ } VERTICES; typedef struct corner { /* corner of a cube */ int i, j, k; /* (i, j, k) is index within lattice */ float x, y, z, value; /* location and function value */ struct corner *next; } CORNER; typedef struct cube { /* partitioning cell (cube) */ int i, j, k; /* lattice location of cube */ CORNER *corners[8]; /* eight corners */ } CUBE; typedef struct cubes { /* linked list of cubes acting as stack */ CUBE cube; /* a single cube */ struct cubes *next; /* remaining elements */ } CUBES; typedef struct centerlist { /* list of cube locations */ int i, j, k; /* cube location */ struct centerlist *next; /* remaining elements */ } CENTERLIST; typedef struct edgelist { /* list of edges */ int i1, j1, k1, i2, j2, k2; /* edge corner ids */ int vid; /* vertex id */ struct edgelist *next; /* remaining elements */ } EDGELIST; typedef struct intlist { /* list of integers */ int i; /* an integer */ struct intlist *next; /* remaining elements */ } INTLIST; typedef struct intlists { /* list of list of integers */ INTLIST *list; /* a list of integers */ struct intlists *next; /* remaining elements */ } INTLISTS; typedef struct process { /* parameters, function, storage */ float (*function)(); /* implicit surface function */ float size, delta; /* cube size, normal delta */ int bounds; /* cube range within lattice */ MB_POINT start; /* start point on surface */ CUBES *cubes; /* active cubes */ VERTICES vertices; /* surface vertices */ CENTERLIST **centers; /* cube center hash table */ CORNER **corners; /* corner value hash table */ EDGELIST **edges; /* edge and vertex id hash table */ } PROCESS; /* Some declarations are in order !!! */ /* these should go into a header ! */ void addtovertices (VERTICES *vertices, VERTEX v); void vnormal (MB_POINT *point, PROCESS *p, MB_POINT *v); /* **************** METABALL ************************ */ void converge (MB_POINT *p1, MB_POINT *p2, float v, float (*function)(), MB_POINT *p); void calc_mballco(MetaElem *ml, float *vec) { if(ml->mat) { Mat4MulVecfl(ml->mat, vec); } } float thresh= 0.6; int totelem=0; MetaElem **mainb; float densfunc(MetaElem *ball, float x, float y, float z) { float dist2 = 0.0, dx, dy, dz; float vec[3]; if(ball->imat) { vec[0]= x; vec[1]= y; vec[2]= z; Mat4MulVecfl(ball->imat, vec); dx= ball->x - vec[0]; dy= ball->y - vec[1]; dz= ball->z - vec[2]; } else { dx= ball->x - x; dy= ball->y - y; dz= ball->z - z; } if(ball->type==MB_BALL) { dist2= (dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz); } else if(ball->type & MB_TUBEZ) { if(ball->type==MB_TUBEZ) { if( dz > ball->len) dz-= ball->len; else if(dz< -ball->len) dz+= ball->len; else dz= 0.0; } else if(ball->type==MB_TUBEY) { if( dy > ball->len) dy-= ball->len; else if(dy< -ball->len) dy+= ball->len; else dy= 0.0; } else { if( dx > ball->len) dx-= ball->len; else if(dx< -ball->len) dx+= ball->len; else dx= 0.0; } dist2= (dx*dx + dy*dy + dz*dz); } /* else if(ball->type==MB_CIRCLE) { */ /* dist2= 0.5-dz; */ /* } */ if(ball->flag & MB_NEGATIVE) { dist2= 1.0-(dist2/ball->rad2); if(dist2 < 0.0) return 0.5; return 0.5-ball->s*dist2*dist2*dist2; } else { dist2= 1.0-(dist2/ball->rad2); if(dist2 < 0.0) return -0.5; return ball->s*dist2*dist2*dist2 -0.5; /* return ball->s*fsin( dist2); */ } } float metaball(x, y, z) float x, y, z; { float dens=0; int a; for(a=0; a<totelem; a++) { dens+= densfunc( mainb[a], x, y, z); } return thresh - dens; } /* ******************************************** */ int *indices=0; int totindex, curindex; void accum_mballfaces(int i1, int i2, int i3, int i4) { int *newi, *cur; /* static int i=0; I would like to delete altogether, but I don't dare to, yet */ if(totindex==curindex) { totindex+= 256; newi= mallocN(4*sizeof(int)*totindex, "vertindex"); if(indices) { memcpy(newi, indices, 4*sizeof(int)*(totindex-256)); freeN(indices); } indices= newi; } cur= indices+4*curindex; /* voorkomen dat nulcodes voorkomen */ if(i3==0) { if(i4) { i3= i4; i4= i1; i1= i2; i2= 0; } else { i3= i2; i2= i1; i1= 0; } } cur[0]= i1; cur[1]= i2; cur[2]= i3; cur[3]= i4; curindex++; } /* ******************* MEMORY MANAGEMENT *********************** */ struct pgn_elements { struct pgn_elements *next, *prev; char *data; }; void *new_pgn_element(int size) { /* gedurende het polygonizeren worden duizenden elementen aangemaakt en * nooit (tussendoor) vrijgegeven. Alleen op eind is vrijgeven nodig. */ int blocksize= 16384; static int offs= 0; /* het huidige vrije adres */ static struct pgn_elements *cur= 0; static ListBase lb= {0, 0}; void *adr; if(size>10000 || size==0) { printf("incorrect use of new_pgn_element\n"); /* exit(0); */ } else if(size== -1) { cur= lb.first; while(cur) { freeN(cur->data); cur= cur->next; } freelistN(&lb); return NULL; } size= 4*( (size+3)/4 ); if(cur) { if(size+offs < blocksize) { adr= (void *) (cur->data+offs); offs+= size; return adr; } } cur= callocN( sizeof(struct pgn_elements), "newpgn"); cur->data= callocN(blocksize, "newpgn"); addtail(&lb, cur); offs= size; return cur->data; } void freepolygonize(PROCESS *p) { freeN(p->corners); freeN(p->edges); freeN(p->centers); new_pgn_element(-1); if(p->vertices.ptr) freeN(p->vertices.ptr); } /**** Cubical Polygonization (optional) ****/ #define LB 0 /* left bottom edge */ #define LT 1 /* left top edge */ #define LN 2 /* left near edge */ #define LF 3 /* left far edge */ #define RB 4 /* right bottom edge */ #define RT 5 /* right top edge */ #define RN 6 /* right near edge */ #define RF 7 /* right far edge */ #define BN 8 /* bottom near edge */ #define BF 9 /* bottom far edge */ #define TN 10 /* top near edge */ #define TF 11 /* top far edge */ static INTLISTS *cubetable[256]; /* edge: LB, LT, LN, LF, RB, RT, RN, RF, BN, BF, TN, TF */ static int corner1[12] = { LBN,LTN,LBN,LBF,RBN,RTN,RBN,RBF,LBN,LBF,LTN,LTF}; static int corner2[12] = { LBF,LTF,LTN,LTF,RBF,RTF,RTN,RTF,RBN,RBF,RTN,RTF}; static int leftface[12] = { B, L, L, F, R, T, N, R, N, B, T, F}; /* face on left when going corner1 to corner2 */ static int rightface[12] = { L, T, N, L, B, R, R, F, B, F, N, T}; /* face on right when going corner1 to corner2 */ /* docube: triangulate the cube directly, without decomposition */ void docube(CUBE *cube, PROCESS *p) { INTLISTS *polys; CORNER *c1, *c2; int i, index = 0, count, indexar[8]; for (i = 0; i < 8; i++) if (cube->corners[i]->value > 0.0) index += (1<<i); for (polys = cubetable[index]; polys; polys = polys->next) { INTLIST *edges; count = 0; for (edges = polys->list; edges; edges = edges->next) { c1 = cube->corners[corner1[edges->i]]; c2 = cube->corners[corner2[edges->i]]; indexar[count] = vertid(c1, c2, p); count++; } if(count>2) { switch(count) { case 3: accum_mballfaces(indexar[2], indexar[1], indexar[0], 0); break; case 4: if(indexar[0]==0) accum_mballfaces(indexar[0], indexar[3], indexar[2], indexar[1]); else accum_mballfaces(indexar[3], indexar[2], indexar[1], indexar[0]); break; case 5: if(indexar[0]==0) accum_mballfaces(indexar[0], indexar[3], indexar[2], indexar[1]); else accum_mballfaces(indexar[3], indexar[2], indexar[1], indexar[0]); accum_mballfaces(indexar[4], indexar[3], indexar[0], 0); break; case 6: if(indexar[0]==0) { accum_mballfaces(indexar[0], indexar[3], indexar[2], indexar[1]); accum_mballfaces(indexar[0], indexar[5], indexar[4], indexar[3]); } else { accum_mballfaces(indexar[3], indexar[2], indexar[1], indexar[0]); accum_mballfaces(indexar[5], indexar[4], indexar[3], indexar[0]); } break; case 7: if(indexar[0]==0) { accum_mballfaces(indexar[0], indexar[3], indexar[2], indexar[1]); accum_mballfaces(indexar[0], indexar[5], indexar[4], indexar[3]); } else { accum_mballfaces(indexar[3], indexar[2], indexar[1], indexar[0]); accum_mballfaces(indexar[5], indexar[4], indexar[3], indexar[0]); } accum_mballfaces(indexar[6], indexar[5], indexar[0], 0); break; } } } } /* testface: given cube at lattice (i, j, k), and four corners of face, * if surface crosses face, compute other four corners of adjacent cube * and add new cube to cube stack */ void testface(i, j, k, old, bit, c1, c2, c3, c4, p) CUBE *old; PROCESS *p; int i, j, k, bit, c1, c2, c3, c4; { CUBE newc; CUBES *oldcubes = p->cubes; CORNER *setcorner(), *corn1, *corn2, *corn3, *corn4; int n, pos; corn1= old->corners[c1]; corn2= old->corners[c2]; corn3= old->corners[c3]; corn4= old->corners[c4]; pos = corn1->value > 0.0 ? 1 : 0; /* test if no surface crossing */ if( (corn2->value > 0) == pos && (corn3->value > 0) == pos && (corn4->value > 0) == pos) return; /* test if cube out of bounds */ if ( abs(i) > p->bounds || abs(j) > p->bounds || abs(k) > p->bounds) return; /* test if already visited (always as last) */ if (setcenter(p->centers, i, j, k)) return; /* create new cube and add cube to top of stack: */ p->cubes = (CUBES *) new_pgn_element(sizeof(CUBES)); p->cubes->next = oldcubes; newc.i = i; newc.j = j; newc.k = k; for (n = 0; n < 8; n++) newc.corners[n] = NULL; newc.corners[FLIP(c1, bit)] = corn1; newc.corners[FLIP(c2, bit)] = corn2; newc.corners[FLIP(c3, bit)] = corn3; newc.corners[FLIP(c4, bit)] = corn4; if(newc.corners[0]==0) newc.corners[0] = setcorner(p, i, j, k); if(newc.corners[1]==0) newc.corners[1] = setcorner(p, i, j, k+1); if(newc.corners[2]==0) newc.corners[2] = setcorner(p, i, j+1, k); if(newc.corners[3]==0) newc.corners[3] = setcorner(p, i, j+1, k+1); if(newc.corners[4]==0) newc.corners[4] = setcorner(p, i+1, j, k); if(newc.corners[5]==0) newc.corners[5] = setcorner(p, i+1, j, k+1); if(newc.corners[6]==0) newc.corners[6] = setcorner(p, i+1, j+1, k); if(newc.corners[7]==0) newc.corners[7] = setcorner(p, i+1, j+1, k+1); p->cubes->cube= newc; } /* setcorner: return corner with the given lattice location set (and cache) its function value */ CORNER *setcorner (p, i, j, k) int i, j, k; PROCESS *p; { /* for speed, do corner value caching here */ CORNER *c; int index; /* bestaat corner al? */ index = HASH(i, j, k); c = p->corners[index]; for (; c != NULL; c = c->next) { if (c->i == i && c->j == j && c->k == k) { return c; } } c = (CORNER *) new_pgn_element(sizeof(CORNER)); c->i = i; c->x = p->start.x+((float)i-0.5)*p->size; c->j = j; c->y = p->start.y+((float)j-0.5)*p->size; c->k = k; c->z = p->start.z+((float)k-0.5)*p->size; c->value = p->function(c->x, c->y, c->z); c->next = p->corners[index]; p->corners[index] = c; return c; } /* nextcwedge: return next clockwise edge from given edge around given face */ int nextcwedge (int edge, int face) { switch (edge) { case LB: return (face == L)? LF : BN; case LT: return (face == L)? LN : TF; case LN: return (face == L)? LB : TN; case LF: return (face == L)? LT : BF; case RB: return (face == R)? RN : BF; case RT: return (face == R)? RF : TN; case RN: return (face == R)? RT : BN; case RF: return (face == R)? RB : TF; case BN: return (face == B)? RB : LN; case BF: return (face == B)? LB : RF; case TN: return (face == T)? LT : RN; case TF: return (face == T)? RT : LF; } return 0; } /* otherface: return face adjoining edge that is not the given face */ int otherface (edge, face) int edge, face; { int other = leftface[edge]; return face == other? rightface[edge] : other; } /* makecubetable: create the 256 entry table for cubical polygonization */ void makecubetable () { static int isdone= 0; int i, e, c, done[12], pos[8]; if(isdone) return; isdone= 1; for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) { for (e = 0; e < 12; e++) done[e] = 0; for (c = 0; c < 8; c++) pos[c] = MB_BIT(i, c); for (e = 0; e < 12; e++) if (!done[e] && (pos[corner1[e]] != pos[corner2[e]])) { INTLIST *ints = 0; INTLISTS *lists = (INTLISTS *) calloc(1, sizeof(INTLISTS)); int start = e, edge = e; /* get face that is to right of edge from pos to neg corner: */ int face = pos[corner1[e]]? rightface[e] : leftface[e]; while (1) { edge = nextcwedge(edge, face); done[edge] = 1; if (pos[corner1[edge]] != pos[corner2[edge]]) { INTLIST *tmp = ints; ints = (INTLIST *) calloc(1, sizeof(INTLIST)); ints->i = edge; ints->next = tmp; /* add edge to head of list */ if (edge == start) break; face = otherface(edge, face); } } lists->list = ints; /* add ints to head of table entry */ lists->next = cubetable[i]; cubetable[i] = lists; } } } void freecubetable() { int i; INTLISTS *lists, *nlists; INTLIST *ints, *nints; for (i = 0; i < 256; i++) { lists= cubetable[i]; while(lists) { nlists= lists->next; ints= lists->list; while(ints) { nints= ints->next; freeN(ints); ints= nints; } free(lists); lists= nlists; } cubetable[i]= 0; } } /**** Storage ****/ /* setcenter: set (i,j,k) entry of table[] * return 1 if already set; otherwise, set and return 0 */ int setcenter(table, i, j, k) CENTERLIST *table[]; int i, j, k; { int index; CENTERLIST *newc, *l, *q; index= HASH(i, j, k); q= table[index]; for (l = q; l != NULL; l = l->next) { if (l->i == i && l->j == j && l->k == k) return 1; } newc = (CENTERLIST *) new_pgn_element(sizeof(CENTERLIST)); newc->i = i; newc->j = j; newc->k = k; newc->next = q; table[index] = newc; return 0; } /* setedge: set vertex id for edge */ void setedge (table, i1, j1, k1, i2, j2, k2, vid) EDGELIST *table[]; int i1, j1, k1, i2, j2, k2, vid; { unsigned int index; EDGELIST *newe; if (i1>i2 || (i1==i2 && (j1>j2 || (j1==j2 && k1>k2)))) { int t=i1; i1=i2; i2=t; t=j1; j1=j2; j2=t; t=k1; k1=k2; k2=t; } index = HASH(i1, j1, k1) + HASH(i2, j2, k2); newe = (EDGELIST *) new_pgn_element(sizeof(EDGELIST)); newe->i1 = i1; newe->j1 = j1; newe->k1 = k1; newe->i2 = i2; newe->j2 = j2; newe->k2 = k2; newe->vid = vid; newe->next = table[index]; table[index] = newe; } /* getedge: return vertex id for edge; return -1 if not set */ int getedge (table, i1, j1, k1, i2, j2, k2) EDGELIST *table[]; int i1, j1, k1, i2, j2, k2; { EDGELIST *q; if (i1>i2 || (i1==i2 && (j1>j2 || (j1==j2 && k1>k2)))) { int t=i1; i1=i2; i2=t; t=j1; j1=j2; j2=t; t=k1; k1=k2; k2=t; } q = table[HASH(i1, j1, k1)+HASH(i2, j2, k2)]; for (; q != NULL; q = q->next) if (q->i1 == i1 && q->j1 == j1 && q->k1 == k1 && q->i2 == i2 && q->j2 == j2 && q->k2 == k2) return q->vid; return -1; } /**** Vertices ****/ #undef R /* vertid: return index for vertex on edge: * c1->value and c2->value are presumed of different sign * return saved index if any; else compute vertex and save */ /* addtovertices: add v to sequence of vertices */ void addtovertices (vertices, v) VERTICES *vertices; VERTEX v; { if (vertices->count == vertices->max) { int i; VERTEX *newv; vertices->max = vertices->count == 0 ? 10 : 2*vertices->count; newv = (VERTEX *) callocN(vertices->max * sizeof(VERTEX), "addtovertices"); for (i = 0; i < vertices->count; i++) newv[i] = vertices->ptr[i]; if (vertices->ptr != NULL) freeN(vertices->ptr); vertices->ptr = newv; } vertices->ptr[vertices->count++] = v; } /* vnormal: compute unit length surface normal at point */ void vnormal (point, p, v) MB_POINT *point, *v; PROCESS *p; { float delta= 0.2*p->delta; float f = p->function(point->x, point->y, point->z); v->x = p->function(point->x+delta, point->y, point->z)-f; v->y = p->function(point->x, point->y+delta, point->z)-f; v->z = p->function(point->x, point->y, point->z+delta)-f; f = fsqrt(v->x*v->x + v->y*v->y + v->z*v->z); if (f != 0.0) { v->x /= f; v->y /= f; v->z /= f; } if(FALSE) { /* if(R.flag & R_RENDERING) { */ MB_POINT temp; delta*= 2.0; f = p->function(point->x, point->y, point->z); temp.x = p->function(point->x+delta, point->y, point->z)-f; temp.y = p->function(point->x, point->y+delta, point->z)-f; temp.z = p->function(point->x, point->y, point->z+delta)-f; f = fsqrt(temp.x*temp.x + temp.y*temp.y + temp.z*temp.z); if (f != 0.0) { temp.x /= f; temp.y /= f; temp.z /= f; v->x+= temp.x; v->y+= temp.y; v->z+= temp.z; f = fsqrt(v->x*v->x + v->y*v->y + v->z*v->z); if (f != 0.0) { v->x /= f; v->y /= f; v->z /= f; } } } } int vertid (c1, c2, p) CORNER *c1, *c2; PROCESS *p; { VERTEX v; MB_POINT a, b; int vid = getedge(p->edges, c1->i, c1->j, c1->k, c2->i, c2->j, c2->k); if (vid != -1) return vid; /* previously computed */ a.x = c1->x; a.y = c1->y; a.z = c1->z; b.x = c2->x; b.y = c2->y; b.z = c2->z; converge(&a, &b, c1->value, p->function, &v.position); /* position */ vnormal(&v.position, p, &v.normal); addtovertices(&p->vertices, v); /* save vertex */ vid = p->vertices.count-1; setedge(p->edges, c1->i, c1->j, c1->k, c2->i, c2->j, c2->k, vid); return vid; } /* converge: from two points of differing sign, converge to zero crossing */ /* watch it: p1 and p2 are used to calculate */ void converge (MB_POINT *p1, MB_POINT *p2, float v, float (*function)(), MB_POINT *p) { int i = 0; MB_POINT *pos, *neg; if (v < 0) { pos= p2; neg= p1; } else { pos= p1; neg= p2; } while (1) { p->x = 0.5*(pos->x + neg->x); p->y = 0.5*(pos->y + neg->y); p->z = 0.5*(pos->z + neg->z); if (i++ == RES) return; if ((function(p->x, p->y, p->z)) > 0.0) { pos->x = p->x; pos->y = p->y; pos->z = p->z; } else { neg->x = p->x; neg->y = p->y; neg->z = p->z; } } } /* ************************************** */ void polygonize(PROCESS *mbproc) { MB_POINT in, out; CUBE c; CUBES *ncube; CORNER *setcorner(); int a, n, i, j, k; mbproc->vertices.count = mbproc->vertices.max = 0; mbproc->vertices.ptr = NULL; /* allocate hash tables and build cube polygon table: */ mbproc->centers = callocN(HASHSIZE * sizeof(CENTERLIST *), "mbproc->centers"); mbproc->corners = callocN(HASHSIZE * sizeof(CORNER *), "mbproc->corners"); mbproc->edges = callocN(2*HASHSIZE * sizeof(EDGELIST *), "mbproc->edges"); makecubetable(); /* find first point on balls */ for(a=0; a<totelem; a++) { in.x= mainb[a]->x; in.y= mainb[a]->y; in.z= mainb[a]->z; calc_mballco(mainb[a], (float *)&in); /* added factor 2.0 to be sure it always finds the ball... still unsure why! */ out.x= in.x + 2.0*mainb[a]->rad; out.y= in.y + 2.0*mainb[a]->rad; out.z= in.z + 2.0*mainb[a]->rad; calc_mballco(mainb[a], (float *)&out); converge(&in, &out, -1.0, mbproc->function, &mbproc->start); /* NEW1: zorg voor correcte uitgangspositie */ i= ffloor(mbproc->start.x/mbproc->size ); j= ffloor(mbproc->start.y/mbproc->size ); k= ffloor(mbproc->start.z/mbproc->size ); mbproc->start.x= mbproc->start.y= mbproc->start.z= 0.0; /* dit gaat niet altijd goed: soms wordt een bal niet gevonden. waarom? */ /* test if cube has been found before */ if( setcenter(mbproc->centers, i, j, k)==0 ) { /* push cube on stack: */ ncube= (CUBES *) new_pgn_element(sizeof(CUBES)); ncube->next= mbproc->cubes; mbproc->cubes= ncube; ncube->cube.i= i; ncube->cube.j= j; ncube->cube.k= k; /* set corners of initial cube: */ for (n = 0; n < 8; n++) ncube->cube.corners[n] = setcorner(mbproc, i+MB_BIT(n,2), j+MB_BIT(n,1), k+MB_BIT(n,0)); } /* we do a triple test and add a cube if necessary */ i++; /* test if cube has been found before */ if( setcenter(mbproc->centers, i, j, k)==0 ) { /* push cube on stack: */ ncube= (CUBES *) new_pgn_element(sizeof(CUBES)); ncube->next= mbproc->cubes; mbproc->cubes= ncube; ncube->cube.i= i; ncube->cube.j= j; ncube->cube.k= k; /* set corners of initial cube: */ for (n = 0; n < 8; n++) ncube->cube.corners[n] = setcorner(mbproc, i+MB_BIT(n,2), j+MB_BIT(n,1), k+MB_BIT(n,0)); } i--; j++; /* test if cube has been found before */ if( setcenter(mbproc->centers, i, j, k)==0 ) { /* push cube on stack: */ ncube= (CUBES *) new_pgn_element(sizeof(CUBES)); ncube->next= mbproc->cubes; mbproc->cubes= ncube; ncube->cube.i= i; ncube->cube.j= j; ncube->cube.k= k; /* set corners of initial cube: */ for (n = 0; n < 8; n++) ncube->cube.corners[n] = setcorner(mbproc, i+MB_BIT(n,2), j+MB_BIT(n,1), k+MB_BIT(n,0)); } j--; k++; /* test if cube has been found before */ if( setcenter(mbproc->centers, i, j, k)==0 ) { /* push cube on stack: */ ncube= (CUBES *) new_pgn_element(sizeof(CUBES)); ncube->next= mbproc->cubes; mbproc->cubes= ncube; ncube->cube.i= i; ncube->cube.j= j; ncube->cube.k= k; /* set corners of initial cube: */ for (n = 0; n < 8; n++) ncube->cube.corners[n] = setcorner(mbproc, i+MB_BIT(n,2), j+MB_BIT(n,1), k+MB_BIT(n,0)); } i++; j++; /* test if cube has been found before */ if( setcenter(mbproc->centers, i, j, k)==0 ) { /* push cube on stack: */ ncube= (CUBES *) new_pgn_element(sizeof(CUBES)); ncube->next= mbproc->cubes; mbproc->cubes= ncube; ncube->cube.i= i; ncube->cube.j= j; ncube->cube.k= k; /* set corners of initial cube: */ for (n = 0; n < 8; n++) ncube->cube.corners[n] = setcorner(mbproc, i+MB_BIT(n,2), j+MB_BIT(n,1), k+MB_BIT(n,0)); } } while (mbproc->cubes != NULL) { /* process active cubes till none left */ c = mbproc->cubes->cube; /* polygonize the cube directly: */ docube(&c, mbproc); /* pop current cube from stack */ mbproc->cubes = mbproc->cubes->next; /* test six face directions, maybe add to stack: */ testface(c.i-1, c.j, c.k, &c, 2, LBN, LBF, LTN, LTF, mbproc); testface(c.i+1, c.j, c.k, &c, 2, RBN, RBF, RTN, RTF, mbproc); testface(c.i, c.j-1, c.k, &c, 1, LBN, LBF, RBN, RBF, mbproc); testface(c.i, c.j+1, c.k, &c, 1, LTN, LTF, RTN, RTF, mbproc); testface(c.i, c.j, c.k-1, &c, 0, LBN, LTN, RBN, RTN, mbproc); testface(c.i, c.j, c.k+1, &c, 0, LBF, LTF, RBF, RTF, mbproc); } } float init_meta(Object *ob) /* return totsize */ { Base *base; Object *bob; MetaBall *mb; MetaElem *ml; float size, totsize, *mat = NULL, *imat = NULL, obinv[4][4], vec[3]; int a, nr; char left[32]; Mat4Invert(obinv, ob->obmat); totelem= 0; /* hoofdarray maken */ next_object(0, 0, 0); while(next_object(1, &base, &bob)) { if(bob->type==OB_MBALL) { ml= 0; if(bob==ob) { mat= imat= 0; mb= ob->data; if(ob==G.obedit) ml= editelems.first; else if(G.obedit && G.obedit->type==OB_MBALL && G.obedit->data==mb) ml= editelems.first; else ml= mb->elems.first; } else { splitIDname(bob->id.name+2, left, &nr); if( strcmp(left, ob->id.name+2)==0 ) { mb= bob->data; if(G.obedit && G.obedit->type==OB_MBALL && G.obedit->data==mb) ml= editelems.first; else ml= mb->elems.first; /* mat is de matrix om van deze mball in de basis-mbal te komen */ mat= new_pgn_element(4*4*sizeof(float)); Mat4MulMat4(mat, bob->obmat, obinv); imat= new_pgn_element(4*4*sizeof(float)); Mat4Invert(imat, mat); } } while(ml && totelem<MB_MAXELEM) { a= totelem; /* kopie maken i.v.m. duplicates */ mainb[a]= new_pgn_element(sizeof(MetaElem)); *(mainb[a])= *ml; /* if(mainb[a]->flag & MB_NEGATIVE) mainb[a]->s= 1.0-mainb[a]->s; */ mainb[a]->rad2= mainb[a]->rad*mainb[a]->rad; mainb[a]->mat= mat; mainb[a]->imat= imat; ml= ml->next; totelem++; } } } /* totsize (= 'manhattan' straal) berekenen */ totsize= 0.0; for(a=0; a<totelem; a++) { vec[0]= mainb[a]->x + mainb[a]->rad; vec[1]= mainb[a]->y + mainb[a]->rad; vec[2]= mainb[a]->z + mainb[a]->rad; if(mainb[a]->type==MB_TUBEX) vec[0]+= mainb[a]->len; if(mainb[a]->type==MB_TUBEY) vec[1]+= mainb[a]->len; if(mainb[a]->type==MB_TUBEZ) vec[2]+= mainb[a]->len; calc_mballco(mainb[a], vec); size= fabsf( vec[0] ); if( size > totsize ) totsize= size; size= fabsf( vec[1] ); if( size > totsize ) totsize= size; size= fabsf( vec[2] ); if( size > totsize ) totsize= size; vec[0]= mainb[a]->x - mainb[a]->rad; vec[1]= mainb[a]->y - mainb[a]->rad; vec[2]= mainb[a]->z - mainb[a]->rad; calc_mballco(mainb[a], vec); size= fabsf( vec[0] ); if( size > totsize ) totsize= size; size= fabsf( vec[1] ); if( size > totsize ) totsize= size; size= fabsf( vec[2] ); if( size > totsize ) totsize= size; } for(a=0; a<totelem; a++) { thresh+= densfunc( mainb[a], 2.0*totsize, 2.0*totsize, 2.0*totsize); } return totsize; } void metaball_polygonize(Object *ob) { PROCESS mbproc; MetaBall *mb; DispList *dl; int a, nr_cubes; float *ve, *no, totsize, width; mb= ob->data; freedisplist(&ob->disp); curindex= totindex= 0; indices= 0; thresh= mb->thresh; if(G.moving && mb->flag==MB_UPDATE_FAST) return; mainb= mallocN(sizeof(void *)*MB_MAXELEM, "mainb"); totsize= init_meta(ob); if(totelem==0) { freeN(mainb); return; } /* width is afmeting per polygoniseerkubus */ if(R.flag & R_RENDERING) width= mb->rendersize; else { width= mb->wiresize; if(G.moving && mb->flag==MB_UPDATE_HALFRES) width*= 2; } /* nr_cubes is voor de veiligheid, minmaal de totsize */ nr_cubes= (int)(0.5+totsize/width); /* init process */ mbproc.function = metaball; mbproc.size = width; mbproc.bounds = nr_cubes; mbproc.cubes= 0; mbproc.delta = width/(float)(RES*RES); polygonize(&mbproc); freeN(mainb); if(curindex) { dl= callocN(sizeof(DispList), "mbaldisp"); addtail(&ob->disp, dl); dl->type= DL_INDEX4; dl->nr= mbproc.vertices.count; dl->parts= curindex; dl->index= indices; indices= 0; a= mbproc.vertices.count; dl->verts= ve= mallocN(sizeof(float)*3*a, "mballverts"); dl->nors= no= mallocN(sizeof(float)*3*a, "mballnors"); for(a=0; a<mbproc.vertices.count; a++, no+=3, ve+=3) { ve[0]= mbproc.vertices.ptr[a].position.x; ve[1]= mbproc.vertices.ptr[a].position.y; ve[2]= mbproc.vertices.ptr[a].position.z; no[0]= mbproc.vertices.ptr[a].normal.x; no[1]= mbproc.vertices.ptr[a].normal.y; no[2]= mbproc.vertices.ptr[a].normal.z; } } freepolygonize(&mbproc); }