/** * $Id:$ * ***** BEGIN GPL/BL DUAL LICENSE BLOCK ***** * * The contents of this file may be used under the terms of either the GNU * General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL", see * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html ), or the Blender License 1.0 or * later (the "BL", see http://www.blender.org/BL/ ) which has to be * bought from the Blender Foundation to become active, in which case the * above mentioned GPL option does not apply. * * The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2002 by NaN Holding BV. * All rights reserved. * * The Original Code is: all of this file. * * Contributor(s): none yet. * * ***** END GPL/BL DUAL LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ /* readfile.c juni 94 MIXED MODEL * * jan 95 * maart 95 * Version: $Id: readfile.c,v 1.47 2000/09/24 20:22:10 ton Exp $ * * ZWAK PUNT: newadres berekening en meerdere files: oplossen * bijvoorbeeld door per file aparte newadresarrays te maken? * * * LEZEN - Bestaande Library (Main) pushen of vrijgeven - Nieuwe Main alloceren - file inlezen - lees SDNA - per LibBlock - lees LibBlock - als Library - nieuwe Main maken - ID's eraan hangen - else - lees bijhorende direkte data - link direkte data (intern en aan LibBlock) - lees FileGlobal - lees USER data, als aangegeven (~/.B.blend) - file vrijgeven - per Library met Scene (per Main) - file inlezen - lees SDNA - alle LibBlocks uit Scene opzoeken en ID's aan Main hagen - als extern LibBlock - zoek Main's af - is al ingelezen: - nog niet ingelezen - of nieuwe Main maken - per LibBlock - recursief dieper lezen - lees bijhorende direkte data - link direkte data (intern en aan LibBlock) - file vrijgeven - per Library met nog niet gelezen LibBlocks - file inlezen - lees SDNA - per LibBlock - recursief dieper lezen - lees bijhorende direkte data - link direkte data (intern en aan LibBlock) - file vrijgeven - alle Main's samenvoegen - alle LibBlocks linken en indirekte pointers naar libblocks - FileGlobal goedzetten en pointers naar Global kopieeren * * * */ #include "blender.h" #include "graphics.h" #include "file.h" #include "screen.h" #include "render.h" #include "sequence.h" #include "effect.h" #include "ika.h" #include "oops.h" #include "imasel.h" #include "datatoc.h" #include "text.h" #include "sound.h" #include "game.h" #include "group.h" /* own include */ #include "readfile_ext.h" #ifndef WIN32 #include <sys/param.h> #endif #include <fcntl.h> typedef struct OldNew { void *old, *newp; int nr; } OldNew; extern char *compflags; /* genfile.c */ extern struct SDNA cur_sdna; void read_libraries(); OldNew *datablocks=0; OldNew *libblocks=0; OldNew *globblocks=0; int datacount= 0, maxdatacount=1024; int globcount= 0, maxglobcount=1024; int libcount= 0, maxlibcount=1024; int pointerlen, installed_blend=0; extern int switch_endian; /* genfile.c */ void *disable_newlibadr; /* ******************************************* */ extern char bprogname[]; /* usiblender.c */ char *gethome(void) { #ifdef __BeOS return "/boot/home/"; /* BeOS 4.5: doubleclick at icon doesnt give home env */ #elif !defined(__WIN32) return getenv("HOME"); #else /* Windows */ char * ret; ret= getenv("HOME"); if(ret) { if (G.f&G_DEBUG) printf ("HOME == %s\n", ret); if (fop_exists(ret)) return ret; if (G.f&G_DEBUG) printf ("Unable to find home at: %s\n", ret); } ret= getenv("WINDOWS"); if (ret) { if (G.f&G_DEBUG) printf ("WINDOWS == %s\n", ret); if(fop_exists(ret)) return ret; if (G.f&G_DEBUG) printf ("Unable to find home at: %s\n", ret); } ret= getenv("WINDIR"); if(ret) { if (G.f&G_DEBUG) printf ("WINDIR == %s\n", ret); if(fop_exists(ret)) return ret; if (G.f&G_DEBUG) printf ("Unable to find home at: %s\n", ret); } if (G.f&G_DEBUG) printf ("Unable to find home\n"); return "C:\\Temp"; #endif } /* ************ DIV ****************** */ int testextensie(char *str, char *ext) { short a, b; int retval; a= strlen(str); b= strlen(ext); if(a==0 || b==0 || b>=a) { retval = 0; } else if (strcasecmp(ext, str + a - b)) { retval = 0; } else { retval = 1; } return (retval); } int convertstringcode(char *str) { int len, ret= 0; char *slash, temp[FILE_MAXDIR+FILE_MAXFILE]; if (str[0] == '/' && str[1] == '/') { strcpy(temp, G.sce); /* Find the last slash */ slash= (strrchr(temp, '/')>strrchr(temp, '\\'))?strrchr(temp, '/'):strrchr(temp, '\\'); if (slash) { strcpy(slash+1, str+2); strcpy(str, temp); } else { /* pad zonder slash! */ strcpy(temp, str+2); strcpy(str, temp); } ret= 1; } len= strlen(str); if(len && str[len-1]=='#') { sprintf(str+len-1, "%04d", CFRA); } return ret; } void makestringcode(char *str) { char *slash, len, temp[FILE_MAXDIR]; strcpy(temp, G.sce); /* Find the last slash */ slash= (strrchr(temp, '/')>strrchr(temp, '\\'))?strrchr(temp, '/'):strrchr(temp, '\\'); if(slash) { *(slash+1)= 0; len= strlen(temp); if(len) { if(strncmp(str, temp, len)==0) { temp[0]= '/'; temp[1]= '/'; strcpy(temp+2, str+len); strcpy(str, temp); } } } } void splitdirstring(char *di,char *fi) { char *slash; /* Find the last slash */ slash= (strrchr(di, '/')>strrchr(di, '\\'))?strrchr(di, '/'):strrchr(di, '\\'); if (slash) { strcpy(fi, slash+1); *(slash+1)=0; } } /* ************** OLD POINTERS ******************* */ /* three systems: - newadr() add_data_adr: for direct data - newglobadr() add_glob_adr: for global data - newlibadr() addl_lob_adr: for lib data */ void add_data_adr(void *old, void *new) /* met dynamische malloc * (0, 1) doorgeven herinitialiseert en geeft ongebruikte blokken vrij * (0, 0) doorgeven geeft alles vrij */ { OldNew *temp; int a; if(old==0) { /* ongebruikte vrijgeven */ temp= datablocks; for(a=0; a<datacount; a++, temp++) { if(temp->nr==0 && temp->newp) freeN(temp->newp); } if(new==0 && datablocks) { freeN(datablocks); datablocks= 0; maxdatacount= 1024; } datacount= 0; } else { if(datablocks==0) { datablocks= mallocN(maxdatacount*sizeof(OldNew), "OldNew"); } else if(datacount==maxdatacount) { maxdatacount*= 2; temp= mallocN(maxdatacount*sizeof(OldNew), "OldNew"); memcpy(temp, datablocks, maxdatacount*sizeof(OldNew)/2); freeN(datablocks); datablocks= temp; } temp= datablocks+datacount; temp->old= old; temp->newp= new; temp->nr= 0; datacount++; } } void add_glob_adr(void *old, void *new) /* met dynamische malloc * (0, 1) doorgeven herinitialiseert en geeft ongebruikte blokken vrij * (0, 0) doorgeven geeft alles vrij */ { OldNew *temp; if(old==0) { /* free globblocks */ temp= globblocks; if(new==0 && globblocks) { freeN(globblocks); globblocks= 0; maxglobcount= 1024; } globcount= 0; } else { if(globblocks==0) { globblocks= mallocN(maxglobcount*sizeof(OldNew), "OldNew"); } else if(globcount==maxglobcount) { maxglobcount*= 2; temp= mallocN(maxglobcount*sizeof(OldNew), "OldNew"); memcpy(temp, globblocks, maxglobcount*sizeof(OldNew)/2); freeN(globblocks); globblocks= temp; } temp= globblocks+globcount; temp->old= old; temp->newp= new; temp->nr= 0; globcount++; } } void add_lib_adr(void *old, void *new) /* met dynamische malloc * (0, 0) doorgeven geeft alles vrij * Zet aantal users al op 1!!! */ { OldNew *temp=0; /* onderscheid tussen twee gevallen: * * 1. lib obj's in locale scene, ob->parent (old is uit library) * 2. lib obj's in locale scene: base->object (old is uit locale scene) * */ if(disable_newlibadr) { disable_newlibadr= new; } if(old==0) { /* alles vrijgeven */ if(libblocks) freeN(libblocks); libblocks= 0; maxlibcount= 1024; libcount= 0; } else { if(libblocks==0) { libblocks= mallocN(maxlibcount*sizeof(OldNew), "OldNew"); } else if(libcount==maxlibcount) { maxlibcount*= 2; temp= mallocN(maxlibcount*sizeof(OldNew), "OldNew"); memcpy(temp, libblocks, maxlibcount*sizeof(OldNew)/2); freeN(libblocks); libblocks= temp; } temp= libblocks+libcount; temp->old= old; temp->newp= new; temp->nr= 1; libcount++; } } void *newadr(void *adr) /* only direct databocks */ { static int lastone= 0; struct OldNew *onew; if(adr) { /* op goed geluk: eerst het volgende blok doen */ if(lastone<datacount-1) { lastone++; onew= datablocks+lastone; if(onew->old==adr) { onew->nr++; return onew->newp; } } lastone= 0; onew= datablocks; while(lastone<datacount) { if(onew->old==adr) { onew->nr++; return onew->newp; } onew++; lastone++; } } return 0; } void *newglobadr(void *adr) /* direct datablocks with global linking */ { static int lastone= 0; struct OldNew *onew; if(adr) { /* op goed geluk: eerst het volgende blok doen */ if(lastone<globcount-1) { lastone++; onew= globblocks+lastone; if(onew->old==adr) { onew->nr++; return onew->newp; } } lastone= 0; onew= globblocks; while(lastone<globcount) { if(onew->old==adr) { onew->nr++; return onew->newp; } onew++; lastone++; } } return 0; } void *newlibadr(void *lib, void *adr) /* only lib data */ { static int lastone= 0; struct OldNew *onew; ID *id; /* ook testen op lib: lib==id->lib) */ if(adr) { /* op goed geluk: eerst het volgende blok doen */ /* als je dit weglaat gaat newcarou.blend mis */ if(lastone<libcount-1) { lastone++; onew= libblocks+lastone; if(onew->old==adr) { id= onew->newp; if(id==NULL) return NULL; else if(id->lib==0 && lib); else { onew->nr++; return onew->newp; } } } lastone= 0; onew= libblocks; while(lastone<libcount) { if(onew->old==adr) { id= onew->newp; if(id && id->lib==0 && lib); else { onew->nr++; return onew->newp; } } onew++; lastone++; } } return 0; } void *newlibadr_us(void *lib, void *adr) /* hoogt usernummer op */ { ID *id; id= newlibadr(lib, adr); if(id) { id->us++; } return id; } void *newlibadr_us_type(short type, void *adr) /* alleen Lib datablokken */ { static int lastone= 0; struct OldNew *onew; ID *id; if(adr) { /* op goed geluk: eerst het volgende blok doen */ /* als je dit weglaat gaat newcarou.blend mis */ if(lastone<libcount-1) { lastone++; onew= libblocks+lastone; if(onew->old==adr) { id= onew->newp; if( GS(id->name) == type ) { id->us++; onew->nr++; return id; } } } lastone= 0; onew= libblocks; while(lastone<libcount) { if(onew->old==adr) { id= onew->newp; if( GS(id->name) == type ) { id->us++; onew->nr++; return id; } } onew++; lastone++; } } return 0; } void change_libadr(void *old, void *new) { struct OldNew *onew; ID *id; int lastone= 0; onew= libblocks; while(lastone<libcount) { id= onew->newp; if(id && id->lib) { if(onew->newp==old) { onew->newp= new; /* geen return; blijkbaar kunnen er meer zijn? */ } } onew++; lastone++; } } /* ********** END OUDE POINTERS ****************** */ /* ********** READ FILE ****************** */ void switch_endian_structs(BHead *bhead) { int oldlen, blocks; short *spo; char *data; blocks= bhead->nr; data= (char *)(bhead+1); spo= old_sdna.structs[bhead->SDNAnr]; oldlen= old_sdna.typelens[ spo[0] ]; while(blocks--) { switch_endian_struct(bhead->SDNAnr, data); data+= oldlen; } } void read_struct(BHead *bh) { void *temp= 0; if(bh->len) { if(bh->SDNAnr && switch_endian) switch_endian_structs(bh); if(compflags[bh->SDNAnr]) { /* flag==0: bestaat niet meer */ /* dit hele ingewikkelde spul is de naam van de struct, let op: old_sdna! */ temp= mallocN(bh->len, old_sdna.types[ *old_sdna.structs[bh->SDNAnr] ]); /* temp= mallocN(bh->len, "read_struct"); */ memcpy(temp, (bh+1), bh->len); if(compflags[bh->SDNAnr]==2) reconstruct(bh->SDNAnr, bh->nr, &temp); } } add_data_adr(bh->old, temp); } void newstructname(BHead *bh) { /* rijtje hardcoded uitzonderingen */ short *sp; sp= old_sdna.structs[bh->SDNAnr]; if( strcmp("Screen", old_sdna.types[sp[0]])==0 ) { bh->SDNAnr= findstruct_nr(&old_sdna, "bScreen"); } } void *read_libstruct(BHead *bh) { void *temp= 0; if(bh->len) { if(switch_endian) switch_endian_structs(bh); if(compflags[bh->SDNAnr]) { /* flag==0: bestaat niet meer */ temp= mallocN(bh->len, "read_libstruct"); memcpy(temp, (bh+1), bh->len); if(compflags[bh->SDNAnr]==2) reconstruct(bh->SDNAnr, bh->nr, &temp); } } add_lib_adr(bh->old, temp); return temp; } void read_struct_expl(BHead *bh, void **data) /* dubbele pointer ivm reconstruct */ { if(bh->len) { if(bh->SDNAnr && switch_endian) switch_endian_structs(bh); if(compflags[bh->SDNAnr]) { /* flag==0: bestaat niet meer */ *data= mallocN(bh->len, "read_struct_expl"); memcpy(*data, (bh+1), bh->len); if(compflags[bh->SDNAnr]==2) reconstruct(bh->SDNAnr, bh->nr, data); } } } void link_list(ListBase *lb) /* alleen direkte data */ { Link *ln, *prev; if(lb->first==0) return; lb->first= newadr(lb->first); ln= lb->first; prev= 0; while(ln) { ln->next= newadr(ln->next); ln->prev= prev; prev= ln; ln= ln->next; } lb->last= prev; } void link_glob_list(ListBase *lb) /* for glob data */ { Link *ln, *prev; void *poin; if(lb->first==0) return; poin= newadr(lb->first); if(lb->first) add_glob_adr(lb->first, poin); lb->first= poin; ln= lb->first; prev= 0; while(ln) { poin= newadr(ln->next); if(ln->next) add_glob_adr(ln->next, poin); ln->next= poin; ln->prev= prev; prev= ln; ln= ln->next; } lb->last= prev; } void test_pointer_array(void **mat) { #ifdef WIN32 DWORDLONG *lpoin, *lmat; #else long long *lpoin, *lmat; #endif int len, *ipoin, *imat; /* mat is still 'old_sdna' */ if(*mat) { len= alloc_len(*mat)/old_sdna.pointerlen; if(old_sdna.pointerlen==8 && cur_sdna.pointerlen==4) { ipoin=imat= mallocN( len*4, "newmatar"); lpoin= *mat; while(len-- > 0) { if(switch_endian) SWITCH_LONGINT(*lpoin); *ipoin= (*lpoin)>>3; ipoin++; lpoin++; } freeN(*mat); *mat= imat; } if(old_sdna.pointerlen==4 && cur_sdna.pointerlen==8) { lpoin=lmat= mallocN( len*8, "newmatar"); ipoin= *mat; while(len-- > 0) { *lpoin= *ipoin; ipoin++; lpoin++; } freeN(*mat); *mat= lmat; } } } /* ************ READ scriptlinks *************** */ void lib_link_scriptlink(ID *id, ScriptLink *slink) { int i; for(i=0; i<slink->totscript; i++) { slink->scripts[i]= newlibadr(id->lib, slink->scripts[i]); } } void direct_link_scriptlink(ScriptLink *slink) { slink->scripts= newadr(slink->scripts); slink->flag= newadr(slink->flag); if(switch_endian) { int a; for(a=0; a<slink->totscript; a++) { SWITCH_SHORT(slink->flag[a]); } } } /* ************ READ IKA ***************** */ void lib_link_ika(Main *main) { Ika *ika; int a; Deform *def; ika= main->ika.first; while(ika) { if(ika->id.flag & LIB_NEEDLINK) { ika->parent= newlibadr(ika->id.lib, ika->parent); a= ika->totdef; def= ika->def; while(a--) { def->ob= newlibadr(ika->id.lib, def->ob); def++; } ika->id.flag -= LIB_NEEDLINK; } ika= ika->id.next; } } void direct_link_ika(Ika *ika) { link_list(&ika->limbbase); ika->def= newadr(ika->def); /* afvangen fout uit V.138 en ouder */ if(ika->def==0) ika->totdef= 0; } /* ************ READ CAMERA ***************** */ void lib_link_camera(Main *main) { Camera *ca; ca= main->camera.first; while(ca) { if(ca->id.flag & LIB_NEEDLINK) { ca->ipo= newlibadr_us(ca->id.lib, ca->ipo); lib_link_scriptlink(&ca->id, &ca->scriptlink); ca->id.flag -= LIB_NEEDLINK; } ca= ca->id.next; } } void direct_link_camera(Camera *ca) { direct_link_scriptlink(&ca->scriptlink); } /* ************ READ LATTICE ***************** */ void lib_link_latt(Main *main) { Lattice *lt; lt= main->latt.first; while(lt) { if(lt->id.flag & LIB_NEEDLINK) { lt->ipo= newlibadr_us(lt->id.lib, lt->ipo); lt->key= newlibadr_us(lt->id.lib, lt->key); lt->id.flag -= LIB_NEEDLINK; } lt= lt->id.next; } } void direct_link_latt(Lattice *lt) { lt->def= newadr(lt->def); } /* ************ READ LAMP ***************** */ void lib_link_lamp(Main *main) { Lamp *la; MTex *mtex; int a; la= main->lamp.first; while(la) { if(la->id.flag & LIB_NEEDLINK) { for(a=0; a<8; a++) { mtex= la->mtex[a]; if(mtex) { mtex->tex= newlibadr_us(la->id.lib, mtex->tex); mtex->object= newlibadr(la->id.lib, mtex->object); } } la->ipo= newlibadr_us(la->id.lib, la->ipo); lib_link_scriptlink(&la->id, &la->scriptlink); la->id.flag -= LIB_NEEDLINK; } la= la->id.next; } } void direct_link_lamp(Lamp *la) { int a; direct_link_scriptlink(&la->scriptlink); for(a=0; a<8; a++) { la->mtex[a]= newadr(la->mtex[a]); } } /* ************ READ keys ***************** */ void lib_link_key(Main *main) { Key *key; key= main->key.first; while(key) { if(key->id.flag & LIB_NEEDLINK) { key->ipo= newlibadr_us(key->id.lib, key->ipo); key->from= newlibadr(key->id.lib, key->from); key->id.flag -= LIB_NEEDLINK; } key= key->id.next; } } void direct_link_key(Key *key) { KeyBlock *kb; link_list(&(key->block)); key->refkey= newadr(key->refkey); kb= key->block.first; while(kb) { kb->data= newadr(kb->data); if(switch_endian) switch_endian_keyblock(key, kb); kb= kb->next; } } /* ************ READ mball ***************** */ void lib_link_mball(Main *main) { MetaBall *mb; int a; mb= main->mball.first; while(mb) { if(mb->id.flag & LIB_NEEDLINK) { for(a=0; a<mb->totcol; a++) mb->mat[a]= newlibadr_us(mb->id.lib, mb->mat[a]); mb->ipo= newlibadr_us(mb->id.lib, mb->ipo); mb->id.flag -= LIB_NEEDLINK; } mb= mb->id.next; } } void direct_link_mball(MetaBall *mb) { mb->mat= newadr(mb->mat); test_pointer_array((void **)&mb->mat); link_list(&(mb->elems)); mb->disp.first= mb->disp.last= 0; mb->bb= 0; } /* ************ READ WORLD ***************** */ void lib_link_world(Main *main) { World *wrld; MTex *mtex; int a; wrld= main->world.first; while(wrld) { if(wrld->id.flag & LIB_NEEDLINK) { wrld->ipo= newlibadr_us(wrld->id.lib, wrld->ipo); for(a=0; a<8; a++) { mtex= wrld->mtex[a]; if(mtex) { mtex->tex= newlibadr_us(wrld->id.lib, mtex->tex); mtex->object= newlibadr(wrld->id.lib, mtex->object); } } lib_link_scriptlink(&wrld->id, &wrld->scriptlink); wrld->id.flag -= LIB_NEEDLINK; } wrld= wrld->id.next; } } void direct_link_world(World *wrld) { int a; direct_link_scriptlink(&wrld->scriptlink); for(a=0; a<8; a++) { wrld->mtex[a]= newadr(wrld->mtex[a]); } } /* ************ READ IPO ***************** */ void lib_link_ipo(Main *main) { Ipo *ipo; ipo= main->ipo.first; while(ipo) { if(ipo->id.flag & LIB_NEEDLINK) { ipo->id.flag -= LIB_NEEDLINK; } ipo= ipo->id.next; } } void direct_link_ipo(Ipo *ipo) { IpoCurve *icu; link_list(&(ipo->curve)); icu= ipo->curve.first; while(icu) { icu->bezt= newadr(icu->bezt); icu->bp= newadr(icu->bp); icu= icu->next; } } /* ************ READ VFONT ***************** */ void direct_link_vfont(VFont *vf) { vf->data= callocN(sizeof(VFontData), "vfontdata"); vf->packedfile = newadr(vf->packedfile); if (vf->packedfile) { vf->packedfile->data = newadr(vf->packedfile->data); } vf->flag= 1; /* NEEDLOAD */ } /* ************ READ TEXT ****************** */ void lib_link_text(Main *main) { Text *text; text= main->text.first; while(text) { if(text->id.flag & LIB_NEEDLINK) { text->id.flag -= LIB_NEEDLINK; } text= text->id.next; } } void print_text(Text *text) { TextLine *line; printf ("-- Text: %s (%d)--\n", text->id.name, text->nlines); line= text->lines.first; while (line) { printf ("%x %x %x %d: <%s>\n", line->prev, line, line->next, line->len, line->line); line= line->next; } printf ("Main cursor: %x %d\n", text->curl, text->curc); printf ("Selection cursor: %x %d\n", text->sell, text->selc); } void direct_link_text(Text *text) { TextLine *ln; text->name= newadr(text->name); text->undo_pos= -1; text->undo_len= TXT_INIT_UNDO; text->undo_buf= mallocN(text->undo_len, "undo buf"); text->compiled= NULL; if(text->flags & TXT_ISEXT) { reopen_text(text); } else { if(text->lines.first==0) return; link_list(&text->lines); text->curl= newadr(text->curl); text->sell= newadr(text->sell); ln= text->lines.first; while(ln) { ln->line= newadr(ln->line); if (ln->len != strlen(ln->line)) { printf ("Error loading text, line lengths differ\n"); ln->len = strlen(ln->line); } ln= ln->next; } text->flags |= TXT_ISTMP; } /* print_text (text); */ text->id.us= 1; } /* ************ READ IMAGE ***************** */ void lib_link_image(Main *main) { Image *ima; ima= main->image.first; while (ima) { if(ima->id.flag & LIB_NEEDLINK) { ima->id.flag -= LIB_NEEDLINK; } ima= ima->id.next; } } void direct_link_image(Image *ima) { int a; ima->ibuf= 0; ima->anim= 0; for(a=0; a<MAXMIPMAP; a++) ima->mipmap[a]= 0; ima->repbind= 0; ima->bindcode= 0; ima->packedfile = newadr(ima->packedfile); if (ima->packedfile) { ima->packedfile->data = newadr(ima->packedfile->data); } ima->ok= 1; } /* ************ READ CURVE ***************** */ void lib_link_curve(Main *main) { Curve *cu; int a; cu= main->curve.first; while(cu) { if(cu->id.flag & LIB_NEEDLINK) { for(a=0; a<cu->totcol; a++) cu->mat[a]= newlibadr_us(cu->id.lib, cu->mat[a]); cu->bevobj= newlibadr(cu->id.lib, cu->bevobj); cu->textoncurve= newlibadr(cu->id.lib, cu->textoncurve); cu->vfont= newlibadr_us(cu->id.lib, cu->vfont); cu->ipo= newlibadr_us(cu->id.lib, cu->ipo); cu->key= newlibadr_us(cu->id.lib, cu->key); cu->id.flag -= LIB_NEEDLINK; } cu= cu->id.next; } } void direct_link_curve(Curve *cu) { Nurb *nu; cu->mat= newadr(cu->mat); test_pointer_array((void **)&cu->mat); cu->str= newadr(cu->str); if(cu->vfont==0) link_list(&(cu->nurb)); else { cu->nurb.first=cu->nurb.last= 0; } cu->bev.first=cu->bev.last= 0; cu->disp.first=cu->disp.last= 0; cu->path= 0; nu= cu->nurb.first; while(nu) { nu->bezt= newadr(nu->bezt); nu->bp= newadr(nu->bp); nu->knotsu= newadr(nu->knotsu); nu->knotsv= newadr(nu->knotsv); if(switch_endian) { switch_endian_knots(nu); } nu= nu->next; } cu->bb= 0; } /* ************ READ TEX ***************** */ void lib_link_texture(Main *main) { Tex *tex; tex= main->tex.first; while(tex) { if(tex->id.flag & LIB_NEEDLINK) { tex->ima= newlibadr_us(tex->id.lib, tex->ima); tex->ipo= newlibadr_us(tex->id.lib, tex->ipo); if(tex->env) tex->env->object= newlibadr(tex->id.lib, tex->env->object); tex->id.flag -= LIB_NEEDLINK; } tex= tex->id.next; } } void direct_link_texture(Tex *tex) { tex->plugin= newadr(tex->plugin); if(tex->plugin) { tex->plugin->handle= 0; open_plugin_tex(tex->plugin); } tex->coba= newadr(tex->coba); tex->env= newadr(tex->env); if(tex->env) { tex->env->ima= 0; bzero(tex->env->cube, 6*sizeof(void *)); tex->env->ok= 0; } } /* ************ READ MATERIAL ***************** */ void lib_link_material(Main *main) { Material *ma; MTex *mtex; int a; ma= main->mat.first; while(ma) { if(ma->id.flag & LIB_NEEDLINK) { ma->ipo= newlibadr_us(ma->id.lib, ma->ipo); for(a=0; a<8; a++) { mtex= ma->mtex[a]; if(mtex) { mtex->tex= newlibadr_us(ma->id.lib, mtex->tex); mtex->object= newlibadr(ma->id.lib, mtex->object); } } lib_link_scriptlink(&ma->id, &ma->scriptlink); ma->id.flag -= LIB_NEEDLINK; } ma= ma->id.next; } } void direct_link_material(Material *ma) { int a; direct_link_scriptlink(&ma->scriptlink); for(a=0; a<8; a++) { ma->mtex[a]= newadr(ma->mtex[a]); } ma->ren= 0; /* mag niet blijven hangen, maarja */ } /* ************ READ MESH ***************** */ void lib_link_mesh(Main *main) { Mesh *me; TFace *tface; Image *ima; int a; me= main->mesh.first; while(me) { if(me->id.flag & LIB_NEEDLINK) { for(a=0; a<me->totcol; a++) me->mat[a]= newlibadr_us(me->id.lib, me->mat[a]); me->ipo= newlibadr_us(me->id.lib, me->ipo); me->key= newlibadr_us(me->id.lib, me->key); me->texcomesh= newlibadr_us(me->id.lib, me->texcomesh); if(me->tface) { a= me->totface; tface= me->tface; while(a--) { tface->tpage= newlibadr(me->id.lib, tface->tpage); if(tface->tpage) { ima= tface->tpage; if(ima->id.us==0) ima->id.us= 1; } /* was already swapped in genfile, should be! */ if(switch_endian) { SWITCH_INT(tface->col[0]); SWITCH_INT(tface->col[1]); SWITCH_INT(tface->col[2]); SWITCH_INT(tface->col[3]); } tface++; } } me->id.flag -= LIB_NEEDLINK; } me= me->id.next; } } void direct_link_mesh(Mesh *mesh) { mesh->mat= newadr(mesh->mat); test_pointer_array((void **)&mesh->mat); mesh->mvert= newadr(mesh->mvert); mesh->mface= newadr(mesh->mface); mesh->tface= newadr(mesh->tface); mesh->mcol= newadr(mesh->mcol); mesh->msticky= newadr(mesh->msticky); mesh->disp.first= mesh->disp.last= 0; mesh->bb= 0; mesh->oc= 0; mesh->dface= 0; mesh->orco= 0; } /* ************ READ OBJECT ***************** */ #include "old_game.h" void link_sector_or_life(Object *ob) { if(ob->type==OLD_OB_SECTOR) { Sector *se; se= ob->data; if(se) { se->texmesh= newlibadr_us(ob->id.lib, se->texmesh); if(se->texmesh) { ob->data= se->texmesh; ob->type= OB_MESH; ob->gameflag= OB_SECTOR; if(ob->mat) freeN(ob->mat); ob->mat= NULL; ob->totcol= 0; } } } else { Life *lf; lf= ob->data; if(lf) { lf->texmesh= newlibadr_us(ob->id.lib, lf->texmesh); ob->inertia= lf->axsize; if(lf->texmesh) { ob->data= lf->texmesh; ob->type= OB_MESH; if(ob->mat) freeN(ob->mat); ob->mat= NULL; ob->totcol= 0; } } } } void lib_link_object(Main *main) { Object *ob; bSensor *sens; bController *cont; bActuator *act; void *poin; int warn=0, a; ob= main->object.first; while(ob) { if(ob->id.flag & LIB_NEEDLINK) { ob->parent= newlibadr(ob->id.lib, ob->parent); ob->track= newlibadr(ob->id.lib, ob->track); ob->ipo= newlibadr_us(ob->id.lib, ob->ipo); poin= ob->data; ob->data= newlibadr_us(ob->id.lib, ob->data); if(ob->type==OLD_OB_LIFE || ob->type==OLD_OB_SECTOR) link_sector_or_life(ob); if(ob->data==NULL && poin!=NULL) { ob->type= OB_EMPTY; warn= 1; if(ob->id.lib) printf("Can't find obdata of %s lib %s\n", ob->id.name+2, ob->id.lib->name); else printf("Object %s lost data. Lib:%x\n", ob->id.name+2, ob->id.lib); } for(a=0; a<ob->totcol; a++) ob->mat[a]= newlibadr_us(ob->id.lib, ob->mat[a]); ob->id.flag -= LIB_NEEDLINK; /* dit stond er eerst: weggehaald omdat de fie give_base_to... er niet meer is */ /* if(ob->id.us) ob->id.flag -= LIB_NEEDLINK; */ /* als us==0 wordt verderop nog een base gemaakt */ sens= ob->sensors.first; while(sens) { for(a=0; a<sens->totlinks; a++) { sens->links[a]= newglobadr(sens->links[a]); } if(sens->type==SENS_TOUCH) { bTouchSensor *ts= sens->data; ts->ma= newlibadr(ob->id.lib, ts->ma); } sens= sens->next; } cont= ob->controllers.first; while(cont) { for(a=0; a<cont->totlinks; a++) { cont->links[a]= newglobadr(cont->links[a]); } if(cont->type==CONT_PYTHON) { bPythonCont *pc= cont->data; pc->text= newlibadr(ob->id.lib, pc->text); } cont->slinks= NULL; cont->totslinks= 0; cont= cont->next; } act= ob->actuators.first; while(act) { if(act->type==ACT_SOUND) { bSoundActuator *sa= act->data; sa->sound= newlibadr_us(ob->id.lib, sa->sound); } else if(act->type==ACT_CAMERA) { bCameraActuator *ca= act->data; ca->ob= newlibadr(ob->id.lib, ca->ob); } /* leave this one, it's obsolete but necessary to read for conversion */ else if(act->type==ACT_ADD_OBJECT) { bAddObjectActuator *eoa= act->data; if(eoa) eoa->ob= newlibadr(ob->id.lib, eoa->ob); } else if(act->type==ACT_EDIT_OBJECT) { bEditObjectActuator *eoa= act->data; if(eoa==NULL) { init_actuator(act); } eoa->ob= newlibadr(ob->id.lib, eoa->ob); eoa->me= newlibadr(ob->id.lib, eoa->me); } else if(act->type==ACT_SCENE) { bSceneActuator *sa= act->data; sa->camera= newlibadr(ob->id.lib, sa->camera); sa->scene= newlibadr(ob->id.lib, sa->scene); } else if(act->type==ACT_PROPERTY) { bPropertyActuator *pa= act->data; pa->ob= newlibadr(ob->id.lib, pa->ob); } act= act->next; } lib_link_scriptlink(&ob->id, &ob->scriptlink); } ob= ob->id.next; } if(warn) error("WARNING IN CONSOLE"); } void direct_link_object(Object *ob) { PartEff *paf; bProperty *prop; bSensor *sens; bController *cont; bActuator *act; ob->disp.first=ob->disp.last= 0; direct_link_scriptlink(&ob->scriptlink); ob->mat= newadr(ob->mat); test_pointer_array((void **)&ob->mat); link_list(&ob->effect); paf= ob->effect.first; while(paf) { if(paf->type==EFF_PARTICLE) { paf->keys= 0; } if(paf->type==EFF_WAVE) { } paf= paf->next; } link_list(&ob->network); link_list(&ob->prop); prop= ob->prop.first; while(prop) { prop->poin= newadr(prop->poin); if(prop->poin==0) prop->poin= &prop->data; prop= prop->next; } link_list(&ob->sensors); sens= ob->sensors.first; while(sens) { sens->data= newadr(sens->data); sens->links= newadr(sens->links); test_pointer_array((void **)&sens->links); sens= sens->next; } link_glob_list(&ob->controllers); cont= ob->controllers.first; while(cont) { cont->data= newadr(cont->data); cont->links= newadr(cont->links); test_pointer_array((void **)&cont->links); cont= cont->next; } link_glob_list(&ob->actuators); act= ob->actuators.first; while(act) { act->data= newadr(act->data); act= act->next; } ob->bb= 0; } /* ************ READ SCENE ***************** */ void lib_link_scene(Main *main) { Scene *sce; Base *base, *next; Editing *ed; Sequence *seq; sce= main->scene.first; while(sce) { if(sce->id.flag & LIB_NEEDLINK) { sce->id.us= 1; sce->camera= newlibadr(sce->id.lib, sce->camera); sce->world= newlibadr_us(sce->id.lib, sce->world); sce->set= newlibadr(sce->id.lib, sce->set); sce->ima= newlibadr_us(sce->id.lib, sce->ima); sce->group= newlibadr_us(sce->id.lib, sce->group); base= sce->base.first; while(base) { next= base->next; /* base->object= newlibadr_us(sce->id.lib, base->object); */ base->object= newlibadr_us_type(ID_OB, base->object); if(base->object==0) { printf("LIB ERROR: base removed\n"); remlink(&sce->base, base); if(base==sce->basact) sce->basact= 0; freeN(base); } base= next; } ed= sce->ed; if(ed) { WHILE_SEQ(ed->seqbasep) { if(seq->ipo) seq->ipo= newlibadr_us(sce->id.lib, seq->ipo); if(seq->scene) seq->scene= newlibadr(sce->id.lib, seq->scene); seq->anim= 0; } END_SEQ } sce->id.flag -= LIB_NEEDLINK; } lib_link_scriptlink(&sce->id, &sce->scriptlink); sce= sce->id.next; } } void link_recurs_seq(ListBase *lb) { Sequence *seq; link_list( lb ); seq= lb->first; while(seq) { if(seq->seqbase.first) link_recurs_seq( &seq->seqbase ); seq= seq->next; } } void direct_link_scene(Scene *sce) { Editing *ed; Sequence *seq; StripElem *se; int a; link_list( &(sce->base) ); sce->basact= newadr(sce->basact); sce->radio= newadr(sce->radio); sce->fcam= newadr(sce->fcam); if(sce->ed) { ed= sce->ed= newadr(sce->ed); ed->metastack.first= ed->metastack.last= 0; /* recursief sequenties linken, ook lb wordt goedgezet */ link_recurs_seq(&ed->seqbase); ed->seqbasep= &ed->seqbase; WHILE_SEQ(ed->seqbasep) { seq->seq1= newadr(seq->seq1); seq->seq2= newadr(seq->seq2); seq->seq3= newadr(seq->seq3); /* eigenlijk een patch: na invoering drie-seq effects */ if(seq->seq3==0) seq->seq3= seq->seq2; seq->curelem= 0; seq->plugin= newadr(seq->plugin); if(seq->plugin) open_plugin_seq(seq->plugin, seq->name+2); seq->strip= newadr(seq->strip); if(seq->strip && seq->strip->done==0) { seq->strip->done= 1; /* standaard: strips van effecten/meta's worden niet weggeschreven, wel malloccen */ if(seq->type==SEQ_IMAGE) { seq->strip->stripdata= newadr(seq->strip->stripdata); se= seq->strip->stripdata; if(se) { for(a=0; a<seq->strip->len; a++, se++) { se->ok= 1; se->ibuf= 0; } } } else if(seq->type==SEQ_MOVIE) { /* alleen eerste stripelem zit in file */ se= newadr(seq->strip->stripdata); if(se) { seq->strip->stripdata= callocN(seq->len*sizeof(StripElem), "stripelem"); *seq->strip->stripdata= *se; freeN(se); se= seq->strip->stripdata; for(a=0; a<seq->strip->len; a++, se++) { se->ok= 1; se->ibuf= 0; se->nr= a + 1; } } } else if(seq->len>0) seq->strip->stripdata= callocN(seq->len*sizeof(StripElem), "stripelem"); } } END_SEQ } direct_link_scriptlink(&sce->scriptlink); } /* ************ READ SCREEN ***************** */ void lib_link_screen(Main *main) { bScreen *sc; ScrArea *sa; View3D *v3d; SpaceIpo *si; SpaceButs *buts; SpaceFile *sfile; Oops *oops; sc= main->screen.first; while(sc) { if(sc->id.flag & LIB_NEEDLINK) { sc->id.us= 1; sc->scene= newlibadr(sc->id.lib, sc->scene); sa= sc->areabase.first; while(sa) { sa->full= newlibadr(sc->id.lib, sa->full); v3d= sa->spacedata.first; /* v3d als voorbeeld */ while(v3d) { if(v3d->spacetype==SPACE_VIEW3D) { v3d->camera= newlibadr(sc->id.lib, v3d->camera); if(v3d->bgpic) { v3d->bgpic->ima= newlibadr_us(sc->id.lib, v3d->bgpic->ima); v3d->bgpic->tex= newlibadr_us(sc->id.lib, v3d->bgpic->tex); v3d->bgpic->rect= 0; } if(v3d->localvd) { v3d->localvd->camera= newlibadr(sc->id.lib, v3d->localvd->camera); } } else if(v3d->spacetype==SPACE_IPO) { si= (SpaceIpo *)v3d; si->editipo= 0; si->from= 0; si->ipokey.first= si->ipokey.last= 0; si->ipo= newlibadr(sc->id.lib, si->ipo); } else if(v3d->spacetype==SPACE_BUTS) { buts= (SpaceButs *)v3d; buts->rect= 0; buts->lockpoin= 0; if(main->versionfile<132) set_rects_butspace(buts); } else if(v3d->spacetype==SPACE_FILE) { sfile= (SpaceFile *)v3d; sfile->filelist= 0; sfile->libfiledata= 0; sfile->returnfunc= 0; } else if(v3d->spacetype==SPACE_IMASEL) { check_imasel_copy((SpaceImaSel *)v3d); } else if(v3d->spacetype==SPACE_PAINT) { } else if(v3d->spacetype==SPACE_IMAGE) { SpaceImage *sima= (SpaceImage *)v3d; sima->image= newlibadr_us(sc->id.lib, sima->image); } else if(v3d->spacetype==SPACE_TEXT) { SpaceText *st= (SpaceText *)v3d; st->text= newlibadr(sc->id.lib, st->text); st->py_draw= NULL; st->py_event= NULL; st->py_button= NULL; } else if(v3d->spacetype==SPACE_OOPS) { SpaceOops *so= (SpaceOops *)v3d; /* patch als deze in oude files zit */ if(so->v2d.cur.xmin==so->v2d.cur.xmax) { init_v2d_oops(&so->v2d); } oops= so->oops.first; while(oops) { oops->id= newlibadr(0, oops->id); oops= oops->next; } so->lockpoin= 0; } else if(v3d->spacetype==SPACE_SOUND) { SpaceSound *ssound= (SpaceSound *)v3d; ssound->sound= newlibadr_us(sc->id.lib, ssound->sound); } v3d= v3d->next; } sa= sa->next; } sc->id.flag -= LIB_NEEDLINK; } sc= sc->id.next; } } void direct_link_screen(bScreen *sc) { ScrArea *sa; ScrVert *sv; ScrEdge *se; View3D *v3d; SpaceOops *soops; Oops *oops; link_list( &(sc->vertbase) ); link_list( &(sc->edgebase) ); link_list( &(sc->areabase) ); sc->winakt= 0; /* edges */ se= sc->edgebase.first; while(se) { se->v1= newadr(se->v1); se->v2= newadr(se->v2); if( (long)se->v1 > (long)se->v2) { sv= se->v1; se->v1= se->v2; se->v2= sv; } if(se->v1==NULL) { printf("error reading screen... file corrupt\n"); se->v1= se->v2; } se= se->next; } /* areas */ sa= sc->areabase.first; while(sa) { link_list( &(sa->spacedata) ); v3d= sa->spacedata.first; while(v3d) { if(v3d->spacetype==SPACE_VIEW3D) { v3d->bgpic= newadr(v3d->bgpic); v3d->localvd= newadr(v3d->localvd); } else if(v3d->spacetype==SPACE_OOPS) { soops= (SpaceOops *)v3d; link_list( &(soops->oops) ); oops= soops->oops.first; while(oops) { oops->link.first= oops->link.last= 0; oops= oops->next; } } v3d= v3d->next; } sa->v1= newadr(sa->v1); sa->v2= newadr(sa->v2); sa->v3= newadr(sa->v3); sa->v4= newadr(sa->v4); sa->win= sa->headwin= 0; sa->cursor= CURSOR_STD; sa->headqueue= sa->hq= sa->winqueue= sa->wq= NULL; set_func_space(sa); /* space.c */ sa->uiblocks.first= sa->uiblocks.last= NULL; sa= sa->next; } /* vertices en offset */ test_scale_screen(sc); } /* ********** READ LIBRARY *************** */ void direct_link_library(Library *lib) { Main *newmain; /* nieuwe main */ newmain= callocN(sizeof(Main), "directlink"); addtail(&G.mainbase, newmain); newmain->curlib= lib; } void lib_link_library(Main *main) { Library *lib; lib= main->library.first; while(lib) { lib->id.us= 1; lib= lib->id.next; } } /* ************** READ SOUND ******************* */ void direct_link_sound(bSound *sound) { sound->data= NULL; sound->alindex = -1; sound->packedfile = newadr(sound->packedfile); if (sound->packedfile) { sound->packedfile->data = newadr(sound->packedfile->data); } } void lib_link_sound(Main *main) { bSound *sound; sound= main->sound.first; while(sound) { if(sound->id.flag & LIB_NEEDLINK) { sound->id.flag -= LIB_NEEDLINK; } sound= sound->id.next; } } /* ***************** READ GROUP *************** */ void direct_link_group(Group *group) { GroupObject *go; ObjectKey *ok; link_list(&group->gobject); link_list(&group->gkey); group->active= newadr(group->active); go= group->gobject.first; while(go) { link_list(&go->okey); ok= go->okey.first; while(ok) { ok->gkey= newadr(ok->gkey); ok= ok->next; } go= go->next; } } void lib_link_group(Main *main) { Group *group= main->group.first; GroupObject *go; ObjectKey *ok; while(group) { if(group->id.flag & LIB_NEEDLINK) { group->id.flag -= LIB_NEEDLINK; go= group->gobject.first; while(go) { go->ob= newlibadr(group->id.lib, go->ob); ok= go->okey.first; while(ok) { ok->parent= newlibadr(group->id.lib, ok->parent); ok->track= newlibadr(group->id.lib, ok->track); ok->ipo= newlibadr_us(group->id.lib, ok->ipo); ok= ok->next; } go= go->next; } } group= group->id.next; } } /* ************** ALG & MAIN ******************** */ int read_libblock(Main *main, BHead *bhead, int flag) { /* deze routine leest libblock en direkte data. Met linkfunkties * alles aan elkaar hangen. */ ID *id; ListBase *lb; int skipdata; char *fd; if(bhead->code==ID_ID) { id= (ID *)(bhead + 1); lb= wich_libbase(main, GS(id->name)); /* printf("idid %s oldp %x\n", id->name, bhead->old); */ } else { lb= wich_libbase(main, bhead->code); } if(lb==0) { /* PRINT2(s, d, ((char *)&(bhead->code))+2, bhead->len); */ /* temporal: read the libstruct to fetch the old sector and life of the prototype */ /* see link_sector_or_life(); */ read_libstruct(bhead); return bhead->len+sizeof(BHead); } fd= (char *)bhead; /* libblock inlezen */ id= read_libstruct(bhead); addtail(lb, id); /* eerste acht bits wissen */ id->flag= (id->flag & 0xFF00) | flag | LIB_NEEDLINK; id->lib= main->curlib; if(id->flag & LIB_FAKEUSER) id->us= 1; else id->us= 0; /* deze mag niet door de direct_link molen: is alleen het ID deel */ if(bhead->code==ID_ID) { skipdata= bhead->len+sizeof(BHead); return skipdata; } skipdata= bhead->len+sizeof(BHead); fd+= bhead->len+sizeof(BHead); bhead= (BHead *)fd; /* alle data inlezen */ while(bhead->code==DATA) { read_struct(bhead); skipdata+= bhead->len+sizeof(BHead); fd+= bhead->len+sizeof(BHead); bhead= (BHead *)fd; } /* pointers directe data goedzetten */ switch( GS(id->name) ) { case ID_SCR: direct_link_screen((bScreen *)id); break; case ID_SCE: direct_link_scene((Scene *)id); break; case ID_OB: direct_link_object((Object *)id); break; case ID_ME: direct_link_mesh((Mesh *)id); break; case ID_CU: direct_link_curve((Curve *)id); break; case ID_MB: direct_link_mball((MetaBall *)id); break; case ID_MA: direct_link_material((Material *)id); break; case ID_TE: direct_link_texture((Tex *)id); break; case ID_IM: direct_link_image((Image *)id); break; case ID_LA: direct_link_lamp((Lamp *)id); break; case ID_VF: direct_link_vfont((VFont *)id); break; case ID_TXT: direct_link_text((Text *)id); break; case ID_IP: direct_link_ipo((Ipo *)id); break; case ID_KE: direct_link_key((Key *)id); break; case ID_LT: direct_link_latt((Lattice *)id); break; case ID_IK: direct_link_ika((Ika *)id); break; case ID_WO: direct_link_world((World *)id); break; case ID_LI: direct_link_library((Library *)id); break; case ID_CA: direct_link_camera((Camera *)id); break; case ID_SO: direct_link_sound((bSound *)id); break; case ID_GR: direct_link_group((Group *)id); break; } /* vrijgeven, herinitialiseren */ add_data_adr(0, (void *)1); return skipdata; } void link_global(FileGlobal *fg) { R.displaymode= fg->displaymode; R.winpos= fg->winpos; G.fileflags = fg->fileflags; G.curscreen= newlibadr(0, fg->curscreen); if(G.curscreen==0) G.curscreen= G.main->screen.first; G.scene= G.curscreen->scene; G.obedit= 0; G.buts=0; G.v2d= 0; G.vd= 0; G.soops= 0; G.sima= 0; G.sipo= 0; } void vcol_to_fcol(Mesh *me) { MFace *mface; uint *mcol, *mcoln, *mcolmain; int a; if(me->totface==0 || me->mcol==0) return; mcoln= mcolmain= mallocN(4*sizeof(int)*me->totface, "mcoln"); mcol = (uint *)me->mcol; mface= me->mface; for(a=me->totface; a>0; a--, mface++) { mcoln[0]= mcol[mface->v1]; mcoln[1]= mcol[mface->v2]; mcoln[2]= mcol[mface->v3]; mcoln[3]= mcol[mface->v4]; mcoln+= 4; } freeN(me->mcol); me->mcol= (MCol *)mcolmain; } void do_versions(Main *main) { /* PAS OP: pointers van libdata zijn nog niet omgezet */ Tex *tex; Object *ob; Material *ma; Scene *sce; int a, b; if(main->versionfile == 100) { /* tex->extend en tex->imageflag veranderd: */ tex= main->tex.first; while(tex) { if(tex->id.flag & LIB_NEEDLINK) { if(tex->extend==0) { if(tex->xrepeat || tex->yrepeat) tex->extend= TEX_REPEAT; else { tex->extend= TEX_EXTEND; tex->xrepeat= tex->yrepeat= 1; } } if(tex->imaflag & TEX_ANIM5) { tex->imaflag |= TEX_MORKPATCH; tex->imaflag |= TEX_ANTIALI; } } tex= tex->id.next; } } if(main->versionfile <= 101) { /* frame mapping */ sce= main->scene.first; while(sce) { sce->r.framapto= 100; sce->r.images= 100; sce->r.framelen= 1.0; sce= sce->id.next; } } if(main->versionfile <= 102) { /* init halo's op 1.0 */ ma= main->mat.first; while(ma) { ma->add= 1.0; ma= ma->id.next; } } if(main->versionfile <= 103) { /* nieuwe variabele in object: colbits */ ob= main->object.first; while(ob) { ob->colbits= 0; if(ob->totcol) { for(a=0; a<ob->totcol; a++) { if(ob->mat[a]) ob->colbits |= (1<<a); } } ob= ob->id.next; } } if(main->versionfile <= 104) { /* de timeoffs zit op betere plek */ ob= main->object.first; while(ob) { if(ob->transflag & 1) { ob->transflag -= 1; ob->ipoflag |= OB_OFFS_OB; } ob= ob->id.next; } } if(main->versionfile <= 105) { ob= main->object.first; while(ob) { ob->dupon= 1; ob->dupoff= 0; ob->dupsta= 1; ob->dupend= 100; ob= ob->id.next; } } if(main->versionfile <= 106) { Mesh *me; /* mcol is veranderd */ me= main->mesh.first; while(me) { if(me->mcol) vcol_to_fcol(me); me= me->id.next; } } if(main->versionfile <= 107) { sce= main->scene.first; while(sce) { sce->r.mode |= R_GAMMA; sce= sce->id.next; } ob= main->object.first; while(ob) { ob->ipoflag |= OB_OFFS_PARENT; if(ob->dt==0) ob->dt= 3; ob= ob->id.next; } } if(main->versionfile <= 109) { bScreen *sc; ScrArea *sa; View3D *vd; /* nieuwe variabele: gridlines */ sc= main->screen.first; while(sc) { sa= sc->areabase.first; while(sa) { vd= sa->spacedata.first; while(vd) { if(vd->spacetype==SPACE_VIEW3D) { if(vd->gridlines==0) vd->gridlines= 20; } vd= vd->next; } sa= sa->next; } sc= sc->id.next; } } if(main->versionfile <= 112) { Mesh *me= main->mesh.first; while(me) { me->cubemapsize= 1.0; me= me->id.next; } } if(main->versionfile <= 113) { ma= main->mat.first; while(ma) { if(ma->flaresize==0.0) ma->flaresize= 1.0; ma->subsize= 1.0; ma->flareboost= 1.0; ma= ma->id.next; } } if(main->versionfile <= 114) { Mesh *me= main->mesh.first; MFace *mface; int a; /* edge drawflags veranderd */ while(me) { a= me->totface; mface= me->mface; while(a--) { if(mface->edcode & 16) { mface->edcode -= 16; mface->edcode |= ME_V3V1; } mface++; } me= me->id.next; } } /* eentje overgeslagen voor bug in freeware versie */ if(main->versionfile <= 121) { /* O2 versie gemaakt. */ } if(main->versionfile <= 122) { /* dithering gaat soms af (backbuf, pas sinds 121) */ /* relatieve paden hersteld */ /* sequences: endframe van seq wordt op betere plek geprint */ } if(main->versionfile <= 123) { /* nog een paar O2 foutjes: keylines in ipo window */ /* vertices halo object (O2) nu ook goed */ /* zoomwin: ook op O2 */ /* bug eruit: schaduw render in ortho */ } if(main->versionfile <= 124) { /* inventor lezer */ /* key kleur 24 bits beveiligd */ /* schrijf plaatje: je kun niet naderhand 24bits naar 32 omzetten */ } if(main->versionfile <= 125) { /* bug vanwege compileer fout (makefile/.h dependency)*/ } if(main->versionfile <= 126) { /* overdraw text beter (clever numbuts) */ /* bug uit inventor lezer: node ambientColor werd niet herkend */ /* bugje uit toolbox: clear loc= alt-g */ } if(main->versionfile <= 130) { /* openGL en GLUT */ bScreen *sc; ScrArea *sa; sc= main->screen.first; while(sc) { sa= sc->areabase.first; while(sa) { if(sa->cursor==0) sa->cursor= CURSOR_STD; sa= sa->next; } sc= sc->id.next; } } if(main->versionfile <=131) { /* jpeq quality button */ /* anim5 and blacksmith demo */ /* foutje uit transp zbuf: te vroege afbreek */ /* geen paarse code meer als imap onvindbaar is meer */ /* locx werd niet geprint: string overflow! */ /* unieke namen: werkte niet */ /* toolbox menu: ook alt en ctrl keys */ } if(main->versionfile <=132) { /* strings in Userdef: eroverheen! */ /* betere overdraw implementatie (numbuts) */ /* snapmenu redraw */ /* warp met 1 vertex */ } if(main->versionfile <=133) { /* bug uit 'make edge face' (array overflow */ /* volledig X getekende menu's */ /* storage.c terug */ } if(main->versionfile <=134) { /* Play (flipbook) restored */ /* Timecursor restored */ /* Debug option -d; prints a lot of info in console */ /* Text Object. Accentcodes fixed: ALT+BACKSPACE */ /* Cursor was sometimes wrong after reading files */ /* Texspace draw error: dashed lines */ /* Draw Schematic View now with icons in Objects */ /* Ortho camera: zbuffer improved. Near/far still not OK */ /* Text Object. Character pound= alt-l */ /* In editmode and 'set', draw error fixed. */ /* Scanline display during rendering had dropouts */ /* Sometimes - after render - frontbuffer drawing wasn't disabled */ /* Sometimes the render window got black and Blender 'hanged'. */ /* Better 'active window' implementation. */ /* Automatic name was too critical, more intuitive now */ Tex *tex; tex= main->tex.first; while(tex) { if(tex->rfac==0.0 && tex->gfac==0.0 && tex->bfac==0.0) { tex->rfac= 1.0; tex->gfac= 1.0; tex->bfac= 1.0; tex->filtersize= 1.0; } tex= tex->id.next; } } if(main->versionfile <=135) { /* 'Windows' key resistant */ /* Preview-render: RGB flip (material, lamp, world) */ /* Fileselect draw error: 2nd time no redraw! */ /* Names error: names were not unique automatically */ /* Metaball display error: because of previous */ /* CTRL and ALT and SHIFT keys sometimes were locked */ } if(main->versionfile <=136) { /* Files incompatibility Colorband PC-SGI solved */ /* RightMouse selecting was blocked after border-select */ /* Border select: print size */ /* Inventor: reads some 2.0 syntaxes too. Under development */ /* Shift/Ctrl/Alt release events got lost while moving view */ /* Particles draw (size) error fixed */ /* Display type 'DispView' works */ /* Metaballs convert to Mesh, normals error fixed. */ } if(main->versionfile <=137) { } if(main->versionfile <=138) { /* fixed: z buffer draw and Mesh with no materials: coredump! */ /* bug removed from calculation 3D Bevel Objects */ /* view translation in perspective fixed */ /* Drawing with ortho camera fixed */ /* timing error FreeBSD version fixed */ /* Mesa 3.0 included in static version */ /* New: LeftMouse+RightMouse allowed at numerber-button to type in values */ /* Vertex paint bug fixed */ /* New: ALT+(1, 2, 3...) for layers 11, 12, 13... */ } if(main->versionfile <=140) { Tex *tex; /* r-g-b-fac in texure */ tex= main->tex.first; while(tex) { if(tex->rfac==0.0 && tex->gfac==0.0 && tex->bfac==0.0) { tex->rfac= 1.0; tex->gfac= 1.0; tex->bfac= 1.0; tex->filtersize= 1.0; } tex= tex->id.next; } } if(main->versionfile <=153) { sce= main->scene.first; while(sce) { if(sce->r.blurfac==0.0) sce->r.blurfac= 1.0; sce= sce->id.next; } } if(main->versionfile <=163) { sce= main->scene.first; while(sce) { if(sce->r.frs_sec==0) sce->r.frs_sec= 25; sce= sce->id.next; } } if(main->versionfile <=164) { Mesh *me= main->mesh.first; while(me) { me->smoothresh= 30; me= me->id.next; } } if(main->versionfile <=165) { Mesh *me= main->mesh.first; TFace *tface; Ika *ika= main->ika.first; Deform *def; int nr; char *cp; while(ika) { ika->xyconstraint= .5; def= ika->def; nr= ika->totdef; while(nr--) { if(def->fac==0.0) def->fac= 1.0; def++; } ika= ika->id.next; } while(me) { if(me->tface) { nr= me->totface; tface= me->tface; while(nr--) { cp= (char *)&tface->col[0]; if(cp[1]>126) cp[1]= 255; else cp[1]*=2; if(cp[2]>126) cp[2]= 255; else cp[2]*=2; if(cp[3]>126) cp[3]= 255; else cp[3]*=2; cp= (char *)&tface->col[1]; if(cp[1]>126) cp[1]= 255; else cp[1]*=2; if(cp[2]>126) cp[2]= 255; else cp[2]*=2; if(cp[3]>126) cp[3]= 255; else cp[3]*=2; cp= (char *)&tface->col[2]; if(cp[1]>126) cp[1]= 255; else cp[1]*=2; if(cp[2]>126) cp[2]= 255; else cp[2]*=2; if(cp[3]>126) cp[3]= 255; else cp[3]*=2; cp= (char *)&tface->col[3]; if(cp[1]>126) cp[1]= 255; else cp[1]*=2; if(cp[2]>126) cp[2]= 255; else cp[2]*=2; if(cp[3]>126) cp[3]= 255; else cp[3]*=2; tface++; } } me= me->id.next; } } if(main->versionfile <=169) { Mesh *me= main->mesh.first; while(me) { if(me->subdiv==0) me->subdiv= 4; me= me->id.next; } } if(main->versionfile <= 169) { bScreen *sc= main->screen.first; ScrArea *sa; SpaceIpo *sipo; while(sc) { sa= sc->areabase.first; while(sa) { sipo= sa->spacedata.first; while(sipo) { if(sipo->spacetype==SPACE_IPO) { sipo->v2d.max[0]= 15000.0; } sipo= sipo->next; } sa= sa->next; } sc= sc->id.next; } } if(main->versionfile <=170) { Object *ob= main->object.first; PartEff *paf; while(ob) { paf = give_parteff(ob); if( paf ) { if(paf->staticstep==0) paf->staticstep= 5; } ob= ob->id.next; } } if(main->versionfile <=171) { bScreen *sc= main->screen.first; ScrArea *sa; SpaceText *st; while(sc) { sa= sc->areabase.first; while(sa) { st= sa->spacedata.first; while(st) { if(st->spacetype==SPACE_TEXT) { if(st->font_id>1) { st->font_id= 0; st->lheight= 13; } } st= st->next; } sa= sa->next; } sc= sc->id.next; } } if(main->versionfile <=173) { Mesh *me= main->mesh.first; while(me) { if(me->tface) { TFace *tface= me->tface; for(a=0; a<me->totface; a++, tface++) { for(b=0; b<4; b++) { tface->uv[b][0]/= 32767.0; tface->uv[b][1]/= 32767.0; } } } me= me->id.next; } } if(main->versionfile <=191) { SpaceButs *buts; ScrArea *sa; bScreen *sc= G.main->screen.first; Object *ob= G.main->object.first; ma = G.main->mat.first; /* let faces have default add factor of 0.0 */ while(ma) { if (!(ma->mode & MA_HALO)) ma->add = 0.0; ma = ma->id.next; } while(ob) { ob->mass= 1.0; ob->damping= 0.1; ob->quat[1]= 1.0; ob= ob->id.next; } while(sc) { sa= sc->areabase.first; while(sa) { buts= sa->spacedata.first; while(buts) { if(buts->spacetype==SPACE_BUTS) { buts->scaflag= BUTS_SENS_LINK|BUTS_SENS_ACT|BUTS_CONT_ACT|BUTS_ACT_ACT|BUTS_ACT_LINK; } buts= buts->next; } sa= sa->next; } sc= sc->id.next; } strcpy(U.plugtexdir, U.textudir); strcpy(U.sounddir, "/"); } if(main->versionfile <=193) { Object *ob= G.main->object.first; while(ob) { ob->inertia= 1.0; ob->rdamping= 0.1; ob= ob->id.next; } } if(main->versionfile <=196) { Mesh *me= G.main->mesh.first; while(me) { if(me->tface) { TFace *tface= me->tface; for(a=0; a<me->totface; a++, tface++) { for(b=0; b<4; b++) { tface->mode |= TF_DYNAMIC; tface->mode &= ~TF_INVISIBLE; } } } me= me->id.next; } } if(main->versionfile <=200) { Object *ob= G.main->object.first; while(ob) { ob->scaflag= ob->gameflag & (64+128+256+512+1024+2048); ob->gameflag &= ~(128+256+512+1024+2048); /* 64 is do_fh */ ob= ob->id.next; } } if(main->versionfile <=201) { Object *ob= G.main->object.first; bProperty *prop; bActuator *act; bIpoActuator *ia; bEditObjectActuator *eoa; bAddObjectActuator *aoa; /* add-object and end-object are joined to edit-object actuator */ while(ob) { act= ob->actuators.first; while(act) { if(act->type==ACT_IPO) { ia= act->data; prop= get_property(ob, ia->name); if(prop) { ia->type= ACT_IPO_FROM_PROP; } } else if(act->type==ACT_ADD_OBJECT) { aoa= act->data; eoa= callocN(sizeof(bEditObjectActuator), "edit ob act"); eoa->type= ACT_EDOB_ADD_OBJECT; eoa->ob= aoa->ob; eoa->time= aoa->time; freeN(aoa); act->data= eoa; act->type= act->otype= ACT_EDIT_OBJECT; } else if(act->type==ACT_END_OBJECT) { eoa= callocN(sizeof(bEditObjectActuator), "edit ob act"); eoa->type= ACT_EDOB_END_OBJECT; act->data= eoa; act->type= act->otype= ACT_EDIT_OBJECT; } act= act->next; } ob= ob->id.next; } } if(main->versionfile <=202) { Object *ob= G.main->object.first; bActuator *act; bObjectActuator *oa; /* add-object and end-object are joined to edit-object actuator */ while(ob) { act= ob->actuators.first; while(act) { if(act->type==ACT_OBJECT) { oa= act->data; oa->flag &= ~(ACT_TORQUE_LOCAL|ACT_DROT_LOCAL); /* this actuator didn't do local/glob rot before */ } act= act->next; } ob= ob->id.next; } } /* onder in blender.c de nummers wijzigen! */ } void lib_link_all(Main *main) { lib_link_screen(main); lib_link_scene(main); lib_link_object(main); lib_link_curve(main); lib_link_mball(main); lib_link_material(main); lib_link_texture(main); lib_link_image(main); lib_link_ipo(main); lib_link_key(main); lib_link_world(main); lib_link_lamp(main); lib_link_latt(main); lib_link_ika(main); lib_link_camera(main); lib_link_sound(main); lib_link_group(main); // No lib_link_vfont ??? lib_link_mesh(main); /* als laatste: tpage images met users op nul */ lib_link_library(main); /* alleen users goedzetten */ } int read_file_dna(char *filedata, int filelen) { BHead *bhead; int afbreek=0; char *fd; freestructDNA(&old_sdna); fd= filedata; while(filelen>0 && afbreek!=3) { bhead= (BHead *)fd; if(bhead->code==ENDB) afbreek+= 2; else if(bhead->code==DNA1) { old_sdna.data= mallocN(bhead->len, "sdna"); memcpy(old_sdna.data, fd+sizeof(BHead), bhead->len); afbreek+= 1; } fd+= bhead->len+sizeof(BHead); filelen -= bhead->len+sizeof(BHead); } if(afbreek==3) { init_structDNA(&old_sdna); set_compareflags_structDNA(); return 1; } else { if(old_sdna.data) freeN(old_sdna.data); old_sdna.data= 0; error("File not complete"); return 0; } } void convert_dos_newlines(char *filedata, int filelen) { char *out= filedata, *s= filedata; char c; while (filelen--) { c= *s++; if (!(c==13 && *s=='\n')) *out++= c; } } void reconstruct_bheads(char **filedata, int *filelen) { #ifdef WIN32 DWORDLONG old; #else long long old; #endif BHead8 *bhead8; BHead4 *bhead4; int totbh=0, len, filelenn; char *fd, *fdn, *filedatan; if(pointerlen==4) { /* count bheads */ len= *filelen; fd= *filedata; while(len>0) { bhead4= (BHead4 *)fd; totbh++; if(bhead4->code==ENDB) break; fd+= bhead4->len+sizeof(BHead4); len -= bhead4->len+sizeof(BHead4); } filelenn= *filelen + 4*totbh; } else { /* count bheads */ len= *filelen; fd= *filedata; while(len>0) { bhead8= (BHead8 *)fd; totbh++; if(bhead8->code==ENDB) break; fd+= bhead8->len+sizeof(BHead8); len -= bhead8->len+sizeof(BHead8); } /* + 4: ENDB */ filelenn= *filelen - 4*totbh + 4; } fdn= filedatan= mallocN(filelenn, "filedatan"); fd= *filedata; if(pointerlen==4) { len= *filelen; while(len>0) { bhead4= (BHead4 *)fd; bhead8= (BHead8 *)fdn; bhead8->code= bhead4->code; bhead8->len= bhead4->len; if(bhead8->code==ENDB) break; bhead8->old= bhead4->old; bhead8->SDNAnr= bhead4->SDNAnr; bhead8->nr= bhead4->nr; if(bhead4->len) memcpy(bhead8+1, bhead4+1, bhead4->len); fd+= bhead4->len+sizeof(BHead4); fdn+= bhead8->len+sizeof(BHead8); len -= bhead4->len+sizeof(BHead4); } } else { len= *filelen; while(len>0) { bhead4= (BHead4 *)fdn; bhead8= (BHead8 *)fd; bhead4->code= bhead8->code; bhead4->len= bhead8->len; if(bhead4->code==ENDB) break; if(switch_endian) { SWITCH_LONGINT(bhead8->old); } /* this patch is to avoid a long long being read from not-eight aligned positions is necessary on SGI with -n32 compiling */ memcpy(&old, &bhead8->old, 8); bhead4->old= old>>3; /* bhead4->old= bhead8->old>>3; */ bhead4->SDNAnr= bhead8->SDNAnr; bhead4->nr= bhead8->nr; if(bhead8->len) memcpy(bhead4+1, bhead8+1, bhead8->len); fdn+= bhead4->len+sizeof(BHead4); fd+= bhead8->len+sizeof(BHead8); len -= bhead8->len+sizeof(BHead8); } } freeN(*filedata); *filedata= filedatan; *filelen= filelenn; } void switch_endian_bhead4(char *filedata, int filelen) { BHead4 *bhead; char *fd, str[5]; str[4]= 0; fd= filedata; while(filelen>0) { bhead= (BHead4 *)fd; /* de ID_.. codes */ if((bhead->code & 0xFFFF)==0) bhead->code >>=16; if(bhead->code==ENDB) break; SWITCH_INT(bhead->len); SWITCH_INT(bhead->SDNAnr); SWITCH_INT(bhead->nr); fd+= bhead->len+sizeof(BHead4); filelen -= bhead->len+sizeof(BHead4); } } void switch_endian_bhead8(char *filedata, int filelen) { BHead8 *bhead; char *fd, str[5]; str[4]= 0; fd= filedata; while(filelen>0) { bhead= (BHead8 *)fd; /* de ID_.. codes */ if((bhead->code & 0xFFFF)==0) bhead->code >>=16; if(bhead->code==ENDB) break; SWITCH_INT(bhead->len); SWITCH_INT(bhead->SDNAnr); SWITCH_INT(bhead->nr); fd+= bhead->len+sizeof(BHead8); filelen -= bhead->len+sizeof(BHead8); } } char *openblenderfile(char *name, int *filelen) { int len, file; char *filedata, str[16]; len= strlen(name); if(len<6) return 0; if( name[len-1]=='/' || name[len-1]=='\\') return 0; if( strstr(name, ".ble") || strstr(name, ".BLE")) { file= open(name, O_BINARY|O_RDONLY); if (file < 0) { errorstr("Can't find file", name, 0); return 0; } *filelen= filesize(file); read(file, str, 12); if(strncmp(str, "BLENDER", 7)!=0) { close(file); errorstr("Not a Blender file: ", name, 0); return 0; } /* long pointer test */ if(str[7]=='_') pointerlen= 4; else pointerlen= 8; /* endian test */ switch_endian= 0; if( str[8]=='V' && G.order==L_ENDIAN) { switch_endian= 1; } else if( str[8]=='v' && G.order==B_ENDIAN) { switch_endian= 1; } str[12]= 0; G.versionfile= atoi(str+9); /* hele file inlezen */ (*filelen) -= 12; filedata= mallocN(*filelen + 12, "filedata"); /* + 12: anders errors bij Little endina files. waarom??? */ read(file, filedata, *filelen); close(file); /* reconstruct_bheads doet ook de pointer endian switchen */ if(switch_endian) { if(pointerlen==4) switch_endian_bhead4(filedata, *filelen); else switch_endian_bhead8(filedata, *filelen); } if(pointerlen!=sizeof(void *)) reconstruct_bheads(&filedata, filelen); /* op zoek naar SDNA */ if( read_file_dna(filedata, *filelen) ) { return filedata; } else { /* most probable case: a windows browser converted newline codes */ convert_dos_newlines(filedata, *filelen); if( read_file_dna(filedata, *filelen) ) { return filedata; } else { freeN(filedata); return 0; } } } else { read_exotic(name); } return 0; } void read_file(char *dir) { BHead *bhead; Main *main; Object *ob; Curve *cu; FileGlobal *fg; UserDef *user; VFont *vf; int ok, len, filelen, skipdata; char *filedata, *fd; waitcursor(1); filedata= openblenderfile(dir, &filelen); if (filedata) { G.save_over = TRUE; strcpy(G.sce, dir); strcpy(G.main->name, dir); /* is gegarandeerd current file */ /* er is maar 1 Main, dus alleen inhoud vrijgeven */ freeAllRad(); free_main(0, G.main); G.curscreen= 0; freefastshade(); /* anders oude lampgegevens */ G.main->versionfile= G.versionfile; /* kan per main verschillen */ if(G.obedit) { freeNurblist(&editNurb); free_editmesh(); free_editText(); } G.f &= ~(G_VERTEXPAINT + G_FACESELECT); /* alle data inlezen: */ fd= filedata; ok= 0; main= G.main; while(filelen>0) { bhead= (BHead *)fd; switch(bhead->code) { case GLOB: read_struct_expl(bhead, (void **)&fg); skipdata= bhead->len+sizeof(BHead); break; case DATA: skipdata= bhead->len+sizeof(BHead); break; case DNA1: skipdata= bhead->len+sizeof(BHead); break; case USER: read_struct_expl(bhead, (void **)&user); U= *user; freeN(user); skipdata= bhead->len+sizeof(BHead); break; case TEST: skipdata= bhead->len+sizeof(BHead); break; case REND: skipdata= bhead->len+sizeof(BHead); break; case ENDB: ok= 1; skipdata= 8; break; case ID_LI: skipdata= read_libblock(G.main, bhead, LIB_LOCAL); main= G.mainbase.last; break; case ID_ID: skipdata= read_libblock(main, bhead, LIB_READ+LIB_EXTERN); break; default: skipdata= read_libblock(G.main, bhead, LIB_LOCAL); } if(ok) break; fd+= skipdata; filelen-= skipdata; } freeN(filedata); do_versions(G.main); /* voor read_libraries */ read_libraries(); /* LibData linken */ lib_link_all(G.main); link_global(fg); /* als laatste */ /* losslingerende blokken vrijgeven */ add_data_adr(0, 0); add_lib_adr(0, 0); add_glob_adr(0, 0); /* VECTORFONTS */ vf= G.main->vfont.first; /* afvangen: .Bfont van ander systeem */ if (vf) { len= strlen(vf->name); if (len > 5 && strcmp(vf->name+len-5, "Bfont")==0) { char tempname[FILE_MAXDIR + FILE_MAXFILE]; // ignore this rule if font exists.... // first expand the name to an abolute filename... strcpy(tempname, vf->name); convertstringcode(tempname); if (vf->packedfile == NULL && !fop_exists(tempname)) { sprintf(vf->name, "%s/.Bfont", gethome()); } } } while(vf) { reload_vfont(vf); vf= vf->id.next; } /* weinig DispListen, wel text_to_curve */ ob= G.main->object.first; while(ob) { if(ob->type==OB_FONT) { cu= ob->data; if(cu->nurb.first==0) text_to_curve(ob, 0); } else if(ob->type==OB_MESH) { makeDispList(ob); if(ob->effect.first) object_wave(ob); } ob= ob->id.next; } freeN(fg); if(G.background==0) { setscreen(G.curscreen); countall(); } set_scene_bg(G.scene); /* baseflags */ reset_autosave(); clear_obact_names(); /* voor add object */ set_obact_names(OBACT); } if(G.background==0) waitcursor(0); /* do_pyscript may not be executed if there is no valid file, and */ /* we run in background. 'normal' mode handles the error differently */ if ( ( (!G.background) || filedata ) && (G.f & G_SCENESCRIPT)) { extern char ext_load_str[256]; if (ext_load_str[0]) force_draw_all(); do_pyscript(G.scene, SCRIPT_ONLOAD); } } void inst_file(char *name, char *data, int size) { char fname[MAXPATHLEN]; FILE *fp; make_file_string(fname, gethome(), name); fp= fopen(fname, "wb"); if (fp==NULL) { printf("Could not install %s\n", fname); printf("Check permissions on %s.\n", gethome()); exit(1); } fwrite(data, size, 1, fp); fclose(fp); } int read_homefile() { int file; char *str; char *home, tstr[FILE_MAXDIR+FILE_MAXFILE], scestr[FILE_MAXDIR]; home = gethome(); if (home) { /* a vectorfont can't be read from memory... so has to be saved in $HOME */ make_file_string (tstr, home, ".Bfont"); file= open(tstr, O_BINARY|O_RDONLY); if (file < 0) inst_file(".Bfont", datatoc_Bfont, datatoc_Bfont_size); else close(file); make_file_string (tstr, home, ".Bfs"); file= open(tstr, O_BINARY|O_RDONLY); if (file < 0) inst_file(".Bfs", datatoc_Bfs, datatoc_Bfs_size); else close(file); make_file_string (tstr, home, ".B.blend"); file= open(tstr, O_BINARY|O_RDONLY); if (file < 0) { inst_file(".B.blend", datatoc_B_blend, datatoc_B_blend_size); installed_blend= 1; file= open(tstr, O_BINARY|O_RDONLY); } if(file >=0 ) { /* bestand gevonden */ close(file); strcpy(scestr, G.sce); /* even bewaren */ read_file(tstr); strcpy(G.sce, scestr); G.save_over = FALSE; /* nog wat afhandelen? */ disable_capslock(U.flag & NO_CAPSLOCK); /* holobutton */ if(strcmp(G.scene->r.ftype, "*@&#")==0) G.special1= G_HOLO; if(U.tempdir[0]=='/' && U.tempdir[1]==0) { str= getenv("TEMP"); if(str) strcpy(U.tempdir, str); else strcpy(U.tempdir, "/tmp/"); } return 1; } } return 0; } void read_autosavefile() { char tstr[FILE_MAXDIR], scestr[FILE_MAXDIR], tmp2[32]; int save_over; strcpy(scestr, G.sce); /* even bewaren */ sprintf(tmp2, "%d.blend", abs(getpid())); make_file_string(tstr, U.tempdir, tmp2); save_over = G.save_over; read_file(tstr); G.save_over = save_over; strcpy(G.sce, scestr); } /* ************* APPEND LIBRARY ************** */ BHead *bheadlib; BHead *find_bhead(void *old, char *filedata) { BHead *bhead; int afbreek=0; char *fd; bheadlib= 0; if(old==0) return 0; fd= filedata; while(afbreek==0) { bhead= (BHead *)fd; if(bhead->code==ID_LI) { bheadlib= bhead; } if(bhead->code==ENDB) afbreek= 1; else if(bhead->old==old) return bhead; fd+= bhead->len+sizeof(BHead); } return 0; } ID *is_yet_read(Main *main, BHead *bhead) { ListBase *lb; ID *idtest, *id; idtest= (ID *)(bhead +1); lb= wich_libbase(main, GS(idtest->name)); if(lb) { id= lb->first; while(id) { if( strcmp(id->name, idtest->name)==0 ) return id; id= id->next; } } return 0; } void expand_doit(Main *main, char *filedata, void *old) { BHead *bhead; Library *lib; ID *id; bhead= find_bhead(old, filedata); if(bhead) { /* andere library? */ if(bhead->code==ID_ID) { if(bheadlib) { lib= (Library *)(bheadlib+1); main= find_main(lib->name); id= is_yet_read(main, bhead); if(id==0) { read_libblock(main, bhead, LIB_READ+LIB_INDIRECT); printf("expand: other lib %s\n", lib->name); } else { printf("expand: already linked: %s lib: %s\n", id->name, lib->name); /* if(id->lib==0) add_lib_adr(bhead->old, id); */ /* bovenstaand is niet nodig! Kan toch niet misgaan? */ add_lib_adr(bhead->old, id); } } } else { id= is_yet_read(main, bhead); if(id==0) { id= (ID *)(bhead+1); read_libblock(main, bhead, LIB_TESTIND); } else { /* printf("expand: al ingelezen %s\n", id->name); */ add_lib_adr(bhead->old, id); } } } } void expand_key(Main *main, char *filedata, Key *key) { expand_doit(main, filedata, key->ipo); } void expand_texture(Main *main, char *filedata, Tex *tex) { expand_doit(main, filedata, tex->ima); } void expand_material(Main *main, char *filedata, Material *ma) { int a; for(a=0; a<8; a++) { if(ma->mtex[a]) { expand_doit(main, filedata, ma->mtex[a]->tex); expand_doit(main, filedata, ma->mtex[a]->object); } } expand_doit(main, filedata, ma->ipo); } void expand_lamp(Main *main, char *filedata, Lamp *la) { int a; for(a=0; a<8; a++) { if(la->mtex[a]) { expand_doit(main, filedata, la->mtex[a]->tex); expand_doit(main, filedata, la->mtex[a]->object); } } expand_doit(main, filedata, la->ipo); } void expand_lattice(Main *main, char *filedata, Lattice *lt) { expand_doit(main, filedata, lt->ipo); expand_doit(main, filedata, lt->key); } void expand_world(Main *main, char *filedata, World *wrld) { int a; for(a=0; a<8; a++) { if(wrld->mtex[a]) { expand_doit(main, filedata, wrld->mtex[a]->tex); expand_doit(main, filedata, wrld->mtex[a]->object); } } expand_doit(main, filedata, wrld->ipo); } void expand_mball(Main *main, char *filedata, MetaBall *mb) { int a; for(a=0; a<mb->totcol; a++) { expand_doit(main, filedata, mb->mat[a]); } } void expand_curve(Main *main, char *filedata, Curve *cu) { int a; for(a=0; a<cu->totcol; a++) { expand_doit(main, filedata, cu->mat[a]); } expand_doit(main, filedata, cu->vfont); expand_doit(main, filedata, cu->key); expand_doit(main, filedata, cu->ipo); expand_doit(main, filedata, cu->bevobj); expand_doit(main, filedata, cu->textoncurve); } void expand_mesh(Main *main, char *filedata, Mesh *me) { int a; TFace *tface; for(a=0; a<me->totcol; a++) { expand_doit(main, filedata, me->mat[a]); } expand_doit(main, filedata, me->key); expand_doit(main, filedata, me->texcomesh); if(me->tface) { tface= me->tface; a= me->totface; while(a--) { if(tface->tpage) expand_doit(main, filedata, tface->tpage); tface++; } } } void expand_object(Main *main, char *filedata, Object *ob) { int a; expand_doit(main, filedata, ob->data); expand_doit(main, filedata, ob->ipo); for(a=0; a<ob->totcol; a++) { expand_doit(main, filedata, ob->mat[a]); } } void expand_scene(Main *main, char *filedata, Scene *sce) { Base *base; base= sce->base.first; while(base) { expand_doit(main, filedata, base->object); base= base->next; } expand_doit(main, filedata, sce->camera); expand_doit(main, filedata, sce->world); } void expand_camera(Main *main, char *filedata, Camera *ca) { expand_doit(main, filedata, ca->ipo); } void expand_text(Main *main, char *filedata, Text *txt) { } void expand_main(Main *main, char *filedata) { ListBase *lbarray[30]; ID *id; int a, doit= 1; if(filedata==0) return; while(doit) { doit= 0; a= set_listbasepointers(main, lbarray); while(a--) { id= lbarray[a]->first; while(id) { if(id->flag & LIB_TEST) { switch(GS(id->name)) { case ID_OB: expand_object(main, filedata, (Object *)id); break; case ID_ME: expand_mesh(main, filedata, (Mesh *)id); break; case ID_CU: expand_curve(main, filedata, (Curve *)id); break; case ID_MB: expand_mball(main, filedata, (MetaBall *)id); break; case ID_SCE: expand_scene(main, filedata, (Scene *)id); break; case ID_MA: expand_material(main, filedata, (Material *)id); break; case ID_TE: expand_texture(main, filedata, (Tex *)id); break; case ID_WO: expand_world(main, filedata, (World *)id); break; case ID_LT: expand_lattice(main, filedata, (Lattice *)id); break; case ID_LA: expand_lamp(main, filedata, (Lamp *)id); break; case ID_KE: expand_key(main, filedata, (Key *)id); break; case ID_CA: expand_camera(main, filedata, (Camera *)id); break; case ID_TXT: expand_text(main, filedata, (Text *)id); break; case ID_SO: break; } doit= 1; id->flag -= LIB_TEST; } id= id->next; } } } } void give_base_to_objects(Scene *sce, ListBase *lb) { Object *ob; Base *base; /* alle objects die LIB_EXTERN en LIB_NEEDLINK zijn, een base geven */ ob= lb->first; while(ob) { if(ob->id.us==0) { if(ob->id.flag & LIB_NEEDLINK) { ob->id.flag -= LIB_NEEDLINK; if( ob->id.flag & LIB_INDIRECT ) { base= callocN( sizeof(Base), "add_ext_base"); addtail(&(sce->base), base); base->lay= ob->lay; base->object= ob; ob->id.us= 1; ob->id.flag -= LIB_INDIRECT; ob->id.flag |= LIB_EXTERN; } } } ob= ob->id.next; } } void append_named_part(SpaceFile *sfile, Main *main, char *name, int idcode) { Object *ob; Base *base; BHead *bhead; ID *id; int afbreek=0; char *fd; fd= sfile->libfiledata; while(afbreek==0) { bhead= (BHead *)fd; if(bhead->code==ENDB) afbreek= 1; else if(bhead->code==idcode) { id= (ID *)(bhead+1); if(strcmp(id->name+2, name)==0) { id= is_yet_read(main, bhead); if(id==0) { read_libblock(main, bhead, LIB_TESTEXT); } else { printf("append: already linked\n"); add_lib_adr(bhead->old, id); if(id->flag & LIB_INDIRECT) { id->flag -= LIB_INDIRECT; id->flag |= LIB_EXTERN; } } if(idcode==ID_OB) { /* los object: base geven */ base= callocN( sizeof(Base), "app_nam_part"); addtail(&(G.scene->base), base); if(id==0) ob= main->object.last; else ob= (Object *)id; base->lay= ob->lay; base->object= ob; ob->id.us++; } afbreek= 1; } } fd+= bhead->len+sizeof(BHead); } } void append_id_part(char *filedata, Main *main, ID *id) { BHead *bhead; ID *idread; int afbreek=0; char *fd; fd= filedata; while(afbreek==0) { bhead= (BHead *)fd; if(bhead->code==ENDB) afbreek= 1; else if(bhead->code== GS(id->name)) { idread= (ID *)(bhead+1); if(strcmp(id->name, idread->name)==0) { id->flag -= LIB_READ; id->flag |= LIB_TEST; read_libblock(main, bhead, id->flag); afbreek= 1; } } fd+= bhead->len+sizeof(BHead); } } void library_append(SpaceFile *sfile) /* append aan G.scene */ { Main *mainptr; VFont *vf; Object *ob; Curve *cu; int a, totsel=0, idcode; char dir[FILE_MAXDIR], group[32]; /* is er sprake van een library? */ if( is_a_library(sfile, dir, group)==0 ) { error("Not a library"); return; } if(sfile->libfiledata==0) { error("library not loaded"); return; } if(group[0]==0) { error("Nothing indicated"); return; } if(strcmp(G.main->name, dir)==0) { error("Cannot use current file as library"); return; } /* zijn er geselecteerde files? */ for(a=0; a<sfile->totfile; a++) { if(sfile->filelist[a].flags & ACTIVE) { totsel++; } } if(totsel==0) { /* is de aangegeven file in de filelist? */ if(sfile->file[0]) { for(a=0; a<sfile->totfile; a++) { if( strcmp(sfile->filelist[a].relname, sfile->file)==0) break; } if(a==sfile->totfile) { error("Wrong indicated name"); return; } } else { error("Nothing indicated"); return; } } /* nu hebben OF geselecteerde, OF 1 aangegeven file */ /* mains maken */ split_main(); /* welke moeten wij hebben? */ mainptr= find_main(dir); idcode= groupname_to_code(group); if(totsel==0) { append_named_part(sfile, mainptr, sfile->file, idcode); } else { for(a=0; a<sfile->totfile; a++) { if(sfile->filelist[a].flags & ACTIVE) { append_named_part(sfile, mainptr, sfile->filelist[a].relname, idcode); } } } /* de main consistent maken */ expand_main(mainptr, sfile->libfiledata); /* als expand nog andere libs gevonden heeft: */ read_libraries(); lib_link_all(G.main); /* losse objects aan G.scene hangen deze hebben nog een linkflag moet na lib_link ivm gelinkte scenes (ob->us==0) */ /* indirecte objects kunnen geen kwaad */ /* als je deze terugzet, denk aan de 'need_link' flag: doe een find naar 'give_base_to' */ /* give_base_to_objects(G.scene, &(G.main->object)); */ /* VECTORFONTS */ vf= G.main->vfont.first; while(vf) { if(vf->id.lib && vf->flag==1) reload_vfont(vf); vf= vf->id.next; } /* DISPLISTEN */ ob= G.main->object.first; set_displist_onlyzero(1); while(ob) { if(ob->id.lib) { if(ob->type==OB_FONT) { cu= ob->data; if(cu->nurb.first==0) text_to_curve(ob, 0); } makeDispList(ob); } else if(ob->type==OB_MESH && ob->parent && ob->parent->type==OB_LATTICE ) makeDispList(ob); ob= ob->id.next; } set_displist_onlyzero(0); /* losslingerende blokken vrijgeven */ add_data_adr(0, 0); add_lib_adr(0, 0); /* in sfile->dir staat de HELE libnaam */ strcpy(G.lib, sfile->dir); if((sfile->flag & FILE_LINK)==0) all_local(); /* voorlopige patch om te voorkomen dat de switch_endian 2x gebeurt */ if(switch_endian) { if(sfile->libfiledata) { freeN(sfile->libfiledata); sfile->libfiledata= 0; } } } /* ************* READ LIBRARY ************** */ void read_libraries() { Main *mainptr; ID *id, *idn; ListBase *lbarray[30]; int a, doit=1, tot, filelen; char *filedata; while(doit) { doit= 0; /* test 1: inlezen libdata */ mainptr= G.main->next; while(mainptr) { disable_newlibadr= (void *)1; tot= count_mainblocks_flag(mainptr, LIB_READ); if(tot) { filedata= mainptr->curlib->filedata; if(filedata==0) { printf("read lib %s\n", mainptr->curlib->name); filedata= openblenderfile(mainptr->curlib->name, &filelen); mainptr->curlib->filedata= filedata; } if(filedata) { doit= 1; a= set_listbasepointers(mainptr, lbarray); while(a--) { id= lbarray[a]->first; while(id) { idn= id->next; if(id->flag & LIB_READ) { remlink(lbarray[a], id); append_id_part(filedata, mainptr, id); /* printf("change adr: %s %x\n", id->name, disable_newlibadr); */ if(disable_newlibadr==(void *)1) { printf("LIB ERROR: can't find %s\n", id->name); change_libadr(id, 0); } else change_libadr(id, disable_newlibadr); freeN(id); } id= idn; } } } else printf("ERROR: can't find lib %s \n", mainptr->curlib->name); } disable_newlibadr= 0; expand_main(mainptr, mainptr->curlib->filedata); mainptr= mainptr->next; } } mainptr= G.main->next; while(mainptr) { if(mainptr->curlib->filedata) freeN(mainptr->curlib->filedata); mainptr->curlib->filedata= 0; /* test of er libblocken niet zijn gelezen */ a= set_listbasepointers(mainptr, lbarray); while(a--) { id= lbarray[a]->first; while(id) { idn= id->next; if(id->flag & LIB_READ) { remlink(lbarray[a], id); printf("LIB ERROR: can't find %s\n", id->name); change_libadr(id, 0); freeN(id); } id= idn; } } /* sommige mains moeten nog worden ingelezen, dan is versionfile nog nul! */ if(mainptr->versionfile) do_versions(mainptr); mainptr= mainptr->next; } join_main(); }