/** * $Id:$ * ***** BEGIN GPL/BL DUAL LICENSE BLOCK ***** * * The contents of this file may be used under the terms of either the GNU * General Public License Version 2 or later (the "GPL", see * http://www.gnu.org/licenses/gpl.html ), or the Blender License 1.0 or * later (the "BL", see http://www.blender.org/BL/ ) which has to be * bought from the Blender Foundation to become active, in which case the * above mentioned GPL option does not apply. * * The Original Code is Copyright (C) 2002 by NaN Holding BV. * All rights reserved. * * The Original Code is: all of this file. * * Contributor(s): none yet. * * ***** END GPL/BL DUAL LICENSE BLOCK ***** */ /* writemovie.c RENDER * * juni 95 * * Version: $Id: writemovie.c,v 1.6 2000/08/28 12:23:48 nzc Exp $ */ #ifdef __sgi #include <movie.h> #include <cdaudio.h> #include <dmedia/cl.h> #include <dmedia/cl_cosmo.h> #include <sys/file.h> /* flock */ #include "blender.h" /* NA de movie-includes ivm X11.h patch */ #include "edit.h" #include "render.h" extern rectcpy(); extern rectfill(); #define error(str) {perror(str) ; error(str); G.afbreek= 1;} #define QUIT(str) {error(str); return;} #define DIR_UP 1 #define DIR_DOWN 2 #define DIR_BOTH (DIR_UP | DIR_DOWN) #define MAXQUAL R.r.quality #define MINQUAL 30 #ifdef MIPS1 #define mvDestroyMovie(x) mvClose(x) #endif /* globals */ /* index is used in strings.h */ #define index indexx static CL_Handle compr, soft_compr; static MVid movie, image; static DMparams *movie_params, *image_params; static int compr_params[64]; static int index, qualindex, qualnow, mv_outx, mv_outy, numfields= 2; static char *comp_buf; static int sfra, efra, first = TRUE, maxbufsize; static int ntsc = FALSE; #define FIRST_IMAGE "FIRST_IMAGE" #define BLENDER_FIRST_IMAGE "BLENDER_1ST_IMG" void report_flock() { static int flock_reported = FALSE; if (flock_reported) return; flock_reported = TRUE; error("WriteMovie: couldn't flock() moviefile. Ignoring."); } void make_movie_name(char *string) { int len; char txt[64]; if (string==0) return; strcpy(string, G.scene->r.pic); convertstringcode(string); len= strlen(string); RE_make_existing_file(string); if (strcasecmp(string + len - 3, ".mv")) { sprintf(txt, "%04d_%04d.mv", sfra, efra); strcat(string, txt); } } int my_Compress(uint * rect, int *bufsize) { int err = 0; compr_params[qualindex] = qualnow; clSetParams(compr, compr_params, index); while (clCompress(compr, numfields, rect, bufsize, comp_buf) != numfields) { if (compr == soft_compr) { error("clCompress (software)"); return 1; } /* hardware opnieuw initialiseren */ clCloseCompressor(compr); clOpenCompressor(CL_JPEG_COSMO, &compr); qualnow--; compr_params[qualindex] = qualnow; clSetParams(compr, compr_params, index); printf("retrying at quality %d\n", qualnow); err= TRUE; } return (err); } void set_sfra_efra() { if (G.background) { sfra = G.real_sfra; efra = G.real_efra; } else { sfra = SFRA; efra = EFRA; } } void open_compressor() { int cosmo = FAILURE, bufsize; /* initialiseren van de compressor */ if (clOpenCompressor(CL_JPEG_SOFTWARE, &soft_compr) != SUCCESS) QUIT("clOpenCompressor"); if (G.scene->r.mode & R_COSMO) { cosmo = clOpenCompressor(CL_JPEG_COSMO, &compr); if (cosmo != SUCCESS && first) error("warning: using software compression"); first = FALSE; } if (cosmo != SUCCESS) compr = soft_compr; index = 0; compr_params[index++]= CL_IMAGE_WIDTH; compr_params[index++]= mv_outx; compr_params[index++]= CL_IMAGE_HEIGHT; compr_params[index++]= mv_outy / numfields; compr_params[index++]= CL_JPEG_QUALITY_FACTOR; qualindex = index; compr_params[index++]= R.r.quality; compr_params[index++]= CL_ORIGINAL_FORMAT; compr_params[index++]= CL_RGBX; compr_params[index++]= CL_ORIENTATION; compr_params[index++]= CL_TOP_DOWN; compr_params[index++]= CL_INTERNAL_FORMAT; compr_params[index++]= CL_YUV422; /* this parameter must be set for non-queueing mode */ compr_params[index++]= CL_ENABLE_IMAGEINFO; compr_params[index++]= 1; /* enable stream headers */ compr_params[index++]= CL_STREAM_HEADERS; compr_params[index++]= TRUE; clSetParams(compr, compr_params, index); if (compr != soft_compr) clSetParams(soft_compr, compr_params, index); maxbufsize = 2 * clGetParam(compr, CL_COMPRESSED_BUFFER_SIZE); comp_buf = mallocN(maxbufsize, "cosmo_buffer"); } void close_compressor() { freeN(comp_buf); comp_buf = 0; clCloseCompressor(compr); if (soft_compr != compr) clCloseCompressor(soft_compr); } void end_movie() { } int empty_image() { int size; ImBuf * ibuf; ibuf = allocImBuf(mv_outx, mv_outy, 32, IB_rect, 0); rectoptot(ibuf, 0, rectfill, 0xc0c0); my_Compress(ibuf->rect, &size); freeImBuf(ibuf); return(size); } void new_movie(int fd) { int cur_image, bufsize; char string[120]; if (dmParamsCreate(&movie_params) != DM_SUCCESS) QUIT("dmParamsCreate"); if (dmParamsCreate(&image_params) != DM_SUCCESS) QUIT("dmParamsCreate"); if (mvSetMovieDefaults(movie_params, MV_FORMAT_SGI_3) != DM_SUCCESS) QUIT("mvSetMovieDefaults"); if (dmSetImageDefaults(image_params, mv_outx, mv_outy, DM_PACKING_RGBX) != DM_SUCCESS) QUIT("dmSetImageDefaults"); mvAddUserParam(BLENDER_FIRST_IMAGE); sprintf(string, "%04d", sfra); dmParamsSetString(image_params, BLENDER_FIRST_IMAGE, string); if (ntsc) dmParamsSetFloat(image_params, DM_IMAGE_RATE, 29.97); else dmParamsSetFloat(image_params, DM_IMAGE_RATE, 25.0); if (numfields == 2) { if (ntsc) dmParamsSetEnum(image_params, DM_IMAGE_INTERLACING, DM_IMAGE_INTERLACED_ODD); else dmParamsSetEnum(image_params, DM_IMAGE_INTERLACING, DM_IMAGE_INTERLACED_EVEN); } else dmParamsSetEnum(image_params, DM_IMAGE_INTERLACING, DM_IMAGE_NONINTERLACED); dmParamsSetEnum(image_params, DM_IMAGE_ORIENTATION, DM_TOP_TO_BOTTOM); dmParamsSetString(image_params, DM_IMAGE_COMPRESSION, DM_IMAGE_JPEG); if (mvCreateFD(fd, movie_params, NULL, &movie) != DM_SUCCESS) QUIT("mvCreateFile"); if (mvAddTrack(movie, DM_IMAGE, image_params, NULL, &image)) QUIT("mvAddTrack");; if (mvSetLoopMode(movie, MV_LOOP_CONTINUOUSLY) != DM_SUCCESS) QUIT("mvSetMovieDefaults"); if (mvWrite(movie) != DM_SUCCESS) QUIT("mvWrite"); if (mvClose(movie) != DM_SUCCESS) QUIT("mvClose"); dmParamsDestroy(image_params); dmParamsDestroy(movie_params); } void extend_movie(int start, int end, int curlen) { int cur_image, bufsize, i; char * temp_buf; if (start <= 0 && end <= 0) return; temp_buf = comp_buf; comp_buf = mallocN(maxbufsize, "extend_movie"); bufsize = empty_image(); if (start > 0) { for (i = 0; i < start; i++) { if (mvInsertCompressedImage(image, 0, bufsize, comp_buf) != DM_SUCCESS) { mvDestroyMovie(movie); error("mvInsertCompressedImage"); G.afbreek = 1; break; } } printf("movie: added %d frames at start\n", start); } if (end > 0) { for (i = 0; i < end; i++) { if (mvInsertCompressedImage(image, curlen + i, bufsize, comp_buf) != DM_SUCCESS) { mvDestroyMovie(movie); error("mvInsertCompressedImage"); G.afbreek = 1; break; } } printf("movie: added %d frames at end\n", end); } freeN(comp_buf); comp_buf = temp_buf; } void start_movie() { char name[FILE_MAXDIR+FILE_MAXFILE]; char bak[sizeof(name) + 4]; int fd, first_image = -1, num_images; const char * string; first = TRUE; set_sfra_efra(); /* naam bedenken voor de movie */ make_movie_name(name); ntsc = FALSE; switch (R.recty) { case 480: case 360: case 240: case 120: ntsc = TRUE; } if (ntsc) { switch (R.rectx) { case 360: case 320: case 720: case 640: mv_outx = R.rectx; break; default: if (R.rectx <= 320) mv_outx = 320; else if (R.rectx <= 640) mv_outx = 640; else mv_outx = 720; } } else { switch (R.rectx) { case 360: case 384: case 720: case 768: mv_outx = R.rectx; break; default: if (R.rectx < 384) mv_outx = 384; else mv_outx = 768; } } if (ntsc) { if (R.recty <= 240) { mv_outy = 240; numfields = 1; } else { mv_outy = 480; numfields = 2; } } else { if (R.recty <= 288) { mv_outy = 288; numfields = 1; } else { mv_outy = 576; numfields = 2; } } if(R.r.mode & R_MOVIECROP) { if (ntsc) { if (R.rectx > 640) mv_outx = 720; else mv_outx = 640; mv_outy = 480; numfields = 2; } else { if (R.rectx > 720) mv_outx = 768; else mv_outx = 720; mv_outy = 576; numfields = 2; } } qualnow = R.r.quality; fd = open(name, O_BINARY|O_RDWR); if (fd != -1) { if (flock(fd, LOCK_EX) == -1) report_flock(); if (mvOpenFD(fd, &movie) == DM_SUCCESS) { if (mvFindTrackByMedium(movie, DM_IMAGE, &image) == DM_SUCCESS) { if (mvGetImageWidth(image) == mv_outx) { if (mvGetImageHeight(image) == mv_outy) { mvClose(movie); close(fd); return; } } } strcpy(bak, name); strcat(bak, ".bak"); fop_rename(name, bak); mvClose(movie); } close(fd); } fd = open(name, O_BINARY|O_RDWR | O_CREAT | O_EXCL, 0664); if (fd != -1) { if (flock(fd, LOCK_EX) == -1) report_flock(); new_movie(fd); printf("Created movie: %s\n", name); close(fd); } } void append_movie(int cfra) { ImBuf *ibuf, *tbuf; int err, ofsx, ofsy, bufsize, rate, lastqual, qualstep, direction, first_image, num_images; char name[FILE_MAXDIR+FILE_MAXFILE]; char new_string[FILE_MAXDIR+FILE_MAXFILE]; const char *string, *first_image_string; int fd; set_sfra_efra(); make_movie_name(name); open_compressor(); rate = 1024 * R.r.maximsize; /* veranderd: kopie van rectot maken */ ibuf= allocImBuf(R.rectx, R.recty, 32, IB_rect, 0); memcpy(ibuf->rect, R.rectot, 4*R.rectx*R.recty); if (ibuf->x != mv_outx || ibuf->y != mv_outy) { tbuf = allocImBuf(mv_outx, mv_outy, 32, IB_rect, 0); rectoptot(tbuf, 0, rectfill, 0x00); ofsx = (tbuf->x - ibuf->x) / 2; ofsy = (tbuf->y - ibuf->y) / 2; if (numfields == 2) ofsy &= ~1; rectop(tbuf, ibuf, ofsx, ofsy, 0, 0, 32767, 32767, rectcpy); freeImBuf(ibuf); strcpy(tbuf->name, ibuf->name); ibuf = tbuf; } convert_rgba_to_abgr(ibuf->x*ibuf->y, ibuf->rect); if (numfields == 2) { if (ntsc) { rectop(ibuf, ibuf, 0, 0, 0, 1, 32767, 32767, rectcpy); flipy(ibuf); de_interlace(ibuf); if (ntsc) rectop(ibuf, ibuf, 0, 0, 0, 1, 32767, 32767, rectcpy); } else { flipy(ibuf); rectop(ibuf, ibuf, 0, 0, 0, 1, 32767, 32767, rectcpy); de_interlace(ibuf); } } else { /* kleine movies anders op de kop */ flipy(ibuf); } if (rate == 0) { qualnow = R.r.quality; my_Compress(ibuf->rect, &bufsize); } else { qualstep = 4; direction = 0; do { if (qualnow > MAXQUAL) qualnow = MAXQUAL; if (qualnow < MINQUAL) qualnow = MINQUAL; compr_params[qualindex] = qualnow; clSetParams(compr, compr_params, index); lastqual = qualnow; err = my_Compress(ibuf->rect, &bufsize); printf(" tried quality: %d, size %d\n", qualnow, bufsize); if (bufsize < 0.9 * rate) { if (err) { /* forget about this frame, retry next frame at old quality settting */ qualnow = lastqual; break; } if (qualnow == MAXQUAL) break; direction |= DIR_UP; if (direction == DIR_BOTH) qualstep /= 2; qualnow += qualstep; } else if (bufsize > 1.1 * rate) { if (qualnow == MINQUAL) break; direction |= DIR_DOWN; if (direction == DIR_BOTH) qualstep /= 2; qualnow -= qualstep; } else break; if (qualstep == 0) { /* this was the last iteration. Make sure that the buffer isn't to big */ if (bufsize < 1.1 * rate) break; else qualnow--; } } while (1); printf("used quality: %d\n", qualnow); if (bufsize < rate) qualnow++; else qualnow--; } fd = open(name, O_BINARY|O_RDWR); if (fd != -1) { if (flock(fd, LOCK_EX) == -1) report_flock(); if (mvOpenFD(fd, &movie) == DM_SUCCESS){ if (mvFindTrackByMedium(movie, DM_IMAGE, &image) == DM_SUCCESS) { image_params = mvGetParams(image); first_image = 1; first_image_string = 0; string = dmParamsGetString(image_params, FIRST_IMAGE); if (string) { first_image = atoi(string); first_image_string = FIRST_IMAGE; } string = dmParamsGetString(image_params, BLENDER_FIRST_IMAGE); if (string) { first_image = atoi(string); first_image_string = BLENDER_FIRST_IMAGE; } num_images = mvGetTrackLength(image); if (cfra >= first_image && cfra <= (first_image + num_images - 1)) { if (mvDeleteFrames(image, cfra - first_image, 1) != DM_SUCCESS) { mvDestroyMovie(movie); error("mvDeleteFrames"); G.afbreek = 1; } } else { /* Zr - This seems to be some patch from frank to make sure * the frame was actually written... Problem was that SkyWriter * reported wierd effects at his machine with 6.2 and not 5.3 * if this code is in. Perhaps there is some buffering scheme * that is causing the code to fail on the higher-performance OS. * * Perhaps I have no clue what the code is doing! */ #if 0 if (cfra < first_image) { /* een minder extenden dan strikt noodzakelijk is ! Insert voegt er weer een toe */ extend_movie(first_image - cfra - 1, 0, num_images); sprintf(new_string, "%04d", cfra); if (first_image_string) dmParamsSetString(image_params, first_image_string, new_string); first_image = cfra; } else { extend_movie(0, cfra - (first_image + num_images), num_images); } #endif } if (G.afbreek != 1) { if (mvInsertCompressedImage(image, cfra - first_image, bufsize, comp_buf) == DM_SUCCESS) { printf("added frame %3d (frame %3d in movie): length %6d: ", cfra, cfra - first_image + 1, bufsize); mvClose(movie); } else { mvDestroyMovie(movie); error("mvInsertCompressedImage"); G.afbreek = 1; } } } else { mvDestroyMovie(movie); error("mvFindTrackByMedium"); G.afbreek = 1; } }else { error("mvOpenFD"); G.afbreek = 1; } close(fd); } else { error("open movie"); G.afbreek = 1; } freeImBuf(ibuf); close_compressor(); } #endif /* __sgi */