
`Avolution.P6` is a Perl6 module for using emoji. It substitutes `:text:` for emojis! You can find codes [here](https://www.webfx.com/tools/emoji-cheat-sheet/) but note that not all are implemented and certain emoji on this list may never be implemented like `:bowtie:` because they are not in the unicode standard. Also note that the `_` isn't required in the codes and won't work, you have to use `-`.

Getting in Contact
If you need further help, ping me on `#perl6` at `irc.freenode.net`. You can also get the teletype code from me if you want to collaborate side by side. If you have an aversion to IRC, you can email me at [simon@phillipharms.com](simon@phillipharms.com) but I would prefer you just ping me on IRC.

 - Improve speed using `Perl5::Inline`
 - Support more emojis
 - Write tests (`t/basic.t` or whatever)
 - Add more functionality like reverse replace or whatever
 - Implement `:bowtie:` using images
 - allow different colored faces and hands for other skin tones than the default