# -*-mode: text; fill-column: 80; comment-column: 80; -*-

#       This file provides out of bounds mechanics.
# Copyright (c) 2000-2007 Meccanomania
# See the file "license.terms" for information on usage and redistribution
# of this file, and for a DISCLAIMER OF ALL WARRANTIES.
# svn: @(#) $Id: README 55 2008-01-10 23:23:38Z meccanomania $

If you read this file _as_is_, just ignore the funny characters you
see.  It is written in the POD format (see pod/perlpod.pod) which is
specifically designed to be readable as is.

=head1 NAME

README - This file provides out of bounds mechanics.


This document describes the main features of the out-of-bounds mechanics that
extends the bind and bindtags functions.

The B<bound> method associates callbacks with X events in the same manner as
bind does. For example :

S<    >I<$widget>-E<gt>B<bound>(I<tag>,I<sequence>,I<oob>,I<callback>)

If I<oob> is specified, B<bound> will arrange for I<oob> to be evaluated
whenever the event(s) given by I<sequence> occur in the window(s) identified by
I<$widget> or I<tag>. If I<oob> is an empty string then the current binding for
I<sequence> is destroyed, leaving I<sequence> bound less. In all of the cases
where a I<oob> argument is provided, B<bind> returns an empty string. If I<oob>
is specified and evaluated to a valid out of bounds bit mask, then B<bound> will
arrange for I<callback> to be called, if specified, for the previous callback to
be called otherwise. 

The B<boundtags> method associates callbacks with X events in the same manner
as bindtags does. For example :

S<    >I<$widget>-E<gt>B<boundtags>([I<tagList>],[I<levellist>]);

When a bounding is created with the B<bound> command, it is associated either
with a particular window such as I<$widget>, a class name such as B<Tk::Button>,
the keyword B<all>, or any other string. All of these forms are called
I<bounding tags>. Each window has a list of bounding tags and levels that
determine how events are processed for the window.  When an event occurs in a
window, it is applied to each of the window's tags in order:  for each tag, the
most specific bounding that matches the given tag and event is executed. See the
L<Tk::bound> documentation for more information on the matching process.

In addition, Tk::Bounded is used with Perl's multiple inheritance to override
some methods normally inherited from Tk::Derived and Tk::Widget. It also
specifies level 1 bound tags for caller class.

=head1 AUTHOR

Copyright (c) 2000-2007 Meccanomania
