
Date: 12-Jun-95, 1-Aug-95, 7-Aug-95, 15-Oct-95, 9-Nov-95, 14-Apr-97

Changes for version 2.3

- Callbacks can now be specified either as the name of the callback function
  or as a reference to it.

- All widgets can be independently named to allow finer tuning through
  ressource file.

- Fixed a bug in the DrawArc and DrawFilledArc functions.

- Fixed a bug in

- Cleaned up the callback code.

- Cleaned up the documentation file.

Incompatible changes with previous versions :

- Added prototype to the xsub functions. In particular, be careful that 


  are entirely different. The second form is equivalent to ShowDisplay(@_)
  which will fail if @_ isn't empty.

- All scalar variables have been replaced by equivalent constant sub. So
  instead of using $Sx::PLACE_UNDER, you should now use PLACE_UNDER.

- The $data arguments for the MakeXXX function used to be optional. It is
  now mandatory. Use undef if you don't need it.

- XtDestroyWidget and XWarpPointer have been renamed DestroyWidget and


- Get ride of the specific Makefile for libsx and integrate it with MakeMaker

- Finish the MakeCanvas widget creation.

- Add some tests

Installation in (very) short

- You need perl5.002 or later.

- Unpack Sx package. Probably you've done this already, because you're
  reading this text.

- Edit Sx/Makefile.PL: change DEFINE, INC, LIBS, etc. as needed.
  In particular, if you want to compile for the 3d version of Xaw,
  you should include '-lXaw3d' in LIBS and '-DXAW3D' in INCS. Be
  careful with the commented LDFROM line, you should uncomment it 
  at least on SunOs.

- Edit Sx/sx/libsx_defs: change CC, CFLAGS and RANLIB as needed.
  Here too, make sure to include '-DXAW3D' in CFLAGS if you want to
  compile for the 3d version of Xaw. Include also -DX11R6 if you're
  running it.

- Create a new Makefile by

	cd Sx
	perl Makefile.PL

- Compile the package by


- Install the package to perl lib dir by

	make install

- Read the manpage: from within Sx source directory by

	pod2man Sx.pod | nroff -man | more

- Thanks to 
	- Dominic Giampaolo <>.
	- Andreas Koppenhoefer <>
	- and everyone on the perl5-porters list.